The Huron News-Record, 1892-05-18, Page 8• . P'T CURE. We, A7 PAM U,CUBE. this successful i ONSUMPTION CURI+, iswithout a parallel iu the h1807 1 medicine, All drnggiHts aro null► ized to sell it ort a positive guarauto a teat that Ito other Pure eau Huceo fully stand. It pm have a Coug Sore Throat, or kironchitio, use it, f it will cure you. 1f your child h a tho'Croup, or Whooping Cough, e ill pronipptly, .and relief is sure.' If 3 'u dread that iusidious diocese C SUMPTION, do,.'l fail to use it it will vitro your or cost nothing. sk your Druggist for SHILOH'S CU E, t'rice 10 ots., 50 ors. and 81.00, If, your Lungs are sore or Back lame use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. 25 cts. • To Advertisers. All changes of Advertisements, to insure insertion in the current issue, mast be received at the office not later than Monday noon. Copy for changes received later than llfondaf noon will hel•eafte,• be at the Adver- tiser's own risk. WHITELY d• TODD, Publishers. LOCAL NEWS. In sand Around the nub, Loom, NoTIOEs.—All notices in these columns of meetings or entertainments, previous to holding of the same,at which an admission feet,: charged, or from which a pecuniary benefit is to be derived, will be charged at the rate of ten cents per line. Tun 11 0ST LARGELY CIRCULATED ,APER IN Tits SECTION. On, WHAT A COUGH 1—Will you heed the warning. The signal per- haps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption: Ask yourself if you can afford for the sake of saving 50c., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shilob's Cure wilt cure your cough. It never fails. WINNICIIEN Tao best of the season—Hazel Kirk on Thursday night. Miss MURRAY is now about 're- . covered from her recent illness. • Ex WARDEN KELLY was in town B• last Wednesday. REieEUBER HAZEL KiRK in the Clinton town hall on Thursday evening. Mit. AND MRS. MCMURCHIE, are visiting friends in Woodstock, Out. 0'MR. AND Mils JAs S. JAoKsoN, fit Seaforth, spent the first day of the week in town. Ma. GEo. GRAHAM, of Sheppard - ton, was iu town last week and gave 'the NEWS -RECORD a call, MISS NELLIE FAIR, who has bean health recruiting and merry -making or a moon past iu the City of the S •nits, returned on Saturday last. �1a. SHAEFER has renewed hie lease, for a term of years, of the Commercial hotel and has had the li- couse renewed, and the promisee Will be litted up in good shape.' Mn. A. M. TODD was down town last Friday foe the first titre_ in a month. Though not at all strong yot he is on the road to complete re- covery. EX -REEVE CASTLES, of. Ba} field, was In town Saturday.. We were much pleased to see the veteran par lianrentarian of our county legisla- ture quite improved from a some- what severe illness. • MR. Ta,Ouas JACKSON JR. has de sided to take a short and his second trip to the old country. He ex• pacts to commit his personal safety and the achievement of his purpose to the Dominion Line S.S. "Sarnia" which loaves port on June first. Mn. Geo. GLasaow has disposed of his gents furuishing stock to Messrs. Pluwsteel and Gibbings and we 'understand expects soon• to leave, in the pursuit of business and fortune, for Dakota, U. S. May success attend you, George. Tan drama to be given in the town hall ou Thursday evening by our very best local talent in this line, should have a good reception, it could not be given for a more commendable purpose than that of sweet charity and we hope to see the curtain rung up before a full house. "DIED WHILE READING A NEWSrA• rER" is the tragic heading of a par- agraph describing a more tragic event. It was afterwards found that the person implied was behind in Isis payments to the paper, It is Ilkto leave so very important matter and be unprepared for death. OUR local "Four Hundred" or perhaps more properly, on account of the comparative reetrictittlin our population, our "Upper 'Ten" assembled at the home of one df' its members on Wednesday evening last and to "light quirks of music, broken an uneven" . made their soda dance upon a jig to heaven. A0i b 1$llrat : 1.:fluted . %ht« 1' Ia alle[6 4 taucl'Up1QQ is ba Xao a tied theeete a nine Not. Ma, WILT.. $114:i4, forteet•'ty. ,Blyth and W.i.tbghaip, well holm lu t✓l neon, WAS' married ill Mani lobs not fang 011n :.e. Mn. WtliTEttLin purpoeod wom* moth block will aeon alto, signs of the brick superetruature; the created. tiitl stunts toundationa appreuoitiug cempletton. It would add rnuoh to the appearauoo of this central part of the town if Mr. Sheppard could see his tyay to put up a brick build:- ing uild ing on the berued premises adjoin lag Mr. Whitehead. Mr. W. has made bh. Sheppard au oiler for the ground but their vLewe as to lie value appeal to be too'far apart. MR. GOVIER, a young than from London, Eng., is presently the guest of hiepuole, Mr.Joho Govier of E. Wawanosh. He will visit Manitoba before returning to the old country where it- is understood ho will resume his medical studies. Wo were quite charmed with an al- together too short couvereation with hint on Saturday, abounding as it did with enlarged views on man questions, the result of a liberal ed ucatiou and travel ou the continen of Europe. A COJNCIDENCII—Last week a Cli ton 'gentleman visited Goderich an in calling upon some friends there young lady of the house remarked iu the course of couvereation, the she had dreamed, a few nights pre vious, that she saw the visitor stand ing outside the telegraph office and afterward caw him standing at the counter inside. And itsohappened that only half au hour previous to the conversation he was at the very place and iu the exact position that the young lady dreamed she saw him several nights previous. It was a remarkable coincidence, as they had not seen one another for several months before the inter view. THE followsng about binder twine is confirmed by letters received by the NEw•RECORn from the western and Northwestern States : Free bin- der twine was again discussed in the Dominion House last week, but the Government made no change. 'he Government side of the quest - on was ably upheld by Mr. Chas. F'aitb:Lira, rnember for . South Victoria, who is a, practical farmer —not one of your gentlemen farm- ers but .one who handles the plow and axe, when not engaged at Ottawa. M. Fairbairn stated that he had made extensive inquiries as •garde twine, and he was conviced hat the Canadian farmers last year sad cheaper twine than the Amari nise{ k, , ;+ 1?y,tltniiated his stat rn hte by reading letters from diff rent farmers in the States. He aid that the combines in the twine business in the States kept up the prices there, and he failed to see, if he duty was removed, how Centr- alia would be benefitted. He voi- d with Government to sustain the u ty. y • t n d a t THE PROVINCIAL TREASURER has issued • a circular pointing out some of the special clauses in the recent amendment to the Liquor License Act. The fees to be paid for transfers and re- movals have been increased. Drug- gists are now liable to a fine for not entering ou their books sales of liquor, and increased penalties are provided for against those who pur- chase liquor for habitual drunkards. All brewers and distillers must must take out a license, and the fe for the same is $250. The follot ing important citrus• of the amen wenpa1iiCIilaxt sfo: 0 the trial of any proceeding, matter, or question under any Act of the Ligislatnre of Ontario, or on the trial of any such justice of the peace, mayor, police magistrate, in any matter cognizable by such justice, mayor, or police magistrate, the party opposing, or defending, or the wife or husband of the ' person opposing or defending, shall be competent and compellable to give evidence therein. TIIE I. O. F. CONCERT last Friday night was only moderately attend- ed, not nearly so well as the merits of the ertertainknont and the praise- worthy aims of the Society deserv- ed. However, there was this excuse for the lack of a bumper house that there were several contorts here same week. Mrs. McI{elcan, of Hamilton. the star of the evening, is a lady of magnificent presence and was accorded hearty approval. The appreciation of Miss Martyn's and Mr. Crawford's recitations was de- montr•atod by repeated demands of encore. The duet by Mrs. Marcy and Mr. Sibley, the solos by Mr. Spalding and the quartette by Mes- dames Marcy and Chown, and Messrs Sibley and, Holloway elicit- ed the equally hearty approval of the audience. Miss McHardy and Mise Boles werd the accompanists on the piano. J. A. McGillivey, Q. C,. of 'foronto, on behalf of the I. O. F. gave an interesting address on the objects of' the'Society end ite finan• tial position. Our local talent ac- quitted themselves so creditably that tt•d cause no surprise were they iHiraiHirailf ,receive requeete for their eervicoN from the city centres of cul- ture. } New Seasonable `Gn ds This Week 'Ladies Black Silk Milanese. Gloves, the est wearable ones in the market, Ladies Black Vdressed Kid, Extra Value t gNuarant`ee`d, a , M —sial\TMIR."Y" r Some more New Hats added to our already large assort- ent, and now we would say complete the outfit with one of our PARASOLS, Standard Frame, Fast Color Cover- ing, Stylish, Stick, and the best part of your Wardrobe is always ready. And the prices of these goods ! Just come and see how cheaply we can protect you from Old Sol's Rays. BEESLEY & COMPANY, BEAVER BLOCK, CLINTON. The Laies Favorite EstaI!srriet. DOWN GOES THE PRICE You. are inTited to conte and get the benefit of the great fall in price. Reduction in Wall Paper is the order of the day. ---0-- We ' have been through our stock'of 'WALL PAPER and made such sweep- ing reductions that it will bring the paper to proportionally low figures. We have a first class paper trimmer and trim all paper free of cost. Before moving into Mr. Whitehead's new block we wish to make a clean sweep of VTAZZ PAS R The above remarks apply to WINDOW SHADES. We have reduced them to unheard of prices. Curtain Poles, Complete, 25c. Robins • — to • Book Store and News Bros., epot, Clinton. CLINTON grocers will close their stores at S p, m. unt 1 further notice. THE plan of the town hall was on view less than an hour %hen over fifty reserve seats were taken for Hazel Kirk. Don't miss the greatest treat of the season. MR. THOS. STURDY, of Emerson, Man., and formerly chief of police there, and at Goderich, Ont., has accepted the position of chief of police at Portage la Prairie. his duties to commence about the first of June. OUR QUEEN'S NATAL DAY.—Tlta? 24th of May will bring with it geniuno sporting to the citizens of Clinton. Horse racing and trotting will be the grand feature of the oc- casion. Good prizes are offered and exciting contests may be looked for. • MR. D. CANTELON, who so oyer - ops all other handlers of apples, hat he has recently been crowned mperor, instead of King, will leave next week on his proposed visit to the old country to make arrange. ments for the trade of the coming reason . Tho Roddy v. Leah case is again before the public, Th?a was a action brought by Miss Rod.y aginst Joseph Leah, an administ- rator of the late Samuel Leah, for an account of certificate in the Canadian Order of $1,000, which certificate was taken out by the deceased for her and handed over to hor by him, and which was made payable to " my wife," but ho met his death in a drowning accident at Embro before the marrage was consummated. The action was tried before Chief Justice Armour and argument judgment was reserved. The learned Chief Justice has now given judgment for Miss Roddy, holding that she did show very conclusively that she was the person meant by. the late Samnel Leah by the words " my wife "in the certificate, and also says, " I give entire credence to the test- imony of Miss Rodby, and I con- sidered it more reliable than any evidence with which it conflict- ed." 8 Mrs. J. T. LRE was able to take a rive out last week after a protract- d illness of some months. FOR FAILING TO CURE.—Dr. Mc- Cullough, who is staying at the Gordon House, Orangeville, was ar- rested at the instance of Alexander Kinch," of that town, for receiving money under false pretenses. •Some years ago Kinch paid the doctor $7 o cure a disease which the .local hysicians said was incurable. C. O. F.—Last Thursday evening he Canadian Order of Foresters, f this town, bad a fraternal At Home in their lodge room. This was the first of the kind and proved eminently successful. Singing,' reading and recitations, interspersed with refreshments, were the features of tho evening. The several num- bers were taken by the Misses L. and O. Miller, Sperling and Jones, nd by Messrs Oakes, Story, xalloway, Stanbury,Harland,Janes, mith, Finch, Sperling and Read. THE"MAIL""'RITE Ur. --The Galt dreier is not satisfied at the way which the Mail for a pecuniary nsideration, wrote up that town. similar pl•opoeition was made to lititon council and rejected : Galt `illustrated" in the Toronto Mail Galt is generally referred to as being rather a pretty town, but the views given by the Mail would con- vey to strangers a somewhat diff- erent idea. To say that the paper was disappointing, but faintly ex- presses the opinion of the people, and it is a pity that the publishers of the Mali should have undertaken the work, unless they were prep- ared to do it something like justice. Mr: Anderson, the gentleman who represented the paper, when the negotiations were going on, a form- er resident of this district, was an- xious that Galt should be properly epresented in his paper, eta., etc. It must be confesed however, that the whole thing is moat discredit- able, and instead of being a valu- able advertisement, will simply hold ns up to the ridicule of the en- tire country. We imagine it will be sometime before a Galt counbil, will be again prevailed upon to vote any money to assist an undertaking of this kind. c CLOTHING. 0 In the aboye department of our business we claim, and results justify us in our claim, that we show the finest, best assorted and most .attractive stock of BOYS AND CHILDRENS CLOTHING in the County of Huron. We do not say this in a boast– ful spirit, but rather as an intimation to the people of Clinton and the vicinity there- of that ft is to their profit that they purchase the clothing for their boys from us. Listen to these prices :— A Boy's Gray Tweed Blouse at $1.00 A Boy's Serge Suit at . $1.50 A line of Suits from size 22 to 27 at $2.00 .The suit which nothing 'orals' for value, at $2,50 Then comes:the leader at $3.00 To the Boys : Keep your mother in mind that a bat and a ball goes with the $3.00 suits, or anything above that, when she is buying your spring suit. JAO8ON a Clothiers and Furnishers, A \VHOLESALE FIRI- Were clearing out the balance of their spring stock of LACE CUR- TAINS at . a big reduc- tion off regular prices. This gave us the chance to secure some great bargains. We took advantage of the opportunity, and pur- chased a large quantity and now offer you some of the biggest bargains in Lace Curtains ever given in Clinton SEEING IS BELIEVING. If you want Curtains come and see them. If you think you don't want them, see them anyway. We think perhaps you will change your mind 0 FIVE PVR CENT OFF FOR C3 H. 0 Estate J. Hodgens, DRY GOODS PALACU, CLINTON„ ONT.