HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-05-18, Page 3;r 81M8 R5oroRr I .FQR SALE. "POP' SUOSgfhlililtlt Otters for fh,le tsar e1lglhh? 1 :Bulldirt� .One tr4p41ngg; A4 44(60 troet, lln� two ftonttug• PO, Itttttail9,ury Street; 4ither ern lilac gr in Separate lets, to stli,t pueellaS1l's, For further parklindara apPli to the'utt4prsignt.4.•-1i. 1Pt2T#lrFtXr Pilitt9h., • SP.a A. O. U. W. dA (1IIflN B&K. Inoerporuted by Aotof i'arllauteut 1556 pAPrr4>4, . , $2,000,000 lilt.Sr, . - ,$1,1o0,000 aotIct Oil .00, MONTR AI," J. IL It. MQL'+ON, President. F. WCL' t elitSTAN 'r'tIOMAS, General Manager 'Notes discounted; Collttctions matte, Drafts lotted, Sterling and American ex• change. bought and sold at low- est current rates. Itlreat.s': Are 4 Pas CesT, Al,>rowe9 ea Dueslr Money advanced to farmers on their own notes with ono or more endorsers. No mortgage re u trod as security. u'cbruary; 19SA II, C. BREWER, Manager, UL1N roZ G. D. • KeT ag art BANKER, A.L aT STREET, CLINTON, • A GENERAL B.'1 NK1NG BUSINESS • 'PRA NS:4CTL'D, - Totes Dia;ounted. • • Drafts Issued. IJatere•st Aaocozrl, on Deposits. Clinton, June Sth, 1891. 058y 21eattAtt'g. T. C. Bruce, L.D.S. i1 Surgeon Dentist. Graduate Royal College of Doural Surgeons of Ontario.. Under Graduate University of Toronto. lice --Reefer's old stand, Coats' Bloek, Clinton. N.B.-Will visit Blyth, professionally, every Monday at Mason's Hotel. 545-Y G. H. 000K, \:entiate of Dental Snrgery, Honor Graduate ;;cit the Toronto So'aool of Dentistry. • Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the painlese attraction teeth. Gree -Smith's Block, upstairs, opposite the Post O!Reo, Clinton. ,ref' Night Bell answered. 402y (Pedirat. Dr1tS.•GUNN & GIIBSON. FF(CE Ontario St. a few doors east of Albert O St. W.•GUNN. R. J. GIBSON. DR. TURNBUL L. .1. L. Turnbull, 1I. 13, Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; C. AI.. Vietaria Univ. M. C. 1'. J: S. Ont, ; Fellow of the obetetrieal society -of Edinburgh. Late of London, Eng., acid Elinburgh hospitals. Chloe; -Dr. Duwsley'e stank, Rattenbury St. Night eons answered at (.'rand Union Hotel. Etc:trio night bell at front entrance, J. W. SHAW, M. D. C. M. J. W. Shaw, g. D. C, 11., Physician, Surgeon, kcconcher, ere. Orlice in the Palace Moes, ltattenbury St., formerly occupied by Ur. Reeve, Clinton Ont. MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, 4'f.1.. ELLIOTT'S BLCCK, - ' CLINTON. Money to Loan. A. R. MANNING. JAS. SCOTT. 1, IViSON & JOIINSTON, haw, Chancory,and 1.1 Conveyancing. Office -West Street, next door to Post Office, Goderich, Ont. 57. D C. HAYS, Solicitor, kc. Office, corner of fe.• Square and West Street, aver Butler's Book Store, Godorioh, Ont. • 67. JrdT Money to lend at lowest rates of interest. • 71 CAMPION, Barrister,Attorney, Solicitor in Onancery, Conveyancer, Sac. Office over Jordan's Dritg Store, the rooms formerly occu• pled by Judge Doyle. T F Aur amount of money to loan nt lowest ate' of interest. 1-Iy. •ttettoitetring. A UCTIONERR for Huron County. Sales nt- FA. tooled to in any part of the County. Ad- dress orders to Gonaamit P 0. V-17. ilitJA3J4. HAIR IlLTO1 , AUCTIONEER, land, loan and insurance agent Myth. Salus attended in town and country, 7n -reasonable terms. A list t of tarots and village for pale. Money to loan on real estate, at ow rates of interest. Insurance effected on all lasses of property. Notes end debts nollerted. 400'19 apnraised, and sold on commission. Bank- rupt stooks bought and sold. "[Myth. Dee. 10, 1IWO. Photographers ?OW OL9NTON. Life Size Portraits a Specialty. to.ncJ to gold mONEY,to lend in large -or small sums o good mortgagee or personal security a the lowest current rates. H. HALE, Huron Et Clinton. Clinton, Feb. 25,1881 ly MONEY. A 1 t • ; mount 0, Private money to loan. Low 3t: rt; If Interest C. A, HARTT, Solialtor'&c. Ole • Perrin's Bieck. The 0llntgll f+gdge, No. 1.44, meals In Diddle comb's Flail, opposite the market, the 1st and lied Fridays in mph month, Visitors (Medially 1p• vited: 11, S•roscuoei, Il. W.; J, BitAN, Recorder. 594 Xitlll air. tit4N'pON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & A. 1J mebts every. Fri(iLy, on or after the moon. Visiting brethren cordially invited. ItIOi[ HEYWOOD, W. M. Ot\ EN BALLARD, Sao Clinton Jan. 14 1890. 1. AM orange. L. 0. L. No. 710, CLIN9CON, Meets escoND Monday of every inonth. • Hall, Sad flat, Victoria block. Visiting brethren always made welcome. WM. WALKER, W. M P CANTELON, Soc. THOS. KEARNS, D.M, to g'itigh171 Jubilee Preceptory No, IBI, (Black linights•of Ireland) " Meets In the Clinton Orange Hall, the second Wednesday of every month, at 7.30•o'clock in the evening. Visiting Sir Knights will always :"ceive a hearty welcome. A. 11. Toon, Worshipful Preceptor Gsoaole 1•IANLF,Y, Deputy Preceptor Parra CANTSLOS, Registrar Royal Black Preceptors 397, Black. Knights of Ireland, Meets In the Orange .Hall, Blyth, the Wedne day after full moon of every month. Royal Black Preceptory 3151 Black Knights of Ireland,, Meets In the Orange Hall, Godericb, the Third Monday of every month. Visiting Knights always made weleome. W H 11URNEY, Preceptor, Goderleb P 0 JAMES RUSK, Registrar, Goderich 1' 0 S. HURON' ORANGE DIRECTORY. .1892 Names of the District Masters, Primaryi Lodge 1Ma'te1 s, their post office ail• dresses and date of meeting. A. M. TODD, W.C.M., Clinton P.0 BID DULPFI DISTRICT. John Neil, W.D.M., Centralist P. 0. 219—Itobt.'flutchin4on, Greenway, Fri- day on or before full rnoon. raii2HThos. II. Coursey, Lucan; Saturday on or before full moon. 403—Iticharti IIodg fns, Ltican, Wcd- • uesday on or before full moue. 8 13—\Villi;trn -Ilaggart, Grand )Send, - Wednesday on or before full moon; 890—W. E. McRoberts, Ma plegrove, Wednesday on or before full moon. 924-1leury Lam brook, Exeter, 1st Fri- day in each month. 1071—John ILl.l.11s, Elimvilie, Saturday on or before full moon. 1097—James (lathers, Sylvan, Monday on or befot a fell moon. 1210—Gilbert Grieve, Moray, Thursday on or before full moon. 1Z43—G. Lawson, Crediton, Tuesday on or before full moon. 610—Joshua II extable, Centralia, Fri- day oil or alter full .moon. 0ODERNCII 1)ISTRI0r. Andrew Milliau, W.D.M., Auburn P. O. 145—WillisBell, Goderich, 1st Monday in each mouth. 158—Andrew A7iliiuu, Aubur4, Friday on or before full rnoon. 182 -Dint es TtveeiTIT, ilnderich fiISL Tuesday in each month. 189—Adam C'autel on, IlolmesyiIle, Mon- day on or before full 1110011. £02—.Bones Vvclla, altfurd, 3rd Wed. nesrlay in each month. 300—Matthew Sheppard. Cliutou, 1st Monday in each month. HULL ETT - DlDISTRICT. +Fames Horsey, W.1(.\L, Winthrop P.O. 710—Wm. Walker Hilton, 2nd Mon- day in each muni.,. 813—James HIorney, Winthrop, last Wednesday itefore 'full rnoon. 923—Thomas Mc l !reel), S u to 11lerli I I I, let Monday in each month. E25 —John Eri1 t n el 1, Chiselhurst, 1st . Monday in each month. STANLEY - D1:4TRICT. Robertlt Nicholson, W.D.M., Blake P. O. 24—Joan Polloe.k, Beylield, 1st Aloilday in each month, 307—.1athes Keyes, Varna, 1st Tuesday in each tnonth. 833—Wm. I',Jllock, P,ayfield, 1st Wed- nesiiuy In each month. 733—.roan Gerry, Hensel l,lst Thursdny in each month. 1035—W1111am Itathwell, Varna, 1st Thursday in each mouth. Lreo No'rI.-Any omissions or other errors will he promptly corrected on writing direct. to the County Idaster, Bro. A. 1I. Todd, Clinton P.0 BILI' HEADS, NOTE He..ds, Letter Honda Tags, Statements, Circulars, Business Garda, Envelopes, Programmes, etc., Rte.., printe l in n workman- like manner anti at loo rates, at THE NEWS-l(EC.ORD FOR SALE. The properly nt present occupied by the undersigned ss a .residence on the Huron Road, in the Town of Goderich, consisting of one half of an sore of land, good frame house —story and a half—seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and carriage hooses. There are also some good fruit trees. This property is beautifully situated and very suitable for any person wishing to live retired. For further particulars apply to E. CAMPTON, 542-tf Barrister, Goderich. sly, PROPERTY FOR SALE OP pi RENT. -Advertisers will and "The News-Record" one of the hest mediums in the County of Huron. Advertise in The News -Record" -Tho Double Circulation Talks to Thousands. Rateb as low as any.!; j ,J To Try Al V RM'ER$ study lour quiff jritUt V awl ay. w'here, '$0!.; an got iolial die OSSt. I taantuaettire none but the B1p3'f eF S'roott, licuittre o/slops that s@ti oheap, ,av `Feyy Anus gut to give tray Gall and get prises. %Caere b,y wall prempiyettttepded to . HARNESS EMPORIUM, DL.YTIi, ANT J. I:. til iOKALL, Veterinary Surgeon, honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary college, treats diseases of all donieetie animals 011 the most u)otlerli acid scientific principles. finTt%ttlle attended to night or day. O1Rce huuleditWiy west of the olds Royal Hotel, Ontario street. Residence-, Albert street, Clinton. 6411-3m14."?'S ABEL S.;WEEKES, Civil Engineer, . P. L.Surveyor, Draughtsman, etc. Office -Upstairs In Perrin's Blook, Clinton, 'Ont ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL 'i1LA1I Slilr>t" . REDUCTION diL9 RATES. Steamers sail regularly from Po'rtlandnd Halifax to Liverpool • via Londonderry • •,. -. DURING THE MINTER 1MON'I'HS. Cubin, 71) null upward. • Second Cabin, 035. Steerage at low rates. No Cattle carried, STATE � "5ERV10E Ot, Li l,1LLAt8 LINE . Li � 11.:, oviA'1ISlilt'S.; NEW ;YORK AND, !aLASUOW via i.ondonderry, every Fortnight. Cabin, $10 and upwards. becond Cabin, $2.5. Stoerege et low rates, v T+ ',`%"1 Apply to 11. & A. ALLAN, Montreal ; or to A, 0. PA'i'r ISON or \VM. JACKSON, t'Ihitol. FOR FIRST CLASS, • HAIRCUT FRO AHC SHAVING. Go to A. E. EVANiS, FASIIIONABLE BA Kum, 2 Hoot's east ofNews•REooan of - flee. Spceiltl attention given to Lantos AND CHILDREN'a 1-I all'Cllth�ln. POIIPADOIIit HAIRCUTTING A SPECIALTY WALL PAPER alid Paint Shop ,IS STOCKED \V1TII A ScLE T ASSORTMENT -CF--• ilinerlean and Canadian Wall Paper WiTFI •BOILDI4HS 'r0 MATCH, from flve cent rolls to the finest gilt. Hat lug bought sty Papers and Paints for Spot Cenh, and`n,y practical es• perienoe justify lac in saying that all wanting to decorate their houses inside or paint them out- side will find it to their advantage to give me call,9 4 yf' Shop, south of Oliver Johnston's blacksmith shop, and directly opposite Sir. J. Chidley'e residence. JOSEPHCOPD Practical Paper Hanger and Painter else 1\leK flap Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Farm and Isolated'Town Proper - Qty only Insured.g _•oer,c tits:^--- . - _.-___._ Thos. E. IInys, President, Senforth P. 0. ; W. J. Shannon, Secy•Treas., Senforth 1', 0. ; John Ifinnnnh, Manager, Soaforth 1', 0,4 pmsncteoae, Jas.'1lroadfoot. Senforth ; Donald Rose, Clin- ton ; Cb.briel Elliott, Clinton ; George Watt, Harlock ; Joseph Evans, Beechwood ; J. Shan - gen, Walton ; Thos. Gw bert, Ulinton.y . ac AGENTS. • Thos. Nations, rinrlock ; Robt. McMillan, Sen - forth ; S. Cnrnoehan, Senforth, John O'Sullivan at:J Geo. Murillo, Auditors, Parties dunirous to effect Ltsurnnce or tran'act other busiuetr, will be promptly attend • 0.1 tO oh application 10 any of the above officers, addressed to their respective post chives. f' ails' t ee/avasta `sr; Yifelrabre,"ok ERRORS OF YIIND AND OLD Organic weakness, Failing Memory, Lack of Peter: y, Physical Decay. positively cured by nazoi,on's Vitalizer. Aleo Nervous Debility, 'limners of Sight, Lovs of Ambition, Unfitnes to Marry, Stunted Development, Loss of Power Pains in the Vaal:, Night Emissions, Dram in Cram, Seminal Leases, Sleeplessness, Aversion to Sootety, Unlit for Study Excessive Indul- gen'�e, eta, etc. Every Bottle guaranteed. 20,000 sold yearly. Address, enclosing at for trati.o, J. E. HAZELTON, Grade Phormaei .t 305 Forage St, Toronto, Ont. 1 � rez �t ore • 614 kairia New Firm in the Old Stand. The undersigned having nut -chased the old established stent bnsiuces of Mr. Arthur Conch, begs to inform the pnblio that he will continue it an It hne heretofore boon carried on. 1. :Kente of ell kiwis in season, Orders taken and delivered as visual. Highest cash prier) paid for sheepskina, hides and fellow. 637 -11 JAMES A. FJIB'. 'JQlmetolti lY„ 1,t Hard x, 409., . rI ; was tro lbled fair thirty years; tJ . pains ill my side: w,b1 1 increased ma very bad.1 used , A1IA�BS 0I L and it completely cured, I give it all praise," • MRS. WM, RYDRR, 0,0144 ROM STS JAGORS. OIL DID IT." . • WONDER IN WELLAND! A Representative Farmer Speaks. MR. C. C. HALM. The following rc_narietblo facia are fully certified to as beinc; undeniably correct is every particular. 1121`. Hann it well known in the vicinity, having resided hero over fifty years, and is highly respected as a man of the strictest honor, whose word is as good as his bond. As will be seen from his letter, four physicians had attended him, and it was only after ho had given up hope of cure that lee decided to try Burdock Blood • Bitters on• the recommendation of a neighbor who had been cured of a similar disease by its use. Mr. Ilaun writes as follows; DEAR Fans, I think I have been one of the worst sufferers you have yet heard of, having been SIN years in the hands of four of our bust doctors Without obtaining permanent relief, but continually growing worse, until almost beyond hope of re- covery, I tried your Bitters and got relief in a few days. Every organ of my body was deranged, the liver enlarged, hardened and torpid, the her rt and diessti-'e organs seriously deranged, a large abscess in my back, followed by paralysis of the right 1e,;, in fact the lower half of my body was entirely useless.; After using Burdock Blood Bitters fora few days the abseoes burst, discllat-sing fully five quarts of pus in two hours. I fe; as if I had received a shock from r powhful battery. My re• covery niter tl:ie was steady and the cure permanent, seeing that for the four years since I have had as good health as ever I had. I still take an occasional bottle, not that I need it but because I wish to keep my system in perfect working order. I can think of no more remarkable case than what I have myself passed through, and no words can express )sly thankfulness for suoh perfect recovery. C. C. FIAIIN, Welland P.O. In thi's connection tho following letter from T. Gamines, Esq., a leading druggist of Welland, Ont., speaks for itself: M\Io,ers. T. Milburn ea Co., Toronto. G'ENTLE5IEN,—I have been personally acquainted with Mr. C. 0. Haus for the last 20 years, and have always found him a very reliable man. You may place the utmost confidence in anything he says with regard to your medicine. Io has on anany occasions within the last four years told mo that it was marvellous the way the Burdock Blood. Bitters had curedhim, and that he now felt as able to 46 a day's work as he ever felt in his life. Although quite well he still takes some B. B. B. -ooaasionall- -as he-aaays,_to keep -biro. le...perfect health. Yours truly, Tnonras Cumnree, Welland, Ont. The steadily increasing sale of B. 13. B., the length of time it has been before the people, and the fact that it cures to stay oared, attest . the sterling merit of this monarch of medicines, the people's favorite blood purifier, tomo and regulator. The Huren News -Record $1.50 a Year 01.26 in Advance. Wednesday May 18th, 1892. HOW NOT TO GET INTO PRINT. Detroit Tr'ibnne : Don't have enemies. Don't have any friends. Don't inherit money. Don't lose it. Don't sign any petitions. Dot('t subscribe to any lecture courses of stock companies. Don't recommend anything. Don't get victimized. Don't exhibit any public spirit. Don't tell stories. Don't register at a hotel. Don't visit a friend in an adjoin- ing township or elsewhere. Don't allow anybody to visit you. Don't show any interest in music art, literature, science or education. Don't meet long -lost friends or relatives. Don't go insane. Don't got sick. Don't accept presents. Don't do anything that might bring you a vote of thanks, or con- demnation. Don't sue anybody. Don't get sued. Don't go to law at all. Don't live to be anfoctogenerian. Don't die. "SnlING CLEANING. - I fiat the world, outeido ny holm, ie • often all awry, But Illy neusehuln to a meie1 t direct planet by, Ereeptieg in rpriu,g clewing time—my home is then tlestroyert— 'Ds )node a primal oh les then, without a fo.'ut and void, 'Tia : oour •d from the r,.fter to the bottom cellar et'iir' ; And f, 1 leave behind all hope ahene'er I e ,ter there ;' For the wash brush, like a whirlwind, devastat a the peaceful scene, For letild't is the t.Ieauset of the oloan- est of the clean. For AlatU:! •'s just like nature, for earl) eprblg, Does N•tture got her Forel) brueh duster and her wing; With her mighty seep and bnxket done she travel all alJout,yy Ac(i sravhtis through ills Universe anti Means the old things out. Anti ohs pots up 11:w 'nice eurteins in the windows of the sky. Made of white cloud mixed with sun- sh!ne, Hon as t1, filmy Iape1iry, tVilon the gorgenue owl at snn..t finds the e'onrl., shout hon curled, - Aodbe sticks his j.owelletl hairpin through the back hair 01 the world. Anil she takes her dull la own carpet end 511 rips it from the 11111,,, And site Sprays hal Macre with ohnwer, till they soak throueh to the rits ; Teen her tulip-eprilklvd carpet, with ite back-;; oiled of b• fight 33) cell! She spreads, rich trh the I1 art mat 'neat) the high throne of a ynrtu, 5.+, Matilda, whisk your wash -rag, itis 11111.'C to my ear. And 11 heats In perfect rhythm to tL music of ilio spheres ; Reauh y..ur log hl u,I1 for the cobweb.:, awing it ever high and higher, A b 'tau that beam the int -aware f the nighty Cosutiu Choir. You ore cleaninit house with Nature,yo', are eteppirg to the march To which the.ptauet tegun,a trail heron. the darty arch. Though the tables on the bureau, and the whisk broom does not ,.care, 1 will oat my supper standing, lapp=ed 111 universal peace. TRADE WITH BRITAIN, GER MANY AND BELGIUM. A few facts relating to Canada's present trade trade with Great •-lari• tai u, Germany and,}3elr` .p,r�n ,utiyt;l,1,;:. of intnreet , in view:(lfttilctitfts ford's dispatch to the Governor- General: First then as to exports. The total value of of Canadian produce sent abroad in 1591 was eighty -live and three-quarter millions. Of this forty•ihree and a quarter millions+' worth went to great Britain, nearly three millions to the rest of the empire, half a million to Germany and $70,000 to Belgium. Of out exports to Great Britain twenty -ogle Millions were represented iu dui mala and their products; over eleven millions in forest products; five and a quarter in agricultural products; two and three•qunrter millions iu firohory products, and two and n -pirater tnillione-i-n—nienufactu-led articles. To Germany our princi- pal exports were : $266,000 in ani- mals and their products; $129,000 agricultural products, and $55,000 in manufactures, while $50,000 in agricultural products represented the bu]k of our total exports to Bel gium. The princincal items in our im- ports from Great Britain were as follows: Woollen goods. $9,110,• 000 ; iron and steel manufactures, $4,686,000 ; cotton, $3,175,000 ; iron and steel (partially mounted nr- ed) $3,047,000 ; silks, $2,221,000 ; flax, hemp and jute mauufactures, $1.371,000; tea $1,357,000; animal and their products, $1,157,000. Animals and their products, ire') and steel partially manufactured and teas were admitted free From ( t Germany our imports were largely made up of fancy goods, iron and steel manufacliires and glassware. In no other direction is there such promise of developing a large and healthy as tradewith the county les named. Already Great Britain consumes half our tatal exports, and there is no reason why Germany and Belgium should not each take as much of our products as the mother country does now. Tho trade is a natural one, too, the other parties to to the bargain requiring that which we can supply to best advantange— food products —and they offering in return articles we cannot so well, provide for our. eelvea. —The first shipment of live stock to the Old Country went last week on the Lake Superior, consisting of 515 cattle for Liverpool. and the War- wick took 458 head to Glasgow. Cable advices from the other side states tho ptospects are improving and prices are advancing. About 2,000 head will be shipped this week, eCod;A.. Thiatmelpci'iptcuro. e The Cold.-. �► Tile disaglreoablb t, • taste o>t'the COD LIVER OIL is•dissipated i►i ; CQTT'S OL$ION Of'PIlre Coil Liver Oil with HYPOPKOSPHITES 0i3' I.IM73 ANP) BO).. The RR tient suffering from , CQNSUIVIPTION. iIRO1VCHI1'Il'7, COUC,ihI COLIN, Ow WASTING DISEASES, takes the remedy ne he would take milk. A per- fect emulsion, and n wonderful flesh producer. Talo fro atlr.n', will J)ru(;jdsls, 50(„ 1.00. 5001'T & IIO'N.m 73ellevUle, A SURE CURE FOR BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION, DIZZINESS, SICK HEADACHE, AND DISEASES OF THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS. THEY ARE MILD,THOROUGH AND PROMPT IN ACTION. AND FORM A VALUABLE AID TO BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS IN THC TREATMENT AND CURE OF CHRONIC AND OBSTINATE DISEASES. DESTROYS AND REMOVES WORMS OF•ALL KINDS IN CHILDREN OR ADULTS SWEET AS SYRUP AND CANNOT. -HARM THE MOST, ^• DOCL.ICA•re: CHID iiUMPHREYS' Dn. HUNPas3Ys' SPECIFICS v` 3scientiflcally and carefully prepared prescriptions; used for many years in private practice wlithsuccess,and for over thirty years used by the people. Every single Spe- cific is a special cure for the disease named. These Specifics cure without drugging, purg- ing or reducing the system, and are in fact and deed the sovereign remedies ofthe W orld. LIST OP PRINCIPAL Nos. CURES. rRIC66. 1 Fqvors, Congestion, inflammation... .2 2 Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic.. 22 Crying Colte,orTeothingetInfnnta a Dlarrhoa, 01ChlldrenorAdulte.... .2 fsP senter.yy Griping Blnous Colic.... a Cholera altorltlts, vomiting .* 7 coughs, Cold lhonchitls .2 8 Neuralgia, Toothache,Faceacho,2 9 headaches, Slcketeadacho, Vertigo .2 10Dyspepsia, Bilious Stomach 11 Suppressed or Painful Period's.' 11y Whites, too Profuse Periods ' 13 Croup, Cough, D1lncultBreathing. .2, 145 Salt 1tlacuns, Erysipelas, Eruptions2' 1 Itheutnatisal, Rheumatic Pains..15 10 Fever and Ague, Chills, Malaria.50 17 Piles, Blind or Bleeding 19 Catarrh, Influenza, Cold in the Read 20 Whooping Cough Violent Coughs. .5 L4 General DeIJilitv,PiiyslcalWeaknese .50 27 Kidney Disease .50 f2g Nervous Debility 1.04 30 Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bedt► 3A Diseases of thol4eart,Palpitntion 1.01E Sold by Druggists, or rest poetpold en receipt of price. Da Heays1nre' Mu sIL, (144 Pages) richly bound to cloth and gold, nn,Lsg rune. 11513UPIGIEVS' NED. CO., Ill 0 113 wllll.m.at., NowYorh. P C 8 S 'WELLS & it ICI1ARDSO Co. Agents PIONTREA 1715i KEY TO HEALTH. Lnln•:1 : -11 t!•c t' ; ' l;Ut c!s, Kittl12y't 'L(il r ,:sin• 1 gl'.neatay 0;Came 'vole, 0 •- ••ltin, .�1 0,0 1n111nr11ie4 n11 I ! , , f ilae ti m: 'n: Ih:. sad). 3Citt ".ea o the .1i _.... '11 ..' ; ;11 :'5., r ••:i'.1;. 1..� .47,r718? ; ann •i.i.'ra.i '- 1 . I:1- ry:'i pela 3, 1. 3ro:i:12 , ...• bt :O ii:%:"Vr$ :Nei -veer -ate_ (;t• r.. lsll7ti 111then:• . , i ;,,,, mi- , l�4 i'r,i.1lll'1111!S \'i •I,t !r, •1,1e, .t. .1 .. i:,lw Bottles 10c ; wlevalar For sale by a.11 dcelcr H'. PJ8U1ILr31N .1 3'0., rroxrl'elern, Toren t� `- bA ° o c 0 eu•�'(U 0 r-, N o tn It r'0 a 3.4 >•N Pi..;y•0 CS as —1N THE - 0110 - �► eta ri t7. {\