HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-05-11, Page 1k, !J4'iai itillt-t+it.Crti Pee keenmesite.40 to •Advance. Ir'XDF,PAIVD,ENT f'N 44 '$,t21'Q,7-10472'.it4401 ,,YQMTArg . XIV.; -;-,NO 23, CLINTON', HURON COUNTY, ONT.,' WEDNESDAY. FATAL. LA CRI.PPE ! HOW TO' SHAKE IT OFF. is conceded leer 90ogle nerally that THE BEST LIQUORS Should be legitimately taken to ward off that dread disease, La Grippe. WE HAVE THEM ! The very best qualities at the lowest ,possible prices. if YOU are in any r way interested, y ru will surely make a great sniAtake it you do not call at rhe OLINTON LIQUOR STORE An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. r Do not allow your- self to get the Grippe. J. W. RITER, Liquor Merchant, Albert -Se, Clinton Godcrich:1 The. steamer P. 'Orem brought from Port Elgin last week the bricks required for the residence of Mr. Rees Price. Mr. F. Holmeated, barrister of Seaforth, was iu the Co. town on Thursday. Inspector of 'Inland Revenue, A. Cavan' of Stratford, paid Goderich a visit leer week. • Mr. h H. Collins, of Exeter, was •in town the pact week. Ex -reeve Wire Clegg, of Wing - ham, was iu town on Friday. Mr. Geo. W. Woods, of Bay. field, was in the Co. town on Thurs- day. Mr. Hy. Rance, of Clinton, was in Goderich on Thursday. Mr. H. B. Combe, of Clinton, was tin the Co. town last Tlturs 4Ay• .;;;;Div. Court Clerk Morgan, of Baytield, was in town on Thursday. • Mr. E. Barron, of Clinton, was in the Circular town on Thursday. Mr. M. Cotner, of Seaforth, was in the Co. town on Wednesday. Mr. D. Reynolds, of Clinton, visited Goderich last Thursday. Mr's. Jas. W ilkinaen returned from a visit to Galt on Wednesday. Jno. A. Naftel is steadily recovering from his recent illness,. There will be an open meeting of'the H. S. L.`Society this even - tag. e Mr. Harry Rothwell was in town this week. Mr.: Harry Climes spent Sunday in town. At the meeting of the Town Council on Friday Town Clerk Mitchell and Engineer Smith re- ceived additions, of $50 to their salaries. Mrr A. IfeKidd, formerly of this town, was re -visiting ye old scenes the past week. Engineer A. Williamson was home for a few days the past week .Rev. Rural 'Dean Craig, of,.Cltn- ton, was in the Circular town 'on Saturday. Mr. Samuel Hanna, of Griswold, Man., was in ,Goderich on Thura- day. Dr..Shaw, of Clinton, visited the Ciicular town on Friday. Mr. F. Davis, of Mitchell, was in Huron's Co. town on Friday. The funeral of the late Mrs. J. T. • Naftel took place on Wednesday, Messrs. Jute Davison, S.Malcomson, P. Holt, R. A. Starke, Chas. Seeger and Joseph Williams being the pall bearers. The rector and Rev. Rogers Howard eon.ducted the ser- vice at the 'church. and the grave. The romaine were interred in the family plot, Maitland oemetery, the casket being covered with beautiful !total offerings. Goderich and neighborhood the past twelve months has lost many old and most respected citizens The following (though not complete list of those who have crossed th rivet in thetieriod mentioned show our great lose :—Peter Adamso t•; Andrew Beck, William McLea. Jno. Cullia, Elijah Martin, Jame:•; Gordon, Daniel Gordon, David; Purvis, Alex. Taylor, Thos. White- ly, William Kay, Henry Wells, Thos. Troy and Robt. Blair. The schooner 7'odrnan, Captain Alex. Lawson, from Toledo with 230 tons of coal for Mr. W.Lee reach • ed this port on Saturday. Rev. Mr. Galloway, of Clinton, preached in the North street Metho- dist church, morning and evening, last Sunday. The schooner Carter, Captain Murdock McDonald, arrived in port last Wednesday from Thpssalon with 240,000 feet of lumber for N. Dyment. The Carter sailed, light, for Thessalon on Thursday. There sill be early communion at St. G orge's next Sunday. 4iodestIclh; ' II•ies Tilly Graham was in the: Forest City week. .y Judge F, W. Johnston, of Sault Ste Marie, accompanied by Mrs. Johnston and infant, reuchod God- erich yesterday on a visit to the lady's relatives. The Judge will shortly return to the north; leaving Mrs. Johnston and infant for a long sojourn iu the Circular town. The usual week night service in St. Georges' this evening. Liverpool lodge No, 140, S. 0..E. Benefit Society, meets this.evouiug, The steamer City -of Windsor was in port on Friday, and ou Sunday on her upward trip, when she load- ed a quantity of salt and outer freight fbr the Bruce mines. Tho rector preached a fuueral ser- mon on Sunday evening from the 27th verse of the '9th chapter of Hebrews in memory of the late Mrs. Jno. T. Naftel, Mr. W. if. Robertson, who hes been for many years in the business department of the Signal, is now in the Goderich Organ Co's office. The Organ Co. is to be con;ratu- lated on obtaining the assistance of so clever and trustworthy a young min as W. H. R. - The directors of the G. N. W. Exhibition, and the Goderich Horti- cultural Society will meet in the Court lIonse oe Saturday to finally arrange for the show of 1892. Mrs. J. A. Yates and t:hildren of Chicago, are on a lengthy • visit to their relatives in town. Mrs. Black of Elgin street was un• fortunate enough to have a fine cow kiiledbylightningt)ul'ing last weeks storm. . On , account of the heavy rain Arbor day work was postponed. On Monday afternoon the usual gardening operations wore carried on in the public 'schools. Mr. J. M. Roberts, of Dungannon was in towU on Monday. Mr. Somerville, of London, has heel) engaged as an assistant ir► the High School. Mr. Somerville.'if•ap. pointment makes the numhel- of teachers in the High Suhrrot 6. As a lumber laden car was being hauled up the hill last. week the stakes on one side. gave away and a few thousand feet_ were spilt along the track. • donde sC bot -o-- • Rev. Mr. Irvine, of, Kippen, Preached educational .sermons on the klethodist circuit last 'Sunday. Mr. A. Woodman, D. D , and Mr. A. Wilkin attended the meet- ing of the Forester's Court iu Hen- sel! Inst week. Mr.. Woodman in- stalled the officers for the current term. Mr. Doig, teacher in S. S. No. 8, went to his home iu I'ackeraruith on Thursday evening. The Sons of England will hold their next meeting on Wednesday the 18th inat instesd of Friday the --20th. This lodge -wall attend -church with their brethren in Clinton en Sunday May 22nd. Regular meeting of the Orange lodge to -morrow evening. It is ex• peeled there will be several iu.iti.a• tions. Mr. and Mrs. Newton were its Clinton on Friday • attending the eneral of Mr. Newton's aunt who died in Sioux City, tiowa. Her m- utating were brought to Clinton for burial. Mr. John Bells has purchased .E, eaw expresa wagon from J. Bruns - on •& Son. • The contest arranged in the Good Templar's lodge commenced last night and bide fair to he interesting. Mr. Geo. Newton will represent this lodge at tho Grand Lodge ses- sion to be held in June: Tue introduction of the Rev. J. A. Hatuiltou into tho Prerbyterian churchee of Hullott and Londosboro took place yesterday. Rev. A. Stewart presided. Rev. J. A . Mc Donald preached tate sermon Rev. J. Simpson addressed the minister and the Rev. Mr. Need- ham tho people. The Freels, terians are fortunate in securing en- able than for their pester. District Lodge No. 24, I.O. G. T. will meet in Blyth for general busi- ness oh Friday May 20th. We hype to see every lodge in the dis- trict represented. It is expected that.Mre. W. L. Scott, G.S.J.'1'„ from Toronto, will be prevent and address a public mooting in the evening. The election of officers will take place at this meeting; also of a delegate to represent the district at the Grand Lodge. —Canadian PeciflcRailway returns of traffic earnings from April 21st to Apri130th, 1892,$481,000; 1891, $492,000—increase for 1892, $11,- 000. Ut4yllold. ret,Gant,t---tfitdiesnt whithof ssMrdneseand that1lrwes• ' U) l.1 ie . Haatinge of the Ord con. Goderich tp,, who had been ill for some time baek. They were among the first settlers of that. part acid, reeiiected by all who knew then. Afro Haat- legs died on Tuesday, last week, and Mr. Hastings on Friday. They were both intend iu Bayfield Cemetery Mrs Crooks ofDetroit who had -bee isiting with her brother lair. Hearn Goderich '1' .3 l died snidonlY fns .sleek. }ier remains wore placed 1 Bayfield/! Cemetery. 4. Mrs Sparks, of the Bronson Rood who had been ailing for a consider- able time died and was buried on Friday of last week. Tho Templar() of Temperauce hold their general meeting ou Friday night of leaf *reek; few members wero present. (Crowded out last week). The "Broout Brigade" under the guidance of the good women of thi place, are raiding the duet .and 11'"'' dirt to their utmost. The fart -Imre raise a dust under the new ntethnd ,f buying eggs by • the pound. ',s7 y receive only six cents per you f ' which comes hard on diose who have been selling the small eggs and reserving the largo ones for home use. In time this method may •become More satiate°. tory to the farmers.. ' 'Great advancement in religious circles have taken place in this vil- lage, chiefly in connection with the young people. This great progress ive owe to one of our popular di- vines. , We expect all that is necessary to facilitate,he growth of a large town is its tillers,' councillors, citizens, an•d in general law abiding citi- zens. Those we have, and not as it was stated some time ago by one of the divines, that the young men were as jellyfish without backbones for I have noticed for sq,me 20 years back -and it may be positively laid down as. a fact, that our young men of today will not. be tyrannized over by any man; and if they are to be brought under religious in- struction, kindness, persuasion, res - setting, etc., are means best adapted to compete with .the evil notions of the young men. • Before closing we eesust again -thank outeeev-teems-•-gran.. denten"- for tho great interest ire is !taking in oar young people, may phis work prosper, and be a success ; for no doubt it is sadly needed. A few pf our energetic villagers have taken an interest in our harbor, which greatl•• needs something of • the kind, and are trying to repair it. ' If appearances have anything to do with it tour bridge looks as good as new since the nti'w floor was put down by Mr. Bailey and appren- tices. The Derisy is again riggod and 'her captain says he can do anything on tho river. The Rev .T.'"Stringer, who is were nown to es -all, preached his fare - yell serm•z\l•,in Trinity church Sun• ay, before leaving as a missionary for tha fey regions. The Rey. Ross, of Clinton,00cup- pied the pulpit of St. Andrews church morning and evening to a ifull audience. e• Port Albert (Crowded out cast week.) There are sono of our bald-headed slippery heeled, palefaced,Tote Pep• per Grits continually on the go, day and night, trying to rake up scraps relative to the protest. They had hatter wash their own paws before they meddle with white people's affairs. Harry He.wkins of Oshkosh, Wis. is Home on n visit to his father, Jas. Hawk ins. Neil Nelsen has several men, en - ,aced driving stakes for his p6and tete. The Martin boys have been get- ting some good hauls of fish iu deep ater with gill nets. The water of the lake still keeps getting lower. What is the cause ask a hundred and one people; is Lake Huron going to dry up ? The weather for the past two weeks has been very cold, but today (Monday), it is quite warm and a blessing to this farmingoommunity. Many farmers in this neighbor- hood hays finished seeding. The fa'1I wheat has had a bad racket during the cold and frosty weather, Pasture ion short that grave is not visible to the naked eye, and fodder is very scarce. Good times a com- ing but wait a little longer. —The assessment of Galt for this year is $2,773,590, an increase of $25,075. The population is 7,167. 013Th 15,a. 1). tl.tult [ A1ta alit tCo, .9p{.ICITOL, NGTAItY 1 l:aL{t3, sve:Asv, u, &n: —•-MONl x To LIaND.••-- Ot>Itte over 13on'a Harms Stop, IQUEEN bTaE5T, nr.YT{{. lee Building operations are brisker at hie Beaten) of the year in titin burg h to they have been; for several data. Mr. W. Moutry, irroprietor of our brick yaid, has a largo staff of men n (1 tlla tiettaO n 'l'i e . finds (+ooh a ready sale for his matte of Irick that it is almost no inrposnibility fpr hint to supply 'the demand. Will is a hastier, sure. P. Kelly & Sm are having a new engine house built at their large flouring mills. The steno for the building was purchased at Miltsu and arrived at the etation one day last week. A number of our enterprising business tarn have had handsome awnings put' up during the past eek to !seep the sun's rays from polling their goods. On Friday night late or early Saturday morning some or our youths amused themselves by removing business signs from their places and having • a little fun •in general. Boys, it won't do. One hallowe'en Tright in a year is suffi• (dent. It is rumored that our band will Make its first debut on the square some evening this; week. That's right boys,a few etrains will enliven us up. Don't niiss Prof. Meek's concert under the auspices of the C. 0. F. No. 89, in I dustry, Hall on Friday evening. A rich treat is in store for those shot take Win. Adwis- mission 25 and 15 cents. Our local cattle buyer, lir. E. Watson, shipped five car loads of cattle from tide station on Tuesday, tofMontreal.. `Mr. Sam. Fluker and family have removed onto the farm 'ofeAlr. John McMillan in Ilorris, where he has secured it steady job teaming at the saw -mill. He has rented his pro- perty in town. Divine service as usual in 'Trinity church on Wednesday evening 'at S o'clock. Regular meeting of the members of C. 0. F. No. 89 met in their hall on Tuesday evening. The members of the Woman's Guild are requested to meet at Mrs. Tanner's, Sen., residence on Wed- nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Be/grave. Miss Ataxy Black has returned frons Kincardine. A large number of our towns people attended the meetings of the evangelists, Hunter Si. Crossley, in Wingham on•Sunday. Mr. IL McLean, hardware mer chant,has secured the aervicesof Mr 0. Joliniion;"of Wing'ham, to work in the tinware department. Mr, 'okapis England, of Cass City, Ilriieh., has been renewing old acquaintances in this vicinity, prior to his taking a trip to the old Country. • - • Mt'. F. Sainton of Teeswator spent Sabbath at home. A. load of sports drove over from Brussels on 1Vlonday and took in our thriving town during the day, and the S. A. banquet at night. Two hundred views were exhibit- ed in the town hall on Tuesday night.' Mr. Hunter, the evangelist, was called to Toronto last week owing to the illness af his wife's sister. The Chief is fixing the sidewalks on the main street. It was much needed, The S. A. band was out in fol force for the first time on Saturda evening; thoy have about teas instrumento and play very nicely. The, Evangelists held a meetln_ on Sabbath afternoon in the Town hall for men only. Messrs Sellery and Temple have bought out the shoe business of Martie & Son and will carry it on, They may also start a harness shop in connection. The S. A. held a big jubilee on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. They wound up Monday night with a grand banquet. A man who was almost blind was in town last week tuning pianos. One of thosecharactera t}at don't like hard work was in town for about a week selling stuff to keep away the flies, and telling fortunes. We don't think the flies would bother hies very much by his general appearance. a 11, 1892, 1Wilrt;ltgtttr, Aeldittonitl Lucnl.d'. easesete aat)ost week) 'RVANORILAT. woe fn attars. •' t r r) Mrs. David Stewart, cif Spoken() 11.6 +► Y flair of lett week. Ile Fulls, Mon.t.,ia visiting her friende and parents in Wingham. Mies Ida Franu,oT Smelt Ste Afitrie, is visiting in Wiesghtian. Vuustone Bros, of Kincardine, have boe,ght out, the •Winghan>• rnat•ble works, and will carry on the Baine in this town, Bine Houghton, music teacher, spent s p nt la t week' in Stretford. Conductor Snyder has been trans• ferted from rho L. H. & B.• to. more responsible position. This will necessitate his removal to Toronto. The conductor will be tuissed in Wingham. Mr. Wm. Bond, an employe of the Union factory, had three fingers badlymutilated by corning in con- tact with the shaper ruachiue. A big time ie expected ou the 24th of May. The fire brigade is at the head of affairs and no doubt one may look out for a fitat class pro- g,amme. There is .to •I>e a thirty dollar gold watch given to the per- son holding the lveky ticket on the ground. A grand concert will be given in the Opera House at night. The Evangelista, Messrs Crossley and Hunter started meetings here ou Sunday, in the evening they hold a union tnoetiug 'in the Pres. by Lerma Church at which there were over a thousand people. They say they aro going to turn the town up . side down and they have started to work as though they meant it. Sununerhi11. Mr. Rapson received a painful wound in the paler of his hand caused by •shaking hands with a barbwire. The wire slipped through the stretcher while Mr. Rapson was• plaoiug it in position. 13arbwire we think should be called barbarous wire as its only superior- ity over the plain wire is that i.1 can tear or cat in a barbarous man• nor any animate or inanimate ob- ject which comae 'within tearing die. tante. Mr. W. G, Gauloy, who taught chool here about 7 years ago re- turned to his home at Clinton last week. Thn.•:gen.t.lemau has been ill for some time but if rho wishes of hie many friends in this section could fully restore him to his form.. er robust health, as the old song say: •• 'Twould be done, `twould ba: done At the snapping of a gun." Wo hope however thatdamo nature, with his native air, will soon woo back the glow .of health and leis onetime winsome smile. •Mr. Butt's saw -mill is again in forking order, after being shut own for a few days for repairs. The good templars will give an entertainment in the hall here on .Friday evening the 27th insi. Look out for something good. -Come-to see- and - heals -for you -reel -f- on the occasion. • Mr. J. H. Lowery attended the I. 0: G. T. meeting here ou the 3rd inst. Mrs. James Manning moved all her furniture &c. from here on Sat- urday the 31th ult. She left for Bossevair, Manitoba on Tuesday the 2nd inst. where Mr. Manning is at present located. We wish the lady a safe journey and prosperity in her new home. Our fife and drum hand 'ook its' first out door march on Thuraday evening the 28th ult. They are do- ing splendidly and if they practice r•e• gularly will be a credit to our lodge and also their teacher, Mr. Story of Clinton. L. 0. L. 928 had tivo initiation on Monday evening the 2nd inst. Tho standing of pupils in public school here for April is as follows : 5th—Sara Nesbitt Sr. 4th.—Wru. E Miller, Clarice Laithwaite, Emily Jordan. Jr. 4th.—Winnie Thompson, Ethelbert McIleen, Rosie Wright. Sr., 3rd. — Mabel Bingham, Ethel Jordan Jr., 3rd.—Eva Johaaton, Mabel Sheppard, Annie Wright. Sr., 2nd.—Frances Oakes, Mad- sdie Murphy, Wm J. Butt. Jr., 2nd Wm Jordan, Blanche Icllveen, 011ie Mcllveen. 2nd Part.—Annie Lawson. let Part. --Thos Hill, Ernest Grainger, Jane Wright. • —James Donaldson, jr., of Elate, has instructed hia solicitor, J. E. Terbune, to bring action aginet Pat- rick Higgins, bf the 6th concession for $1000 damages for libel. He accuses the defendant of saying at verious times last February to dif• ferent person that "James Donald- son and Prank Collins stabbed my colt and I will have' thein to jail for it in two or three days," lots some relatives and many f*ieltd,A,, here, MB. JACOB Al esti was the coni tractor for the is iudtnill' for M ase John Rssustord, PLAORDS are publiKhed;,jn Gods crioh mak iug Reif oue•charges IPA s prominent public man rest trig its that l0 v 1 J. Mn. W. SotruniT1Ltls, an old time citizen of Cliutou,was in town Mon• day. He 'its now farthing. near ltudgerville, and likes the Change• very tnncli, DONALD BUCHANAN and son whre left here a few %rocks ago havear- rived at Vancouver, B. C. and the JVurld or that city gives Mr. Bu- chatian a hearty welcome. THE second meeting of the Clin- ton' Bicycle Club met last night when most of the buys decided to joist the C. W, A. They also chose' a tom to compete with the Lacrosse Club ata tug of war on the even- ing of the concert 24th May. Al rt. W . A. BRYNAS, of Goderich, named through Clinton Monday af' teruoort on Isis way to Detroit. His 'business there is in connection with the 'serious illness of his brother, the popuier lake Captain,Robt. Ithynas. A deservedly approved and ac- cuiuplishedyoung rules left town last work in the parson of Mr. Fred Maedel. Ile will hereafter ply his photographic art in Detroit, the qualificatiun for which he received to a perfect degree in the studio and at the hands of Mr. H. Foster. RARA AVIS..—The new collet- - tor of customs here has discovered one man who is not satisfied. If we over had any doubt of the propriety end general accept- ability of the appointment this ex• ception dispels it, for you know it, is"the exception proves the rules". Mn. ANTHONY ALLEN, 'ex-Reevce of,Colborne, was in town Saturday a ternoon, He is as big physicalllr . a d as large hearted as ever. 1{e et many old friends and appeared) • o be as well known and as highly thought of as though he were in rho,. immediate vicinity of Dunl 'p,.•„ Din. WILL G AULEY, who -for setter years past has resided in Denver, Col., cane home last week afflicted with a severe cold which has settled on his lungs. It has distressed him for over a year. Wo trust that our health giving Canadian climate will soon prove equal to restoration. MESDAMES J, W. Irwin, and Thos. Fair, and Rich. Irwin were in To - •onto last .week attending the 'six- teenth annual meeting of the Wo• mou's Foreign M issionary Society of the Presbyterian Church,which was held in Westmiueter church, Bloor ' St. About 300 delegates attended from ` --waste ThTarlo. The tress. urer's statement showed a total in- come of $$9;141,14, ' THERE is an excellent portrait or the late Hon. Alex McKeniie ire Saturday's, Globe. There is the same' ',unentbtional cast ,of countenance - that characterized the deceased statesman ; and tho rsiind'e eye wan- istiera_back anterior to when the per -- trait was originally taken and tries to make out a resemblance between' our townsman Rev. Alex Stewart and the Hon! Alex McKenzie of former days. C. 0. F.—The officers elect of Court Maple Leaf, No. 16, C. 0. F., for the ensuing term are as follows:. —Bro. Phos. 4o 'ane, C. R ; R. Osler, V. C. R., H\Stanbury) R. S.; W. Jones, F. S ; W. Young. W. H. Cooke, S. W.: N, Fair, J. W.: J, Ferguson, S. B.; C. 1Vilsov, J. B. Installed by Bro. Oliver Johnston P. C. R , and John Smith, P. C.•R.; H. M. Bro. Smith was again elected delegate, being the seventh time, to the High Court . which will be held in Stratford the second week in June. -' .A FIRE on Monday morning bout three o'clock destroyed the mall frame buildnge occupied by Doc" Blaokall V. S. and Mr. vans, barber. What a great• laze a little fire 'kindleth; From distance 111e appearance of the 1 rid flamea,•as they shot up athwart thesky, gave the .appearance of an extensive conflagration. The old Royal hotel building adjoining, occ- upied 'by Mr. Thosl Sheppard received quite a'scorching involving considerable damage. There is strong suspicion that the Tire was of incendiary 'origin.. But for the strenuous efforts of the fire brigade and that the wind }vas blowing from the east, away from contigu- ous" inflammable building's the• fire might have been very disastrous.