HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-05-04, Page 5, r, ,..,rt ,,..,. ,.•r te �.�, .,:' 4, '.fl /loll uron News,'+ec,ff' y„.,„42,10 ,1. �jtityNjlQiie "1rethieadny :110•X 404 1894 RA47'08144 NOM, 'he. eleCtlealu Toronto, last Fri - !dry, to 411 the vai<apcy ill the Out Ft:4 Aakern¢ly caused 1.ty. the death of the late member ll.. E. Clarls', resulted i.i fev.or of Mr. 131a8low, 'R.efernr, by about 800 majority. Tide was totally une;tpeoted us the Ouuatituoncy ie decidedly Couner- vative, A. tweak candidate and apathy. it not indilferenoe or a' split eiitio.up, the Conservatives gave the segue their opponent. An unusual. 1 r small vote was polled,ouly 0,717, 9,u��t of a joesihle 22,000. It is 1t often that the Globe and the Empire agree On the causes. of the defeat or succeed of a candidate. But in this ease the Globe Bays: 'That the victory was largely duo to a re- volt within the Conservative party is Certain. Many Cutlsarvatives re- frained from voting.' While the ..i✓nzj,ir•esays: "It is needless here to discuss the causes which led to the extreme odroto ano8s of 'Toronto Conservatives on this oceaaiou, but the fact is there, and it fs one which will make their Conservative broth• ren throughout the proviuce thur- oughly ashamed of them, ror ono they have the connulation of feeling that the contempt with which they will be looked upon is undeserved. The populati >u of the British Empire is 346,738,923. That of Russia 94,385,343; of the United States 64,000,000;Germauy 45,852,• 450; of France 39,883,90.5. That is the British Empire contains a populatiou fifty per cent. larger than four •of the largest and most ag g"essive nations in the world. `What a'graud thought is is to dwelt •upon the magnitude of our inheri- tance and the immense possibilities th tt await us. Breathes there a man with soul so dead as not to be inspired with patriotio pride as Ire listens to the surging wave of British sentiment as it courses around • the world in its never, ending ebb and flow. And when this shall have been har- nessed to the Imperial Federation ship what a jolly time of pleasaut sajling thert> will be for those who own Brittania's ruse. Shakespeare hay written tha "nature bath formed strange fellows in hor time, some 'who will ever- more weep through their oyes and iaagh like parrots at a bagpiper, and others of such a .vinegar aspect that they would not smile though Nestor swear the jest were laugh. able." Sutherland, DI. 1'. of Ux ford, Ont., and Watson, M. P. of Marquette, Man., aro among the former class. They weep through their oyes at their own absurd state• menta that the farmers of Canada paid last year, $400,000 duty onbiu der twine ; while they laugh in their sleeves as they lurk at their extracts from the Trade and Navigation Re - ,,,17 — Lure; • vvhich••'eNOTY t1; t tlie tote 1' amount derived from duties on binder twins" in the sante year, amounted to only $6,192.70. And Cartwright maintains his vinegar aspect though he knows that the ixinder t+ vine jest of his fellow Grits is most. consumedly laughable. Two clauses of Col. Atnyot'a bill regarding campulsory voting have been agreed to. One clause mykee it compulsory for every man to vote, unless ho has a reasonable excuse, under °a penalty of $10 ; the 'other provides that the proof of reason abbe excuse shall reit with the Jelin• quent voter. VPe have always con- tended that a properly defined com- pulsory voting law would be the proper thing, and we hope Tar, liainent will pass one. It would do away with -much of the expense and perjury attending the elections Candidates have now, it is under; stood, to bear the coat of teams en- gaged in carrying voters to the polls on election day. Though the law prohibits pay for such services it is generally conceded that the law is ovadedby some circumlocutory plan, stanch akin to perjury if closely in • vestigated in law courts, and these services are really paid for in some roundabout way. Then the oppor- tunity for positive bribery would be lessened. . For it is well known that there are persons who will hold back from voting until .near the close 'of the polls when either •their own party friends or those of the op- position will offer them some in- ducement to vote. If these men were compelled to vote or suffer a fine, they would be left severely -alone. (frit 01;04410' thtnhe thatw. vhep SFr. Dayttx ,undert441t to Beall• .the Binding )vino 00.1.0*** tta evidently foppot tl►a.t that inIitito. tion ie 44 a hit nt.Qre, opprosaive thau the cettou combine,. the sugar combine, the whiskey combine, the agriouitut'al inrplemen.t combine a.t;fl the other aoiubinee which hove been called into existence and nurtured by the tariff' polioy of the govoru meet which Mr. Davin supports, Certainly the binding twine combine ie not bit more oppressive than any other oombine• Because there is neither binder twine oombiue, cot- ton combine, anger eombiuo, whis- key combine or agricultural cum• bine—thus reference is made to the invidious applia,tion of oom• bines as prejudicial to the public intereala. Linder twine is oheeper under proteution thew it would bee without it, because without pruteu• tion ten would have to import our twiue and pay the exorbitant pricey demanded by 0 veritable combine across tris border. Awl it is a wet- ter of undisputed history that.cut- t,n, sugar and agricultural itnple- menta are cheaper than they were before the National Policy was in- troduced or than they would be without protection. The Britiah House of Common,' re. guided itsseseious Monday, In rattly to a question asked ho Jas. Bryce Mr Lowther, Parliamentary Secretary of the Foreign Office, stated that a complete accord had been arrived at wilt the United States in regard to ,the Behring Sea modus vivendi. Mr. Lowther added that the Govern• meut was takiug steps to consult Canada regarding the persons by whom Canada wiahod to be,•.tepre- seuted in the arbitration. I -lore is a nut for the annexationiete to crack. Canada is to be consulted as to whom we wish to represent our interests in the Behring Sea arbitration. Canada with only its five and a half millions of people ! while New York State with its six millions has no voice in the. matter. Tho United States .government is the most despotically Centrallzad one in the whole world. And in point of local government its away behind Canada. mamma MA RKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) CLINTON. Fall Wheat,. 0 80 to 0 85 Spring Wheat.... 0 80 to 9 85 Barley C 40 to 0 50 state.. ) 29 to 0 30 Peas . 0 137 to 0 60 Apples,(winter)per bag 0 40 to 0 50 Potatoes .. 0 25 to 0 30 Butter .. 0 16 to 0 16 Eggs 0 10 to 0 11 Hay 11 00 to12 00 Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00 Beef .. 0 00 to 0 00 Wool 0 18 to 0 111 Dressed Hogs 5 00 to 5 25 AUTION. EIU1I PLUG OF Til1E jTIijrtIe Nagy . IS MARKED T. IN BRONiZE LETTERS. NONE OTHER GENUINE. • MONEY TO LOAN On farm property at 51 per cent. Apply to C. A.11AIt'TT, Clinton; DESIRABLE LOTS FOR SALE. Three one•aere lots in the Town of Clinton are offered for sale. They are situated on Raglan street, not far from the Doherty Organ factory and Colleg,iate Institute, adjoining the former residence of Mr. J. H. Combo and in the neigh- borhood of first-class residences. For terms, etc., apply to 661tt ARTHUR ANOX, Clinton. NOTICE All persons holding accounts against Hon. J. C. Patterson, arising out of the late election in West Huron, are requested to hand therm forth- with to the undersigned for settlement. JOHN BUTLER. Finanelal Agent for J. 0. Patterson. Goderich, Feb. 26, 1802. GOOERICH MARBLE WORKS. J. C. Stevenson, Furniture Deafer, Clinton, is our agent for Clinton and vicinity. W. M. Mohring, of Ben-niller, is our Travelling agent. Orders entrusted to either of the above will have our hest attention. Monuments supplied in Car,/ k0TAN, SCOTCH, SWEDE, NORWAY and AMERiOAN granites. as well as in all varieties of marble. Give Mr, Steyenaon a call before ordering elsewhere. JO IN A. F.ORETT SON. Manager. BEE8L,ENe t• Dais'week .we, terve added nnfither `lot Of New Y'ol'k HATS and BONNETS, in new styles. • Handsomer Selections find Choicer Novelties than ever 'before, This department needs 110 further comment, from us only to ask you to do us the favor to come early in the week, and Els early in the day as possible. Everybody is in a hurry wi•en Saturday collies. We refer, of ehurse, Ott�o the trimming of HATS and BONNETS to order. STRAW DEPARTMENT—HATS AND BON - NESS DON. OVER IN TIM LEAD- ING STYLES. S. fr�ltill Flannelettes, Lace Cur - m � ? GJI¼i t.)i115, 1)il; assi5rtmt�llt, rine patterns and we mark them low to sell them quick. Accordiogeto agreement with other stores thin one will «lose at 7. p. m during the spring and summer months. BEESLEY & COMPANY BEAVER. BLOCK CLINTON. OUR PRIDES OUT . A BIG FIGURE UaRE Come 'end find out the purchasing'power of a $1 with us. We have put the knife into all prices and cut thein clean'in half; for Instance in BOYS CD)•l'IIING we will sell you suits that were $3 for $1.50; that were $2 for $1 and so on. We are bound to do the clothing trade of this burg if low prices will do it. OUR DRESS GOODS Are moving out rapidly, goods well bought are half sold and that is why are always busy at our DRESS GOODS counter, we have the goods you want and prices to match. we 3A S P S erg nets Being freely bought os old Sol is ught eta tt;� in thm �s warrner, and as we have bought largely this spring we have marked them alt at a slight advance on wholesale cost in order to sell them clean out. We have them from 25o up. =800T5 AND SNOES-= We will pass into stock this week a grand Int of LADIES OXFORD TiES' all to go for $1 be sure you see these shoes. Remember we always „4.„ • have what we advertise. 811IRT[NGS, TI('KING:3, SHEETINGS, COl'TONS, FLANNELE•I°rS, '1'OWELINGS and CI 1T'I'ONADES, a choice stock to elect from Just a Word About Carpets We do not deal very heavily in CARPETS hut always keep a fair range in WO L, BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY and HEMPS, but what we claim is that our price for CARPETS is 21) per cent lower than r 'any other house in the trade. Flurnsteei & Gibbings, MONTREAL IIOUSE, CLINTON. t: ceeries ! - Grocerias Fruits, Peels, Canned Goods, Teas, rbc. Our store is well-filled with fresh, clean, new Goods, and^ we can supply the wants of every household at very close figures. Do not buy until you inspect our stock, CANTELON BROS., Wholesale &, Retail Grocers, Clinton, tersli'?s _ Carriage Fatoi-';- BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—all of the best work manahip and material. altrAll the latest styles and most modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times. )gam^ FACTORY—corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657—y HOUSE PAINTING All persona wishing to have their houses Tapered and decorated inside or painted outside, ,n first-class style and et moderate prices, will find it to their advantage to mill on C. WiLBON, fainter and Paper Hanger Shop on Rattenbnry Street 697-3111 House For Rent or Sale, Slx-rdomed hoose on Orange street, Clinton. Comfortable sed in good repair. Hard and soft water. Garden in connection. Will be sold or rented on reasonable terms. Apply to 70011 JAMES COOK, Clinton. Hlacksmitb Wanted. A journeyman blacksmith to run shop in the Village of Saltford. Must be a good horse—shoer as well as a good general blacksmith. Address J. T. GOLDTHORPE, Saltford P.O. March 30, 1892. 699— 4t LOST OR ABSTRACTED. 'Lost, mislaid, or abstracted from my residence on lot 33• con. 7, Godcrich township, two prom- issory notes—one made by William Curry for $250.00 in my favor, and which fell due some time in the year 1800; Inc: one for $75.00 made by Thomas Ramsay In my favor. The pubnc are cautioned to not purchase either of the above notes, as I have received payment of name. ROBERT RUSSELL. March 30, 1892. 609-4t NOTICE. There being some misunderstanding with re. gall to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood that if'any person takes possession of any kind of wrecttage and fails to report to me 1 shall at once take proceedings. Remember this is the last warning I shall give. CAPT. WM. BABB. Receiver of Wrecks, ()nrderich. doderich, Sept. 7th 1891. Send lour TeicErams BY THE C. P. R. TELEGRAPH 0YFf CE AT Cooper's Book Store, Clinton. New Blacksmith Shop GEORGE TROWHILL has opened out a gen- sial Blacksmith and Repair Shop in the building lately occupied by Mr. Cawley, opposite Falr'e lumber yard, Albert street, Clinton, Ont. Blacksmith and Iron Work in all its brn.nchee. Hot' e.Shoeing promptly attended to and Batts. faction guaranteed. The public are invited to call before ordering any class of work In the shove lines. 407—tf GEORGE TROWHILL. M. 0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, Etc., antes :—Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew's Sta. CODE RICH, - - �DB►tl-i Money to loan at lowest rat . x ...: :° tit , v y,8 MOM —FOB— The Finest Job Priming WHEN YOU WANT A READY-IABE SUIT OR AN ORERED SUIT Or anything in MEN'S FURNISHINGS, come and. see what we can do for you. We carry a very line range. Just now we aro offering ----A LINE OF ODD PANTS !---- At ;a great deal less than their valise and itjis worth. your while to come and see. 0 T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -ST.} OLIUTON. 0 NEW VALENCIA, SULTANA, LONDON LAYERS AND BLK. BASKET RAISINS. NEW SEASON'S CURRANTS, CANDIED PEELS—LEMON, ORANGE AND 'CITRON ; ESSENCES, EXTRACTS, SPICES, ORANGES, FIGS, DATES. 2A0- CANDIES CHEAP. 11\T i1 - I have excellent value in highest grades of BLACK TEAS, FORMOSA. OOLONGS, MONING CONGOUS, TACKLING, half chest and caddies. TRY4IR P 11 L INDIA AND CEYLON TEASz B'LEVD OF ufi ilr'a,s3 � }*M iii' packages at 50 cents per lb: Befit' value in PACKAGE TEAS ii% the market. 0 Extra Value in Crockery, China. and Glassware. CHINA TEA AND TOILET SETS, CHEAP. We offer Special Inducements during the Holiday Trade to Cash Purchasers. 9 1 u kt i{ %rtI111 CROCKERY & GLASSWARE —0_— We have just received a package of a new pattern of G1as; ware, consisting of- Glass Setts, Pitchers, Tankards Jugs, t,oblets, Fruit Bowls, Casters, Shaker Salts and Peppers, Orange Bowls, etc., etc. Wo have also a Line of Bedroom Setts coming in. Extra value. We import our Crockery direct from England, which enables us to sell at low prices. Sole Airents for Killwatta Tea. 0 S N r alto,. ® Cff1 CREAT RAILROAD STRIKE IS NOW OVER, BUT ---- SUGAR IS ADVANCING. HAVING PURCHASED 'l'WO CARS at the lowest prices this year direct from REDPATHS AND ST. LAWRENCE REFINERIESS, Montreal, I am giving my old customers and as many new as will come, SUGAR AT WHOLESALE PRICES.. side -Special Cuts in Barrel Lots to the Trade and Jotbers.'p 0 J. W. IRWIN, - Noted Grocer, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, CLINTON.