The Huron News-Record, 1892-04-27, Page 8CONSUMPTION
istt'ithout a parallel in the hfatoty of
medicine. All druggists are author-
ized to boll it on a positive guarantee,i
te8t that nu other cure can success,
fully stand. If yon have a Cough,
Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for
it; wilt cure yon. If your child has
the Croup„ or Whoopiug Cough, use
it promptly., and teliof issue. If you
dread that insidious 41i:lease CON`•
SU111PTION, du,.'t frit to use it, it
'will cure yon or cost nothing. Asia
you Drnt;j. ist for •Sk.iILOR'S CUBE,
('rice 10 o.ts., 50 cts. and 61.00. I
your Lungs are sore or Back lame
use Shilob!s Porous Plaster. 25 cts
To Advertisers.
All charges of Advertisements, to
insure incertiorr in the current issue,
must be received at the office not later
than tifonday 'Joon. Copy for
changes received later than Monday
noon wilt hereafter be at the Adeer•
tie'Br• s own risk.
WHITELY & TODD, Publishers.
The Huren News -Record
si.5o a Yo.. --81.25 In Advance,
Wednesday April 27111, 1891.
11,1 and Around the Hub,
Zotwll l&nth.
1,30AL No•rtens,—All notices in these
columns of meetings or entertainments,
previous to holding of the same, at which
an admission feeis 2tiarged,01•1rou, which
a pecuniary benefit is to be derived, will
be charged at the rate of ten cents per
OH, WHAT A COUGH 1—Will you
heed the warning. The signal per-
haps of the sure approach of that
more terrible disease. Consumption.
Ask yourself if you can afford for the
'sake of saving 50c., to run the risk
and do nothing for it. We know
1'rorn experience' that Shilob's Cure
will cure your couch. It never fails.
CANTELON BaoS. have received a
car load of sugar which will be solo
at the very lowest price for cash or
arm produce.
IVA W. 1IAltl,d>\1) lei ou a bust•
nose trial to TOtpnto,
\\ ERKS was in the county town
Monday ou profeaeional Wein—mt.
Mee. Louoi, wife of Principal
.ough of the Model 'S„ boot, is
orioualy i11,
N i:SGnuTON, the butcher, hate' a
eplendid display of Easter meets,
A doeoription of hie exhibit wee too
late for last weak.
Tile editor of the Putt lfopeTimes
has instituted criminal proceedings
eginat a practical joker who handed
iu for publication a bogus. windage
Mns. J. O'NKLL, au Old time
resident of Cliutou, cried Ott Sun
day 24th April, aged 69 years, and
was buried iu Cliutuu cetuoter
April 26th.
WE ASK tho indulgence of our
advert.izers this week owing to the
coutiuued 'flutter' of Mr..fodd, who
will probably be able to attend to
matters next weok.
MR. JAS. FERGUSON has a lot o
puna: material ou hand seed is now
prepared to put in new wooden
pumps, repair old 01108; build
cisterna oto. Give hint a call. •
MR. FARROW, Collector of Cus-
outs et Goderich, was in town yes-
terday and ' assisted Inspector Mc-
Michael in fixing up business in
the Customs office here which had
gone behind owing to the illness
and demise of the late Mr. Irwin,
CAMERON TALK. -"As you stake
your bed trust you lie in it," said'
the politician to the candidate.
"That's all right," replied the candi-
date. "Don't let it worry you. You
do the making and I'll attend to the
I t• i ng."—
IousatiOLD TALK.—"I have been
down -trodden all wiuter," crowed
the carpet, hat I ale coating right
up now." "Oh, yes," interrupted
the broom, "but you 'will be beaten
on the homestretch, lose your dust
and be laid out, just' as you were
Met spring."
WRIGHT !—.The Hindu hells, or ear
akar, ere 136. The walla of the)
principal of these ate over 10
miles in thickness, and their shin
of fire is so fierce they buret thgV
eyoa of those who look at them even`
frau the distance of 400 leagues.
SCHOOL DESK.—Ed. M Denis, of
Walkerton, has invented an auto -
made oseilating desk hinge, to be
used on .school desks, whishpre-
am 1 .s manypoints of superiority
r an of ler hinge now being
is ,perfectly automatic
eetron andupon the (teat being re•
levoc of the weight of the pupil
wl raise/wellto a proper position
or passing outran the least weight
will place it in a proper
for sitting down.
To do Business and a Millinery trade the first step
towards success is to have Milliners who are adepts in
the art, not only in trimming, up stylish and fashionable
goods, but are able to combine colors to suit every tout
plexion and face.
We clailn that in our efficient trimming staff under the
able management of Miss R. McDonald and Miss
Beesley, assisted by Miss Atches.on and - other able
assistant;;, we have: a class of skilled lutists who are
able to trine you up and suit you in the way of a
nice stylish hat or bonnet, and public opinion bears us out
this statement, and then we back it up with our
niense assortlnent.
Nothing like it for choice style and beauty, and the
fact is our Millinery department is a big success.
Done over in the leading styles.
\\rE under'etarld that Mr. W. 11.
erriu, the veteran°grain dealer and
commission merchant, will again
go into the same business and is
making preparations to build a
Cameron, the defeated candidate
iu \\lost Huron, Ilse been filed at
Osgoode Hall on behalf. of Hon.
J. C. PAttorson, by Messrs. Mere-
dith, Clark & Guwes.
Editor News -.Record.
I notice that politicians of both
parties are going for one another • '
"tooth and Waif." Probably this i■ JJ1i1€1i't3iiJ1Ilot1iiii.g.
as it should he, sire hatanding your West •like desire for peace. In
West limon the Grit press have de-
clared war to the knile and the knife
to the hilt against alleged 'Tory Our Stock is now full and complete, and by long odds
boodlers. And the Tory press have
declared that as eternal vigilance is the largest and cheapest assortment in the county.
the price• of an undebauched con.
stituency the watchful eyes of their ®�
friends have located sufficient end- SATURDAY
TTTR`�"tt j�j 'i�9" NEXT '
encs to send alleged Grit boodlers i•i V ,(jr„C',`i, j� 1� •
behind iron bars, and that they in• •
COLLECTOR CAVEN, of Stratford, tend to pursue the path of duty and
captu,e,l a.distjliery' outfit in the vindicate the fair name of West
cellar of Conrad Eugal, in Cray Huron by showing up in the courts
township, Huron county the other
tie foul grip
n! ata by which Mr. Camey- B
O` ,�� (�1
Lap, Engel was lined $100. and s c and gra aeon have stthurw held Y SUITS
�� ■�' a � O
bout to prison for a month. such a ri i on this constituency. 1/
think that the public. would like to
see the fight go on in the hope that
iMrt. W. A. CAU,R!CK did not the war between the boodlers of both Anybody who misses this bargain
llwilfoily attempt to+ perform hare- parties may result, like the fight hem will regret it.
kali upon himself, but he accident- tween the Kilkenny cats, in the ex•
ally cut a large gash serosa the ball termination of both. Indeed I think
of ars thumb and the palm of the when both parties' boodlers fall out
hand with a pocket knife, the public are likely to come by their
own, even as the proverb runs con 4 ` SOy ',.. :°°
cerning another class of disreputable0�' t�k 1p
Mit. Saaturf, GRiGG, the former characters. Now, I say D1 r, Editor, ,, ,`
proprietor of the Grigg House, aaone whose motto is, 'independence {.�
London, and a Clin'oniau by birth, in all things ; neutral in nothing,"
▪ ▪ \� Ik 1 Will take part in butte the morning you ahipuld advocate the pressing to
C g nod evening services of the flatten -
legal conclusia.n the protest against
LICENSE COMMISSIONER Mr. S. P hurt' Street church ou Sundaynext AIr, Iatterson and the one against
Sloan, of Gode,tiah, was iu town t t Mr, l'ntneron, Asa Conservative I
last. week. 111ay-let, • have no fear of the result. Better �'
-ave 1 auris I 'have every, confidence in the
Used. It f l �.. r{..;
. TIM 1\'EAa•tIER ist;.nito frosty at 1 Y c to ISAAC IN LUCK.—Haring ooruplete vindication of pr. I'utter-
i nights with sunny day, which will a to leave town ,early on Monday son, his friends and their conduct of
be bud for full grain and earned I i morning Alr, Isaac lattenbur on the campaign. On the other hand,g owth of .spring deeding, 'The f I! hie return found himself better ole frr°r<inthat 1 hear, anti from my nd YoungLaclies
Yd by a thounnddollars htscel 9 anfi'iendsinetyleofmatte
/. tV P.a(h0l••tV 180 P0. we will have a , celebrated on and his h•iendain•electionutat
a dance neon of this lveatlterfor the 1 p position mare, Josie Banker, having dropped feel satisfied that disgrace awaits lien
balance of the months a fine filly colt (by'sDiplomat), both and them. If we have any Grit Who wish to make money can find profit -
AMALGAMATION. --The is a iTIOve- = 6f R, Mc\irousEr,,CustotnsInspector
dam and sire being highly brad and boodlers, unity mors or bribers let • able employment bytaking orders for the
for this District of purely trotting qualities. Ike the community be purged of them ;
meet on foot among the cungrega- ,� , is in town straight• expects to have eomethiun to n and what is sauce for the
ouigr+out what tan a go goosemost pope lar
tiou(t of the Ontario street and $at the
glee Can be found should be sauce for the gander. The
teubnry s,raet Methodist +congr a�tar i the Customs office here. He is around a corner like a hoop around franchise is too precious a trust to
Nona to amalgamate and built p.d Rite a courteous and affable official al54.rrol. be bought and sold or bartered for s' •
church large enough to accommo lad evidently well up iu hie busi- lucre, And if the tedious and ex- Ladle 11Y{i azlne
i •
His bum, of order must be TUE CLINTON' CRICKET CLUB i proceedings of Lw courts V
date all.pensive roceedin
ngly developed for he ivaista ,rganiz'dd for the season of 1802 will rid us for a time, or in some way
+� 1'he officers are Ilan, fres., D. At punish, those who make of it mere
Miss e BJtl ge SinIR., dal/ et [hero is only ono proper way of Forrester, Ilan. Vico Pres., G. D erchandise agreat That has ever been offered at 50 cents for
ler of the late .Jntlge Sinclair, was conducting public bu(times, and that good will be
i McTagg;trt, Pres., N. hl c. L. Fair one that cannot be estimated in six months.
married last week,
et her home iu', IS tl curdpubl with the rules pre y °liars and cents. Every
Pres., \ nl Gd
._,._._ i !r.tlstitsttl,...lo E. H,.., I.�rr,,,,.patytng ...: , tlta, ,,.by ,,s,ta,tn.-an.d-th ,.de.. Ile 1-y-rr., Ca. S2�i.... _ W r . 3' wants elle i�aPa-
,. ..., tea., e, _.. .. -,
pa testis: A� "\^lr .Chiaroy ;fir. Captain .
zine. All --hour. spent in taking
taller in the IInmiitou agency o pertinent The new customs officer ' p 1 LIB—CO\, e' p orders
tho Book of Montreal.
at Clinton will have to mind his L. Kennedy. Exenutive Cor1t•-j your friends will give you a nice
P's and (1's, mitres, J. H. Howson, \V'. H. Ball jj among .
Mn. W. SWEET, of Sarnia, ne- ' J. TIcAlurchie, IJ r. Shaw, T. I; ! TARE POSTAL DEPARTMENT, return in money,
couutant its the Grand Ttunk loco. 'CTIA\lis.--\\Te have to thank the Fortuna. Match Committee, L. I•. and your friends will
motive works at Point Edward, G°derich Signal and Seaton]: 1, c,- Kennedy, M,, 1). McTaggart, Jas, i rhe report of the postmaster gen- thank you for introducing such a cheap and
r;:lcle of Mr. G. W. Sweet, of the Pntretor, and the NetcEra for ltitidly AlcYlurchio. Thee is 000of the best sial chows that at the end of June,
Clinton organ factory, was seriously references to tie appoiutmout of the Cricket Clubs in Western Ontario last year, there wore 8,061 poat-
injured last week by falling in front editor o1' this paper to the poaitiou and was not beaten in a aiuglo,enatch' ;routes in the Dominion, that the
of a street car which ho was gutting of customsof}icor at Clinton. Among last year. It is deserving the sup- routes over ,lith mails are eg-
et off, the cowgrut,nlatione we have receiv- portaggregate 5S 905 miles
of our citizens, ag h' and the ag-
ed by latter we cannot overlook �.-----"'�""""" �"'"��""" igr•exate mileage of mails during the
WeereD.—An editor who can those from Judge F. W. Johnston Goosc I ONKS HIGH,— year then ended was 27,152,543.
react, write, nod argue politica and of Algoma and Mr. Ilam Arm. General Rosecrans says that in the
at the same time be roligioue, funny
strong, agent T Y proverb "Everything, is lovely and While the progress of the whole
scientific and hiatoriaal at will, °' a ]t of the Northyvest the ,ase teen a the word country is of first importance, resi-
Telegraph and American Express g g high,"dents in Ontario will not be dis-
wri(e to please everybody, knowing companies at Goderich. It 1 goes "hangs', should really be "honks."
everything without hair told an The spying originated in the North- plo"sod to learn that this ptovinca o 0
a g , without. saying that to these and to does more than half of the total
ways having something good: to day the hundreds of others who have end ern States where, in rainy, foggy,
about suybod • else; live ou wind ' postal business of the Dominion.
y ore continually iu person expressing or etorrny weather, it is a well- Of 97
and make no enarnies. For such a known fact that the ease flylow— per cent.
weres 33 000,000 or
mann good opening will be Made their wo gratification at the appoint- skimming alar g ovger the over 54 cant. posted in Ontario. ? i 'i
a our n'ewpapti:hconduct we hae.e nn housetops. Int hone and pleasant Of 25,890,000packets,
transient le.,15,700,000, pars, y0 '111.
—in -the graveyard. hook packets, cite,, or '1
CLINTOR HAS Triit REQUISITes.-- deavored to do our duty, lu our weather they fly in long strings, so 60 per cent, were posted in Outeri°.
Primarily there is but one way to new position we shall try to guard high in the air that their peculiar And so tvith registered letters and
advortiso a town, and that is iudrt'nlual interests and those of cry, "Honk, honk,' can scarcely be other classes of mail matter: Ontario
thro,rtll tho newspapers. Bat ad- the public collectively. heard on the earth below, hence the furnished more than all the reit of
overtistng alone will notinduce into- D::+rnrt'Trvr,--An exchange says whenl"the that everything is lovol•y the Dominion put together,
nfActurers, capitalists, and others to A newspaper inta 3aooso' hoicks high, and
y put in its hast not "hangs high," which is the most The revenue of the department
locate within your gates, any more licks for its town, may champion nonseusical perversion of the for the fiscal year was$3,374,887,66:
than advertising will sellshop•worn the cause of its merchants, may call original old New England Baying. the expenditure was $4,020,739,94.
out•of•dato goods. You must have atteution to abuses and have them The excess of expenditure over
a good thing to show your custom- corrected, but let it once express an WEST Mawr Lrct:Nses.—'rhe Com• revenue was $645,852,28, against
ere after you have them interested, opinion with which ono or more of missioners met in Clinton last Fri- $782,258 in the preceding year.
and your newspaper advertising its patrons way disagree and all its day and considered the granting of
must be given all the aid possible, past benefit and support have been ligranteduor eenses. The hotel licenses: -Clinton Weill illustrated by the postal rev.u.
In this lino of.atds nothing is more forgotten. Patrons of newspapers Rnttenbury, Spooner, Pike, Milne
important or of raore material help seems to forget also that if a paper Kennedy, Lee, Rosier for the Com: us, which in 1871 was $765,059; in
than a good hotel. This hotel is the expresses an opinion with which mercial when tenant is secured and 1881, it was $1,767,162, and in
pulse by which the observing man 'they do not agree its columns ere fitted up to the satisfaction of In. 1891 it was $3,374,887.
judges the health, enterprise and always open to those who differ specter Paisley is inert.). Shop, J. Since the rate of interact on
future condition of the town. A from it. From the fate that over- Riter.—Goderieh : Mrs. Cox, Jont.
good hotel draws all kinds of poo- takes newapapers we sometimes Miller, J. C. Martin, W. Babb, E. money in the postofr}ce aavinga
pie to the pines and its advertises in think it would bolter for n news- CurrSwann, McCaughey, W. Craig, D. bank was reduced, the deposits have
of June,
many ways. The drummer's stop paper never to have an opinion, ham : J. Swans, Roe, D. McCor- 1889,1 they amouoff. At nted tto $23,011,.
within its doors whenever possible never to take up anybody's fight nev• mick, J. Dinsley, F. Korman, A. Orr. 422 ; in 1890 to $21,990,653 ; in
and alavays plan to pass Sunday er to call attention to any abuses, Bl.ytb: J. Ernigh,.1. Kelly; J. Mason 1891 to $21,738,648.
with the hoot ; tourists hear of its never to make a etcggestion or offer and W. Watson laid over to 26th.—
fame and lay over a day or twn and a criticism•, Of douse such a paper Ashfield v J. McDonald, 1'. Griffin, J. No better evidence of the prosper
view the town; excursion trains will wonid be simple a bonontity but it Mnllough, L. Smith, R. Delong,— ity and progress of a country can be
. stop at ---an hour or two for would have no enemies. The en• Colb°rue : 1v, La .1. l Hy. Martin, found then in the record of its
F, McDonough, I, iiamllton, A.
dinner, and so the good hotel is an envies of a paper will always do Allen.—Hullett : J. Kuntz, J. Bell. poets! business. And the postal
immense aid to a town anxious to more against than its friends will —W. Wawanosh: .T. Lougheed.—E. business of Canada is increasing
grow.—Printer's Ink. ever do for it. Wawanosh : J. Dixon. very rapidly.
Is there a buyer who has missed this great bargain ? We
have sold a tremendous quantity of them and there is
only a small lot left.
PRICE, - - 25 CENTS.
Regular price 75 cents. New, Fresh Goods.
Linen Handkepehjefsl
ON SATURDAY NEXT we will offer 200 Fine
Linen Handkerchiefs bought at,auction and worth
25c. and 35c. As long as they last you can take your
quantity AT 15 CENTS—anti they are the biggest
snap ever offered in Clinton. Fill up while they last.
we will offer a limited quantity of
Clothiers and Furnishers.
Beautiful M aazine
Into their homes. Call and get instruc•
tions and make pocket money in abund-
to rte
Book Stoi'e and News Depot, Clinton.
Tire News- l:eCofd
The Finest Job Printing