The Huron News-Record, 1892-05-04, Page 8SHILOH'S CONSU P i JON CURE. • This CxBK i' COUGIi CURE, this sureettssful CONSUMPTION CUR;, iswitltuttt a parallel iu the history 01 nredicino. Ail drugpeste are author ■r neteetereetersaereetesearateeeentea I11r1, G ortpN 31 eentaele V 8.,'04.to ,, ezeuelltats(1 front the utllee ux•"Dtaa„ 131aaltai,, CIfuton, is doing very well at klarrietuu, where he ie .haat- eel, and bide fair to wurk up a tw• urytM'rstive motive. Mtt, T, JacEts.ofi, Jtt., of ti.e fifer >1. Jackson Bros„ !own, has return - el trent Chicago ethers he wee on a Iyiteg visit. While hi the World's tied to sell it on a positive guarau tee, [ eon. city he met several.' former re test that no'utber otrre can success• Ciilltoniane, the \Viremtlus, Joseph fully rstaud. It you have a Cough, Walker and others, all of whore • Sut't:Throat, Or Broucbitia, use it,for Appear to be doing well. it will cure yon. If your child has the Crogp, or \Vlrooping Cough, use ,AMPUTATION Br MAGtIINERY.--- it promptly, and relief is sure. If you One day Inst weep a young Ran tread that insidious dieenee CON, SU:l1P'1'ION, don't fail to use it, it named 1 ertyReynolds,anto y, Thad the first will curt! you or cost nothing. Ask your Druggist fur SHILOII'S CURE, •Joints of the two first fingers ou !'rice 10 Is., 50 ct:,. and #1.00. If each hand taken dr by a jointer your Limos zero stn' or Back lame, neaohiile which he was operating. use Shiloh',; Porous Baster. ' 25 ets. \Ve are glad that the injury is not so bad as at first reported, serioue To Advertisers. though it ;s. et ll chanyes of Adt'ertis;n>enls, to insure insertion in the current issue, must he received at the office not later than' Monday noon. Copy for changes received later than Monday noon will hei sifter be at the Adeer. liar's own risk. WHITELY (fa TODD, Publishers. tom=mantra zsawzmast,r awmsn.uncibtas, [h e Huron News -Record 'jl.ua a Year—?1.C5.1n Advance Wetletrs•Jay, Relay 1892. ..LOCAL NEWS.' In and !Around the Hub, g0 galk. L�oAr. NO'rlclts.—All notices in these cohtnwns of meetings or entertainments, previous to holding of the same,at which an adn)ission fee is hnrged,orfrom which a pecuniary benefit ie to be derived, will be charged at the rate or ten cents per line. THE •,[UST LARGELY CIIIOULATLI) PAPER IN Tata SECTION. On, WHAT n Coucn !—'rill you heed the warning. The signal per- haps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourself if you can afford for the sake or saving 50e., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cons). It never fails. CAwTr,Lov Bios. have received t► car toad of. sugar which will be sold at the very lowest price 'for cash or arm produce. •Lost.—A pair of ordinary nickel rimmed spectacles. Finder will con• ter a favor by leaving them at this office. Cuartxo.—Sara Lord Bailey, tre world. rellowo'tl a l(wuuoujat,w.1t gtv✓ Nil cuter- taiuir1fat in Town Hall on t.J.ey l2th, under the auspices of the C.iui on hie- Lbaniea lusticute. Davit miss it. 8E0 progr arrinies, TORONTO WA/IOC,—At elseoctatiou dull hat evening, :wars. S.tra L•.ri ka;lev, one of the first t.tdy leaders of the United .Staten, at:ye:tied for the firer, time and more than sustained the great reputation that has prncetietl her. Her readings were good, particatarly h;sr rendering of "Taut Chariot trains," which hat prohably meet: beam cii.;altod is Toronto. 'phis brdtiant made,' It; Already brei sting quite p!pul,er with the Ceuaatutn T,ac)Nro Sal:unUAr Nu:ur.—blr., Ii,ttey hies made li:raelf a favorite bare . tatt.svan .gul.tit'to..o rintou.a os *is gccasion, by her n,•uitat oun of the 'U lar lot "fit,.+CIT' 1 it }lin liar, ''Tice liap.rieuee . f a G .arta" and " Lie for a Life." She Iats tw flue presence and great tnagnetiu jto.ier, bunt of which contribute largely to her extraordinary success. 3.OrtO..re 1;Mrtitts.--Mrs, B. i1-y'srepu- tati..n as an elocutionist ir/ rapidly ex- t.eueli'tg, and hot pert.,rinc:nee hist night was calculated to add eonsti 1 r.;trly to it. Her recital of the "Chariot R.,ee" from flu tiur, could not be surpassed. Ma. A. M. Told is still confined to the house, but at time of writing gives evidence of improvement. 'Jr.. 8..T..Alenet.w8 has bran put• ting up a windmill fur Mr. John Itwsfurd • L.tww'Yj:a Dixon, .of Exeter, was in town Monday Intl 1ve were glad to see his cheery face and hear his hearty salutation. MR. GEORGE Moonr, of ('•hicngo, gave, the NEWS • ItrcoRD a cell .\Jon• day afternoon whon returning from tauderieit uta his way house, Arrr,r KING (1.xlELox lass been through a consi.leranle purtion of the Province grafting and taking sock of..apple prospects. A PAIR of fine enrriage horses were shipped from Clinton station the other day, by Mr. T. C. Doher- ty, to the Bell Organ and Piano Co., Guelph. ills. 1'. C. D)rrrITY has sold and delivered to Mr. Lack Kennedy, of the Central Hotel, a Bell piano. Some of the best musicians in town have tested it and declare it to be a magnificent instrument. • F. T. ICoELLE, formerly of the Nelsons Bank here, for some time wet with the Hongkong and Shang- hai Bauking Co., Lombard St., London, Eug., will shortly leave for China, Ms. J. J, WRIGHT, of the Point Farm summer resort, near Goderich, muffle town Saturday. Mr. Wright bas one of the.; prettiest places on the contiuent, whore persons who want to spend a few weeks away front the "madding crowd" of cities Can wile away, the time in nu interesting and health recuperating manner. J. J. isnot only a prince of hosts, but he is a host in himself, taking the word as u noun of multi tude. lie is a ebarmiug converse. tionalist, whether as an anecdotal raconteur, as a metaphysician or as u philosopher. And withal a gen- oron's provider of the things that delight those whose good digestion waits upon a healthy appellee. DIED IN Itflentoeee.—There died in Adamgrove settlement, Earnoch ()entity, Michigan, last week, James llinnroe, who mus for many yearn was a residontof the foenship of Ktulass Bruce county, near Lucke now villuge. Deceased was a native of Sutherland,ltire, Scotland, and was 82 years and 4 months of age at tho lime of Itis death. Ila Cau>a to Canada 61 years ago and for some tirne settled in Toronto, where he was tuartied, and afterward); removed to Goderich township, where he re- sided for 35 years. IIo then stone to Kinloss and after a residence of 12 yetis, removed to bis lato hone iu 'Michigan. Ho leaves a faetily of nine children, all of whom are married, and a large number of grandchildren. Deceased will b> well - remembered es tho proprietor of the old time "smiddy" at Holmes -- villa. Do Yob KNowN YOUR LETTrits? Any roan "who could read would probably resent such an imputation Q(. ,,' u ale e.rts this uestiorl cou- vo'y"e• •*L4".T '"S'r3t�ry"`,,i:R' v your let - tete'?" is asked lite 'little tot when he or she first sots foot in school. But grown up moo and women may be pardoned fur. believing they aro spanking the truth when they 'answer "yes" to the question. Thechancesa:'e,howevor, that they don't know tircir lettere. Why has "A" its present chaps 4 Stumped the first time ! A takes ite'shape from a picturo of an eagle. B was once the picture of an Egyptian bird. I) represented a mat's hand, b' was the horned viper. The two upper strokes are the, remains of the horns and the perpendicular line the uprigh t Ludy of the viper. H was once the soinbt.r•nce -of a -sieve. Wo got oar letters from the Phcrniciau alphabet, which in turn came from the hieroglyphic picture writing of Egypt. So t.9.4!it ireao..:en t,.of,' kilo wvdedge nett tirne yo.0•aeetets -6ti'� a -simple -question. 1 AN OLD IICIONITE DEAD, --Tho Tho Vancouver (18 U } Telegram, of the 18th says :—"Wm. Martin oun of the pioneer residents of Vancou- ver, wvhore lie will be remembered as a papular hotel -keeper,- died on hie farm in Laugloy on Saturtiay- ile was burn in Colborne, ,county of 11urou, On1., 1834. He learned the trace of hinnies maker, but shortly afterwards went into Crain purcha, ing and cotntnienion business in Goderich. In 1875 he went to Manitoba, walking from Fargo to Winnipeg. Ile settled at .Eurcrson, bought the lomiuiou hotel, and iu partnership with It, Balfour [mitt the Emerson ruilway bridge. Like every other progressive spirt tin thou day's ho was a real estate specula- tor and was reported to be very lick. But the buont collapsed, and Mr, Marti it returned to ountractinl;, and with Air. Banally worked in the mountains of British Columhia. Iu 1883 he arrived at Vancouver, and built the I3urrard hotel tied stocked it just before the great fire. IIe he gnu all over again after that and built another hotel in acotlter part of the city—the present Balmoral—and about two yoat'a ago bought a farts at Langley, His family consists of four sone autl three daughters ono of whore is Mrs. R. Balfour and an other Mrs. J. T. Abrry, of Vancouver." Deceased rnterried a daughter of the late Iiiehd Simmons, Sr„ of Goderich, and wvas brother of the late Elijah Martin of that place and of Amos, now of Michigan; Henry, of Salt - ford ; Isaac, recently of Lucknowv ; John, of Wingham, and of two sisters who married the brothers Papst. UJLLS. THE PRICE 1 You are invited to come and get the benefit of the great fall 111 price. Reduction in Wall Paper is the order of the day. \Ve have been through our stock of WALL PAPER and made. such sweep- ing reductions that it will bring the paper to proportionally low figures. We have a first class paper trimmer and trim all paper free of cost Before moving into Mr. Whiteheacl's new block we wish to make a clean 'sweep of The above remarks apply to WINDOW SHADES. \iVe have reduced them to unheard of prices, Curtain Poles, 'Complete, 25c. binsREX ros, Book Store and News Depot, Clinton. r---•--.�.ra.r�wm�rarem�n'emwc'w"°cn'!°mr� .A bright writer, evidently a woman, in \Vowaukind, stye: "If Coluuthus had nut married a wife with a dowry of geogreplical love, and found a (peace with plenty of jewelry, the world alight still have beonynothi�ug but a pancake," ACCORDING to the Detroit Tribune, the Patruna of Irtdusll'y iu Michigau have decreased in a year's time from 70,000 to less than 15,000, The reason aso-.igued for the great falling off is that desiguiug men sought to use the order fur their own ends, thus produced dissatisfuetiuu and disaster. Was IT AN EARTI-;QUArt.?—Cali• fornia has been havingearthquekes httely, ttn't buildings have been shattered and their coutel>ts'sOattrt• ed. On Monday afternoon situul- taneons with the six o'clock boll Harland's hardware store, here, presented sn appearance o1• having been Interviewed by an cartl.quako wave. Largo quan• tities of goods, along with the cornice on which they wore Placed, came tumbling tothe fluor demolishing in their course several show cases. The dust llew about, the building quavered and it seemed for the moment as if the ruck of doors had colpo. The employeee were agltastand the sine of a lifetime rushed across their minds with the velocity of lightuifig. L'ut when the debris settled sotnowhat and a calm view of the situation was taken they con eluded that the commotion had notut'isen framnnysupernatural cause °or unusal disturbance in the bowels of the oartli. It time- merely ills result of the ordinary laws of gravi- tation, or as some assert, of the die plrc4Prcut of large volumes of •stir :, eseeZIA -a=ezetee; !tee -tones of the town bell,praduced:by an extra vigor- ous pu l l et the boll a ops by M r. Welsh, as tomo people hail asserted that they did not hoar the ringing of the early 'morning hell. The delu- ge to Messrs Hariand will pro- bably foot up to $100. A PRosrr•.CT1t-1t L'l:u>r iN TEAns --A wedding was announced to take place last night on huller street, which did not cotne off. The pros. poctive bride was Miss :Mary Mc- Gregor, and the young man who had pledged his honor to join the ranks of the henodicts after Easter was Thome the old adage that there is many a slip 'twixt the cup and lip—proved, un• fortunately, too true iu this inst- ance. The wedding Was, of course, to bo private-, bat the autrounceen>aut of the nuptials leaked out, and the young I.rdy's friondslooked forwatd to today when they could oxteud their congiatulalioua. The faith- less lover was 0n 0 visit to his home iu Goderich over Sunday and re turned to the Thompson house' where the boat ded, Muudey night. Yesterday ho was to engage the par- son and present himself at the, bride's another's at eight o'clock All tho other arrangements wore, complete, to far as the bride tend perfect them, but at the appointed hoer Tom failed to put in an ap- pearance. Minutes grew into hours, when Miss McGregor's worst fears appeared to be realized. Her lover had proven false, and instead of carrying out his engagement, had Wren the 10.30 G. T. R. train in tho morning for the wrest. The faithless lover was n tnilor in John White & Co's stare for about two peeve, Miss McGregor being erne played as a tailoress in the sam- establishment— rVoodefo(J; ,S 1?, Miss MunnAY has been very ill the past few days. Sr. PAUL'S C11000il.—The ];.rater Offering in this Church amounted to $119. Mn., HARRY HARTT,, of Belittle, assisted by lucid talent, intends pro• duciug the celebrated play "Hazel Kir k". our town, at nn early (fate, for the benefit of a needy member of No. 4 Company, 33rd Batt. Mr fitwrtt has met with very flatteriug success in \Viugharn, Listowell and \\ralleertou Ste the tanto undertak- ing. ()L's OLIG.trio11Y.—After waiting nearly four mouths the LocalGoverr.- stent has at last sltwmoued up courage to notify the Sheriff of Bruce 'County, 1141 on account of Mr. Hieury's political record not beim in sympathy with theirs, they tweet, to accept .his nomination as gaoler. ONE of n tom of horses attached t0 a farmer's mignon came very nearly getting ono leg on both sides 'of rho pole, ou Saturday, in front of Cooper's book atone, As it was he u>arlo out to get one hind leg ou each Fide of the pole. And he didn't seen) at all pleased with h'is new puliey. Not more .0 than Cartwright is pleased with any of his new fade'. But the 1loree had sense enough to recognize the int - policy of Itis awkward predicament, and kicked like a'!'E•xan nate until he got extricated,- Not so, however, with Cartwright. IIe has not enough `beeree sense'-'- to- --extricwte-_-htm• self and his party from the predica- ment be has got himself and it into, else he would adopt a Canadian policy. SOME I.'sesFoR SaLT.—FVW peo- p1e realize the value of Salt, It CRD bo used in many waye about the house and is indispen,'able as n medicine. A little salt rubbed on cups will attire of tea stains. If put in whitewash it will stake it stick better. 1.."eed ns e tooth powder it will keep the teeth white and the ghats hard and rosy. Salt and water is ono of the hest gargles for 'Bore throat and ih a preventative of diphtheria if taken in time. Salt and water will clean willow furni- ture, if applied with a brush and then rubbed dry. If held in the mouth aNor having a tooth extracted, it will stop the bleeding. Calico and all prints will hold their color and look brighter if rinsed in stilt water, Silk handkerchiefs nod ribbons should be washed in salt wnter-and ironed while wet, to obtain the best results. 3f A ItlY1117,12S. DeeEET--Awtrante:40--.0n the 20th inlet in Christ Church, Listowel, by 1tty. J. Parke, Mr. Robert Docket of the Tp. of (,rey to Mie. Christina EI zabeth Armsu•ong ..f Tp. of Elam, formerly of tho Tp. of tVltwanoeh, daughter of the late John P. Areestrong. --A IO year odd boy named Strile- er of Chatham, wrestling ',via) an elder brother on Saturday night sustained rupture, which }ta:a super, induced peritonitis from the effects of which` the lad will die. —In a• settlement adjacent to the Moosejn w District., N. W. T., a woman and her grownup daughter undertook to kill a calf. They placed the animal on a saw horse and while the woman held it the daughter eat. off the young bovine's head with a buck saw. "Kellie • • Is there a buyer who has missed this great bargain? Y " have sold a tremendous quantity of them and there is, only a small lot left. PRICE, - _ .25 CENTE Regular price 75 cents. New, Fresh Goods. Linen Handkepehjef8 ON SATURDAY NEXT we will offer 200 Fine Linen Handkerchiefs bought at auction and worth. 25c. and 35c. As Iong as they last you can take your quantity AT 15 CENTS—and they are the biggest snap ever offered in Clinton, Fill up while they last. Children's Clothing. Our Stock is now full and complete,. and by long odds the largest and cheapest assorttnent in the county. ON SAT UR '.A r we will offer a limited quantity of BOY'S SUITS AT$1.00 Anybody who misses this bargain will regret it.. Siothiers and Furnishers, WHOLESALE P1 Were clearing out the balance of their spring stock of LACE CUR- TAINS at a big reduc- tion off regular prices. his gave us the chance to secure some reat bargains. tl We took advantage:. of the opportunity, and pur- chased a large quantity. and now offer you some of the biggest bargains in Lace Curtains ever given in Clinton SEEING IS BELIEVING. If ' you want Curtains come and see thea. If you think you don't want them, see them anyway. We think perhaps you will change your mind FIVE PER CENT OFF FOR CASH. 0 Estate J. Hoftes, DRY GOODS PALM, CLINTON ONT.