The Huron News-Record, 1892-03-16, Page 8$1111.011'S CONSUM CONSUMPTION CURE. This GREAT COUGH CURE, this successful' CONSUMPTION CUBE, iswithont'a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are author- ized to vell it on a positive guarantee, a teat that no other cure Dart success. fully stand. If you have to Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, nae it, for it will cure yon. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough,use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious diocese CON. Si1MPTION, don't fail to use it, it will cure you or cost nothing. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price 10 cts., 50 cts. and 81.00. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plryster. 25 cts. To Advertisers, .All changes of Advertisements, to insure insertion in the current issue, must be received at the office not tater than Monday noon. Copy for changes received later than Monday noon will hbreafter be at the Adve,r- tiger's own risk. WHITELY do TODD, Publishers. laramossmammasims The Huron News -Record 11.50 a Teat -$1.2t in Advance. Wednesday March 16th, 1892. .FOCAL NEWS. in and Around the Hub, r gal U (ZaIl£. LOCAL. NOTICES. -A11 notices in these columns of meetings or enterteinmonts, previous to holding of the same,at which an admission fee ia e barged, or from which a pecuniary benefit is to be.derived, will be charged at the rate of ten cents per .line. The MOST LARGELY CIRCULATED PAPER INTHIS SECTION. PEREMPTORY Auction Sale of Tweeds at Walton and Morrison, commenc- at 1 o'clock p, tn. Saturday March 12. thea Lizzie MALoox, of Inger- .soll, is visiting .Mrs. Kilty, town, and other friends in this vicinity. , • MR. JOHN MORTON BOYCE, F. C. C. G,. organist of Grace Church, Brantford; will give an organ recital in St. Paul's Church, Clinton, on Friday March 29. IT is reported that Rev, Mr. Mc- -Cesh, of Petrolea, at one si ne,ef Bayfield, has been offered ths•'iit cumbency of Chatham, made vacant by the departure of the erring Mr. Martin. FATE= WEST, of Goderich, was in town Saturday, We were glad to see the gentleman recovered from Ms six weeks wrestling with la grippe and able to attend to his clerical duties. 1Htr, w1A; u s x, Cnlutotuu , ° of Creoford, Mn,,aloft Chilton station haat Friday afternoon, fir his atotth, weetorn home. The Corrie Gazettit in referring to an iteur, that appeared in this paper says :—"The lady referred to in the appended clipping From the Clinton Nnwe•Rrtaonn, .wail former- ly Mire Lavine McGill, a well- known and popular Gerrie lady, and her many friends will join in congratulating her on receiving this beautiful gift, Roosting as we do of her rare musical abilitite and Mr. Watt's love of mucic, we cannot but help thinking that be anted -- and we don't blame him just a little bit from selfish motives." DOING AWAY WITH STATUTE LAB on,—At the last meeting of the Eaat Luther township Counoil a notice of motion was given to the effect that in future the old method of per- forming statute labor will bo done away with, and 60 cents perday se• oopted as an equivalent for a day's work. This will be levied on all the rateable propertyl„„i9 the town- ship. This is certainly a move in the right direction, as the manuer in which statute labor is performed • in many townships besides Luther is somewhat of a farce. MCMILLAN vs. MCMIonAEL.— Thia is law suit has been in pro- gress for some time and which has elieted a good deal of local interest. The plaintiff is Mr. Robert McMill- an, yr., of Hullett, and the defen- dant Mr. William McMichael, jr., of the same township. The plain tiff brings action against the defen-. dant for $500 damages for trespass, the defendaut being accused of hay big taken fish from a stream passing through the farm of the plaintiff. In the examination of the defendant for discovery, recently held at God- erich, he denied having taken fish from the stream on the property of the plaintiff but admitted having done so from the stream where it passes through the property of the plaiutifre father, Mr. John McMill- an. The counsel tor the plaintiff then moved before the county court judge to have John McMillan added as a co. plaintiff with Robert, This application the county judge die oilseed, ordering the plaintiff to pay the costa of the application. Ap- peal was then taken from this decis- ion of the county judge to the sup- erior court at Toronto and the ap- peal was hoard before Chief Juetic. Galt on Monday, and we notice by the court reports that the appeal was dismissed with costs on the plaintiff. Thus the matter stands at the present, with the expectation tl}atr•thg,'•, '1, ;i tTh ! +;naw abandon his suit. " Messrs. Cameron, Holt & Cameron, of Goderich, acted for the plaintiff. and Mr. J. M. Best, of Seafortb, for the defendant, Tae STRATFORD BOY', HOME IN- TERVIEWED. --.Animated by a desire to aecertain the truth: as to this un- fortunate affair, a HERALD represen- tative last Monday interviewed the authorities of Min Macpherson's oy's Home in thia city. It seems hat Ellen Lomas went into Mr. ameron's family from the Guthrie ome in ',linden, and when thatin- itution was temporarily closed ome two years ago, owing to a fire. he, ..lief..a,,,Home....b.are,..by. .-request ok charge of the children then in e Guthrie Home, At the time of e unfortunate affair Mr. Merry as in the old country and before e could return and look into the ae the girl was dead. The gentle - an who afterwards investigated the atter is of the opinion from what o learned that Mr. Cameron was in o way connected with the girl's eath. The statement that the girl d made two contradictory doclar- ions, one of which naming Mr. ameron as the author of her trou- o the Boy'a Home autlioritiee be - 8V0 to be untrue and unfounded. here was but one declaration made the girl of which they are cog• zant, and the original of that, they deratand, is held by Mr. Cotner- . Copies of this declaration by o dead girl, and of declarations others, are in possession of the y's Home, and they, as already ted, exonerate Mr. Cameron, d charge an employe of Mr. Cam son's with being the author of herouble. As to making further in- stigation now on the part of the ome, the authorities there colloid - such action would now be fruit- s the girl boing dead and evi- nce of a decisive character beim tremely difficult to obtain. Be. es, Mr. Cameron is the person st interested in the case, being girl's guardian, and thus the tter has been allowed to rest. o affair is in a peculiar position. .Cameron has printed the girl's laration, omitting the name of party she blamed, and the party o is understood to be the one cured has also printed a sheet which he pronounces his inno• ce and offers a reward for infor- tion of the name of any person o bee had the hardihood to rge him with the crime. It thus ears as if the matter would never ettled, and the dastardly crimin- whoever be may be, will manage escape unpunished farther than e haunted with the guilt of his 1 destruction of a poor friendless .—Stratford F#erald. REV. JAS LIVINGSTON, pastor of B the Listowel Methodist church, has t been laid up for about ten days C with an attack of the grippe, which H has settled on his lungs. He is at progressing towards recovery. ..t to th th w h ca m m h n d ha at 0 bl 1i T by ni un on -MIA Etre R'fii'T"%siiad; Of°Gil oy'w dry goods store, has been unable to attend to her duties for the past few days, but in a day of two her polite attention will again greet customers at the store. MRs. CULLTFORD who has been spending the winter with friends here left on Monday for her home, Houghton, Mich. Her visit ' was somewhat curtailed by the advice that her husband had injured him- self by a fall, TETE DOMINION MUSICAL JOURNAL, published monthly in Toronto, roaches this office regularly. We can recommend it to those who con. -eider a knowledge of music one of the necessary accompaniments of a liberal education. And who does .not9 th Miss SOPHIA KILTT of the C. P.. by R. telegraph office, Cooper's book Bo store, is confined to the house by eta the too persistent attentions of an Monsieur L -t Grippe. The young o lady will likely be out again ere tr long. Her mother and her brother ve Smith are just recovering from the H same fashionable ailment. er les de ex Bid LiBEL SUiT.—The libel suit, of W. G. Glenn, of St. Marys, against T. H. Race, of the Mitchell Re. 'corder, is sat down for trial at the assizes now sitting at Goderich. Glenn was petitioner in the protest against James ,Trow in South Perth. Tho Recorder imputed dishonesty to Glenn and that he was posaeseed of a "murderous heart" and would commit murder if he had the chance. Papaw, this is no worse than M. C. Cameron said of the Orangemen when objecting in the House of Comtnons to the hanging of Riel. There are paper. and men who are continually writing or speaking evil of the country or their fellow men; 'twere folly to take notice of such. The public generally don't take any stock in statements coming from such unreliable sources. Abuee from chronic villifiera were praise indeed, mo the ma Th Mr dec the wh cen in cen MS wh cha be e a1, to to b fon girl a. ti When looking over the thousands of Samples which the Canadian and American manufacturers have shown us for this season, one could not help but think and wont'er at the marvellous skill displayed in designing and blend- ing of Patterns and Colors. By far the choicest ever shown were their patterns, and it was from these we selected our immense stock of Wall Papers which now reaches. X12,000 ROLLSkE- Even among the 5 CENT PAPERS are there some of the most intricate designs, while for 6. 7, 8 and 10 ets. you can get some beautiful colorings. Then comes the Micas and Glimmers which surpass any previous efforts either in patterns or finish, and the prices at which we sell OUR - GILT -PAPERS 1 will astonish you for their good value. Is it necessary to offer you any further comment on our Stock ? Then let us say that our Stock is unequalled either in value or low prices, and we will prove it to you by our works. Edges Trimmed.—We save you a great deal of time by trim- ming all our paper and without extra charge. 1 ►,You must have some kind of Window Shades For your windows, and just here let us ask you if there is anything better than the OPAQUE SHADING used in the Window Shades we sell ? The echo must come back Not In the manufacture of this shading the ma- terial used is thevery finest -muslin, made expressly for this purpose, and of a very strong texture, then three coats of paint are applied judiciously, which then makes the manufacturers so confident of its lasting qualities that they Guarantee It to neither Fade, . Crack or Curl, and absolutely Opaque. The Rollers we use contain a Strong Spring, which we guarantee to work properly or we will replace them. Now for aby Carriages This cut does not represent the designs we expect this week to complete our stock, but it serves to illustrate our line. We' may say' that as usual we will have a specially attractive assortment of about 20 Carriages, which we buy from the best manufacturers at cash prices. .As also are our EXPRESS WAGGONS Not so specially artistic but good and strong, while the prices are lower than any previous year:, Bicycles, :-: Trycicles, AND Snorting Goods. Write for Catalogue or all and see our Stock. r�. Cooper & Co., 01_111\71101\7".. rBros., —THE---- • FANO11. E ---*— FAMOUS CLOTHIERS,. CLINTON. r ° Our New Goods We now show a selection of New Goods that cannot bel equalled in the County of Huron. We pretend to say and we can back it up that there is, not a buyer of Clothing who can afford to pass us if they require full value for their money. We offer all. THELATEST NOVELTIES to be found in the best markets and buyers should make, their selections before the stock gets broken. Watch for - further announcements. —0— JACKSON BROS The Famous Clothiers. OUR FACILITIES —FOR SHOWING ALL PAPER are unequalled. We have a Great Variety of the Newest Designs. The price ranges .From....5 Cents a Roll....Up._ . We trim the edges of all the paper we sell, We have a. few lots of last year's WINDOW :-: SHADES that we are selling very cheap to clear, If you come soak. enough you can get a great bargain. You will find ou- stock of New WINDOW SHADES very good, the pulls that we give with them elegant, and, the rollers strong and serviceable. 0 0' Robins —:—Bros., Book Store and News Depot, Clinton. Ben rave. Messrs. W. Porterfield and W. Agnew have gone to try their for- tune in Manitoba. Mr. Charlie Taylor left for Kansas last week where ho intends putting in the summer, Mr. Robert Wray, who has been working in the Michigan lumber woods the past winter, returned home leat week. A number of %ur young people attended the concert in Bluevale on Friday evening March 4th. They ,peak highly of the entertainment.; The lecture entitled "The Wed- ding Ring," which was to have been delivered by Rey. W. F. Campbell of Blyth in the Methodist Church on Friday, was postponed until Monday evening owing to the storm on Friday. The membership of the A. O. U. W. here is increasing very rapidly, new members being initiated at every meeting. UQohnesville. Mrs, Levis ar. who has been sick,. is now convalescent. Mr. James Lobb, of Galt, paid our village a flying visit last Satur- day. Mr, Scott of thia place is danger- ously ill at present ; we hope that he will soon rally. Mr, George Holland's seeontlT daughter broke her arm , yesterdays, by falling from a chair. Messrs. J. R. Holmes, A. Hal- etaad,H. Holdsworth, and F. Gorrel$ and family Ieft yesterday for the, North West. Mr. D. Purvis, spoken of in our list as being very sick, is improving, we are glad to say. Pull up David, we can't afford to lose you. Horse selling does not appear to be easily accomplished, but horse trading is the go just now though some of it may not have a very pleasant ending. 1