HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-05-11, Page 2i,:W741 elle ;i" ., • onsti IIV net re.medifel itt seaM.RO, ie liable to beFome habitual oriel attranio, Drag. tic:pur ativebr, by weeiteeingtl4o bowels, 'cPj►1rm, rather ,than Dore,. the teeil, .],►yang Rills, being rrftl!1, eiXective, and gtrengtbening 1rf their action, are gener, 4}1ly teearamended by the faeuity,as the. belt :ofapei1 * ts. t• having ,been eubject, for years to , w constipationithout i?eipg able to find wueli reifef, T at last toed Ayer's Pills. I deem it birth a duty and a pleasure to testify that I have clerfved greet ben- efit front their use. J'or over two years past 1l have. tekeh one of those pills everyntgllt.beforeretiring, I would not willingly bo without them."—Q. W. Bowman, 2ti Ttaet Afttinet., Undid*, Pa. "I flave.been taking Ayer's Pills and using them in my family since 1357, and cheerfully recommend them to all in• need of a safe but effectual datliartic." —John M, Boggs, Louiaville, Ky. t4F� eight yenris Ives afflicted with cilnsti nation, which at last became so bad that the doctors could do no mora for me. Then I began to take Ayer's Pills, and soon the bowels recovered their natural and regular action, so that now I am in excellent health." --13. L. Loughbridge,.Bryan, Texas. " Having used Ayer's Pills, with good' results, I fully indorse them for tho pnr- poses for which they are recommended." —T. COMM, M. D. Centre Bridge, Pa. Av'er's Pills, PREPARED sr .Dr. J. O. Ayer dt Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers In Jfotifelna. Tie Huron News-Recora I .fig a Year—$1.25 in Advance Wediiesdav, May lith, Milburr'a Cod Liver Oil E uui,ion with alio e''etl•. and Iiypul,h"nphitas 1. •li, Purest ' and beat cure fur uoughe, wade, boers.•rteen, hronuhi'.ia Ned aathltta Price a0. and $1 00 per bottle. —The• Allanliner Ssrdininn, ju••t elVlv"d Irotn 'AVM pout, bru,}ght out Vvl•1. 500 settlers fur the North - M•11 1.r. 'el Cod Liver 0^! E.'i lsiou wen 11 11 ('Betty, atlat liypopn.'spnituu e u.',ine, toe outa'ive p"gess •.f 'h- p.(•,,.,r.1 ,e me•'ie„ ultnt,oned to the m ^t p•rtrot. Ami pala.ahlu lura,. P'ice 50, aud ip 1.00 per butt,,'. —Senator Aldrich has practical- ly auuuutced that nu tariff legimle- tlut would past: the UBS, Semite tri title session. NO \TORE BOTHER: Ci LSTl.f;:11LY, I have 11.••11 fiegverde Y b,,,, ()i1 fur Puy chtlbl, iu. runt o cored the,4,. 1 have never teen bothered 1' h til. 111 sine,•. ];Esti: bEO\N, Victoria, I; C. 1� —A. counter petition hue been entered ngniust M r. Jennie Trow, the defeated Liberal candidata in Suutii ?eith. TURN THEM R, SCALeOCT. We refer to such rascals as dy.pepan, b'..d bi,url, blllnualleen, 0Utetipetioo, itiek heactecee, efc., iufoetieg the human lye• .telt. Tui n them , ut aud keepi them out by using Burdock Blood Batter+, the tui- turat foe to dim Am, which iuv.goratee, Lutes and etreugthena the entire eyeteut. • —Tho Queboc'Legislature will, it is surd, reduce the sessional indem- nity from $800 to $600. and abolish the franking privilege_. AN ELATE R1'RIS1NU HIOTEL MAN. It i, stated that a hotel man in Tur- 0010 hoe posted up , natio,. statim,, that all (liners at hie in toe wh„ 0.0 Iturd'.ck Iii., d Hi emit to tmne up their roip'ut,: .and atreug�.h, aid he rh.,reed 20 p •r cent.xtra. tVe d„u,t,It 0 hew tins It ie • —There are.at present, 51 inmates in the E gin [I elle of Iu,lustry, the lowest for, years. Last year the average number of lint rtes was 7'. Consumption Cured. An old phyeinlan, retired from practice, Laying had placed la his hands by an East ludin mission- ary the formal,. of a simple vegetable remedy for tho speedy and permanent euro 'd l'oesu,eption, br,nohiris,.fatan•b, As bma and all throat tom Lang Ai:Actions, also u positive and radial core (u1' Nervous Oo•nlity anti all Nervous Complaints, lifter u•,vlug tested 11.1 wuit!terfr' curative (4 ewe in th ,usaude .1 011408, hsSte't it his duty to make rt kuuwn to bit suffering testes. actuated by (hie motive and a desirb to relieve human coffering, i *ill send free of charge, to all who desire it, this lenge, iu German, French or English, with fill directions for p1•eparing 11 d using. '1''e et by mall by addressing with ntn, naming this paper. W.A. l .Ye', 820,P sere' Muck, Rochester, d5i1--y --L'ep•jaman Ferguson, Hillier, Prince E sward county, has u cow give birth to a calf, part of the body of which was covered with wool and part had neither wool nor hair on it. SEVEN YEARS' SUEZ+'ERIN(. 'la EN ItLEM tN,=1 had suffered very ranch from i t.fl.snnatory rheumatism, which tieougn wrong treatment left u,Iy renuiug tures un my hands and foes. With thea I sabered for seven years, during which time I had neither Ann our Stocking on. I commenced no- ir g 13 B. 13. oxtcrnally and iu'ornelly, g the pine also, aud I Den say now that the sores are entirely cured, and h we Iteeu for Borne time I believe the h'rter, were the meals of eaviug my Ilf•r. R Mae, A.NIIi 13Ame, Crewoon'aU lue'e, Auton P. 0., Ont. —H. Hanlblyn, of Fort 0ratiot, a brakeman on the C. & (x. 'L'. 11., '.wail iii] over and killed on Sunday hist at Charlotte, :,Mich. The train was breaking up, aud Ilembly woe trying to uncouple a car when his foot got caught in a sidewalk ernes• ing, and he wits run over before the train could be stopped. The re- maine were token l0 Beltnont, Ont., for burial. He loaves a wife and two children to mourn his loss. A 71Ahe; 1,+'ngittlh eeirliere le the Seaden were, upried with S,t, ittuobt •OII, , --The It)•npliog of,Alooitoba goes on apae'. The murkier of settlers during the fist 'quarter of 1801 was 2,$61, eat' for the some period .this year 5,1.11, .or more than double Iasi. Mamma (to her little boy). "Now, B$uuie, d yontll be good and goo n eep, mamma '11 give you nue of f)r, Ave.'', nine augur -coated Cathartic Pills, next time you need wedleine." l3•. nie, etnil' bug ♦weetly.,and dropped off to sleep at mote. —Nathan White, formerly of Portageville, Out., was aouidently shot by a 'companion near Indian Head, Man.," on Tuesday, He, leases a wife and two children it Ontario. Not many phyaiuiats drake great thei- aputiu discoveries. For the molt part tiey content themselves with edmints. tering judiciously what is prolorihed iu the books. To 1)r. J. C. Ayer, however, is due the credit of discovering that itroateet of bloud•purifiere—A)er'e Sarn• wine. —The sales, of the .. Canadian Pacific land department Last Month were the largest in the equiptuy's history. Over 66,000 acres were soli, nearly all in \Ianitol,a, and most of it to actual settlers, who are note in possession. FaoMthtr beginning of its manufacture twit now not a single ounce of any but pure Virginia Ienf of the finest quality has been n,ed in the "]Myrtle Navy" to I,elIco. The In.nufect•nele of ii have a settled bell• f that the public cannot he mild .11 en thief posit. wild slat soy tour peretg with the quality of the brand w•.nl.l be a 1uon.etary lees to them,, Th„anon.,, of dollars a year saved,by mixiug with nn inferior tear, would not repay thele for n doubt .'n the pe, t of the public as to the quality of their tob,ec•, —A cyclone last week struck the farming community of Tevis, a vill age un tllu •Missouri Pacific 11 11 , ten 11111es month east of Topeka. A farmer named Plaxton was kill, d. John P. Ilttill was fetidly fnjnred Al re. Neill aud •her child were bad iy hurt,. The lluildingswtnd fehc.'m un the forma of J. 1' Neill, Silas Sigler aud ']'borons Brooke were demolished. For a epsce of two Miles square the femurs siifl'.'ied severely. Many persons were more' or leas injured. hail fell in great:. quautitios, destro•iig fruit and other tees.. JAM 08 Diitchnil, a” fawner, who lived near I{eill's fern,, 11 •a% also killed. Anvm To MA, . Aro on disturbed at e y r d brisket rd our re i. bysi • child t; and au n n sick .u0.'ru, odor, lug w h pain of of lutl hg Teeth ? It em nen 1'pG Y ontlq (i ff, 4 \Vinslow's y.,utbii-g g`rupifor ebb&een Teeth ing. Its, value (4 iu':alcuiobla. It w411 relieve Lhcpoor 'rtt.o su)erer immediately. Depend upon G. mot eers; th-re is no rn,s,.nke about it. It +ores D;seutrry and Di..rnccea, regulates the stomach sled 1,.wols, en)es Wind Umbo, softens the Kum+, redo,es i ,a un!nntinu, and gives- tone au,t euergy to the .vhuI. system. '•at ra Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children Well/log is pleasant to the taste and ic the prescri,•1la. of one of the oldest told ',rest female physicians and nurse -tin the United States, and is for sale by nil druggist's throughout the world. Price 25 arida a bottle. lie core oaf a••k 1'"r "Has, \Vrsstow's Somrllso tlraur,"aud tak" no other kind. 658y POTIPIIAIL'S WIFE. Slit EDWIN ARNOLD'S NEW POEM—A LEGEND OF EGYPT. ---A-new t'oluine of --poems from the pro of Sir Elwin Arnold is an event u1' the book publishing world, aid it is not murpri-ing thet the Messrs. Scribner ehoul,3 have disposed of the first edition of "Potiphar,'s and Other \Mite 1'o'n1a' before the hook w'ns of t of the Li.Nder's hall 18. The woman whose name, giheli the title to this volume is not one whose character suirgeal poetry, telt Sir Edwin ifrnold, who can make pictures out of anything orie,,tal, Ilam to-izetl upon the best kilown episole of her career as the ,'.object of his poem. Sir Edwin has founded his story on the ver• cions of the Koran and the Persian poem Jami. Tile poem covers about twenty pages of the book and be ,wins with a demcriptiotI of tho palace ''rin, Ludy Asennth” built "under Heath the palms of Nile,"for "Love of Hebrew Yusuf." WVhite in the blue hlayptian elry,it soared A\•ith ,nighty graven atones reared out- wardly. Then passing a gate guarded by E¢yptian divinities. The footetep passed on checkered Blabs het square, Into a wailed court ; where a colonnade Premed a glad garden full of odors rare From neavy blooms and fruits. With- out was semi Golden Noon flaming, hese 'twee Even• ing green ! Statues stood on every side, and that '•cloistered walk" was also conn passed in." With pillars wonderful for work and hue ; This one a palm stem; that papyrus thin; Yonder, is titan°, Minims, pink and byte, And from the garden, and the colooado A roofed way to the inner rooms was laid. Of these inner rooms there we^eleven, —each fashioned With matchless wit,tn make each good- lier Than that le.et erten. So heart and eye, impassioned Unto tha inmost permed, devised by her, High Aeenath, for love's deep hiding- Fence, Beautiful, marvellous, all peace and grace. Even nature lent a hand to make I ilio gifwlt, tllort+ eeduetsien, for*'. , ''t 'l:hroutlh lhitioep foupq: 14004 .oaolilvg, ritlpld,oume ,, Mo004,; iuhl,g—'ty )bat dila .sober,t t` olvh. bud for l•ghil rias oitt'ar ltilt(p e. flier sett e Burning with f'•agraut oils b. fere the feet, Of Peter, illepeekled stone, Pu44ht, with cat's head. And long arts on her levt fled knees oat- epreed. seartES 01') ALL elm q DEBET. Everything that would be dote to turn the head of unhappy Joee4h was done. Upou the aloove there, aud all around 1.,ve tabu* were pictured. And those who time Love's luxuries had won Aaeuath *teemed, and and Yu.uf. Liulb for limb, Lipa, •yea, aud brows, the 11.brew boy. wee done Lib fo. The gemmed L'',yotiau dame with hint Shona ABLvtarh herself, Aseneehfair, %Vito tubus ringlet, no fillet in her Hair ! Not only did this designing wo- nlau Mak d 14(11' Iluntie'as heuutifu'I as a luxurious tante could suggest, but she Madt3;ereeif more beautiful than ever auaorditg to the idea of female beauty then prevalent in Egypt. Bier eyebrows' arch wit it tweeted linea she huilded, And warmed eeeh underlid with jetty dye; , Draw tha ,oug lashes separate and gilded tier thee) wan pslut•ll.w'r duet, t,. beautify The withered satin of her nape aud near; And def.ly with ted heuua ata ehe u,ck Her slander finger tips; null- washed with myrrh Har lung block tresses, braiding them iu %tinge Which front the queerly gleaming crown 1'.l. tier Sw(.ug to het kuece,banied withbeede and tinge ; And 'thwart her breeste--like lotus- eluasolils pluwu— A purple, spangled, tendon hath ehe LInuwu. Theo ehe bed° summon that fair Hebrew nay %Vno eat;lei with patine morose his faiat heart folded. The various euhtle desires of ;elra. Potiphar au.l Juseph's olid urscy ate. told in language at titres reuliiiding out+ of the wooing of Adonis by Venus. Mis. Pot tither frees Joseph 111 these wordl+:, I, thy hid headier% d, 10 thee daily wruug 1'imyii.g the misuses. ,By 1(,t', rnutu- ltc hie Fined art thou! Make uiy gift t.f free dura err rel, L'f ing thin tote•eirk giver from thy feet! JOSEPIL BEARS THE TEST. \With that '• elle ;Muni her black iinperlul hair i11 waves upou his sau,iale,°'y but Joseph ,was fires. lie only said : 1'uvd, t,► .t'h nn l ')y;lt's u„bleat kneel iu fear, b.1g•ch ma not thu't,.:n whom the charge is laid To gu=rrd thee for my Lord; or if not free Great lady, grant my soul his liberty 1 But Alva, ' Pot iphnr did riot get di,couruged yet, for she 1,uok from a claret •'a cirque, with gods and soaral,s set in surd,” and plectng it on his heed crowned hila "Prince and Lord." Now may'st thou lift thy heal and ooswer .'w' et We are ae Due ! Quit shame, furealts se- dateuese ! She would not "take no for an answ,:r,'and finally led hitt into her owit bower, "where fit was her thought to put forth love's Iasi power." But the poet tella_,thm-olWW_' biblical story over again up to the.. 1110mett Joseph breaks away in these words : Tempted lull .oro, Lady of Egypt 1 wee 1 h witless slave; Now breaks he from thee, better faith to save!. ' ICi+h that he derts forth. And A.unath P.....toned At hie waist-oloth Vending it at wain ; One p,rrtion in her wrathful hand ehe hath, 0,1e the fasedying Yusuf doth retain ; While in his speed, he bugs bank bolts and bare Till, 'eeaped, he stenda odder the mind- ful stare. And there Sty Elwin ends the story. He ought to give the sequel telling how the wicked Aseiath told falsehoods about Joseph, allowing Potiphar the torn "waist -cloth," as proof of her, statements and how Potiphar had the innocent young man put in prison. NEWS NOTES. —Woorlatecles 98801440111 ent this year is $71,405 more than last year. —.Tames Taylor. a young farmer living near Bosaievain, Mau., per- ished iu the storm on Wednesday night, —A hill was brought up in the 13ritinh House of Commons to Make desertion a legal cense for divorce, but it was voted down by a Marge majority. —George Lundy, formerly of Toronto township, country of Peel, was caught in the storm atReanurn, Manitoba, yesterday and perished front exposure. —To the British House of Come mons Mr. Clark's motion in favor of local government for Great Britain and Ireland was rejected by a vote of 74 to 54. —Robert Monteith, Thames road, TJshor4e, had a cow which gave birth to a calf that weighed shortly after ite arrival 100 pounds. John Delbridge, also oP hshorne, has a ewe that gave birth to four lambs, three of which are still living; one of the young animals weighed 61• lbs shortly after arrival. +--'.Mi'e.' ,Toue1 'Ark air,et, ,•�1,mt borott urJ, phot h`oreellf lu tl)e leg I ie QOM inornittg with u .revolver. Site Wap atte44.301ttg 19, alregi. a rot when lit SQIUO,4nRI&IUr. wll[II).pnll,ing her ek44 out of 1111e may. the re. velvet' was discharged and, the bullet lodged fA the calf of her leg, As it passed through part of her Sloth ing, the WQuUd is out serious. —Hugh Fraser, of Bullock's Cor• arra, near Dundee, bade his Mother and sinter good•t.ye on Weduee(day morning. Yeetttrday his body , was found. in a Millpond Hear by, and whether 1t is a case of auieide or an accident la not known., —Coleman Blackburn was hang- ed at Fayette, Miss., last week for wife murder. After hanging 36 nliuutea his body was turned oyer to relatives for hurisl. During a drive of 35 utiles the corpse showed signs of life, and the roan is now hkely to recover. —`elrbile agirl nailed Norton was returuiig home one slight throw h the bush clear Golden Valley She was assaulted by a 10011 named William Garret. A desperate etrdeglo ensued, which lasted quite awhile when, a waggon approach. ing, the scoundrel made off. Gar, ret.'s face is badly seratchedew! Mies Norton's finger is bitten. IIe was arrested today, hrolight to Wiarton and committed for trial. —Jeremiah Stonedcih and Martha Dolson of Moravian town Elgin Co. were committed to jail %owe weeks ago by Squire Beatty of Highgate on a change of cohabiting for the past 35 years. They were sentet,ced to fine and imprisonment The sheriff' has received ab order from the Seo retary of State to release both prig overs, the fine and iroprisonutent having been remitted by order i,1 council. — We are sorry to have to record the death of Mr M. Paren, which took place ou Tuesday of kat week. Deceased was a former resident of Eitst Wawanosli, and was in his eighty-fifth year. lie leaves a wife; seven sons and one daueliter to mourn the loss of an affectionate husband and father. The sorrow- ing friends -have the sympathy of the entire t•ominunity. — A. brakeman named T. F. An- drews, on the Mixed train from Pal aerator, had hie left arra taken off by a car pussiug over it at 13russt,ls station one morning last week. When shunting cars the poor fel low fell into a cattle guard and throw out his arm to have himself just ae 0 car was moving past. The li(lb had to be amputated above- the elbow. —An affidavit- of parentage has been filed in the city clerk's orrice, 1-1rnlilton, allegil)g that Ale.tanrler Anderson, builder, 27 I3ay street north, is the father of a child born to Mrs, Lizzie McKenzie, n good- looking young widow about twenty,. five years of age, residing with her parents at 7 Harriot street. The young woman ham consulted Nesbitt, Bicknell S. Gould, who have notifi- ed Anderson that he is to be liable in damages for stduotiou and breach of promise. +' .Mian` illiame, of Guelph, Ont., -has -instituted - -legal proceedings against C. F'. \Vhittey, of ilia etaf of the government experimental farm, Ottawa, for alleged breach of promise of marriage, claiming dam- ages to tl.e extent of $10,000. rhe lady wtates that nrrangeweuts had b1' en made for the marriage to talcs place in June next, but it transpired that Meanwhile Mr. Whittey su•l denly became enamoured with one of • the capital's fair daughters, and on the 24th of Marchi last carried her captive to the shrine of Hy• men. A NAUGHTY GIRL. SHE LOVED A MARRIED MAN AND TRIED TO SCARE IIIS WIFE AWAY. Mrs. Annie Anderson of Malden, Masa,, for several weeps has received threatening anonymous letters of which the following bra sample: " Your days on earth arenumber- ed. Prepare to meet your God. Your life is in danger, and you are con scantly watched by night and the end ieblear. Prepare yourself for eternity. You are soon to give your reckoning. It is said that if a person inveighs loudly and frequently against a cel'• twin crime she is ten to one herself addicted to it You aro bad and you judge others by yourself. Your days are numbered, prepare to meet your Maker." The letters were all postmarked in Boston and were in the same hand- writing, although it was evident that an attempt Was mode to disguise it. Mrs. Anderson has a husband and two children. She is of a peaceable diepostition and has no enemies that she knows qf. She was badly frightened after receiving the third letter. Yesterday the po- lice traced the letters to Mase Mar- garet Angel Beek, and she admitted writing them. It is alleged that she has fallen in love with Mre. And- erson's husband, who boarded at her home during Mre. Anderson's visit to St. Lonie recently, and took thie means of frightening this wife. Mrs. Anderson would not prosecute the girl and she was released. he NEWS -RECORD Is in a betterposition than ever to turn out : The Very Finest Printing At prices as low as any other office in the West. Those' in need of any class of Job Printing should call on THE NEWS-YRECOI1D, Albert Street, Clinton jP"T3 TR, i" I'T -D- IR, NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, • CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in 'Furniture. Ca11 at the New Store and see the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The whole Stork is from;the very best manufacturers. Picture Frrtnesand Mouldings of ever'• description. . Ju -S. CIiIIDLET, one door West of Ulckson's Book Store FOR CON ENVELOPES The News—Reoord FOR F ICE IL HE1&C FOP/ tIiCE !?tl'1 IiEAiIS FOR OFFICE i3FIP1TIt 'THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN Al-'.. DEPARTMENTS • ORMEIRRO J. O. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, Sic. ' THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton; Ont WATCHES! ;1'r STEL PEN ARE THE BEST. Established 1860. No. FOR Work, ENGLAND. Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Columbus, Seth Thomas, and Rockford—new nlodelf' th 'A11 these make1 in key and stem mindere Al.'. pendant set watches. J. BIDDL ECUMBE, ,CLINTON. Oe1. Lei's Sit �Ena1'el. This is an article worthy of every lady's attention. If you want to save time and labor, buy a box, ' If you want your ironed clothes to look neat and clean and (0 last touch longer, buy a box. If you want the starch to stay in the clothes on the lino in spite of rain or frost, buy a box, If you want everything to look like new, suety as shirt bosoms, collars, cuffs, lace curtains, etc., buy a box. t,8"Every Storel:osper keeps it now, and where the merchant does not keep it we want a lively agent to represent tis. 3la11ufac(ured by 5b—tf W. J. LOESS, _- 1lollhcsvltla •-, e QTIIAY STOCK ADVEII k) TISEIIENTS inserted in Tea News Hawaii at low rates. The law makes It compulsory to advertise stray stock If you want any kind of advertising you will not do better than call OP rews•Re cord. THE WALES HOTEL, ALBERT -ST. NORTH, CLINTON. The undersigned has assumed the proprietorship of the above Hotel. The premises are being re- fitted and arsdelass accommodation can always he had for man and beast. The bar ie supplied with only the best Ale, Liquor, Cigars, kc., and special attention will also be given to the dining room department. There is excellent staid. aocomm.dntiml. The patronage of the general public, is respectfully solicited. 694 3rn JOHN T. LEE, - PROPRIETOR $'i1E CELEBRATED Ideal Wasne* )tand Wringer e THE BEST IN THE MARKET Machines Allowed on Trial am also agent for all All Agpicultural Implements Wareroom opposite Fair's Mill? Call and see ate. J. C. WEIR, CLINTON —One of the most interesting cases down for trial at the Brant- ford assizes was that of tile action for breach of promise of marriage, brought by Mies Mary '1tMcEw•en4 of Mount Pleasant, against Jatnns G. Hamner, of Mount Vernon, asking for $2,000 damagee. The case Ilan been withdrawn, however, plaintiff having agreed to accept $500 in lieu of all damages and expenses. This sum has been tendered by defendant, and the case settled out of court. Plaintiff is a handsome, goodlooking young lady, and the faithless swain a well -to -farmer. Defendant ad'• mitted the promise of marriage made to Miss McLean, 80 that in any case it was merely a gnostion of 70818. No.2 Export'1.Ytiters. FOR E&CUIJNuIMG H011tL -. 9$t.1'3' Accoun- tants. FOR N0,3 Bete erre: F Cas ' 14 aC Vr� 1 ' ild011 S FOR F-. to sold •vrc ' , y. Writing No.16 No.27 FOR BusiIBS - Sold by STATIONERS Everywhere. Samples FREE onreceiplofreturn postage 2cents.\ SQENCER(AN PES COU., 810 Y. NEW YORK. Scientific Arhericatf Agetfcy for CAVEATS, •TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS CCit'YRSC:'.9:e^, e:o. Por Information end frca;Iandbiok eat,,; to • MUNN & CO. St1 )luo.laway, Nltw YOnw. Oldest bureau for securing patents in.Amerlea,• Every patent token out by ns is brought before Ude public by a notice given free of cbargo In tho grientifiz Atixerican has eat circulation of any scientific paper In the world. Splendidly Minot-at.e1. No intelligent man should bo wlthont 1Veeltl, 8".00 a vor-rt 81.50 six months. .1lidroes MD'NNdt CO,. eulnaSn EIL5, 381 Broadway, New Yort, BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. CORRESPONDENCE. We will at all times be pleased to receive items' of news from our sub- scribers. We want a good corres- pondent in every localith, not already represented, to send us RELIABLE news. -SUBSCRIBERS. Patrons who do • not receive their paper regularly from the carrier or through their local post offices will confer a favor by reporting at this once at once. Subscriptions may commence at any time. ADVERTISERS. - Advertisers will please bear in mind that all "changes" of advertisements, to ensure insertion, should he handed in not later than MONDAY NOON of each week. CIRCULATION. Tun NEWS -RECORD has a larger circulation than any other paper in this section, and as an advertising medium has fern equals in Ontario. Our books are open to those who meat} business. JOB PRINTING. The Job Le}'artment of this jour- nal is one of the best equipped in Western Ontario, and a superior class of work is guaranteed at very lona prices. .1