The Huron News-Record, 1892-05-04, Page 2.,11940.160.411aNisrpNWOMONMIJIMIMPSIVIVAIMPNWC Catarrh IS a blood disease. Until the poison is 1 expelled from the system, there can be no cure for this loathsome and dangerous malady. Therefore, the only effective treatment is a thorough course of Ayer's Sarsaparilla—the best of all blood purifiers. The sooner you begin the better ; delay is dangerous. "I was troubled with catarrh for over two years. I tried various remedies; and was treated by a number of physi- oians, but received no benefit until I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. A few bottles of this medicine cured me of this troublesome complaint and com- pletely restored my health."—Jesse M. oggs, Holman's Mills, $. 0. "When Ayer'e . saparilla was rec- ommended to me for catarrh, I was in- clined to doubt its efficacy. Having tried so many remedies, with little ben- efit, I lead no faith that anything would euro me. I became emaciated from lose of appetite and impaired digestion. I had nearly lost the sense of moll, and my system was badly deranged. I was about discouraged, when a fiend urged the to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and re- ferred me to persons whom it had curd of catarrh. After taking half a dozen bottles of this medicine, I am convinced that the only sure way of treating this obstinate disease is through the blood." —Charles H. Maloney, 113 River et., Lowell, bass. Ayer's Sarsapariiia, PREPAznrn nr Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price $1; six bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle. Tia Huron News-Recora .50 a Year. -$1,25 In Advance is't'ddnetdav, X1rty 4t!t, 1892 Milburn'( Cod Livor 0i1 E nulst,tn wi'h wiC Cuetry:sea Hvpophi,t,phite8 is th., surest and beet our. for coughs, rnlds, hnarspness, bronchitis and asthma, Price 50, and $1 00 per bottle. —A tell grin) received yesterday from Halifax, .N. 8 states the court had decidt d !hitt the petition ageing the return of Sir Juhn Thompson is dismiesed. Milburn's Cod Liver 01 Enrulsiou teeth W 11 Cherry and tlypnphnsphites combines the curative powers of the 1 eel ore! remedies tnentioned in the meet per'e'et and pala'ablo form, Price 50, end $1.00 per bottle. --It • is said that calves two or three days old are killed in consid- numl.ers at Cnmpbellford,Ont., and the carcasses sent to Montreal to be nlnde into boneless 'turkey. The sup truer nitre. of Ayer'a Cherry Pesters/ es nu anodyne expectorant is due te a skilful u•'mbivaeion of the most p)werfel ingredients. No'Iliug like it has (v -r born atie•mpted in , harmacy, and, its sun •ese in the eure of pulurooary complaints is unpareltt,led, —Thu Litghnm gold urine in Pelment towu•ship, hustings county, • i, yielding at the rate of $10 pee tut, and the colnp,tny are prl'pariug fur extended operations. It more ay differ in opinion as to the cause of that feeling of languor and fa. tical, so prevalent in the spring ; but all agree as to what is the best remedy for it, namely, Ayer's Sarsaparilla; it makes the weak strong, and effectually removes that tired feeling. —It is reported that Mr, S. R Ilesston will be dropped by the Co us eevatti•vesee f.,N oren....Pe r h and .. Mr. David Scrimgeour of Stratford nominated to. oppose Mr. Grieve in the poutling bye -election. NO MORE BOTHER. GENTLEMEN, - I have used Hagyarde Y Low 011 for eny chilblains and it cured teern. 1 have never been bothertd with th 10 since. Er•.tatt KisowN, Victoria, 13. C. —John Lowe, a farmer of Sun• b:t•y county, N. B., accidently out o,d a big too while using an axe atusing death in less than half an h u •. Deceased is said to have been about flftyfive years old, and leaves a largo family. IT 18 ,with the utmost confidence in the re•sttt than the manufacturers of the "Myrtle Navy" tobacco ask all who ha.o n ,t tried it do so. The thousands sato nave already done so are living witnesses of ire excellence, and are unanimn,rs in the ver.11et which they give in its favour. —E humid Gaynor, of lot 2, con. f, E'n>n, passed away at the great i ge of 101 years. Deceased wait sl lottlVfl of Kerry, Ireleed, and heed it resident of the locality for upw. rds of 10 yearn. Very f••w live to wit nems the slteris t /illi/ nomad of a century. The interment veins mels, ill this It U. cemetery at Iri,htow•u. TURN THEM RASCALS OUT. 1% , ref••r to ouch reseals as dyspepsia, b .d hi rad, billiuusuess, constipation, sick heudec le, etc., infesting the human sys- tem. T:rn them out awl keep them out Lv tsu,q [turdock /flood Bitters, the ma - to foe to disease, which invigorates, tt nee end strengthens the entire system. Detective Mnlo, of Montreal, has seeceeelerl in unearthing A revolting state of affairs at St. .1 )hn'e, (due„ anti in cunsequence five prominent eine one a lawyer, end another an employe of the lace' government have been arrested, brought before Jus:ice Loupret and remanded for trial. It is alleged that the prison- ers were in the habit of enticing bop; into a rendrzvons known locally se the Fishing Rod clnh and that oets grossly immoral were there carried on. AN ENTERPRISING HOTEL MAN. It i4 stated that a hotel map lo Tor- onto has posted up e not(ua stating that all dummy at hie place whit use Iluid•,ck Blood /titters tu tout) up their appetite and strength, will be ehtioed oent extra. We du not know h..w tau • it ie. --A'm important amendment just made to the Ontario Lieenso Law is that which stipuhtt'•a that a dealer who sells to an.hattitual drunkard, after proper notice mot to do so, will be imprisoned. Mrs. John McLean writes, trite H.r lie Island, Out, March 4, 1830, 81 fol - Iowa : "I have been egreat eutferur from neuralgia for the bast 1.11110 years, but be. lag advised to try St. Jacobs 011, eau nowheartily endorse it es being a moat excellent remedy for thie cemptalnt, eta I have beeu greatly benefited by its use." —Robert Cameron, who livee about three tittles from Renfrew, Ont., walked into the village yester- day afternoon. Returning home, when oe the outskirts of the village, he was overtaken by a Shan with a buggy, whotn lie asked fur a drive. Soot after taking his Heat 111 the rig the driver heard a gurgling noise and on looking at Cameron caw that his face ked become livid. '1'his was followed by a deathly pallor and a moment afterwards the 111411 was dead. The cause was attributed to heart failure, SEV1ii( YEARS' SUES Eh 1N(4, (igeeLxxeee,—I had .suffered very ninon from infixmmatory rheumatism, Will.% through wrong treatment left toy runuing sores on ley hands and fent. With terse 1 suffered for seven years, during which time I had neither shoe nor wetting on. I commenced us- ing 13, R. It, externedly and internally, ustug the pills also, and I can say now that the Bores are entirely cured, and have beeu for some time I believe the bitters were the means of seeing my life. MRs. ANNIE Baan, Crew son's Cornets, Acton P. O, Oat. —Edward Deaton, of 'Brantford, belongs to the category of fools who monkey with loaded revolvers. ,Saturday night he pointed a revol- ver at Williaw harper with the words, "Keep back, or I'll blow your brains out." harper stepped toward Denton and knocked his aril aside, It was followed by a dis- charge of what appeared to he a firearm of reels kind. lleutou then ren for itis home. At the po- lice court this morning he was eas- •eseet! .$20 for his tomfoolery. 1.`olasltmlttiten Cured. An old phystehin, retired from p444041 1, having had )440' d Lt hi. bands by an kart India miASiun- ar, 1114 formula .11.1 snnple v,•ge141.1e remedy for ttre.predy,,n.' permanent cure ,4f t'un)mnptinn, !tr"nchili+, a'rb, A4 tuna and all !brow, and ',nog:1rT.,:tion-, also a positive and radie.41 caro t"' N,:, van• hebdf'y stud al! Nnryuts Cont feints, a6,•r h4e1p.) hosted tar w ind...Hot curative p1ots•+. to tilssatol .1 dares, heti telt it his duty 01 make 0 known to 41, 44(1101,19v Gd'nws. Actuated by this motive n'ol a drain,, to rcileva h rurgrn snfiering, 1 Will sone hes of .her•_ -, to all „hc dn.ire i,, this reiion, in german, Emits), or English, with full dir.criens for preparing and using. `ent by moll I.y a+bl •'04in5 with stem nnuing }hie paper. W.A. Nora', 81e PerWrro' IJlaek, RochrvtCr, \'.Y. 651)--y —At a recent auetiorl sale on the ferny of John Fortune, cot). 2, Tuck ersmial, „one Mare was sold for $100, but she ons I)lenn.ished And all. other was led in nt $155. Grade cows went as high as $82, and a cow with celf at foot brought $01., A three-ye'r-01d grade heifer brought $54, annul two-year.oli steers $901per 'tell'. •,•,:�',(tl!:Qt ir,o l,t;lAl..g1t-,.IJII,'.lt ,Sa el, and mkt ep averaged about $23 i,er p A binder sold for $80 ; t nineteen year old wagon bought $27, and a cultivator that bad been ran for several years sold for $1.75 more than it cost when new, whiter a sot of horness bouglgt:ethl•se•eyf set's ebind cent only twin the be If b Can :DETERMIN.1";O SUJOIDE, A BELLLVILLE IIU'tCt*Est HANGSDIM.SELF IN i11S SLA LG IF1 LittlttUSL^, 13ellt+villi•, April 2h). --A elite:Icing oasts of suicide occurred this 11101111011.1..lot' ,rig bet teere, mine and ten o'e'oek, when Peed 11,'ntett, aged tweuty- nix, sou of the late ISN. Bennett, butcher,. en4ulitteej suicide by bang, himself hiself in his slaughterhouses, •thick is just beyontl the N('ster'rl Unlit of the city, near I be agi ieuaur- al Show ground. An eveunie pity er gives the following particulars; At about ten o'eloek tliiri morn' ing a lad namedFred Ktietigbeil, aged eight, was pasai l : the slaugh• terhouse of the lute It. N. 11cnuett, butcher, which is situated on a int a shortdistance west of the agricultur al building, wbott his maw a roan haegiog froma rope in the interior of the I)aih!irg, 1Ie ran a short distance to a field where his father, I{. l(liungltril, aid a 141114 114t1100 F1'1,11 Smith were w"r•kin 1 ami re- ported what he had eeen. 'Choy went to the place as quickly es poesible, and wore horrified to find that what the ltd batt stated was only too true. Suspended in mid• air was the lifeless forte of Fred Bennett. The tenfurtunate young clan had, frotn appearatees, taken every precaution to make the 411. tempt a successful one. A hemprope of lislf an in"1 in thickness had been fartet-id to a block, the latter being attached to a rafter iu the center of the Baru. After leaking a noose, and placing it erected 11ie neck, he jumped from a loft., in which was stored hay, to the floor Milo The (its'• ill/lee eyes k})wUt eight fent six itiehes, andwhen the rope wile taut his feet ern only some four or five inches from the floor. The drop was of saflicir'nt height to have broken the stack, but ouch was not the case, '1'118 knot had been carefully made and placed under the right ear, BINDING TWINE. Mr, Watsou, AL 1': for Marquette moved in the Uunliniun Parliamenton 'Tuesday night to have bulling twine placed on tea free list. Vir- tually this 18 the thin null of the wedge of reciprocal trade with the /;cited Status, If binding twinebe placed on tin frau 1is), why not nits ether ulsnonto! ured article, and why not break down the evtllotst tariff tat once? Bet., of course, MF Watson and Mr. //cluck, who took n prominent part in the debate for free binder twine, thought they land a strung case, inaatnuoh as swine of the Patrons of Husbandry in M8nitobn hast petitioned for this,nnd also the Secretary of the Dominion CIhad expressed a (similar de• sire. Bet it is quite evident that no petition was presented to the Government from Buy aut11o1•itative source by Dither of them bodies,end if thste tvere, it is well known that they do not represent the majority of farmers., The truth is the farm- ers in Canada have bought binding _tw n,e,ssl?.ec�{aLty set �u,mnler, ea as cheaply Its it was purchased for in the United States. According to quality twine retailed at from 7 to i1 cents, per pound and these are about the figures, that ruled in the United States. The statement that ing twine is cheaper by three s a pound in the latter country applies to the highest quality of e here and the Iow.est quality in United States, and there would fully that difference in Canada. inding ,twine can ba bought in arta for 7 and 8 cents a pound, no oue who knows anythingaboutprices' would Hey that it could be bought in the United States for 4 and 5 cents because such is not the case. Be. cause a high tariff is placed against a in article it does not naturally w that- the consumer of this of goods pays thb duty, unless article is imported, and even a rebate is often allowed by the go • seller equivalent 'to the tat of the duty. And in thocase ding twine, whether the duty is r cent. or 50 per cent, it does ecessarily increase the price of I'tie'e here, for they do not de - upon a foreign article. This ng twine can he mn•)ufactured eaply in Canada as any country e world, as last summer's prices testify. ago for S32, sol,/ for $31,50. T11(1 sale realized $1,800, Anoint, 'r0 MOTttt.ae, Are yon disturbed nt night and broken of our rest by a sick child whoring and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth n If en send at once and gut a bottle of "Mrs. Wiaelnw's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teeth lug. Its value to tuealeulable. It will relieve the poor littte sit 7eror immediately. Depend upon it., mothers; there ie no mistake about it. It sore.. Dysentery and Dinrrbma, regulates the etnmeeh and bowels, cures Wind Collo, softens •the gems, rein"es inflammation, and gives tone le Soothing Syrup" rgy the „1. 0hildren'teethiog•im pleasant t, .he trade and le the prescription of one of the 0(41,.440 ,uu1 best female physiolane and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggist's t'troughmrt the world. Price 25 email a bottle. Ile stirs end ask for '•!1f,t3• WI V.Lew'9 S0)TtlISO 4vacr,"and 1040 no other kind. 658y GIVES U1' THE PULPIT FOR HORSES. The Rev. J, W. Arney, pnstor of the Dlethod181 church at Saranac, :,rich., (shocked his congregation yesterday by announcing his lotire- meut from the pulpit, He will devote his entire atten Lion to breeding and training lis horses, end will indulge in horse trots and matinees to his heart's couteut without fear of the Aletho- dist Conference, Twice he hes been on the aat'pet before the coin ferenco for his horsey inclinations in 1890 ho was scored for ofciating aR tnesterofeel einem les at a speeder's matinee, and agein last year he was rebuked. The. fact lhnt he con - II noted sncaesvful revivals and that his collections were far above the IVOrago did not extenuate his offense, but he was told that if he persisted in cultivating horses he must re- tire. FTo owns six promising colts and gives occasional matinees to show their speed and help the Sale of his horses. He will hold revivals in the winter, bet they will not interfere' with his horses. Ile gave a matinee last Saturday end hes advertised another for next Saturday. cert( folio class the then Torsi amou of bin 25 pe not n them pent/ bindi as 0(1 in th fully —Mr. A. M. Pulley, of Goderieh shipped from Stratford recently a ear load of horses to Alichigsn. It was As fine n lot of horses as left Stratford for many It itis. The ani nays were all purchased in the vicinity, prices paid ranging from $80 to $140. —County of Wentworth Trees. rarer, .lohn Stock, thinks he hit the weather pretty correctly when he predicted cold and dry weather for April.-- "We will have cold winds until wit lino' rain, and we won't have gnorl warm reins nidi/ the next moon," ons his prediction thin morning. The nit xt meanie r, week off yet. , UANAD V. THE UNITED STATES. A CAtQeolee wile ties INVESTIGATED GIVES HIS OPINION. Wallace Graham, formerly of Windsor and Parkhill, Out , writes a letter front Uhieago tu the Wiud- sor Record, from which the follow - nag is taken "The rural people nue accts ou the traits i11 those (dates are nut nearly as well dreesud or 88 'troll. porous• luokiug as those met with in Canada. Nur are the villages and LLOYDS Its thrifty iu appo.traucu. The reasons are expensive • living caused by a high turllf and high excise duties. It 5'usin nearly twice es much to provide for the fatally, while the returns for the labor of the producer cru only a smell per ceutage higher. bur Itletaueo : The suit of clothes which I used to buy fur $30 iu Canada cult ate $50 to $60 here. My wife who usett to get her d('es.iee made fur from $0 to $15 in Uauatla, pay'8 from $20 to $33 hare. That is fur the mere !lltlkiltg. El1LCl'tu111111Cnte that It Canada coat 011e 25 04,nte t0 attend costs 50 Henle here. YOU pay twice us 1111101 fur you) 1anudry wutic hero It +!H you do in CtA(le, •Your Jray• aglt • you rent, ,your medical attend. [ince, your whieltey—even to your contribution to the pour—nearly all the details of ordinary expenditure —cost you very much inure, The farrier liuds his blacksmith, and hie carpeutel', and his dry goods, and his clothing, and all other b'itle front 25 to 50, and even 100 per cent 'higher theta he would have to tiny iu Uauadtt, while the price of his pfoduetre and lie labor 18 mils 011' hanaod by a tuucleetnaller percent- age. This is why tho.fariner iu this ouuutty is not as well o11', does,nut dices as well, or live in as good a hetne, as he duce iu Canada. They have hare all the beuelita of annexa tiuu, bet 1 venture to say, beeauao I have traveled much through Ohio, Illinois's, Michigan and westo>n states, that in no state went of \Ilt:lli gen can you (inti as well (118e8.•d and honest fa meta and farmers' wives, 8008 stud daughters, 88 y00 find iu Canada today ; despite the 'McKinley bill. These people I ons speaking of, havo all the benefits of aonexotion and are nut as prosper nus and they have not tie twiny of the comforts .of life as Canadian farmers )lave,” THE INr1'ELLIGENCE GIRL, Sl171 WASN'T 'r SUI'T'ED 11.11'11 TUE Pf.AC1,; 1'U 11'tllUII SUE WAS SENT. She at .into.the Office, lour,•• lug like the champion lady per former at the sltating-riult, say's the Detroit Free PIe83, and the little Ulan behind the counter hustled forward to wait on her. "You get places fur girls?" she inquired, setting the furry trim- mings of her coat all a -flutter. "Yost mut! 1 Du you want a second girl or one fur general houcework,lnum9 I've some girls cooling iu this morn• ing. I expect one from the noun try every minute. "That's ole," said the girl at the counter, giving her furs another lluttt>r. "Lend, mum —miss, I thought you was a II/ f88US .10041n.' , for .a,goi51.,' i il,ThS,'..nri)1:1Q•.,- ed mall. "I'm a girl luokiug for a • place—not much miens in mine, though. Now, you send mo to a good place, and here's your dollar." "An' here's your place," arid the man, giving 'thee number, "You'll find them 0. K. 'Their girl got married, •so they want a now one," "What kind of a house is it?" asked the girl. "Go an' see for yourself, mien," was the curt answer. And she went. At noou she rang the bell of a house on Alexand- rine avenue, and when the mistr se opened the door she auuounced ht r self: 'r' I'm the new girl." "Come right in. I'm so gild you've, come. We haven't got a loaf ofe bread in the house." "I'm not expected to do the baking, am I1" halted the girl- "Didn't you do that in your last place?" "I never lived out be. fore." "Oh, you'll soon leatu,f said the lady, encouragingly, 1'11 show you°myself. You can wash, I suppose?" "You don't expect No to do the washing, do you?" asked the girl, setting her furs in violent motion. "Nell, I euppoee I can do that myself," answered the lady ironically ; "perhaps you wouldn't object to washing the dishes; "Why, I iris away from home to get rid of washing dishes 'cause the hot water chaps my hands." "Play I ask what you can do ?" "Oh! I don't mind sweepin' and helpin' to make the beds and settin' the table, But 7 don't think I'll suit. There ain't no electric lights in the house, 1s there 1" "No." "Tile doctor says gas isn't good for mo eyes. How many times a week can I go out?" '`Just once. There is the door. I wou't detain you an• other minute," answered the lady, indignantly. The little man at the intelligence office had just buried his nose in a newspaper, when a flutter of fur announced the return of the girl from the country. "The ideal" she exclaimed 1 "they expect- ed me to wash and bake like a bound slave. Ain't yon got a place where the girl won't linen to do Ruch things? Ef ye win"t., you ran give me back my dollar," She got the dollar. rinting 0 The NEWS -RECORD Is in a better position than e'er to turn out - The Very Finest Printing: At prices as low as any other office in the West. Those in need of any class of' Job Printing should call Printing 011 '!'11E NEWS -RECORD, Albert Street, Clinton � . dIT '11 TT i NEW STOCK .! NEW STORE ELLIOTT% BLOCK, - CLINTON JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the New Store and see the stock of . Bedroom/ and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, r Mat.tlasees, etc., and general Household Furniture. The wb 11e Stock is ft ow;the ver best manufacturers, I'it•ture Frames and Mouldings of even description. y • .; IPS. Ci8IIDLET, one door West of Dickson's Book Store FOR GOOD ENVELOPES FOR FINEST PRINTING FOR NICE EIL.L i:E{`TS FUli OFFICE PRINTING THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN ALT, DEPARTMENTS J. C. STEVENSON, '- f alt v o ; HOP Furniture Dealer, die. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR."' TE Opposite Town Wall, Cliuton, Ont. Established 1350, ilii ARE THE WATCHES! .P'u!tlrtn+, 1•P�in, 1111noi+, Co1nulbus, Scth 'rhomns, and Rockford -new modal. !tV'r%O these maker in 6.0.1 and stem winders Also pendint act watches. J. BI DG'LLCOMi3F, CLINTON. ON. Lahr fs Starali Enamel. mtJr• ie au article worthy of every lady's attenti.m. 1f you want to save time and rhbor, buy a box, it y on want your ironed clothes to look neat and cleat ,ld to fast much longer, bey a box. if you want. the starch t.oattay in the cic.the on the lino in spite of rain or frost, buy a box, If you want everything to Ionic tike new, suvh lie shirt bosom., collars, cuffs, Ince curtains, rte., buy a hot. idrEvery Storekeeper keeps it now, end where the merchant does not keep it wo want a lively agent to represent ns. Manufactured by W. J. LOSS 51•—tt Holntesrille. f ic>r"0� C;�TRAY STOCK ADVER t... TISEM%NTS inserted in Tia Naus Itncor,, et low rates. The law Snakes it compulsory to advertise stray stook If you want any kind of adecrtising you will not do better than Did) an 'ews•rteaeord. THE WALES HOTEL, ALPI1It'r•ST, NORTH, CLINTON, The undersigned has emitted the proprietorship of the *bore Dotal. The premises nee being re- fitted Find first class accommodation can always he hen for man and beast. 'l9ee bar is supplied with only Elie best Ale Liquor, Civet's, d.c,, and speri,,l attention will tilso he given to the dining room department. There 1s excellent stable accommodation The pntron.yre of the general public is respectfully solicited. 084.2m JOHN T. LEE, - PROPRIETOR THE CELEBRATED Idem Wastcr$ 03‘)anci wringer. TIIE BEST IN THE MARKET Machines Allowed on Trial am also agent for all - All AgrienItnral Implements Warerooln opposite Fair's Mill. can and see ere. J. B. WEIR, CLIFTON —Mrs, Peel Cleave, oue of the oldest settlers of southern Manitoba, died on Sunday Inst. Deceased be- longed originally to Huron, Ont., where she has relatives. — Mrs. Jane Clement, an old lady of 80 years, walked to the polling booth at Milton on Monday and gave her maiden rote for the boot and shoe byelaw. — Mr. A. W. Ross, \1.P., re- ceived a letter to•dny from the Con- sumers Cordage Company, Mont- real, stating that as a result of the decision of Parliament on the bin• dor twine question yesterday, the the compntly would establish 11 twine f.ctory nt Winnipeg to em- ploy One hundred hands. Na.1 ".am r�iii�it.,' -.'illi'•-$N..Y No.2 No.3 Na,f6 No,27 nests 134. `1 U"rdCT C731 tfiK;) l rs J EhltitEJ p „y ,o Wcrka, ENGLAND, Expert RI'f.er3. 1108 - -1--., . e•io ).yr r....s :'i:rr'Iv :sACr. Oli-0 1 k" COUNTING . rrr%tants. FOR s s, t lr t:i rearns. "i oonetete t C,oT, moots • cc R. Bold lea �:�4;: Iritis FOR g •}111'. +� Said by STATIONERS Everywhere, Samples FREE on receipt of return postage 2 cents, SPLNUE111IAN PEN J 00 , 21VO OW YORVK 4., Salentine American Agency for CAVEATS. 'TRADEMARKS, elusiotd PATENTS COPY11)ilTS, etc. For information and free writ:, COReim NwYOSOtdost bnrena for securing potents to America. Every patent taken out by ua 1s hronght before the public by a notice given 11so of c1,trgo In the 4 ict uti t inc�rkt;nn • • Lereest ctrCnlatton of any seirntlno paper in the trorld. asp+en,trdlr Illnst.eled. No Intelligent m.ot ahonld ba Wltbuut n. Weekly, 83.0Qa rears SL..( 'IX months. address MUJNN A CO» t'L•DLISIIIIRS, ;dI Irrnn.lwaY, Now Yo't. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. CORRESPONDENCE. We will at all times be pleased to receive items of news front our sub• scribers. We want a good, corres• p)ondent in every locality, not already, represented, to send us RELIAIILE news. Patrons who do not receive their Papef rerynlarllt from the carrier• or tlir uylt thrix •local1,o,et offices trill confer a farm- by reporting at this office at once. Snbscrilrtions Hied continence at any time. • ADA'ERTiSERS. A'/rcrtlee%?sill please hear inmind that all "rhangos" of adr•ertiseinents, to ensrtre insertion, sbnt,Td be handed in not later tl,Orr MONDAY NOON of each week. CIRCULATION. Tri Y: Tiara-R1•,conn bas a larger elrr'rtlr ,an tlrrtn meg other 'toper in this section, and as an adrertising medium has few equals in,0uta1•i0. 0,,r boob:'( Ore opera to diose who mean /'W011ess. JOB PRINTING. The Jol. Liyirdment of tinier jour• nal is one of the /test egrrip)p,ed Western ())/twin, and a superior class of pork is ;Tlla:•nnfeerlr at very Tont prices. 4 J