The Huron News-Record, 1892-05-18, Page 5' Peron hews-886''p,r see aItew x41.25 la Mveitep Wealneadev, May Ugh, t$Og 4INICIPAL DRAINAGE, goes PEQIDED OF GREAT IMPORT., OWE TQ AtUNi01PAL CORPORA- TIONS. Decisions Lave been given by B. M. Britton, Q. C., the Outaric DViinsgo Referee, in the actions tried by hien in Stratford last winter which were noted in these columna at the time, and on which he reserv- edjudgmont, As the pointe are of' much iinpertance to all iuterested in our drainage laws, tvhiohare now being much diecuesed, we give a somewhat extended note of the de- CieiOns. Louis SEER.lo1C VS.. THE CORPORA- TION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF FULLAR- • TON —The plaintiff, es the owner of lot 11, con 5, in defendant township, claimed an injunction agaiuet them preventing the township from tak- ing the water down the side road, ,' between lots I0 and 11, and de positing the same upou the plain- tiffs land ;and damages for injury sustained therefrom. There had previously been constructed certain drains under,the Ditches and Watercourses Act, running westerly from the intersection of this sid road and con. 5, the maintenance of which bad been put upon the town- ship whose intention it was that the water coming down the side road should be carried away by the con - coss �oe drains, but. the township l:ad`Tflowed -these latter to fall into disrepair and refused to clean hem out. The township set up thatt be. cause the plaintiff had been a party to the construction of the side road ditch and had assisted in digging it he could not now complain, ' But the referee fiudta that the township is bringing water out of its natural course upou the plaintiff's land to his damage and orders them to dis- continue Po doing and gives judg- ment in the plaintiffs favor. grant• ing him the injunction with $50 damages, and orders the townshipto pay the costs. HILES VS. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ELLIS.—The plaintiff at the o tuner of lot 21 in the 14 con. of Elma, brought hie action to recover damages t'rotn the defend• ant for flooding his lands and in- juring his crops by reason of the construction by the defendant of theMlaitland drain under by•iaw 198 of defendant toivuship, also for corn pensatiou for land taken by thein in building an outlet antler el` few gir2frAseseThetoedni•p , efeje ses they had p'roceedat legiily and had built the drain without uegligeuee and according to law, that they had not taken any water out of its natural flow and had been guided entirely' by their engineer. The Referee finds all these contentions against the township. Ile finds they acted illegally in originally constructiug the drain, that there never was any proper petition to give them power to start the con- etruction and that by-law 198 re illegal and invalid, Ile• further finds that the township was guilty of negligence in tbo construction of the drain, that it should not have been built at or near the_ plaintiffs land at all, that it wee not carried to a proper outlet, and that •Large quantities of water are ,taken out of their natural run and turned loose over lands in Elma and among other's the plaintiff's. He asses+es damages to the plaintiff at $270 and orders the township to pay all costa. The trial of this action took six days and the costs will be heavy. CROONS VS. TOWNSHIP oe ELLICE .—The plaintiff is a tenant farmer on lot 20, cote. 14, Elate, and sets up the same cause of action as in the Hiles case, except that not owning the land he does not claire for land taken up by the drain. The Referee finds the same asi 1 t ie the Hiles case and gives the plaintiff $170 damages, and the costs to be paid by the township MCLELLAN vs. TOWNSHIP OFELMA. —The plaintiff, beitig the owner of land in con. 3, Mornington, alleged that the defendants illegallo and without a proper bylaw carried a drain along the bounctary between theta and Mornington Etnd depostted water upon his land to his damage. The Referee finds that the drain did not take any more water upon the plaintiff's land than would have found its way there without it, and says that this being so, he need not find whether the defendants eon- etruced it illegally or not,as theplain- tiff not been injured. Action dismiss- ed with costa. —While Mrs. Ensenberger and a lend, the wife of a wealthy wool ower. of Salt Late City, were site g in their room after returning out a dance, three masked men itet'ed the apartment and, with reft leers in hand, demandett their aluablea. Mrs. Ensenberger had an atones and her friend five, all pith $6,000. Mrs. Ehsenberger teed a valuable brooch by dropping oe the fluor. Two purses contain - g $174, were also taken. There ie otrace of the thieves. CANADA. 1SZQL L 1.T1,'9�Sr!S Tho 'attoruay. Lor 'tl Canadiau Paoilo pelt .forth}a •ploa in iia private eoxtyersatiQu with Congressmen '.s. 'Vtraahiugton. to tha.efoot that tho trete ty.of 1ciT1 as•interpret.ed by the. DO' tntn on. Government and by the Cau adieu people generally has not been violated by the tolls: which have been imposed upon, tte Arnerican vessels passing through the Welland Canal. The arrgument is that the treaty of 1871 provided that the vessels of the two nations shouid be treated on an equality. It is nlaintoined that they 'are treated on an equality, although American vessels are taxed 18 cents and Canadian vessels only 2 cents to •go to certain -points. Tho some. tion is that the object which the Dominion officials have is to pro- tect the trade of Montreal, just se they say the object of the State of New York, is to protect the Cotp- merce•of the port of New York by tueane of the Erie Canal. As to the point of Watertown and Oswego, it is claimed that Canadian vessels .would be treated on an• equality if they chooeo to go there, but they do not choose to go there, as under the coasting laws of the United Staten they are not permitted to du so ; and that the Arnerican vessels are not discrirnated agaiust by being charged nine times as much for their vessels through the Welland Canal. The representatives of the Dotnin• ion Government have hinted that. if extreme measures are resorted to by the United States and a Lx impos- ed upon Canadian vessels coming from the great lakes through the Welland Canal, much tnore serious trouble may result for the United States than has boon anticipated. They 'Deist that,accord•ing to surveys the accuracy of which can not be de- nied, the United States vessels have no means of tranait from the upper lakes to Lake Erie except through Canadian waters ; that it is impossi • ble that the United States can obtain transit over its own waters except at large expense. It is insisted that the channel on the east side of the island known as the Bois Bland is wholly in Cana- dian waters ; that the channel to the west of that island, which is on United States territory, is full of rocks, not navigable, andcannot be made be navigable, except by blast- ing out a new channel through solid rock at very great expense ; that if the United States shall insist upon a policy of retaliation with regard to the Sault Ste. Marie Canal on the Michigan side, it will be quite in order for the Dominion govern• ment to insist that the United States vessels shall not passthrough -ter; .Ceenedian waters without being discriminated against. F. R. W. NEWS NOTES. --Good news to live stock raisers throughout the country came over the cable last week. It is that all the restrictions have been removed in England and Scotland, and Cana- dian cattle can now move freely through those countries. Thin give Canadian exporters a much greater chance of making money. Some 2,500 head of Canadian cattle are now on their way to the English markets • —Whatever may be thecondi- tion of trade in some branches, it ie satisfactory to know that all the Galtmachine shops ere fairly busy, with more trade doing than at this time last diear. In addition' -to the arge contracts noted a few weeks ago. covering considerably over $60,000, the Goldie 1St McCulloch Co. has contracted with the Canada Screw Company, Hamilton, to sup- ply that Co. With fourteen machines designed for the manufacture of dif- ferent varieties of screws, at a cost of nearly $15,000. —Vancouver Island has just cone- pleted its hundredth year asapart of he Britiah Empire. On the 30th of April 1792, Commander Van- ouver, of the British line of battle- ship Discovery, planted the Union Jack on the beautiful island. Seven housand Indians, men, women, and hildren assembled on the coast to watch the proceedings. All the rights nd privileges acquired by -Spain were ormerly assigned to Great Britain, nd the new possession, which Was ormally known as Quadra, took the ame of Vancouver. —There was an exciting scene at he Halifax court house, Judge Bendier' had just pronounced three ears' sentence in the penitentiary n Morton Ricker for uttering a orged note when Ricker cried out bat he was innocent and had been onvicted on false evidence, and rawing a razor slashed it across his broat. He was at once disarmed nd conducted, bleeding, hack to ail, where be swallowed the con-. ents of a bottle of ammonia given him by his wife. Doctors used metica and soon brought him round, and sewed up his throat. He will recover. —A, man named Donald Nichol - on of the 3rd con of Kinloss, a few miles north of Lucknow, was taken rom his bed on Monday night last by five or six men with blacked aces. Placing a rope around his neck they dragged him out of the house to the' bank of a creek, and af• esi e:s BUGGIES, I' IABTQNt, CARTS AND Wk10b YS ell °of the best wort w'wshlp and material, -11* All the 'Meet Stelae and onset modern improve, menta, All work warranted, Repairing and, repainting, promptly` attended to. Pricea to 4tUlt titre tunes, 1 corner Buren and Orange Streets, Clinton, 0577—y . FACTO]IY• MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tueseley atternoou.) CLINTON. Fall Wheat.. 0 80 to 0 85 Spring Wheat 0 80 to 0 85 Barley .. C 40 to 0 50 Oats 329 to0e0 Peas . 0 57 to 0 60 Apples,(winter)per bag 0 40 to 0 50 Potatoes . 0 25 to 0 30 Butter .. 0 13 to 0 14 Eggs, per lb,...., 0 06 to 0 06 Hay 11 00 to1.2 00 e300to400 Beef.... 0 00 to 0 00 0 l8 to 0 1tt Dressed Hoge 5 00 to 5 25 Cordwood Wool...ti., ... TRE 1�LSOY1 BAN.. Incorpor-.ted by t.:tof Parliament 1856 Manager Drafts ex. CAPITAL, - -$2,000,000 Ri;s'r, - - $1,100,000 Head Office, - MONTREAL J. H. R. MOt.SON, President.. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Notes discounted, Collections made, issued, Sterling and American change bought and Fold at low- est current rates. Jammu ALL/WED ON Darosna. F1iRMLRS- Mogeyadvanced to farmers on their own notes with one or more enoorsere. No mortgage re- quired as security. H. C. BREWER, Manager, February. 1884 CLINTON SERVANT WANTED. Enquire at once worm. Dr. Campbell, Soaforth, Ont. A. middle age:; woman preferred. COURT OF REVISION CODERICH TOWNSHIP. Take nottco that a Corot, of Revision 'or the Township of (ao,ter,ch will hold its li rst sitting a. LIohnesville on the 20112 day of May, A. D. 1883, oornmenoiog at 10 o'clock A. 514, for the pmnnse • it hearing and •-eotifytng all en plaints agotnat D erro'•s on the asses-mont roil .Q the present t•eer. All partite interested me r.q.tested to Attowl . NIXON STUirr.Y, Cl.•rk of the said m•taici- )ality. Goderio:, Towcahip, May 10th, 1302. CAUTION. 'EACH. PLUG' 07 THE JTIijrtIe ay u IS MARiiED a .• o "' • • I IN BRONZE LETTERS. NONE OTHER GENUINE. ter co.npletely, covering him from head to foot with a coating of tar, they threw hint into the water. Nicholson is accused of threshing his wife but such conduct as that of Monday night is a disurace to any ci vilized community. The perpetra tors are uuknown. __ —Stoney Points Essex Co., Out., is all torn up overan elnpeulentcase. James Mlcllrey is a young man with a handsome young wife, residing at the home of the wife's father, Mr. Theophile Ouellette. James works atIliwood,e small station -on the M.C. R., and is away from home the moat ofthe time. James has a brother named Felix, who also hangs around the Ouellette's homes",ead,but no one ever suspected that he was -trying to win his brother's wife's affection, However the other night Felix and his brother's wife q:ietly left the place, and where they have gone no one can tell, Telegrams have been sent to different parts, betas yet the erring couple have not been located. —Two years ago a young man named James Medlin, son of John Modlin, of Hamilton, Ont, Accident- ly swallowed a hrassehearled tack. Before the accident he had been quite robust, but soon afterwards he grew sick, being seized at inter. vain with violent fits of vomiting,. Several city doctors were consulted. So.ne of them said the tack would soon be dissolved 11 the acids of the stomach. One attempted to extract the tack by chemical appliance, and all of them gave hien medicire to bring on retching with the hope that the tack would be ejected. The young man grew worse and worse and wasted away into a Inei'e shadow of his former self. Recently the doctors have pronounced him to be in consumption and have held out hut slender hopes of his recovery. Not many days ago the young man was induced to try anew medi• cine—a quack remedy in local vo gue. It induced violent retching, and one day last week, in one of the retching fits, the long -lost tack was ejected. The head was perfectly black and the iron point was so soft that it yielded to pressure from the fingers. Since lie got rid of the tack young Modlin has felt much better, aril it is likely that his tom• plete recovery will be rapid. Send lour Telegfams BY , THE C. P. R. TELEGRAPH OFFICE AT Cooper's Book Store, Clinton. New Blacksmith Shop GEORGE'rROWHILL has opened out a gen. era' Blddoksmtth and Repair Shop in the building lately occupied by Mr. Gauley, opposite Fair's lumber yard, Albert Street, Clinton, Ont. Blacksmith and Iron Work In all Its branches. Horse -Shoeing promptly attendedto and Batts. taction guaranteed. The public are invited to call before ordering any class of work In the above lines. 407-41 GEORGE TROWIiILL. M. 0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, Foto,, ()arks :—Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew's Sts, GODERIOH, - - OMIT. Money to loan at lowest rat HOUSE PAINTING All 'persons wishing to hr.ve t'telr looses papered and decorated inside or painted outtdde, in first-class btyle nod at noi.erate prices, will find it to their advartage to call on C. WILSON f Painter and Paperhanger Shop on Rattenbury St.cet 007-2at House For Rent or Sale, Six-roo-wed Jens° on Otangn street. Clinton. omfortahle end in' mora repair. Hard and soft a,ter. (l,"rlen in connection. will be sold or rented on reaer,rab'e ,e .08. Apply to 70011 .7./ 51ES COOT, Crnton. Blacksmith Wanted... ' :';:_'".', eyrrlan blacksmith totkun shop in the Village of Saltford. nu; e a good horse -sheer as well a !a ood general blacksmith. Addre,'s J. T. GOLDT1IORPE, Saltford 1. ttarch 30, 1vi92. 699- 4 LOST OR ABSTRACTED. Lost, mislaid, or abstracted from my residence on lot 33 con, 7, Gnderich township, two prom- issory notes—one made by William Cnrry fur, 88250.00 in my favor, and which fell due some time in the year 1800; ant: one for 875,00 made by Thomas Ramsay in my favor. The public are cautioned to not pnrehase either of the above notes, as 1 have received payment of asme. ROBEttT RUSSELL. March 30, 1802. 000-48 NOTICE. • _ There being some misunderstanding with re• gard to wreckage, let it be distinet'y understood that if any person takes possession of any kind of wreckage and fails to report to me i shall at once take proceelirgs. Remember this is fhb last warntng,,i shall' "givR "'."s- F144111.-frF144111.Receiver of %vrebtia,^Qe110' " Oodorich, Sept. 7th 1801. MONEY TO LOAN Ou farm property at 51 per cont. Apply to C. A. r ;1tTT, Clinton, DESIRABLE LOTS FOR SALE. Three one.acre lots in the. Town of Clinton are offered for sale. The- ate situated on Raglan street. not tar from the Doherty Organ Factory and Collegiate institute, adjoining the former residence of Mr. J. H. Combe and in the neigh. borhood o: first-class rea:deaces. For terms, etc., apply to 66181 ARTHUR IKNOX, Clinton. GODERICH MARBLE WORKSI .9. C. Stevenson, Furniture Dealer, Clinton, is our agent for Clutton and vicinity. W. M. 31ohring, ofjBenrultler, 0 our Travelling agent. 0rdore entrusted to either of the above will have our hest attention. Monuments supplied in CANADIAN, SCOTCH, SWEDE, NORWAY and AMERICAN granites, a well as In all varieties of marble, Give Mr, Steyenson a call before ordering ol9ewhe-e. JOH4 A. RDRERPS0N. Manager.. NOTICE All persona holding accounts against Iron. J. C. Patterson, arising out of the late election in West Huron, are requested to band them forth- with to the undersignedfor settlement. JOHN OUTLETS. Financial Agent for J. (7, Patterson. Coderich, Feb. 25, 180.2. Court of Revision for Stanley rpt Notice Is hereby 5i von that the Court for the re- vision of the Assessment Roll of 1802 for the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, will hold its first sitting on Wednesday the 26th day of 11/83,1802, at to-' o'clock a. m. in the town hall in the village of V.. na, when all errors and omissions in connection with the roll will he at. tended to. Persons interested will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly, " G.d. STEWART,.Tp. Clerk. We have bought the stools;' of Gef).,' Glasgow and will open the same for sale on WedlifteOday the 19th inst. Now, you bargain seekers, come right along, we are Loaded for you.and can fire bargains at you that you will jurnp at. Remember, we waaat to clear this stock out in 30 days and all are marked at startling /ow prices. Don't Miss This Great Sale. Plumsteel Gibbings, The .Cheapest Hous an EMI' WHEN YOU WANT A R. JDY44 DE SUIT OR AN, ORERED SUIT Or anything in MEN'S FURNISHINGS, come and see what we ran do for you. We carry a very fine range. Just now we are offering -- -A LINE OF. ODD PANTS !---- At 'a great deal less than their value and Nis worth your while to comer grad see. --0 T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -ST., CLINTON. CROCKERY & GLASSWARE' o—_ We have just received a package of a new pattern of Glasti ware, consisting of Glass Setts, Pitchers, Tankard Jugs, leioblets,' Fruit Bowls, Casters, Shaker Salts and Peppers, Orange Bowls, etc., etcr V.Te have also a Line of Bedroom Setts comingin. Extra value. We import our Crockery direct from England, which enables us to sell at low prices; Sole Acmes - fol . Hillwatta Tea. 0. Geo. S Cli 1. GREAT RAILROAD STRIKE iS NOW OVER, —BUT— SUGAR UT SUGAR IS ADVANCING. ---- .-. _ -_ . __.__ . - --_ _ ..-o._�.- _-.__-H. AVING PURCHASED TWO CARS at the lowest prices this year direct : from REDPATHS AND ST. LAWRENCE REFINERIES, Montreal, I am giving my old customers and as many new as will come, 1 .... SUGAR AT WHOLESALE -PRICES. )lam" Special Cuts in Barrel Lots to the Trade and Jobbers. -an 0 J. W. IRWIN, - Noted Grocer, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, CLINTON. rocories ! -Groceries Fruits, Peels, Canned Goods, Teas, glc. Our store is well-filled with fresh, clean, new Goods, and we can supply the wants of every household at very close figures. Do not buy until you inspect our stock. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton. The News-Heooru FOR ----- The Finest Job Printing •