HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-04-20, Page 31 (f8INE8$ D/ EQJORY ,*kkittn. '" o alis n�x. lgtlorporated; by Act of Parttetnoot, 11355 ;ANL, • • • r . 42,000,000 0, O TA . • $1,100,000 Head 0I1190, , MONTREAL' J, H, R. MOLSON, President. 1r, W OI,It'ERBTAN THQMA8, General Manager. Notes elisoouuted, Qo.1 ctious made, Drafts issued, Sterling and American ex• change bought end sold at low - CO cyrrent rates. INTERIMS AT 4 Poo COT. ALLOWSD 9x DRPOSIT • �!' B.R1f/173It s - Money advanced to iarmors on their own notes with one or more endorsers. No mortgage re 1 mired as aeoUrlty. February, 1884 H. C. BREWER, Manager, CLISTOR • GI D.11tcTaggart BANKER, ALBERT ,STREET, CLINTON. A GENERAL RANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Notes DiscounteYl. - Drafts Issued. Interest Allowed on Deposits. Clinton, June 8th, 1891 868y !cntioirj. ti •; T, C. Bruce, L.B.S. Ilii a Surgeon Dentist. 'Graduate , Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Under Graduate Univoreity of Toronto. Ecce—Keefer's old stand, Coate' Bloek, Clinton. N.B.—Will vlelt Blyth, professionally, every idonday at Mason's Hotel. 675—y G. H. COOK, toentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Graduate tiof the Toronto School of Dentistry. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the painless :traction teeth. Office—Smith's 'Block, upstairs, opposite the Post Office, Clinton. fed' Night Bell answered. 492y DRS. GUNN & GIBSON. OFI;st.iCE Ontario St. a few doors east of Albert W. GUNN- R..1. GIBSON, DR. TURNBULL.. J. L. Turnbull, M. B, Toronto Unir. ; M. D. ; 0, M„ Victoria•Univ. M. 0. P. os S. Ont, ; Fellow of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late of London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals. Office: Dr. Dowsley'e stand, Rattenbury St. Night calls answered at Grand Union Hotel. Electric nigbt bell at front entrance. J. W. SHAW, M. D. C. M. J. W. Shaw, M. D. C. )I„ Physician, Surgeon, #ceoucher, etc. Office in the Palace block, Rattenbury St., formerly occupled by Dr. Reeve, Clinton Ont. Peal. MANNING & SCOTT, ELLIOTT'S BLOOK, - - CLlNTON. Money to Loan. A. H. MANNING. JAS. SCOTT. AVISON & JOHNSTON, Law, Chancery,and 5JJ Conveyancing. Office—West Street, next moor to Post OMHce, Goderich, Ont. 67. �C. HAYS, Solicitor, dm. Office, corner of • Square and West Street, over Butler's Book Store, Goderich, Ont. 87. A Money to lend at lowest ratee of interest. • CAMPION, Barrister,Attorney, Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, &c. Office over ,L14. Jordan's Drug Store, the rooms formerly occu• pied by Judge Doyle. AST Any amount of money to loan at lowest sites of Interest. 1-ly. PI. W. BALL, A UCTrONEER for Huron County, Sales at- (-% tended to in any part of the County. Ad- dress orders to Gonneton P 0. V-17. CHAS. HAMILTON. land, loan and insurance agent AUCTIONEER, Blyth. Sales attended in town and country, an reasonable terms. A list of farms and village for sale. Money to loan on real estate, at ow rates of interest. Insurance effected on all lasses of property. Notes and debts collected, Goods appraised, and sold on commission. Bank- rupt stocks bought and sold. B1vth, Dec. 18, 1890. Photographers CLINTON.OrD pa 1,0 I Life Size Portraits a Soeoialty. Vila'neg to god 'itt(`ONSV to lend in large ;or small some 0 1Yl good mortgagee or personal security a he lowest current rates. H. HALE, Huron et s Minton. (Staten, Feb. 26,1881 ly MONEY. 1 A large amount of Private money to loan. Low j It tate of interest C. A, HART:', SoUelor dm, ,'r' Me e - - Perrin's Block. FOR SALEa TOT FARMERS RB EV114t7403Eit oACera for 640 toilr eliitoge 49.7 Ypq i44 laf erect 0510 yherA ,; Irma P411dinit L9ttifrentie f91I.AlbertttrOot, Intl( ypu ¢Ant lots fcanttl,g oft tt+lttea�nky $tteetl •oithor.a»' • 4d9a Qr xn eoparaEtA IOEs tR. Butt PUriil!P'een4 ver farther_pertteulerempety tette:, untiesitsekee .a, D(N/il t8.r (a1latext, 8Saesieweeseeeseepeseeseeeasessseeeemeemeessessemet A.a.0 W. The Clinton L9dRe, N9, 141, Mete In blddlo. comb's Ball, opposite the Market, the let and Sril Fridays in mach month, Visitors cord1,lly In. sled. R. Sro oluAlt, M. W.; J. Bseio, Reoordor. I''ILIN'rON Lodao, No. 84, A. F. & A, kj meets every Friday, on or attar the Moon. Vletting brethren cordially u1vlt0d, 111011 k) EYWOOD, w. li. QiVENLALLARD, SRO Clutton Jan. 14, 1890: 1. (q.l'tlllgt. L. O. L.No. 710 CLINTON, Moats motto MooJay of every month. Hall, 8.td Rat, Victoria block, Vielting brethren always 20 made welcome. WM. W. P CANTELON, See. THOS WALKER, D.34, .aril gni�gtttO Jubilee Preceptory No. 161, (Black Knights of Ireland) Meets In the Clinton Orange Hall, the second Wednesday of .every month, at 7.80 o'clock in the evening. Visiting Sir Knights will always -aeeive a hearty welcome. A. M. ToDD. Worshipful Preceptor GaozwE liesLgv,Doputy Preceptor Paraht CANTsLON, Registrar Royal Black PreceptQry 3071 Black Knights of Ireland, Meets in the Orange Hall, Blyth, the Wedne day after full moon of every month. Royal Black Preceptor), 3151 Black Knights of Ireland, Meets in the Orange Hall, Goderich, the Third Monday of every month. Visiting Knights aiwaye made welcome. W H MURNEY, Preceptor, Goderich P 0 JAMES RUSK, Registrar, Goderich P 0 S. HURON ORANGE DIRECTORY. 1892 Names of the District Masters, Primary Lodge Masters, their post office ad- dresses and date of meeting. A. M. TODD, W.C.M., Clinton P.O BIDDULPH DISTRICT. John Neil, W.D.M., Centralia P. 0. 21D—Robt. Hutchinson, Greenway, Fri- day on or before full moon. 662—Thos. H. Coursey, Lucan, Saturday on or before full moon. 493—Richard Hodgins, Lucan, Wed- nesday on or before moon. 826—William Iiaggart, Grund Bend, Wednesday on or before full moon. 890—W. E. McRoberts, Maplegrove, Wednesday on or before full moon. 924—Henry Lambrook, Exeter, lst Fri- day in each month. 1071—John halls, Elimville, Saturday on or before full moon. • 1097—James Lathers, Sylvan, Monday on or before full moon, 1210—Gilbert Grieve, Moray, Thursday on or before full moon. 1343—G. Lawson, Crediton, Tuesday on or before full moon. 610—Joshua Huxtable, Centralia, Fri- day on or atter full moo). G fi:DIf H. I?ISTItIC Andrew Millian, 1V.D.M., AuburnP.0, 145—Willis Bell, Goderich; lst Monday in each month. 153—Andrew Million, Auburn, Friday on or before full moon. 182—Charles Tweedy, Goderich, last Tuesday in each month. 180—Adam Cautelon, Ifolmesyille, Mon- day ou or before full moon. 202—James Wells, Saltford, 3rd Wed- nesday in each month. 306—Matthew Sheppard. Clinton, 1st Monday in each month. AULLETT DISTIUCT, Janice Horsey, W.P.M., Winthrop P.O. 710—Wm, Walker, ( Linton, 2nd Mon- day in each Mont .. 813—James Horney, Winthrop, last Wednesday before full4poon. 928—Thomas Mcllyeen, Summerhill, 1st Monttny in each month. 825—John L'rintneil, Chiselburst, 1st Mouday in each month. • STANLEY DISTRICT. Robert Nicholson, W.D.M., Blake P. 0. 24—John Pollock, Bayfield, 1st Monday in each month., 308—Jaines Reyes, Varna, 1st Tuesday in each month. 833—Wm. Pollock, Bayfield, 1st Wed- nesday in each month, 733—John Berry, IIensail, lst Thursday in each month. 1035—William Rathwell, Varna, lst Thursday In each month. KS'Norm.—Any omissions or other errors will be direct to the County Master, Bro. corrected. M T dd, Clinton P.O. BILL HEADS, NOTE Ho,.ds, Letter Heade, Tags, Statements, Circulars, Business Cards, Envelopee, Programmes, etc., etc.,printoi In a workman- like manner and at lea rates, at THE NEWS -RECORD FOR SALE. The property at present occupied by the underefgned as a residence on the Huron Road, in the Town of Goderich, consisting of ane half of an acre of land, good frame bouse —story and a half—seven rooms, including kltohen, hard and soft water, good stone setter, stable, 1wood and marriage houses, There are also some goad fruit trees. Thin I is beautifully situated and very uitable f2r any person wishing tolive retired. For farther parthoulare apply to 411.0S. B Barrister, Goderich. PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT -•-Advertisers will find"The 1 f News -McCord" one of the best mediums In the Huron. New-Rerd=ThDoubleCcuation Ike to Tlhousaude. Rater se IOW as any. Reliant° ilarueos., I alanuteoture pone but the Bs$'tP231904 move of shops that stiff Q neap, ar thei heti. got 89 five 401' Cull end et prices. ortipta by melt prolnplysttendod1:3tow ,SR e,le--.4./.-,e, . x4UNg6S Iisl'0 UUM, l L1 i 8, °NT J. E. l3LACKALL, Yoterinar" Surgeon, honorary graduate of Oeterio Veterinary College, treats Sheet/es of eel 'doluuetie Animals on the moat illvdern and ecfenti8o principles, Ii'Calte attended to night oriloyy. Of11eo immodtttely Nott of the old Royal'ilotel, Ontario Wed, Reatdence.'- Albert street, Clinton. 540.-3m ABEL S.;WEEKES, Civil Engineer, . P. L,',13urveyor, Draughtsman, etc. Office --Upstairs in Perrin'e Biock, Clinton, -Ont ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. r4EDUCTION IN RATES. Steamers said regularly from ,Portland and Halifax to Liverpool via Londonderry; DURING THE WINTER MONTHS. IT Cable, 890 and upward.. Second Cabin, $28. Steerage at low rates. No Cattle carried, .'ALLAN L NE LINE. 1 :SERVICE OF ;STEAMSHIt'S.{ NEW YORK AND GLASGOW via Londonderry, every Fortnight. Cabin, 840 and upwards. Second Cabin, $25. Steerage at low ratee. A to II, A. O. PATIIISON ortWaA. t JACKSON, Clintal on. STATE • FOR FIRST CLASS, HAIRCUTTING AND SHAVING. Go to A. E. EViANS, ,FAsneggtBL$ BARBER, 2 doors east of NEWS -RECORD of - fico. Special attention given to LADIES AND CHILDREN'S Haircutting. POMPADOUR HAIRCUTTING A SPECIALTY COPP'S WALL PAPER and Paint Shop IS STOCKED 1V1TH A SELECT ASSORTMENT —CF— finerican and Canadian Walz Papers WITH BORDERS TO MATCH, from five cent rolls to the finest gilt. Having bought my Papers and Paints for Spot Cash, and my practical ex. perienee justify ma in saying that all wanting to decorate their houses inside or paint them out. aide will find It to their advantage to giro me a call, Am- Sliop, south of Oliver Johnston's blacksmith shop, and directly opposite Mr. J. Chidley'e residence JOSEPH COPP Practical Paper Ranger and Painter The Icllillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only In$ured.G 0I1t•ICEIt8. Thos. E. hays, President, Seaforth P. 0, ; W. J. Shannon; SecyTreas„ Seaforth P,AO.; John Hannah, Manager, Seaforth P. 0. D148CTORe, Jas, Broad£oot, Seaforth ; Donald Ross, Clin- ton ; Gabriel Elii'tt, Clinton ; George Watt, Ibxrlock • Joseph Evans, Beechwood ; J. Shan- non, Walton; Thos- Garbed, Clinton. AGL'.STS. Thee, Neilans, Harlock ; Roht. McMillan, Sea - forth ; 5. Carnochan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan and Geo. Murdle, Auditors, Parties desirous to effect Insurance or transact other business will be promptly attend• erl to on application to any of the above officers, addressed to their re pective post cftices. ' ERRORS OF YOUNO'AND OLD Organic Weakness, Failing Memory, Lack of Energy, Physical Decay, potitively cured by Hazofton's Vitalizer. Also Nervous Debility, Dimness of Sight, Lose of Ambition, Unfitness to Marry, Stunted Devolopmont, Lose of Power Pains in the Back, Night Emissions, DrainUrinein to Society,hUnfitoforsStudy, Excessive Indus gence, eta, eta. Every bottle guaranteed 20,000 sold yearly. Address, enclosing stamp for treatise, 3. E. HAZELTON, Graduated Phnrmaoist. 308 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. MEW .ate New Firm in the Old Stand. The undersigned having purchased the old eatabliehed begs to inform the pubat lic that ae of ho will cont contr. Arthur inua as it has heretofore been carried on. ISir teats of all Made in season. Orders taken and delivered as usual. Highest cash price paid for sheepskins, hidee and tallow. 687 -tf JAMES A. FORD. rime* GIfRAMI'sDA$C 'j'R. • , Mr. Rent , Mac9lrtbe, tl1/lltfl4 :St9. Blackbirlli, 9ffdgn, gag.* states that hip little' irl #'ly l anti #tru.Gt ,#ler .knee against n curhsto)ite The knee vegan to swell, pBcafxie very painful and. terminated" in what dgCtors. esti "visite swelling," Slee was treated lay Ilia, best medical matt, ret grew worse, Filially $T. JACOBS OIL L wag, used, The. content0..of Axle 1440C,CQnlpletel reduced the, swelling, kilted the pain and cured her. 0°A1.1.RIQ'HT* Si..IAcoag 014 The Huron News -Record 51.60 a Yeo --$1.25 in Advance. Wednesday April 24th, 1882. CANADA'S GREAT INLAND OCEAN. Did you ever compare Hudson Bay with other and leaser bodite of water and land? If °you never did, and will take the trouble to do sr, you cannot help uttering exclama- tions of amazement when the 'in• meneity of thio great inland ocean dewue upon your understanding. From Fury Straiton the north to the moat southern indentation at the mouth ofAbbitibbeRiver it is exactly 1,380 miles, while the width frons Button's 13ay to mouth of the Whale River is but little under 700• miles. It is as long as the first Atlantic cable, and nearly as wide as the combined lengths of Lake Huron, Erie and Ontario. It extends over 12 degrees of latitude and covers no leas than half a million square t1111es, including more territory within its limits than can be found within the borders of Great Britain and Ireland, Sweeden, Norway, Greece. Switzerland, Denmark, the Netherlands and Belgiumcowbined. It drains, 3,000,000 square miles of territory, receives rivers from the Rocky Mountains, Labrador, the Arctic regions and some which have their source almost within the limits of the United States. UNCLE SAM'S MOTIVE. A OHILIAN WRITER TELLS WHAT THE UNITED STATES 16 AIMI)r0 TO DO. Bruaselis, . April 12—Tho Inde- pendence Beige published a second article by Maxillano, Ibanez on the United States, the south American republics and Europe-. Ho con- tends that while the Monroe doc- trine in no way justifies the United States in interfefing with South American affairs, yet the American Governtnent Aute the Monroe doc- trine in a new shape in order to bring South America under its thumb. Ibanez admits that the statesmen of the North eiinlerican Union aro far too clever to think of annexing any South American ter- ritory, as the incorporation of any of the Latin republics would bring about a war of races and shatter the Union itself. Mr. Blaine, however, seee with equal clearness that their enormous industrial and commercial over -production the United States are threatened wish immense dangers unless the,,y f nd fresh outlets for their' products.` "Tile einx'es Elie secret of the policy of encroachment towal.'de South America. .Ibanez also contends that the Washington Cabinet will never bring the South American republics to its recipro- ity views by mere force of persuas- ion, as the American Latin nations would have to pay the United States 30 per cent. more for produce than they pay by purchasing the salve in Europe. The writer openly ac- cuses iMi': Blaine of, attempting something stranger thapersuasion to compel compliance from South America. He insinuates that the reciprocity treaty with Brazil was wrested from Senor ,Fonseoa by il- legitimate means ; that the United States openly sups orted Balmeceda against the national rising in order to obtain from Chili a commercial treaty wholly in favor of North American union ; that the Republi- can party. will renew it with fresh vigor if the Democrats do not cast it from power ; that it will likewise attempt to coerce Argentina unless the latter combines with Bra- zil and Chili to resist Yankee en- croachment, and, lastly Ibanez quotes the figures of English, French and German trade with South America to show how deeply these European countries are inter- ested in tha failure of the American policy. He appeals to the Govern• ments of France, England and Germany to combine with Brazil, Chili and Argentina to thwart the deeigus of the United States Gov- ernment. MANY people are not aware that it is the wrapper of the tobacco which gives the color to the plug, and are therefore often deceived by a handsome: ontaide appearance. The wrapper ie a vitiate film of leaf wrapped around the plug and is never good smoking toba000. 1t is ooetly coolybecause of its fine oolor. Ip the "Myrtle Navy" brand the chief attention is paid to the "filler," that ir, the inside of the plug. It le this which determines the smoking quality of any tobeoeo. A tobacco wan be made to look se well se the "Myrtle Navy" without muoh trouble or expeaee, but it may at the same time be a very inferior article. TOO MUCH MARRIED. A TIIUNG WOMAN IN MANITOBA ABBESTBD FOR BIGAMY. Winnipeg, April11,--A year Agt, Francis Burk, a farmer:of Southern Manitoba, advertised in the papers for a wife, and was accepted by Helen Loder, of London, Ont. They were married here July 24 last, but their marriage was an utter failure. The young girl traneferrod her affections to Burke partner, Frederick Dale, and it was naturally agreed that the first mtrrirge eer- tifioate should be destroyed and a eacond cereinony perfortned, Dale being the groom. The second care mony was performed in Winnipeg last January since which time Dale and his wife have lived happily. Two weeks ago she was arrested for bigamy, being then on the eve of confinement. The girl, who is in a very weak state, will be tried hero to•luorrow. All three claimed that bigamy Was committed purely though ignorance of the law, which was undoubtedly the case. ANOTHER VIQTI r. ANNIE MARSHALL DIES FROM APPAII • ENT CRIMINAL OPERATION. Detroit. April 11.—About five weeks ago Mise Annie Marshall, twenty-one years old, left her home in Langton, Ont., to visit her- uncle and aunt in 'Windsor. After re. maining there a week she came across to Detroit and took rooms at 120 Michigan avenue,' for the sake of securing the service of 'a isro fessional nurse on account of some ailment front which she was suffer- ing—at least, this was the reason she gave to her uncle and aunt. Her condition grew worse, and on March 18 Dr, Blakely was called in. He found her suffering from the. effects of a premature birth, and says she must have been in a deli cate condition at least five months before the miscarriage occurred. The girl died on Thursday; but Coroner Downs was not summoned until yesterday. He instructed Dr. Angus McLean to make a poet• mortem. ;Miss Marshall's father and uncle are both in town, and after the poet•mortem the remains will be taken back to Langton, Out. A SIMPLE CREED, The "Disciples of Christ," a com- paratively unknown religious body in this locality, are growing rapidly in the United States and Canada. The New York World in a recent article has among other things, the following. "Although less than seventy years old this religious de. nomination l'anke fourth among the „:e11 in nanr a...n4f,; ,1,119-/lU�l x,$,� numbering nearly as many com• munioante as both Congregationalists and Episcopalians combined. This will be a surprise to many in the Atlantic cities, where the Disciples are now only beginning the work. As a Church it"ia best known in America. It has, however, been parried to the British Isles, where it is spreading rapidly. In Aus- tralia it has had a ,most extraordin- ary growth, thele being in the city of Melbourne alone twenty-eight churches of this faith. Disciples have twice filled the President's chair. Tho present Speaker pro tem, of the House of Representa• tives is a Disciple, and a very largo number more in both Houses are Disciples. Governor Chase, of Indiana. i8 a Disciple preacher. So Mao is ex•Congresman Owen, now Commissioner of Immigration. Garfield was a devoted member of thee Christian Church. So little is known of the faith professed by the Disciples that a word in this regard may not be out of place here. The plea for the Disciples is for Chris- tian union on the basis which Scripture furnishes. All human creeds aro rejected as the causes of dissension and division and bar - Here in the way of Christian union. Their creed is, they think, the true Apostles' Creed, the creed on which all Christians may be one : "I be - leve that Jesus is the Christ, the on of the living God." Thia is, hey say, a eonfession of faith broad nough to admit any sincere believer nto the Church. They endeavor o do away with sectarian pocular- ies1 such as shut off'Chrietians from soh other. This is why they wear o sectarian name, calling them - elves simplyaDiseiples or Chris- ians, and their Church the Chris- ian Church or Church of Christ, In Canada the Disciples are bought to number about $,000, and re represented by churches and iasione in many of the principal 1ties and towns of the Dominion. oronto is the centre of their work n this ooUntry. • 8 e t t e s t t a e T some Waxen Cheowfog 2109 ,Past brooms ilstlet;lt, fretful, without suer, gy, thin slid weals. 'Fortiilf atild bpiI4 theinup, by the.4ua1 of OF PURE t:OD LIVER OiL ANN :NYPOPHOOPHITE9 Of. /dim and Soda„ Palatable as Pit .AEI A PB11VE111TI9$ 011 CUBS OR COMM0$ COW* iH BOTH THE OLD AND VOURB, IT 18 UNEQUALi,ED, flenuine mile by Scott lb Beane, Belleville. Rm,m nWrapper: at allAru0111$0, 004r and A SURE CURE - Fon BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION. INDIGESTION, DIZZINESS, 610K HEADACHE, AND DISEASES Or THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS. THEY ARE MILD,THOROUGH ANO PROMPT 1N ACTION, AND FORM A VALUADLE AID TO BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS IN THE TREATMENT AND CURE OF CHRONIC AND OBSTINATE DISEASES. DESTROYS AND REMOVES WORMS Or•ALL KINDS• IN 'CHILDREN OR ADULTS SWEET A , SYRUP AND CANNOT• HARM THE MOST., t. n•DICLICATC'GHIL. 4 HUMPHREYS' Dn. RUhrPanare' SrEC1>rlos a-asclentifically and carefully prepared prescriptions; used for many yyeersinprivate preeticewlteacces5,andfor over thirty years used by the people. Every single Spe- cido 1s a special euro for the disease named. These Specifies cure without drugging, purg- ing edrheducingthe system, and aro In fact and gn remedies of the World.. UST 05 PZMCU'AL NOS. CURES. MOEe. Foyers, Congestion. Inilanunatlon... 2b• Worms, Colic,, Fever, Worm Colic ta 4 Diarrhea, otChildren orAdults.... 16 Dysentery, Griping BlnousColio.... 6 cholera Morbus, vomiting Coughts, Cold Bronchitis Neural la, Toothache Faceaehe, 1 I1eadaeglroe, Slek3eadache, Vertigo 10 Dyspepsia, Billows Stomach '. 11 Suppressed or Painful Periods2 12 Whites, too Profuse Periods 112 , i{h 13 Croup" Cough, Difficult Breathing .,21� Balt 1Clieuru, elpelascumatl, EruoPationslnv 24, A itbeumatfswb 1 Fever and A gue, Ohms, Malaria50 17 Piles, Blind or Bleodfn(� 8�nmammon, ammon, Coid in the Head VPllooiling Cough', VlotentCou be 'lIy 24 Generai Debillty.rhYslcaiWeakness 5p 2 KidneyDisearrs�° O 2 weakness,orvousDebility 10p rinary weakness, Wetting Bedb .-2 iseasos of theltleart,Pelpitaton 1 0 Sold by Dragglets, or sent poetpeld on receipt of p !co. Da HUmpannrs' Mescal., (144 pages) rlcbly bound le 1016 and gold, SWUM. anon. 11UMPBBEY8' MD. CO, 111 b 118 Minato 8t„ NowYork. • PECGFICS WELLS & RICHARDSON Co. Agents • , MONTREAL. TIE Ka TO HEALTH, Unlocks oil the c.',ug. r,, , , s (.1 1 800Arels, Eit?'y.o s ;:aril I ., . rariyin dl x$�J>5vi lY� 1?h� �t wenl,rnlr•_i i' . o-)slenr 1 the iinpe ,!les a;ul 1 •nT iia Tike"- aecretiuns ; at the same t:me Cor000ling ticid.:!,y of thteSt,:a_•2Ch, t uf.i'.,• 'will ..rey;pe eeitt. inose, S:idal•tvurrx, CL Dryr.esu of the :31:i n, Drut- . T>i1n o.SSOi. Vision3all:?(.lice, 132,P,:, "'t•'S:S•n, :ys'•pe? is S ,°& 7 ,., ;:r ,, of Henrt, ,.a ti, i 1�1...^.. the Nervousness a.f:d Ce:_eral Debility ; all these an,1 mnl'y „tiler sinti• ;nmhL'tint: vii lrl to the h:.lmv irl',ucthco ..1:511DOt0:; FLOOD BIT7'Eras. S .'1x'10 Bottles 10c ; Regular size $1. For sale by all dealers. 1'. SIILIKIITE I Y (;o., Proprietors, Toronto —Thr THE— M IE M�1' w 8 tie 1 1 I7 to J r .M - i O 'U 5 %. 1;t rs4 cu 11 `.1 'stem re 1I mm?..0cr .r m ra S 171 . :"*. w m a tr 0 o a' h a m o a' o' o m fain a, ; t9 n e , cs, y w, o .: m ...:8 m Lw.r m a4 ro 7: n 41,0:-..:;: t. p m.'"O. MI id a 4r �'t 4 rA�, C �,' 'w 4 mow.+ y O rte. /T g '> ._. Or 0 '1: