HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-04-06, Page 8.•177 Huron Iffews-fleord 01.500A ¥00-44.26•1a Admits,. •- z• V44408(141' April etio, 1892. To Advertisers, AU doves of Advertisements, to insure insertion, in the current isattet mixtbe received at the ()Ace mit later than Monday noon. Copy for changes received later than Monday noon will hereafter be at the Adver- aser's mon risk, ' • de TODD, Publishers. 114111111cammegatimiefilossupues LOCAL NEWS. In and Around the nub, &an gait. LOOM Novous..—AII notices in these columns of meetings or entertainments, previous to holding of the Same, at which an admiasion fee is altarged, or from which a pecuniary benefit is to be derived, will be charged at the rate of ten cents per line. ant MOST LARGELY CIRCULATED PAPER / n IS SECTION. OH, WHAT A COUGH 1—Will you heed the warning. The signal per- haps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Conituneption. Ask yourself if yod can afford for the sake of saving 50c., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It never fails. MISS Hu NE is home front Chicago. Tun dry weather and April winch; are multiplying the grits. The Grits will not down. „ MISS ANNIE CRUICKSHANK contin- ues very ill, her recovery still being very doubtful. MR. J. W. BITER returned home frorn the Northwest Saturday night. He was snocessful in his horse deal. Several members of No. 84, A. F. and A. M. went to -Seaforth on ItIonday last to atteud a lecture to the craft by Dr. Ryerson of Toron- to. THERE died recently in Golden• ville, N. S , aged 83 years, Mr. John McEachren, father of Mrs. Arch), Kennedy of Clinton, 1.)PvinFied's wife eurvives him. • i'vvritixt were filed at Toronto butt Friday against the return of the Hon. J. C. Pattersou for West Huron and W. Smith for South Ontario. THE incandescent 16 candle power lights hese largely superseded the 2,000 candle .power arc lights in business places and are considered more economical as well as more light diffusing. MR. W. HARLAN,D, JR., has re- turned to town after a visit . of a couple of months to the portion of the continent from which we are divorced by the laws of nature and of than. ONE day last week Mr. Ed. Holmes had a successful surgical operation performed by which an enlargement of the bone of one leg was reduce, "planed" down to its normal size. AIESSLIS. Gtsuov viz WISEMAN have arranged with their landlord, Mr. . John 0. Elliott, for the putting of e nobby plate glass front in tb store now occupied by. them 'on the corner of Huron and Isaac streets. Tnu HURON MEDICAL ASSOCIA- TION tnet in the Mechanics Justitute Rooms yesterday. They had sever- al interesting cases and lectures, not the least, of whits!) was, by Dr. Ryer- son of Toronto. MISS NELLIE FAIR iItiVing recov- ered from a most severe affliction of typhoid may be seen walking around iu fine days in search of a con valesenut's appetite. :viay sho exelaitu inn healthy voice "Eureka!" MR. JOSEPH WHITEHEAD 18 get• ting well under way tbe preliminary, work for tho erection of a handsome block of four Irick stores on the corner of Albert and Ontario streets. Tenants have already been secured for all of them. Mn. E. J. R. OWENS, of the Toronto law firm of Leys, Reid & Owens, formerly of this toivn, was bore over Sunday and yesterday in consequence of the serious; illness of his old friend Mr. John Irwin collector of customs here. Mr. Irwin died Monday morning. A couple of lads, scarcely old enough to know the enormity of their conduct, effected an entrance through a rear window into Sitnp• eon's book store and Dr. Worthing- ton's Sunday forenoon and abstract- ed a few mouth omens, jewelry etc. The goods have been recovered or will be made good. MAYOR BUTLER, of Goderich, was in town Thursday. He was much struck with the excellent condition of our streets as be bad been led to believe that, at this time of year especially, oldiashioned stone -boats were the only vehicles that could be toted along our highways of alleged mud and water. It was, therefore, a revelation to Inm to find them dry, level and hard as the best macadam. .NOW 18 THE :*•1114. TOBUY SHILOH'S COME! Y PTION CURE. This GREAT COUGEI CURE, this successful CONSUMPTION CURE, iswithont a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are author- ized to sell it on a positive guarantee, a test* that no other cure can success. fully stand. It you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure yon. If your child has the.Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease CON.. SUMPTION, doh': fall tg,use it, it will euro you or cost nothing. Ask• your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price 10 eta., 50 cts. and $1.00. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. 25 cts. Additional locals on first page. INSPECTOR BORE made official visits to severill of the school, in the northern part of the county during the past two weeks. MISS MARY MCMURCIIIIII, young- est daughter of Mr. A. McMurchiu, while approaching the Collegiate Institute ono day last week unwit- tin0_elz and severely "sat on herself" ire Tif1 place on the walk, with the result thnt she sustained a viioious sprain in the ankle of her left limb Mrt. GEORGE BEACOM, V. • S., whom we mentioned last week as having passed an exceptionally creditable examination, left town Monday morning for Harriston, where he will locate for the prac- tice of his profession. Mr. Bea - corn. should do well and we wish bin) abundant sucoess. "RoorNs are here," remarked a gentleman, who seemed to think he • had made an annouticement of sprinrt° like portent previously unheralded. "Mins here 1" replied a listener, "that's no new announcement,' have noticed by Tn NEWS RECORD that Robins were here all winter, and could have beers. seen any day, Sundays excepted, opposite the market." C. 0, C. F,—Council No. 116 of the Canadian Order of Chosen Friends was organized here on Wednesday by Friend II. N. T. Col- quhoun, G. R, in the Forrester's hall, Tho following are the offi- cers :—.P. C., W. Weir ; C. C., Oli• ver Johnson; V C.,R.Horsely; Rec., W. S. Lawrence ; Treas., W. Weir; Prelate, Rowland Jen lr ins ; Marshal, J. E 13Iackall •, Warden, Win Al- len ; Guard, J. Beattie ; Sentry, Samuel Barr. LAND VALUES INCREASING —Is it possible that the rsult of the bye - elections has given more confidence to our people I A correspondent of the Huron Expositor Writes "The dernand for land in this. vicinity is still increasing, and farms, that a few years ago were only a drug on the market and could not bd bartered ani at any price, are to- day realizing good prices. A lot, containing 80 acres, was sold on Fri - .day last for 33,100 ; on- Saturday it was re -sold for 33,200, and on Monday morning was carried off at 33,285, and so on. a wH y ?—Because OUT Spring Stock has arrived. You can get a large stock to select from, You can get a BARGAIN on a few Carriages left from last season. Our prices for NEW LINES were neer cheaper mil at present. We buy from the best manufac- turers and consequently have the Latest Improve- ments Do you need one ? Then make your wife and children happy by securing one. As Spring advances the demand for L increases and will continue for several months. The verdict of the people who have purchased their aSsort- ment is that they have never Been finer lines in Clinton. We are not telling you this to induce you to patronize us for we are glad to say that it has never been necessary to resort to unfair dealing, as our trade has been built on UPRIGHT, SQUARE DEALING. At 5c. a Roll we have thousands of rolls that resem- ble very much the bettor class of papers and really grand value. At Oc., 7c, and 8c. the colors are better and more of. them. At 10c. we excel, for we have numbers of specialties, --good bargains-'--»-- Likewise,our 121c, and 15c. with wide borders to match. Plain Ingrains, 21 and 30 inches in width. Gilts and Bronzes that are new and nobby. All our Wall Paper is trimmed free of charge which saves a great deal of time in putting it on; WINDOW SHADES are a necessary outlay in evei'y household, and to those who wish the best kind IVC offer our New Spring Stock. The shading is matle from specially prepared muslin, then hand -painted on ea -ch side three times, which makes it absolutely OPAQUE and the manufacturers Guarantee it to neither Fade, Crack nor Curl. Attached to the Shades, which are either six or seven feet long, are the Best Spring Rollers and Brass Pulls or Fringes and Tassels. OUR SPRING STOCK of several hundred Shades is complete, and we are sure they will please any reasonable person. !CYCLES selemacEemes=arrrauzanearganzmarse • are booming, and we are handling the best lines on the market. Express Waggons. Dolls, Cabs, Sporting Goods and Fishing Tackle. 0 W. Cooper Co. Clinton, - Ontario. 01110 Blu " Lid •-•0 • 4^ Is there a buyer who has rnissedthis grea,t bargain We have sold a tremendous quantity of them' and ther6.is only a small lot left. • PRICE- mit 25 CENTS Regular price 75 cents. New, Fresh Goods. o Linen Handkerchiefs. ON SATURDAY NEXT we will offer • 200 Fine Linen Handkerchiefs bought at auction and worth 25c. and 35c. As long as they last you can take your quantity AT 15 CENTS—ancl they are the biggest snap ever offered in Clinton. Fill up while they last. Children's Clothing. Our Stock is now full and complete, and by long odds the largest and cheapest assortment in the county. • ON SATUR lAY NE X T! we will offer a limited quantity of BOY'S SUITS AT$1.00 Anybody who misses this bargain will regret it. Clothiers and Furnishers. FECIPWAXIMS1111=ZMIN ZWIEIKSIMIZELawil 08 LAST WEEK ---- • • • '; WE HAD TO MAKE OUR all Paper Tri Mr Hum! Too busy to keep track of the number of Rolls sold. We make no charge for trimming Wall Paper Make your selection from our large and beautiful Stock and then admire the way in which the Trimmer works. Newest-Styles-of-Window-Shades-atlowest—L- Prices. Look at our 35c. CURTAIN POLES. Poles, Rings, Ends and Pins, complete, for only 35 cents. • 0 0 0 ins Book Store and News Depot, Clinton. s BEESLEY & CO t 'OS ANY. LLINE The immense volume of business we do in this line speaks for itself, and it is an acknowledged fact that We Lead in Style ! We Lead in Price I We Lead in Our Large Assortment ! And you have YOUR CHOICE, On. Saturday, April 9 we will have our GRAND SHOW. ROOM OPENING, when we will wake one of our finest displays of Millinery, excelling all our previous Openings and showing the Rarest Novelties in Paris, London and New York Styles, when we will be pleased to see all our old and new friends. BEESLEY & GO., THIsiii.AA.E.NarmsoTE