The Huron News-Record, 1892-03-16, Page 6Itsnett of1y'a dii,ItrObiiln Aa/1►plailit►"o# nnitself, but, by 04118114 the ble911, o 000941 4pravp0 and the; pyste>;n ere: feeblesi, ie the Tenn* nnft of it?uuumer$ble when beat Ogre' for t►digtedien, �votp'. n. ,omplieated.withLlver Ppnpltot t, 18 proved by the tollowieg test114pf1 troth Mrs, Joseph Irak°, of Brockway 0entret M011,:see q r< "f!tvoit oeliaplainC Arid 41.01geetiola' made 211y ?Hie a burden•.aud, cines near r ending' My .pxisl .lent.. F'or` fippre 'thug to}tr years, rendered untold agony, Was redl►eeS1, einem to; skeleton, and nerdl bed'ahreligtk'tet drag reireelt atend., • Ail. hinds, of food distressed rhe and only •Che most delicate eoutd bo digested at T7ell, W thio tate time mentioned several lief.ei Nothitreated 1 took > i nkned to do he yep o)1 Ayer feargpper11a, which bas producer( wonderful results. Soon after commencing to take the earsapa• rilla 1 could see an improvement in myith'aanepthlgttosandwitceality to return all the food taken, my etrennth 'ime proved each day, and • after a Sew monthsatyour directions',faithful fudmyeelf a woman, able to attend to all household duties. The medicine has given me a new leaeo of life," • Ayer's Sarsaparilla, /PREPARED ST Dr. 4, 0, Ayer do Co., Lowell, Mass. ' Prloo $1; rex bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle. The Huron News -Record 1.60 a Year -41.25 In Advance. Wednesday Illarch IGtk, 1892. "Ayer', Medicines have been satiefteo tory to me throughout my practice, es. puoiuliy A'ae's Cherry Pectoral, which has been used by many of my patients, one of wh eoye he knowe it saved his Iii,.."—F. L Morris, M. D , Brooklyn, N. Y. —JOB•, (,Asia tacit of , Chepet)w, Bruno county, succeeded after three days hunt, iu shooting a /laps black bear, which was driven ont of his winter quarters iu the Greenock swamp. lie' weighed over, 300 pounds. Dinh ee cion hoe its own p Lady ; but with the blood n a stare of uuiferrn yigo the. use of Ay„r'e Sar Iter n.nrd to he tier al influenoce. Is SO safe and rec • t• liar ma. intained in and purity by parilia little clan. from meteorologic• other blood medic'/ e aieettv0. e Halifax S. P. O.A.,has veil a letter from a respectable ah at Rewdon, Haute County, to- day, who states his wife has eloped with an Iudiali and has token their youngest child with her. Ile has succeeded in locating her, but she refuses to return to her. home or give up the child. The S. P. C. A. will likely take thee child from the woman and hand it over to the father, 106 Agnes St. Toronto, Out., May 23, 1887 : ' It is with pleasure that I certi- fy to the foot of my mother having been oured of a boa matte of rheumatism by the use of S. Jeeobe oil, and this after having tried other preparations without avail." Wm. H. Al OCONNELL. —The Boird of Minnesota Pris- on Managers at a regular meeting fixed the price of prison bindiing twine at 10 cents per pound. Last year it was Bold at 9 cents, but money was lost on every pound manufactured. At 10 cents the board thinksit will justcover ex- penses, ( ring convict labor at 45' cents a day, and not taking into consideration the wear of machinery power, etci • THE ' Myrtle Navy" brand of smok- ing tobacco has .toad the teat for over, twenty years, and during that time it has lost no friends and gained scores of thousands. This" lengthened experie0Oe shows that it,ie no more peednat faehlon whish hos gained it the approval of the pnblie, b it its superiority in the eseen• tial qualities which melee a first -orate to- bacco. A year ago C. A. Dean of Den• ver, sued S. W. French for damages for alienating the affections of his wife, and eecured judgment fpr $100,000. The judge set aside the verdict as exorbitant and a new trial was ordered. The second( trial was concluded to•day, the jury bringing in a verdict for $45,000. This is the largestjugdnent of the kind ever rendered in the West. PLEASANT AS SYRUP. Mr. Douglas Ford, Toronto, Oat., States that Milburn'. C id Liver Oil Emulsion with Wild Cherry Bark is free from objeeti ,n able taste, being almost as pleasant RS syr up, whs'e tor coughs and colds it gives c anptet° eatiefection, act- ing promptly even to obstinate oases. —The second son of Mr. John Wright near Belwood, Ont., a boy abont six years old, while playing with an open jackknife, fell in the doorway. The knife entered the forehead, above the right eye, to the depth of three fourths of an inch, direct into the brain. His mother went to his assistance, but was unable to hull out the knife. Hie father also WHA unable, and, until further assistance was got from the hired man, the knife could not be withdrawn. The point of the knife being very dull, and no doubt the skull bending before part he, was the came of the difficulty in extracting the knife. The boy so far ie doing well. APYgrai o htglre440t •A14e 704 dlgtar104 .t Oallitt and ltreaell Of your zest by a sick' child, •attiring enderylug with path off!outN4gvfi'e,tie1 t OP rien4 Ott nub0 and girt a bottle 9fi "Afire, ibgl!Ie1tis 4140 lttl090144 eel g1aUle. Tt !rig 'reor Phtlarea ds Ar 1h aaar1111hkallflettVitenualletelyib�pQo1nt*e: Preseeepo lt, attett,eirat thbja is no tnteta a abort •it. Et ettrel 'Alaeglttesy Iced Diarrhoea, reg4latao°the •6otneehartdbowelei ennui Wind ¢olio, 801teu0 'OM 9018411.04a2ea 1,4atntp.titt)tt, and fl vee,, telt endenerfy� to the. a•!tp a SPreekn',' ".4f4ef,'Itel <tow'a.. Seething Syrup" for children teethlp, 1b. pl ease t, fp the (este ancie�in the itxeaprlutlee i4 vac of OAP utde"tetld•beetfemale phyelelane tied tiara.*ln he Vetted dietee, aryl ie Ott vale by ell 4rugglet', thpaigboitt the world. Pelee 25 °eats a butt!. aalyre Rad eek"Ler 4100. Wrssr,p w'➢ $onxxxsi, echoes'"cud take no otber:kfnd. 656y /.reale* Beaty, one of /Toronto'. oldei4`Raa bo8t:kJH»yp oitj one, br'.a? Abed his last, ' het week, .Be Was born in Ireland,'county Cavan, 94 years ago and came to this coun- try in 1818► end engaged in the •leather 'business, ► Afterwards 'he' became proprietor aild manager of the Leader. For several teripe he represented Toronto in Parliament, During the last three or four years the old' geltilieman hag 'heel;living' in retirement. in Parkdale. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, baying had plaee4lo his hands by en blast Indla,,elesion- aryy the fennel,' of a simple vegetable remedy for the BrnnoLlrlii CatarrhmAerhmn Landfallothroatrand LunQ'Afrectious, also a pueitive end radioed eurofor N otter having tented Debility 0, opderfalNervous and all curativep powers fn thnuoand" of pee, ban felt 1t hie dnty to make it known to hie suffering !allogs, Autentedb thie motive end a desire to relieve Inman Battering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, able recipe, in Dornan, French or English, with full directions for preparing enc using. Ncut by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W.A. Harm, 820 Potsere Bieck, Rochester, N. Y. 850-y • • —The Brussels, Out., monthly horse fair, held in that town last -Wednesday, was the most successful one ever held. The town was pack. ed with farmers, and the marketable horeos of all grades were very plea• tiful. Some tine epecltnens in heavy draught were offered. 0 team was Bold for $300. Th iutn class, general purpo from $100 to$150 eters about that wer There or e ned- , brought oh, and road - up. Nearly all sale changed hands, ere 20 buyers present. IT LEADS THE LEADERS. Tie foremost medicine of the day, fiur- n• ac.k Blood Bitters, ' is arel u p y vegetable compound pomeesing psrfect regulating plwere over all the organs of the system and controlling their aooretione. It Co puri0es the blood that it cures all blond humora and diseases from a common pimple to the wore& a.:rofulous sore, and thie combined with Its nurivalled regula- ting, eleansioe and purifying iufioence ou the secretions of tho liver, kidney., bowels and skin, render it uurqualled as a cure fur all di'easee of the akin. From two to four bottlee will cure belle, pim- plea, blotches, nettle rash, scurf, tetter, and all the simple forma of ekiu disease, Flom two to four bottles will euro salt rheum or eczema, shingle., erysipelas, ulcers, abviceseee, running sores, and all skin eruptions. It is noticeable that enterers from ekiu diseases are 'nearly always aggravated by intolerable itch• ing, but tide quickly subsides on the removal of the -disease by B. B. B. Peasing on to graver yet prevalent di- seases ouch ae scrofulous ewellinge, humora and eorofula. Wo have undoub- ted proof that from three to six bottles used internally and by outward applioa• Mon ('diluted if the skin is broken) to the effected parte, will effect a cure, The great mission of B. B. B. is to regulate the liver, kidneys, bowels and blood, to correct acidity and wrong action of the etomaoh and to open the sluice ways of the system to carry off all clogggd and impute secretions, allowing natute thus to aid recovery, and remove without fail had blood, liver complaint, biliousness, dyspepsia, siok headache, dropsy, rhea• matiem, and every speoien of disease arising from disorder of the liver, kid- neys, bowels, stomach and blood. We guarantee every bottle of B. B, B. Should any peregn ke cligaatiAfiAci }feet, acing the 0re'i'botttea we will refund the money on application, personally or by letter, 1Ve will also be glad to send testimonials and information proving the effect of B. B. B. in the abnve•named diseases on applioation to T. MILBURN & Co., Toronto, Oat. CLEVER AT HANDLING . WHIPS. There was a horsewhipping acrape at the Hotel Jones at Elmore, Mich, the sensational particulars of which have been made public. Ida Carson and Jennie Mayo, two pretty girls employed at the hotel, have been bothered for some time with the attentions of Frank'W'ilson, another employe. Unsuccessful in his suit, Wilson recently began to scatter scandalous stories about the young women. -, Last night they learned of his Work and at once hit upon a novel plan of revenge. Calling him into the kitchen they confronted him with his stories, but he protested hie innocence. Just then one of the persons to whom he had made the defamatory charge stepped from behind a door with two new horee•whipe. The raw- hides were handed to the enraged girls with the command : "Now give it to him." The girls pushed the man into a corner and lashed him furiously over the head and shoulders, the three holding him prisoner. In vain the man fought to get away. Two girls pushed him back with chairs while the third lashed him, despite of his pleadings for mercy. The infuriated women did not desist until the young man dropped insensible. When he revived they told him they intended to kill him unless he left town, and since then ho has not been seen. 41.4c1PROCITY. 'WIT CAIN, ADA, QAkt. If FOS!'$ "O B1$A1il[:A AT Tiill MAW YORK AO41111 OF xi;Ape! 1Ha►1d4tiA7t'. M the abnp li ain'4et^Pftbe 3'ut�(5,,J3oltrd ,bt,''Tr'ad'a'hln : Naw d Tritasppr;` dation lift Iieltnotlieo'e. the other evening, speeches were. made by Ncty pr 0 mr a I"t • 4r f0 qtes hsps the moat important P ties that by Gen;4. Wer goo*, fh6eg11a. man who with Secretary .,Blaine, Tuts' the clUtelialt, xeralpl'AQlty:dome taiesiouere at Washington 9'eoently, and who has negotiated the reoipro, city treatise with various natioue under tha '1e inloy Act, 'Oa enure° .of his remgp s on ',red city" Air. Actor s " oily is Inseparably tint theta ro- Pro- tetanal. It is impossible under the' „system of free trade. • It ie only whoa a country maintains a protec- tive tariff that it is in fl position to offer to other countries valuable concessions for specific' products is return/ for exceptionat favors for its own products. The country which breaks down the protective system and opeue up its markets freely and without price to alt nations is in no condition t0 secure exceptional favore from other countries. The commercial reciprocity treaties re- cently negotiated between Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland add Bel• glum are based' upon a recognition of this principle, and they effectu- ally dispose of the question of free trade ou the coutinenl of E air for the next tw the period ereaties. semi d ve yeal•e at leatt, duration of those 11 re have entered upon a r policy in this country, and conbietently and steadily adhered to, and not broken down by our own partisan action, it bide fair to give to this nation a predominating commercial influence On &hie hernia- phere which will add greatly to ou'r prosperity andour natioual pride. But this may be asked if this be true why not extend it to our Canadian neighobrs on the north 1 The first answer is, that with our tropical neighbors, whose products are so diss" 1 nliiar to ours, reciprocity is a simple matter, but when we come to deal with a couutry haviug thous- ands of miles of territory, and with like products and industries the queetiou becomes more complex. But it is not the insuperable diffi culty. The fact that Canada dons not possess the right of negotiating ]ler Own treaties, but musthave them negotiated for her by a distant 'newer which ie controlled by econ- omic principles entirely different from both those of the United States and Canada, constitutes the chief barrier to any arrangement so long as other illtarit te. oda are to control negotiation for commercial relations with such of our neighbors as recognize Amari• can (in its broadest ieneo) s9 para- mount to European iajnenee on this hemisphere. To alt such coun- tries we should open the doors of trade as wide and as freely as the interest of our own established in- dustries- will permit. Beyond that the spirit of genuine Americanism does not require and does not per- mit us to go." THE WALES HOTEL, ALBERT -ST. NORTH, CLINTON. The undersigned'hae assumed the proprietorship ot.the above ,.Hotel. The -premises are beinr.re- Bitted and flrst.clase accommodation can always he had for man and beast. The bar is supplied with only the beet Ale, Liquor Cigars, &e., and special attention Will oho be given to the dining room department. There is excellent stable accommodation. The patronage of the general public le respectfully solicited. 084.3m JOHN T. LEE, - PROPRIETOR New Firm in the Old Stand, The old established meatted buefneesraof liar �Arthurhaeedthe Ooa,h, begs to inform the pabllo that he will continue it as it has heretofore been parried on. tarMesta of all kinds in eoason. Orders taken and delivered as natal. Highest cash prise paid for sheepskins, hides and tallow. rq 667 -tf JAMES A. FORD. - THE CELEBRATED Ideal Waser Viand Wringer. THE BEST IN TUE MARKET Machines Allowed .on Trial am also agent for all All Agricultural Implements Wareroom opposite Fair's Mill, Call and see rue. J. C. WEIR, CLINTON EVERY FARMER'S SON SHOULD HAVE A Business Education A POSTAL will secure the catalogue of the FOREST t CITY Huslness College, LONDON, 01\7T, Over t00 students in attendance. J. W. Westervelt, Pane:pal . ssmizsgmeriencsommrsosat 1$112, ga 'per's, 'Bazar. 17arppel'➢ parer is a totlraiai for the home, . t Rbcs Ohs 1.t et iefensestlen ith regard to tee sFi.ettleviptin gE'tera plmieef Mikellicuitulnae; Who' ria. meant ere Who Plkie,lbi, atke tp be Etre lis rAtt ends• a►odtatq, p ..cap;ntd to f e are `. td plate: lta. 9rtietlo attraeheedess pf the highoet Ofdex, He bright Aeries, *meow ooioseles and theoghttal easels 7 motility eel tanto a , t.Ia ,. d t r 9, e. ege is .fatp0u4 Rs .# , Rt! !0 ol',w !': wepkllltta s SY R 4t s4d I}utubb. itt its e e , Th S rials for 802.99 is pt 1pt.reet to women, The:Serials col ISOs .rrili>2e alrttt,e�a by Ityelterr;;..Aeeaflk•wgd: 1lilltam!nlaa , Era, Allowed /lilt beacese I uoutflbatnr. `` Harlon 1{srlapd's Tlmelfid'alke. "Soy In end Day Ona," ere,lhleadsd tot matrons, and Helen Morahan Northiwia a tieiella,addroae girls.. T: WalldRle• vRt soft,e4 Inani"lbaWoos, men and lien," wet please a oOtti. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PI8 inn; HARPIIn'8 ',ARAB . *4 oe motecr's'H4o.azt t.E. ..... 4 Go HARPaa'tr 1►11IiZLT 4 00 HARPIIR:y YOUNG PEOPLE......... „ 2 00 Postag Free to all sa>,soribere in the United States, Canada, and Mexico, The Volumes of the Bazar begin with the Bret Number for January of each year, When no time le gputiouod, subscriptions will begin with the Number currant at the time of seoelpt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's Bazar for tlireo years bask, in neat,loth binding, will be scut by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not exceed ono dollar per volume), for $1 00 per volute., Oloth Cases for each volume, suitable for bind- ing, will be Bout by mall, poet -paid, op receipt of $1 00 each. Remittances should be made by Postmilee Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lore. ted -Newspapers are not to oopy this advertise- ment without the express order of Harper & Brothers, Address: HARPER & BROTH .e„M w cork 1892. Harper's Magazine. • ILLUSTRATED. The Magazine will celebrate the fourth Conten- ar o the Discovery Y f cry of America by Its RE- DISCOVERY, throng;, articles giving a more ther ongh exposition than has hitherto been made of the Recent Unprecedented Development of our Country, and especially in the Great. Woet. Particular attention will also be given to Dra- matic Episodes of American Histcry. The Field of the next Eur',pean War will be described in a Series of Papers on the Danube "From the Black Forest to the Black Sca," by Poultney Bigelow and F. D. Milist, iIlnstrated by Mr. Millet and Alfred Parsons. Arolclesalso will be given en the tterman, Anetrian, and Italian Armies, illustrated netraEed b S • T. du Th Ist u R r p. Mr. W. D. Howells will contribute a now novel, "A World ofCbance,"characterietic.11yAmerican. Eepeoial prominence will be given to Short Stories, which will ha onntribnted by T. B. Aldrich, It, H. Davis, A. Copan Doyle, Margaret Deland, Miss Woolson, and other populer writers. Among the literary fedoras will lie Personal Reminisoneos of Nathaniel Hawlhnrne, by his college class -mate and life-long friend. Horatio Bridge, and a Personal Memoir of the Brownings, by Anne Thaote.ay Ritchie. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HARPER's MAGAZ'NE, PerYeur....54 00 IIAItPF,R'S VT/MELT. ,t . .. 4 09 HARPER'S BAZAR, " .... 4 00 0I.tRPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, ' .... 2 00 Postage Free to all enbseribors in the United States, Canada and Mexico. The Volamos of the Magazine begin with the Numbers tar dune and Deoomber of each yea-. When no time is specified, snbscriptione will begin with the Number current at the time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's Magazine for three years back, in neat cloth. binding, will be sent by mail, poet -paid, on receipt of $3 00 per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding, 50 cents each—my mail, pnet-paid. Remittances should be made- by Poet'oloe Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lose. I "News?spare are not to copy this advertise- ment without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Address: RARPER & BROTHERS , New Tor 1892. Harper's Weekly, ILLUSTRATED. trtra/Waiting ell rain moe attractive features, mroandfiner illustrations, and a greater number of articles of live, intone* interest than win be found in any other periodical. Among these latter will be a genes Of articles on the twenty -ave greateat eines of the world, [needing five hundred illus tratione. The Columbian Exposition, the Army and Navy, great public events, digesters on land and sea, and the doings of the celebrated people of the day will be in AP attractive o and timelymanneribed r, ndThe Department of Amateur Sport Yell/ continua under the dire(' tion of Casper W. Whitney. The beet of modern writers will contribute short stories, and the most dietingalehed artiste will make the illnetra- tions. The editorial articles of Mr. George William Curtis will remain as an espe,ial attraction, HARPER'S PRIODICALS, PER YEAR: ARPER'S WxERLY $4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE .......... 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 BARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United Slates, Canada, and Mexico. The Volumes of the Weekly begib with the flint Number for no time ie mentioned, subscriptions y riptions will beof eaoh year. g in wltht the Numbenonrrent at the time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's Weekly for three years back, in neat cloth nontsge paid, or by xpreebinding, free of exp newill be sent o (provided the freteht does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Caeca for eaoh volume, .citable for bind. Ing, will be sent by mads, poet -paid, on rooeipt of $1 00 each. Remittances should be mild° by Poet -office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Is,'Newspapere are not to copy this advertise- ment without the express order of Harper ,lc Brothers. Address : $ARPER & BROTHERS, Now York STRAY STOCK ADVER TTffe News Racono at low rates. SEMENTS insertediThe law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock If yon want any kind of advertising you will not do better than call on rewe-Reocord. A NICE HOME AT A BARGAIN,—Eight acres of lend with a comfortable house and stablest;nadjoining aodc- rich township, .Apply to B. L. DOYLE, Oode lob. 528.11 TEACHER WANTED. not to eed Wanted, further parale baas Teacher. are rap ly to SAMUEL URV1NE, Secretary School Section No. 6, Morris, Belgrave P. 0. 076-tf. • E Is in a better position than ever to turn out The Yery Finest At prices as low as any other office in the West, *Those - in need of any class of Job Printing should call OXi. THE NEWS -RECORD, Albert Street, Clinton mina d4 7 - I T Tj M. NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, ' - CLINT011�,t,.i°.. r '�j�, ,fit r" ayr+elwrN " `I ':C.1�1Ci171,rt�',ddL4i lj-'a_I i tn..i msec. Call at the New Store and see the stock of Bedroom and .Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, . Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The whale Stock is from"the very' best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of ever'; description. JOS. CIIIDLEY, one door West of Dickson's Book Store The T FOR CON ENVELOPES FR O FIN EST P R! NTI NG owsieeord' FOR NICE BILL HEADS FOR OFFICE PRINTING THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN ALT, DEPARTMENTS J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDE'4TAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont IMPLEMENTS. The subscriber having severed his connection with the Massey Company, desires to intimate that he has boon appointed agent for the well known arm of FROST & WOOD, Implement makere, of Sreitb'e Falls, and will be pleasod to Willalsndkeepll r one re in i hand witxrxso, e line nu heretofore. Lowe• COLTna & SCOTT DRRILLS, DISC HARROWS, and articles oflike patore, W.M. STANLEY, 647—dm Holmesville and Clinton WATCHES! Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Columbus, Seth Thomas, and Rockford—new model. 'All these malice in key and stem winder, Alae pendant sot watches. J. BIDDLECOMBE, CLINTON. ESTRAY CATTLE.. Came into the enclosure of the subscriber, •Lot 24, Con. 12, Mullett, about the latter part of steers and one red and white d yearling heiferthree red . Theo owner 1. re- quested to prove property, pay expenses and take the ammale away. ANDREW TAYLOR, Londesboro P. 0. Lobb's Starc4 Enamel. This is an article worthy of every lady's attention. If you want to save time and labor, buy a box. It you want your ironed clothes to look neat and. fear and to last much led Oar, buy a box. If you want the starch 1•r stay in the teethes on the line in spite of rain or frost, buy a box, If you want everything to look like new, ouch as shirt bosoms, collars, coni, lace curtains, ere., buy a box. and where the t Storekeeper not keep it wes it no want a lively agent to represent us. Manufactured by 65—tf W. J. LOBB Hormesvllle. 1892, HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE An Illustrated Weekly. The Thirteenth Volume of Harper's Young People began on November 8, 1891. For the coming year this best and most comprehensive weekly in the world for youthful readers offers a varied and f8aoinatin'g programme. In serial action it will contain "Diego Pinzon," a story of the first voyage of Columbus, by John R, Gorgon; "Canoematce: A Story of the Florida Reels and Everglades," by Kirk Munroe; another story by one of the best known and most popular of American authors ; end atones in three and four parts by Thome Nelson Page, E. H. House, Angeline Teal, Ella Rodman Church, and Mary S. MoOorb. More than two bandrod ehort atones by' favorite writers, articles on travel, oat -of -door eporta, in -door games, and all eubjocts dear to the hearts of ,tee young, besides hundreds of illnetratione by leading artieta, will combine to make Rarper'e Yonng People for 1892 an irre- sistible repository of pleasure and Information for boyo and girls. "The best weekly publication for young people in existence. It is edited with aornpnlons care and attention, and instruction andentertninmen1 are mingled in lie pages in just the nght propor- tions to captivate the minds of the young, and at the Rama time to develop their thinking power,— Observer, N. Y. Terms: Postage Prepaid, $2 Per Year Volume V., VIrI., and XII. of Rarper'e Yonng People, boundin cloth, will be sent by mail, post• age paid, on receipt of 918 50 ewe'. The other volumes are oat of print. Single Numbers, Five (tents .nob. Specimen Copy gent on receipt of two -cent sternly. Remittances should he made by Post office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chane of loss, ma�wi hout/n theeexpressoorder tofnHarperrs& Brother., Addreee : HARPER & BROTHERS, New York SPEIti7 )4E r. N STEEL ARE THE BEST. Established lOdO, FOR No.1 No.2 110.30 FOR Works, ENGLAND. Expert Writers._ FOR .`ems*rth FOR Acosta - tants.,. Gorres- aondentt Writing Bust- Writing ust No.2l. sB Sold by STATIONERS Everywhere. Samples FREE on receipt of return postage 2 cents.. SPENCERIAN PEN 00., NEW TORE.. .. 810 BROADWAY'„ Scientific American Agency for CAVEATS.• D SH ION PATENT* For Information *01 free Handbook write to MUNN & CO. eel BROADWAY, Naw YORA. NOfvery patent taken out by us fs brought before the public by a notice given free o1 charge In the eiettifir American Largest circulation of any ementffle paper In the world. Splendidly iihietrated. No intent nt man ebould be without It. Weekly, 53.110 a year: $1.10 Mix months. .AddressDI$'NN & CO.. Punmeisgtre, 351 Broadway, Now York. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. CORRESPONDENCE. We will at all times be pleased to receive items of news from our sub- scribers. We want a good corres- pondent in every locality, not already represented, to send us RELIABLE news. SUBSCRIBERS. Patrons who do not receive. their paper regularly from the carrier or through their local post oioes will confer a favor by reporting at this office at once. Subscriptions maty commence at any time. ADVERTISERS, Advertisers will please bear in mind that all "changes"' of advertisementfa, to ensure insertion, should be handed in not later than MONDAY NOON of each week. CIRCULATION. Tan NEWS -RECORD has a larger circulation than any other paper in tltis section, and as an advertising medium Inas fern equals in Ontario. Our hooks are open to those who mean business. JOB PRINTING. The Job Department of this Your. nal is one of the best equipped in Western Ontario, and a superior class of work is guaranteed at very nom prices.