HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-04-27, Page 5e fr rani a us,Rooura .50.T.. r•-51.25 tnAdv uo, Wtcllttcsttla •, Apyli 270, JI A1lclit191,141 Locals. - 8TottlttlNct THE ItioHTs --Thu storniug of the Hei hts of Qu.ebeo part of the suede of war, autl uta 414016 314 print, in florid colors, depicts how a great General depart. ed this life on thappemorable field .of glory. It ie a war picture of Jailor tone, with plenty of gore to embellish it, The smoke of battle lies heavily, over the scene, and around about' the dying hero, scores of his brave soldiers, wounded, bruised, apraincd and bleeding, . Strongly illustrate the havoc of strife and its attendant eutfuring, „o The picture is rendalkablo, not so much for what it represents, as whet it omits. In modern times a battle scene would show Satnoritans at work, and the rank and file would be bettor equipped for such enter. gencitiv. The British soldiers in the Suudau ctrriod St. Jacobs Oil in their kn.apsaclte, thus not only providing a cure for their hurts uud injuries, but also a prompt and per• maueut care for rheumatiane, neuralgia, sciatica, and lumbago. which so frequently result Irani ex- posure. CURRENT TOPICS. OUR PRESENT id BIG ENOUGH. May the Hon. Edward Blake :stay o,ut of ,,glides forever if he tees no opening in public life for biro except as an advocate,ofannexation. If the honourable gentleman ie an annexationist he is one not from choice 'out from despair. As such he could be of little i:er- vice to this country. The trt:th is that Canada ie altogether too much worried about its future. The cares of the present are plenty big enough to emyloy all the nation's energies. It is time enough to bid the future good, morning when the country meets it. Speculation as to the future is often a couveuieut outlet from the 'fluty of dealing with present con• ditions. The future of Canada will be all right if the present is ,worthy of it. It Canadians are busy with the chairs of the future instead of grappling with present evils it will be different. Immediate sins do not make for the ultimate good of a na"tion.-7'oronto Telegraln CASTING PEAItL8 BEFORE SWINE. 'I leave,' soya air. Chamberlin, `not very mucin hope of converting the Glatlstouiaus. Dean Shrift once SSW that you could not reason a Ulan out of an opinion that he had never been reteoned into. That le the peculiarity of the Gladstonian party. Tney have uoue of them been reasoned Into any opinions; they have swallowed then without L•nowings what they are.' SHOULD LAWLESSNESS BE REWARDED. 'lloes the candidate,' said a Scotch heckler at Kirkcaldy to the Gladstonian candidate, 'consider reward or punishment most suitable for teen exploding dynamite in pubs lic places, shooting people who pay y„ - thole lawful rents, nlu014tingr-t.4 r, cattle, and burning their stock 7' • HE MIGHT ANNEX HIMSELF. The expatriated Yankee like John Charlton, Grit M. P., who has been entrusted with the contid• 'encs of a Canadian couniry,constitu- ence of the country which unfortun ately cannot deny hitt the privileges of citizenship said in Buffalo that Canada would be annexed to the States in tett years. The country can stand it if the party which he but dens. with his support can stagger along under the weight of suer. an in- cubus. The Liberal leaders are never at pains to rebuke the John Cherltons who undertake to speak for the party. This alien who never had any genuine affection for the country which Nae enriched him, sets up in husiness ea the spokesman of his party, the prophet of his coun- try. His oracular remarks only lessen the party's chances of sue ese. And it will taker bigger men than John -Charlton to work out a fulfil went of his own gloomy prophecy. POLITICAL AMENITY. Oil learning of the death of the Elora. Alex McKenzio,Conservative members of Parliament sent the fallowing to Mrs. MacKenzie :— DEAR MADAM,—rhe Conservative members of the House of Commons of Canada have learned with deep regret of the death of their late die- tinguiehed colleague, the Hon. Alexander McKenzie, and beg leave to tender you their heartfelt sym• pathy iu this hour of your great sorrow. They desire to express their genuine appreciation of the many noble qualities that market i n your lamented husband the character of patriot and statesman whish will cause his name to liven the history of our country as one of Canada's best and truest friends. Signed on behalf of our colleaguie CLARK WALLACE. J. J. CURRAN. P. E. GnANDBOIS. J. 13. Mitts. S. HUGHES. MARPCT REPORT% ' toomote4 SIM TWA" ertsre es,) MOTO. Fall Wheat..................0 80 to 0 $5 Seems WIcaf).............. 0.80 to 0 81t0 Barley,....:, ,. C 40 to 0 0'.l. Oats.. ) 29 to 4 30 1,'eaa..,..,.................. 0 07 o 0 60 Applea,(winter)per bag 0 40 to 0 50 Potatoee . 0 25 to 0 30 Butter .. 0 16 to 0 16 Eggs l! 1.0 to 0 11 Hey,..,., 11 (10 toll 00 Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00 Beef .. 0 00 to 000 Wool....... ,... 0 18 to 0 18 Dressed Hogs 5 00 to 3 25 AUTION. EACH PLUG OF THE jTiijrII Naiy T. I8 MARKED & B. • IN BRONZE LETTERS, NONE OTHER GENUINE. HOUSE PAINTING Alt persona wishing to have their houses papered rand decorated inside or pointed outside, in tlret-claee style nod at moderate prices, will find it to their advantage to call on C. WILSON, Painter and Paper Hanger Shop on Rattenhury Street 097-3m House For Rent or Sale. Six•roomeh house ou Orange street. Clinton. Comfortable and in gond repair. Hard and .n•t water. Garden In °nnueotion. Will be sold or rented on reasonable terms. Aptly to 700t1 JAMES 010K, Clinton. HOUSE FOR RENT. A entail comfortable hotno on Ritttenbnry street, splent:id stone cellar, bard and soft water and other conveniences, near to achoola and el urches. stent only 84 per month. Apply to It W. Ii. HINE, Blacksmith Wanted. A journeyman blacksmith to run shop in the Village of Saltford. Must be 'a good horse-sboer as well as a good general bla..ksmith. Address J. T. GOLD'I'HOItPE, Solder(' P.O. 699- 4t March 30, 1992. RNID H �S INDIAN SUPPLIES. et BALED TENDERS addressed to the under- ° agucd, and ender-ol leder for lndnan Supplies," will be received at thio gores np. to 110011 of SATURDAY; 1411, May, 1899: for the, delivery of ludiau Snppli-e, dnrinA the fiscal tear ending 130Th June, 1693, testy -paid, at varicne p aim. in Ili nitoaa and the Nortl...West Terri- tories. Forme of tender, snntaining fall particulars relative to the supplies required, dates of delivery, Sac., may be heal by epplyiolr to the undersigned, or to the Indian Commia+inner at Regina, or to the Indian Office, lYinnipeg. This advertisement le. not to be ineerte,l by any newspaper without the authority of the geeen'e Printer, and no claim for payment by any new+paper not having had each antbority will be admitted. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. L. VANXOUntINET, Deputy of the Snperintendent•Oeneral of Indian Aff.irs. Deportment of Ionian Affairs, Ottawa, March, 1892. 700-85 MAIL CONTRACT. VVEAFED TENDERS, addressed to the Post. YA ,_Ttapter-General, will ba 113 4-11i001.1 Ottawa t nail 146915' Y,, ra; .YY, THE 22nd APRIL, 1n92, fur the ciftiveyanoe of Her Majrlty's Melte, tin a proposed Contract for four year. 6 times per week each way, between Bayfield and Seaforth, from the 1st July next. The conveyance to be made in a two -horse vehicle. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of proposed oontraet may be seen and blank forms of Tonder may be obtained at the Poet Offieos at Bayfield, Varna, Bruoetleld, Egmondville, Seaforth, and at this office. H. G. TIOPKIRdt, Post Oaloe Inspector Post Moe Inspector's Offic.i, 1. Stratford, 10th March,1892 1 697—Rt LOST OR ABSTRACTED. Lost, mislaid, or abstracted from my residence on lot 33 con. 7, Goderich township, two prom- issory notes—one made by William Curry for 5200.00 in my favor, and which fell due some time in the year 1.90; une one for 878.00 made by Thomas Ramsay in my favor. The public are cautioned to not purchase either of the above notes, as I have received payment of asme. ROBERT RUSSELL. March 30, 1992. 690-45 NOTICE. There being some misunderstanding with re- gard to wreckage, let It be distinctly understood that if any person takes poseesston of any kind of wreckage and fails to report to me I shall at once take procee•linge, Remember this is the last warning I shall give. CAPT. WM. BABB. Receiver of Wrecks, Goderich. Goderich, Sept. 7th 1891. MONEY TO LOAN On tarn property at 61 per Ogent. Apply .to .A.HARCT Clinton, DESIRABLE LOTS FOR SALE. Three one -acre Iota in the Town of Clinton are offered for sale. They are situated on Raglan street, not far from the Doherty Organ Factory and Collegiate Instituto, adjoining the former residence of air. J. H. Combe and in dhe neigh- borhood of eret.class residences. For tering, etc., apply to 66111 ARTHUR ANOX, Clinton. NOTICE All persons holding accounts against Hon. J. C. Patterson, arising nut of the late election in West tluron, are requested to hand them forth- with to the undersigned for settlement. JOHN BUTLER. Financial Agent for J. el, Patterson. Goderich, Feb. 26, 1898. ave You Bought Your Spring. Bros:Yet If not, when you decide to make the purchase do not miss seeing our stock of Fine Dress Goods, 2 The Newest Intends, The Newest Shades, The Newest Patterns ; are what we show, TRIMMINGS that will very much improve the appearance of your Dress and that will match all shades of Goods worn this season. A 1Vlagnificent Stock -of Parasols '-"'-Eery one new this season ; stylish handles and serviceable colors, at reasonable prices. FIVE PER CENT OFF FOR CASH. ESTATE JOHN HODGENS, - CLINTON. OUR PRICE $ CUT A BIG FIGURE HERE Come and find out the purchasing power. of a $1 with us. \\'e have put the knife into all prio, s and cut them clean in half; tor instance in BOYS CLOTHING we will sell you suits that were $03 for $1.50; that were $2 for $1 and so on. We are bound to do the clothing trade of this burg if low prices will do it. OUR DRESS GOODS Are moving out rapidly, goods well Nought are half sold and that is why we are always busy at our DRESS GOODS counter, we have the goods you want end prices to match. PARAS are now being freely bought as old Sol is mak- ing things warmer, and as we have bought largely this spring we have tnat•ke'd them all at a slight advance on wholesale cost in order to sell them clean out. We have thele from 25c up. - --BOOTS flN0 SNOE ,\Ve will pass into stock this week agrand lot of LADIES OXFORD TIES all to go for $l be sure you see these alines. Remember we always have what we advertise. 41-IIRTIN(iS, TI('KINGS, SIIEET[NOS, CO'1'1'ONS, FLA '1'0WELINGS and CI ITTONADES, • a choice stock to sleet from Just a Word About Carpets We do not deal very heavily in CARPETS but always keep a fair range in \Vl.)UL, BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY and !TEMPS, but what we claim is that our pri •e for CARPETS is 21) per cent lower than any other house in the trade. Plumsteel & Gibbings, MONTREAL HOUSE, f;LIN'I'ON. roceries rcories 0 Fruits, Peels, Canned Goods, Teas, cEe. Our store is well-filled with fresh, clean, new Goods, and we can supply the wants of every household at very close figures. Do not buy until you inspect our stock. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale &, Retail Grocers, Clinton. Leslie's C''itg BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—all of the best work, manebip and material. c "All the latest styles and most modern itlnprove- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times. Xie" FACTORY—corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657—y COTTAGE FOR RENT Comfortable ecven-room cottage on Dunlop street, Clinton. (lard and soft water. 'Garden in eowled00n. Will be rented or sold on very reasonable terms. For particulaee apply to J. 0. ELLIOTT or JAMES STEEP. 607-45 - CARD OF THANK We take this manna of thanking all our eustot niers for their liberal patronage during the las- tiro years. WALTON At ?MORRISON, 607 Tailors, Smith's Block, Clinton MORTGAGE : SALE —nF Valuable Farrri Properti —IN THE— TOWNSHIP OF GODERIOH. Under and by virtue of the power of pale con- tained in a curtain mortgage, which will be 1-ro- dnced on the day of Hale, there will be offered for sale at public aucticn, by David Dmklnson, ane- tionier, at the Rattenbnry Muse, in the TOWN OF CLINTON, on Saturday, the 9th April, 1892, at 2 o'clock p.m, the following property, viz: Lots 86 and 87, in the Maitland C000eseion, in the Township of Goderich, in the County of Huron, containing 97 acres more or less, also the rood allowance along the westerly aide of Haid Iota, recently bmght from the said Township, containing 81 sores.. The soil ie a good clay loam, edroirahly suited for groin raisink. The land is nearly all clbared end to well supplied with water from wells and. springs. There is planted a large bearing orchard. Tho buildings combat of a large two.stormy frame dwelling home. The farm adjotne the village of Helmesviile, about three miles from the Town of Clinton. TERMS.—Tho property will be sold subject to a reserved bid. Lot 86 will be sold subject to a mortgage for 51900 and intermit, and Lot 87 sub- ject to a mortgage fur 5850 and interest. Ten per cent of tbo pureheae money to be paid on the day of sale and the balance in thirty day% there- after without interest. The pnrcnaser will be required to sign in agreement for the completion 0f purehape. The other terms end conditions will be the atantling conditinns of the Court of Chancery. For further partionlar•e apply to the undersigned. MANNING k SCOTT. Vendors Solicitors. DAVID DlC1 TN8ON, Anafioneer. Msrel9(1.,1892. 697-4t Bend Y our Telefframs BY THE C. P. R. TELEGRAPH OFFICE AT Cooper's Book Store, Clinton. New Blacksmith Shop GEORGE TROWIIILL has opened out a gen. eral Blackenlith end Repair Shop in the building lately occupied by Mr. Gauley, opposite Pelr'e lumber yard, Albert street, Clinton, Ont. Blacksmith and Iron Worlt in all its branches. Horse -Shoeing promptly attended to and satis- faction guaranteed. The public ere invited to Ball before ordering any class of work in the above linea. 497-tf GEORGE TROWHILL. M. 0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, - SOLIOITOR, COMMISSIONER, Eto,, ()Errol: :-Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew's Ste. t;ciDERICH, - - ONT. Money to loan at lowest rat THEN YOU WANT A R.EADY4(ADE SUIT GRAN® EiRED SUIT Or anything in MEN'S FURNISHINGS, come and see what we can do for you. We carry a very fine range. Just now we are'ofiering ----A LINE OF ODD PANTS !---- At a great deal less than their valve and itis worth your while to come and.see. —o T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -ST., CLINTON. XM S GOODS. 0 NEW VALENCIA, SULTANA, LONDON LAYERS AND BLK. BASKET RAISINS. NEW SEASON'S CURRANTS, CANDIED PEELS—LEMON, ORANGE AND CITRON ; ESSENCES, EXTRACTS, SPICES, ORANGES, FIGS, DATES. 9- CANDIES CHEAP. o— [ have excellent 'value in highest grades of BLACK TEAS, FORMOLS' -OOLONGS, MONING CONGOUS, PACKLING, half chest and caddies. TRBLEND Y°URuF- PURE INDIA AND CEYLON TEAS, put up in one pound packages at 50 cents per Ib. 11 Best value in PACKAGE TEAS in the market. 0 Extra Value in Crockery, Chin and Glassware. CHINA TEA AND TOILET SETS, CHEAP. We-uffer Sp'eoiai Inducements during the 'Holiday Trade—to—Oast— Purchasers. Purchasers. 0 obson, 7}, lbertSt. CROCKERY & GLASSWARE 0 -- We have just received a package of a new pattern of Glass •I nre, consisting of Glass Setts, Pitchers, Tankard Jugs, uoblets, Fruit Bowls, Casters, Shaker Salts and Peppers, Orange Bowls, etc., etc. We have also a Line of Bedroom Setts coming in. Extra value. We import our Crockery direct from England, which enables us to sell at low prices. Sole Azents for Hillwatta Tea. O Geo. Swallo', 011ntiii CREAT RAILROAD STRIKE IS NOW OVER, BUT ---- SUGAR IS ADVANCING. --0—�_ HAVING PURCHASED TWO CARS at the lowest prices this year direct from REDPATIIS AND ST. LAWRENCE REFINERIES, Montreal, I am giving my old customers and as many new as will come, SUGAR AT WHOLESALE PRICES. AterSpecial Cuts in Barrel Lots to the Trade and Jobbers. —0— J. W. IRWIN, - Noted Grocer, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, CLINTON.