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The Huron News-Record, 1892-05-11, Page 8
CONSU ..PTION CURE. T11IM'GIEAT COT. G CURS. tkiie fltltsOeSe1111 GO1NSU IPrION 0-UI0E, th %atlaunt a• parallel in the 11iatoty af: i{nikdieill0. .A1i dtufggieta Ore ontiltur' izs d ko .0911 it 90 a. poaittve guarantee, P tsit t Slat no other Ore* eau eueecee' fnlly titottd. It you have a Coltgh, ,re 'Abreast, or Brotttihitis, use it,for It vt'ill gore.you. If your child has .i he. Uioup, Or Whooping 'Cough, use it qtrt�rttlttly', and relief is sure. If you urea` that 'iieddieus disease CONS SUML'!TION,.dur,'t f nil to use it, it w itl:cure you or cost nothing. Ask vont' Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, l'tisie 1.0 Os, 50 tits. and, $1..00. If' raursLungs are sore or Back lame, Aloe Shfloh,s Porous Plaster. 25 cts. ,;r • To Advertisers. .•ill chanties of Advertisements, to insure.innertion in the current issue, 7rtnet be received at the office not later than Monday noon. Copy for chancres received later than Monday noon :rill heteaJter be at the Aclver•- • tiser 8 own risk. IIrIII7'ELY .G '''ODD, Pnbliahcrs The Hf urcn News -Record $t.Se a Ye..:—$1 25 In Advance. Wednesday May Iltit, 1892. LOCAL NEWS. • In and Around the nub, a' 011tll (Z► alit. f,irar• NOTICES.—All notices in these •columns of meetings or entertainments, previous to holding of the sanie,ut which an admission reef); 3harged,orfromwhich a pecuniary benefit is to he derived, will be charged at .the rate of ten cents per line. 'IHE Muer LARGELY CIRCULATED PAPER INTHIS SECTION. Oi<r, WHAT A COUGH 1—Will you heed the %yarning. The signal per- haps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourself if you can afford for the sake of saving 50c., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's clure will cure your cough. It never tails. Ca1TELoN BROS. have received a ear load of sugar which will be sold at the very .lowest price for cash or arm produce. RARE OPPORTUNI !Y. A !visited number of ladies can find h•1sbsiide and onwf, table homes in th F p,... N ,rth Nest fly jr read"3 whe. navigation ot'ens they will find no diffi tarty on the j gurney as comfortable berth will be prov+ded for them. Nano under, 20 yeara need apply. Now, ladies, count up your ayes ; don't let this chance slip ; seed name, age and eemplexiun tc li•,bert Catchem. Clinton, P. 0., Ont. This y ffer is open up till June 1st., 1892. R,BEILT CATCIIEM. TIIE family of the late Hugh Moore have removed to Detroit. Ex REEVE MCKENZIe, of Wing ham, was in towu ou Monday. —_._.__.__._M.1s. D -B'.... C_A1.13,1.C.. , o f Go deri chi_ i_ was'iu ton Monday on accaunt of the illuoss of his mother. • Mits. Cunis DICKSON left Friday, Last for Detroit were she expecte hereafter to reside. MRs. Wat. MURRAY attended the -celebration of her sister's (Mrs. Grafton Smith) golden wedding lest week in' Woodstock. ~ MRS. MARY BOLTON was yester- day joined in holy wedlock to a ' gentleman from Blyth,in the Salva- tion Army B.srracks. AMR. JAS. STEEP unloaded a car load of American ensilage seed corn last week. This class of corn when used fsr the perpoaespeciftod is free of duty. A! W. '1'. 1tVATsox, formely of 'To- ronto & Parkhill, has entered upon his duties as salesman and operator (C. P ' R. 'telegraph) with W. Cooper & Co. '' MR. A.. 11. MANNING and wife are i Ua. u1'Tt. GUN took Iiia, persgpal eafety,,hi,`liltio'.,y huude axed, Out '01 hie" patiersta h�N'1xlitattd in the :hands of Iiia".pattue,r, )r: Gib on, ~while he, revolted in',a fow.dnyrilvts.iting• to. Toronto last Hoek, 1)i'. !1lkiR of I3rucRfie1d s000rnponfed hew "N1 , AXE,X WATT, v110 for some „ealti pest line reside: a short die, •atipe horn town on the Base Lino, nue domiciled himeelf.and will apply Iti:t energies to the 0ultilt:alio s of R hundred acre farm abauttwo tulles east of Brnceteld. • Tfia aeaeon ie approaching when the annual tramp will, invade oar boundaries and annoy our homes. We have a fetichism which might be made applicable to these yoga - bowie : arrest them and set them -to work mending roads or breaking rocks. "getting it pretty hot" down in Florida. Our quotation to be ap- plied to temperature. They expect to return ere many months. Ie is said that the ownership of one of our meat markets is about to change hands and that another will be opened. The more we have the better, for they will always be able to make "both ends meat." REV. MR. STEWART, of Willis Church, conducted • the services in Rattonbury St. Methodist Church last aSunday morning while Rev. Mr. Shiltou of that church occupied tlr e pulpit of Willis Church. MR. A. A. SUTTON and family left. town on Wednesday last. Their departure is regretted mhch Mitt a social stand point, for they nude many cordial friends during their settlement in town. Mr. :Sefton expected to enter on the duties of a situation in a Toronto 'Organ Factory and Mrs. S. and versatile little Max for a time to visit friends in Lakefield, Ont. THE DRY GOODS merchants have mutually arranged to close their places of business at seven o'clock, Saturday excepted. Nu oueehould be inconvenienced by this and we think it might be done at nine o'clock Saturdays without loss or trouble to any -concerned. THERE died in Clinton on the 3rd ivat ono of its oldest inhabitants in the peisou of Mra. Mary Foster, relict of the late Richard Foster,. and mother of Mrs. Jos. Uopp 'and Measis. Jatnes, John, William, Adam and Edmund. Interment touk place Thursday. CouL0 sotoat.hing riot be done to induce the Travelling Dairy to come this way sometime duriug the 'sum- mer. It was a decided success last season and gave many farmers, their Wives and daughiers,praetical points in butter making. Make it one of tho Natures at the Huron Ceutral,if possibie to arrange dates. WE suggest that something be done, and iu the most practical way, that will result in the completion of a new three plunk walk to Staple. ton The nearest way to "the country" is in this direction and if our suggestion bo made a reality it would serve as the best "lovers lane" for vespeftinal walks here about. Mls. H. L. B. HARTT was noticed to be missing last week from amid the kaleidoscopic mase of shimmer-. ing dress stuffs iu the Dry Goods Palace shpw room, where lie is usually tv be found. Enquiry re- •vealed that his nonappearance was due to illness from which, however, he has now about recovered. Miss MAGGIE JACKSON leaves this week for lilt Portage to visit her sister Mrs. C. C. Rance ; but High View residence is not to be entirffly deserted by its ".'oath ,and beauty?" for the a ectu genial -Miss Aggie, who has been in Toronto for some time,, is expected hoino before her sister leaves. Me. AL. WILLIAMS, formerly of this place, and who has had con• ferred on him recently the degree of M. D. C. M. made his personal appearance in town last week and received the hearty congratulations of many friends. We wish him much success in the practice of the healing art. MR. LYNN NEWTON, at one time in the harness trade here, but now en gnge7i fLLtli ©in tntstiryi1-Vittoria; was in town last weekon account of the obsequies of -his aunt who died in Sioux City, Iowa,on the 1st inst., and whose remains were interred here on Friday. Tho deceased lady was a prominent and esteemed citizen of Clinton many years ago-:" • ° DRS.GUNN AND GIrsON hav established themselves on a mor stable foundation, not from a pro fossional or co-partner view, bu uuder their office on Ontario St, hitherto supported by posts, they have had built a stonq substratum ; and Messrs Harland Bros, have been invested with authority to place in the cellarage ono of their now renowned hot air equipments. D. BUCHANAN and son, of Clin• ton, have arrived at Vancouver, and propose making that place their home in future. Tho World says: —"Mr. Buchanan is a contractor of long standing in the town he lately left, where leo is highly esteemed and respected. He is just the stamp tit' a man wanted in the corn• muuity." IT has been said that in spring a young man's fancy turns to ways of love and the old man's fancy to blood purifiers ; and inspired by the usual unpleasant experience about this titne we tape our etand to ap• pend that a woman's turns to tient' ing house ; else, she,` if wise, buildeth for herself frocA%of cotton and muslin, then when the ther- mometer indicates ninety degrees or loss and foolish women, scarlet of face and worried as to expression, are haatuting the shops and acrambl- ing over their delayed summer wardrobes, the wise come forth in fresh gowns with the serenity of soul that a woman only under such circumatancee can .feel. Where will X buy I Deliberate on our advertis• ing'„'columna and make your wants known to the writer; thereof and they will place within your vision goods of texture, color and variety to satisfy the taste of the most punctilious. n his week eve =have added another lot of .New York HATS ,and BONNETS, ill new styles. Handsomer Salectinus InU Oftnlcar •Nnveltihas. than , raver before,., . This department needs no further comment from uA only to ask your to do us the favor to cotne ,early itt the week, and as early in the day as possible. Everybody is in a hurry: wren Saturday comes. We refer; of course, to the trimming of, HATS and BONNETS to order. STRAW .DEPARTMENT—HATS ANDA BON - .NESS% . DON oVER iN Ti.'NE LEA,D- INGIf'. STYLES. B /� G AV N s intainsFlannelettesbig ,assortmLaceent, Cfiurne- /'"� , patterns and we mark them low to sell them quick. According to agreement with other stores this one will «lose at 7. p. m during the spring anti summer months. BEESLEY & COMPANY • BEAVER BLOCK CLINTON. LS there a buyer who has missed this great bargain ? ,We have ,sold a tremendous quantity of them and there ifit only a small lot left. ' y • 1 ,. PRIOE, - - 25 CENT'S. a. Regular price 75 cents. New, Fresh Goods. • n . Linen Hatidkerehiefs. ON SATURDAY NEXT we will offer 200 Fine Linen Handkerchiefs bought at auction and worth 25c. and 35c. As long as they last you can take your quantity 'AT 15 CENTS—and they are the biggest snap ever offered in Clinton. Fill up while they last. OWN GOBS THE PRICE 0 You are in•vited-to come and get the benefit of the great fall in price. Reduction in Wall Paper is the order of the day. We have been through our stock of WALL PAPER and made such sweep- ing reductions that itwiU bring the paper to proportionally low, figures. We have a first class paper trimmer and triol all paper free of cost. Before moving into Mr. W hitehead's new block we wish to make a clean sweep of The above remarks apply to WINDOW SHADES. We'have reduced them to unheard of prices. In ::.: g" ---Complete, 25c. Robins -:- Bros., Book Store and News Depot, Clinton. G. D. MCI'AGOART took a busi- °ness trip to the Queen City last week. --11-1117;77‘147, x�t i�se t'rolrsly ifil au cY in consequence her father, AIr. Adair, of Oshawa, is in town. ARBOR DAY on Friday last was not celebrated as extensively as on former years, due largely no doubt t4•,Uhetlx>r at APPLE KING, David Cantelon, ex- pects to leave soon on a voyage across the ' briny deep" in the in- terests of his trade. REV. Me, IIowELL of Goderich and ltev. Mr. Galloway of Ont, St. Metho_list church, Clinton, exchang- ed pulpits last Sabbath. REV. Mrs, GALLOWAY, of Ontario •St. church, addressed a meeting iu the interests of the temperance cause in Goderich last Sunday after - 1100U• TILE 'INDEPENDENT ORDER Or FORESTERS will give a Concert in Clintou on May 13. The brethren will likely have a pleasant time which they are willing to share with the general public. • Tan GODERrCn Signal says :— The choir of the R. C. church, Clin- ton, under the leadership of W. Jones, attended St. Peter's church here Sunday last and rendered ex- oellent service during the celebra- tion of mass. Ain. D. B. Kennedy's livery barn ie rapidly approaching completion and will soon be furnished and Mocked with a superior class of horse and rigs to meet the require. milts of a superior town's superior trade. CLINTON'S GRAND OLD MAN, Librarian Scott, is not re-poaseasing his health and activity as quickly as his many friends would like. The hope is fervently, often,and by many, expressed Chet he will soon regain his wonted buoyancy. His son James A. is able to get out now on fair days but he continues in a tweak condition. MR. A. M. TODD, of this journal, who hes been confined to his room for four weeks from the effects of la grippe, desires to thank M r. John Jsshmstrar; Rattanhury-etraet;-for--a-- moat delicious dish of speckled trout. The treat was an appetizer which Mr T. very highly appreci- ates. MRs GREtc, toothier in-law of Mr. T. Jackson Jr., and who has 'ieside'd with him far seine niOntlre past, went to Toronto on Monday for a few weeks visit to her son•in- law Mr.J. Clark,tho talented writer for Toronto Saturday Night under the non tie plume of "Mack". LIE last issue of "Toronto Satur- day night," an eminently respecta- bly journal of artistic and literary attractions, contains a snort and humorous story under the title "A Lively Prelude to a Tea Party" by Canis Sima (Clara H. Mountcastlo). It is founded on feet and shows our local author and artist to be a versatile and accomplished story writer of superior rank. WE have noticed that the agri- culturists in several Ontario town- ships have decided not to hold shows this approaching fall, but to merge their efforts with those of more prosperous associations. Now we want to be kindly conaiderate in suggesting that the Rip Van Winkle town of Huron to the west and chaos —beg pardon, Seaforth, to the oast adopt this plan and have the already great Huron Central equal to the Western or Industrial. OUR SPORTING CLUBS have win- tered well and our youth of brawn and muscle may now be Been on fine nights at practice on the green in a fashion that warrants one in assuming that this season some honors will be theirs. The grounds are not in as good a condition as they should be and we urge that the boys should be encouraged by hav- ing them improved. Bicycles are more popular than ever before, and horse back riding has had an intro- duction into a circle of its admirers and seems to be well met. W. A. Cooper & Co. have disposed- of about twenty bicyoles this season. Children's Clothing. Our Stock is now full and complete, and by long odds the largest and cheapest assortment in the county. ON SATURDAY NEXT ! we will offer a limited quantity of BOY'S SUITS AT.$LOO Anybody who misses this bargain will regret it. --o N 8808 Clothiers and Furnishers. Cff A WHOLESALE FIR_lI Were clearing out the balance of their spring stock of LACE CUR- TAINS at a big reduc- tion..__oregular____pri_ce.e.__._.. This gave us the chance to secure some • great bargains. We took advantage 'of the opportunity, and pur- chased a large quantity And now offer you some of the biggest bargains in Lace Curtains ever given in Clinton SEEING IS BELIEVING. If you want Curtains come and see them. If you think you don't want them, see them anyway. We think perhaps you will change your mind -- 0 - FIVE PER CENT OFF FOR CA H. 0 Estate J. ioi1e: DR' GOODS PALACE, CLINTO