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The Huron News-Record, 1892-04-20, Page 8
P RA<f' 7,7". O U PTIO Tide GREAT O JGfI CURE, this eucecrefnt CONSUMPTION CUBE, iswithout a parallel in Otto history of medicine. All drng;„iete are author- ized to sell it uu a peeitivrl,gun,rltnteo 1, tet. 0144 n0 0thet' C111•e Can'RUCee fully stand. It yen have a Con, 1, Sore Throat, or Bronohit]e, use it or it will cure yan. If your child ate the Cronp, or Whooping Oougf Ise , it promptly, avid relief ,is surd. 'on dread that insidious disease C SC'I171'TION, rlua't Tuft to use it, it toil] cure you or wet nothing. ARIL • your Di nggist for SHILOH'S CUBE, ''rice JO eta., 50 tits. and $1.00. If your Lenge aro Rowe or Back lame, use Uhilull's Porous Plaster. 35 eta. To Advertisers. All changes 0/ Advertiaeinenta, to insure insertion in the current iaeue, must be received at the office not later than Monday noon. Copy for changes received later than Monday moors will hereafter be at the Adver- tisera Own risk. IYIIITELY .E TODD, Pntliakera. The .1/urea News-Racor $1,508 Ye..—$1.25 In Advance. I • > . a EE,13RIO'' r, of f4., .Mitres was visiting hor faster' Mt% john 4. Wiseman, on good, Frids7.. MABTIR D. CAriT1FLq,Sr is nog* gaged wish Mr. Cunniugi,am in rho $xpraes aloe. Mnseus J. Kitty, end Bead of Godarioh were in Clinton on Good Friday and wade glad the hearts of some ladies. , Lrvltnr Poscaesa.-•-It was J. B. Kennelly, son of deputy reeve D. B. Kennedy who bought the Ploy-� Hold's livery outfit. REEVE Bso1:, of Colborne, ;me' in town Saturday. We regret to loath that he has sustained another afiction in the death of his broth er-in-law in Tortlnto last week. Tari WINNIP110 ARGUS is lite name of anew paper to be started in the Manitoba capital. Mr 11ralik Lynn an old newspaper luau is the manager. 111 R. A. 11. CHRYSTAL, of the boiler . work', Godorich, was in town Saiurday evening on his re- turning home from Wiugham where ho had been superintending sortie wolk the granter part of the week. Olt* GIr4ROY AND WI3EMAV have adds ed to the nobby appearance of their natty dry goods store by putting up neat blinds of the color of the "old red brick school house," the sombre - nese of which is relieved by the tune's name in gold letters. THE CLINTON DRIVING PARK A8-1 SOCIATtov has made errangeutents" to hold:a meeting on the 24th- May. The Programme will be 2.35 class for trotters and pacers $100; a 3 minute trot or pace purse $80. Also Bicycle 'race, purse $20, also 200 yard foot race, purse $8. All events are open. For further particulars see posters. COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS FARROW, of Guderich, was in town Wedtree- day of last week and ins'aliod Mr W. T. Whitely cf THE NRws Re• CORD as Sub•Collector of Customs at this port. He was in town again Monday in connection with work of the office here which had fallen behind owing to the illness and de- mise of the late iucumbeut. A POUND OF EGGS, PLEASE — After this week the egg buyers visit- ing Clinton will adopt the system of buying that fruit by weight. Six cents a pound is what they are paying 'now. Eggs will weigh from li• to 2 lbs per doz. The buying by weight would seem to be the fairest system, and will do away with the considerable inconvenience of count• ing Wednesday April 2Oth, 1339% LOCAL lei E W In and .'round the nub, ZOttulSalt. LOCAL NOTICES.—All notices in r se columns of meetings or entertaii,me, s, pr:vtous to holding of the same,at win h an admission feels 2harged, or from whi a pecuniary benefit is to. be derived, will be charged at the rate of tern cents' per line. THE MOST LARGELY CIRCULATE -PAPER IN TII1S SECTION. OH, WHAT A COUGH I—Will you iaeed the warning. The signal per- haps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consu itption. Ask yourself if you can afford for the sake of saving 50e., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It never ('ails. CANrr:LON BROS. have received a csr load of sugar which will be solo at the very lowest price for cash o iarrn produce. paseuanowntmeuta 111 n, \\r. Itoss, of Goklerich, w in Clinton Good Friday. REV. Mu. SALTON, of Brussels, preached in Ruttenbury St. Metho- dist church last Sunday. Mas. Wm. Grigg, Clinton, has been ou s f'e'w weeks' visit to rela- tives at Itidgetown. Mn. JOHN SHEPPARD is remodel- ing the inside of hia dwelling on Huron street. ' MRS. Jonxs, of 117initobn, is in town .called hither by the serious illness of Mrs. O'Neill, a long time resident of our town. R. ��. F nf. TODD OF TUE I'TEws- RECORD, was coufiuod to the house several days last week and is a4 present unable• to get out on ac- count of illuese. ,ON EASTER SUNDAY the 'tow .churches were deceroeted with flow era that must have accentuated tips silent or spoken refrain "Christ is Risk en" MR. R. Ilerwoon will do • brick work of Mr. Whitehead's block, which fact is assurance •t tit it will be put up "ship shape nd Bristol fashion." Mits. Devin Monnow, of G de• rich, aii old time resident of C in— ton, wae in town last week ud dropped iu to see TILE N ws• RECORD. • THOSE whom we have couve with that grew two -rowed be lied, year ill• thia'section are satie with its superiority, and the under cultivation will be gre than kat year. • ew sod ley ied rea ter Mns. W. T. CLUT'F, (Rev.) of Brussels, is said to be recovering nicely from the effects of the removal of a tumor by a surgical operation. Tho lady is in Toronto .yet but it is expected wii•l be able to return home in a week or so. THn Bressels private banking Arm which was managed by stir. McIntosh end susponded a few weeks ago will, it is said, pay dollar for dollar of their liabilities. It It is likely d'Ir. McIntosh will re- turn and help to wind up the busi- riCsB. ALEX HILLEN has passed over to the silent majority having died Wednesday last aged 53 years. De. ceased leaves a wife, also several of a family pretty irol1 grown up. He was a well known character about town, and of excellent natural parts. There is scarcely one in town who will not drop a word of sym- pathy its memory of "Aloe," He had not an enemy in the world except hiluself. DEAD.—The )don. Alexander M Kenzie, ex -Premier of Canada, died at his residence in Toronto, Sandie, 17th., aged. 70 years. Mr. Mc. Kenzie was a grand type of what is called the "working man" By dint of perseverance and integrity lie raised himself to the highest public representative position in Canada. And whether in or out of power he possessed tho unlimited confidence of hia. fellow countrymen. Yester- day and Monday the town flag. the one on' ex•Mayor Whitehead's resid- once and at the Grand Union were at half-mast out of respect to 111-mntITOVrtif'"01119 loft kits nolrlrest men who has ever taken part in the administrative dr legislative affairs of Canada. IrgignalgRIBMIS A RACY WRITER inthe Gerrie` Vidette, touching old times in Howick township, in referring to his packing in supplies through the bush says :—"I obeli never forget the first time it fell to my lot to bring in those supplies. 1 started bravely out, and secured my load of provisions, these I carried on my back, and they were sufficient to last our little camp ono week. But delaying on the road home darkness overtook mo and I was in constant fear of being devoured by the wolves which I could hear howling to the distance. In fact so nervous did I become that I was ready to drop my lead and run at the slight- est noise, at last I tripped against what I at first supposed trasa limb of a tree, but on closer oxamivatiol: I found that it was a deer's horn, which measured fourteen feet in length.. I marked the spot, and next day brought the horn home," -=to aTl'tnr'ing-dev'i , ion on the Benmillor school embro• glio has been delivered by Hon. G. W. Ross in a communication to Pub- lic School Inspector Toro, of that educational district : "I have just received the report of the'Commis- sioner in Mr. James Regan's case. in which he has very fully stated the facts of the case. The evidence bearing on ills charge brought against Mr. Regan is conflicting and in many respeots contradictory, but the charges were, in his opinion, sufficiently sustained to have war- ranted you in suspending his certi- ficate. The Commissioner, however, thinks that Mr. Regan has been pretty fully disciplined by his sus- pensions at different times, but, in- asmuch as he hae been r,: -engaged by the trustees for the remainder of the year and has given assurances of greater care in his language and conduct in the future, he hae rocom • mended that the suspension be re- moved during the pleasure of the Minister of Education E •SL Y ' Wi'O;MPANYI 4, To do Business and d Millinery trade the first step towards success is to have 1VIiliiners who are adopts in the art, not only in trimming, up stylish and fashionable o'oods, but are able to combine colors to suit every ,9Q111 )1exion and face. `We claim that in our efficient trimming staff_ under the able management of Miss B. McDonald and Miss Beesley, assisted by Miss Atcifeson and other able assistants, we have a class of skilled artists who are able to trim' you up and suit you in the way of a nice stylish hat or bonnet, and public opinion bears us out in this statement, and then we back it up with our immense assortment. Nothing like it for choice style 'and beauty, and the fact is our Millinery department is a big success, STERW DEPHRTI ENT -MOTS RID BONNETS Don© over in the leading styles. Is there a buyer who has missed this great bargain ? " "e have sold a tremendous quantity of them and there only a small lot left, PRICE, — — 25 OEN11,., Regular price 75 cents` New, Fresh Goods. BEESLEY & COMPANY, 331AVER BLOCK CLINTON. lam Mn. Jos. COPP is busy papering, pointing and otherwise renovating the domiciles of many of our citizens. lie has a eplondid assortment of wall nipers. • LARGE 'FUNERAL—Tho funeral recession accompanying the re- nins of the lute David Cautelon, r., of Goderioh township, passed hrough Clinton on Fi iday to C11n- tou cemetery. It was the, largest One we have seen for a long time. Mn. GRAIIA)r, Jr., of Inglewood, 1e let 'towel in 0OnneCltolt with elec- tric power business. It is nnder- stuod that Jackson Brom., will use that motor for ranuing the sewing machines in their extrusive clorhtpg manufacturing department. Sr. PAUL'S entitled EAST ER "VESTRY MEETING.—The annual Ves- ry meeting was held on ',ionday veuing, The church Wardens esentod the accounts for the past y.ar which were referrers to the a ditors, Messrs. Il. 13. Ctnnbe and T. Rance. \V. W. Ferran and . Jnckeou wore re-elected church \ urdwus, Msesrs, John Runsford n d ,S. G,' Plummer delegates to yn1;1a+attmanro,...... Ma. HARRY QLucas, the commercial traveller, was in Monday. artist town o• Linen Haridkerehjefs. ON SATURDAY NEXT we will offer 200 Fine Linen Handkerchiefs bought at auction and worth 25c. and 35c. As long as they last you can take your quantity AT 15 CENTS—and they are the biggest snap ever offered in Clinton. Fill up while they last. 0 THE Palace dry goods, store is putting up.s new awning to protect the pretty exhibits iu its windows. MR. H. B. PROUDFOOT, P. L. S., was here yesterday surveying the battles of the town. He 'will like- ly take a look at the NEWS -RECORD before leaving. Children's Clothing. Our Stock is now full and complete, and by long odds the largest and cheapest assortment in the county. ON SATURDAY NEXT r SIR RICHARD AT INGER- SOLL. . There was a Voice present at the meeting in Ingersoll on Fridey night ddressed by. Sir Richard Cart, right. It made apt and impress - i e running comments upon that gitlomen's-speech, and, to a great ex ent, renders further criticis•n un , eceasary. or example, when Sir Richard dee ared that the bye,electlons had all :nen carried by wholesale the Voice said bluntly : h." t,e FAT CATTLa.—Many purchases of cattle for future delivery are being made by buyers at this time. It behooves sellers to see this they aro in goud order when delivery time comes. Tho English market de— mends that they shall be "finished fat, and buyers here will not accept them unless they aro. It will be greatly in the interest of sellers and buyers if cattle intended for export hive the greatest amount of beef possible put on the animals, Mn. W. T. WHITELY had to un- dergo the pleasing operation of shaking Mande with hundreds of our citizeus ou ,....,his appowinam...out Sub Collector -(uetgnia;atthis 'Port. During three days he grasped the hands of 163 friends, by .actual count. Wo do not believe there aro half a dozen won in towu or country—merchauts or farmers ; lawyers or doctors ur clergymen ; artizans or unskilled laborers; Grits or Tories, but think he is the right Han in the rightplace, and who aro of fully as much delighted as he is itis the appointment, though the enolument is not likely to make him a millionaire. DEPLORABLE STATE OF THINGS. t is a conceded fact That a girl na ed Ellen Lomas, a minor end or hen, from one of the Homes was re uced several months ago and later on died in London whither she bad ben sent from Goderioh. No 'ef- fo t has been made by the Crown or the Horne authorities to have the au hor of the girls ruin and death fe refed out. This is •deploralelo. T e people at thellotno andAttornoy enorul Mowat have been notified f the facts. Surely it is the duty of oule public functionary to have all e. ,the fncte obtainable concerning this case brought out. It should not be loft to private effort. Governments are instituted and officials appoint - oil and paid to take cognizance of such matters. Yet nothing is done in this case, apparently because the victim was a friendless orphan whose corning or going, or the man ner of it was of no consequence. No politigal object can be served by an inquiry- into the manner or cause of her death. And the frail flower must perforce be consigned to oblivion with noun to vindicate her memory by seeking punishment for her alleged murderer. While all this is the case we cannot egree with the Godorich Star that hor be- trayer should receive punishment in any other way than by due process of low. The Star says : •'A foul crimp has been committed and if the offend- er cannot be punished by process of law, he must be revealed to the pub lie that ho may receive the condem- nation his crime deserves." We do not believe in lynching. we will offer a limited quantity of BOY'S SUITS AT.$l.00 Anybody who misses this bargain will regret it. When Sir Richard asserted that Canadians were ,,o venal as to sell their political righte-for money the Voice said "Shame." When Sir Richard proceeded' to make allusions to the late Sir John Macdonald the Voice prompt- ly reminded him "not to malign a dead ma." \V.hen Sir Richard charged that the Government won victories, by loading the (Hoe, the Voice put' in : "You loaded the dice the 'wrong way.'• It is not well, therefore, to spend too much time over the Ingersoll utterance; though it seems almost incredible that a public man could be induced to get up in cold blood and say the heartless, reckless, un- truthful things attributed to 'Sir Richard -in the reports. The full report of his remarks appears in The London Advertiser of Saturday, and is 'therefore probably Authentic and trustworthy. According to that report Sir I:ir:hard declared that out of the 92 conatituenoies in Ontario there were not 25• which did r,ot contain from 200 to 500 voters wito sold their totes, and thus enabled the Government to win iu the bye -elections. He wet t on to say : "I must sorrowfully admit that, as matters stand, it is but too clear that in three fourths of Ontario, at any rate, any party which can coils mend from $200,000 to $300,000 can carry a like proportion (nigh, teen) of any twenty constituencies at a series of bye -elections, provided the other side do not spend four. The people of Canada are very literally being bought and sold like no many sheep in the cattle market. Briefly, we are fast tending to the condition of a residuum in very. many focalities. Our best go or are going and mainly those stay who from one cause or the other, aro practically.anchored to the soil and who cannot leave, or those of an in- ferior type who 11 ve not energy enough to try to better their con- dition." We quote the exact words a given in the party organ --Empire DEATUS. CArTaLON.—Ie ;•erltarich township, on April 13+.11, David Cautelon, er., aged 81 years: Hrrtnx.—In Cliaton, on April 13th, Atex• Bitten, aged 53 years. Clothiers ` and Furnishers. kage ter. .maw 100 Young Ladies. Who wish to make money can find profit- able employment by taking orders for the most popu lar Ladie s' JVIa azine _-R•. m- .. That .liakever„beenAoflerect-at-,SU -cents six months. Everybody wants the Maga- zine. An hour •spent in taking orders among ,your friends will give you a nice return in money, and your friends will , thank you for introducing such a cheap and Beautiful M aazine 5 Into their homes, Call and get instruc- tions and make pocket money in abund- ance, 0 bins ros., Book Store and News Depot; Clinton. • The Finest' Finest Job Printing