The Huron News-Record, 1892-05-18, Page 2L asens4assaatessgestioxesar cabs XI i(duo t a the Itrt+seltoa t?;G Iwo L Qtd:t>at4gb1Qod, ts. tpstettec}ipliy cured by the nee of 410r00:Sµr8aPgr duo. IA sere tett get Ayer'8 and ttO. ether, • .and, take it till the poisonous acid le, thorquglibe,' o ppfad ;Stow, the system. Wo challongo attenf±iou to this teetilno,►;y .x** "tib:out.twee years ago, after fluttering for I}earir five years from rheumatic goat, being able to welireteiy with greet Piseom.fort, andhaving rfod' various remedies, including mineral waters, without pellet, 1 saw by an advertise- ment in le Chicago paper that a Ulan had been relieved of this distressing co.m plaint, after long suffering, by taking Ayers Sttreapttrilla. I then deeided to Make a trial Qf this medicine, and took it regularly for eight months, and am pleased to state that it has effeeted a' complete cure. I have since had no re. Aim of the disease."—blrs. It, Irving Dodgo,110 West 12ot11 et., New York. "One year ago 1 was taken ill with Inflammatory 'rheumatism, being con- fined to my house six months. I came. ant of the sickness very much debili- tated, with no appetite, and my system disordered in every way. I commenced using Ayer's Sarsaparilla and began to improve at once, gaining in strength anti soon recovering my usual heaith. I cannot say too much in praise of this well-known medicine." --Mrs. L. A. Stark, Nashua, N. 11. 4SarsaparHla1yer YnEPArtEA 8'I br. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price $i; six bottles, $5.. worth $5 a battle. rile Huron "Nasus-Recoraf .50 a Year -e1.25 in Advance • Wednendav, 14Zay 1$ th, 169.2 Tired, languid who .1 wk energt' sod appetite should take 1311rd,•ck R1•,..d 1i:t- r•ers, the beet maim streegtb.uer and purttier r.tant. —Canadian Inn 1 noigroti un agents are working hard throughout ghout the A mericnu North X 4I, Ind 47 ser loads of settlers 80d efltCr3 have already left Minnesota for Canadian trivritil l'y. Two perdue have gone float Michinau and one large party flunk Maine. "Haying used Burdock Blood Bitters far g netts! dol•ility, weakness and lack of appetite, I found it a sure cure." ilk:.rty HOWARD, N o/swilie, Ont. —l'h•1 committee of the Imperial Federation Lea; tie in charge of the placing in 5t. 1'itnl'e, I.ondon,EDg, of a Monument to Sir John Alex• RLder Al n(:donate], have corurnission• rd George \\'ode to execute e fuarblo IJust 01 the lett+, Canadian Premier. The bt•„t will be educed hi the crypt besi,tu•Alllyu's. sissss- CUItE FOR CLf:1l'PEO 1[;1:; U3, - Hems Sins —1 thiult 1, is a p ivil:g• to recta ,:tu udIlagyard'.t 1 ►:aw0,r ka asate ease f'r, chapped hand r, ,weitinti1, supe throat, etc, 1 rtiai.tninend is to ,.11. !tilts. GE°, WAR'., Josephine, Out, ---'rhe two year-old auu of Simon Scribner, of belle Isle, N. B. on the Central rail way, wandered from Lorne on Sunday afternoon. A11., Scribner lived about a mile away from Belle Isle station, and it is but a short distallee ftoii1 his Ihotise to the woods. The opinion which prevails among those who have taken part in the search fur the buy' is that Ito has been carried oil by Rnr:ERr Gi o kVArrs, M. A. ll 0., M. 11, C. S , Alliott H 1i, , Qas,irhet Road, Centro hot y, N., Loudon, Eng, W Ites: "Irauuotrefrain fr,.e1 t..etify- int; to the .dticaty of St. .1 *nobs 0,1 in eases -of c'-.conio rheu'n+.tie,n, n..f.tic-, neuralgia " —The result of r, -earl Supremo Cunt t judgments tin election appeals in the supreme court is to leave two Liberal members unseated, namely, Mr. Al array of Pontiac, and Air. Gauthier, of 1: Assoinptiou, two Liberal members safe in their seats namely, lir. Lnnderkiu, of South Grey, and Iter Brodeur, of Ron vdie; and one ministerial Ine.inbar, Mr, 1)opout, of Begot, also safe front Iurther mishap,, in possession of his seat. As it was the first day of the May terra of tho court there was a large attondeuce of counsel, iuem• hers of parliament and others inter osted. Nov r had a prop sration a more ap- proprsa•o name thmn Ayer's Hair Vigsr. When capillary glands become enfeebled by disease, age, or neglect, this drosainq imp,t-te meowed life to the scalp, so that the hair as.nvee inueh of its youth- fulueee and be'tuty. • M —A writ is issued this against Miss Elizabeth Johnston, The claim is for $5,000 damages for breach of protnise of marriage. The plaintiff is by trade a tnnitetor, and at one time worsted ' for Mesers. Reinhardt & Co., bretvera. Ho is a German, bearing a French name, is about forty years of age, and has,"he eayt3, been devout in his attention to Miss Johnston for more than ten years. Many times during that period had she, he claims, promised her heart and hand. An often has she left her protnises unfulfilled, and•now the disappointed lover, his hair streaked with silver, has Laken the first steps to\sar.is asking the conrt to award hiin 45,000 damages as salve for his wounded feelings. Mies Johnston lives near the Hum- ber, conducts a market garden, and is reported to be in comfortable cir- Cumstauces. at $,nee hie eon,* well eetehlielted filer tlx;4x tiatarr'tt is a •bliott disease, medical lava etre lain) 't(eroerltlly prepbf'itetag At.rrg 8arvt aril}r; f ; filet. meat tooth- somesome eemplattet, and the. menet, le nasus' Cutely ieaance, proves the wiedvttt•vf tlridr advice. a Ede, f l T' l e L t I.,1 • eon. o J +cob .r farina, of G,ulelteeter, Essex Co , Out„ lulls lcillod by tt ltu'ge stlit fallilig'ipen hien. Ile was engager .0 dlggieg it out when it fell upon hint, and heitig alone, itis tidos brought assietauea, whoa he true taken from beneath the stone. He 'livedoue hour. He was au exam platy young man, 21 yours of age tnil 1110011 respected, WORTH $l0 A BOTTLE. IIL:AJts Stile. -1 have us -id riurvloo}i Blood 13ittera for dyspepsia, and have eni it tr, to ;the beet inudio,no 1 ever used• 1 could 1.01 eat without 6utl'erin., floe'. a t. erib'.t burning in the pit of my eieuiauh. 1 ua'ui air bottle of 13 1$. if and nut glad I did 00 ur 1 uh..ntld h.tv, tiv•i in nly,.ltravo to -piny, it o.nulletel) (mei mo, 1 take hires e.er•y`ilnfnr and would n,.t be without tt if it Coat $10 a bottle. DAVID PituLi:Y, bfan'ley. Alb. —.ler. \V., Stephens, M. P. P. for 1Iuptingtou !El the Quebec Leg ielature, stated Wednesday that he would probably bring before th1 House a measure for the compul gory vote of the electors. The gentleman holds that there cru mesa. hers !ruin both sides of. the House in favor of the measure; but there are also some who opiiused it' on religious ;rouu•d, claiming that it was in direct opposition with Cath uliu teaching. _--..---.�-v OFFENSIVE SORE CURED, l,a-trc `IRS. -1 inks plt,ueuru in tcetify- 104 w the groat healing gnal,ties ••f your e e ticiu, , 1 had the tetbfor'une to fu j.tre 1n) log, and threu.;n a do dad ne• b sect it blOae gut le a 1 analog' bore, ley leg tesoatie. ioti•meri and very p.inlul, and° tae tu.eun,go was very otluueave ; various rented•ed t.ciled to help ono in h..n 1 had the good turtune to t,y your 11. 11 If. and f3a1<t•.uk Ilealinw Ou1.1u• ut. Re. fore 1 had finished tlae eecuud 1n t,1e the dl: charge had stat p.d, pelt in two wt eke mo. a my leg w.s Si well a« ever. I feel jus'itietl iu ,eevmm n 1).ig it so the p118 - tic as n cure it wily view, a fair triol, Gi.o LAURIE, Portage la Frairi'•, Mau. —The trial of Thom 18 Forsyth for the murder of .John McCann, of the Township of !lupe, on tile 6th of Alarch took place kat wet,k atCo- bourg assizes. The evidence show- ed that '1'hurnas McCann, brother of John McCann, went to prisoner's house at 2 a, in. anti raised a raw with prisoner; that J.,hu followed Thomas s to piieoner':t house to act the part of peacemaker, and in the row which fo'll'owed, prisoner, iu de- fending himself shot John instead of"Thomas, the wound proving fatal. l c'ehry-f•uur hours ,later the prison- er was acquitted. . Consfietiption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in him hands by au East India mission- ltry the formula of a simple, vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent care of Cuns.uuptiun, JJrunrhitis, u:arr8, As.lima awl all throat and Lung Alfdctions, also a positive and radiate cure for Nervous Debility and alt Nervous Complaints, alter having tasted los wood-rlul curative powers f u Owl/Hanes .f eases. has feat it his duty to make it known to hit a offering fellows, Acl.ut1 ay 1815 matt vs u•u1 a desire to relieve human st fferiuw, 1 will Hood tree of charge, 00 till who desire it, this r0e1pe. in 01111111111, French or i,ugirah, with full die,':r.lolls for prepariutc and using. rent by mese by aidr,•,.inlr frith stunt', ti ming this caner. R'.:\, '' i as, 890 J'owers' Mock, Rochester, A', r, 850--y —A strange case of love between women 10 rThorted rum AIG;�niuilut- Tent, . 1.1iss Hato '1'ipon, of that city sent a but lett crashing throtl.rh her breast and it is thought she will not recover. The suicide cud a Mia, J. D. Meeks hays boon in separable comptuljions siuecA'pril 17, their love for each other being remarkable, The would writ.eeach other letters, and Iluailly a letter was written to Miso 'Tipton by Mrs. Ivloeks informiug -Miss Tipton that alio would soon have to leave her.. Before shooting herself Miss Tipton wrote a letter, saying she could not live without Mrs Meeks. Ann', TO )1n1'ti Fina. Are yon disturbed at right and broken of your refit by a Rick '.hill Rnatoring care crying with pain of Cutting Teeth 1 If ao seu,l at once and ,tet a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teeth nig, TAR valva is 6lcalcntablc. It .ill relieve the poor littleautfcreriatiuediately. D, punct upon It, mothers; there is no mistake about it. It spree Dyscut.;ry and 1>iarrbnm, regulates the etomnah and b iw0ls, cures Wtud Colic, softens the guio', redo, ea inflammation, Rud gives tone and energy to the whole system. `Mrs Winslow', Soothing Syrup" for children teething in pleasant to the taste and isethe prescription of ono of tho oldest and boat female physicians and r1nr50a 1n the Unitpd States, and is for scan by all druggist's throughout the world. Price. 95 sorts a bottle. Ile sure and Ault for "Mos. WINSLOw'S SonTnigo Svnur,"and tnkn no other kind. 050y ---Mrs. Mary Carter, 114ounlain Home,Ark ,a widow with a family of small children, is a raving maniac es a result of a raid upon her little cabin by a half-starved black boar. Two of her children lost their lives and oue was half devoured before her eyes. Her cabin stands upon a hill some distance above the town. A heavy wooded grove extends to it with the exception of a stall clear- ing. Immediately before the house in this patch Mrs Carter's five child- ren were playing while the mother was engaged ineide the cabin. • Sud- denly the wild screaming of the children startled her. She saw an enormous bear strike. down her eldest boy, who was attempting to defend the other children. The beast seized the baby and shuffled rapidly away. The animal tore tho little ono limb from limb before the mother's eyes, and before help ar- rived from the village he completed his moal and escaped into the, forest. °SCo'Tc. .zsTi CQNalZU$S • • The thltd;,d y s 8ossiau ot the Scotch Tush t:tungrase at Atiauta, Crt„ wad Inrgaly attended, and there was uu ahlttement if the interest ill the prorlletilnle, The feature of Ole morning 8088108trurx e n address h by the Rev.. Dr. J. D. Bryson, of Fluutsvitle, .Ala , on '4S001,01 -Irish Inventore." Tho doctor devoted hie time to ekt'tehing the careers of Robert Fulton, Professor Samuel F. B, Morrie, and Cyrus 13. McCor nliolt, inventors of the steamboat, the electric telegrnglt, and the grain reaper, whom Dr„Bryson called typical Seotuh-lriah men. The reit of, the morning 5558ion was taken up by short apeechee by George 13• Ford, of Atlanta; David Roger, of the Penneylvauia, and L. W. Avery, of Atlanta. Gra..tiuge were read from Lord Dutierin, Lord Wulsely, Scoteh• bleb torn on the other side of the wetee, and fl'utn Colonel Wilson Commander at \\root punct, bletnorial services will he held to -morrow afternoon by panful sing- ing, eclijrture expounding by Dr. It•1cIg,tosh, of Philadelphia. ,loll a sermon by Dr, John F1all, New York. • MILLIONAIRES AND PUO UEC•1'WO N. • Cleveland Leader : A careful census, odds with great painstaking, shows that instead of 31,000 mil- lionaaires ill the United States, as the wild eyed advocates of free trado aseett., there ere actually leas than 5,000, and of that number over 2,700, or more than two-thirds made their fortunes in industries that ;vera unaffected by the tariff. In this long liat are the Vanderbilts (xonlds, l3rices, and ,all the source of men who OW0 their wealth to the manipulation of stacks and to wreck itig railroad ',ru.perty, the niiniug ]sings who have mads their fur tunes out of gold, silver, irun, coPper, or coal 11105,; the '.leu like Bell, Pullman, end others inven tors, wltuae wealth has COIIIC from the possession of valuable patents, anti the 0eores nerd sondes of 111811 who have grown wealthy as the An• tar family has in Now.York, or Senator Payne in Clevelad, by the gradual appreciation of real sstnte. In not one of these Cases can the accurnn!ati011 of 11 great fart erre he ascribed to protection. It Is ti ue 0 tarifl•.is levied on iron ore and cop- per and coal, but the ellen who have grown wealthy by the level oluneut of such properties would lilcely have done no had there been no 12111tf,becanie their mines p088e88- ed unusual advantages. It is evident flour these facts that the protected iudustrilis in the United States in proportion to their number have been 15o more profit- able than the unprotected ones it' in- deed they have been so touch so. The skilled labor they call for, the high wages paid, and the sharp competi- tion created under the stinlului of a protective tariff have combined to lessen profits, and the opportunities afforded to anaa.s wealth have been, us this showing proves, less than one half as numerous its those to be found outside. All of which makes Abe B111111Int_lhe floe kradetasonere_ deaporate then ever, KANSAS SALT. Anciently there wore oxteuaivo lagoons and landlocked lakes in the region now occuupied by the State ol'1{ausas. Theseshalluw waters hold various minaret substances in sol- ution, that wouid necessarily bo precipitated in the course of evapora- it.ou. One of these substances was the sulphate of lime, which, being heavier than the rest, fell in the form of gypsum. First Chore were crystals of selenite scat tared through the Crevices of the un- derlyiug linieetone. Then came Clio crusts, and finally massive beds from five to twenty feet in thlck- 1088, Plaster f,tetorioa have been successfully established at points where the gypsum can Ins worked to advantnge. Occasionally, ss in the bed near Gouda, the rock is hard as marble and is quarried as a fine building stone. Dental plaster and kinds of cement hereto- fore only had facto Europe are now made in quantities. According to Professor Hay, this gypsum horiaon was "the premonition of the great salt age, " and is''i ossibly related in or- der of time to the broad salt marshes described by Professor Mudge and others explorers. The legion in southern•centrel Kansas overlying the beds of rock salt is about 130 miles in diameter, extending from Kannpolis to the Indian Territory. At Kingman, and perhaps elsewhere, shafts are sank from which the solid rock salt is obtained that has found a ready market ; but exact statistics are not at hand. Aside from the mines, and from the solar worke at Solomon, that have existed for a quarter of a cen- tury, there are &bent twenty salt plants in the Kansas field. As fourteen of these are owned by the i>xtdopt X.degitlQtl Io vigit'tttttf lstttoe in or,�el i,b :048pvot. their • ln(ttlluda AAA a utt Tho of vedu tenet woo.;diatloveroa into ill.' Mali autl tkla rat brook was wolkod for two yeat' by a New rack firm that aftortxard sold out tor ' n the 1 artier uctw gl)vrttttu„ ore a far larger settle, Sarno 400 men. huaideaa fuse women a»d ;;iris, aro now employed in the various plants. The wells are driven in triple inose. The outer, or jacket, tube goes down 80 feat through the soil and gravel to the red rock, its object being to ex• cludti all surface water. Tho ether tubes go down 775 feet, completely through the red rook and the salt bed, which is here 300 feet thick( 'Through the inner tube fresh water is forced which is driven up again to the surface through the Middle tubing, charged with a solution of salt. This is at first quite weak. The custom is 10 pump for only half au hour to he - ;in with, and to increase the time as the subtorranenn reservoir is en- larged by solution. It takes a mouth for a well to got into thorough working order, i. e., for the reservoir below to become su.li'ieitlntly iarge to hold brine 651ongh to fill a re- ceiving tank. The nine is ob'ain a eaturated eolution, haviuga atrength of from 97 to 100 degrees by the salumetor. When by too rapid pumping it gets down to 80 dilgr'eos, the brine is too weak for profitable working, and the well rests till it gathers strength again. The life of a well is usually three se ire; the cause of failure being the breaking of the pipes by over. lying shale. It is cheaper to drive a new well thou to repair the old one. 1'1,0 brine, having stood in the receiving tanks 24 hours, is run into pans for boiling down. These pans aro 26 feet wide, 115 -feet long, and 14 inches det'p; and are fired at the end of the pan iutu three largo arches. Each pan sun• sumer from 101o15 tons of coal dully, and yields from 100 to 125 barrels of salt. The parrs are '`raked ft r the dripping" every two hours. fire salt is then wheeled into the store room. where for thirty days it is allowed to drain through a perforated fluor; after which it is ready for pack• i ug and transportation. Accord• ing to Messrs Mulkey and Vin cent; to whom I am in debted for .attentions, the output from all th•J 1'utc;, n n ',tante is about 7.00,000 barrels an nnaly, The entire output from tho State is about 1,250.000, which supplies the present demand in the territory reached; hut it•would read- ily be increased to 2,000,000 an nuhl output If necessary. It should he added that the Ilutchiva011 Salt Company has one of the largest and Most Cour tete dairy and table sal refineries kest of Now York, sup- plying the creamery trade of lows, M iesoul'i, Nehraslcta, and Kansas, en, tirely displacing imported brands in those States. ¶'lj[ CELIE3Rt X'ED Idem Wasflr* yang Wringer. THE BEST IN THE 11 &RI T Machines Allowed on Trial am also agent for all All Agrieulloal Implements Wareroom opposite Fair's Mill. Call and see one. J. B. WEIR, CLINTON BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. CORRESPONDENCE. We will at all times be .pleased to rece'i've'iteirts of news from our sub. scribers. We want a good corres• pondent in every locality, not already represented, to send us RELIABLE news. • SUBSCIRI)lilERS. Patronsiwho do not receive their paper regularly front the carrier or thr"ugh their local post offices will confer a favor by reporting at this office at once. Subscriptions ma,y commence at any time. ADVERTISERS. Advertisers will please bear in mind that all "changes" of advertisement's, to ensure insertion, should be handed in not later than MONDAY NOON 01 each week. CIRCULATION. Tun NEws-RECORD has a larger circulation than any other paper in this section, and as an advertising medium has few equals in Ontario. Our books are open to those who mean business. JOB PILIN'TING. The Job Lepartment of this jour• real, is one of the best equipped in Western Ontario, and a superior class of work is guaranteed at very three Companies operatir'at Hutch -am prices. NO PRIZES FOR II +iret+prca�tr+ao-rrc4(t1'. n.1ti R:c7.;L , •�ar+�Ptholt 'T�,..„,....,,___ you aro one of the bright ones cud can rt the above rebus lou may receive a reward IF a whfrh will vias sou ,any tiny;. Hurry t r ),ur tn•abel. Tice nro rietor of T,111.9 LAinte:1' x11;'.ORX i::,'.'t T:t�'L1 , ort kithtra first -mass VIcal^eat n the �hdeet cheque f •r ^,':xt•.•e Iv p, n�lr•.•71 i It,.tt ,yo •u the '>rar,rn who RS,,'ris ti�11 first e4rrCCt solution of the above r i,.,ra, sr v:, ai f r p.:.r of "0009 0 Diamond, Ettr Rhn1;e far the second correct solution, a cemplt:t, I,ur' .. •a lk"ttterotlop. at a Commercial college for rho third rnrvcrtaotat,p'11 ossa •::o;il tI his+'n for .0000 of t118 next threo correct 80ht- tions, a 41.11„ far, rr, n; Orrn /107'y ode In 0•,y con, ), for each of the 'next fivo cornet pota- toes, an eieza,at 1)L.t >lor.;v k;l10C 11 (c c•,:u. ,gt .,.,) :ter e., C,t o. tho next ten. Every On•1 seedin a 501" t'.on n'-tst ince •30 v: i'::'t;le s2"'e ten, three, cent atnmps (or o mita in Overt f ,r 0-•s i1's tl+ .] s:1!')t ,1 (11.0 copies) to Ti1F LA,.DIE$' lit - 'Jr1Djt'tplai.Jl.� 't'1•Iw.4..r:i.iv'.., C !i• net,: /syr:.tl[r•1, >li7.!F/reeterd r1Cr!'S�(,'ylcr•• The env *which co•ltaina correct ::n't'ittar. i;::arlug i1::,: pon`ntark tvili tiCC ee first reward, and tri lbal encs fa order a3 ructived. For the cormat sot tcn reseieed Ian''.•'.: off,: a ,vrll'l f o1':av 331eycle valued at also, for the next to tele last will be; 1v'.1 as , . lr et tr:mttna 11Jtalc.o.,d ]C tr Rings, for the third, fourth rind fifth front the lot v0.1 ;;e at a,r'.r,d. s,u eiegaut sold Vold Watch; to the sixth, seventh, eoghla, n`1,th and tenth i ,. "! 1' t ,• i'1 lora: bo awarae:! either a sills Dress pattern (1G yards in any color) ora ti wi';ri 211 usio Lox, pea) Ing silt pieces. if there should be as many PA lr•-drest p10 Ins seeding correct solutions to this rebus each will be rewarded with a valuably Prim, Names of thoso receiving leading re*ards be publ:sl:cd in prcuciuert ncwsf.arer•) 0u-ottetio :t Canada. Extra premiums wolf be offtred to sit who a -e willies; to assist in increasing the subscrip- tion list of this popular ohne rated weekly. 'I Ile ul icct in off rinig, this prize rebus tato at. tract attention to and intro.it.ru our ,p' hlira;i,t,t, it s):mtsnot ot be e1aased with, omten.penny affairs. ')'mi ri.ySerer.,in as to oar reliability by Inquiring through any-ommercial agency. Perle:eta r.rn;'iii'+.i.,l.lit•y 18 guaranteed in giving' the re. 'wards. All solutions mut be mailed co oo L:,iure Jan: tat, 1892. Address: LADIES' PDC IToragi >. WEEKLY, w (33) TOCONTO, CANADA. diiiili r G3:,-,err.•vcyxral!•viyly EMi r"• "0411) . a•;M:r.;M?!.retY:r'wla,,vTA"; ' C:' . gar. Cut.,tho above advertisement out, riting 0 the NEWSRECO D Is in a better position than ever to, turn out The Very Finest Printing: At prices as low as any other office in the West. Those in. need of any class of Job Printing should call on 'TIE lk: E W S -R ECOP.D, Albert Street, Clinton CLINTON FURNITURE AVARER110112, For the [louse Cleaning soason we have .a complete Stood: of BEDROOM SUITS, VININGROOK SUt't'ES, PARLOR SUITES, ODD CI1A1R8, CEN ME TABLES, HALL HACKS, P1(l'1J1_iES, P101IJiiE MOULDING, CUl1TA1j POLES, Etc. Etc., We handle no trashy Furniture, yet our prices are away down. Cell and inspect our Stock whether you wish to buy or not. 3-05 HiP:r 01-11_1-30", H Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. Tile FOR COLD ENVELOPES OTTtS_._-.. ..._ - i_(� FOR FINEST PRINTING ��� FOR NICE BILL RFACS v FOR OFFICE PRINTING a . THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN AI•i. DEPARTMENTS J. O. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont WATCHES! Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Colalubus, Seth Thomas, and ltoehford—new model, in.,r•All these makes In key and stem winders Ale. pendant set watches. J. BIDDLECOMBE, CLINTON. Loft's Strcti Enamel. This is an article worthy of ever3 lady's attention. - 1f you want to save time and labor, buy a box. It you want your Ironed clothes to look nsat and clean and to last much longer, buy a box. ft you want the starch to stay in the clothes on the line In spite of rain or frost, buy a box, If you want everything to look litre new, such as shirt bosoms, collars, cuffs, lace curtains, ete., buy a box. d'a'Erery Storekeeper keeps it now, and wdtere the merchant does not keep it we want a lively agent to represent on. Manufactured by W. J. LOBB, 55—tf Hohneavllte. STRAY STOCK ADVRR ti�JJ TISEMENTS inserted in Tne Nnws Rscoao at low rates. The law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock If yon want any kind of advertising you trill not do better than call on Tews-Reocord. THE WALES HOTEL, ALBERT -ST. NORTH, CidINTON. The undersigned has assumed the proprietorship of the above Hotel. The premises are hetnt,re- fitted and eret•clasg accommodation can alwasa he Imo for man and beast. The bat is supplied with only the hest Me Liquor, Cigars, kc., and special attention will Oso he given to, the dining room department. There to excellent stable accommodation. The patronage of the general public is respectfully solicited. 88.0 Stn JOHN T. LEE, - PROPRIETOR SPE. STE ARE T Establis�ied 1660. No. i No.2 Io.B C E BEST. FOR Works, ENGLAND. FOR .Expert Writers. • 531" 1 laude,:, --' ,Q:.�NTtN�l;rvliD.t156a FOR Accoun- tants. Borres. pendants Bold Writing lo � „ Busi•. �" ' N1SS Sold by STATIONERS Everywhere. Samples FREE on receipt of return postage2cents. SPENCERIAN PEN C0., NEW YORE. , 810 BROADWAY. Scientific American Agency for CAVEATS. MARKS DFISION PATENTS COPYRICN1 S, oto. rot' information land free Hnndbnok wrlta to MUNN .5 c0. 861 BROADWAY, NEW 'Yong. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. he patentpubla netteout venn ft ee brought La> nhgo before t riontifiz tnevitan Largest etrenlation of any scientism paper in the world. Splendidly tltnat>'atcd. No intelligent man should be without it. weelrliy,� _�83.00 a year; tl.10 six months. Andress MUNN $ CO., YUnLIsi1Er s, 301 Broadway, New Yells.