HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-03-16, Page 50 ortih News -Record �. PP s Pae& -it.ss fa Ad[Rnve. +lllreduesdAy :Rarelt loth 092. eiOur town fathers wet in Indus.. t'try &Hall on ' Monday evening for �t aipr.uaoa,thly routine 01 bueineee. 1�,heostsaal Lenten service will be 1ikeld4r V inity church on We Ines' 4*y evening at 8 o'clock, when Rev. ', E. Highly will take for bis sub. ;Jct "'.Che church of England a true . ranph of the Holy Qatholie church; X111 aide welcorue. WEDDING BELLS.— We have /mach -pleasure in chrouieling one of %those pleasant events which took pilaw on Wednesday last at the res :ilidetace of Mr: Jared Maxwell 18th :Aon. Morris, when his second dough. 'zter, Marjory Annie, was united in earedloek'B ,bonds to Mr. James Wil, ',men of LloydtOwn. The nuptial Arnot was tied by Rev. T. E. High 4 y of Blyth and was witueesed by a 'Serge num`.Ier of friends and rela- ,etives. Mies Ella Maxwell asaiBted She bride while Mr. Henry Willson -meted .as groomsman. The bride dlooked charming in cream cashmere .:rrtd natural flowers ; after dinner cc6anging for a travailing suit of steal ,.; 'ey. The bride was the recipient e ere e number of beautiful and ,naeful alreeeu }- :,, j ,tai5 er&air+;are4tR•'dl thandeome life sized portrait of Mr, *d Mrs. Willson, the work of Mise Ella Maxwell, which was beautifuly ”•executed, After a simptueus din user the •bride and groom took their ralleparture on the four train for Lon - on amidst showers of rice and the /-aoongratulatione of all present. e dead. He Was deiicouded .from Iiia old Cork fawily thtlli wan staunchly. attached to the house of Stuart and suffered persecutiou and confiscation for that reaso#i,. His father, Ilobt. FI, I inarrah, grew rich in the whiskey manufacturing business and was High Sheriff and Lord Mayor of Dublin, and Justice of the ,Peace, Sic Edward was also kligh Sheriff of Dublin, end was crested a baronet in 1887. He was very *ealthy,.iind had two country Beate besides a town residence, in politics he was a Conservative. He died at Mayboro, in Queen's Comity. . THRUST FROM HIS PULPIT. The Rev. Mr. Conway, of Yonk— ere, N. Y. was dragged from the platform by the police and put out of the building, The police came to the hall at the request of E, 0. Carpenter," who claimed that Conway was about to snake a speech which would cause trouble. When Carpenter ordered Conway to stop he refused, and Roundeman Woodruff and two officers then caught hold of Conway, who made a desperate struggle. Much excitement prevailed and benches and chairs were overturned by the spectators making a dash for the door. When the p yaehor had ,been ejected -It; lights were put out. IVingham. Mr. Crowell Willson is down aeeith an attack of congestion of the 'lunge. Mr, T. Bell is able to be out again. Miss Ajiiowson of Clinton was n town Thurday. Mr. John Dodds and wife of ,Seaforth were in town last week. Mr. W. Ridd V. S. of Bing- %aatnpton N. Y. is iu town looking -after his finances in this district. Messrs. S. D. Wellwood and J. 'Currie shipped a carload of horses zto Manitoba last Wednesday. It is reported we are to have two •tarore undertakers in Wingham. Mr. McKellar gave an entortain- ementTuesday evening of last week aloes the temperance hall on tho phou- -mograph. lit is not very often you see a :minister helping a man the worse of eljgnor along the street to his home, "lath such an event come under our .observation the other day. Messrs. D. Foster and. A. May of 'Clinton spent Sabbath in Wing - learn. Mr: G. Cly.mont of Grand Rapids iiia _vielting, his parents here at pre - a ant. a asemsw.samossierisresesisawsuswaiwareareteresesestare Yave just ocued a lare shypnaut of RUBBER GOODS, # drect from the manufacturers in England. .The lot cora- prises Ladies' and Children's Circulars in, several New Designs, and V, en4's and .Boy's Coats, with, and without .Gapes. HEY are exceptionally good value. By importing thein di- rect we are able to sell cheaper than if we had to buy them here. We will guarantee every garment to be as represented. or will refund the money. I- F YOU are thinking of investing in a Coat or Circular, see our Goods before you buy. 0 —5 Per Cent. Discount Off for Cash.------- o A TERRIBLE REVENGE. Four years ago Wnl Belke, of Akron, Ohio, aged 19 yielded to the smiles of Mrs Catherine Merkle, aged 60, who seemed to be perfectly infatuated with him, left the home of bis parents for her home, and there the two lived as man and wife. This continued until six weeks ago, when the woman's insane jealousy became more than the boy could stand, and be left her. Site vowed vengeance. Belke worked at nights at the factory of the Diamond Match Company. He started for home south of the city at four o'clock yesterday morning. He was about entering his yard when a woman, who he recognized as Mrs. Merkle, sprang from the corner of the fence and, with the words, "I've- got you now, take that, " threw a bottle of vitriol in his face. Crazed with pain, the young man finally scceeded in getting into the house. He presented a pitiable spectacle. His left eye was entirely gone, and almost the entire left side of his face had been eaten away, the burns extending to his shoulder. The woman escaped. Additional Locals. `PRETTY CALENDER.—We have eeceived from F. J. Webb, job prin- ter of New York, formerly of Clint •d;orl, a very pretty calender, gottec trap by him in colors, which is a very .creditable specimen of artiatic ,i'ryp4615ii v. __ _-rya.,. • .. -LICENSE INSPECTOR PAISLEY was the cause of a young Grit voter core - ling to town last Saturday—too late gor•fhe•election though, but we un- ZeratanI had his vote been offered a would have been objected to on ,ache ground of being under age. ESTATE JOHN HODGENS, - - CLINTON WHEN YOU WANT A RIAUY-MABN SUIT OR AN ORERED SUIT N' __ Or anything in ME1t1 INGS, come and see what we can do for you. We carry a very fine ra Just now we are offering ----A LINE OF ODD PA At a great deal less than their value and itis worth your while to and see. 0 om• T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -ST., CLINTON. BI IdTEIS. PAIBLUY.—ln Clinton, on Saturday, 5th March, the wife of W. J. Paisley, of a son. !MARRIAGES. RAIU—ELLIOTT—On Wednesday, March 9, at the re'hidonce of the bride', par enta, Goderieh township, by the Rev. Mr. Thibadeau, of Baytield, Maggie .A., eldest daughter of Mr. ,^,nbriel Elliottt, to John W. Reid, of Stanley. OSTROM— SnEP1•XRD —On Wednesday, March 9, at the'redidenoe of the bride'. parents, Rayfield line, by the Rev. Mr. Ayers, of Bolinesville, Maria, daughter of Mr, John Shepperd, to Alex Ostrom of Goderioh township. MAXWELL—WILSON—On the 9th March, ..*14_,_t6e Rev. T. E. Higly, of Blytb, at Elie residence" of`"ttie $'ri'd'e'i#'parents,- Morrie, Marjory Annie, daughter of Jared and Ellen Maxwell, to James Wilson, of Lloydtown, York county. Raw--W000s—In Stanley township, on Tuesday, March 8, by the Rev. Mr. Macdonald, Sarah J, Reid, of that township, to James Woods, of St. Helena, "Tun ONTARIO DRAINAGE COM - 'MISSION meet in the town hall, ,Ctiinbon, Tuesday and Wednesday of this • weak. Farmers, and others who have any suggestions to make des to amendment of the Act are in- avited to attend. 'ST. PATRICK'S CONCERT in town leall this (Wednesday) evening. ;From the names of the artists on 'ale programme it should bo a suce • <eess. Those who can enjoy higli- .,elates music should go. See another gage for something about Ireland's .• SMlIt. :A STRONG TEAM —Messrs. J. C. .Gilroy and John Wiseman have t`forlried a co -partnership and will .carry on the dry•goode business in • Minton. As both members have stn excellent reputation as business quer), they will doubtless be able to secure the trade of old friends and ,a ake many new ones. ,CAPTURED.—The bachelor warden ,cot Elgin has been captured by Mies Luten of Aylmer. Surely the girls if Huron aro not goi0g to forego their Privileges this year and allow ea -war .den Reeve Beck of Colborne, deputy cove Beacom, assessor Wakefield ,and clerk Sturdy of Goderieh town- ship to escape much longer when the girls in other counties are bringing the unmarried township officials to book. AN OLD CORR FAMILY,—The late Capt Robert Iiinahan, of Godorich, who married a sister of Mr. Joseph Williams, of Goderieh, was a bro- ther of the subject of the following aecent dispatch : Sir Edward Hud- son Kivahan, the well known ...manufacturer of Irish whiskey, is mom CAUTION. EAC1I PLUG OF TILE Fine Christmas GF000F1�S0 gale Navg IS MARKED IN BRONZE LETTERS. Fruits, Peels, Canned Goods, Teas, (1c. Our store is well-filled with fresh, clean, new Goods, and we can supply the wants of every household at very close figures. Do not buy until you inspect our stock. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton,, Leslie's Carriage :Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—all of the best works rnanahip and material. plf'All the latest styles and most modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times. FACTORY—corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. NONE OTHER GENUINE. 657—y NOTICE All persons holding accounts against libn. .T. C. Patterson, arising out of the late election in West Huron, are requested to hand them forth- with to the undersigned for settlement. JOHN BUTLER. Financial Agent for J. 0. Patterson. Goderieh, Feb. 26, 1892. MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) CLINTON. Fall Wheat.. 0 84 to 0 89 Spring Wheat... Barley Oats.. • 0 84 to 0 89 C40to050 3 29 to 0 30 MAIL CONTRACT. SEAFED TENDERS, addressed to the Post- master -General, will be received at -Ottawa until noon, on FRIDAY, THE 22nd APRIL, 1892, for the conveyance of Her Majesty's Moils, on a proposed Contract for four years 6 tiimoe per week each way, between Hayfield and Seaforth, from the let July next. The conveyance to he made in a two•horee vehicle. Printed notices oontnining farther information es to conditions of proposed contract may bo seen and blank forms of Tender may bo obtained at the Post Offices at Bayaeld, Varna, Brucotleld, Egmondville, Seaforth, and at this office. H. G. norm'', Post Oface Inspector Poet Office Inspector's bffioe, Stratford,loth March,1892 f 697-88 Peas . 0 60 to 0 61 Apples,(winter)per bag 0 40 to 0 50 Potatoes .. 0 25 to 0 30 Butter .. 0 16 to 0 16 Eggsl . 0 12 to 0 13 Hay 11 00 toll 00 Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00 Beef...... ..... 0 00 to 0 00 Wool 0 18 to 0 lb Dressed Hogs 5 00 to 5 25 HOUSE PAINTING All persons wishing to have their houses papered and decorated inside or painted outside, in first-class style and at moderato prices, will find it to their advantage to call on C. WiLSON, Painter and Paper Hanger Shop on Rattonbury Street 697-3tn M MORTGAGE : SALE --OF— Valuable Far Propen _—IN THE— TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH. Under and by virtno of the power o1 rale con- tained in a oertain mortgage, which will bo pro• dnced'on the day of sale, there will be offered for sale at public anetien, by David Daokinaob, auc- tioneer, at the Rattenbnry House, in the TOWN OF CLINTON, on Saturday, the 9th April, 1892 Send Y our Telegrams BY New SPRING STOCK New Spring Goods, coming in daily. We expect to have the largest and best assorted stock of goods this spring that we have ever carried, and low prioes. An early inspection of our stock solicited. • OUR MILLINER, MISS DAVIS, has just returned from the Millinery Openings in the city, and is ready for business. OU RIJSS AND MANTLE MAKER commenced the I'oth of the present mouth. THE C. P. R. TELEGRAPH at 2 o'clock p.m., the following property, viz: Lots 86 and 87, in the 'Maitland Concession, in the Township of Goderiob, in the County of Huron, containing 97 acres more or less, also the road allowance along the westerly aide of said lots, recently b,ugbt from the said Towusliip, containing al acres. The roil is a good clay loam, admirably sfiitod for grain raising. The land is nearly all cleared and is well supplied with water from wells and springs. Thorn is planted a large besting orchard. The buildings consist of a largo two-storey frsmo dwelling hones. The farm adjoins the village of Holmesville, about three milds from the Town of Clinton. TERMS.—The property will be sold enhjoct to a reserved bid. Lot 36 will bo sold onbjsct to a mortgage for $1200 and interest, and Lot 37 sub- ject to a mortgage for $860 and interest, Ten per cent of the porches() money to he paid on tho day of sale and tbo balance in thirty days there- after without interest. The purchaser will be rcgnired to sign an agreement for the completion of purchase. The other terms and conditions will be the standing conditions of the Court of Chancery. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. MANNING & SCOTT, Venders Solicitors. DAVID DICKINSON, Auctioneer. March 9th, 1892. 6i17 -4t Subscribe for THE NEWS- RECORD—$1.25 a year. OFFICE AT Cooper's Book Store', Clinton. In Tailor' and Gent's Furnishings - we expect an increased f,usines We have engaged the services of R. workman, who has had experience, hav City. rWe respectfully ask you to conte and see intend to cut prices low and wor as we laying in a lot of very fine Goods. C. LIALL, a good cutter and practical ng learned cutting in New York Nevi Blacksmith Shop nr Stock and Prices, as we cheap. 0 PLUIVISTEEL & GIBB GS Dealers in Dry -Goods, Clothing, Hats and Ceps, Bo Shoes and Groceries, ALBERT STREET, - .CLINTON ONTARIO Clinton, March 7, 1892. ts, (� EORGE TROWIIILL has opened out a gen• erat Blacksmith and Repair Shop in the building lately occupied by Mr. Gauley, opposite Fair's lumber yard, Albert street Clinton, Ont. Blacksmith and Iron Work in all its branches. IIorse-Shoeing promptly attended to and satis- faction guaranteed. The public aro Invited to ;all before ordering any class of work in the above lines. 497 —t GEORGE TROWHILL. M. 0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, Etc., Cleating Sale for 2 0 'We give you our word that what we advertise we will carry out very strictly. THE SCOTCH TWEED SUITS Orrtcts :—Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew's Ste, OOD RICH, - - ONT. Money to loan at lowest rat NOTICE' There being some misunderstanding with re- gard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood that if any person takes possession of any kind of wreckage and fails to report to me I shall at once takeroceedings. Remember this is the last warnlnk I shall give. CAPT, \VM. BABB. Receiver of Wrecks, Goderieh. Goderich, Sept. 7th 1891. MONEY TO LOAN On farm property at 51 per cont. Apply to C. A. HABTT, Clinton, we were selling at $23 we hav, . CTTT IDOWN TO' $18_ The Black Suits we were selling for $25 are out down, fa '22.25. Remember, this sale is ONLY FOR TWO WEEKS, so e come now. Fit Guaranteed in every case. Remember ...the &.,land-,ggos�;teooper'e Book Store. • Walton & Morrison, Clinton. . CROCKERY & GLASSWARE DESIRABLE LOTS FOS' SALE. Three nne•nero lots in the Town of Clinton ere offered for sale. They are situated on Raglan street, not for from the Doherty Organ Factory and Collegiate Instituto, adjoining the former residence of Mr. J. IT. Combo anal in tho neigh- borhood of first-class residences, Por terms, etc., apply to 661tt ARTIIUR KNOX, Clinton, 0— We have just received a package of a new patt&an of Glassware, consisting of Glass Setts, Pitchers, Tankard Jugs, Goblets, Fruit Bowls, Casters, Shaker Salts and Peppers, Orange Bowls, etc:, etc. We have also a Line of Bedroom Setts corning in. Extra value. We import our Crockery direct from England, which enables us to sell at low prices. Sole Agents for Hillwatta Tea. O Geo. S, :allow, Clinion te alit till EXPECTED. The Times Tea Warehouse is the acknowledged Leading House for Choice Xmas & Holiday Goods A full assortment extra selected Valencia Raisins, London Layers, Royal Clusters, Black Baskets; choicest and finest Filiatras, Patras and Vostisao Currants; New Figs and Fresh Dates. Finest Shelled ALMONDS, WALNUTS and FILBERTS, New CANDIED LEMON, ORANGE and CITRON PEELS, all of which will be sold at very low prices. We have the largest and best selected stock of FANCY CHINA, CROCKERY & CLASSWARE in town. Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Toilet Setts, at greatly reduced prices. J. W. INWIN, - - - CLINTON, Sole Agent for the noted Ram Lal's Pure Indian Tea, and St. LeonWater i r.%c,- -ham elr»d xr 0 4