HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-05-04, Page 3ti BUSINESS DIRECTORY TRH Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855 $2,000,000 $1.100,000 Head Olgoe, - MONTREAL' J. U. 11. MOLSON, President. M, WOLFEIt:3TAN THUMAS, General Manager Notes discounted, Collections trade, Drafts issued, Sterling and American ex• change bought and sold at low- est current rates. I$Taaa9T AT 4 PER CENT. ALLOWED ON DEPOSIT CAPITAL, REST, VARMM :Et 8 - Money advanced to (muumuu their own notes with one or mere endorsors. No nmrtgultc re 41P 1ulred ire security. If. C. Blit:N1'IiR, Manager, ULINTON F.bruary,1854 G. McTaggart AN(ER, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. AGL'SEIM!,BANKING BUSINESS TIM VS-4CTED. ,VO!AY Datf/Y I,Yxlletl. luterasl Allowed wt Dclyoait,;. C1nton, June 8th, 1591 655y pelit'tItl'�. T, C. Bruce,L.D.S.�. Burson Dentist. Graduate. Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Under Graduate University, of Toronto. tl'ice--Keefer'S old stand, Comte' Block, Clinton. N.B.—Will visit Blyth, professionally, every Mond ty at Mason's Ilotel. - 575—y G. H. COOK, :satiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Ora lento ;,of the rur.,ato School of Dentistry. Nitrous Oxide G.t•> administered for the painless xtraetion teeth. O.Hce—Snnith's Block, upstairs, opposite the Post Office, Clinton. grT Night Bell answered. 492y ° eftielri. Dat'. GJJNN cV GIBSON. FFICE Ontario St. a few doors east of Albert USt. W. GUNN• R. J. GIBSON. DR. TURN8ULL. .1. T.'rnrnhull, M. B, Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; C. NI., \'cataria Univ. 1f, C. 1'. .e S. Ont, Fellow of the obstaraeal society of Edinburgh. Lute ,f L)0,13i1, I;ng„ u51d 4liubur;h hospitals. 0fl'rl;—Ur. 0,(Vsley's stmt.!, Rnttenhnry St. Ni;at tails an+.vere:l at Grand Union hotel. E:e,trtn night, bell at front entrance, d.. 6l\r. SHAD;l, M. D• C. M. .1. W. Shaw, M. D. C. al., Physician, Surgeon, kaeime41;r, etc, (Mice in the Palace bloeu, It.tttenbory St, formerly occupied by Dr. Reeve, Clinton Ont. MANNING & SCOTT, Barrld1er8, Er,I,IOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. Money,toLoan. AViSON & JOHNSTON, Law, Chancery,and NJ Conveyancing. OIHre—\Vest Street, next goer to Post Otilue, Coderich, Ont. 57. ��jj C. TIAYS, Solicitor, d•u, OfHce, cornu of 1 b' Square and \Neat Street, over Butler's noel: Store, Goderieh, Ont. " 07. a'T Money, to lend at lowest rates of intercot. C•\MI'ION, Barrister,Attorney, Solicitor in 1+/ CI, uoiory, G:une,•yruu•or, &c. Mace over Jordan's larva `tor,, the roonng formerly occu pied by Ju.lge Doyle. Fir Any a' count of money to loan at lowest ates of intercut. 14y. urttoucel•ii11g. • H. W. BALL, A UCTIONEF:i1 for Huron County. Sales at• tool",1 to in any part of the County. Ad - areas orders to Gnnaalcll I' O. V•I7. Ca/A.S. IllAIHll.TON. At,CT10NEER, land, loan and insnrnnce agent Blyth. Sales attend, -1 in torn and enintre, sn rnasonab!e terms. A list of farina nn'l villn�c for Rale. Money to loan on real estate, at ow rate, of interest. insurance effected on all laaoea of property. Notes and debts cnlleetr.l. Goods apprn.tard, and sold on commission. Bank- rupt stocks bought and sold. Bluth. Dec. 16, 1R.a8 Photographers fos-it 9 OLIN TON. Life Size Portraits a Specialty. WO•ite!! to pod MONEY to lend in Targe . or an ell sums• o good mortgages or personal security a the lowest current rates. H. HALE, Huron et Clinton. Clinton, Feb. 26,1881 1v MONEY. A large amount of Private money to loan. I.ow et rate of interest C. A, HART':, Solicitor=&c. OMe • Perrin'. Bock, FOR SALE. rjiHE SUUSOItLSPat oilers for enle tour eligible .1 Building Lute fronting on Albert Street; has two fronting on ltattenbury street; either en Woo or ht eepLamte lows, to salt purchasers. For further particulars apply to the uuderetgntd.—k. llI .4LEY, Clinton. 882 Woosate ANIONIMONWEiniosiallIMMIMINN A. O. U. W. 'rho ('Iloton Lodge, No. 144, meets 1n Biddle• trot a 1L,ll, oppoaitu tltp market, the lot and Sed Fridays in eros month. Visitors cordially 10. vitad. it. Srvsat>Art, 51. W.; J. U$AN, Recorder, iTOOiiie, (ILINTON Lodge, No. 8.4, A. F, & A. lJ meets every Friday, on or atter the ;noon. Visiting brutbruu cordially invited. RICH IIEYWOOD, w. u. OIYENBALLARD,Sao Clinton Jan. 14 1800. 1- L. 0. L. No. 710, CY.I]NTON, Meets e000No Monday of every month. Hall, Budd fiat, Victoria ;-; block. Visiting brethren alwuye h690 made welcome. P CAN'IELON, Sec. WM. WALKER, W. M P1108. KEARNS, D.M; Jubiloo Proceptory No, 131, (Black Kni(J/eta of Ireland) Sleets 1n the Clinton Orange }Tall, the second \\'uilfiesda of every month, at 7.30 o'clock in the evening. Visiting Sir Heights will always eeeeive a hearty W0lcumc. A. M. Torn, Worshipful Preceptor UenitUN 1L,oLcv, Deputy Preceptor .Parx>t CANTI[UIN, Registrar Royal Black Proceptory 3371 Bla ckKnnirllets Of Ireland, Meets in the Orange 11;11, Bly th, the Wednc day after full moon of every month. oval Black Prcceptory 3151 Black Knights of Ireland, !leets in the Orange TTall, Godericb, the Third Monday of every mouth. Visiting Knights always made welcome, W H MURN EY, Preceptor, Ooderich P 0 JAMES RUSK, Registrar, Goderieh P 0 • S. HURON ORANGE DIRECTORY. 1892 Names of the District Masters, Primary l.od)c \buster 5, their pint oilier( ad- dtesses anti (late of melting. A. M. TODD, W.C.M., Clinton F.O. 1311)r)UE,Pl1 Dltil'11IC'L'. John Neil, \\'.D.\I., Centralia P. O. 219—itobt: Hutchinson, Greenway, Fri- day on or before full moon. (362—•Thous. 11. Cou rsey, Lo can, Saturday on or be:ore full moon. ,403—Ric:lard flo:Igius, Lticn>, \Cet• ue.wln.y on or 11:1000 fall moon. 820—William IIaggart, (;rand Bend, Wednesday on or before fu11 tnoon. 890—\\', E. McRoberts, Iloplegrove, Wednesday on or before fall moon. 924 --henry Lambruulc, Exeter, 1st Fri- day in each month. 1071—,!oho Balls, Elimviltn, Saturday on or before full moon. 1097—James Uathers, Sylvan, Alonday on or before full moon. 1210—till twit Grieve, Slo>'u,V, Thurs:'ay on or before full moon. 13.1;--(T. Lawson, Crediton, Tuesday on or before lull moon. (310—Joshua fluxtable, Centralia, Fri- day on or alter full moon. (101)1':LRIC11 DISTRICT. Andrew 3lillian, \'.1).3T., Auburn 1'. 0. 115—\\'illis Bell, hodcrich, 1st 11.onday in each Month. ErItlay on or before full (noon. 182—Charles 'rtvee(ly, Goderieh, lust Tuesday in each month. 18J—Adaur ('untclon, 1lolniesyille, Mon- day on or before full Mean. 2(12—,I:Ones Wells, Salt for,l, 3rd Wed nesday in each month. 306—\letthocv Nhepp;rr(1: Clinton, lsl ' 101> lay 1n each 100(1111. Tll'Lr,I:T1' DISTRr('T. ,f:Ines I1orn0Y, W. 1'. \\-inthrop P.O. 710—Win. Waiher, I ut011, 2(1(1 Mon- day to e:toll tmnl' i. 813 .Janie. Donley, \Vintlt'op, last Wednesday !slab full moon. 928—'fhonlnn Mel 1vecn, Summerhill, 1,1 11onnlny in each mouth. 826—John Brintuell, C'hiselhu>5t, lst Monday in each month. OT!,N1.1:1 DIS7'IiICT. Robert Nicholson, \V,l>.11., Blake P. D. 24—John Pollock., Hayfield) 1st Monday in each month, 30S—Jannis liPyo,, Varna, lst Tuesday in each month. 833—Wm. Pollock, Hayfield, 1st'Wec'- I1eR(llly In each month. 733—John Berry, 1len,n111, lst Thursday in each month. 1035—\Cillism Itathwt'll, Varna, 1st Thursday 111 each month. liNoTlt,---Any omissions or other errors will be pre aptly corrected on writing direct to the County 5ldstcr, Bro. A. 0. Todd, Clinton P.0 ILII IIEADS, NOTE 116.0, Letter Heads, Tags, Statements, Circulars, Business Cards, Envelopes, Prograntn>es, etc., ete.,printe l in a workman- like manner and at Iow rates, at THE NEWS -RECORD FOR SALE. The properly at present occupied by the undereig,Ied as a residence on the Huron Road, in the Town of Goderieh, consisting of one half of an acro of land, good frame house —story and a half—seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and carriage houses, There are also some goad fruit trees. This property is beautifully situated and very suitable for any person wishing to live retired. For further particulars apply to E. CAMPION, 542-tf Barrister, Goderieh. 1T� PROPERTY FOR SALE OR (171 RENT.—Advertleers will end "The �l Vewe•Itecord" one of the best mediums in the County of Huron. Advertise in "The News•ltecord"—Th. Double Cirenlatio. Talks 10 Thousands. Rates es low as any. TO THE FARM RVii. Study your own interest and go where you can get Reliable b° Harness) 1 manufacture none but duo BIRO OF S•oocK. Beware of shops that Mt cheap, as they hate got to live 11fl' Cull met gut prices. Orders by snail proulply attended to.: a CP I LN J i :1 if ., HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLI TAI. ON'\' 1. E. BLACKALL, Veterinary 8urgeen. honorary graduate of >1tarie \'eturiaury College, treats dlseuses of all domestic animals on the most modern arid scientific principles. 6.^J'0'alle attended to eight or day, Wive iuuedl ttely west of the old ltuyal Ilotel, Ontario struct. Ueeideuee— Albert street, Clintuu. 549-31>1 ABEL S.:WEEMES, ' Civil Engineer, - P. L. Surveyor, Draughism an, etc. O;Hue—Epitope ht Perriu's Block, Clintuu, 'Ot:t .ALLAN LINE ROviAga MAILS'1'EAMS11Ii11'>t. RF'D(DCTION IN RATES. Steamers sail regularly frorn Portland and Halifax to Liverpool via Londonderry 10'It1NU Taal WINTER MONTHS. Cabin, 540 and upward., Second Cabin, $25. Steer+;;e ut lo»• rates. No Cattle carried, STATE ALLAN tial p LI NE, ! STEAMSHIPS. NEW YORK AND GLASGOW via Londonderry, every Fortnight. Cabin. $40 and upwards, Sewed Cubic, 4.25. Steuruge at low latus. Apply to 11. & A. ALLAN, Montreal ; or to A. U P AITISON or \V51. JACKSON, Clintuu. • FOR FIRST CLASS, HAIRCUTTING AND S!iAVIP3C. Go to A. D. EVANS, FAsuloNAlsiE Hamm, 2 doors east of N>1)0s-lircoIto Of - flee. Special attention given 10 LA DI E9 AND CniumEN'a Haircutting. POMPADOUR HAIRCU'r'l'ING A SPECIALTY COPP'S ALL PAPER and I°aint Shop IS STOCKED \VITH A SELECT ASSORTMENT F ---Hugon and Canadian Wall :Papers \VfTI} il01tn2115'1'O alATCIT,Ygrom five cent rolls to the tino.tit gilt. }lasing boopht my Tapers and faints for 41011 ash, Bud illy practical ex, perk nee justify- ino iiMavnig that all wantln;' to do;orntc their houses inside or paint them out- side will tied it tu their advantage to gi\e me a 1011, R•(i Shop, south of Oliver Johnston'shlael<smith shop, and directly opposite Mr. J. Chidley's reaidenco ray, JOSEPH COPP Practical Paper Hanger and Painter The lYloKiliop Mutual Fire lasnranoe Company. Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured.W 0(01(10 0. Thos, E. Hays, President, Seaforth P. 0, ; tw. 1, Shannon. Seey,Trcas., Senferth P„0. ; John Demuth, Manager, Setiforth P. 0. DIRECTORS, .las, Rroadfont, Seafortl, ; Ronald Ilona, Clin- ton ; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton ; George Watt, Harbscl: ; Joseph E; fins, lleecliwnnd ; .1 Shan- non, Walton ; 'rhos. Cuncert, Uliutm>., A(F.NTS. 'rhos. Nnilans, i}arting<; Balt. 500>i1,1, son - forth ; S. tla•nnchan, Se:aortic John u'Snllivan and Geo. !dual ie, :.mi'tors, Part lea dcai roes to effect imnlrn nee or trans.:, t other business will he promptly attend • ed to on rppliout.ion to any tf tilt alloy° officers, addressee to their respective post 0niers. ERRORS OF YOUNG MIO OLD Organic weakness, Failing Memory, Lack of Energy, Physical Decay. positively cured by llazeiton's Cit•tliter. Oleo Nervous Debility, 14nnncnn of Sight, Lo •s of Aunbiticn, Unfitness to Marry, Stunted Deve'opmunt, Lose of Power l'ains fn the Back, Night Emissions, Drain in line, Seminal Leases, Sleeplessness, Aversion to Society, Unfit for Study, Excessive Indul- gence, etc., etc. Every bottle guaranteed. 21,000 sold yearly. Address, enclosing stamp for troatdao, J. E. HA%BETON, Graduated Pharmacist Any Yonge St , Toronto, Ont. 'tfilEatMESEZ a 'T`.•'`%g.F, ti1441rr',,i; iare.'., curer,: ea( g U cc ca New Firm in the Old Stand. The undersigned having pnrohn;ed the old established meat buetneee of lair. Arthur Conch, beg; to inform the public that ho will continue it as it has heretofore been carried on. 1."Moate of all kinds in Beason. Orders taken and delivered as usual. Highest cash price paid for sheep/tine,hides and tallow. 637 -11 JAMES A. FORD. '` )y THE GREAT REMEDY FOR PAIN, •''7 /' 0ORES RHEUMATISM Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Wounds, Soreness Stiffness, Swellings, Backache, Neu- ralgia, Sciatica, Burns. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER COMPANY, Baltimore, Md. Canadian Depot: TORONTO, ONT. The Huron News -Record $1.50 a Year—$1.25 ltd A>iyance Wednesday, May 4th, 1892. CANADIAN FOLK LORE. SOLE O1'' 'flog Ia,UEEIt LEUENDS AND 11111.1111'4 PRAT STILL FIND Cltl:l)• 1:\011 AMONG '01114 1"ltE4CIi CANADIAN 11004AN'rftY. At the liret meeting of the Full( Lore Saeiuty, heli: ill 3luntrua1 last wook, Dlr, lid>lu gtlu111 read a pap( r, entitled "L.ES LUTI5s, HOBGOBLINS," brimful of interest. "1 will not at tempt to•say auything about the hobgoblin lure of the English speaking race:," said the spanker, "firstly, because 1 suppose that it has been thoroughly studied and end (Prftten up by members of both the English end l\nlelioan f•olk•lol'n 6u6uties, and secondly, because 1 had neither • the tined nor tht materials at hand to du anytlliuq outside of the superstitions of lh,' lutins connected directly .wile the peasantry of french Canada." Continuing, he said :—"It is evi- dent that the goblin lure of Caiiiiilt; was imported from France, and that very few changes have even taken place in the primitive Iron), execpt, perhaps, in things connected with the difl'orenie in climate or g>•o• g'>lphical surroundings. The Iftench etymology of the word itself it rather obscure, while some lexicolo- gists even pretend that its origin is unknown. The L)'tiunnaire de L'Acctdeiuie Fr(utcaiae !mikes the word come from the old Norman lutins, which meatus a ghost, a white lady, or from the Walloon luton or nuton. The Must (ancient form in French is luitun. Friecl) ascribes t0 It a German origin, and makes it come from Taut, sound, noise, while Grimm gives it a Latin derivation, and and says it might possibly cen>o from from luctns,mourniug. Grand• inage takes it fluid the Saxon lytel, which has • formed tho modern English little. '!'here seems to be sumethingserious in this etymology, inasmuch aa the goblin lore is of Saxon origin, bud particularly av the Most distinguishing char, lctor- istic of the lutin is its diminutive size. Be that as it may, authors seem to be divided on the oriiu of the word, but all "agree that th,- superstition obtains,' under dif• forent forms in all the countries of Europe; of Seaudiuitviau, Saxon, Celtic and Latin traditions. In the 1'rench•speaking parishes of the Province of Quebec the lutins are considered as mischievous, fun-lov ing little spirits, which may be pro tecting or aunoyin; household gode or demons, according to the trout' moat that they receive from the iu• _mates of the louse whore they hav(, chosen to dwell. It generally takes tho form of a tlomestric pot, such as a dog, a cat, a bird, a rabbit, or even a reptile of the inoffensive species, r, again, rats and llllee that have learned to become familiar with the !numbers of the household. BLACK. 00'10 have always hada rather suspicio':s reputation es associates of eorcereeses and v:itches, but it is singular that among our peasants they are re garded as protecting goblins, and tf>101 110 one would think of parting %vitll then!, chasing thein away or ill treating thorn in any manner. Lucky is the luau obese house, or bfn•n, or stable, have been chosen as a Home by a large family of black cats- White cats (they must bo of spotless white) aro also considered as lutins, but I do not think that their protective abilities are as highly appreciated as those of their brothers of sombre hue. Th l same may bo said of rabbits, birds or dogs, which have never attained the popularity of the cats, but who occupy sometimes the popular posi- tion of household spirits, but rather in a lesser degree. I have knwn an old farmer 'in the parish where I was horn, to get in a groat excite- ment and give a good thrashing to a boy who had innocently killed a small yellow snake which he had seen crawling along the grass in front of his house. The old man said he would have preferred losing his best horse rather than see that snake killed. It had been living in his cellar for some years past, and he considered it es a good lutin bringing him luck and prosperity. I have said that lutins could be protective or. annoying, according to the treatment that they received. The moat fantastic powers ore at- tributed to the good lutins, and there is hardly any good action or any favorable intervention of which they are not capable. They will procure good weather for the crops, they will watch over favorite an> male, they will intercede for the recovery of a sick member of th household, and 1 have henry of an enterprising lutin who would, der ing the night, shave the fuse of his master and blank his boots for Sun- day moruing. 50 MUCH Pt/ ft THE GOOD LUTINS, „Ile ale treated in a proper and ,IIS ctiouale (Wanner, but woe to the sicked or unhappy man who will- ingly 00 unluckily o1f des his house- hold spirit, bo it under the frim of a black cat, white dog or yellow snake. Life for hint will 1) 0me 0 burden, and his days, and especially his nights sill become a pretext for` a long Beales of annoyance; and persecutions • Of all kiudi, 011 Tis ing in the morning llo will fin'.1 his Louts filled with peas or with pet) Wes ; his pantuloona will be sow,•d up at the knee ; he will find salt in his porridge and popper in his ten, 0nd the meat in his s-oup•kettleshell be turned lute pieces of stool'. If lie goes cutting hay or grail), lie cannot get his scythe or 1>'s pickle to cut properly ; in (0111tei' time the water will freeze in his well and his wife never can Couk a goo 1 tollrtier'e —neat pie, without burning it into a crisp. These aro only a few of the ills that . await the poor man 4t his house or in his field ; but the :table is Elie favorite place where the lutin will snake his power felt. Ile love: to take his revenge on the 'aw'olit0 horse of his offender. IIo .will nightly, during 111ont1>1 and numbs, braid or entangle the bait f the tail and mane of the animal, 'lid when the farmer comes iu the 'corning to groom his roadster he will find it in a terrible blight, all covered with thistles or hurts. Che lutins will even go farther than that when they have been „rnvcly insulted. They will find :heir way into the stable during the night, I110>1nt the horse, and ride it It tho'highest speed until the wee 1>0>10'9 of the morning, returning it :o its stall completely tired out, hrokon down and all in a lather of >wilnt. And what is the farmer to ,lo to cope with this ghostly enemy .and to prevent his cnrryi•ng out his system of persecution? Ile will ,p liukle with salt the path that hauls to the stable, and ho will place •t hag of salt against the door at the int(Irior. of the stable, so that the salt will be spilt when the lutin tries to enter. It would seem that LUTINS HAVE A HOLY (101111011 O1' SALT, And that they cannot pass where tl•at condi11>01>1 has been strewn in their way- But lutins will even evade the silt and enter 11)0 build• ing to play their ghostly tricks. Then, there is only one way of put- ting a stip to their annoyances, The poasaut will have to kill one _black and one white cat, and with ilio strips of raw hides resulting from that double murder he will 'make'ritt'lco &tree-n"ldi5ii'1'4 iiti1WiT' dows for his stable and the lutin rover was known that could crawl through an aperture so protected against h19 wiles. friendly lutin4 w:11 attach themselves to favorite children and Snide then} s'tfoly through 1110 infautiue maladies of their tender years. They will 1 °friend sweet and comely maidens, and favor thein in the subjugation of a recalcitrant nweethcart, but they must bo treated in a just, proper and affectionate manner, because I hey semi to ignore tho doctrine of forgiveness, and, come what may, they are bound to get even with those who had the bad luck to in- cur their ill will or their anger. Such is the lore of the lutins of French Canada. Ilov does it 00111 - pare with the traditions of the gob- lins of Saxon origin 4" — IIE POLICED IiIS WIFE. 1114 REMAINED AT 110.5111 AND CAUGHT (114R WITH A CHICAGO DRUMMER. Mrs. A. K. Tyson, leading soprano singer in fashionable St. Mark's episcopal church, Grand 'Rapids, Mich.,the largest of tbatdenomination in western Michigan, and Edward 11, Mortimer, of Chicago, were arrested Sunday afternoon in hislroom at the hotel and were placed in jail. Mrs. Tyson has been a favorite in St. Mark's choir and in musical circles. [ler husband is foreman of a large printing establishment and lately had doubted his wife's faithfulness. He intercepted letters that had passed between hie wife and Morti- mer and laid a trap for her by pre tending that be was going out of town over Sunday. Mortimer formerly lived there and is employed in Mandel Brothers' in Chicago. Tyson will push criminal charges against the pair and then sue for divorce. Mrs. Tyson is the etepdaughtar of Henry Brown, a wealthy farmer liv• ing near Saranac, and was married five years ago. She has a daughter a years old. 461111111rq Thank You! THIS 15 TUE UNIVERSAL TE,9TI- IfIONYof those who have .u/fered fro(it CIIR.OAZC IIRONCIIIT�H, COUQf2S, COLDS, OR ANY FOlt.l( OI'' WAST- ING DISEASES, after they have tried SCOT EMIL.,i. 'Aj Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and HYPOPHOSPHIT1 $ —04" Lime and Soda.— IT 15 ALIKOST AS PALATABLE AS IiIILIC. IT 15 A 1YONI)llfl''('L FLESH PRODUCER, It is i4Yr(I rt,r,l endorsed by PI,ysiciaa.v. Avoid all imitations or subs! itaflon.v. Sold by all Druggists at 60e. and 51.00. SCOTT & Il() WYE, lfrtlr ui((n, A SURE CORE Fon EI LI(IUSN ESS, CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION, DIZZINESS, SICK HEADACHE, AND DISEASES OF THE STOMACH, LIVER AND VOWELS. THEY ARE rAILD,THCR000H AND PROMPT IN ACTION, AND FORM A VALUABLE AID TO BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS IN TH': TREATMENT AND CURE OF CHRONIC AND OBSTINATE DISEASES. • 4114 rE3 e:6 y DESTROYS AND REMOVES WORMS OF ALL KINDS EN CHILDREN OR ADULTS' SWEET AS SYRUP APFD CANNOT HARM 'THE MOST. CHILr) UUMPHREYS' Dlc.rlUdl'uaio 8'SroCiP>enE'',Scientifleailyand carefully prepared prescriptions; reed for many )ours la private practice with success,and for over thirty years used by the people. Every single Spe- cific is a special cure for the disease named, These Specifics cure without druggidtg pnrg. Ing or reducing the system, and are in flet and deed the sovereign remedies oftlreWorld . LIST OF PRINCIPAL NOS. 001(5(1. 10>10111'. 1 havers, Congestion, inflammation... .25 2 Worms. Worm Fever. Worm Colic.. .25• 3 Crying Colic, orTocthtugofInfants 2% 4 Diarrhea, of Children or Adults.... .25g s Dysentery, Grlplug BnlousColic.... .25. v<3 Cholera ltlox•bus,'Vomiting .'25 gCoughs, Cold Bronchitis .25, Neuralgia, Toothache,Faceacho.25, 9 Iieadaebes, SIcklleadache, Vertigo.!* 10 Dyspepsia,B1llous Stomach !3 s 1Snpprossed or Painful Periods:23 1'2 Whites, too Profnso Periods .25 13 Croup, Cough, Difficult Breathing.2( 14 salt ithcurrt, Orys(pelan, Eruptions 15 Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains..25 16 Fever aud Aurae, Chills, Malaria. .50 17 Piles, Blind or Bleeding . (t 19 Catarrh, Influenza, Cold in the Head o ;20 Whooping Cough. Violent Coughs. . O f34 General 1),-bility.l'hysiealWeakness .50 B7 I.idncy l)isen.so .50 zy Nervous 9elfility Diseases1.08 'tui Urinary 7L_eakuW css, eJtingBed. 3:L Diseases of thetleart,l alpltatlun 1.' 4f Bold by Druggists, or snot postpaid on receipt or prim Dn. BOnrnnrv$' ManuAL, (1.(4 pages) richly bound In cloth and gold, 11, I LEU FREE. In111/11Rrvs')a ED. CO., 111 & 118 William St.. Sea•rnrk. SPECIFICS. t<'Pf.f.f.S & 14It'll AltvSO • Co. Agents' NON 1'IIEA. rT: KEY TO CNS: u`O`s Hr t7l>1l1'•'.; "11 1' C ( a .. ,,. a ,•' 1.11 Bowels, Kidneyn 510.1., ,. r,tint; t r:u1'.t 11!y ,\i(lon sv••:,L••n I 1;., :I ,ha inilsi tic an 1 1'.•i 1 r II,. C.,..(; iui .' c111 ty of itis •^4i••!(:itsr,,^•�1';}'�S;Jr..l)5i:'w:•..w) k,r ++.i,rsr,..s;y�:,^ria,-... ai.'. •i S. ':d J'.!)i,L 111 •1, v.. .lt:(11, 0. .ass of the lais`,n,, D' Lim - .toss of Va:•1.on,Jn ,ln(t:con. S' :t'• 31.11'.tlrn, Sry"ipclas, Scrofula, &':n:'•'tc ?;l� of `ho Heart, NervousoesU zusd Cel:eral :Ue"rltlitp; all these uvul ❑any other Simi• °?1' (:nn,l,la!lila viol Irl 11,c 1;,r iv ii,:i30nco • 1' BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. ktrnple Bottles 10e ; Regular size Si. For sale by all dealers. T. 5111.1SUPtl( ax ('O., Proprietors, Toronto le 05 •01a 04 .o01? e, 11 O 1. os, 8. • e • G• C IO G•, 0f O � - Z ' 0 (5 —IN THEO —