HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-05-11, Page 5W11Q zAu' :fi, Withjoufi T .t IF you are one of the, bright ones and can real the above rebus von may receive a reward whleh to !1 nay von many tint •r rrvr t• r your troub e. Thu nroor.r r of TEM Ar LAlgE1$' il'YTt14),R AL 'tPi:".1;')ti'i.X I, 'eri either n tit -class Upright Plano or 4 ' • a cllegita V'. 'three I3,-xn4h •d Ooll.trs to the Perron who retch; t o first t:urreet soluttoo of the above r'b,.s, to r. w' rd• ' n orale of reauine Diamond 1:ar Ulnas for 'the fi second correct solution, n cq.nplote )31.81ne&i i`duuttton ar a Commercial College fen : the third eorrttctsoiutrcn tae.11id Grnlct \t:atelt for . ach of the next threw correct soLt- tionS, a SIM Dress n :tern f r5 y r,l.+ in r • v cnto) for each of the next live correct solu- r Owls, ale •a..t I) • a• , r t , an 6 Diamond IGroo..l (ao�.c co..) L.r e• ch of the; next ten. %'17. Every one sending a soletien remit enc'ot:e v l•'t fhe same -In t' lee cent st•rnrta for0 h'ifr •'�t tip ren •a In s'f rolnontn's trial C'rusrriplion (tire copies) to THE L•,AJ) ES' PIQ- • 7. WOUTAWZLhi7, {; ymela's Ih;y,.dees , gleevte.erecel wer181v,24e'. The envelope •n , winch 'o 'ins correct solution beating il.tt pos•mark we;l receive lira reward, arid the bal- auce is order as recciv,,u. For the correct solution received last is ofrcrcd a Swift Safety Bicycle valued at gI4o, • for'thenext to the last will be given a 1 air of :;enU:nc S)iarl.o.,,t Etu' ltii' , for the third, lite fourth and fifth born the last will be tn'erdcd all meg:,nt sold told Waterf to the sixth, t'l seventh, e'vhth ninth.and tenth from i h;, tont v'•1'1 each be awarded either a Silk Dress's pattern (a0 yards in any color) or a Swiss M rode Dux, playing six. pieces. !.Y • If there should he as many as one hr. vire.! pct ,ns sending corre't ss,lutions to this rein... each will be rewarded with a valuable Prize. Names of those receiving leading rewards ' will be published in prominent newspapers throughout Canada. :' Extra premiums w'1! be offered to all whoa .s willing' to assist In increasing the suhscrl .. tion list of this popular illustrate'! weel'.y, ' 'l a object in otf rine' Ilk's prize i'•:btts 13 to at trnct attentton to and introduce our 'tubliration. .it s iottlai pot be classed with catch -peony affairs. Yon can eastl'y asci`r^.iv as to our rcti:abaity by inquiring through A any •olnmercial agency. Perfoot impartiality is g.uarunreeti in giving the re- •trards. All solutions must bo mailed ou or before June sst, 189c. Address 1 \ LADIES' PIICi M ORSSAL WcERlL,1l', a (33) TORONTO, CANADA. ri dam^- Cut tho above advertisement out. The Huron News -Record 811.50 a Year -U.45 In Advance WeduesilaY, I1ay Ilth. 113:9. A REMNISCE'WE OF As the veil of night was drooping O'er the garden Lind had made, So -,u to shroud it from our vision With a cool and welcome chide. CLINTON. ply her with all she needs. The empire could be made self-ooutaim. lug and self-supporting. Fears of retaliation and prohibition have, therefore, lost all their force. A well.known Liberal politician gave me his views on the subject to day. 'I fear,' he said, 'that free trade is doow»ed. The idea of a great commercial federation with our colonies is sure to take a firm hold of the ruasses. They already We, reclining in the evening see that the other nations are detertu OF an Indian summer day, toed to strike at. British trade, Loth Drank our tib of heavenly music, by fair means and foul. rite Me Wafted o'er us as we lay!. I{iiiley tariff' revealed an animus that went far beyond all previous Angel fingers past the cadency Measures of the kit d. .Old Markets Or a chord teat echoed low Froin their I e van -inspired herpstrings are closing upon us and no new Lines Downwara to tae e..rtn below. opening. Our people are getting restless and inpatient, and Canad'i shrikes in at the right moment. It Lord Salisbury' 18 hold enough to nlPett her half way I really Relieve it would extiuguirth all nur chances •` in the *next election. That is alto the view of a large section of the Conservative party. Aud our very being. blended ! And each soul its fellow knew ! As by harntouy of Haven. S'ut to soul, tu,fttt.•red; flew, London, Egg,, April, 1892. k'. 1'. K. PRE FE[ RENTIALTRADE OVE.AlENT. The London corr•espoiident of The Herald, who signs hiteself. "A. 110111• ber of Parlianteut," lla't the follow- iug.--A great commotion 1118 been stirred up by the resolution passed by the Canadian Iiouse of °ominous practically offering reciprocity to Great -Britainriu•ld--tb rtlu,(.i,r Ding_$ ree t) •+,,',t "i4,,:-.,: x -are al aarmeti,and not without reason. The history of Englisli coins nerce shows increasing iiupurta and decreasing exports, and maim. facl.urers are finding out by experi- ence that this hoes not mean pros- perity. in the cotton trade profits have al. most reached the vnui.,hiug point, and iron 18 no better. The foreign markets are becoming more oriel more inaccessible to E,iglish traders 'while foreign goods pour into Eng- lish ports in larger volume than ever. This state of affairs is satis- factory to theorists, but is quite the rill/one—to 'nen atetually engaged in vast manufacturing industries. rcaniedy has long been looked for in the direction of a lBritish'Im- perial zollverein. The first move had to c line from the colonies and it has now been made by Canada. It, will be welcomed by the working classes. They have been ardent free traders till recently, but the Mc •Kinlev tariff' opened their eyes to the new condition under which Brit- ish trade has to he carried on. Con 'one free •trade nation fight hostile sariffs successfully all over the world 1 Philosphers still say 'Yes' but pra/tical men are forced to take a different view. 11 England can secure a preference for her products in all her colonies she may yetcoun teract the McKinley tariffs. Leading statesitien are not yet prepared to admit this, but they will soon have to follow the popular will. Even The Times, which has never till now wavered as regards free trade; finite itself compelled to admit that the Canadian offer is worthy of 'careful consideration,' and that it may 'possibly create a new situation altogether.' It is ob. vions that the old theories have been shaken to their foundations. Of course, an acceptance of the offer .cannot be made in a hurry. it is tempting now, and it will be irres- istible if it is backed up by the oth- er colonies. We cannot dis.:riminate in favor of the colonies, except by imposing special duties on imports from the United States and other countries. That would necesserilly lead to com- mercial war on a large scale. Countries liable to the new duties might issue prohibition against the import of British goods; but some of them have gone next door to that already. Tho English trade grows with her colonies,''not with the Un- ited States ar other nations. Even if America refused to send her bread stuff's, which is scarely :likely, Canada and India could sup. Draw nearer to the colonies, they say, and let the rest of the world continue the war of tariffs, but bo• fore any practical steps can be taken in Parliament the other colonies must speak out. Should they echo the voice of Canada ige may expect to see duties Iplsce,1 no certain Ante.ricarr, Fretttii..attd Gerbtaq prig,;; ducts, while: the same clubs of geode from the eolptlles will be duty free. The effect on American cereals, tint• ed provisions and fruits end other iil)llortationa would be Iti5tantanonila and immense. DOMINION DONINCS. -The little daughter of Mr. Donaldson, of Vancouver B. C., by accident got choked by the kernel of a peanut. Two doctors Made ineffectual attempts to save her•lifr. -Jit view of the withdrawal of a large dumber of clergymen and nth• ers from the WTeeteru O,rtario Bible Society, it is thought that the branch will be wound -up: -The Melbourne, Australia, Standard states . positively that Deeming, charged with murder there, has confessed to having coil. witted the greater number of the murders in London attributed to Jack the Ripper. -Kent county Ont.,boasts of an, other centenarian in the person of Mrs.Sophia Parsone,of of Raleigh town - sliip,a few miles frorn Chatham. Sho is the relict of the late Thomas Par- sons, and is stated ou good authority to be 105 years old. -Winghanl's assessment shows an increase of 58 in the population since 14.1.0year, mill of $11;330 in taxable proporty, the figures for 1892 being -Real property,$4ti5,73t; personal, $66,000; income, $14,525; population, 2,104. -James F. Farrow who was ar. restend in St. Thomas some ten days ago appeared here for trial this after, noon before Geo. Price, J.P. The prisoner was sent down for trial at. the Fall Assizes without bail. Both of hie alleged wives. Lizzie Car- ntichel of New York State and Martha Holmes of . Toherntorey, were present, and they chatted to gathered in an unconcerned nttn- ner. It is probable Farrow will apply to the country judge to be ad- mitted on hail. -An old plan by the name of Callieres met with a terrible death near Ottawa a few days ago while engaged in boiling sap. Ile was pulling some wood down float a wood pile, near the pan containing the boiling sap, standing with his bank to the pan, suddenly the wood started to tumble down, the old man falling backward*, was pre, cipitated into the boiling Hi,id, Ai- tholdgh fearfully burnt., Caillier•es managed to get out, and, being alone, staggered bouts, becoming uncon- scious on reaching there. When his clothes were removed the whole OL.TO FDEHITffRII W9RC�B00][S GMataressio se 4710r tin/ li'ouee'.Cleanitll; 9patrari Wa hnva a Sloull,kkke ,II !.D'1tQ011 sT.'1'I�;,. ;l)XNXNO,ROOM S.UI 1`ESt• PetIILOK Stfl'PFa OD» CILAIIN, QEN 1 R4 TAT L11 q, IIA.L BACKS, PIC'1'LJtU 8) PiO'1U IE MUULDI;NfFl i CURTAIN POLES, Etc. Eta., We handle no trashy Furniture, yet nur priced are away down.' Cull and inspect our Stock whether you Mob til Iiuy or nut, 9 1' 1 • TOSTnP: 3 CIII - Furniture iRealer and Undertaker. Leslie'sCarriage Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS -all of the best 'work- •manship and matt*rial• .'All the latest styles and most mcfdern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to Suit the times. kolir FACTORY -corner IHuron and orange Streets, Clinton. 657-y MARKT REPORTS. (Corrected o ery Tneduy atternoon.1 CLINTON. Fall Wheat.. 0 80 to 0. 85 Spring Wheat 0 80 to 0 85 Barley C 40 to 0 5') 3i.'9to030 . u 57 to 0 60 Oats.. Peas Apples,(winter)per bag 0 40 to 0 50 Potatoes . '0 •25 to 0 30 Butter ...., 0 13 to 0 14 Eggs, per,lb a 06 to 0 06 Hay e 00 toll 00 Cordwood 3 1)0 to 4 00 Beef .. 0 00 to 0 00 Wool 0 18 to 0 18 Dressed Hogs 5 00 to 5 25 NOTICE All persons holding accounts against Ann. J. C. Patterson, ari.i.eg out of the late election in West Huron, are requested to hand them forth- with to the undersigned for settlement, JOIN H1'TI,ER. Financial Agent for J. C. Patterson. Goderieh, Fob. 25, 1802. Court of Revision far Stanley tpl otico is hereby given •`,Lit the Court for the e- viion of the Assessment (toll of 18b2 for the Township' of Sundt*, hi the County of Hurt n, will hold its drat sitting ml Wel istioy the 2i th day of May 18:12, nt tit o'clock a. in in the to vii hall in the viiiitge of Varna, when all errors a id oallsstons in connection with the roll %%gill be it tended to, Persons interested will oleate take notice alit: govern tlltnleelves aceoviiegly, G.J. S'CEWAR'r,'tp. Cleric. AUTI EACH 'PLUG OF TIE jjrtle Navjj 0 IN IraRONZQ?, NONE OTHER GEi UTNE. teetenrasenateeresecaessrsomemmionsrataezinanicsiezzie flesh from the neck downwards came, of with there, leaving the bones of the 110 ly. exposed. Toe old man lingered ill terrible agony for a few hours. -A nreetiug of the Special Com- mittee of the Hoose of Commons appointed to consider eritniunl law unlvrtdlnttnt trill- wag- held:-4'h•ese Leas an animated discussion over clause 125, which says :-"Everyoue is guilty of an indictable •offence and liable to ono year's imprison- ment who publishes any false news or tale whereby iujuty or mischief is occasioned to any public or pri- vate interest," It wee held that the provisions of this clause wcre too eevero. It was passed, but it is understood permission will bo given to have it further considered, -The Brockville "Times" says : -Michael 11Ic:Ghtde is iu possession of it cow that peforuted a rather un.- usual n.usual feat last week. It was ram- bling round in the yard at the rear of Allan Catnnron's store end a door being open leading to the res• idenetnover the store the bovine climbed up twenty one steep steps to the landing, went into the kitchen and ate the potatoes that had been .prepared for dinner. TIte animal then quickly walked out and stood at the head of the etaire view• ing the situation. AIr. MvGlade was in a quindary how to get her down lint during the time he was away procuring rope and tackle the animal descended of her own accord without sustaining any in• jury. int I It'll' IIs. JAcxsoN.-In Clinton on the 6th inst. the wife of Mr. Fred Jackson of a eon. DisvnuB. Fos'rtR -In Clinton en 3rd inst, Mrs. May Footer, relict of the lata Riehatd Foster. aged 76 years. Nawvoy.-Ia Sioux City, Iow., on the 1st lust Mrs Faony Newton, aged 82 years. FA1tcenAR -In Hallett on She Otb inst. Jelin Farquhar, aged 67 years. FOWLER. -In Goderich To,enehip, on Saturday, April 30, 1892, Eleanor, wife of George Fowler, aged 77 yearc. NAFTtw.--At Lo Vrangne, G iderich, May IA, Caroline Slocombe, beloved Give Mr, wdo of John• T. Naftel, E'q , aged 67 elsewhere. years. Send Your Telegrams BY • • \ J• am; �l sl •8tt.?�s l! THE C. P. R. TELEGRAPH OFFICE AT Cooper's Book Stora, Clinton. New Blacksmith Shop EOI1GE TI)OW(rim, hat opened out r, gen• x- end Blacksmith and Repair Shop in the building lately occupied by t1r. Gunter, opposite Fair's lumber yard, Alpert street, Clinton, Ont. Blacksmith ;and Iron. Work in all its branches. Horse -Shoeing promptly attended to and eatia• fraction guaranteed. The public are invited to •;ell before ordering any class of work in the above lines. 407—tf GEORGE TROWHILL.. M. O. J0lLN lON, BARRISTER, - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, Etc,,' Orrice.: -Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew's Sts. GQDE'?HOH, - - ®NT• Money to loan at lowest rat HOUSE PAINTI NG; All Persons wishing to have their houses papered and decorated inside or painted outside, in f1r,t-eltss style and .at moderate prices, wi:1 find It to their advantage to call on C. WILSON, Painter and Paper Hanger Shop on Ratteribury Street 607--3m 'House For Rent or Sale. Six•rnnmed house on Orange street, Clinton. Comfortable and in good repair. Hard and soft w•ter. G.rden in connection. Will be colder rented on reasonable Conus. Apply to 7001f JA\fha C0OIi, Clinton. Blacksmith Wanted. A journeyman blacksmith to run slio4Lin_the Villaeeof Saltford. Must he a good horse-shoer as well as a good general blacksmith. Address J. '1'. GOLDTHORPE, Saltford P.O. March 30, 1592. 699- 4t LOST OR ABSTRACTED. Lost, mislaid, or abstracted from my residence on lot 33 con. 7, Goderich township, two prom• issory notes—one made by William Curry for 8200.00 in my favor, and whieh fell due some time in the year 1800; ant' one for 875.00 nada by Thomas Ramsay in illy favor. The public are cautioned to not purchase either of the above notes, as I have received payment of name. ROBERT CFSSELL. March 30, 1802. 603-41 NOTICE There being some misunderstanding with re- gard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood that if any person takes possession of any kind of wreckage and falls to report to me I shall at once take proceedings. Remember this Is the last warning 1 shall give. CAPT. W51. BABB. itutoiver of wrecks, floderiuh. Godorich, Sept. 7th I801. MONEY TO LOAN On farm property at fi} per cent. Apply to C. A. IYAI&TT, Clinton, DESIRABLE LOTS FOR SALE. Three ono•acre lots in the Towr, of Clinton are offered for sale. 'They are situated on Raglan street, not tar from the Doherty Organ Factory and Collesiate institute, adjoining tho former residenceof Mr. J. 0. Combe and in the neigh- borhood of first-class residences. For terms, etc.., apply to 66111 ARTHUR KNOX, Clinton. GOOERICN MARBLE WOOKSI J. C. Stevenson, Furniture Dealer, Clinton, is our agent for Clinton and vicbeity. W. M. Mohring, of1Benmllier, is our Travelling agent. Orders entrusted to either of the above will have our best attention. Monuments enpplied in C \NADJAN, SCOter%, SWEDE, NORWAY and AMERICAN granites. a well as to all varieties of marble, Stevenson a 'alt before ordering JOHN A.ROBERCSON. Manager. The-Fiflest Job 'Printiil BARGAI\S In Every Oepartmellt, b Plumsteel & Gibbings, MON'T'REAL IIOUSE, ftLiNTON. ¶.iIN YOU WANT A READY -ME SUIT OR AN ®RETIRED SUIT Or anything in MEN'S FURNIS[IINGS, come and see what we can do for you. We carry a very fine range. Just now we are offering ----A LINE OF ODD PANTS !---- At :a great deal less than their value and itlis worth your while to come and see. 9 0 9 T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -ST.; CLINTON. CROCKERY & GLASSWARE We have just received a package of a new.pattei•n of GlasL %Fare, consisting of Glass Setts, Pitchers, Tankard Jugs, t-toblets, Fruit Bowls, Casters, Shaker Salts and Peppers, Orange 13o'vls, etc., .etc. e_have also a Line _Qf—Bedroom.S.etts eam.ing-in.___-__ Extra value. We import our Crockery direct from England, which enables us to sell at low prices. ) Sole A eats for Hillwatta Tea. 0 eo � at S �1�. 9Iinton CREAT RAILROAD STRIKE IS NOW OVER, BUT ---- SUGAR IS ADVANCING. ---- 0 LTAVING PURCHASED TWO CARS at the lowest prices this year direct from REDPATHS AND ST. LAWRENCE REFINERIES, Montreal, I am giving my old customers and as many new as will come, SUGAR AT WHOLESALE PRICES. VD -Special Cuts in Barrel Lots to the Trade and Jobbers.15)A 0 J. W. IRWIN, - Noted Grocer, et WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, CLINTON-. Gr000Fies ! - Groceries 1. Fruits, Peels, Canned Goods, Teas, dc. Our store is well-filled with fresh, clean, new Goods, and we can supply the wants of every household at very close figures. Do not buy until you inspect our stock, CANTER' BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton. 11