HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-04-27, Page 2lawreisoteetuessoweosoariaweamoeseroso 10 not • Mall a tlltttiresoing:oomltlaint,, of itaeltt bit h ' °mono ;tltp itiQ 4 tq beentue dtprnved ,endthe oy9tttiP, off f904101. 1. Is' •tll'r parent" oQ1 inn alactabla. 0040410: ',1:4141 ;Ityerra StkriMP arlilq, is the best care :left Iudigeat,Ion, avail rvlien coinpl;e;tted with Itiyet;.tipmplahgt, is proved' by tho following te$1wafly iron lois,; d'vaoplt lake, g1 Brooltway+ Co t o ' n ATIO.;1— x h rJ�e. , (. v r complaint o»lt4 to t ri u dl a iu o t a d sou m:t<leJ any life a bnt'don aud•catue neai ending zuy er,ttitence. 'Icor more than tout tears, I suffered Untold Agonyy,. was relfthousatmoot to.aekeleton,and bardly hail strength to drag myself about. •Alt itierle of load dietreseed me and only 'Mae west delicate co;i be me, at all. Within the time mentioned several phyla Oar's treated mo witheatgivingre- liot. liotbing that I took seemed to do any permanent good until I commenced tiro IMO of ,A;Qr'{f tearsaparilla, which' lees produeed'wenderful results. Soon after cornrhow:i 1g to take the Sarsapa. ripe, I could see an improvernent in my condition. My appetite began to return and wlth it clone the ability to digest all tho food token, My strength ha. Proved each day, and attar a few months of faithful attention to your directions, 1 found myself a well woman, ,able to attend tool' household duties. Tho medicine has given me new lease of life." Ayer's Sarsaparilla, 1'fZPdlr6D ST Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Masc. • Price $1; slx bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle. r The Hugon News -Record $1.60 n Year -$1.25 1n Advance We d rues ti tt y..Ap ri l 27t1. 1 SB tl. BLOOD WILL TELL. Deed bleed will show its quality. 8•. will bad blood, the one in a healthy body and ruddy complexion, the other in ill health, Watches, pimples, boll,, and Beres, and frequently in intenser forms as nlaere } n.,soeseoa erysipelas, eierofulous &scares, salt rheum, etc. Leery organ of the body d•.penis upon the blood for force and vitality, and is hut scantily served ,when the blood i, impure. lin remedy in no potent as a blood purifier or more rapidly produces new and healthy blond than L'urduuk Blood Bittern, which neutralizes the various poison, and restores the vitalizing power 61 thin all important fluid• As to instance of this re.,.l wh.:t Air. J. S. Null, of Algoma f41t'la, Ont, says in a recent letter: Pins. --A yoer ago I was troubled with p 0.e hronking outsell over my body, the . ileo; of bed hind. I,:on.uited!hree di In) et.t doctors, a h , gave medicine hu, 41,4: -.cute me I wart adyiseal to toy 13 13. ,13., and after using two bottle, 1 Po' iced the pole getting less. I contin- ued rhe.nae of B. 13. 13., which entirely 0414+'11 Eno, giving me also a splendid ap- petite. Since 11eu I would use no other Medicine. —John Rend deserted a wife and six children in Cardwell some years ago, went to Brantford and there rn. tried Mary Jane Leffler on May 20, 1880. ile eutered a plea of gullty at Cho Brantford Police Court yesterday and was remanded till Tlonday next. Mrs, Jane Vansicle, Atherton, Ont was cured of livor complaint, ober years of suffering by using tire bottles of B. B. B. She renomn'ends it. —Canada's exports to the old country increased 21 per cent. in March, and 38 per cent. in the quarter. Nothing creates more disease, discnm• fort and distress than constipation of the bowels, iu 13. 13 13. we have a remedy surety remove and cure it. —A 4•year-old son of Thos. Ger- men, of Listowol, while playing during the wind on Saturday, had his leg fractured. A panel from a fence clew oiler and broke his leg s.„--neat=xh•eeertct:k4r. -'4Ie•H-seas--••tarried. into tho house and hail the -bones set. ":'1'ter a varia4 experieuee with many so-called oath • rtie rernedies.I am convh.• OM tat. ,A hyer's Pi'l. give the most satin. fartor•1• reeulta. I rely exclusively on three 'Pile for the cure of liver and reo•n'tch c.xnp'sinre."—John 13, Bell, S.: Abilene, Texts. —Ladies in Milverton are being frightened by a man who embraces females who venture on the streets after dark without escorts. Bad blood breeds divers distreseinos diseanes, Burdnek Blood Bitters banishes boils and blotches, with every other symptom arising from bad blood. —The customs returns for the last month and also tor the quarter ending 31st March, '91, furnish evidence of Woodstock's growth. The valne of the imports for March was $66,969 ; duty eullected $16,- 349,80 ; total value of exports, $90,- 670. This was the largest month's business ever done at the custom house there. Consumption Cored. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed 1., his hamlet by an East India miaaion- ary .he forrunla of a simple vegetable remedy for thr speedy and permanent sure of Oonsumptlrn, BBrmehiris, Catarrh, Asthma and all th`rnat and Long Affections, nlao a positive and radical curd for Nervous Irebolity and all Nervous Complaints, after b•tyiug tested lis womi.•rfui curative power'. in th••Usands of eases, has fel it hie duty to make it Iron eat to hie sainting follows. Aataatedby this motive nu') a desire to relieve human suffering, I will artud bee of charge, to all who desire it, tbie romps, In Carman, French or English, with full dirt dims for preparing and naing. Sent by mail by a%lIeeeing with atoms. naming thio paper. W.I. NorE14, NU Powers' Block, Rochester, N.Y. 659--y —There has been a sudden rise in reel estate on the Canadian side of the river at Niagara Falls. The creation of the Niagara Power Com- pany has canned the boom. Or RSV ly hli3t' at oo turf► Aly,c'rk awry l?oototal hie bola t1,r,• MOOL,,po r oou h rokno4y is the world, Teo oalititently inorsaeieg 04 4,04 lot: Cala :fro, ready prey** it to be. the voty Crest +ipso. Meter oats, uuughe, 094 441049* of the thrrent nod ;luug«; ri°+-"ltay• ‘110010I' ►ti:glttart°lrt ` of 't1. onto i Orae• elected ltloderltto.r of the Pretlhyteriay ,§ynQct of •1F.Iautile toil sad l,ottdoit.fit StCat(ora.. ,.f'er ltOrribly in. years. from eerofula in Eta worm terra, a venna•son .'f Air, It L. Ong, 706 Frenklitu ere, Riobenood,, Vee, wan t e:r+,ttly eared by the uee of Ay4 441'4 8,41.0 )Kri114 'N"'pi per mrdiente cse app eiten tale preparatlou as a 'Avower of tau" bt,wd, —At :he Brent Azzjzo Court to- day Thomas 1t. Saunders was found guilty of a charge of haviug allot and wounded hie wife on Den. 231d lest. 'the evidence elle wed that Mrs. Saunders had a very shotty ,reputation, while the husband was a hard wor•kiug mechanic. Ile found hie wife seated on the sofa with a man nettled Kourich, and opened firo upon the party, danger• ously wouudiug the woman, but she oventurlly recovered. The trial disclosed the natnen of several prom inept citizens who visited Mrs! Saunders. MEMBER OF THE Ll:t1I3LATIVts. in ad3tion to the testimony clotty' Cr .v• eruor of the State of Maryland. 13 S. A , a member of tho Maryland, Legislativ, Hna. 1Vm, C Barden, tee.titi. a as fn'- I.we : ''74(1 D ,lp, In St Bait.. Md.,YU 8. A. Jas. 1S, 90. Gentleman : I met with a severe aooideut by tailing down tbo back stairs of my ref/Weiser, iu the lark neer, and wa• bru.e•+r] badly in my hip ant aide and. suffered severely One and a half hoose. of Sr. Jaoehe 0:1 completely oared to-. Wsf. 0. HARDEN,' Member of Sate Legislature, —Richard Donnelly, of Pinker- ton, who was salted to the extent of $125 for salting his cattle shortly before vending them to the shipper; got into trouble lately for the second time. Ile.•took a steer from the field of R. Rowenil, Brant, with- out Rowand's consent, as he claimed the beast was his otiru and gold the animal along with hie own cattle. Rowau'd heard of the thieving act dud had Richard the bold tried bo - fore Judge Barret at the Division Court in Paisley, with the result that that the ex cattle salter wan taxed $34 end costa.• TEN yearn ago ell our fine manufao• Cured tohauco came from, the United $:cess. But month after month and yam- after year the superior quality 4•f this "Myrtle NRvy" brand has bee. driving the American article out of the Canadian market. Tbo "Myrtle Navy" is now to be found in every village in the Dominion, end is as familiar to the smok. re upon she Atlantio and l'aoifi.: ovaet, se to those of the city in which it is mauof•otured. —A sad accident happened to the eldest daughter of Robert• Bos sence, Harrington, Oxford Co. While her mother was out hanging up the washing the little girl went to put some ehavinge in the stove and iu closing the door her drose caught fire. She ran out doors and ran around the house before her mother could catch her. When overtaken her clothes were burned off and her body frightfully burned. She will r'ecovor. Anvrca To MOTHERS. •Ars yon distnrbod at night and broken of your rest by a sink ohild suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth ? It ao send at once and gat te bottle of "Aire. Winslow', Soothing Syrup" for Children Teeth 'ing. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor littlosufferer immediately. Dependnpon it, mothers; there is no mistake about it. It Sures Dysentery and Dittrrhcea, regulates the stomach mud bowels, cures Wind Collo, softens the gum., redu'l es inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole aystem. ,"Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to•tbe=tae.Cleans=ia•therpresoription^of-one-of •tire• oldest and bust female physicians and nurses in tho United States, and is for sale by all druggist's throughout the world. Prieto 25 dente a bottle. Be euro and ask for "Mas. Wxasnow'a SooTurao 8Yrt3P,"aod take no other kind. 656y GEN. SIR FREDERICK ROBERTS, MADE LORD ItOBERTS OF CADAr(AR IN RJIi70aNIT1oN OF HIS SERVICES ' IN AFGHANISTAN. The subject of the following sketch is a near relative of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Edwards, of Gode- rich, Ont. The elevation to peer- age of his excellency Gen. Freder- ick Sleigh Roberts, Bart., G. C. B., Y. C., which was announced as one of the "Now Year honore," has how been completed by the intro• duction of the new peer. He was born in Waterford, Ireland, Sept. 30, 1832, the second son of Sir Aoraham Roberts, a ,general officer of distinction. Frederick Sleigh Roberts was educated at Eaton and at Sandhurst, and he departed from the latter place to become a lieuten- ant in the Bengal artillery in 1851. In 1858, during tl.0 mutiny,110 won the Victoria cross fur valor by re- capturing from several Sepoys a British flag, and he distinguished himself on several occasions during those dark days. In 1868 ha went as assistant quarter -master -general with General Napier to Abyssinia. Nepier re- turned with a peerage, and Roberts increased bis collection of medals. In 1872 he obtained a C. H. for bravery in the Looshai campaign in India. He was promoted major and colonel aeon afterwards, and in 1878 was quartormastor general with the rank of major -general on the the staff of the commander in -chief in India. • 1 thittxoar tl'ta,4,%hsu lr-Itrbrokh cd. -:0004 4001'44rtla 00 0., RQllorto wad .erneto4: ;. r Pie a pr .ltaotion nonferriag kulglltIt o4, ft,o aroii( 4q Cho ft'o11t dtirlub alto 1.44 • "41,14..)ati •Ell fordeu.' *hook :to, • 0.0ur0•C4btil R(tci 3.410, t})utdor.. o Sir ,ouis Osva0yurl, tho'rir,itioh raa[dautin that city, Sunt; 3,, 1137.9. IIA defeated the 4tghauttl'pii •Qct, 6, 'v e tits• ► t and e t o l t t l i e _ oq i r d t t a of h t o tl m How ma d° #pe m do Y ootupkutonofth.aordoret tho Icidiau empire for thele Service,. anti was ploettd itl command of the city then holding it upwards of a year. f' In July 1880, Ayoub Khan, pie tender to•the .Afl;au throrte,;lefeatell a Bluish army under Gen 130rroa'a, and drove the survivors into Gaude- tte', which place ho proceeded lei• surely to invest. Roberts gathered about 10,000 men and departed from Cahill early in August,luevino Cabal to be occupied by Abtlurrah• man Khdu, whoin the Bride(' sup- ported. For three armies nothing was heard of him, and it wag .thought that 110 had been cut Off, 5e ao 1081l3' Alter British soldiers hall 'been, by the Afghans. But on. Sept. 1 Roberts appeared Budder.ly in front of Caudelior; to Ayooh'e great 8ur- priee. 011 Stilt. 3 he attacked Ayoub Khan and defeated him completely. captl,rili thirty-two guns and rolioviug Gen. Morrows iu his diatreeee'd condition, That march to Cau'lahar has made Rob• arta famous ; to it he owes in a largo measure his peerage, and from it 000 of his peerage titles is deprived GOLDEN EOG CROP. The story of the goose that laid the guld eggs Inky hare been a good anecdote in the good old times be- fore the great, West was diecoverod, but a story from Butte, Mont., over• tops it. A few Clays ago J. A. Mc Conville, who lives in Montana street, killed ono of hia.ci,ickene for dinner, and was surprised to find a quantity of gold nuggets in its croft and gizzard. Ileving thirty-one chickens that had scratched in the ammo patch, he began postmortem pI•oepocting on thein. In each chicken he found ntiggota, and the total q.nantity gathered had a cle11 value of $387. The gold was sold to the State National Bank and pro nounced eighteen .carat fine." Mr. McConville bought fifty chickens anis turned thorn out 10 do ecretch alining on the gold fields surrounding his hencoop. After four days be killed one chicken and mined $9 worth of gold from kits crop. MODUS VIVENDI. The term is not •a classic one. Cicero used the expression vivendi modus, to signify measure of living, taking the word modus with its root meaning, a measure by which others are limited. The Ciceronian phrase had especial reference to the end of living, which is old ago, or death. With the secondary meaning of the word modue—a way, or manner— the phrase modus vivendi was adopted in modern times ; in the first place among scholars and liter- ary disputants, to dbnote the tacit compromise by which those of different schools of thought agreed to disregard their differences of opinion in order to secure the co• operation necessary to 'bring about progress. The convenience of the phrase led to its adoption by diplomats, to whose use it is now generally confined. It signifies a -tomP4111ry,--Ri 144—fire -arrangement. Which is accepted pending the final settlement by treaty of matters in debate between two nation,. CARDS MADE OF HUMAN SKIN. Capt. E. W. Kingsbury,^ of Kansas city, is at home for a short stay from the San Carlos Indian re• servation, where he is a post trader. The San Carlos reservation is a valley 100 miles square, situated at the junction of the San Carlos and Gila rivers in Arizona. About 5,000 Indians are cared for by the government on this reserve• tion. As soon as poor Lo gets his "bands on a week's provisions or an extra blanket he site down on the ground and proceeds to gamble them away. "By the way," said Capt. Kings - burg, "did you ever see their play- ing cards 1" and with the remark he handed out a deck which he said had been made by Indians. The faces and spots were copied after the Mexican monto playirik cards, and were put on with some bright, durable paint. They looked as if made of mica, or possibly thin bone, but Capt. Kingsbury, being asked as to the material, said : "Well, you know an Indian makes everything durable, and you know what a varied use ho makes of rawhide." The listener, who had been grace- fully shuffling the cards, suddenly held them between a finger and thumb. "Now you see," said Capt. Kings - bur; ' horse hide or beef hide would be too thick, and it is reported that such things are manufoctured from the exterior covering of prisoners -- in other words, tanned white men's ekine." ALL AIM:Ur TO TALL UA B essmsrersea E1QW AM): Wild 04101414 14P- 17d 14414344.4>trait, Tho tall putt, Aaripusly Called 4chimney .l1Qtr 'stove 1?iptit' andwhat not, 'litioauie fashionable cl ,Paris is 1700, soon after the :death ofFranklin, in whole honour itwite 'Melva a obappen u Fratklit.r Iq spite of the numberless ohaugosof e1y100,14 hue maintained Ha ground ever since, unexpected as such a re• atilt would have seemed as its first introduction. For a time this style of hat was ooneidered revolutionary iu Germany and Buseia ; anyone tettering n •Movepipe' was liable to punishment ; but the evil reputa- tion Boon passed swrty, and the tall, stiff hat the ugliest head,covetiug that wee ever worn and the most nidi• puled, outlives all other styles. In a celebrated •beer•gerd en in Munrich, the Ilofbrauhaus, any 111a11 daring to appear in a tall hat is likely to have it crushed flat over his head, time honoured tradition declaring that hole, if auywhere, a tall hat is out of place. On the contrary, no honourable menthe: site in the h:ngliill house of Comment) without his 'top' Ant on Isis head, If ho risen to address the House, groat a friend, or cross the floor, be mast hold his shiny tile in hie hand. Should his name be mentioned in the speech of an- other member, he lifts hie hat in ac- knowledgement. to one of the continental Perlin menta when the president finds it necessary to end an argument, he gravely puts on hie chimney -pot. Though it happened nearly thirty years ago, people still laugh at the recollectiou of a certain president who, to Close a celebrated debate, took up a nelglibor'e hat by mistake ; it wart far too big for him, and felling down about his eare;'snuffed hire out completely - from the gaze of the crdwded house. In Germany, when the Herr Ohor Inspector Ar--- — meets his friend, the Herr Chor•Verein Di - rector 13— — on the street, the prudent peeserby allows then a wide berth : otherwise the majestic sweep of the uplifted hats is likely to bowl lam into the gutter. Less .ogrgroseive,but rqually striking to a stranger,•1. the Eng•" linhmen's fashion of covering hie face with hie tall hat as soon as he has taken his seat in hie pets in church. The. Arabs, when thew wieh to prononnco their most forcible male. diction, say,' May thy 80111 know no more rent than the het on the head of a European 1' The hats of kinds end emperors mast have been pecially in their minds when they framed this curse. Lately the little sons of the, Em• peror of Germany were shown the mysteries of a chapeau claque, or crush hat. Shortly afterwards, in the ante -room of their father. they found a tall hat, and immediately desired to test their skill in abet- ting it up. Being an ordinary hat, and without the clague mechanism, it naturally refused to shut. At last ono little prince, growing impatient said to his brother, 'Sit on it Fritchen 1' Friiz obeyed : thorn followed a loud crack of and a roar of laughter from the au- thors of the mischief. The emperor Bent out to aslc the cause of the dis- turbance. Pointing to the smashed hat. the ynun crow1.,prinGc-r',sp,lj,wTMd•„ will4 a iri rttary� salute : 'The ob Minato thing wouldn't shut at first, but among us we managed to make it change Uri mind 1' ' The wrecked hat was replaced by a new one,. which the owner will doubtless keep as a souvenir of a very amusing episode in the life of his country's future head. CURRENT TOPICS. A TRUE PEN PICTURE. The Torot.to News has been analyzing Hon. Edward Blake. It says that this parrot like •cry of "Blake, Blake, Blake," is fatigu. ing. What has the great Edward ever done anyway that the wholo country should fall down before him and pray that he easutne the role of deliverer 1 He is unstable as water, his mind is so opeu that it is incap- able of holding anything for any length of time, and he has been a source of weakness to every party and every cause he has been identie fled with. Hie periodic withdrawal from the cabinet was a most serious embarrassment to poor old Macken- zie when the Liberalewere in power, and after attaining the leadership himself hefirst besmirched the party record by identifying Liberalism with Mishima, and then abandoned his followers while in the hole he had run them into. The manifesto iseued the day after the general elections, too, was of a piece with his whole career, it destroyed the policy chosen by hie friends, damn- ed that of the Conservatives, and still offered no alterative policy. When the people of this country feel the special,need of a deliverer they. will select a man who at least knows what he wants himself. , • he NEWS -RECORD Is in a better position than ever to turn out : The Very Finest: . At prices as low as any other office in the West. Those in need of any class of Job Printing should call OH THE NEWS -RECORD, Albert Street; Clinton Essaissamiswassatasseuesescosauswelostrausarawass - ' i : TIT TT M. NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE I ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the Now Store and see the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., end general Household Furniture. The wb,de Stock is from:the very best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of ever'• description. J(oS. CrII®L1ET, one door West of Dickson's Book Store T e ows,. FOR COOD ENVELOPES FOR FINEST PRINTING °ourFOR NICBILLI{EADS FOR OFFICE PRINTING THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS" IN ALT, DEPARTMENTS .ea aa, J. C. STEVENSON; Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont WATCHES! Waltham, E'irin, Illinois, Columbus, Seth Thouu4e, and Rockford—new model. 5 'All these nukes In key and stein winders Also pendent set watchr•e. J. BiDDLECOMBE, CLINTON. Lctjij's Starcf Enarrlal. This Is an article worthy of every lady's attcniion. If you wiut to save time and labor, buy a box, It you want your ironed ctotheito look neat and clean and to last much fencer, buy a box. Ifyou want the starch to stay in the clothes on the lino in spite of rain or frost, buy a box, , If you want everything to look like new, such as shirt bosoms, 'rollers, cuffs, lace curtains, ete., buy a box, 'Every Storekeeper keeps it now, and where the merchant doe, not keep it we want a lively agent to represent us, Manufactured by W. J. LOSS, 55—tf • Holmeaville. ear LTRAY STOCK ADYER i J TISEMENTS inserted in TOR News Recoup at low rates. The law makes it compulsory; to advertise stray stock 1f yon want any kind of advertising you will not do better than eat' 4n Tews-Reueord. ..11 H E.... WALES,.•Mt dTE ALI3ERT-ST. NORTII, CLINTON. The undersigned has assumed theproprletorsl fp of the above Hotel. The premises are being re• fitted and first class accommodation can always he hao for man and boast. The bar is supplied with only the hest Ale, Lh a•,r, Cigars, dc., and special attention will also give') to 5110 dining room department. There is excellent stable aocommodatlon. Tho patronage of the general public le respectfully solicited. 684,8m JOHN T. LEE, - PROPRIETOR TUE CELEBRATED IdeaC Wasfter, an Wriner. THE BEST IN TMEMARKET Machines Allowed on Trial am also agent for all All AgrlcultuPal Implements Wareroom`bpposite Fair's Mill, Call and see me. J. B. WEIR, CLINTON Mr, J. E. Hdmphrey,,46 Bond Street, Toronto, says Burdock Blond Bitters wrought a complete euro of dyspepsia in his cane after all else had failed. --A certain young man ofthe North Riding of Oxford, received a notice from the White Caps, which have been organized lately, that unless he went to work at once and stuck to it instead of living on his old father, who is not able to support hire, a dose of tar and feathers was ready for him. The young man had better beware. "Vas troubled .with continual head- ache and Ions of appetite but before I had taken many doaos of B. B. T3 apretite and health returned." J. B, THOMPSON, Betkesda, Ont. a SPERGENA STEEL KM ARE THE BEST. Established 1860. FOR Works, ENGLAND. No. i No.2 No.3 No.10 No.27 Expert Writers. wave?", w ver - .II FOR !Ic:ieie'rro> e4144.1 i'ffikcN Accoun- tants. Corres- pondents Bold Writing Bust - Sold by STATIONERS Everywhere. Samples FREE on receipt of returnpostage2oents. nese SPENCERIMI PES 00., S'lovtBWYORie, Scientii io Atncrii;l1ti '� • Agency for CAVEATS. °',Y.x^�;st•, �-b'•'. TRADE MARRfs, r J d D.ESI tl PATENTS COPYRICnokHT:3, etc. For information and fere^. IInndbwrite to MUNN S CO. M1 BROADWAY, NEW YORE. Oldest human for atets in America. I5'very patent takenognt by uring us ist•brought before the public bya notice given tree of charge in the Axi-entifir 3thottlattl Largest circulation or R':yy- scleutifio paper in the world, Splendidly I'lunfr•,ted. - No Intelligent men should be without it• Weekly 53.00 a year; $1.50 six months, nodreaa Mtl'NN & CO., 1'rnl ralsures,181 =roadway, Now York. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. CORRESPONDENCE. We will at all times be pleased to receive items of news from our sub- scribers. We want a good corres- pondent in every loca& ty, not already represented, to seitd its RELIABLE news. SUBSCRIBERS. Patrons who do not receive their paper regularly from the carrier or through their local post offices will confer a ,favor by reporting at this office at once. Subscriptions mail commence at any time. ADVERTISERS, Advertisers will please bear in mind that all "changes" of advertisements, to ensure insertion, should be handed in not later titan MONDAY NOON of each weelc. CIRCULATION. THE NEWS -RECORD has a larger circulation than any other paper in this section, and as an advertising medium has few equals in Ontario. Our books are open to those who mean business. JOB PRINTING. The Job Department of this jour- nal is 0716 of the best equipped in Western Ontario, and a superior class of word is guaranteed at very tom prices. late...