HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-04-06, Page 5V •Z 111671,40.1:41W4011MIXP0240. 1r1411=VtiNCUMAIAMMXIM=0.342,10,1g r Tile Huron News-fiecor4mIlie creamery butter went from the West Oxford Ont cheese foe* .50a Year• -•41.,25 aavaave Wedluestlwr, Aprfl6tk, 1s94, l'OWN PARLIAMEN1 Met Monday night. All Oietill—t %re present except Reeve Msunit;g. .giyor Doherty in the chair. -Andrews referred to the need for 0 sidewalk on Princese'street, from MeTaggart's corner to Croll's.—No Uctien. •Fireman for a teami to be .ad. vamped to.$15'on report of Mayor Doherty. S. G. Plummer, chairtnan of street committee, recommended new side. walks as follovon West side of Isaac etreet from Huron to Joseph, and from Joseph to Dunlop. • On west nide of Orange street from Huron 'to Mary. On the south side of Huron street from Isaac street to North street.—Adopted. G. D. MeTaggart, chairman ,of Finance; reported as follows -:,---Re- • ceipts from scaleifOr March, $16 85; 'rent stf hall, $8; payment on charity accOunt to Mr. Evans, teaming wood, $3.50; ticket toMrs. O'Don• nell to Purt Ituron, $2.60; meals to tramps, 90s. On property account: G. Itutnb,11, 500.;. J. Miller $2. Street,account : Freight on lumber, $13.50; unloading car, $3; J. Becker, $2.50; railway fare to Goderich, $1.' -Printing account: R. Holmes, $5.75; Whitely & Todd, $5. o D. B. Kennedy, on behalf of Pro. petty Committee, recommended that stage in town hall be repainted and the walls papered and kalsomined at a cost of about $25. Agreed to. Charity Committee reported hays ing expended for flour and groceries $2 93, do., $3.71, railway ticket for Mrs. O'Donnell $2:60. S. J. Andrews from Cemetery Committee asked for sanction of ex- penditure on tank in cemetery at a cost of about $19 and about $8 for digging.—Agreed to. Chief Coats reported the formes tion of a new fire company compos- ed as follows :—Chas. Helyar, Cap• tain; E. Rumba'', Lieut.; and R. Stevens, J. West, Hugh Roes, R. Horsely, T. Glew, H. Glazier, S. Cro11, Joseph' Stewart, A. Seeley,' Geo. Rumball, J. Ifewe, S. Wilson, R. Welsh. •••••••••,,..••••••• Drain across Huron Road to be reopened and deepened. Andrews brought up the subject of amending by-law relative to driving on the street, but no action was taken. Council adjourned. A DESERVED RESOLUTION. The following letter has been re.. ceived by Mr. Wm. Elliott from Ire-, land, and he takes this means of con- veying the words to all concerned': Casbystown, March 13th, 1892. DEAR Stu AND Bao. —At a meeting of the Churchill District L. 0. L., held in the Orange hall, Derrygon- nelly, on the 4th March, the following wasproposed seconded and carried unanimously : "Resolved, that the best thanks of this District Lodge be accorded to Pro William Elliott, who emigrated to Caanda some time since, for his thoughtful and handsome subscrip- tion towards reducing the debt still' 0 due on our Orange hall at Derrygon: nelly, amounting to L8 -10s., also to the brethren who con tributed,thus show- • in g the value of our fraternal insti- tution throughout the world. And we wish long life, good health' and prosperity to Bro Elliott and family in their adopted land." You are requested to read the fore- going resolution to those who have so kindly contributed. I remain, Dear Sir and Bro. Yours fraternally, . ROBERT AunsTuorro, Dia. Sec. To BRO. WM, ELLIOTT, Clinton, Canada. Wingliam.' Mrs. McKenzie left on Tuesday for Winnipeg. Mr. J. Tennant, of Listowel, was visiting fridnds here last week. Miss A. Hornuth is visiting her sister, Mrs, T. E. Bowles,of Orange- ville. The Rev. Mr. Day preached on Sunday in the Methodist church, ,he also gave an address Monday „evening. Should this gentleman over visit Wingham again we be - Speak for him a full house. • Owing to the heavy winds on aturday one of the electric light ires was brokon, leaving the town in darkness until about half past seven, the merchants having to re- sort to lamps which were very • scarce. ' Nearly all the clubs of town hate ,'reorganized for the summer and 'there promises to be lively times on our parks. • A very strong wind blew here • • Saturday, carrying a cloud of dust along Main etre'et which was almost blinding. It was something new to •see the dust flying on the streets on the 2nd of April, —The output of cheese in Ox- ord county about the year 1860 la not exceed $73,000 per year, bile during 1891 the amount ex- ited amounted to $9,900,000. •tory to Britith lumbra realized 24 cents per pound, being, 2 cents higher than the best butter made there. This figure was reached 0 - ter paying all expenses. and com- mission. .xlie butter was handled by J. L Grant, 4 Co., of Ingereoll, and was the flat ellipment manufao• tared and lent out by the Governs ment cheese inspectors as an experi• meat, to ,how the Canadian farmers the advisability of utilizing their cheese factories for butter mattufac. turo after the cheerio saloon closes. „ r BIRTHS. CALLANDSR. —At Melgued, Mn., on March 27, the wife of Mr. Harvey Cal - ' lender, formerly of Clinton, of a son, DEATIIS. FOLLAND —In Clinton ou March 29th, John Folland, aged 73 years. MoCuimv—In Stanley, on March 30th, Mrs McCully, relict of the John Me - Cully. aged 73 years. Iftwfx—In (ilinton, on !VIonclay, April 4th, John Irwin, ub-collector of our- , toms, aged 48 years MARKET REPORTS. (Cdrrotited ovory Tuesday afternoon.) • CLINTON, Fall Wheat 0 82 to 0 87 Spring Wheat,... 0 82 to 0 87 Barley C 40 to 0 50 Uats ) 29 to 0 30 Peas . 0 60 to 0 61 Apples,(winter)per bag 0 40 to 0 50 Potatoes • . 0 25 to 0 30 Butter .. 016 to 0 16 Eggs 0 10 to 0 11 El ay 11 00 t�12 00 Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00 Beef 0 00 to 0 00 Wool 0 18 to 0 18 Dressed Hoge 5 00 to 5 25 HOUSE, PAINTING All persons wishing to have their 1100E08 papered and decorated inside or painted outside, 1,1 tirst-class style 11/1t1 at moderato pricer, will find it to their advaritaiA)o call on C. ILSON, Painter and Paper Hanger Shop on Rattenbury Street 097-3m House For Rent or Sale. Six -roomed house on Orange street. Clinton. Comfortable and in good repair.. Hard and soft water. Garden in 00llU011tiOn„ Will be sold or rented on reasonable terms. Apply to 700tt JAMESCOOK, Clinton. TJJ]ES INDIAN SUPPLIBS.. QEALED TENDERS addressed to the under- tj signed. and endorsed "Tender for Indian Supplies," will toe received at this office up to noon of SA.TU1iDA11, 14th May, 1892, for the delivery of Indian Supplies, during the fisoal year ending 130th June, 1893dnty-paid, ut various p Ants in Manitoba and the Nortl,West Terri- tories. , • ; '„ Forma of tender, containing full particulars relative to the supplies required, dates of deliverY, 3m., may be had by applying to the undersigned, or to the Indian Commissioner at Regina, or to the Indian Office, 'Winnipeg. This advertisement is not to be Inserted by any newspaper without the authority of the Queen's Printer, and nn claim for payment by any newspaper not having had such authority will be admitted. Tho lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. L. VANZOTJOIINET, Deputy of the Si perintemlent-General of Indian Aff.iirs. Department of Indian Affairs, Ottawa, March, 1892. 700-8t IL J. D. COOKE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT kItY PLELIC, CONVEYANCER, &C. —MONEY TO LEND. Office over Bell's Harness Shop, QUEEN STREET, BLYTII. 700 MAIL CONTRACT. EAFED TENDERS, addressed to the Post- master -General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on FRIDAY, TOR 22nd APRIL, 1892, for the conveyance of Her Mai erty's Mails, on proposed Contract fur fonr years 0 times per week each way, between Hayfield and Seaforth, from the Id July next. • Tho conveyance to be made in a two -horse vehicle. Printed notioes containing further information as to conditions of proposed contract rnay be soon and blank forms of Tender may bo obtained at the Post Offines at Hayfield, Varna, Brneeileld, Eginondville, Sertforth, and at thio office. H. G. HOPKIRK, Post Office Inspector Post Office Inspector's Office, S tratford , 10th March, 1892 697-8t LOST OR ABSTRACTED. Lost, mislaid, or abstracted from my residence on lot 33 con. 7, Goderich township, two prom- issory notes—one made by William Curry for $250.00 in my favor, and which fell duo some time in the year 1890; rine one for 675.00 made by Thomas Rameny in my favor. The public are cautioned to not purchase either of the above notes, as 1 have received payment 'of asme. ROBERT RUSSELL. March 30, 1892. 699-4t NOTICE. There being some misunderstanding with re- gard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood that if any person takes possession of any kind of wreckage and fails to report to me I shall at once take proceedings. Remember this is the last warning I shall give. CAPT. WM. BABB. Receiver of Wrecks, Goderich. Goderich, Sept. 7th 1891. MONEY TO LOAN On farm property at fl per cent. Apply to C. A. HARTT, Clinton, DESIRABLE LOTS FOR SALE. Three on e4icre lots in the, Town of Clinton are offered for sale. They are situated on Raglan street, not far from the Doherty Organ Factory and Collegiate Institute, adjoining the former residence of Mr. J. H. Combe and in the neigh- borhood of ffret-class residences. For terms, etc. apply to sdltt ARTHUR KNOX, Clinton "NOTICE All persona holding account; against Bon. J. C. Patterson, arising out of the late election in West Huron, aro requested to hand them forth- with to the undersigned for settlement. JOHN BUTLER. Financial Agent for 3. 0. Patterson. Ooderleb, Fob. 25, 1802. kJ •• , esarsonnestetwermattleaelereassuatemaseeszalatuuszoreacusarsoettasseeseszsranS • o • e Will Hold Our Annual Spying Opening ! at y, Astb., and following days. We extend a cordial invitation to all' to visit us. MI- We will make a rich display of MILLINERY, MANTLES, DR:IgSS GOODS, &c. CARPT SHOW -ROOM UPSTAIRS as usual. ESTATE JOHN HODGENS, CLINTON. ILMCUMUCIStIC MILLINERY OPENING! Saturday, April 9. COME? COME? COME ? To our Millinery Opening, You will see the finest assortment of SPRING and SUMITIEll MILLINERY ever shown in Clinton, also that our prices are right. • Parasols ! Parasols ! Parasols! We have taken extra care in choosing our Parasols this season and can sell you nice goods at a very reasonable figure. DRESS GOOD SsWe like to talk DRESS --GOODS, as we have stacks of them from 7 cents a yard up. Our Tailoring Trade is increasing steadily. FINE BLACK STRIPED TROUSERS FROM S4 UP. NOBBY SUITS FROM 812. Come and leave your measure. A perfect fit guaranteed. —en - Plumsteel & Gibbings, MONTREAL HOUSE, CLINTON. • • .•MEXIMMILIMINVPOT.4.14 GPOOMOS GPOCOPiOS • Fruits, Peels, Canned Goods, Teas, ceo. Our store is well-filled with fresh, clean, new Goods, and we can supply the wants of every household at very close figures. Do not buy until you inspect our stock. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton. Leslie's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—all of the best work-. Inanship and material. xtrAll the latest styles and most modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times. Dar FACTORY—corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657—y. COTTAGE FOR RENT Comfortable seven -room cottage on Dunion street, Clinton. Hard and soft water. Carden in connection. Will he rented or sold on very reasonable terms. For particulaas apply to JOHN IRWIN, 1397-4t Grand Union Hotel, Clinton. CARD OF THANKS We take this means of thanking all our enatot mors for their liberal patronage during the las- two years. , WALTON & MORRISON, 697 Tailors, Smith's Block, Cilnton MORTGAGE : SALE OF Valuable Faint Propertu Solid. lour Telegrams BY —IN THE TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH. THE C. P. 11 TELEGRAPH Under and by virtue of the power of male eon. taiued in a certain mortgage, which will be pro• dueed on the day of sale, there will be offered for sale at public: auction, by David Dickinson, RIM- tioneer, at the Rattonbpry Hcuse, in the TOWN OF CLINTON, on Saturday, the 9th April, 1892 at 2 o'clock p.m., the following property, viz: Lots 86 and 87, in the Maitland Concession, in the Township of Goderich, in the County of Huron, containing 97 acree more or lose, also the o' lots, recently bought from the said Township, containing III 8010.. Now Blacksmith Shop road allowance along the westerly side of said ••••••••••••••91,1 OFFICE AT Cooper's Book Store, Clinton. The soil is a good clay loam, adniirably suited tot grain raising. The land is nearly all cleared and is well supplied with water from wells and springs. There is planted a large bearing orchard. Tho bnildinga consist of a large two-storey frame dwelling house. The farm adjoins the village of Helmesville, about three miles from the Town of Clinton. TERMS.—The property will bo sold snbjeet to a reserved bid. Lot 88 will be sold subject to a mortgage for $1200 and interest, and Lot 87 sttb- ject to a mortgage foe $850 and interest. Ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid on the day of tale and the balance in thirty days there- after without interest. The purchaser will be required to sign an agreement for the completion of purehase. The other terms and conditions will be the standing conditions of the Court of Chancery. For farther particulars apply to the undersigned. MANNING & SCOTT, Vendors Solicitors. DAVID DICKINSON, Auctioneer. March 9tb,1802. 697-4t GEORGE TROWHILL has opened out a gen- eral Blacksmith and Repair Shop In the building lately occupied by Mr. Oauley, opposite Fair's lumber yard, Albert soca, Clinton, Ont. Blacksmith and Iron Work in all its branches. Horse -Shoeing promptly attended to and satis- faction guaranteed. The public are invited to call before ordering any class of work in the above lines. 497—tt GEORGE TROWHILL. MO. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, Etc., OFFICE :—Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew's Ste. GODERICH, - - ONT• Money to loan at lowest rat ---Lort• WHEN YOU WANT A READY-MADE NIT OR AN ORERED-SWT Or anything in MEN'S FURN4SHINGS, come and see what we can do for you. We carry a very fine range. Just now we are offering ----A LINE OF ODD PANTS !---- At a great deal less than their value and itlis worth your while to come and see. — • T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -ST., CLINTON. XMAS G OBS. 0 NEW VALENCIA, SULTANA: LONDON LAYERS AND BLK. BASKET RAISINS. NEW SEASON'S CURRANTS, CANDIED PEELS—LEMON, ORANGE AND CITRON ; ESSENCES, EXTRACTS, SPICESORANGES, FIGS, DATES. AD- CANDIES CHEAP. — 0- 11=A_S-- I have excellent value in highest grades of BLACK TEAS, FORIVIOS OOLONGS, MONING CONGOUS, PACKLING, half chest and caddies. TR:220F PURE INDIA AND CEYLON TEAS, putpp iu one pound packages at b0 cents per Ib. Best value in PACKAGE TEAS in the market. 0 Extra Value in Crockery, China and Glassware. CHINA TEA AND TOILET SETS, CHEAP. We offer Special Inducements during the Holiday Trade to Dash Purchasers. 0 N. Robson, %.Ito lbertmSt. CROCKERY & GLASSWARE 0 ---- We have just received a package of a new pattern of G-lassware, consisting of Glass Setts, Pitchers, Tankard Jugs, Goblets, Fruit Bowls, Casters, Shaker Salts and Peppers, Orange Bowls, etc., etc. We have also a Line of Bedroom Setts coming in. Extra value. We import our Crockery direct fiord. England, which enables us to sell at low prices. • Sole Agents for Hillwatta Tea. 0 Geo. Swallow, Clinton CREAT RAILROAD STRIKE IS NOW OVER, BIJT ---- SUGAR IS ADVANCING. ---- - 0 AVING PURCHASED TWO CARS at the lowest prices this year direct from REDPATHS AND ST. LAWRENCE REFINERIES, Montreal, I am giving my old customers and as many new as will come, SUGAR AT WHOLESALE PRICES. liar Special Cuts in Barrel Lots to the Trade and Jobbers.nift • J. W. IRWIN, - Noted Grocer, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, CLINTON. o„,