HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-03-23, Page 2is } rsy:blood 4180w10. Pita the poison ill clinched from the•aystem, there .can be po care for this loathsome and dangereusmalady. Therefore, the only effective treatmout itt a thorough course of Ayfdllr% SarSixparitlla'-.ttie beet of all blood partners. The sooner you begin the better• delay ia,dangerous. • ' a I was troubled with catarrh for over two years, I tried yarioue remedies, and was treated by number of ply si-- clans, but received no benefit until I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. A feet bottles of this medicine cured me of thio 'troublesome complaint and cora, pletely restored *ny Health." :Jesse X. eggs,iiolman'e Mins,.2.O. •r When Ayer's :,.,rsaparllla was reo- bmmerided tome for ,catarrh, I was in- clined to doubt its eilicao . Having tried so many'remodtes, with little ben- efit, I had no faith that anything would cure mer 'I became emaciated from loan of appetite and, impaired digestion. I had nearly loot ho sense of emelt and my eyetem was ly deranged. 11 was about discourage ,. when a friend urged Me to try .Ayers sarsaparilla, and re- ferred me to persons whom it' had cured of catarrh. After taking halt a dozen bottles of this medicine, I am convinced that the only sure way of treating this obstinate disease is through, the blood." -Charles H. Maloney, 113 River at. Lowell, Mass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PBIPAB=D BT Dr. J. O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price $1; six bottles, $5. Worth $5 s bottle. The Huron News-Recora .60 a Year -81.2t in Advance Wednesday, March '23rd, 1892 It it not the ext,eines of heat and cold a, Eno , as the aud.lee changes in tem- pe••t.' • shat oat.S•: u-r'.+t" ,anna. •e 0D be tint re.+..g. W4ort, b•,:vev.,r, tee system is i'.• yn aced with Ayer'. Serep.rilla, thee -e changes ere ra•ety et`••nled with injnrlede ree1•ttte, —An explorer aunt. -d 13•,uvnn has brousllt into Ret Portage st-rn,lles of g 1 whirt1 hat, set the town wild will exc•t.rrue•it. E,te- is say the sawplee will to ti $2,500 to the ton• For the cure of r,r ie, ceota.hs. ail all dere eenottnit of the reep;retory org.,ue, no nYn naJ.c' a is aJ t'.•ilahl as Ayer'e Cherry state' •.'. 1' reliever!, the ..t.h. Mettle and consumptive, even in a(lvow, ed eteg•ts of disease, and hta ray d in nume.ab'c, lives. —The estimates presented to tlie Commons ask for a total expendi- ture during the veer b":;i•lui •g July •tit n' t of $$41,548,000, a decrease of $3,500,000 as compared with the pl•eeent year,. Tem reason why "Myrtle N•vyr'• to. bacon hoe take,' eo Wong a h••I.i upon the sin '.kiod ooincaeoity is because it it the g',ai• e.artiut... NO man hoe a de- -sire to e•n,.kc enythetg cls, tt•u tobac• co E.'eo upiuo, le not smoked for the plea 'Le or ernuking it but for ooporoi6o effects. The deeiro of tobacco is; of cau..a, Leat satisfied by getting the pure arti"1e.. . td wbRa to this is added the fiuc.•Ic q'tllity he eu•tief•totie0 ie co•u• piete. mete two things are combined in the "Myrtle —A Winnipeg paper says : Land Commissioner Hamilton of the C.P. R., who has lust returned to Wlnni• peg £'nm Britain, says the prospects are f.vr the largest immigration to Maniroba and the Northwest ever Itnown. • COMPETITION. In f -der to a,nertain the views of chem. throughout Great Britain ae to whet,..•• the remedies for outward sp. plitett,n had the largest and greatert pop -.• patty, 'i The Chemist and Druggist" inati"rt td a poet •lard competition each dealer to name on a poet oar(' the pre- pares: , has the largeet sale and was the most le ,pular with cnetomere, and the puh-, t -4r receive.' 635 cards, with the raeulte. St. J.. •he Oil 384 Elti•.a•1•.'e Enihrocetion 172 Hoe Nay's Ointment.. 32 Alta....lee Plasters 19 Bow', Liniment ..... 7 Pa. • Killer 7 Va.,) •fie 4 Cu••tee Sea : ,.;nR , 8 2 Ta•t'al 635 —The neighho•hood of Spring'. ford was startled the other day by the news that the Miller Melh,,diet church, situated about three tensa weer of Sprit *f,.rd, Ont., was brnhen into a't i the e,gan, organ stool and hvuln book stolen. PLEASANT AS SYRUP. • vt;l'v FJvl, Toront.,, Oat., etni••n ,,.t Mill..•.I'e C Liver Oil E nal.. •1 w th Wilt Cherry hark is free fr, •, tt.ie:eti ui ble taste, being almuet ae pl•,.• vu 'Ili ay' up, while tor cndghe and all la :i .;fives c.,:np!ete eatiefrctien, act- ing „ eptly even in ohetin"te c '.es, -At the Brockville assizes last w' -'r the court room was crowded to fig : n to a Civil action brought by At Arbuckle, of Merrickvillo to , ver the aiuount of insurance hce 'ty her late husband in the Co 4 ,14', Mauufacturers4 and Cana, da 1 eident insurance companies for $2:i.000. Arhuekle, who was in the eh(l,ueinet•s at Merrickville, dt•' 1 free] Iock•jew, and the insur- act •ompanit;s claimed that' this revui eri from deceased unnecessarily ex., , n' 1 'rnaelf. An interesting trig was looked forward td, but it wee announced soon after the court ops tr,t t)lftt the case had been. set. tied. It is understood Mrs. Are bnekle receives $20,000. Anv vsi To Mo aaaa .&s. y'9ti alaterbed at Plebe .and broken pfr res oat by a Molt child sufferteg andcrying with psis. et; Cutting Tooth fie seed to rilnt "Mn.Wxloeittts Sip'Z bottle e, tog, (f0 1„114100 ie taoalegiablp It will relieve thepopr•tittle s !fere ionustiisttl . Pvareaarijun lit tp4)tlioro1 here la no. ,tntetatto.;Omit it. It• tare*. Ayeautory and ,Diarrhoea, reeelatse the etgOtteh tad barrels; sures Wlud Culla, softens the game, reduree teamewatiep, and given! tone endogeny to the whole system, "Mr. • Wirleluw's 8uothtee Syrup" for ehltdree teething is plossant to tine tanto and le the yeteorlption of ono of the oldest and beet female ph:doiens and nares In the United Steterandis for tyle by all druggist'• tbroa hotit world,'rloo 25 oe tq bottle.le. Pe mare and ask for "bias. WrivsLow'e 800rxitto araur,"sad take no ether kind. 616* —A veteran soldier who partici• lasted iu the battle of Waterloo is now a, reeidrftt of Alice township, Ont. His name is Daniel Witt and he is in his 98th year. Ho is be• Iieve(1 to be the last survivor of that famous battle. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from•praotico, bavlug had pieced 1.1 kis Muds by an East Indismieelen- cry the formols of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent curs of Consumption Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat ecu Lung Affections, alio a positive and radiial.oare for Nervous Debility and al' Nervous Complaint,, after heViug tooted its wonderful curative power, in thoneande of ceaee, hes felt it his duty to make it known to big minoring fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, la German, French or English, with fall directions for preparing and using. gent by mad by addressing with ;tamp, naming this paper. W. L. NoiEe, 810 Potoere' Bloch, Rochester, N.Y. 639-y INFLUENCE ATTRIBUTED TO COLORS. The wise sayings of our ancestors have been dierrepectfully dubbed "old saws," and yet that they con- tain at least -a modicum of truth is evinced by the fact that they have survived when many more pr'eteu• tious bits of wisdom have been lost iu the whirling of time, says au ex- change. The following lines of verse, which once delighted our foregone relations, may not be as veracioue as some of these ancient epigrams, hut they are worthy of at least a passing notice Married in white,you have chosen all right. Married in gray, you will go far away. Married in black, you will wieh yourself back. Married in rod, you will wieh yoerself dead. Married in green, ashamed to be seen. Married in blue, he will always be true. Married in pearl, you will live in a whirl. Married in yellow, ashamed, of yo'lr fellow. Married in brown, you will live out of tow. Married in pink, yahrepirits will sink. IT LEADS THE LEADERS. The fo:cmoet•medicine of tee day, Pm-- dnrk Mood Fitters, 's a pr:sly vegetable compound po•seeaiag po ;act roi;alatiug pcwere Gym all the urguue of the bystetu and coatroal tg their ahoretio••s. It eo puri6t, the blood Unit it ct:rec ail blood Lemurs and d'settees heat a co a eon pimple to the worst scrofulous rare, and this combined with its uurivalled :egttla- ti..g, cleaaeing and purifying inili er'co on the eco:etiocs of tho liver, kidoeye, oowjle sod ski -. rendes it uuoqual'ed r'i a Lu •e for a'I di.easee of the elt,J. h'.um two to tone bottles will cera boil., pim- ple., blotches, nettle rreh, ecu.f,tetter, and a:1 the simple forms of skin disease. From two to fonbottles will uu.•e salt hewn cr eczema, ehioglke, e•ysieelns, ulcers, abooeeeeg, rnnniug sores, and all soffere. e front ekiel diseases are needy eaye aggravated 'by intolerable itch- ing, but thie quickly subsides on the rem•.vr.l of the disease by B. 13- B. Paisiog on to graver yet prevalent di- beaset ouch as scrofulous swellings, humors and scrofula. We have undoub- ted proof that from three to ex bottles used internally and by outward applica- tion (diluted if the akin is broken) to the affected parte, will effeot a cure. The great miee.on of 13. 13. B. ie to regulate the live., kidneye, bowele and blood, to cer'eot tepidity r 9 wrong action of no etomao r and to open the sluice ways of the system to carry off all clogggd and io.pu,e secretions, allowing ontute thus to eta recovery, end remove without fail had blond, liver complaint, bilioueneee, dyspepsia, sink headache, dropsy, rheu- teatftim, and every s,letiee of disease P!i8iJg from disorder of the liver, kid - o e, bowett, et,maoh and Mond. We guarantee every bottle of 13. 13. B. Shoeld any portico he dibaatir.fied after nei.,g the baht bottles we will refund the matey un eeplicatlun, ,tereoIP'lly er ky letter. We will also Le Kart to es -id teetimoniele and 1-rcrtnat•iut, peotiitg the effect, of 13. L. B. ie the tt;'tve-,'time(• disea"?e on applinat'on to T. MILnUY.Y & Co , 1orueto, Get. LOST THEIR MONEY. BECAUSE THEY READ THE OLOBE AND LISTENED TO GRiT SPEECIIES. Recently the minister of Agricul- ture received a letter from Capt. Holmes, formerly of Napanee, and who has been engaged during the past year in assisting to Bettie Dakota emigrants in the North• west territories. This letter bears out so strikingly the contention of the Conservative preen, that Grit misrepresentation of CanadR'sre- sources has tended to weaken the immigration movement and induced hundreds, if not thousands, of Canadians to eaeatriate themselves that its publication atthie particular juncture may not be out of place. The letter runs : Hon John Carling, Minister of Agriculture, G lawa. Stn,—As you are aware, I have been engaged during the past season in South Dakota, and have taken over from that etate to the Canadian North-west at Joest es menr Pe Rn families who were formerly Cana - thane, and prlaeipally' frotp the conoid, of skin oti}. Torfel ,: when asked why :thtly ioit • the e counties ,and went tolDukot,a iaatoad of our .Nvi'th west, the ana.wer was invariably that- baipg Reformers When iu °Anadit, they read nothing but R'irorw newspapura, pertieularly the Globe and London Arivattiasr, and frum reading these artiuloe nod e a poachesGrit of 1 members h..t a f p Parliament decrying. Manitoba and and the territories, and denouncing the building of the Cauudfau L. ;ilio road, they were convinced that we had nothing up there but a land of frost and snow in the winter and dry alkali plains iu the su miner, nod oven it' there were sortie parts of the couutry whioh were favorable to farming; it could be to a very limited extent only, and if the crops were rased the C. P. R. would take it all to get it to market. The speeches which were made on the floor of theuse Hu by ansa whom they had been taught to lci•k up to, and believe, coupled with the constant recurrence in the Grit press of man'ufuoturod statements against our North-west and in favor of •the Dakotas and the other western states, together with the plausible repreeeutatione Made by the various travelling agents fur We American railroads, of whom there were no fewer six years ago than 140, induced theee people to leovd Ontario, and strike out for whet they were led to believe was a laud positively overflowiu;; with all good thine they could wish for. How bitterly they weye disap pointed, the ieporte now in the Department of Agriculture will conclusively show. Amongst others I took over three families who were living retired in the county of Elgin and were in- duced to put what they had into money and go to Macpherson coun- ty, South Dakota, in 1882, taking with them' au average of $5,000 each. In April last I moved them back to Yorktou, Assa•, their means were all gone, and they had to borrow $603 each to free pate of of their stock and get away. Before the season closes I expect to get from 50 t0 CO families in Aberdeen, South Dakota. and take there 'over to Canada. Most of these were otiginarly f:•t in West.eru Ontario, and I am sure ;f the 0 it para will give the same pru'Bi.tence to these facts es it did to the "blue ruin" speeches whi•;h were made against of North west, it would go a long way towards sending our peop'e to where they cau glow an avetuae of 50 blsbels of wheat to the acre in- stead of to South Dakota, w hick this year will not 'overage ft:,r bushels in several'coutlties ; heeidrs counteracting the - infleence of a hundred or more Yankee agents, who are working in•Canada. I ern, sir, your obedient servant. (Sign- ed) ALFRED T. HOLMES. P. S.—The fc egoing facts' show conclusively b any uouiased mi,Id, that the people left Ontarf'7 end went to the Western States L-ca•;ee t1:ey b'1i.,,ed-their rol;tital 1 adeee, and Old Cocnlry people did not come bete lsrauee they saw the newspaper urticlee referred to, and believed them. THE WALES HOTEL ALBERT -ST. NORTH, CLINTON. The unders'gnod has asbumc,i t'neproprtetorshlp of the above Hotel. The premises ars being re- fitted and flret•class accommodation can always he has for man and beast. Tne bar is supplied with only the best Ale, Liquor, Cigars, &c., and special attention will also be given to the dining room department. There le excellent stable accommodation. The patronage of the general public is respectfully eo'ie'ted. 694 8m JOHN T. LEE, - PROPRIETOR New Firm in the Old Stand. Tho undo t'gted fav'.,'g ppn•ohas:d the old eetabt'shed meat busies, of M . Art', et Couch, begs to info:m the pao"o Viet he wilt con.inne it. as it hens here.ofore :,eo.. oat•.:ed on. I 'Meat, of all k'nde in season. Orders takvi and delivered as egret. Highest ease pr:oe paid for sheepskins, hides and tallow. 637 -tf JAMES A. FORD. THE CELEBRhTE•D Ideal Washer wand Wringer. THE BEST IN THE I:IARRET Machines Allowed on Trial am also agent for all All Agricultural Implements Wareroom opposite Fair's Mills Call and see me. J. B. WEIR, CLINTON sun sasteremeismessrasaammanansim151113 EVERY FARMER'S SON SHOULD HAVE A Business Education A POSTAL will secure the catalogue of the FOREST : CITY Sue'nevn en•lage, • LONDON, Ol',l-T- Over 100 students in attendance. 3, W. Westervelt, Principal ewe eeermesecsersemesessarrachrsseareswi Ua i er's .Ba.za r.. „ Ii. ,TTuoTli�,A:"l 1i. Jin pep's Bair i* s journal for the home, 11 ghee the Wed,i detention with regard to the Faahrensoiee itt nenterqus'lttugttiit oplt Pule 44:410070., and patterp.0h.583 eupptemepts are feats• .pea elle* to the home dross -maker and, the 0, expense fe spared 10 !01tke ice arttetto attreetlrenres of the birrhoet order. Its bright e0.ager aInae u '3009410.144th"uflbtflU esteem sttitfy *11, testes, and its tett page ly fpmqus as a budget of wit and humor, in its weekly leeaoe everything 1e tnelaied whioh ie of interest to women, The Serlels for 1892 willbe written by Walter Benet and William Bleak. Mrs. Oliphant will become aoontribatm':• Merlon liprlau4i a Tdeee'y Talke. "Day In sed poly Ont," ere Intended for met:gne, sod Helen Itfarshall North willaptelelly address girls. T. W. Bagel. POE, to "Women and )tau," will plane a culti- vated sadrenee. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. P10 TSAR IIARPER'S BAZAR $4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S WRSKI.T 4 00 IIARPEI'S YOUNG PEOPLE ..... .., • ,! 00 Postage Free to all eubeoribere in the United Stator, Canada, and Mexico. The Vo)nmee pf the Bazar begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time 1. mentioned, onbeeriptions will begin with - the Number current at the time of sooeiot of order. Bound Volamca of Harper's Bazar for three years bask, in neat sloth binding, will be mut by mail. poatnge paid, or by express, tree of expellee (provided the freight docs not exceed one dollar per volume), for 87 00 per volutes. Cloth Canes Inc each volume, suitable for bind- ing, will be ,out by mull, post-paid, on receipt of 81 00 each. Remittances ahonkt be made by Poet-ofiloo Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lose. e 0 Nowapapere are not to copy this advertise• ment without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Adi rens: HARPER & BRCTHEBS, Now York 1892. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. The Magazine will',clobreto the foneth Centen- ary of the Discovery of Amerioa by it. ns - DISCOVERY, throug:, articles giving a more thor- ongh e-poeition than hue hithm•to boon made of the Recent Unprecedented Development of nor Conntry, and oepealally in the (creat West. Particular at.ention will also be givoz to Dra- matic Episodes of American Fistory. The Field of ,ha ne:t European War will be deeer:oed in a Series of Paper' on the Danube ,"Frpm the Blank Forest to the Black Sea," by Pnultney Bigelow and F. D. Millet, illustrated by Mr. Millet and Alfred Pareous. Articles also will be given on tho Gorman, A ietriar, and Italian Armies, illustrated by T. do Thu'etrap. Mr. W. D. Howells will contribute a new novel, "A World of Chance,"chs acted e.tcallyAmo•ican . Especial prom'ncnee will he given to Short Stories, which will be contributed by T. B. AbLiol., 11, 1f. Davis, A. Conan Doyle, Margret Deland, Mims Woolson, and other popular writers. Among the literary fontnres will be Personal Reminixconeee of Nathaniel Hawthorne, by hie college plass-mate and life-long friend, Horatio Bridge, and u Pet:oonet Memoir ofAh; Brownings, by Arne Thacke,ay Ritchie. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HtRPER'S MAGAZ NE, Per Year ....84 00 HARPr.R'S WEEKLY, . 4 09 HARPER'S BAZAR, " " ...- 4 00 H.tBt'EIl'S YOUNG PEOPLE, ' .... 2 00 Postage Free to all s•tbsc:ters in the United Statee, Canada and Me-.ioo. Tho Volumoe of the Magaz:no begin with the Number, for Jane and Dece'nbe•• of enc t yea.. When no time ix specified, subscriptions will begin with tho Number en:rent at the time of rece'et of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's Magazine for --three years back, in neat cloth bind:ng, will bo sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of $3 00 per volnthe. Cloth Cakes, for bindlpg, 50 Dents each -my taail, post-paid. Itemnittances should be made by Post•oflco Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. i Noweapore aro not to copy this advertise- ment without tho express order of Harper & Brothers. Addreee : HARPER & BROTHERS , New Yoe 1892. .,,,.z E a rerr..-We I lq; w,- . ILLUSTRATED. Harper', Weekly for the coming year will eon- tain more attractive features, more and liner illustrations, and a greater number of 'Melee of live, intense Internet than will be found in any other periodioal. Among these latter will be a series of arttelee on the tweutyOve greatest cities of tbo world, including Ave hundred illne- tratione. The Columbian Exposition., the Army and Navy, great public events, disasters on land and sea, and the doings of the celebrated people of the day will be described and illustrated in an attractive and timely manner. The Department of Amateur Sport will continue ander the dlreo tion of Casper W. Whitney. The best of modern writers will eontributo short stories, and the most distinguished artiste will make the illustra- tions. The editorial articles of Mr. George William .Carus will remain as an especial attraction. - HARPER'S PERIODICALS, PER TEAR : ARPER'S WEEKLY 14 •00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 -HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 00 Postage Free to alt subscribers in the United States, Canada, and Mofioo. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subsorlptiono will begin with the Number current at the time of receipt of order. Bound Volnmee of Harper's Weekly for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of expanse (provided tbe freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for eaoh volume, suitable for bind- ing. will be Bent by mail, poet -paid, on receipt of SI 00 each. Remittances ehonld be made by Poet -aloe Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of Ione. i 'Newepapere are not to copy this advertise- ment without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Address : HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. L TRAY STOCK ADVER '.fi r' ►JJ TISEMENTS inserted in Tee NRWe•REOORD at low rates. The law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock If yon wont any kind of advertising yon will not do better than call on Tewe-Reoeord. A NICE HOME AT A BARGAIN.—Eightaeres of lend with* select orchard of choice apple trees ; comfortable house and stables ; adjoining Gode- rich township. a Apply to B. L. DOYLE, Gode lch, 520-tf TEACHER WANTED. Wanted, a Second -Clete Teacher. Salary not to exceed il00. Por further particulate apyly to SAMURL IRVINE, Secretary School Section No. 5, Morris, Belgrave P. 0. 676-tf. • he NEWS -RECORD Is in a better position than ever to turn out : The Very Finest Printing At prices as low as any other office hi the West. Those in need of any class of Job Printing should call On THE NEWS -RECORD, Albert Street, Clinton P-vIR, fIw-v-IR,M. NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE ELLIOTT'S LOCK, - CLINTON,. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. r Call at the New Store and see the stock of • Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The whale Stock is from the very beet manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of ever'• description. Jo& CIIIDLEY, one door West of Dlckson's Book Store The owsi00011 FOR GOOD ENVELOPES FOR FINEST PRINTING FOR NICE BILL HEADS FOR OFFICE PRINTING THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN ALT, DEPARTMENTS J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont IMPLEMENTS. The subeoriber having severed bie.00nnertion with the Maao+oy Company, desires to intimate that he has been appointed agent for tho well known firm of FROST & WOOD implement makers, of Smith's Falls, and will be pleased to fill all orders In his line as heretofore. Will also keep on hand WILRINSON Plows, COLTER & SCOTT DRILLS, DISC HARROWS, and articles of liko nature. WM. STANLEY 647-6m Holmeeville and Clinton WATCHES! Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Columbus, Seth Thomas, and Rockford—now model. aSPAIl these make! in key and stem winders Also pendent set watches. J. BIDDLECOMBE, CLINTON. I.STRAY CATTLE. Came into the enclosure of the subscriber, Lot 24, Con. 12, Hallett, about the latter part of November, three red yearling steer, and one .red °and.whl•e-goxrlin•gehetfere-'Vhe•owner•ie•,-e., quested to prove property, pay expenses and take the animals away. ANDREW TAYLOR. Londeeboro P. O. • Lobe's Starch Enarrtel. This to an, article worthy of every lady's attention. If you want to save time and labor, buy a box. It you want your ironed clothes to look neat and clean and to last muoh longer, buy a box. If you want the starch to stay in the clothes on the line in epite of rain or frost, buy a box, If you want everything to look like new, ouch Re shirt bosoms, collars, cuffs, lace curtains, etc., buy a box. 1Every Storekeeper keeps it now, and whore the merchant does not keep it we want a lively agent to represent us. Manufactured by W.. J. LO B B, 56-11 Holmesvllle. 1892. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE An Illuetrated Weekly. The Thirteenth Volume of Harper's Young People began on November 8, 1891. For the coming year thia best and meet oompreheneive weekly in the world for youthful reader', offers a varied and fascinating programme. In serial fiction it will contain "Diego Pinzon," a story of the first voyage of Colnmbus. by John 11. Coryell; "Oannematee: A Story of the Florida Reefs and Everglades," by Kirk Munroe; another story by one of the best known and most popular of American anthers ; and stories in three and four parte ny Thomas Nelson Page, E. H. Hesse, Angeline Teal, Elia Rodman Church, and Mary S. MoCorb. More than two hundred short stories by favorite writers, articles on travel, out-of-door sports, in -door games, and all subjects dear to the hearts of the young, besides hundreds of illustrations by leading artitta, will oomhino to make Earper'e Young People for 1892 an Irre- sistible repository of pleasure and information for boyo and girls. "The best weekly publication for young people in existence. It is edited with sorupalon, ram and attention, and inetrnetion and entertainment are mingled in its pages in jest the right propor- tions to captivate the minds of the young, and at the same time to develop their thinking power. - Observer, N.Y. 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