The Huron News-Record, 1892-05-04, Page 1aed• 131 TERMS —0140 per Attuning $1.26 In Advance. -•-• - - • • • - - - — — — INDEPENDENT41,1. TI I LNG HUT IZA L IN NOTII ISO Nai1ria.1 4 roEL, Praidisheas VOL. XIV. -NO 22. CLINTON. HURON COUNTY, ONT., WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, .1892, FATAL LA CRIPPE I HOW TO SHAKE IT OFF. It is conceded by poople generally . that THE BEST LIQUORS should be legitimately taken to ward off that dread disease, La Grippe. WE HAVE THEM! 'Me very beet qualities at the lowest possible prices. If YOU are in any way interested, you will surely snake a great mistake if you do not call at The CLINTON LIQUOR STORE An ounce of prevention ig better than ra; pound of cure. Do not allow your- self to g it the Grippe. J. W. RITER,• Liquor l‘ferchant, Albert -St., Clint 61Mgais4.61666666•••[..666•MaL6666.6166.66,6*Y1 .606•66611 Goderiult. Mr. Oswald Sturdy returned to town last week. Mr. Ben, Smith, of Chicago, ie visiting at the family resideuce South Street. Mr. Geo. Meuse, of Chic igo.,who is visiting town, is the guest of his must, Mrs. A.. Smith. Mr. W H. Seibeld,of the Buffalo Fish Co., was in tetra last Thera. day. Mr. N. Fair, of Clinton, spent Sunday id Goderich. ' • Mr. D. Pasynoltle, of Clinton, was in town last Thurstley. Mrs. and Miss -Radcliffe returned this week froua a year's visit to the Motherland and the chief European cities. • Mr. Jno. Welters,of Saltford, has been seriously ill the past few weeks. • The watering cart was out on Saturday for the first time this sen. son. On Sunday the clerk of the weather coati!' arid the good work. Mrs. Turner and farnily arrived at the Gederich resideties from St. Leiria last week. • Mr. J. E. Tom addressed a meet- ing in the Temperance Hall on • Sunday. Mr. Geo, Stewart loft this woke for Saginaw. • Mr. T. C. Sturdy has Jeturraerl from his trip to the 'Southern States. Miss MeIntoeh, of Detroit, was present, at the marriage ot her cous- in, Mies McGregor, ou Monday. Captain McGregor arrived in town un Saturday to be present at his daughter's wedding. The gem- tlemen left ageiu on Monday to join his Vessel, the Baylichl. —. The storm of Thursday aud Fri- day detained our fishing fleet in harbor. " The 'schooner Greyhound sailed salt for Wiarton. Miss Potts, teacher, of Dungan - in towu on Saturday. Mr. D. Curry, having obtained a license for the Railway hotel, openi- edehe sable on Monday. flacon lodge No. 62, 1. O. O. 001e- bral8,1 the anniversary of the 'wrier by attetriong Divine service in Knox church ou Sunday, air E.I. Van Every left thia week ter ths rew:h. Ahem of lake Soperior. 11*. 13, Radeliffa left for Now York on Tharsolay tie meet his wife and daughter -on their return home. - We regret to Lea,- that Mr. Jim. Ell - kW, tiem, Bly6e1,1 Rad, is sulforing f rum a severe attack of talletetriation et tan 1Igt. Meeere 13on Satins, of llitievale, and Waiter Stairs, of et 'the fah /pelted the UM in Metal iu tole' town on Monday, S'IOJVC Ung the Mes,ra McCaughey whe retina to their ferm:. The schoneer Lfireicr Nftreigarrived in port lett week with 29) to to of ito41 far the N orth American uherei,e,1 • Trio steamer JEW:4 left eh Thursrley for \V iarton rood. other Georgian Rv pvrte. froreg hes Wen supplied with a I10w with:Ala %Odell has leamont: more pond or than the mesa populer j Oahe by the nemleor of uoys w:oe are contieutlly imitatieg it. Toe three rnasted HatIonner e:rphtr, Captain .1. W, Green, 'sailed pi Suuday awning for the 1.1-,orgien By. Tao schooner Our Captain Bogle, teat week for the North to load huribor for the river. Tlit fag whistle blew for the first time tete 9e/11408 on Monday afternoon. MO. Jun. T. Naftel died on Sunday afternoon, after an illness of a few hours duration, egad f. The funeral will take plea this afterneen from the fo.n.• ily residence, Vineeat street. Mnia Mary, deeghter of Capt. A. M MeGreeor, and Mr. Geo. Kidd, of the U. S. A.,were united in wedlook's bonds in S. Peter'e ehuroh on Monday. - There toeing only four membors pres- ent on Menday evening the usnal meeting of the Public School Board was not heid. At the Annual meeting of the Mechan- ics' Inat;ture on Monday evening the f ollowing were elected officere for the current year : W. H. Mumey, Pres.; 1-ly Smith, let Viae Pres.; Roby Perk, tad Oes Pee,; A. J. Moore Trees ; Geo. Stevens, Sal.; Directere, R. C. Days, Pat Ford, E 1, Sharman, Dr. Richardson. The let and 2ad Vice Pres- ident,, the Treasurer and Secretary were Also tlecto.i directors. ch Myth. n. a.. D. (menu., 13AIIIIII6T8O, SOLICITOR, enerAity PUBLIC, CONYSTANOlin, &G. -----eawate-v TO LEND. -- mace over non's Harness shop, tosser teraxer, ntsru. 700 /Ioly Communion in Trinity mesh on Sunday morning next, StattleT• the viewto be given. Atelrovve. dem ae the grauins On his tredve Armstrong nail th I Mayor ooneider. eilooree. His speech,as far ae :6 went, ed the offer an advantageous one fur wars tnuuh as usual. But the entry the town and the $50 would be well...... L spent. Plinnmer, Doane, Johnston un tue pare of Hansard CA11 beht Kennedy, blcraggart opposed; they' te1,1, the, story. The offieial report would rather expend the money on tells now: after speaking home The .vemen of the Bayfield Road sidewalks. Ex Mayor Forrester be. twenty words, Mr. litckenzict end• te Atixiliary are contotnplatino bey- himself opposed to it. On motion of ly unable to say"— and the reporter ing asked to give hviews declared ed by mayingi.—"I feel myself utter- ing some kind of entertaininent. Deputy reeve Kennedy and Council - e We hope they tuay eucceed. t tor McMurray further consideration eontinued:— We are sorry to hear that IVI,r."The hon. gentleman wits Re %of the proposition was postponed for Jusaph 11-Isliardsan is sick. ly a Mr. Whitehead a chance to have his months, probably inoilier to give I overcome as tu he unable to say , . more." hope he may semi be able to be arotiudligaiu. buildings completed. This ie almost a poetu in prose. ut t was not long before the We ate happy to sae that Mrs. • BEITORIAL NO7'ES. ragedy assumed limiter hue. Bia Rathwell Sr., who has beet; residing — ta o through the winter, hits Tile night of April 27, 1880, in the in TOrOnl was gulled into a so called re- Bouse of Commons, may, it) a cer returned home. Cuba is kicking over the way it The Rev, Ttfr. Henderson, of , . toile 601168, be deemed a hietoric oue. Bayfield, delivered an eloglient ser• cThere had been rumors duriiig the iprocity treaty with the United. mon in Bity field Road oad Preehyterian Stetter. And now comes Brazil day floathig about that iminsthitig i was going to happen anti the galleries church, On missionary work, which with a recnonstranco against the were rule The old Parliamentery was very much appleciatei. fraud practiced upon it by the great- wiseacres pretereled to know what it est nation out of doors. was, but could not say. But it, ultimately turned out that the Prime There is something radically linieter hiteaseif was token bysur- wrong ,about the Goverutneut Cott- prise. 'Midnight peered aud the lowly emptied, and, es 2 trul of railways, Recently the On- House ea. in. , on the 28th approached, the tario Express Cu. was , organized sleepy house gladly heard the with ample capital to carry on }nisi- motion, for adjournment. But it nese. The Grand Trunk refused, to was not to adjourti without a yery give them carrying powers over startling announcement to many. Mr. Mackenzie rose just as the their lines and organized a cotepauy Speaker was about to put the motion, of their own to do a shriller busi- and, in subdued tones, but without ness, but havo now amalgamated a falter in his voice, said :—"1 de with the old Canadian Express Co. sire to say a word or two with re - This gives a practical monopoly `0 gliaordusteo. in" )1),,ehsrtseorndaalyredleacteiortunsitt:dtlitots one Company. It does not seem withdraw from the position of lead - right that the Graud Truuk Ity. Co, er of the Opposition, and front this I or any other public cattier that has time forth I will epeak end tort for no one but, myself." Illohneaville. received large legislative conceseious • - Aroutid. him Rat a silent group. The S. S. in connection with St. as well as money grants should be Cartwright with 1118 "heart hiding Johns church was re -opened on Sun- able to dictate as to who should be suite" looked through hitt spectacle day last fir the summer months. aflowed • The S. S. will be held at 10 o'clock to do legitimate business at his deter, and such few of his every Sunday morning, The church over their lines. If the Grand troinethae alliee as were present - service will be held at 11 o'clock Trunk can refuse to carry any other seemed abashed and heartily aeliain- th e month when it will be 'held at Express matter except their own el of themselves. But they silently "foreook hint and fled." Henceforth, a. m. except on the first Sunday ot 7 o'clock in the evening. The ser- what is to prevent them from refuse as Mr. 1.11aekenzie said, he had no mon next Sunday will be to the chiltireu. The offering will be in els' inAo catry auy other freight matter. fronds ; the iron entered into hie ot the S. S. If they are iuterested in flour or lum- soul. But there was 'a wondrous ber mine? they could, under this force and a wondrous power .in the few words which fell immediately -8f, ruling, refuse to carry the products- ter from the late SirJoliiiMacdoitald, Children's service on Sunday next which may ' in the light of of any other Mills, if the Co. hawords p in St. ,Tames' chtirclewhen the Pastor pened to be engaged in the same recces events be deemed almost of 'rile offering will ne in aiet of the businees. . Parliament should ' en- prophetic force and warning. He will deliver a seamou to the ehildren, S. S. quire into this matter and make it said :.—'Of couree, we, on this side of the House, have nothing to compulsory that the G. T. R. or C. • say to ouch a decision. But all I TOWN PA it LT. A M ENT. I?. It. orally other public cacan say is that I hope the hon. rrier • shall allow any ut' iter Majesty sub, gentleman who takes the place of the ‘let Monday chair and aesociated with him was lion. member for Latilloon, and his 7night. Mayor in the jocts tu do legitimate business over ex -Mayor D. A. Forrester. their lines ou the same conditions as party, will display tile "lee ability, earnestness and zeal for, what lie Deputy Reeve Dn i. 13. Itanedy and themselves or any other private citi- ' all the councillors present. i- zee or corporation, thinks and for th believes to he e Petition from Dauntless Lacrosse - -- -- - - ------- - good of the comitry as have been displayed by my hoe. friend who Club asking for a refund of Town .11. ACKENZIE'S RETIRE, 'MM during their rocent concert.ham just taken his seat." Anil th Hall rente On motion of Kennedy and f iNirearag• ERSH I MENT FROal THE alsEA.D. Howie, At 2in the morning, adjourn- gart the fee of );$5 was remitted. P. ell. anti the curtain virtually fell on Mr. Mackenzie's public career as an .aati-veiastetritesenall.- • 110W...fa.r....41.1,e- uarty which ousted him from lice f.losition has profited by WI ili timed decision, ten years of politics, has no doubt, taugheit." Mr, Charles Reid his arrived 110108 fr011) Manitoba. Wo aro pleased to see that Miss Jane Reid who has boon visiting friends iu Miehigan has returned.. .011 Monday evening our town fathers met, in Iudustry Hall fur their monthly. reutine of business. The beautiful warm showers the past few days have put quite a smile on our lartner's faces. Mr. John Barrett has purchased the Plates') p roperty. on M wife St. from Mr. Joseph ()embus for $350. Miss Tone McElroy left here on Monday tor Winghana to work at I the tailoring business. Mr. Charles Iiudgeus, beker, left hare on Saturday for Cleveland. Ohio, %shore he hap obtained a good etit. On Monday M r. Pattetson and family left here fur Illtievalo where they intend to reside iu the future. r. EWE!, 8011 of the Hub was in town on Friday in the interest of the piano business. Mesers. Geo. McElroy and John Disuitolin are 'erecting a nice wire fence in front of their resideuces ou Dingley street. Divine service will he held at the %neat hour in Trinity church ou Wednesday evening. . Profesaur Meek the elocutionist is to give au eutertaitiment in In - (Instil hall oo Friday eveniug the 13th inst., under the auspices of C. 0. , No. 89. At the last regular meeting of the members of the C. 0. F., No. 89, iu their hall, the folloviing officers were elected :—C, R., J. S. Mc- Kinnon: V. C. It., A. Steinhoff; R. S., J. W. Bell; F. S., IL Slater ; Treas., M. II. Hammond ; Chap., W. Sims; Ss W., Isaac Cowan ; J. W., John Scott; S. 13., Malcolm Mc- Lean J. 13., Charles Hamilton. Delegate to High Court meeting in June, Bro. J. S. .McKinnon. Wo regret to hear that butcher 'W. 'Kelly is confined to the house through en accident toone of his legs ono day last weak. We hope however to see him ,t his usual place of butsiuess ere long. Lonnieboro Quarterly servicee were held in the Methodist church on Sendey. 'Iteve J. Caewoll tints expected to preach hut owing to illness lie was unable to get Imre. 11,1r. Pattersomof Clinton,preach- ed in the Presbyterian church on Suntiey. Rev. J. fiamilton, the 11e1V 1)+18101, Vill 1)0 inducted next • Tuvalu, 0 number' of minister from a distannce will be present and take part in the ceremony. Mr. Wtn. Bingham arrived from Manitoba on Satutdny. beE tog is oxbows image in tis vicinity, nearly all the farmers fin- ished last week. The rains and warm weather have'greatly improved the fall wheat which now looks The follovring officers were elect- ed at the regular meeting of Court Pride of the, West, C. 0. 1'., on Friday evening: C.R., Goo. A.Necv- toe• J. T. Oliver; Rec. S., J. C. \.tinins; T. S., Geo. Snell; Trees. A. Woodman; 8. 'W., Geo. Cocker• line, Jr.; J. \V., N. Pringle; S. B. Thos. Riddell; Chap., Jamesenllen son; Delegate to High Court, R. 1, . The Messrs Crawford heals just comploted a now fence in front o Mr. Campbell's house which Adds nitwit to the appearance of his place. Thoy aro now putting up SO rod for Nlessts la.sharn nuil The Presbyterinue ere putting iu a fir mace in the manse. Regular meeting of S. O. E. or Fridey evening next, a good atteu dance is is:roosted. as importen husi 11105 iv 11 be brought before the Tiro following are the officers o the I. 0, G. '1'. Lodge for thi rmartnr: C. 1'., A. Woodman; V '1'., Elun Allen; R. S , Maria Riley A. 13,, Jennie Woodman; F. S., 11 Lawrnaon; T., Lizzie McLaughlin Nelson Bell; D. M., Mrs, J. Wood tOPTI; Chap., W. Cunning- ham; (., Orpha Whitely; S.:Hower( Riddell; S. .T. T., Mary A. Lee; P C. T., .Tae. Woodman. Next Tues day evening another frieudly con test will start to last 8 weeks, Sis ters Elva Adams aud Ida Riley wil act as Captaisn -The cornm ismion appointed b the Bishop of Huron to examine int the circumstances in connection witl the meritorious dieappearance of Rev II. N. Martin, the curate of Chris Church, Chatham, have complete( their labors, and it is understood th result is the complete vindication o the pastor. 8 8 • y 0 1 Bel:move. Miss Kelly, of Myth, is the guest of Miss C8.11100 this week. Our popular young tailor, Mr. D. Geddes, is doing a melting business this eming. Nit). Wm. Watson has purchased a largo number of hogs for the cheese, factory. A number of new members have beep added to the choir of the Pros byterian church. Querterly services of the 1381 - grave circuit were,beld in Sunshine on Sub:ley. A meeting of the W. F. M. S. will he held at the Mause this,Wed- nesday, after000n.. WHOLE NO. 704 .T= it veleigetion he beld, and !amide. 'tient meted out to the guilty pary whatever lois em -lel poeition, t',e ratford Home should receive emelt supeort from tier charitable public, and a deep stain muet tat on Mr. CH1118100. This is quite as had a terse as wentioecel in the Packet last year,ts hen the 6011 of one foiniho-r of the gnepel in R Canadian oily se- duced tIon atloped dam/liter of un.. other, end the ioor girl WAR stilt beck to England, whet e elle could doubtless, go to elle devil through the Leerier) elutes, and "no react had pity on her soul."--Orillia Pocket. (sindeeigh Township. Authority was given the Mayor to From the Montreal Gazette. -0410R-1-ttegysill---01-1"--414.111'esnof+3th'str" --riti"iiutr; we come to the rater days of Mr. 'Mackenzic'e public life, days spent in Parliamentary opposis tion and, to some extent, in silence, though friend and foe alike would have been glad to have heard his familiar voice, and hie terse, sincere and honest epeeclies in Par fitment once more. As a constitutional principle it was only a matter of course that on the change of Uovern• merit in 1878 Mr. Mackenzie took the leadership of the Opposition. Ile did his duty as such at least, honestly and without reproisch; in vulgar parlance "above board!' But his tactics were not those abunte wound him, and in the spring of 18) -to it wee freely • whispered about that cliques were endeavoring to inoilernaine Mr. Macketizii..11 1ll Liou. There IS 0. tradition itt Parliailitm- tary cireles that the honest old men, was above underhanded deals was warned by his old friend Mr. Bolton, that a movement to his detriment was afloat • Others tiny that there was/nothing of the kind, and that whatever watt ilone was done in "eaucure" Mr. 'thicken. zie, how wier, did not believe in government or adurinietration by "caucus." Ile was a believer in Parliamentary Government, and often said that be had no wish to see the AlTleliCall theory introduc- ed into this country. "Parliament is of no use," he once said, "if the caucus is. A. Parliament within a Parliament is a contradiction of the constitution." Next came, with start ling suddenees, the death of that eminent man, Mr. L. II. Holton, 'and how deeply Mr. Mackenzie was moved by the event can perhaps he only realized by those to whom he spoke on the Sunday following and by those who later on saw him in the House of Commons on the after- noon of March 15th, 1880; when, after a feeling speech from Sir John Macdonald in moving the ad, journtuent of the House,he rose to f second the motion. Not a line of his rigid face moved. It was as tor el00 on account of lumber. Public Park Committee consisting of D. A. Forrester, Alex McMurchie and Mayor Doherty recommending that steps he taken to improve the Park by planting, trees and putting in a turnstile. Also that a name he given to the Park and that- 5100 be put in the estimates for the coining year for Park purpasett, and that the ground be levelled in the fall ad seeded down with grass seed. Councillor Andrews suggested that seeoling now, in the spring, would be the heat. Councillor Plummer op- posed this view contending that fall was the best time. Mayor Doherty S tit! that the idea was not to disturb tho oil now as it would interfere with the use of the. ground this Summer. MeMurchie, from the Committee, in- clined to the view that it was too lotto now to do the seetling tttis spring, the ground could he got ready in the fell and either seederethen or next spring. The -report was earrie t (1. Street Committee reported progress of work already sanctioned and re. commended new work : Sidewalk from -Albert to Maple 2t., ou the north side or Whitelit ad St. and on the nr01 side of' Initrio St., from St. Patol's church gate to the old lioyal hotel. S. G. Plummer, chair- man Adopted. Finance Committee reported in faver of paying salaries e;257.75 ; street ace.. 271.91 ; proper- ty acc., ii0.11 ; charity RCC., $2.50 ; printing acc., $0.75. Receipts from scales et16. ; Town Hall $7.50 ; rent of office $10.00. G. 1). 311cTaga garb chairman. Adopted. Treasurer Roisson's statement showed balance on hand 1st ofApril, $3.450.64. Payments during April $1,328.16. Balance on hand 1st May $2,128.48. A proposition was read from Mr. Anderson on behalf of the Mail to write up the town,with illustrations of Town Hall, Model School, Collegi' ate School, Rattenbury St., Victoria Block, Brick Block ,Albert St., Gilroy and Jacksons Blocks, Whitebead, Beaver, Coats and Searle Blocks, 17 cuts or views eltegether. These ile Instrations to be published in the Toronto Mail, with two pages of de- scriptive matter, on the town paying g50 and furnishing photographs of A GREAT DAY FOR IMPERI- ' ,AL FEDERATION. April 25th was a great day hi the House of Ceniutorre at Ottawa for imperial federation, and front four o'clock till midnight eeheve been treated to a, set iris of good healthy, hopeful Hpeeelies on, the following rosidution of Air. McNeil : "Thee if and when the profits.. meet of Great Britain and Deland adinite Canadian producers to the mid kete of the United Kingdon up, on more favorable tidies than it accords to the products of foreign couetries, the parliament of Cane ada will be prepared to accord core. reeponding 'advantagee by a reduc- tion it the duties it imposes upon Bri:isit manufactured goods." CURRENT TOPICS. Mr. )leNeil made an earnest speech., which allowed !lie own con., viction that tiovre was some hope of the 1.ords between the mother country and the colonies ),Itewo cliter tor.' her, Tlingeholution was eupsegfed bee Messrs. Degjar dine (IA shit), Kenny,. Hazen, laavin and others, and about• ()levier Mr . Foster, on behalf of the) government, approved of 111h) 1.880, lotion and spoke of it as "The voice' of Canada to the mother country." Mr, Davies followed in oppoid, Cott to the resolution as being im- practicable. The debate W11.8 CO0tilllled until 0118 o'clock, when the amendment • was lost by a vote of 57 to 98. The titiin reotinn was then curried on the 'tame majority and' the house adjourned at 1:50. Both divisione were etraight party: In. And About The. Comity. k Thomite Oke, of Exeter, recently disposed of his stilenditi farm of 100 aeries, being lot 2, colt- ceseioti 3, Stephoe, to M r, Charles °elides, from Iowa, for the sum of $5,700. Mr. Celfass hits succeeded in securing a good bargain. distressing came of suielde took piece on lot 22, thee 5. West •WKWWIOSI), \Olen! Wire Leads., Sr., a respected ftoriner of that townehip, banged lutioself on Fridorrilor. Dta verrenorkirtrderiertairierneeliatveatine-ira•re------------ rows and was dragged through the field for mune thee het finding this would not accoinsilieli him purpose he completed his ineadie act by benging to a email tree in the Cold. Temporary insanity brought on by financial trouble vas the cause. The, reinaine were- interred on St. IIORSE SALE IN; TORONTO. Grande horse sale may fairly Augustine cemetery on Suirdey. be said to ile unequalled in the history of Toronto. Never before in that city has there beeu such an aggregation of well-bred ail i ni ole oll'sged for salte and never heye the prices realized been so good. Fetch day the big tent was occupied by a crowd of from 500 to 1,000 people, and though many of these were 121ereonloolter8, 51111 tIu bidders were numerous and and the bidding 218 brisk as could be debited. It is a fact wordly of notice that while pf course, there werre many Cana- A. 'vote of thanks was given Mr. diens among the buy els, yet the Rogers, nil inotiott 11. l'aul great bulk of them, and, in feet, and 11. (lerry. Rev. Mr, llow1 those Chat tnazle doe heaviest pure who is completing S11S4111 140(1 cheeses and pail the fanciest prices yr -ars' term at Atwoo 1, was the were American horeetnen, owners of junitir pater on the Brussels circuit 12 years ago and is held in high es- teem by hie warty oil friends laird A few years ago WAI Stat1011,' lo.t Londeshoro. —The charge against 1V. 1'. Thistle, late of Atwood, of seam; tog Maggie Verner, a girl under the age was age of 16 years, investigated 111 the police court on Monday laat. The I °Melee in alleged to lortve been cont. omitted last July. The c180 comes THE PERMITTED CRIME. under the . Charlton Act. The Some few months ago a child of plaintiff is a girl of prepossessing fourteen, adopted daughter of Mr. appearance, who had been living M. C. Camerson, formerly M. P., with a married sister at Newry. Goderich, died in acconchtnent. Several witnesses who gave evidence During the election Mr. Cameron to the "best of their recollection" issued a card stating that the were examined and the unfortunate child's betrayer was known bet girre father produced a family re - neither he nor the Statford Or- cord of births, marriages and deaths plian's Home authorities, who were in which the plaintiff's birthday was her luardians next. to Mr. Cameron, shown as August 1, 1875. The have taken any stelae to bring the cese waS n'ij turned at the request of wretch to justice. Unless a thorough Mr. Mabee. —llev. 1). Rogers' aoldle:85 11 fore the Epworth League,. in the Nletho. diet church in Brussels, at es on "Put yourself in hit plane," last, M outlay evening. The reverend gentletnan showed the necessity end advantage of doirog this front the standpoint of sympathy, charity, discontent, 123 theologieal or politi- cal I1i1.0011I,1011S and in tl:e 1.111 {Jilt 118 02 10(11. Tile three Toarteri of no hour oceupiod was gebuine tr000t and the w;ttiairtiet uf the spetker gave Hideo noel point l t!: well direcovil and e.aisiloloo week. .16 large breeding and racing etables anxious to procure likely animals to 01089 with their own choice strains. It speaks well, tndeed, for Canadian horse breeders, when men like Rockefeller, Watson and Capt. Martin, of New York; Ilnmlin, of Buffalo, and Crispin, of Bostou C01110 to the city and buy horses at prices ranging from $400 to $1,200 apiece. • • 4,