HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-02-03, Page 3�,'rl"" '
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,r -,•--:t ,..,,,,-a d 1 4t. _ 4, T 1 LANDFALL bq n Doll deal 0£ a9r tllwt btttl Cliwt>t soatayca
latgo aUaoop,t.of J'rivo(or4QuA to loan, T,ow stud' your viva it tors. t.ao.. liR IN lege
you quit goy ,. .".."1111r..IiorthWttird eu hie soduuil virga 'o ho would
F it!toa> lnterQ�6 f1, , ivifA131f'`,ikavo dipcoyored the Golf of t. Lawrouge
Sollol or tto, r. N. f:WFAUNI?kIANR. A�4R l,AIRADOi;
Qtttg , ; >'orrltl'e.loclF• and gene"up thq ht, .[,awrancb Rtrox, t►1us
_ Reba 1e arn,Q,s8I EACH. QLAIM TQ BE THE PLACE. robbing Jacques Cartier e£ tine glory he
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Jy 9 1; � a i" Pilo1 cast of
/�1tIESUtiuolLlBERoPlvrs-top sallrtaurgggihlo ut:ta cu p'' latuifa.)1 woo soglewherq, on �I a e. s. us
.L' PIAlklln' Got0gonOngg� qn �tbelft Oreet, des 9 i' Q. , 7` call And, rioea. Ursiors toulros of tete Stmt auct second Toya A N'ewfonadlandt abort latitude 411 or 00, is
two froatio on 1lrrttgttYury l}troetl Althgr etc izt, mftll gromplyaytgndad to„
Df90 or in so p,crate tote, to suit purkfhaoers. For Tlie 8aoeltd IGxk..alttorl Believed to nave sultytRiltiitteti kl�' y119. grotttk number of atantezi
turthorpartllgulateapplytatltaundorel8ried.••-li. e]qr,�? occurring lutllq exact order that is given
pINBLEY, pllnton. $132 I3ecn Up'Through ]3u<lso)1 a Strait. on tile' earliest maps; as for prompts, La•
gARNEva9 EMPORIUM, iiLYTI1r ON"C brador, Fortune, Coftereal, ymego, Aveo, !,
W o Col bu L-' c t t in jDl
h n Columbus 'iras ma In h tr s, or Bird Island, Bonntvista, onaventuro,
A. A. U. W. J, E, BLACI{A.T<LI Vctorinary Llebon as a means of livelihood !,e droamed Puucalaos, Buy of Coneeptiop, St. Francis,
The Clinton Lodge, No. 144. mgcts in Biddle•!Mon
Surgeon, honorary gradutita of of it country which he thought was a pro. .Ca e S pear, Fermo iae. Iionouse, Cape
comb's Hall, opposito the market, the let and srd .olltarlO yetorinary f' Ito, ,treats to, P i
Fridays in small month. Visitors cordially it%-dleoases of all ,amostlo atilmale longation of the euetOxn Share of Asia IIs Rmce (or De Basso), St. AVary'q, Capo
vited. R. $ToNEumi, M. W,; J, BEAN, Recorder, the most Inv ornandsultntIAG. lived to discover the lancl of his dreams, but Pine, Bay Despoirt told after - those,
' , 699y prinolPlee. d� , 118 attotidgd to it•was not a contiunatigtt of Asia, 1t was a conning to the island of Cape Bre-
eight or day. Office IminedittoI west of the new continent, stretohing north and south tun -0 have St. Paul's, Cupa Srnolty
11 ^—^—^ old P.oyal Hotel, Ontario street. RaaI once- from the Arctic to the AntaretioCircles. In r '
Albert etroot, Oilntgn. 649-8m (I• innosu), Cape Breton, etc. All these
��}7ll�ijo�14f. ,like maimer that other discoverer of re• names occur on those early maps, Shortly
'- -- • , ' ABEL S.;WEEKE% nown, John Cabot, found another land than after Cabut's discovery, so do they exist to-
V/`ILINTON Lodge,' No. 84, A. F. & A. Civil Engineer, - P, L. `uurveyor, that which he expected. From over the Clay. There is no vestige of Prima Vista,
J meats aver•y Friday, on or atter the waters of the great, undiscovered seas there no suspicion of a knowledge of the Gulf of
moon. VialoyertrethrenoordiLoUvinvited. Draughtsman, eiC. came to Cabot a vision of a country on St, Lawernce, or the island of 5t. John
RIGH HF.YWOOD, w. D. OWE NBALLARD, Site Ot6ce-Upstairs in Perrin's Block, Clinton, Ont which were blowing spicy breezes, and (prince Edward Island), so that until
Clinton Jan. 14, 1890. 1• where silk, Brazil wood, gold and precious stronger proof be forttcoining it would be
ALLANgems were in profusion. III his first vogage, unreasonable, oil Such a doubtful one as
LINE: 14M, he Sought the land.of hos dream. .The this Supposed map of CnLot, to upset tine
1 . object of his Second veva�ro, a year later laud traditions which lnnve been held uuhnoken
(grally. BOYAL MAIL STE.�16ISHIPS s for its enol the amino: Iu ,,nese vowwcs Cabot
a for so many ucntpries, and which are
— —T aa�q � ���E®8N RA.�� ES discovered land whiuh gave 1,nu a con- foutnded on tin. most wall,ittic records in
L® 'BI 0 I &® we spicuuns place as a discoverer. His discov our possession.
• ' L. ' f Steamers sale regularly from cries, like most groat events, have caused
CiYNTOINs couaiderablo controversy. This is in part LOVELY WOMAN.
Meets exeo-0 Monday of every Portland to Liverpool' M THS. t Clue to the lack of facility or failure to
' •lrl
Ill the
r ,Ihuls l
appreciate he importance n 'e , s events
{{'hut the Greatest r
oath Hall, Std flat \ ictorla
u re e t Stu 1(, (f such e n
m Cabin, and u raid.. Second Cuhin'11, I P P
blade(. welcome.
brethren always p ' by the chroniclers of the period in uestion. Ifave Said of Her.
made tveleome. Steorngo at low rates. No Cattle aarriccl, I q
` W. G. SDI[TI�, W. M } In the Magazine of :lutstivan History the
�•. +a•• IC ) i `RVICL' OF b Y Romann};er, woman ., must perfect when
M S TA i E 1 ALLAN LINE Rt. Rev. M. F. Howley, D. D. P. A., has most +volnuinly.-GlaaaLonc.
-`_,„ LI N FE. 111 STLAMS141PS. undertaken to seLtlo Lite question as to the Earth has nothing more., tender than a pious
y� y NEW ' YORK AND GLASGOW landfall of Cabot, Tboro is Uhuch in the woman's heart. -Luther.
P_ ark `LM114ittot via Londonderry, every Fortulght. Cabin, $4o article that is argumentative, tktc writer e.1 woman's atrenf ,I is most potent when
and upwards. Second Cabin, $3o. Steerage at having made the assertion in the opening robed in gentleness.-Lamartine.
-' '-' _ . ' low rates. paragraph that he proposed to establish his Disgcisu our onda•,n as we will, 'tis {vo-
Apply to 11. & A. ALLAN, wontreal ; or to point before he let go. He has certainly man, woman rules us still. -Moore.
A. O. PATTISON or iV.i1, JACISS!)N, Ullnto». done so to bis own satisfaction, at least.
_ Dr. Howlev is a Newfouudluuder, reared as To woman's gentle kind we owe what com-
he says inn ilia tradition which has been held for La and delights its hero.-Crabbe.
,9 r����-a� froun time immemorial that "Bunavista, Heaven will be no hemven to me if I cis not
happy sight," wits the landfall. .raid from nu:et lily wife there, -Andrew Jackson.
The ondersignod being uecess%rlly absent frOnt that point of land lie proceeds to establish Even in the darkest hour of e;trthly ill
f town P,it• sorno thee, has Icft ifs hooks and leis claim that soulewhc,e in that section, +voun(u's food affection glows. -Sand.
jubilee Pref ploll N0 1Rl aceouuts pith yl ""' i Sleft to whom pup on the coact of -Newfoundland, John C:lbot
r I i j menta nuc be made.
J ! I ' JOAN WISF,DIAN. ' ran up the Standards of Euglaud and of Death is the drooping of the flower that the
Venice, or St. Mark. fruit may swell. -Beecher.
love there's in
Eternal •o and everlasting .
o Ireland
l It Knights A t•' o tit au ho his own well-ar- joy B aC�� r Leaving t e author .f � c �
Meets In the Clinton Orange Hull, the second ranted arguments, it is only necessary to• yon woman, lovely r+omiun.-Otvruv.
his fortune
"'t ivau Ruth secured
� e
That ie for of the vo 'a _a of the Iltau
'cl0 k in
resent ti s
v month at 7.30 o'clock "e neada of every � �� Y J g
�� d�) 1iAV9 P
Y0 -ll
wife. -Euripides.
the evening, Visiting Sir Knights will always who came so Hent getting lite crown Litt, both married a good
_,�coive a hearty welcome. Go to A. E. EVANS, FASHIONABLE rests on the brow of Columbus. Raptured man quits each dozing sage, oh,
A. dal, TODD, Worshipful Preceptor BARBER, 2 doors cast of NEwS-RRCORD oP- The patent or coninhiasion of Henry VII. woman! for thy lovelier. page. -Alooro.
GEORGE HANLEY, Deputy Preceptor 0, tt•onitui! woman! thou art formed to bless
PETER CAN'VELON, Registrar free. Special attention given to LADIES to John Cabot and his tht•ce sons, Louis,
AND CHILDREN's Hairenttinn. Sebastian, and Sanctius, is dated Alarch 5, the heart of restless man, -Bird.
POMPADOUR HAIRCUTTING A SPECIALTY 1495, old style. The expedition (lid not set It is by women that Nature writes on the
Royal Black Preeeptory 39l out at aloe, for even in those days there hearts of ,non, -Sheridan.
1 were jealousies between nmtio»s, iipaiu, so The woman is not ,the servant of the man,
' Slow to give encouragement to its own, much less his scare.-Larnennais.
Black Knights of Ireland ^ yx," 1 , r later, intrepid discovoror, hn:cl, through its
: For me I'm woman's slave confcat-tvith-
,i+ Z v^ ° x o- Ambassador at the English court, instituted out her hopeless and urlblest. -Hogg.
Meets in the Orange hall, Blyth rho li'edne e.4 t�11(� +:�•
day after full moon of every montil. •1 p t., h intrigues by which the sailing of the Cabot Roses, like women, retain their sweetness
�� 'itr'j� ? I expedition was delayed until Lilo following after their beauty is lost.-Lamartine.
;xtractfon teeth. year.
•' traction tee Block, upstairs, opposite the - TILE COURSE OF TIIE FIRST VOYAGE, Everyone Cati guide air Ill wife Heal but Ill
r . Royal Black Preceptory 3i�1 III ge >l a that hasher. -Scot's Proverb.
r Post Ogee, Clinton. 49 The first Cabot expedition consisting of Every pretty woman should be a flirt
I' SW Night Bell answered. y y one small ship, the VlatLhew, left Bristol every clever woman a politiainn.
i.:,`,e,y; Black Knights of Ireland, +
M, my 3, 1497. The crew consisted of eight• Ouida.
,,,:," 4Viv1t41ra 1. Meets in the Orange Hall, Goderich, the Third 6' eel men, principally from Bristol. As
,t Monday of everymo¢th. Visiting Knights Ill ways stated in a foregoing puragrapb, chronicles Provided a woman be well principled all
_ - made welcome. S were not only few in those days but unser- has dowry enough. -Plautus,
�'W, L e 1�p W H MURNEY, Preceptor, Goderich P O 1� ro
? ''• ®�■ ��,8 a`tl� JAMES RUSTS, Ito•iatrar, Goderich P O .,YY �n���t� uoo���d Lain, ho that all accounts of the first voy- Right thought kept well in mind, no evi
r • 6 age of Cabot are meagre. Enough is known, thing can enter there. -Buddha.
W, Gunn, M. D. L. R. C. P. Edinburgh L. R. C, g-t�tr -DIRE OR.
/iy� ®Js�ti tV and ,his is in accord tivith the article by Every man is a worse man as he is unfit fo
E B. Edinburgh Licenciato of the Midwifery, L'din, St HURON CORA � LU t t! �'�' @ ftsm a'1 Dr. Howley, to state with certainty that the married state. -Johnson.
1.;,;•'' Office, on corner of Ontario and -William Sts., 1891 itS1Qp, li'alint diliOlD Cabot Sailed east from Bristol, rounded the Still wonnan draws new power from ever
E._ tCllnton. 47S•y' southeast.. const of Ireland, bent to the blessing and from every ill. --Lamp.
1S STOCKED WITH north, Hud after a few clays left the north Surprising! one woman can dials us so man
Names of the District ]ilasters, Primary on his right hand and began to sail west. rare sweets up together. -N. P.
®R. I"ilJ�lt9'��l.6Lfl.,. LodgeMastels, thelI` post Office act- A SELECT' ASSORTMENT voyage r This vo •:� a consnnhea three mouths' time,
dresses and date of meeting. On the return there was living in London Nature meant to make, woman its masts
_ .T. T. L. Turnbull, M. B, Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; -CF--- ' a Venetian merchant, Lorenzo Pas- piece. Leasing.
-C, M., Victoria Univ- M, C, P- y S. Ont, ;
,I 'l bellow of the obstetrical somoty of Edinburgh. BIDDULPH DISTRICT. r�}'� r��}{� t� raq ren qualigo, who wrote to his brcthors in Ve- Oh, fairest of creation! last and best of a
Lateot"London, Ln g., and'winburgh hospitals. John Neil, 1V.D.iL, Centralia P. 0, ���jTlCilij IT1111I GidI�C1l1ICllb nice that `bur countryman," [Weaning Ca- God's works.-yI11L01h,
Office: -Dr. Dowsley's stand, Rattenbury St. bot, had returned from a voyage, and that Woman is God's appointed agent of moral'
Night calls answered at Grand Union Hotel; 21"9-S., Elarlton. Greenway, Friday on l 700 leagues west he had discovered land.. A tv.-Hire, Iim c
(� Electric night bell at front entrance, or before full moon. Mall Papers letter Y ..rn Don RaimondQ Soncini, envoy
GG2-Thomas Coursey, Lucan, Saturday of the Duke of Milan at the court of Henry It is the low man thinks the woman low,
on or before full moon. Tennyson.
1 '. • WITH DORDERS TO MATCH, from live cent. VII. of England, was written about the
J. W. SHAW, M. D. C. M. 493-111chard Hodgins, Centralia, Wed rolls to the tinest gilt. Having bought my Papers same time as the one referred to above. Boole not Homan be destined to function
nesday on or before full moon. and faints for Spot Cash, and my practical ex- the most noble and elevated. --Plato.
' J. W, Shaw, M. D. C, Ni., Physician, Surgeon, The envoy was well acquainted with the
a}', I• I J. 826 -William HagBart, Grand Bend, perience justify me to saving that all wanting to q
Accoucher, etc. ORlco in the Palace-blocly Wednesday on or before full lnOOn. decorate their houses inside or paint them out- Cctbots. Raimondi wrote: "Some months The society of ladies 1s the school of polite
''.'• ` 1lattenbury 5t., tormcely occupied al Dr. Reeve, aide will find it to their advantage to give Inc n since his'Ma•est sent a Venetian who is a
890-W. E. McRoberts, Maple rove, call, g J Hess.-\Iountfort.
Clinton Ont. �i'ednes(lay on or before fall moon,st navigator and who has great skill in He that a good woman loves is fence
1, Jg Sion, south of OliverOlh'er Johnston's blacksmith discovering new isles. He bas returned safe against all evil. -Italian Proverb.
024-13cury Lalnbrook, Exeter, 1st Fri. shop, and directly opposite Dir. J. Chidley's dna sound after having discovered two isles,
'' �tgjvl. day in each month. residence i very {Ifo e' noble origin is breathed apo
"41,1071 -John Malls, Elimville, Saturday very large and fertile. He places the dis' be. hope's perpetual breath. --Nord
s' { covert' of the new land at 4001 leagues from worth.
s on or before full moon, ��� ���� the west coast of Ireland." There are
MANNING &SCOTT, 1007 -James C`,athers, Sylvan, Monday 1�,�p conflicting statement respecting this voy- The very first of human life must Spttin
On or before fall moon. age, or the result of it, but all accounts from womap s breast, -Byron:
, Barristers, age.. 1210 -James Gibson, West McGillivray, Frnutical'Paper Hangor and Painter agree that the first land discovered on the If woman lost us Eden, such as Ellie Rion
Thursday on or before full moon. voyage was that which now appears on the restore it. -Whittier,
ELLIGTT"$ I3LCC$, - CLINTON. 134.3 -Robert Sims, Crediton, Tuesday ' s as Ca pe Farewell on the lower point
on.or before full r000u, p I P Modesty i. woman is the prgtccting ro
Money to Loan. The l�cntllop Mutual Fire of Greenland. This being a blank and bar- to her virtue. -Heine.
510 -Joseph Huxtable, Centralia, Fri- ren Spot, also a headland, Cabot believed Everyone is as God has made her, an
! -'I 11 A. H. MANNING. TAS. SCOTT. day on or atter'full moon. there was an open ocean still to the west- oftentimes a great deal �Lotsc -Ce
I—— -----1 --11- --- .. ,.x, �, ....,... v,. Iu �.v. _ vfrnte� --
_ .. ..- . s'urauoe >t( :_S ward Hit uelred.,....anme' thTeo hundred ..w,.. ,
" �.'�°. -.. _".. ". GODI iiICli DISTRICT. it p
leagues and again discovered land. This
j1AVISON & JOHNSTON, Law, Chancery,and Geo. B, Hanley, VV.D.M., Clinton P. 0, must have been either Labrador or New. The wife is the keeper of the hushand
11 Conveyancing. otEce-West Street, next 145 -Willis Bell, Goderich, 1st Monday Farm and Isolated Town Proper- faundland. Dr. Howley is quite sure that soul. -Arabian Saying.
door to Post Office, Goderich, Ont. 57„ in each mouth. the land was Newfoundland. It was dis• 0, woman! in this world of ours, what bo
153 -Andrew Millan, Auburn, Friday ty only Insured, covered June 2, and las called by Cabot, can be compares to ties? -Morris.
0. HAYS, Solicitor, dc. offlee, corner of on or before full moon. St. John. The date of the discovery was
• Square and West Street, over Butler's Book OFFICERS, on St. John's da From all the data ob- Seek in .- need the counsel of a wise w
182-1Y. II. Ivtutney, Goderich, last Y'• man. -Calderon.
$tore, Goderich, Ont, 87' Tuesday 1n each month. Thos. E. Hsps, President, Seaforth P. 0. ; W. tainable, they are in support of the landfall
d� Money to lend pt lowest rates of Sutoresb, J. Shannon, Sccy•Treas., Seaforth P,;O. ; John of the first voyage, being on the east coast of Upon a sudden motion and untaught
169-A(lam Gultelon Ilolme8ytlle, )lion- Hannah, \Tanager, Seaforth P. O, woman for the moat part reasons11
' day on or before full moon. fiewfoundland, Old maps which are not
252 -James wells, Faltford, 3rd Wed- Jas, Broadfoot, scaforth ; Donald Ross, Clin• regarded as accuraLe as one could wish, aro
CAMPION, Barrister,Attorne ,Solicitor In also in support of this claim. Be it ever confeas'd, from her than recei+
y nefiila in each month. ton; Gabriel Imi�tt, Clinton ; George Watt, [ P both refinement and zest.—Moore.
Chancery, Conveyancer, &c. omee over Y
3erdan's Drug Store, the rooms formerly occu 006 -George A. Cooper. Clinton, 1st llnrlocic ; Jose,,h Lrnns, Beechwood ; J. Shan- THE SECOND VOYAGE OF CABOT. She was a phantom of delight when fir
non, Walton ; Thos. Gurbart, Clinton.
pied by Judge Doyle, Alonday in each month. The Discoverer returned by the same she glanced.upon my'sight.-Nord
g� Any amount of money to loan at lowest .L- AGENTS• course, In 1498 the second voyage was worih. . ,
otos of interest. 1•ly• HULLETT DISTRICT. Thos. Neil nos, Harlock; Robt. McDlilhur, Sca• made and we have something more tangible Contact with a high'minded woman is go
Perth ;-S. Carnochan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan
A. 1J, Tod(lr �V. 1�.;1i., Clinton P.O. and Geo. Murdie, Auditors about that. Jn it we have some allusions for the life of any man. -Vincent.
ltcttalzee it e 710-W.'G. Ftn!th Clinton, 2nd Mon- Parties desirous to effect Insurance or to latitude which did not appear in the Religion diredts us rather to secure inwa
qI • transact other business will lie Promptly attend• first account. It is agreed that Cabot in pence Riau outward ease.-Wwtis.
c (lily ill each mono 1. e I to oil a 1 licati n to any of the nhove olflcers,
- Sly -,James Hortie IV las` 1 P G his second exposition had in view the same In affairs of emotion moral and reliio
--` -_ Yr p, • addressed to their respective post c6ice.s. object Lhat prompted him in the first, t.'hat women will always lead,-Parkor,
H. W. BALL Wednesday before rull moon.
� was to Sada passage to C'illiango and Be but yourselves, be pure, he true, a
02S -Thomas Mellgeen, Summerhill;
UOTIONEER for Huron County. Sales at • 1st Monday in each month. 'PROPERTY FOR SALE OF Cataia, the imaginary Inn« of spices, of the prompt in duty. -Whittier.
jil tended to in any part of the County. Ad- o�w, RENT.-Adccrtiscra will Lind "Th, Silk and Brazil wood, of the gold and pre- h:niov the spring of love and youth,
dress orders toGODERIO11P 0, V-17. 825 -John Briutnell, Chiselhurst, 1st �k!
Honda In each mouth. er Newslle1 c11'T one of the best medium! cions gems. Hance he made for the same 10 some µ Loa angel leave the rest;
Y in the County of Huron. Advertise in place at which lie discovered land on the For time +viii Lomeli thee soon the trilth,
"The News-Itec.Ord"- The Double Circulation
CUAS. 31AIMIILTON, STANLEY DISTRICT. Tants to Thousands. Rates as Iow as any. JE.etc`I'110110,
us voyage. This is made indis- There are no birds in last year's nest.
e by a letter from Rainlond-) of-Longfollow.
UOTIONEER, land, loan and insurance agent Joseph Footer, W,D \I., Varna P. 0- _ - - — 1497, in which occur these ,fords:
Blyth. Sales attonded in town and country, 24 -John Pollock Bayfield, 1st Monday "He [meaning Qabot] intends starting from arrict BEeeher StmS•c'e` Lnet 1Duy e.
n- eaeonabhe,vitas. _A list of farmsand,vtllage r-. •+- - �1_� _ .. _ _.., . __
_--1 t._,I -I'-, T:: _'1n ElUOTI"m'frnY,f�:. - ..-.. ., - . _ _
for enib. bfoney'to`id'an'-ait'i}ttad-�'9t3te; "at� ��yDDp�� Abp -OLD the point altcady occupied the previous The gifted authoress of `Uncle �on
'ow rates of interest, Ingnrance effected on all 308 -James I{eyes, Varna, 1st Tuesday year, to go farther toward tine east [mean- Cabfih," now 80 years Of ago, is said to
,asses of property. Notes and debts collected. Organic Weakness, Failing hfomory, Lack of �' failinu ra idl A gentleman who recent
p p in each month. Energy, Phvaical Decay, positively cured by ing the west], coasting along all the time. rapidly.
,goods appraised, and sold on commission. Bank- 833 -Robert Nicholson, Make, 1st Wed- HazeI.Y.." Vitalizer. Also Nervous Debility, This second expedition started on the be. visited her home fn Hartford tella a N
iuptetoakaboughtnndsold. nesday in each month, Dimness of St ht, Lovsof Ambition Unfitness ginning y,
Blyth. Dec. ug t an, to Ma +; ' innin of May, 1493. It consisted of six York correspondent that she as ails ve
733 -Joan Berry, Hensall, 1st Thursday Marry, taunted Deve'opment, Loss of Power vessels and 300 men. From all descri tions much of late and her mind is so cloud
Pains in the Back, Night Emissions, Drain in
In each month. Urine, Seminal Looses, Sleeplessness Aversion of the adventures of this Second expedition, that she cannot talk consecutively an a
Photographers 1035 -William Rothwell, Varna, 1st to Society, Unfit for Study, Excessive Indu1• encouutoritlg large quantities of tee, days subject. She is ,not confined to her ro
gonce, etc., eta Every bottle guaranteed. that were almost perpetual, tine nights be- and she does not require a physician's ca
Thursday In each month. P P f3 1
for t sold yearly. AddrEL enclosing stampp in ver bright, the conclusion is inevitable but her friends are A gr heuanve that t
K�'NoTE.-Any omissions or other errors will for treatise, J. E. HAZELTON, Graduated g Y g
' end is not far off. A real titan lett
�I J �p be promptly corrected on writing direct to tips Pharmacist. 308 Yonre 8t., Toronto, Ont. that Cabot in his second voyage went very R Y
County Master, Bro. A. M. Todd, Clinton 2.0. far north near the seventieth degree of still come to her, but those she does not s
41 �..� latitude. Ramusio one of the writers She is constantly tinder surveillance.
If 11 .yy CL'.�-���� ILI, HEADS, NOTE of that voyage, says Cabot went as far last days are made as pleasant as weal
B Ile -da, Letter Heads, Tags, ■ " ,,� L. north as 87•. Another writer, Gomara, and kind friends can make them, but a
Statements, Circulars, Business LU � q N d � wrote : "They went beyond or above, the seems to know nothing of what is going
.Life Size Portraits a Sueoiaitp. Cards, Envelopes, Programmee, R-, that ie, Ca a Cltidle or about her, anti, indied, is almost as he
etc., Ste., prfntei in a workman. m C p Cape of Labrador, P y Mrs, Stowe's books at
like manner and at lou rates, ca �ti,� y, w o Chudley, and even went farther than that leas as a child..
THF NEWS RECORD N-- b ' t venth de roe toward the sell well.
' tdr� � ani
,. I.
,,. }j{{��
`',' a 44,4111 . .
w +r
"� _ �ai, I , Kv
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I 1<,nso.Vlarat»d py. Aotof Parllam4ut,180.4
2 040 090
:�fJla'I'�'I,'Aw'T,, '- _.,,�, 1,Q0$2,000000
90 "
4.98 r,. , • q
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' Wt3l%d Oboe, - ]gQNTREAL'
T 0VAs 1VORKHAN, Presldent.
J.R MOLsON, Ylce•Proaid0oonprat
ti 9 0 o
'g g'I Q A- i
,It, Manager.
11', W,0LVAftSTAW Tfio,UAQ, b
Boulton• -So you are not gosng to him
keeping when you get married?
Notes dl' ounteo Collection$ made, Draft '
t e _ ' ..
. I
a pA a
De Roarder-No. We shall take bo
prrlaaaT AT 4 Pstt;;Oblic, ALLOWYn 60NIDEPOSIT
returned g
Th til f the article iu ueeyion ie
>,n�mayl . T THF, I�AR F.�88f n 7? n• 1�t .,t lntlet^ hq confegsott t�s,t tit. ere. appostrs to
,r -,•--:t ,..,,,,-a d 1 4t. _ 4, T 1 LANDFALL bq n Doll deal 0£ a9r tllwt btttl Cliwt>t soatayca
latgo aUaoop,t.of J'rivo(or4QuA to loan, T,ow stud' your viva it tors. t.ao.. liR IN lege
you quit goy ,. .".."1111r..IiorthWttird eu hie soduuil virga 'o ho would
F it!toa> lnterQ�6 f1, , ivifA131f'`,ikavo dipcoyored the Golf of t. Lawrouge
Sollol or tto, r. N. f:WFAUNI?kIANR. A�4R l,AIRADOi;
Qtttg , ; >'orrltl'e.loclF• and gene"up thq ht, .[,awrancb Rtrox, t►1us
_ Reba 1e arn,Q,s8I EACH. QLAIM TQ BE THE PLACE. robbing Jacques Cartier e£ tine glory he
,_ q �+
sM S%i„. +r�.� -.- ,.,, atikllCVEs(I iritCC, a
or ion hat , t .
t e 0 t r i bar OF T Y I lU 10 t 9 t, C
I an c u n n but . t.. qo. , n etln s it bas b
to u a t r e e l$ � e >i
+--.--.-- o rmer to lil.•-
Th �'o _. re o nva qc
tt eu t >� t1
e r t Aea the v
wa a oho s h, aaGi c.. 'as v a .ef
Jy 9 1; � a i" Pilo1 cast of
/�1tIESUtiuolLlBERoPlvrs-top sallrtaurgggihlo ut:ta cu p'' latuifa.)1 woo soglewherq, on �I a e. s. us
.L' PIAlklln' Got0gonOngg� qn �tbelft Oreet, des 9 i' Q. , 7` call And, rioea. Ursiors toulros of tete Stmt auct second Toya A N'ewfonadlandt abort latitude 411 or 00, is
two froatio on 1lrrttgttYury l}troetl Althgr etc izt, mftll gromplyaytgndad to„
Df90 or in so p,crate tote, to suit purkfhaoers. For Tlie 8aoeltd IGxk..alttorl Believed to nave sultytRiltiitteti kl�' y119. grotttk number of atantezi
turthorpartllgulateapplytatltaundorel8ried.••-li. e]qr,�? occurring lutllq exact order that is given
pINBLEY, pllnton. $132 I3ecn Up'Through ]3u<lso)1 a Strait. on tile' earliest maps; as for prompts, La•
gARNEva9 EMPORIUM, iiLYTI1r ON"C brador, Fortune, Coftereal, ymego, Aveo, !,
W o Col bu L-' c t t in jDl
h n Columbus 'iras ma In h tr s, or Bird Island, Bonntvista, onaventuro,
A. A. U. W. J, E, BLACI{A.T<LI Vctorinary Llebon as a means of livelihood !,e droamed Puucalaos, Buy of Coneeptiop, St. Francis,
The Clinton Lodge, No. 144. mgcts in Biddle•!Mon
Surgeon, honorary gradutita of of it country which he thought was a pro. .Ca e S pear, Fermo iae. Iionouse, Cape
comb's Hall, opposito the market, the let and srd .olltarlO yetorinary f' Ito, ,treats to, P i
Fridays in small month. Visitors cordially it%-dleoases of all ,amostlo atilmale longation of the euetOxn Share of Asia IIs Rmce (or De Basso), St. AVary'q, Capo
vited. R. $ToNEumi, M. W,; J, BEAN, Recorder, the most Inv ornandsultntIAG. lived to discover the lancl of his dreams, but Pine, Bay Despoirt told after - those,
' , 699y prinolPlee. d� , 118 attotidgd to it•was not a contiunatigtt of Asia, 1t was a conning to the island of Cape Bre-
eight or day. Office IminedittoI west of the new continent, stretohing north and south tun -0 have St. Paul's, Cupa Srnolty
11 ^—^—^ old P.oyal Hotel, Ontario street. RaaI once- from the Arctic to the AntaretioCircles. In r '
Albert etroot, Oilntgn. 649-8m (I• innosu), Cape Breton, etc. All these
��}7ll�ijo�14f. ,like maimer that other discoverer of re• names occur on those early maps, Shortly
'- -- • , ' ABEL S.;WEEKE% nown, John Cabot, found another land than after Cabut's discovery, so do they exist to-
V/`ILINTON Lodge,' No. 84, A. F. & A. Civil Engineer, - P, L. `uurveyor, that which he expected. From over the Clay. There is no vestige of Prima Vista,
J meats aver•y Friday, on or atter the waters of the great, undiscovered seas there no suspicion of a knowledge of the Gulf of
moon. VialoyertrethrenoordiLoUvinvited. Draughtsman, eiC. came to Cabot a vision of a country on St, Lawernce, or the island of 5t. John
RIGH HF.YWOOD, w. D. OWE NBALLARD, Site Ot6ce-Upstairs in Perrin's Block, Clinton, Ont which were blowing spicy breezes, and (prince Edward Island), so that until
Clinton Jan. 14, 1890. 1• where silk, Brazil wood, gold and precious stronger proof be forttcoining it would be
ALLANgems were in profusion. III his first vogage, unreasonable, oil Such a doubtful one as
LINE: 14M, he Sought the land.of hos dream. .The this Supposed map of CnLot, to upset tine
1 . object of his Second veva�ro, a year later laud traditions which lnnve been held uuhnoken
(grally. BOYAL MAIL STE.�16ISHIPS s for its enol the amino: Iu ,,nese vowwcs Cabot
a for so many ucntpries, and which are
— —T aa�q � ���E®8N RA.�� ES discovered land whiuh gave 1,nu a con- foutnded on tin. most wall,ittic records in
L® 'BI 0 I &® we spicuuns place as a discoverer. His discov our possession.
• ' L. ' f Steamers sale regularly from cries, like most groat events, have caused
CiYNTOINs couaiderablo controversy. This is in part LOVELY WOMAN.
Meets exeo-0 Monday of every Portland to Liverpool' M THS. t Clue to the lack of facility or failure to
' •lrl
Ill the
r ,Ihuls l
appreciate he importance n 'e , s events
{{'hut the Greatest r
oath Hall, Std flat \ ictorla
u re e t Stu 1(, (f such e n
m Cabin, and u raid.. Second Cuhin'11, I P P
blade(. welcome.
brethren always p ' by the chroniclers of the period in uestion. Ifave Said of Her.
made tveleome. Steorngo at low rates. No Cattle aarriccl, I q
` W. G. SDI[TI�, W. M } In the Magazine of :lutstivan History the
�•. +a•• IC ) i `RVICL' OF b Y Romann};er, woman ., must perfect when
M S TA i E 1 ALLAN LINE Rt. Rev. M. F. Howley, D. D. P. A., has most +volnuinly.-GlaaaLonc.
-`_,„ LI N FE. 111 STLAMS141PS. undertaken to seLtlo Lite question as to the Earth has nothing more., tender than a pious
y� y NEW ' YORK AND GLASGOW landfall of Cabot, Tboro is Uhuch in the woman's heart. -Luther.
P_ ark `LM114ittot via Londonderry, every Fortulght. Cabin, $4o article that is argumentative, tktc writer e.1 woman's atrenf ,I is most potent when
and upwards. Second Cabin, $3o. Steerage at having made the assertion in the opening robed in gentleness.-Lamartine.
-' '-' _ . ' low rates. paragraph that he proposed to establish his Disgcisu our onda•,n as we will, 'tis {vo-
Apply to 11. & A. ALLAN, wontreal ; or to point before he let go. He has certainly man, woman rules us still. -Moore.
A. O. PATTISON or iV.i1, JACISS!)N, Ullnto». done so to bis own satisfaction, at least.
_ Dr. Howlev is a Newfouudluuder, reared as To woman's gentle kind we owe what com-
he says inn ilia tradition which has been held for La and delights its hero.-Crabbe.
,9 r����-a� froun time immemorial that "Bunavista, Heaven will be no hemven to me if I cis not
happy sight," wits the landfall. .raid from nu:et lily wife there, -Andrew Jackson.
The ondersignod being uecess%rlly absent frOnt that point of land lie proceeds to establish Even in the darkest hour of e;trthly ill
f town P,it• sorno thee, has Icft ifs hooks and leis claim that soulewhc,e in that section, +voun(u's food affection glows. -Sand.
jubilee Pref ploll N0 1Rl aceouuts pith yl ""' i Sleft to whom pup on the coact of -Newfoundland, John C:lbot
r I i j menta nuc be made.
J ! I ' JOAN WISF,DIAN. ' ran up the Standards of Euglaud and of Death is the drooping of the flower that the
Venice, or St. Mark. fruit may swell. -Beecher.
love there's in
Eternal •o and everlasting .
o Ireland
l It Knights A t•' o tit au ho his own well-ar- joy B aC�� r Leaving t e author .f � c �
Meets In the Clinton Orange Hull, the second ranted arguments, it is only necessary to• yon woman, lovely r+omiun.-Otvruv.
his fortune
"'t ivau Ruth secured
� e
That ie for of the vo 'a _a of the Iltau
'cl0 k in
resent ti s
v month at 7.30 o'clock "e neada of every � �� Y J g
�� d�) 1iAV9 P
Y0 -ll
wife. -Euripides.
the evening, Visiting Sir Knights will always who came so Hent getting lite crown Litt, both married a good
_,�coive a hearty welcome. Go to A. E. EVANS, FASHIONABLE rests on the brow of Columbus. Raptured man quits each dozing sage, oh,
A. dal, TODD, Worshipful Preceptor BARBER, 2 doors cast of NEwS-RRCORD oP- The patent or coninhiasion of Henry VII. woman! for thy lovelier. page. -Alooro.
GEORGE HANLEY, Deputy Preceptor 0, tt•onitui! woman! thou art formed to bless
PETER CAN'VELON, Registrar free. Special attention given to LADIES to John Cabot and his tht•ce sons, Louis,
AND CHILDREN's Hairenttinn. Sebastian, and Sanctius, is dated Alarch 5, the heart of restless man, -Bird.
POMPADOUR HAIRCUTTING A SPECIALTY 1495, old style. The expedition (lid not set It is by women that Nature writes on the
Royal Black Preeeptory 39l out at aloe, for even in those days there hearts of ,non, -Sheridan.
1 were jealousies between nmtio»s, iipaiu, so The woman is not ,the servant of the man,
' Slow to give encouragement to its own, much less his scare.-Larnennais.
Black Knights of Ireland ^ yx," 1 , r later, intrepid discovoror, hn:cl, through its
: For me I'm woman's slave confcat-tvith-
,i+ Z v^ ° x o- Ambassador at the English court, instituted out her hopeless and urlblest. -Hogg.
Meets in the Orange hall, Blyth rho li'edne e.4 t�11(� +:�•
day after full moon of every montil. •1 p t., h intrigues by which the sailing of the Cabot Roses, like women, retain their sweetness
�� 'itr'j� ? I expedition was delayed until Lilo following after their beauty is lost.-Lamartine.
;xtractfon teeth. year.
•' traction tee Block, upstairs, opposite the - TILE COURSE OF TIIE FIRST VOYAGE, Everyone Cati guide air Ill wife Heal but Ill
r . Royal Black Preceptory 3i�1 III ge >l a that hasher. -Scot's Proverb.
r Post Ogee, Clinton. 49 The first Cabot expedition consisting of Every pretty woman should be a flirt
I' SW Night Bell answered. y y one small ship, the VlatLhew, left Bristol every clever woman a politiainn.
i.:,`,e,y; Black Knights of Ireland, +
M, my 3, 1497. The crew consisted of eight• Ouida.
,,,:," 4Viv1t41ra 1. Meets in the Orange Hall, Goderich, the Third 6' eel men, principally from Bristol. As
,t Monday of everymo¢th. Visiting Knights Ill ways stated in a foregoing puragrapb, chronicles Provided a woman be well principled all
_ - made welcome. S were not only few in those days but unser- has dowry enough. -Plautus,
�'W, L e 1�p W H MURNEY, Preceptor, Goderich P O 1� ro
? ''• ®�■ ��,8 a`tl� JAMES RUSTS, Ito•iatrar, Goderich P O .,YY �n���t� uoo���d Lain, ho that all accounts of the first voy- Right thought kept well in mind, no evi
r • 6 age of Cabot are meagre. Enough is known, thing can enter there. -Buddha.
W, Gunn, M. D. L. R. C. P. Edinburgh L. R. C, g-t�tr -DIRE OR.
/iy� ®Js�ti tV and ,his is in accord tivith the article by Every man is a worse man as he is unfit fo
E B. Edinburgh Licenciato of the Midwifery, L'din, St HURON CORA � LU t t! �'�' @ ftsm a'1 Dr. Howley, to state with certainty that the married state. -Johnson.
1.;,;•'' Office, on corner of Ontario and -William Sts., 1891 itS1Qp, li'alint diliOlD Cabot Sailed east from Bristol, rounded the Still wonnan draws new power from ever
E._ tCllnton. 47S•y' southeast.. const of Ireland, bent to the blessing and from every ill. --Lamp.
1S STOCKED WITH north, Hud after a few clays left the north Surprising! one woman can dials us so man
Names of the District ]ilasters, Primary on his right hand and began to sail west. rare sweets up together. -N. P.
®R. I"ilJ�lt9'��l.6Lfl.,. LodgeMastels, thelI` post Office act- A SELECT' ASSORTMENT voyage r This vo •:� a consnnhea three mouths' time,
dresses and date of meeting. On the return there was living in London Nature meant to make, woman its masts
_ .T. T. L. Turnbull, M. B, Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; -CF--- ' a Venetian merchant, Lorenzo Pas- piece. Leasing.
-C, M., Victoria Univ- M, C, P- y S. Ont, ;
,I 'l bellow of the obstetrical somoty of Edinburgh. BIDDULPH DISTRICT. r�}'� r��}{� t� raq ren qualigo, who wrote to his brcthors in Ve- Oh, fairest of creation! last and best of a
Lateot"London, Ln g., and'winburgh hospitals. John Neil, 1V.D.iL, Centralia P. 0, ���jTlCilij IT1111I GidI�C1l1ICllb nice that `bur countryman," [Weaning Ca- God's works.-yI11L01h,
Office: -Dr. Dowsley's stand, Rattenbury St. bot, had returned from a voyage, and that Woman is God's appointed agent of moral'
Night calls answered at Grand Union Hotel; 21"9-S., Elarlton. Greenway, Friday on l 700 leagues west he had discovered land.. A tv.-Hire, Iim c
(� Electric night bell at front entrance, or before full moon. Mall Papers letter Y ..rn Don RaimondQ Soncini, envoy
GG2-Thomas Coursey, Lucan, Saturday of the Duke of Milan at the court of Henry It is the low man thinks the woman low,
on or before full moon. Tennyson.
1 '. • WITH DORDERS TO MATCH, from live cent. VII. of England, was written about the
J. W. SHAW, M. D. C. M. 493-111chard Hodgins, Centralia, Wed rolls to the tinest gilt. Having bought my Papers same time as the one referred to above. Boole not Homan be destined to function
nesday on or before full moon. and faints for Spot Cash, and my practical ex- the most noble and elevated. --Plato.
' J. W, Shaw, M. D. C, Ni., Physician, Surgeon, The envoy was well acquainted with the
a}', I• I J. 826 -William HagBart, Grand Bend, perience justify me to saving that all wanting to q
Accoucher, etc. ORlco in the Palace-blocly Wednesday on or before full lnOOn. decorate their houses inside or paint them out- Cctbots. Raimondi wrote: "Some months The society of ladies 1s the school of polite
''.'• ` 1lattenbury 5t., tormcely occupied al Dr. Reeve, aide will find it to their advantage to give Inc n since his'Ma•est sent a Venetian who is a
890-W. E. McRoberts, Maple rove, call, g J Hess.-\Iountfort.
Clinton Ont. �i'ednes(lay on or before fall moon,st navigator and who has great skill in He that a good woman loves is fence
1, Jg Sion, south of OliverOlh'er Johnston's blacksmith discovering new isles. He bas returned safe against all evil. -Italian Proverb.
024-13cury Lalnbrook, Exeter, 1st Fri. shop, and directly opposite Dir. J. Chidley's dna sound after having discovered two isles,
'' �tgjvl. day in each month. residence i very {Ifo e' noble origin is breathed apo
"41,1071 -John Malls, Elimville, Saturday very large and fertile. He places the dis' be. hope's perpetual breath. --Nord
s' { covert' of the new land at 4001 leagues from worth.
s on or before full moon, ��� ���� the west coast of Ireland." There are
MANNING &SCOTT, 1007 -James C`,athers, Sylvan, Monday 1�,�p conflicting statement respecting this voy- The very first of human life must Spttin
On or before fall moon. age, or the result of it, but all accounts from womap s breast, -Byron:
, Barristers, age.. 1210 -James Gibson, West McGillivray, Frnutical'Paper Hangor and Painter agree that the first land discovered on the If woman lost us Eden, such as Ellie Rion
Thursday on or before full moon. voyage was that which now appears on the restore it. -Whittier,
ELLIGTT"$ I3LCC$, - CLINTON. 134.3 -Robert Sims, Crediton, Tuesday ' s as Ca pe Farewell on the lower point
on.or before full r000u, p I P Modesty i. woman is the prgtccting ro
Money to Loan. The l�cntllop Mutual Fire of Greenland. This being a blank and bar- to her virtue. -Heine.
510 -Joseph Huxtable, Centralia, Fri- ren Spot, also a headland, Cabot believed Everyone is as God has made her, an
! -'I 11 A. H. MANNING. TAS. SCOTT. day on or atter'full moon. there was an open ocean still to the west- oftentimes a great deal �Lotsc -Ce
I—— -----1 --11- --- .. ,.x, �, ....,... v,. Iu �.v. _ vfrnte� --
_ .. ..- . s'urauoe >t( :_S ward Hit uelred.,....anme' thTeo hundred ..w,.. ,
" �.'�°. -.. _".. ". GODI iiICli DISTRICT. it p
leagues and again discovered land. This
j1AVISON & JOHNSTON, Law, Chancery,and Geo. B, Hanley, VV.D.M., Clinton P. 0, must have been either Labrador or New. The wife is the keeper of the hushand
11 Conveyancing. otEce-West Street, next 145 -Willis Bell, Goderich, 1st Monday Farm and Isolated Town Proper- faundland. Dr. Howley is quite sure that soul. -Arabian Saying.
door to Post Office, Goderich, Ont. 57„ in each mouth. the land was Newfoundland. It was dis• 0, woman! in this world of ours, what bo
153 -Andrew Millan, Auburn, Friday ty only Insured, covered June 2, and las called by Cabot, can be compares to ties? -Morris.
0. HAYS, Solicitor, dc. offlee, corner of on or before full moon. St. John. The date of the discovery was
• Square and West Street, over Butler's Book OFFICERS, on St. John's da From all the data ob- Seek in .- need the counsel of a wise w
182-1Y. II. Ivtutney, Goderich, last Y'• man. -Calderon.
$tore, Goderich, Ont, 87' Tuesday 1n each month. Thos. E. Hsps, President, Seaforth P. 0. ; W. tainable, they are in support of the landfall
d� Money to lend pt lowest rates of Sutoresb, J. Shannon, Sccy•Treas., Seaforth P,;O. ; John of the first voyage, being on the east coast of Upon a sudden motion and untaught
169-A(lam Gultelon Ilolme8ytlle, )lion- Hannah, \Tanager, Seaforth P. O, woman for the moat part reasons11
' day on or before full moon. fiewfoundland, Old maps which are not
252 -James wells, Faltford, 3rd Wed- Jas, Broadfoot, scaforth ; Donald Ross, Clin• regarded as accuraLe as one could wish, aro
CAMPION, Barrister,Attorne ,Solicitor In also in support of this claim. Be it ever confeas'd, from her than recei+
y nefiila in each month. ton; Gabriel Imi�tt, Clinton ; George Watt, [ P both refinement and zest.—Moore.
Chancery, Conveyancer, &c. omee over Y
3erdan's Drug Store, the rooms formerly occu 006 -George A. Cooper. Clinton, 1st llnrlocic ; Jose,,h Lrnns, Beechwood ; J. Shan- THE SECOND VOYAGE OF CABOT. She was a phantom of delight when fir
non, Walton ; Thos. Gurbart, Clinton.
pied by Judge Doyle, Alonday in each month. The Discoverer returned by the same she glanced.upon my'sight.-Nord
g� Any amount of money to loan at lowest .L- AGENTS• course, In 1498 the second voyage was worih. . ,
otos of interest. 1•ly• HULLETT DISTRICT. Thos. Neil nos, Harlock; Robt. McDlilhur, Sca• made and we have something more tangible Contact with a high'minded woman is go
Perth ;-S. Carnochan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan
A. 1J, Tod(lr �V. 1�.;1i., Clinton P.O. and Geo. Murdie, Auditors about that. Jn it we have some allusions for the life of any man. -Vincent.
ltcttalzee it e 710-W.'G. Ftn!th Clinton, 2nd Mon- Parties desirous to effect Insurance or to latitude which did not appear in the Religion diredts us rather to secure inwa
qI • transact other business will lie Promptly attend• first account. It is agreed that Cabot in pence Riau outward ease.-Wwtis.
c (lily ill each mono 1. e I to oil a 1 licati n to any of the nhove olflcers,
- Sly -,James Hortie IV las` 1 P G his second exposition had in view the same In affairs of emotion moral and reliio
--` -_ Yr p, • addressed to their respective post c6ice.s. object Lhat prompted him in the first, t.'hat women will always lead,-Parkor,
H. W. BALL Wednesday before rull moon.
� was to Sada passage to C'illiango and Be but yourselves, be pure, he true, a
02S -Thomas Mellgeen, Summerhill;
UOTIONEER for Huron County. Sales at • 1st Monday in each month. 'PROPERTY FOR SALE OF Cataia, the imaginary Inn« of spices, of the prompt in duty. -Whittier.
jil tended to in any part of the County. Ad- o�w, RENT.-Adccrtiscra will Lind "Th, Silk and Brazil wood, of the gold and pre- h:niov the spring of love and youth,
dress orders toGODERIO11P 0, V-17. 825 -John Briutnell, Chiselhurst, 1st �k!
Honda In each mouth. er Newslle1 c11'T one of the best medium! cions gems. Hance he made for the same 10 some µ Loa angel leave the rest;
Y in the County of Huron. Advertise in place at which lie discovered land on the For time +viii Lomeli thee soon the trilth,
"The News-Itec.Ord"- The Double Circulation
CUAS. 31AIMIILTON, STANLEY DISTRICT. Tants to Thousands. Rates as Iow as any. JE.etc`I'110110,
us voyage. This is made indis- There are no birds in last year's nest.
e by a letter from Rainlond-) of-Longfollow.
UOTIONEER, land, loan and insurance agent Joseph Footer, W,D \I., Varna P. 0- _ - - — 1497, in which occur these ,fords:
Blyth. Sales attonded in town and country, 24 -John Pollock Bayfield, 1st Monday "He [meaning Qabot] intends starting from arrict BEeeher StmS•c'e` Lnet 1Duy e.
n- eaeonabhe,vitas. _A list of farmsand,vtllage r-. •+- - �1_� _ .. _ _.., . __
_--1 t._,I -I'-, T:: _'1n ElUOTI"m'frnY,f�:. - ..-.. ., - . _ _
for enib. bfoney'to`id'an'-ait'i}ttad-�'9t3te; "at� ��yDDp�� Abp -OLD the point altcady occupied the previous The gifted authoress of `Uncle �on
'ow rates of interest, Ingnrance effected on all 308 -James I{eyes, Varna, 1st Tuesday year, to go farther toward tine east [mean- Cabfih," now 80 years Of ago, is said to
,asses of property. Notes and debts collected. Organic Weakness, Failing hfomory, Lack of �' failinu ra idl A gentleman who recent
p p in each month. Energy, Phvaical Decay, positively cured by ing the west], coasting along all the time. rapidly.
,goods appraised, and sold on commission. Bank- 833 -Robert Nicholson, Make, 1st Wed- HazeI.Y.." Vitalizer. Also Nervous Debility, This second expedition started on the be. visited her home fn Hartford tella a N
iuptetoakaboughtnndsold. nesday in each month, Dimness of St ht, Lovsof Ambition Unfitness ginning y,
Blyth. Dec. ug t an, to Ma +; ' innin of May, 1493. It consisted of six York correspondent that she as ails ve
733 -Joan Berry, Hensall, 1st Thursday Marry, taunted Deve'opment, Loss of Power vessels and 300 men. From all descri tions much of late and her mind is so cloud
Pains in the Back, Night Emissions, Drain in
In each month. Urine, Seminal Looses, Sleeplessness Aversion of the adventures of this Second expedition, that she cannot talk consecutively an a
Photographers 1035 -William Rothwell, Varna, 1st to Society, Unfit for Study, Excessive Indu1• encouutoritlg large quantities of tee, days subject. She is ,not confined to her ro
gonce, etc., eta Every bottle guaranteed. that were almost perpetual, tine nights be- and she does not require a physician's ca
Thursday In each month. P P f3 1
for t sold yearly. AddrEL enclosing stampp in ver bright, the conclusion is inevitable but her friends are A gr heuanve that t
K�'NoTE.-Any omissions or other errors will for treatise, J. E. HAZELTON, Graduated g Y g
' end is not far off. A real titan lett
�I J �p be promptly corrected on writing direct to tips Pharmacist. 308 Yonre 8t., Toronto, Ont. that Cabot in his second voyage went very R Y
County Master, Bro. A. M. Todd, Clinton 2.0. far north near the seventieth degree of still come to her, but those she does not s
41 �..� latitude. Ramusio one of the writers She is constantly tinder surveillance.
If 11 .yy CL'.�-���� ILI, HEADS, NOTE of that voyage, says Cabot went as far last days are made as pleasant as weal
B Ile -da, Letter Heads, Tags, ■ " ,,� L. north as 87•. Another writer, Gomara, and kind friends can make them, but a
Statements, Circulars, Business LU � q N d � wrote : "They went beyond or above, the seems to know nothing of what is going
.Life Size Portraits a Sueoiaitp. Cards, Envelopes, Programmee, R-, that ie, Ca a Cltidle or about her, anti, indied, is almost as he
etc., Ste., prfntei in a workman. m C p Cape of Labrador, P y Mrs, Stowe's books at
like manner and at lou rates, ca �ti,� y, w o Chudley, and even went farther than that leas as a child..
THF NEWS RECORD N-- b ' t venth de roe toward the sell well.
' tdr� � ani
,. I.
,,. }j{{��
`',' a 44,4111 . .
w +r
"� _ �ai, I , Kv
... I I
I 1<,nso.Vlarat»d py. Aotof Parllam4ut,180.4
2 040 090
:�fJla'I'�'I,'Aw'T,, '- _.,,�, 1,Q0$2,000000
90 "
4.98 r,. , • q
,'' .
' Wt3l%d Oboe, - ]gQNTREAL'
T 0VAs 1VORKHAN, Presldent.
J.R MOLsON, Ylce•Proaid0oonprat
ti 9 0 o
'g g'I Q A- i
,It, Manager.
11', W,0LVAftSTAW Tfio,UAQ, b
Boulton• -So you are not gosng to him
keeping when you get married?
Notes dl' ounteo Collection$ made, Draft '
igstleil,^teelinl� and tllnerican ex-
ohaggo bought and sold at
a pA a
est current rates.
De Roarder-No. We shall take bo
prrlaaaT AT 4 Pstt;;Oblic, ALLOWYn 60NIDEPOSIT
nnderelgued as a residence on
R 1 t% T n of f}oderich ennaistin f
returned g
Th til f the article iu ueeyion ie
ldoaoy, advanced to farmers on their own note
with one or more endorsers, No mortgage re
- C g o
1uired as security. H. C. BREWER,
for a year.
1 Manager,
eebruary.1884r 11LINTON
50OP.Se Book on Treatment of Animals
and Chart Sent Free.
r.D. eTag ga A
�A !
Single Bottle (over 60 doaes), - - .60
1 Stable Case, with Specifies. Manual,
Veterinary Cure 011 and Medicator, 197.00
Sold by Draggids; or Bent pnp.ld .ny.hom and Io any
qunnfily on rer.lpt of price.
Y �g�g���.��a
Ho=orATHIC tt��
¢ use SO years. The only, saccessfal remedy for
Neruoas Debility, Vital Weakness,
Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued.
Interest Allowed on Deposits.
Clinton, Juno Sth, 1891 0585'
- s,.afiotrv.
•TC . Bru ee, L D.S
Dentist. Graduate Royal College of
Oental Surgeons of Ontario, Under Graduate
University of Toronto.
i$ca-Ileefor'e old stand, Coats' Block, .Clinton.
Liver and'Bowels, unlocks
N.R.-Will visit Blyth, professionally, every
Slondgy at°°Mason's Hotel. 575—y
G. H. 6IOV 9e.I
t, ;;
loont,ate of Dental Surgery, honor Graduate
got the Toronto School of Dentistry,
Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the painless
>,n�mayl . T THF, I�AR F.�88f n 7? n• 1�t .,t lntlet^ hq confegsott t�s,t tit. ere. appostrs to
,r -,•--:t ,..,,,,-a d 1 4t. _ 4, T 1 LANDFALL bq n Doll deal 0£ a9r tllwt btttl Cliwt>t soatayca
latgo aUaoop,t.of J'rivo(or4QuA to loan, T,ow stud' your viva it tors. t.ao.. liR IN lege
you quit goy ,. .".."1111r..IiorthWttird eu hie soduuil virga 'o ho would
F it!toa> lnterQ�6 f1, , ivifA131f'`,ikavo dipcoyored the Golf of t. Lawrouge
Sollol or tto, r. N. f:WFAUNI?kIANR. A�4R l,AIRADOi;
Qtttg , ; >'orrltl'e.loclF• and gene"up thq ht, .[,awrancb Rtrox, t►1us
_ Reba 1e arn,Q,s8I EACH. QLAIM TQ BE THE PLACE. robbing Jacques Cartier e£ tine glory he
,_ q �+
sM S%i„. +r�.� -.- ,.,, atikllCVEs(I iritCC, a
or ion hat , t .
t e 0 t r i bar OF T Y I lU 10 t 9 t, C
I an c u n n but . t.. qo. , n etln s it bas b
to u a t r e e l$ � e >i
+--.--.-- o rmer to lil.•-
Th �'o _. re o nva qc
tt eu t >� t1
e r t Aea the v
wa a oho s h, aaGi c.. 'as v a .ef
Jy 9 1; � a i" Pilo1 cast of
/�1tIESUtiuolLlBERoPlvrs-top sallrtaurgggihlo ut:ta cu p'' latuifa.)1 woo soglewherq, on �I a e. s. us
.L' PIAlklln' Got0gonOngg� qn �tbelft Oreet, des 9 i' Q. , 7` call And, rioea. Ursiors toulros of tete Stmt auct second Toya A N'ewfonadlandt abort latitude 411 or 00, is
two froatio on 1lrrttgttYury l}troetl Althgr etc izt, mftll gromplyaytgndad to„
Df90 or in so p,crate tote, to suit purkfhaoers. For Tlie 8aoeltd IGxk..alttorl Believed to nave sultytRiltiitteti kl�' y119. grotttk number of atantezi
turthorpartllgulateapplytatltaundorel8ried.••-li. e]qr,�? occurring lutllq exact order that is given
pINBLEY, pllnton. $132 I3ecn Up'Through ]3u<lso)1 a Strait. on tile' earliest maps; as for prompts, La•
gARNEva9 EMPORIUM, iiLYTI1r ON"C brador, Fortune, Coftereal, ymego, Aveo, !,
W o Col bu L-' c t t in jDl
h n Columbus 'iras ma In h tr s, or Bird Island, Bonntvista, onaventuro,
A. A. U. W. J, E, BLACI{A.T<LI Vctorinary Llebon as a means of livelihood !,e droamed Puucalaos, Buy of Coneeptiop, St. Francis,
The Clinton Lodge, No. 144. mgcts in Biddle•!Mon
Surgeon, honorary gradutita of of it country which he thought was a pro. .Ca e S pear, Fermo iae. Iionouse, Cape
comb's Hall, opposito the market, the let and srd .olltarlO yetorinary f' Ito, ,treats to, P i
Fridays in small month. Visitors cordially it%-dleoases of all ,amostlo atilmale longation of the euetOxn Share of Asia IIs Rmce (or De Basso), St. AVary'q, Capo
vited. R. $ToNEumi, M. W,; J, BEAN, Recorder, the most Inv ornandsultntIAG. lived to discover the lancl of his dreams, but Pine, Bay Despoirt told after - those,
' , 699y prinolPlee. d� , 118 attotidgd to it•was not a contiunatigtt of Asia, 1t was a conning to the island of Cape Bre-
eight or day. Office IminedittoI west of the new continent, stretohing north and south tun -0 have St. Paul's, Cupa Srnolty
11 ^—^—^ old P.oyal Hotel, Ontario street. RaaI once- from the Arctic to the AntaretioCircles. In r '
Albert etroot, Oilntgn. 649-8m (I• innosu), Cape Breton, etc. All these
��}7ll�ijo�14f. ,like maimer that other discoverer of re• names occur on those early maps, Shortly
'- -- • , ' ABEL S.;WEEKE% nown, John Cabot, found another land than after Cabut's discovery, so do they exist to-
V/`ILINTON Lodge,' No. 84, A. F. & A. Civil Engineer, - P, L. `uurveyor, that which he expected. From over the Clay. There is no vestige of Prima Vista,
J meats aver•y Friday, on or atter the waters of the great, undiscovered seas there no suspicion of a knowledge of the Gulf of
moon. VialoyertrethrenoordiLoUvinvited. Draughtsman, eiC. came to Cabot a vision of a country on St, Lawernce, or the island of 5t. John
RIGH HF.YWOOD, w. D. OWE NBALLARD, Site Ot6ce-Upstairs in Perrin's Block, Clinton, Ont which were blowing spicy breezes, and (prince Edward Island), so that until
Clinton Jan. 14, 1890. 1• where silk, Brazil wood, gold and precious stronger proof be forttcoining it would be
ALLANgems were in profusion. III his first vogage, unreasonable, oil Such a doubtful one as
LINE: 14M, he Sought the land.of hos dream. .The this Supposed map of CnLot, to upset tine
1 . object of his Second veva�ro, a year later laud traditions which lnnve been held uuhnoken
(grally. BOYAL MAIL STE.�16ISHIPS s for its enol the amino: Iu ,,nese vowwcs Cabot
a for so many ucntpries, and which are
— —T aa�q � ���E®8N RA.�� ES discovered land whiuh gave 1,nu a con- foutnded on tin. most wall,ittic records in
L® 'BI 0 I &® we spicuuns place as a discoverer. His discov our possession.
• ' L. ' f Steamers sale regularly from cries, like most groat events, have caused
CiYNTOINs couaiderablo controversy. This is in part LOVELY WOMAN.
Meets exeo-0 Monday of every Portland to Liverpool' M THS. t Clue to the lack of facility or failure to
' •lrl
Ill the
r ,Ihuls l
appreciate he importance n 'e , s events
{{'hut the Greatest r
oath Hall, Std flat \ ictorla
u re e t Stu 1(, (f such e n
m Cabin, and u raid.. Second Cuhin'11, I P P
blade(. welcome.
brethren always p ' by the chroniclers of the period in uestion. Ifave Said of Her.
made tveleome. Steorngo at low rates. No Cattle aarriccl, I q
` W. G. SDI[TI�, W. M } In the Magazine of :lutstivan History the
�•. +a•• IC ) i `RVICL' OF b Y Romann};er, woman ., must perfect when
M S TA i E 1 ALLAN LINE Rt. Rev. M. F. Howley, D. D. P. A., has most +volnuinly.-GlaaaLonc.
-`_,„ LI N FE. 111 STLAMS141PS. undertaken to seLtlo Lite question as to the Earth has nothing more., tender than a pious
y� y NEW ' YORK AND GLASGOW landfall of Cabot, Tboro is Uhuch in the woman's heart. -Luther.
P_ ark `LM114ittot via Londonderry, every Fortulght. Cabin, $4o article that is argumentative, tktc writer e.1 woman's atrenf ,I is most potent when
and upwards. Second Cabin, $3o. Steerage at having made the assertion in the opening robed in gentleness.-Lamartine.
-' '-' _ . ' low rates. paragraph that he proposed to establish his Disgcisu our onda•,n as we will, 'tis {vo-
Apply to 11. & A. ALLAN, wontreal ; or to point before he let go. He has certainly man, woman rules us still. -Moore.
A. O. PATTISON or iV.i1, JACISS!)N, Ullnto». done so to bis own satisfaction, at least.
_ Dr. Howlev is a Newfouudluuder, reared as To woman's gentle kind we owe what com-
he says inn ilia tradition which has been held for La and delights its hero.-Crabbe.
,9 r����-a� froun time immemorial that "Bunavista, Heaven will be no hemven to me if I cis not
happy sight," wits the landfall. .raid from nu:et lily wife there, -Andrew Jackson.
The ondersignod being uecess%rlly absent frOnt that point of land lie proceeds to establish Even in the darkest hour of e;trthly ill
f town P,it• sorno thee, has Icft ifs hooks and leis claim that soulewhc,e in that section, +voun(u's food affection glows. -Sand.
jubilee Pref ploll N0 1Rl aceouuts pith yl ""' i Sleft to whom pup on the coact of -Newfoundland, John C:lbot
r I i j menta nuc be made.
J ! I ' JOAN WISF,DIAN. ' ran up the Standards of Euglaud and of Death is the drooping of the flower that the
Venice, or St. Mark. fruit may swell. -Beecher.
love there's in
Eternal •o and everlasting .
o Ireland
l It Knights A t•' o tit au ho his own well-ar- joy B aC�� r Leaving t e author .f � c �
Meets In the Clinton Orange Hull, the second ranted arguments, it is only necessary to• yon woman, lovely r+omiun.-Otvruv.
his fortune
"'t ivau Ruth secured
� e
That ie for of the vo 'a _a of the Iltau
'cl0 k in
resent ti s
v month at 7.30 o'clock "e neada of every � �� Y J g
�� d�) 1iAV9 P
Y0 -ll
wife. -Euripides.
the evening, Visiting Sir Knights will always who came so Hent getting lite crown Litt, both married a good
_,�coive a hearty welcome. Go to A. E. EVANS, FASHIONABLE rests on the brow of Columbus. Raptured man quits each dozing sage, oh,
A. dal, TODD, Worshipful Preceptor BARBER, 2 doors cast of NEwS-RRCORD oP- The patent or coninhiasion of Henry VII. woman! for thy lovelier. page. -Alooro.
GEORGE HANLEY, Deputy Preceptor 0, tt•onitui! woman! thou art formed to bless
PETER CAN'VELON, Registrar free. Special attention given to LADIES to John Cabot and his tht•ce sons, Louis,
AND CHILDREN's Hairenttinn. Sebastian, and Sanctius, is dated Alarch 5, the heart of restless man, -Bird.
POMPADOUR HAIRCUTTING A SPECIALTY 1495, old style. The expedition (lid not set It is by women that Nature writes on the
Royal Black Preeeptory 39l out at aloe, for even in those days there hearts of ,non, -Sheridan.
1 were jealousies between nmtio»s, iipaiu, so The woman is not ,the servant of the man,
' Slow to give encouragement to its own, much less his scare.-Larnennais.
Black Knights of Ireland ^ yx," 1 , r later, intrepid discovoror, hn:cl, through its
: For me I'm woman's slave confcat-tvith-
,i+ Z v^ ° x o- Ambassador at the English court, instituted out her hopeless and urlblest. -Hogg.
Meets in the Orange hall, Blyth rho li'edne e.4 t�11(� +:�•
day after full moon of every montil. •1 p t., h intrigues by which the sailing of the Cabot Roses, like women, retain their sweetness
�� 'itr'j� ? I expedition was delayed until Lilo following after their beauty is lost.-Lamartine.
;xtractfon teeth. year.
•' traction tee Block, upstairs, opposite the - TILE COURSE OF TIIE FIRST VOYAGE, Everyone Cati guide air Ill wife Heal but Ill
r . Royal Black Preceptory 3i�1 III ge >l a that hasher. -Scot's Proverb.
r Post Ogee, Clinton. 49 The first Cabot expedition consisting of Every pretty woman should be a flirt
I' SW Night Bell answered. y y one small ship, the VlatLhew, left Bristol every clever woman a politiainn.
i.:,`,e,y; Black Knights of Ireland, +
M, my 3, 1497. The crew consisted of eight• Ouida.
,,,:," 4Viv1t41ra 1. Meets in the Orange Hall, Goderich, the Third 6' eel men, principally from Bristol. As
,t Monday of everymo¢th. Visiting Knights Ill ways stated in a foregoing puragrapb, chronicles Provided a woman be well principled all
_ - made welcome. S were not only few in those days but unser- has dowry enough. -Plautus,
�'W, L e 1�p W H MURNEY, Preceptor, Goderich P O 1� ro
? ''• ®�■ ��,8 a`tl� JAMES RUSTS, Ito•iatrar, Goderich P O .,YY �n���t� uoo���d Lain, ho that all accounts of the first voy- Right thought kept well in mind, no evi
r • 6 age of Cabot are meagre. Enough is known, thing can enter there. -Buddha.
W, Gunn, M. D. L. R. C. P. Edinburgh L. R. C, g-t�tr -DIRE OR.
/iy� ®Js�ti tV and ,his is in accord tivith the article by Every man is a worse man as he is unfit fo
E B. Edinburgh Licenciato of the Midwifery, L'din, St HURON CORA � LU t t! �'�' @ ftsm a'1 Dr. Howley, to state with certainty that the married state. -Johnson.
1.;,;•'' Office, on corner of Ontario and -William Sts., 1891 itS1Qp, li'alint diliOlD Cabot Sailed east from Bristol, rounded the Still wonnan draws new power from ever
E._ tCllnton. 47S•y' southeast.. const of Ireland, bent to the blessing and from every ill. --Lamp.
1S STOCKED WITH north, Hud after a few clays left the north Surprising! one woman can dials us so man
Names of the District ]ilasters, Primary on his right hand and began to sail west. rare sweets up together. -N. P.
®R. I"ilJ�lt9'��l.6Lfl.,. LodgeMastels, thelI` post Office act- A SELECT' ASSORTMENT voyage r This vo •:� a consnnhea three mouths' time,
dresses and date of meeting. On the return there was living in London Nature meant to make, woman its masts
_ .T. T. L. Turnbull, M. B, Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; -CF--- ' a Venetian merchant, Lorenzo Pas- piece. Leasing.
-C, M., Victoria Univ- M, C, P- y S. Ont, ;
,I 'l bellow of the obstetrical somoty of Edinburgh. BIDDULPH DISTRICT. r�}'� r��}{� t� raq ren qualigo, who wrote to his brcthors in Ve- Oh, fairest of creation! last and best of a
Lateot"London, Ln g., and'winburgh hospitals. John Neil, 1V.D.iL, Centralia P. 0, ���jTlCilij IT1111I GidI�C1l1ICllb nice that `bur countryman," [Weaning Ca- God's works.-yI11L01h,
Office: -Dr. Dowsley's stand, Rattenbury St. bot, had returned from a voyage, and that Woman is God's appointed agent of moral'
Night calls answered at Grand Union Hotel; 21"9-S., Elarlton. Greenway, Friday on l 700 leagues west he had discovered land.. A tv.-Hire, Iim c
(� Electric night bell at front entrance, or before full moon. Mall Papers letter Y ..rn Don RaimondQ Soncini, envoy
GG2-Thomas Coursey, Lucan, Saturday of the Duke of Milan at the court of Henry It is the low man thinks the woman low,
on or before full moon. Tennyson.
1 '. • WITH DORDERS TO MATCH, from live cent. VII. of England, was written about the
J. W. SHAW, M. D. C. M. 493-111chard Hodgins, Centralia, Wed rolls to the tinest gilt. Having bought my Papers same time as the one referred to above. Boole not Homan be destined to function
nesday on or before full moon. and faints for Spot Cash, and my practical ex- the most noble and elevated. --Plato.
' J. W, Shaw, M. D. C, Ni., Physician, Surgeon, The envoy was well acquainted with the
a}', I• I J. 826 -William HagBart, Grand Bend, perience justify me to saving that all wanting to q
Accoucher, etc. ORlco in the Palace-blocly Wednesday on or before full lnOOn. decorate their houses inside or paint them out- Cctbots. Raimondi wrote: "Some months The society of ladies 1s the school of polite
''.'• ` 1lattenbury 5t., tormcely occupied al Dr. Reeve, aide will find it to their advantage to give Inc n since his'Ma•est sent a Venetian who is a
890-W. E. McRoberts, Maple rove, call, g J Hess.-\Iountfort.
Clinton Ont. �i'ednes(lay on or before fall moon,st navigator and who has great skill in He that a good woman loves is fence
1, Jg Sion, south of OliverOlh'er Johnston's blacksmith discovering new isles. He bas returned safe against all evil. -Italian Proverb.
024-13cury Lalnbrook, Exeter, 1st Fri. shop, and directly opposite Dir. J. Chidley's dna sound after having discovered two isles,
'' �tgjvl. day in each month. residence i very {Ifo e' noble origin is breathed apo
"41,1071 -John Malls, Elimville, Saturday very large and fertile. He places the dis' be. hope's perpetual breath. --Nord
s' { covert' of the new land at 4001 leagues from worth.
s on or before full moon, ��� ���� the west coast of Ireland." There are
MANNING &SCOTT, 1007 -James C`,athers, Sylvan, Monday 1�,�p conflicting statement respecting this voy- The very first of human life must Spttin
On or before fall moon. age, or the result of it, but all accounts from womap s breast, -Byron:
, Barristers, age.. 1210 -James Gibson, West McGillivray, Frnutical'Paper Hangor and Painter agree that the first land discovered on the If woman lost us Eden, such as Ellie Rion
Thursday on or before full moon. voyage was that which now appears on the restore it. -Whittier,
ELLIGTT"$ I3LCC$, - CLINTON. 134.3 -Robert Sims, Crediton, Tuesday ' s as Ca pe Farewell on the lower point
on.or before full r000u, p I P Modesty i. woman is the prgtccting ro
Money to Loan. The l�cntllop Mutual Fire of Greenland. This being a blank and bar- to her virtue. -Heine.
510 -Joseph Huxtable, Centralia, Fri- ren Spot, also a headland, Cabot believed Everyone is as God has made her, an
! -'I 11 A. H. MANNING. TAS. SCOTT. day on or atter'full moon. there was an open ocean still to the west- oftentimes a great deal �Lotsc -Ce
I—— -----1 --11- --- .. ,.x, �, ....,... v,. Iu �.v. _ vfrnte� --
_ .. ..- . s'urauoe >t( :_S ward Hit uelred.,....anme' thTeo hundred ..w,.. ,
" �.'�°. -.. _".. ". GODI iiICli DISTRICT. it p
leagues and again discovered land. This
j1AVISON & JOHNSTON, Law, Chancery,and Geo. B, Hanley, VV.D.M., Clinton P. 0, must have been either Labrador or New. The wife is the keeper of the hushand
11 Conveyancing. otEce-West Street, next 145 -Willis Bell, Goderich, 1st Monday Farm and Isolated Town Proper- faundland. Dr. Howley is quite sure that soul. -Arabian Saying.
door to Post Office, Goderich, Ont. 57„ in each mouth. the land was Newfoundland. It was dis• 0, woman! in this world of ours, what bo
153 -Andrew Millan, Auburn, Friday ty only Insured, covered June 2, and las called by Cabot, can be compares to ties? -Morris.
0. HAYS, Solicitor, dc. offlee, corner of on or before full moon. St. John. The date of the discovery was
• Square and West Street, over Butler's Book OFFICERS, on St. John's da From all the data ob- Seek in .- need the counsel of a wise w
182-1Y. II. Ivtutney, Goderich, last Y'• man. -Calderon.
$tore, Goderich, Ont, 87' Tuesday 1n each month. Thos. E. Hsps, President, Seaforth P. 0. ; W. tainable, they are in support of the landfall
d� Money to lend pt lowest rates of Sutoresb, J. Shannon, Sccy•Treas., Seaforth P,;O. ; John of the first voyage, being on the east coast of Upon a sudden motion and untaught
169-A(lam Gultelon Ilolme8ytlle, )lion- Hannah, \Tanager, Seaforth P. O, woman for the moat part reasons11
' day on or before full moon. fiewfoundland, Old maps which are not
252 -James wells, Faltford, 3rd Wed- Jas, Broadfoot, scaforth ; Donald Ross, Clin• regarded as accuraLe as one could wish, aro
CAMPION, Barrister,Attorne ,Solicitor In also in support of this claim. Be it ever confeas'd, from her than recei+
y nefiila in each month. ton; Gabriel Imi�tt, Clinton ; George Watt, [ P both refinement and zest.—Moore.
Chancery, Conveyancer, &c. omee over Y
3erdan's Drug Store, the rooms formerly occu 006 -George A. Cooper. Clinton, 1st llnrlocic ; Jose,,h Lrnns, Beechwood ; J. Shan- THE SECOND VOYAGE OF CABOT. She was a phantom of delight when fir
non, Walton ; Thos. Gurbart, Clinton.
pied by Judge Doyle, Alonday in each month. The Discoverer returned by the same she glanced.upon my'sight.-Nord
g� Any amount of money to loan at lowest .L- AGENTS• course, In 1498 the second voyage was worih. . ,
otos of interest. 1•ly• HULLETT DISTRICT. Thos. Neil nos, Harlock; Robt. McDlilhur, Sca• made and we have something more tangible Contact with a high'minded woman is go
Perth ;-S. Carnochan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan
A. 1J, Tod(lr �V. 1�.;1i., Clinton P.O. and Geo. Murdie, Auditors about that. Jn it we have some allusions for the life of any man. -Vincent.
ltcttalzee it e 710-W.'G. Ftn!th Clinton, 2nd Mon- Parties desirous to effect Insurance or to latitude which did not appear in the Religion diredts us rather to secure inwa
qI • transact other business will lie Promptly attend• first account. It is agreed that Cabot in pence Riau outward ease.-Wwtis.
c (lily ill each mono 1. e I to oil a 1 licati n to any of the nhove olflcers,
- Sly -,James Hortie IV las` 1 P G his second exposition had in view the same In affairs of emotion moral and reliio
--` -_ Yr p, • addressed to their respective post c6ice.s. object Lhat prompted him in the first, t.'hat women will always lead,-Parkor,
H. W. BALL Wednesday before rull moon.
� was to Sada passage to C'illiango and Be but yourselves, be pure, he true, a
02S -Thomas Mellgeen, Summerhill;
UOTIONEER for Huron County. Sales at • 1st Monday in each month. 'PROPERTY FOR SALE OF Cataia, the imaginary Inn« of spices, of the prompt in duty. -Whittier.
jil tended to in any part of the County. Ad- o�w, RENT.-Adccrtiscra will Lind "Th, Silk and Brazil wood, of the gold and pre- h:niov the spring of love and youth,
dress orders toGODERIO11P 0, V-17. 825 -John Briutnell, Chiselhurst, 1st �k!
Honda In each mouth. er Newslle1 c11'T one of the best medium! cions gems. Hance he made for the same 10 some µ Loa angel leave the rest;
Y in the County of Huron. Advertise in place at which lie discovered land on the For time +viii Lomeli thee soon the trilth,
"The News-Itec.Ord"- The Double Circulation
CUAS. 31AIMIILTON, STANLEY DISTRICT. Tants to Thousands. Rates as Iow as any. JE.etc`I'110110,
us voyage. This is made indis- There are no birds in last year's nest.
e by a letter from Rainlond-) of-Longfollow.
UOTIONEER, land, loan and insurance agent Joseph Footer, W,D \I., Varna P. 0- _ - - — 1497, in which occur these ,fords:
Blyth. Sales attonded in town and country, 24 -John Pollock Bayfield, 1st Monday "He [meaning Qabot] intends starting from arrict BEeeher StmS•c'e` Lnet 1Duy e.
n- eaeonabhe,vitas. _A list of farmsand,vtllage r-. •+- - �1_� _ .. _ _.., . __
_--1 t._,I -I'-, T:: _'1n ElUOTI"m'frnY,f�:. - ..-.. ., - . _ _
for enib. bfoney'to`id'an'-ait'i}ttad-�'9t3te; "at� ��yDDp�� Abp -OLD the point altcady occupied the previous The gifted authoress of `Uncle �on
'ow rates of interest, Ingnrance effected on all 308 -James I{eyes, Varna, 1st Tuesday year, to go farther toward tine east [mean- Cabfih," now 80 years Of ago, is said to
,asses of property. Notes and debts collected. Organic Weakness, Failing hfomory, Lack of �' failinu ra idl A gentleman who recent
p p in each month. Energy, Phvaical Decay, positively cured by ing the west], coasting along all the time. rapidly.
,goods appraised, and sold on commission. Bank- 833 -Robert Nicholson, Make, 1st Wed- HazeI.Y.." Vitalizer. Also Nervous Debility, This second expedition started on the be. visited her home fn Hartford tella a N
iuptetoakaboughtnndsold. nesday in each month, Dimness of St ht, Lovsof Ambition Unfitness ginning y,
Blyth. Dec. ug t an, to Ma +; ' innin of May, 1493. It consisted of six York correspondent that she as ails ve
733 -Joan Berry, Hensall, 1st Thursday Marry, taunted Deve'opment, Loss of Power vessels and 300 men. From all descri tions much of late and her mind is so cloud
Pains in the Back, Night Emissions, Drain in
In each month. Urine, Seminal Looses, Sleeplessness Aversion of the adventures of this Second expedition, that she cannot talk consecutively an a
Photographers 1035 -William Rothwell, Varna, 1st to Society, Unfit for Study, Excessive Indu1• encouutoritlg large quantities of tee, days subject. She is ,not confined to her ro
gonce, etc., eta Every bottle guaranteed. that were almost perpetual, tine nights be- and she does not require a physician's ca
Thursday In each month. P P f3 1
for t sold yearly. AddrEL enclosing stampp in ver bright, the conclusion is inevitable but her friends are A gr heuanve that t
K�'NoTE.-Any omissions or other errors will for treatise, J. E. HAZELTON, Graduated g Y g
' end is not far off. A real titan lett
�I J �p be promptly corrected on writing direct to tips Pharmacist. 308 Yonre 8t., Toronto, Ont. that Cabot in his second voyage went very R Y
County Master, Bro. A. M. Todd, Clinton 2.0. far north near the seventieth degree of still come to her, but those she does not s
41 �..� latitude. Ramusio one of the writers She is constantly tinder surveillance.
If 11 .yy CL'.�-���� ILI, HEADS, NOTE of that voyage, says Cabot went as far last days are made as pleasant as weal
B Ile -da, Letter Heads, Tags, ■ " ,,� L. north as 87•. Another writer, Gomara, and kind friends can make them, but a
Statements, Circulars, Business LU � q N d � wrote : "They went beyond or above, the seems to know nothing of what is going
.Life Size Portraits a Sueoiaitp. Cards, Envelopes, Programmee, R-, that ie, Ca a Cltidle or about her, anti, indied, is almost as he
etc., Ste., prfntei in a workman. m C p Cape of Labrador, P y Mrs, Stowe's books at
like manner and at lou rates, ca �ti,� y, w o Chudley, and even went farther than that leas as a child..
THF NEWS RECORD N-- b ' t venth de roe toward the sell well.
' tdr� � ani
,. I.
n -
Cheaper In the
>,n�mayl . T THF, I�AR F.�88f n 7? n• 1�t .,t lntlet^ hq confegsott t�s,t tit. ere. appostrs to
,r -,•--:t ,..,,,,-a d 1 4t. _ 4, T 1 LANDFALL bq n Doll deal 0£ a9r tllwt btttl Cliwt>t soatayca
latgo aUaoop,t.of J'rivo(or4QuA to loan, T,ow stud' your viva it tors. t.ao.. liR IN lege
you quit goy ,. .".."1111r..IiorthWttird eu hie soduuil virga 'o ho would
F it!toa> lnterQ�6 f1, , ivifA131f'`,ikavo dipcoyored the Golf of t. Lawrouge
Sollol or tto, r. N. f:WFAUNI?kIANR. A�4R l,AIRADOi;
Qtttg , ; >'orrltl'e.loclF• and gene"up thq ht, .[,awrancb Rtrox, t►1us
_ Reba 1e arn,Q,s8I EACH. QLAIM TQ BE THE PLACE. robbing Jacques Cartier e£ tine glory he
,_ q �+
sM S%i„. +r�.� -.- ,.,, atikllCVEs(I iritCC, a
or ion hat , t .
t e 0 t r i bar OF T Y I lU 10 t 9 t, C
I an c u n n but . t.. qo. , n etln s it bas b
to u a t r e e l$ � e >i
+--.--.-- o rmer to lil.•-
Th �'o _. re o nva qc
tt eu t >� t1
e r t Aea the v
wa a oho s h, aaGi c.. 'as v a .ef
Jy 9 1; � a i" Pilo1 cast of
/�1tIESUtiuolLlBERoPlvrs-top sallrtaurgggihlo ut:ta cu p'' latuifa.)1 woo soglewherq, on �I a e. s. us
.L' PIAlklln' Got0gonOngg� qn �tbelft Oreet, des 9 i' Q. , 7` call And, rioea. Ursiors toulros of tete Stmt auct second Toya A N'ewfonadlandt abort latitude 411 or 00, is
two froatio on 1lrrttgttYury l}troetl Althgr etc izt, mftll gromplyaytgndad to„
Df90 or in so p,crate tote, to suit purkfhaoers. For Tlie 8aoeltd IGxk..alttorl Believed to nave sultytRiltiitteti kl�' y119. grotttk number of atantezi
turthorpartllgulateapplytatltaundorel8ried.••-li. e]qr,�? occurring lutllq exact order that is given
pINBLEY, pllnton. $132 I3ecn Up'Through ]3u<lso)1 a Strait. on tile' earliest maps; as for prompts, La•
gARNEva9 EMPORIUM, iiLYTI1r ON"C brador, Fortune, Coftereal, ymego, Aveo, !,
W o Col bu L-' c t t in jDl
h n Columbus 'iras ma In h tr s, or Bird Island, Bonntvista, onaventuro,
A. A. U. W. J, E, BLACI{A.T<LI Vctorinary Llebon as a means of livelihood !,e droamed Puucalaos, Buy of Coneeptiop, St. Francis,
The Clinton Lodge, No. 144. mgcts in Biddle•!Mon
Surgeon, honorary gradutita of of it country which he thought was a pro. .Ca e S pear, Fermo iae. Iionouse, Cape
comb's Hall, opposito the market, the let and srd .olltarlO yetorinary f' Ito, ,treats to, P i
Fridays in small month. Visitors cordially it%-dleoases of all ,amostlo atilmale longation of the euetOxn Share of Asia IIs Rmce (or De Basso), St. AVary'q, Capo
vited. R. $ToNEumi, M. W,; J, BEAN, Recorder, the most Inv ornandsultntIAG. lived to discover the lancl of his dreams, but Pine, Bay Despoirt told after - those,
' , 699y prinolPlee. d� , 118 attotidgd to it•was not a contiunatigtt of Asia, 1t was a conning to the island of Cape Bre-
eight or day. Office IminedittoI west of the new continent, stretohing north and south tun -0 have St. Paul's, Cupa Srnolty
11 ^—^—^ old P.oyal Hotel, Ontario street. RaaI once- from the Arctic to the AntaretioCircles. In r '
Albert etroot, Oilntgn. 649-8m (I• innosu), Cape Breton, etc. All these
��}7ll�ijo�14f. ,like maimer that other discoverer of re• names occur on those early maps, Shortly
'- -- • , ' ABEL S.;WEEKE% nown, John Cabot, found another land than after Cabut's discovery, so do they exist to-
V/`ILINTON Lodge,' No. 84, A. F. & A. Civil Engineer, - P, L. `uurveyor, that which he expected. From over the Clay. There is no vestige of Prima Vista,
J meats aver•y Friday, on or atter the waters of the great, undiscovered seas there no suspicion of a knowledge of the Gulf of
moon. VialoyertrethrenoordiLoUvinvited. Draughtsman, eiC. came to Cabot a vision of a country on St, Lawernce, or the island of 5t. John
RIGH HF.YWOOD, w. D. OWE NBALLARD, Site Ot6ce-Upstairs in Perrin's Block, Clinton, Ont which were blowing spicy breezes, and (prince Edward Island), so that until
Clinton Jan. 14, 1890. 1• where silk, Brazil wood, gold and precious stronger proof be forttcoining it would be
ALLANgems were in profusion. III his first vogage, unreasonable, oil Such a doubtful one as
LINE: 14M, he Sought the land.of hos dream. .The this Supposed map of CnLot, to upset tine
1 . object of his Second veva�ro, a year later laud traditions which lnnve been held uuhnoken
(grally. BOYAL MAIL STE.�16ISHIPS s for its enol the amino: Iu ,,nese vowwcs Cabot
a for so many ucntpries, and which are
— —T aa�q � ���E®8N RA.�� ES discovered land whiuh gave 1,nu a con- foutnded on tin. most wall,ittic records in
L® 'BI 0 I &® we spicuuns place as a discoverer. His discov our possession.
• ' L. ' f Steamers sale regularly from cries, like most groat events, have caused
CiYNTOINs couaiderablo controversy. This is in part LOVELY WOMAN.
Meets exeo-0 Monday of every Portland to Liverpool' M THS. t Clue to the lack of facility or failure to
' •lrl
Ill the
r ,Ihuls l
appreciate he importance n 'e , s events
{{'hut the Greatest r
oath Hall, Std flat \ ictorla
u re e t Stu 1(, (f such e n
m Cabin, and u raid.. Second Cuhin'11, I P P
blade(. welcome.
brethren always p ' by the chroniclers of the period in uestion. Ifave Said of Her.
made tveleome. Steorngo at low rates. No Cattle aarriccl, I q
` W. G. SDI[TI�, W. M } In the Magazine of :lutstivan History the
�•. +a•• IC ) i `RVICL' OF b Y Romann};er, woman ., must perfect when
M S TA i E 1 ALLAN LINE Rt. Rev. M. F. Howley, D. D. P. A., has most +volnuinly.-GlaaaLonc.
-`_,„ LI N FE. 111 STLAMS141PS. undertaken to seLtlo Lite question as to the Earth has nothing more., tender than a pious
y� y NEW ' YORK AND GLASGOW landfall of Cabot, Tboro is Uhuch in the woman's heart. -Luther.
P_ ark `LM114ittot via Londonderry, every Fortulght. Cabin, $4o article that is argumentative, tktc writer e.1 woman's atrenf ,I is most potent when
and upwards. Second Cabin, $3o. Steerage at having made the assertion in the opening robed in gentleness.-Lamartine.
-' '-' _ . ' low rates. paragraph that he proposed to establish his Disgcisu our onda•,n as we will, 'tis {vo-
Apply to 11. & A. ALLAN, wontreal ; or to point before he let go. He has certainly man, woman rules us still. -Moore.
A. O. PATTISON or iV.i1, JACISS!)N, Ullnto». done so to bis own satisfaction, at least.
_ Dr. Howlev is a Newfouudluuder, reared as To woman's gentle kind we owe what com-
he says inn ilia tradition which has been held for La and delights its hero.-Crabbe.
,9 r����-a� froun time immemorial that "Bunavista, Heaven will be no hemven to me if I cis not
happy sight," wits the landfall. .raid from nu:et lily wife there, -Andrew Jackson.
The ondersignod being uecess%rlly absent frOnt that point of land lie proceeds to establish Even in the darkest hour of e;trthly ill
f town P,it• sorno thee, has Icft ifs hooks and leis claim that soulewhc,e in that section, +voun(u's food affection glows. -Sand.
jubilee Pref ploll N0 1Rl aceouuts pith yl ""' i Sleft to whom pup on the coact of -Newfoundland, John C:lbot
r I i j menta nuc be made.
J ! I ' JOAN WISF,DIAN. ' ran up the Standards of Euglaud and of Death is the drooping of the flower that the
Venice, or St. Mark. fruit may swell. -Beecher.
love there's in
Eternal •o and everlasting .
o Ireland
l It Knights A t•' o tit au ho his own well-ar- joy B aC�� r Leaving t e author .f � c �
Meets In the Clinton Orange Hull, the second ranted arguments, it is only necessary to• yon woman, lovely r+omiun.-Otvruv.
his fortune
"'t ivau Ruth secured
� e
That ie for of the vo 'a _a of the Iltau
'cl0 k in
resent ti s
v month at 7.30 o'clock "e neada of every � �� Y J g
�� d�) 1iAV9 P
Y0 -ll
wife. -Euripides.
the evening, Visiting Sir Knights will always who came so Hent getting lite crown Litt, both married a good
_,�coive a hearty welcome. Go to A. E. EVANS, FASHIONABLE rests on the brow of Columbus. Raptured man quits each dozing sage, oh,
A. dal, TODD, Worshipful Preceptor BARBER, 2 doors cast of NEwS-RRCORD oP- The patent or coninhiasion of Henry VII. woman! for thy lovelier. page. -Alooro.
GEORGE HANLEY, Deputy Preceptor 0, tt•onitui! woman! thou art formed to bless
PETER CAN'VELON, Registrar free. Special attention given to LADIES to John Cabot and his tht•ce sons, Louis,
AND CHILDREN's Hairenttinn. Sebastian, and Sanctius, is dated Alarch 5, the heart of restless man, -Bird.
POMPADOUR HAIRCUTTING A SPECIALTY 1495, old style. The expedition (lid not set It is by women that Nature writes on the
Royal Black Preeeptory 39l out at aloe, for even in those days there hearts of ,non, -Sheridan.
1 were jealousies between nmtio»s, iipaiu, so The woman is not ,the servant of the man,
' Slow to give encouragement to its own, much less his scare.-Larnennais.
Black Knights of Ireland ^ yx," 1 , r later, intrepid discovoror, hn:cl, through its
: For me I'm woman's slave confcat-tvith-
,i+ Z v^ ° x o- Ambassador at the English court, instituted out her hopeless and urlblest. -Hogg.
Meets in the Orange hall, Blyth rho li'edne e.4 t�11(� +:�•
day after full moon of every montil. •1 p t., h intrigues by which the sailing of the Cabot Roses, like women, retain their sweetness
�� 'itr'j� ? I expedition was delayed until Lilo following after their beauty is lost.-Lamartine.
;xtractfon teeth. year.
•' traction tee Block, upstairs, opposite the - TILE COURSE OF TIIE FIRST VOYAGE, Everyone Cati guide air Ill wife Heal but Ill
r . Royal Black Preceptory 3i�1 III ge >l a that hasher. -Scot's Proverb.
r Post Ogee, Clinton. 49 The first Cabot expedition consisting of Every pretty woman should be a flirt
I' SW Night Bell answered. y y one small ship, the VlatLhew, left Bristol every clever woman a politiainn.
i.:,`,e,y; Black Knights of Ireland, +
M, my 3, 1497. The crew consisted of eight• Ouida.
,,,:," 4Viv1t41ra 1. Meets in the Orange Hall, Goderich, the Third 6' eel men, principally from Bristol. As
,t Monday of everymo¢th. Visiting Knights Ill ways stated in a foregoing puragrapb, chronicles Provided a woman be well principled all
_ - made welcome. S were not only few in those days but unser- has dowry enough. -Plautus,
�'W, L e 1�p W H MURNEY, Preceptor, Goderich P O 1� ro
? ''• ®�■ ��,8 a`tl� JAMES RUSTS, Ito•iatrar, Goderich P O .,YY �n���t� uoo���d Lain, ho that all accounts of the first voy- Right thought kept well in mind, no evi
r • 6 age of Cabot are meagre. Enough is known, thing can enter there. -Buddha.
W, Gunn, M. D. L. R. C. P. Edinburgh L. R. C, g-t�tr -DIRE OR.
/iy� ®Js�ti tV and ,his is in accord tivith the article by Every man is a worse man as he is unfit fo
E B. Edinburgh Licenciato of the Midwifery, L'din, St HURON CORA � LU t t! �'�' @ ftsm a'1 Dr. Howley, to state with certainty that the married state. -Johnson.
1.;,;•'' Office, on corner of Ontario and -William Sts., 1891 itS1Qp, li'alint diliOlD Cabot Sailed east from Bristol, rounded the Still wonnan draws new power from ever
E._ tCllnton. 47S•y' southeast.. const of Ireland, bent to the blessing and from every ill. --Lamp.
1S STOCKED WITH north, Hud after a few clays left the north Surprising! one woman can dials us so man
Names of the District ]ilasters, Primary on his right hand and began to sail west. rare sweets up together. -N. P.
®R. I"ilJ�lt9'��l.6Lfl.,. LodgeMastels, thelI` post Office act- A SELECT' ASSORTMENT voyage r This vo •:� a consnnhea three mouths' time,
dresses and date of meeting. On the return there was living in London Nature meant to make, woman its masts
_ .T. T. L. Turnbull, M. B, Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; -CF--- ' a Venetian merchant, Lorenzo Pas- piece. Leasing.
-C, M., Victoria Univ- M, C, P- y S. Ont, ;
,I 'l bellow of the obstetrical somoty of Edinburgh. BIDDULPH DISTRICT. r�}'� r��}{� t� raq ren qualigo, who wrote to his brcthors in Ve- Oh, fairest of creation! last and best of a
Lateot"London, Ln g., and'winburgh hospitals. John Neil, 1V.D.iL, Centralia P. 0, ���jTlCilij IT1111I GidI�C1l1ICllb nice that `bur countryman," [Weaning Ca- God's works.-yI11L01h,
Office: -Dr. Dowsley's stand, Rattenbury St. bot, had returned from a voyage, and that Woman is God's appointed agent of moral'
Night calls answered at Grand Union Hotel; 21"9-S., Elarlton. Greenway, Friday on l 700 leagues west he had discovered land.. A tv.-Hire, Iim c
(� Electric night bell at front entrance, or before full moon. Mall Papers letter Y ..rn Don RaimondQ Soncini, envoy
GG2-Thomas Coursey, Lucan, Saturday of the Duke of Milan at the court of Henry It is the low man thinks the woman low,
on or before full moon. Tennyson.
1 '. • WITH DORDERS TO MATCH, from live cent. VII. of England, was written about the
J. W. SHAW, M. D. C. M. 493-111chard Hodgins, Centralia, Wed rolls to the tinest gilt. Having bought my Papers same time as the one referred to above. Boole not Homan be destined to function
nesday on or before full moon. and faints for Spot Cash, and my practical ex- the most noble and elevated. --Plato.
' J. W, Shaw, M. D. C, Ni., Physician, Surgeon, The envoy was well acquainted with the
a}', I• I J. 826 -William HagBart, Grand Bend, perience justify me to saving that all wanting to q
Accoucher, etc. ORlco in the Palace-blocly Wednesday on or before full lnOOn. decorate their houses inside or paint them out- Cctbots. Raimondi wrote: "Some months The society of ladies 1s the school of polite
''.'• ` 1lattenbury 5t., tormcely occupied al Dr. Reeve, aide will find it to their advantage to give Inc n since his'Ma•est sent a Venetian who is a
890-W. E. McRoberts, Maple rove, call, g J Hess.-\Iountfort.
Clinton Ont. �i'ednes(lay on or before fall moon,st navigator and who has great skill in He that a good woman loves is fence
1, Jg Sion, south of OliverOlh'er Johnston's blacksmith discovering new isles. He bas returned safe against all evil. -Italian Proverb.
024-13cury Lalnbrook, Exeter, 1st Fri. shop, and directly opposite Dir. J. Chidley's dna sound after having discovered two isles,
'' �tgjvl. day in each month. residence i very {Ifo e' noble origin is breathed apo
"41,1071 -John Malls, Elimville, Saturday very large and fertile. He places the dis' be. hope's perpetual breath. --Nord
s' { covert' of the new land at 4001 leagues from worth.
s on or before full moon, ��� ���� the west coast of Ireland." There are
MANNING &SCOTT, 1007 -James C`,athers, Sylvan, Monday 1�,�p conflicting statement respecting this voy- The very first of human life must Spttin
On or before fall moon. age, or the result of it, but all accounts from womap s breast, -Byron:
, Barristers, age.. 1210 -James Gibson, West McGillivray, Frnutical'Paper Hangor and Painter agree that the first land discovered on the If woman lost us Eden, such as Ellie Rion
Thursday on or before full moon. voyage was that which now appears on the restore it. -Whittier,
ELLIGTT"$ I3LCC$, - CLINTON. 134.3 -Robert Sims, Crediton, Tuesday ' s as Ca pe Farewell on the lower point
on.or before full r000u, p I P Modesty i. woman is the prgtccting ro
Money to Loan. The l�cntllop Mutual Fire of Greenland. This being a blank and bar- to her virtue. -Heine.
510 -Joseph Huxtable, Centralia, Fri- ren Spot, also a headland, Cabot believed Everyone is as God has made her, an
! -'I 11 A. H. MANNING. TAS. SCOTT. day on or atter'full moon. there was an open ocean still to the west- oftentimes a great deal �Lotsc -Ce
I—— -----1 --11- --- .. ,.x, �, ....,... v,. Iu �.v. _ vfrnte� --
_ .. ..- . s'urauoe >t( :_S ward Hit uelred.,....anme' thTeo hundred ..w,.. ,
" �.'�°. -.. _".. ". GODI iiICli DISTRICT. it p
leagues and again discovered land. This
j1AVISON & JOHNSTON, Law, Chancery,and Geo. B, Hanley, VV.D.M., Clinton P. 0, must have been either Labrador or New. The wife is the keeper of the hushand
11 Conveyancing. otEce-West Street, next 145 -Willis Bell, Goderich, 1st Monday Farm and Isolated Town Proper- faundland. Dr. Howley is quite sure that soul. -Arabian Saying.
door to Post Office, Goderich, Ont. 57„ in each mouth. the land was Newfoundland. It was dis• 0, woman! in this world of ours, what bo
153 -Andrew Millan, Auburn, Friday ty only Insured, covered June 2, and las called by Cabot, can be compares to ties? -Morris.
0. HAYS, Solicitor, dc. offlee, corner of on or before full moon. St. John. The date of the discovery was
• Square and West Street, over Butler's Book OFFICERS, on St. John's da From all the data ob- Seek in .- need the counsel of a wise w
182-1Y. II. Ivtutney, Goderich, last Y'• man. -Calderon.
$tore, Goderich, Ont, 87' Tuesday 1n each month. Thos. E. Hsps, President, Seaforth P. 0. ; W. tainable, they are in support of the landfall
d� Money to lend pt lowest rates of Sutoresb, J. Shannon, Sccy•Treas., Seaforth P,;O. ; John of the first voyage, being on the east coast of Upon a sudden motion and untaught
169-A(lam Gultelon Ilolme8ytlle, )lion- Hannah, \Tanager, Seaforth P. O, woman for the moat part reasons11
' day on or before full moon. fiewfoundland, Old maps which are not
252 -James wells, Faltford, 3rd Wed- Jas, Broadfoot, scaforth ; Donald Ross, Clin• regarded as accuraLe as one could wish, aro
CAMPION, Barrister,Attorne ,Solicitor In also in support of this claim. Be it ever confeas'd, from her than recei+
y nefiila in each month. ton; Gabriel Imi�tt, Clinton ; George Watt, [ P both refinement and zest.—Moore.
Chancery, Conveyancer, &c. omee over Y
3erdan's Drug Store, the rooms formerly occu 006 -George A. Cooper. Clinton, 1st llnrlocic ; Jose,,h Lrnns, Beechwood ; J. Shan- THE SECOND VOYAGE OF CABOT. She was a phantom of delight when fir
non, Walton ; Thos. Gurbart, Clinton.
pied by Judge Doyle, Alonday in each month. The Discoverer returned by the same she glanced.upon my'sight.-Nord
g� Any amount of money to loan at lowest .L- AGENTS• course, In 1498 the second voyage was worih. . ,
otos of interest. 1•ly• HULLETT DISTRICT. Thos. Neil nos, Harlock; Robt. McDlilhur, Sca• made and we have something more tangible Contact with a high'minded woman is go
Perth ;-S. Carnochan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan
A. 1J, Tod(lr �V. 1�.;1i., Clinton P.O. and Geo. Murdie, Auditors about that. Jn it we have some allusions for the life of any man. -Vincent.
ltcttalzee it e 710-W.'G. Ftn!th Clinton, 2nd Mon- Parties desirous to effect Insurance or to latitude which did not appear in the Religion diredts us rather to secure inwa
qI • transact other business will lie Promptly attend• first account. It is agreed that Cabot in pence Riau outward ease.-Wwtis.
c (lily ill each mono 1. e I to oil a 1 licati n to any of the nhove olflcers,
- Sly -,James Hortie IV las` 1 P G his second exposition had in view the same In affairs of emotion moral and reliio
--` -_ Yr p, • addressed to their respective post c6ice.s. object Lhat prompted him in the first, t.'hat women will always lead,-Parkor,
H. W. BALL Wednesday before rull moon.
� was to Sada passage to C'illiango and Be but yourselves, be pure, he true, a
02S -Thomas Mellgeen, Summerhill;
UOTIONEER for Huron County. Sales at • 1st Monday in each month. 'PROPERTY FOR SALE OF Cataia, the imaginary Inn« of spices, of the prompt in duty. -Whittier.
jil tended to in any part of the County. Ad- o�w, RENT.-Adccrtiscra will Lind "Th, Silk and Brazil wood, of the gold and pre- h:niov the spring of love and youth,
dress orders toGODERIO11P 0, V-17. 825 -John Briutnell, Chiselhurst, 1st �k!
Honda In each mouth. er Newslle1 c11'T one of the best medium! cions gems. Hance he made for the same 10 some µ Loa angel leave the rest;
Y in the County of Huron. Advertise in place at which lie discovered land on the For time +viii Lomeli thee soon the trilth,
"The News-Itec.Ord"- The Double Circulation
CUAS. 31AIMIILTON, STANLEY DISTRICT. Tants to Thousands. Rates as Iow as any. JE.etc`I'110110,
us voyage. This is made indis- There are no birds in last year's nest.
e by a letter from Rainlond-) of-Longfollow.
UOTIONEER, land, loan and insurance agent Joseph Footer, W,D \I., Varna P. 0- _ - - — 1497, in which occur these ,fords:
Blyth. Sales attonded in town and country, 24 -John Pollock Bayfield, 1st Monday "He [meaning Qabot] intends starting from arrict BEeeher StmS•c'e` Lnet 1Duy e.
n- eaeonabhe,vitas. _A list of farmsand,vtllage r-. •+- - �1_� _ .. _ _.., . __
_--1 t._,I -I'-, T:: _'1n ElUOTI"m'frnY,f�:. - ..-.. ., - . _ _
for enib. bfoney'to`id'an'-ait'i}ttad-�'9t3te; "at� ��yDDp�� Abp -OLD the point altcady occupied the previous The gifted authoress of `Uncle �on
'ow rates of interest, Ingnrance effected on all 308 -James I{eyes, Varna, 1st Tuesday year, to go farther toward tine east [mean- Cabfih," now 80 years Of ago, is said to
,asses of property. Notes and debts collected. Organic Weakness, Failing hfomory, Lack of �' failinu ra idl A gentleman who recent
p p in each month. Energy, Phvaical Decay, positively cured by ing the west], coasting along all the time. rapidly.
,goods appraised, and sold on commission. Bank- 833 -Robert Nicholson, Make, 1st Wed- HazeI.Y.." Vitalizer. Also Nervous Debility, This second expedition started on the be. visited her home fn Hartford tella a N
iuptetoakaboughtnndsold. nesday in each month, Dimness of St ht, Lovsof Ambition Unfitness ginning y,
Blyth. Dec. ug t an, to Ma +; ' innin of May, 1493. It consisted of six York correspondent that she as ails ve
733 -Joan Berry, Hensall, 1st Thursday Marry, taunted Deve'opment, Loss of Power vessels and 300 men. From all descri tions much of late and her mind is so cloud
Pains in the Back, Night Emissions, Drain in
In each month. Urine, Seminal Looses, Sleeplessness Aversion of the adventures of this Second expedition, that she cannot talk consecutively an a
Photographers 1035 -William Rothwell, Varna, 1st to Society, Unfit for Study, Excessive Indu1• encouutoritlg large quantities of tee, days subject. She is ,not confined to her ro
gonce, etc., eta Every bottle guaranteed. that were almost perpetual, tine nights be- and she does not require a physician's ca
Thursday In each month. P P f3 1
for t sold yearly. AddrEL enclosing stampp in ver bright, the conclusion is inevitable but her friends are A gr heuanve that t
K�'NoTE.-Any omissions or other errors will for treatise, J. E. HAZELTON, Graduated g Y g
' end is not far off. A real titan lett
�I J �p be promptly corrected on writing direct to tips Pharmacist. 308 Yonre 8t., Toronto, Ont. that Cabot in his second voyage went very R Y
County Master, Bro. A. M. Todd, Clinton 2.0. far north near the seventieth degree of still come to her, but those she does not s
41 �..� latitude. Ramusio one of the writers She is constantly tinder surveillance.
If 11 .yy CL'.�-���� ILI, HEADS, NOTE of that voyage, says Cabot went as far last days are made as pleasant as weal
B Ile -da, Letter Heads, Tags, ■ " ,,� L. north as 87•. Another writer, Gomara, and kind friends can make them, but a
Statements, Circulars, Business LU � q N d � wrote : "They went beyond or above, the seems to know nothing of what is going
.Life Size Portraits a Sueoiaitp. Cards, Envelopes, Programmee, R-, that ie, Ca a Cltidle or about her, anti, indied, is almost as he
etc., Ste., prfntei in a workman. m C p Cape of Labrador, P y Mrs, Stowe's books at
like manner and at lou rates, ca �ti,� y, w o Chudley, and even went farther than that leas as a child..
THF NEWS RECORD N-- b ' t venth de roe toward the sell well.
' tdr� � ani
. 4
11 I
n -
faundland. Thence he coasted along south-
and westwardly as f'tr as Cuba un-
a F
o ,4 q
>,n�mayl . T THF, I�AR F.�88f n 7? n• 1�t .,t lntlet^ hq confegsott t�s,t tit. ere. appostrs to
,r -,•--:t ,..,,,,-a d 1 4t. _ 4, T 1 LANDFALL bq n Doll deal 0£ a9r tllwt btttl Cliwt>t soatayca
latgo aUaoop,t.of J'rivo(or4QuA to loan, T,ow stud' your viva it tors. t.ao.. liR IN lege
you quit goy ,. .".."1111r..IiorthWttird eu hie soduuil virga 'o ho would
F it!toa> lnterQ�6 f1, , ivifA131f'`,ikavo dipcoyored the Golf of t. Lawrouge
Sollol or tto, r. N. f:WFAUNI?kIANR. A�4R l,AIRADOi;
Qtttg , ; >'orrltl'e.loclF• and gene"up thq ht, .[,awrancb Rtrox, t►1us
_ Reba 1e arn,Q,s8I EACH. QLAIM TQ BE THE PLACE. robbing Jacques Cartier e£ tine glory he
,_ q �+
sM S%i„. +r�.� -.- ,.,, atikllCVEs(I iritCC, a
or ion hat , t .
t e 0 t r i bar OF T Y I lU 10 t 9 t, C
I an c u n n but . t.. qo. , n etln s it bas b
to u a t r e e l$ � e >i
+--.--.-- o rmer to lil.•-
Th �'o _. re o nva qc
tt eu t >� t1
e r t Aea the v
wa a oho s h, aaGi c.. 'as v a .ef
Jy 9 1; � a i" Pilo1 cast of
/�1tIESUtiuolLlBERoPlvrs-top sallrtaurgggihlo ut:ta cu p'' latuifa.)1 woo soglewherq, on �I a e. s. us
.L' PIAlklln' Got0gonOngg� qn �tbelft Oreet, des 9 i' Q. , 7` call And, rioea. Ursiors toulros of tete Stmt auct second Toya A N'ewfonadlandt abort latitude 411 or 00, is
two froatio on 1lrrttgttYury l}troetl Althgr etc izt, mftll gromplyaytgndad to„
Df90 or in so p,crate tote, to suit purkfhaoers. For Tlie 8aoeltd IGxk..alttorl Believed to nave sultytRiltiitteti kl�' y119. grotttk number of atantezi
turthorpartllgulateapplytatltaundorel8ried.••-li. e]qr,�? occurring lutllq exact order that is given
pINBLEY, pllnton. $132 I3ecn Up'Through ]3u<lso)1 a Strait. on tile' earliest maps; as for prompts, La•
gARNEva9 EMPORIUM, iiLYTI1r ON"C brador, Fortune, Coftereal, ymego, Aveo, !,
W o Col bu L-' c t t in jDl
h n Columbus 'iras ma In h tr s, or Bird Island, Bonntvista, onaventuro,
A. A. U. W. J, E, BLACI{A.T<LI Vctorinary Llebon as a means of livelihood !,e droamed Puucalaos, Buy of Coneeptiop, St. Francis,
The Clinton Lodge, No. 144. mgcts in Biddle•!Mon
Surgeon, honorary gradutita of of it country which he thought was a pro. .Ca e S pear, Fermo iae. Iionouse, Cape
comb's Hall, opposito the market, the let and srd .olltarlO yetorinary f' Ito, ,treats to, P i
Fridays in small month. Visitors cordially it%-dleoases of all ,amostlo atilmale longation of the euetOxn Share of Asia IIs Rmce (or De Basso), St. AVary'q, Capo
vited. R. $ToNEumi, M. W,; J, BEAN, Recorder, the most Inv ornandsultntIAG. lived to discover the lancl of his dreams, but Pine, Bay Despoirt told after - those,
' , 699y prinolPlee. d� , 118 attotidgd to it•was not a contiunatigtt of Asia, 1t was a conning to the island of Cape Bre-
eight or day. Office IminedittoI west of the new continent, stretohing north and south tun -0 have St. Paul's, Cupa Srnolty
11 ^—^—^ old P.oyal Hotel, Ontario street. RaaI once- from the Arctic to the AntaretioCircles. In r '
Albert etroot, Oilntgn. 649-8m (I• innosu), Cape Breton, etc. All these
��}7ll�ijo�14f. ,like maimer that other discoverer of re• names occur on those early maps, Shortly
'- -- • , ' ABEL S.;WEEKE% nown, John Cabot, found another land than after Cabut's discovery, so do they exist to-
V/`ILINTON Lodge,' No. 84, A. F. & A. Civil Engineer, - P, L. `uurveyor, that which he expected. From over the Clay. There is no vestige of Prima Vista,
J meats aver•y Friday, on or atter the waters of the great, undiscovered seas there no suspicion of a knowledge of the Gulf of
moon. VialoyertrethrenoordiLoUvinvited. Draughtsman, eiC. came to Cabot a vision of a country on St, Lawernce, or the island of 5t. John
RIGH HF.YWOOD, w. D. OWE NBALLARD, Site Ot6ce-Upstairs in Perrin's Block, Clinton, Ont which were blowing spicy breezes, and (prince Edward Island), so that until
Clinton Jan. 14, 1890. 1• where silk, Brazil wood, gold and precious stronger proof be forttcoining it would be
ALLANgems were in profusion. III his first vogage, unreasonable, oil Such a doubtful one as
LINE: 14M, he Sought the land.of hos dream. .The this Supposed map of CnLot, to upset tine
1 . object of his Second veva�ro, a year later laud traditions which lnnve been held uuhnoken
(grally. BOYAL MAIL STE.�16ISHIPS s for its enol the amino: Iu ,,nese vowwcs Cabot
a for so many ucntpries, and which are
— —T aa�q � ���E®8N RA.�� ES discovered land whiuh gave 1,nu a con- foutnded on tin. most wall,ittic records in
L® 'BI 0 I &® we spicuuns place as a discoverer. His discov our possession.
• ' L. ' f Steamers sale regularly from cries, like most groat events, have caused
CiYNTOINs couaiderablo controversy. This is in part LOVELY WOMAN.
Meets exeo-0 Monday of every Portland to Liverpool' M THS. t Clue to the lack of facility or failure to
' •lrl
Ill the
r ,Ihuls l
appreciate he importance n 'e , s events
{{'hut the Greatest r
oath Hall, Std flat \ ictorla
u re e t Stu 1(, (f such e n
m Cabin, and u raid.. Second Cuhin'11, I P P
blade(. welcome.
brethren always p ' by the chroniclers of the period in uestion. Ifave Said of Her.
made tveleome. Steorngo at low rates. No Cattle aarriccl, I q
` W. G. SDI[TI�, W. M } In the Magazine of :lutstivan History the
�•. +a•• IC ) i `RVICL' OF b Y Romann};er, woman ., must perfect when
M S TA i E 1 ALLAN LINE Rt. Rev. M. F. Howley, D. D. P. A., has most +volnuinly.-GlaaaLonc.
-`_,„ LI N FE. 111 STLAMS141PS. undertaken to seLtlo Lite question as to the Earth has nothing more., tender than a pious
y� y NEW ' YORK AND GLASGOW landfall of Cabot, Tboro is Uhuch in the woman's heart. -Luther.
P_ ark `LM114ittot via Londonderry, every Fortulght. Cabin, $4o article that is argumentative, tktc writer e.1 woman's atrenf ,I is most potent when
and upwards. Second Cabin, $3o. Steerage at having made the assertion in the opening robed in gentleness.-Lamartine.
-' '-' _ . ' low rates. paragraph that he proposed to establish his Disgcisu our onda•,n as we will, 'tis {vo-
Apply to 11. & A. ALLAN, wontreal ; or to point before he let go. He has certainly man, woman rules us still. -Moore.
A. O. PATTISON or iV.i1, JACISS!)N, Ullnto». done so to bis own satisfaction, at least.
_ Dr. Howlev is a Newfouudluuder, reared as To woman's gentle kind we owe what com-
he says inn ilia tradition which has been held for La and delights its hero.-Crabbe.
,9 r����-a� froun time immemorial that "Bunavista, Heaven will be no hemven to me if I cis not
happy sight," wits the landfall. .raid from nu:et lily wife there, -Andrew Jackson.
The ondersignod being uecess%rlly absent frOnt that point of land lie proceeds to establish Even in the darkest hour of e;trthly ill
f town P,it• sorno thee, has Icft ifs hooks and leis claim that soulewhc,e in that section, +voun(u's food affection glows. -Sand.
jubilee Pref ploll N0 1Rl aceouuts pith yl ""' i Sleft to whom pup on the coact of -Newfoundland, John C:lbot
r I i j menta nuc be made.
J ! I ' JOAN WISF,DIAN. ' ran up the Standards of Euglaud and of Death is the drooping of the flower that the
Venice, or St. Mark. fruit may swell. -Beecher.
love there's in
Eternal •o and everlasting .
o Ireland
l It Knights A t•' o tit au ho his own well-ar- joy B aC�� r Leaving t e author .f � c �
Meets In the Clinton Orange Hull, the second ranted arguments, it is only necessary to• yon woman, lovely r+omiun.-Otvruv.
his fortune
"'t ivau Ruth secured
� e
That ie for of the vo 'a _a of the Iltau
'cl0 k in
resent ti s
v month at 7.30 o'clock "e neada of every � �� Y J g
�� d�) 1iAV9 P
Y0 -ll
wife. -Euripides.
the evening, Visiting Sir Knights will always who came so Hent getting lite crown Litt, both married a good
_,�coive a hearty welcome. Go to A. E. EVANS, FASHIONABLE rests on the brow of Columbus. Raptured man quits each dozing sage, oh,
A. dal, TODD, Worshipful Preceptor BARBER, 2 doors cast of NEwS-RRCORD oP- The patent or coninhiasion of Henry VII. woman! for thy lovelier. page. -Alooro.
GEORGE HANLEY, Deputy Preceptor 0, tt•onitui! woman! thou art formed to bless
PETER CAN'VELON, Registrar free. Special attention given to LADIES to John Cabot and his tht•ce sons, Louis,
AND CHILDREN's Hairenttinn. Sebastian, and Sanctius, is dated Alarch 5, the heart of restless man, -Bird.
POMPADOUR HAIRCUTTING A SPECIALTY 1495, old style. The expedition (lid not set It is by women that Nature writes on the
Royal Black Preeeptory 39l out at aloe, for even in those days there hearts of ,non, -Sheridan.
1 were jealousies between nmtio»s, iipaiu, so The woman is not ,the servant of the man,
' Slow to give encouragement to its own, much less his scare.-Larnennais.
Black Knights of Ireland ^ yx," 1 , r later, intrepid discovoror, hn:cl, through its
: For me I'm woman's slave confcat-tvith-
,i+ Z v^ ° x o- Ambassador at the English court, instituted out her hopeless and urlblest. -Hogg.
Meets in the Orange hall, Blyth rho li'edne e.4 t�11(� +:�•
day after full moon of every montil. •1 p t., h intrigues by which the sailing of the Cabot Roses, like women, retain their sweetness
�� 'itr'j� ? I expedition was delayed until Lilo following after their beauty is lost.-Lamartine.
;xtractfon teeth. year.
•' traction tee Block, upstairs, opposite the - TILE COURSE OF TIIE FIRST VOYAGE, Everyone Cati guide air Ill wife Heal but Ill
r . Royal Black Preceptory 3i�1 III ge >l a that hasher. -Scot's Proverb.
r Post Ogee, Clinton. 49 The first Cabot expedition consisting of Every pretty woman should be a flirt
I' SW Night Bell answered. y y one small ship, the VlatLhew, left Bristol every clever woman a politiainn.
i.:,`,e,y; Black Knights of Ireland, +
M, my 3, 1497. The crew consisted of eight• Ouida.
,,,:," 4Viv1t41ra 1. Meets in the Orange Hall, Goderich, the Third 6' eel men, principally from Bristol. As
,t Monday of everymo¢th. Visiting Knights Ill ways stated in a foregoing puragrapb, chronicles Provided a woman be well principled all
_ - made welcome. S were not only few in those days but unser- has dowry enough. -Plautus,
�'W, L e 1�p W H MURNEY, Preceptor, Goderich P O 1� ro
? ''• ®�■ ��,8 a`tl� JAMES RUSTS, Ito•iatrar, Goderich P O .,YY �n���t� uoo���d Lain, ho that all accounts of the first voy- Right thought kept well in mind, no evi
r • 6 age of Cabot are meagre. Enough is known, thing can enter there. -Buddha.
W, Gunn, M. D. L. R. C. P. Edinburgh L. R. C, g-t�tr -DIRE OR.
/iy� ®Js�ti tV and ,his is in accord tivith the article by Every man is a worse man as he is unfit fo
E B. Edinburgh Licenciato of the Midwifery, L'din, St HURON CORA � LU t t! �'�' @ ftsm a'1 Dr. Howley, to state with certainty that the married state. -Johnson.
1.;,;•'' Office, on corner of Ontario and -William Sts., 1891 itS1Qp, li'alint diliOlD Cabot Sailed east from Bristol, rounded the Still wonnan draws new power from ever
E._ tCllnton. 47S•y' southeast.. const of Ireland, bent to the blessing and from every ill. --Lamp.
1S STOCKED WITH north, Hud after a few clays left the north Surprising! one woman can dials us so man
Names of the District ]ilasters, Primary on his right hand and began to sail west. rare sweets up together. -N. P.
®R. I"ilJ�lt9'��l.6Lfl.,. LodgeMastels, thelI` post Office act- A SELECT' ASSORTMENT voyage r This vo •:� a consnnhea three mouths' time,
dresses and date of meeting. On the return there was living in London Nature meant to make, woman its masts
_ .T. T. L. Turnbull, M. B, Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; -CF--- ' a Venetian merchant, Lorenzo Pas- piece. Leasing.
-C, M., Victoria Univ- M, C, P- y S. Ont, ;
,I 'l bellow of the obstetrical somoty of Edinburgh. BIDDULPH DISTRICT. r�}'� r��}{� t� raq ren qualigo, who wrote to his brcthors in Ve- Oh, fairest of creation! last and best of a
Lateot"London, Ln g., and'winburgh hospitals. John Neil, 1V.D.iL, Centralia P. 0, ���jTlCilij IT1111I GidI�C1l1ICllb nice that `bur countryman," [Weaning Ca- God's works.-yI11L01h,
Office: -Dr. Dowsley's stand, Rattenbury St. bot, had returned from a voyage, and that Woman is God's appointed agent of moral'
Night calls answered at Grand Union Hotel; 21"9-S., Elarlton. Greenway, Friday on l 700 leagues west he had discovered land.. A tv.-Hire, Iim c
(� Electric night bell at front entrance, or before full moon. Mall Papers letter Y ..rn Don RaimondQ Soncini, envoy
GG2-Thomas Coursey, Lucan, Saturday of the Duke of Milan at the court of Henry It is the low man thinks the woman low,
on or before full moon. Tennyson.
1 '. • WITH DORDERS TO MATCH, from live cent. VII. of England, was written about the
J. W. SHAW, M. D. C. M. 493-111chard Hodgins, Centralia, Wed rolls to the tinest gilt. Having bought my Papers same time as the one referred to above. Boole not Homan be destined to function
nesday on or before full moon. and faints for Spot Cash, and my practical ex- the most noble and elevated. --Plato.
' J. W, Shaw, M. D. C, Ni., Physician, Surgeon, The envoy was well acquainted with the
a}', I• I J. 826 -William HagBart, Grand Bend, perience justify me to saving that all wanting to q
Accoucher, etc. ORlco in the Palace-blocly Wednesday on or before full lnOOn. decorate their houses inside or paint them out- Cctbots. Raimondi wrote: "Some months The society of ladies 1s the school of polite
''.'• ` 1lattenbury 5t., tormcely occupied al Dr. Reeve, aide will find it to their advantage to give Inc n since his'Ma•est sent a Venetian who is a
890-W. E. McRoberts, Maple rove, call, g J Hess.-\Iountfort.
Clinton Ont. �i'ednes(lay on or before fall moon,st navigator and who has great skill in He that a good woman loves is fence
1, Jg Sion, south of OliverOlh'er Johnston's blacksmith discovering new isles. He bas returned safe against all evil. -Italian Proverb.
024-13cury Lalnbrook, Exeter, 1st Fri. shop, and directly opposite Dir. J. Chidley's dna sound after having discovered two isles,
'' �tgjvl. day in each month. residence i very {Ifo e' noble origin is breathed apo
"41,1071 -John Malls, Elimville, Saturday very large and fertile. He places the dis' be. hope's perpetual breath. --Nord
s' { covert' of the new land at 4001 leagues from worth.
s on or before full moon, ��� ���� the west coast of Ireland." There are
MANNING &SCOTT, 1007 -James C`,athers, Sylvan, Monday 1�,�p conflicting statement respecting this voy- The very first of human life must Spttin
On or before fall moon. age, or the result of it, but all accounts from womap s breast, -Byron:
, Barristers, age.. 1210 -James Gibson, West McGillivray, Frnutical'Paper Hangor and Painter agree that the first land discovered on the If woman lost us Eden, such as Ellie Rion
Thursday on or before full moon. voyage was that which now appears on the restore it. -Whittier,
ELLIGTT"$ I3LCC$, - CLINTON. 134.3 -Robert Sims, Crediton, Tuesday ' s as Ca pe Farewell on the lower point
on.or before full r000u, p I P Modesty i. woman is the prgtccting ro
Money to Loan. The l�cntllop Mutual Fire of Greenland. This being a blank and bar- to her virtue. -Heine.
510 -Joseph Huxtable, Centralia, Fri- ren Spot, also a headland, Cabot believed Everyone is as God has made her, an
! -'I 11 A. H. MANNING. TAS. SCOTT. day on or atter'full moon. there was an open ocean still to the west- oftentimes a great deal �Lotsc -Ce
I—— -----1 --11- --- .. ,.x, �, ....,... v,. Iu �.v. _ vfrnte� --
_ .. ..- . s'urauoe >t( :_S ward Hit uelred.,....anme' thTeo hundred ..w,.. ,
" �.'�°. -.. _".. ". GODI iiICli DISTRICT. it p
leagues and again discovered land. This
j1AVISON & JOHNSTON, Law, Chancery,and Geo. B, Hanley, VV.D.M., Clinton P. 0, must have been either Labrador or New. The wife is the keeper of the hushand
11 Conveyancing. otEce-West Street, next 145 -Willis Bell, Goderich, 1st Monday Farm and Isolated Town Proper- faundland. Dr. Howley is quite sure that soul. -Arabian Saying.
door to Post Office, Goderich, Ont. 57„ in each mouth. the land was Newfoundland. It was dis• 0, woman! in this world of ours, what bo
153 -Andrew Millan, Auburn, Friday ty only Insured, covered June 2, and las called by Cabot, can be compares to ties? -Morris.
0. HAYS, Solicitor, dc. offlee, corner of on or before full moon. St. John. The date of the discovery was
• Square and West Street, over Butler's Book OFFICERS, on St. John's da From all the data ob- Seek in .- need the counsel of a wise w
182-1Y. II. Ivtutney, Goderich, last Y'• man. -Calderon.
$tore, Goderich, Ont, 87' Tuesday 1n each month. Thos. E. Hsps, President, Seaforth P. 0. ; W. tainable, they are in support of the landfall
d� Money to lend pt lowest rates of Sutoresb, J. Shannon, Sccy•Treas., Seaforth P,;O. ; John of the first voyage, being on the east coast of Upon a sudden motion and untaught
169-A(lam Gultelon Ilolme8ytlle, )lion- Hannah, \Tanager, Seaforth P. O, woman for the moat part reasons11
' day on or before full moon. fiewfoundland, Old maps which are not
252 -James wells, Faltford, 3rd Wed- Jas, Broadfoot, scaforth ; Donald Ross, Clin• regarded as accuraLe as one could wish, aro
CAMPION, Barrister,Attorne ,Solicitor In also in support of this claim. Be it ever confeas'd, from her than recei+
y nefiila in each month. ton; Gabriel Imi�tt, Clinton ; George Watt, [ P both refinement and zest.—Moore.
Chancery, Conveyancer, &c. omee over Y
3erdan's Drug Store, the rooms formerly occu 006 -George A. Cooper. Clinton, 1st llnrlocic ; Jose,,h Lrnns, Beechwood ; J. Shan- THE SECOND VOYAGE OF CABOT. She was a phantom of delight when fir
non, Walton ; Thos. Gurbart, Clinton.
pied by Judge Doyle, Alonday in each month. The Discoverer returned by the same she glanced.upon my'sight.-Nord
g� Any amount of money to loan at lowest .L- AGENTS• course, In 1498 the second voyage was worih. . ,
otos of interest. 1•ly• HULLETT DISTRICT. Thos. Neil nos, Harlock; Robt. McDlilhur, Sca• made and we have something more tangible Contact with a high'minded woman is go
Perth ;-S. Carnochan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan
A. 1J, Tod(lr �V. 1�.;1i., Clinton P.O. and Geo. Murdie, Auditors about that. Jn it we have some allusions for the life of any man. -Vincent.
ltcttalzee it e 710-W.'G. Ftn!th Clinton, 2nd Mon- Parties desirous to effect Insurance or to latitude which did not appear in the Religion diredts us rather to secure inwa
qI • transact other business will lie Promptly attend• first account. It is agreed that Cabot in pence Riau outward ease.-Wwtis.
c (lily ill each mono 1. e I to oil a 1 licati n to any of the nhove olflcers,
- Sly -,James Hortie IV las` 1 P G his second exposition had in view the same In affairs of emotion moral and reliio
--` -_ Yr p, • addressed to their respective post c6ice.s. object Lhat prompted him in the first, t.'hat women will always lead,-Parkor,
H. W. BALL Wednesday before rull moon.
� was to Sada passage to C'illiango and Be but yourselves, be pure, he true, a
02S -Thomas Mellgeen, Summerhill;
UOTIONEER for Huron County. Sales at • 1st Monday in each month. 'PROPERTY FOR SALE OF Cataia, the imaginary Inn« of spices, of the prompt in duty. -Whittier.
jil tended to in any part of the County. Ad- o�w, RENT.-Adccrtiscra will Lind "Th, Silk and Brazil wood, of the gold and pre- h:niov the spring of love and youth,
dress orders toGODERIO11P 0, V-17. 825 -John Briutnell, Chiselhurst, 1st �k!
Honda In each mouth. er Newslle1 c11'T one of the best medium! cions gems. Hance he made for the same 10 some µ Loa angel leave the rest;
Y in the County of Huron. Advertise in place at which lie discovered land on the For time +viii Lomeli thee soon the trilth,
"The News-Itec.Ord"- The Double Circulation
CUAS. 31AIMIILTON, STANLEY DISTRICT. Tants to Thousands. Rates as Iow as any. JE.etc`I'110110,
us voyage. This is made indis- There are no birds in last year's nest.
e by a letter from Rainlond-) of-Longfollow.
UOTIONEER, land, loan and insurance agent Joseph Footer, W,D \I., Varna P. 0- _ - - — 1497, in which occur these ,fords:
Blyth. Sales attonded in town and country, 24 -John Pollock Bayfield, 1st Monday "He [meaning Qabot] intends starting from arrict BEeeher StmS•c'e` Lnet 1Duy e.
n- eaeonabhe,vitas. _A list of farmsand,vtllage r-. •+- - �1_� _ .. _ _.., . __
_--1 t._,I -I'-, T:: _'1n ElUOTI"m'frnY,f�:. - ..-.. ., - . _ _
for enib. bfoney'to`id'an'-ait'i}ttad-�'9t3te; "at� ��yDDp�� Abp -OLD the point altcady occupied the previous The gifted authoress of `Uncle �on
'ow rates of interest, Ingnrance effected on all 308 -James I{eyes, Varna, 1st Tuesday year, to go farther toward tine east [mean- Cabfih," now 80 years Of ago, is said to
,asses of property. Notes and debts collected. Organic Weakness, Failing hfomory, Lack of �' failinu ra idl A gentleman who recent
p p in each month. Energy, Phvaical Decay, positively cured by ing the west], coasting along all the time. rapidly.
,goods appraised, and sold on commission. Bank- 833 -Robert Nicholson, Make, 1st Wed- HazeI.Y.." Vitalizer. Also Nervous Debility, This second expedition started on the be. visited her home fn Hartford tella a N
iuptetoakaboughtnndsold. nesday in each month, Dimness of St ht, Lovsof Ambition Unfitness ginning y,
Blyth. Dec. ug t an, to Ma +; ' innin of May, 1493. It consisted of six York correspondent that she as ails ve
733 -Joan Berry, Hensall, 1st Thursday Marry, taunted Deve'opment, Loss of Power vessels and 300 men. From all descri tions much of late and her mind is so cloud
Pains in the Back, Night Emissions, Drain in
In each month. Urine, Seminal Looses, Sleeplessness Aversion of the adventures of this Second expedition, that she cannot talk consecutively an a
Photographers 1035 -William Rothwell, Varna, 1st to Society, Unfit for Study, Excessive Indu1• encouutoritlg large quantities of tee, days subject. She is ,not confined to her ro
gonce, etc., eta Every bottle guaranteed. that were almost perpetual, tine nights be- and she does not require a physician's ca
Thursday In each month. P P f3 1
for t sold yearly. AddrEL enclosing stampp in ver bright, the conclusion is inevitable but her friends are A gr heuanve that t
K�'NoTE.-Any omissions or other errors will for treatise, J. E. HAZELTON, Graduated g Y g
' end is not far off. A real titan lett
�I J �p be promptly corrected on writing direct to tips Pharmacist. 308 Yonre 8t., Toronto, Ont. that Cabot in his second voyage went very R Y
County Master, Bro. A. M. Todd, Clinton 2.0. far north near the seventieth degree of still come to her, but those she does not s
41 �..� latitude. Ramusio one of the writers She is constantly tinder surveillance.
If 11 .yy CL'.�-���� ILI, HEADS, NOTE of that voyage, says Cabot went as far last days are made as pleasant as weal
B Ile -da, Letter Heads, Tags, ■ " ,,� L. north as 87•. Another writer, Gomara, and kind friends can make them, but a
Statements, Circulars, Business LU � q N d � wrote : "They went beyond or above, the seems to know nothing of what is going
.Life Size Portraits a Sueoiaitp. Cards, Envelopes, Programmee, R-, that ie, Ca a Cltidle or about her, anti, indied, is almost as he
etc., Ste., prfntei in a workman. m C p Cape of Labrador, P y Mrs, Stowe's books at
like manner and at lou rates, ca �ti,� y, w o Chudley, and even went farther than that leas as a child..
THF NEWS RECORD N-- b ' t venth de roe toward the sell well.
' tdr� � ani
o n e ow , g o
one half of an sort of land, good frame house
faundland. Thence he coasted along south-
and westwardly as f'tr as Cuba un-
a F
o ,4 q
-tote six yee g
pole -unto Hudaon'S $trait."
Cheaper In the
lend in large for small Bums o
a UJ
ti 9 0 o
'g g'I Q A- i
It is stated that encountering so much
ftaating ice the men in the expedition be-
came discontented and Cabot was obliged
Boulton• -So you are not gosng to him
keeping when you get married?
good mortgagee or ersonal security a
The pro arty at present occupied by the
the Huron
a pA a
to put about and return to Baocalaos, the
De Roarder-No. We shall take bo
the lowest current rates. ]�. HALE, Huron at
nnderelgued as a residence on
R 1 t% T n of f}oderich ennaistin f
o w mo mm
returned g
Th til f the article iu ueeyion ie
v a out
"Well by the titre we are old .he ou
- C g o
lace of landfall, either Labrador or New.
for a year.
fJlNtton, Feb. 26. 1881 17
o n e ow , g o
one half of an sort of land, good frame house
•d m U ,,
E to I
faundland. Thence he coasted along south-
and westwardly as f'tr as Cuba un-
��Ian't that an extravagant way to beg
Not at all. I desire mf wife to Stu
-story and a half -seven rooms, including
kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone
cellar,. stable, wood and carriage houses.
4 S
%G be I E
m � s 's
til, as Peter Martyr Saye, he reached the
latitude of the Straits of Ilereulee(Gibral-
economy of my landlady Then we
start housekeeping, and i will make
There are also some good fruit trees. This
ch p al M
tar), and he went so far as to have the
an allowance of as much a week a.
�R)VATE FUNDS to lend on Towufanilfarm
Apply to
property i. beautifully situated and very
..,table for any person wiahing to live retired.
Ida Q o ;
:7 Z 3
Island of Cuba on his left hand, whence he
to England.
paid for board."
'"What y Ott think will be the
For further particulars a ply to
o w mo mm
returned g
Th til f the article iu ueeyion ie
v a out
"Well by the titre we are old .he ou
moomo s
r►w�cs.... 0 it AR I
1 10••.3
ltu� •
. 7nanI'llts'E-00 til day,
Hypophosphites of Mme & Soda
GISTS AT'50c. AND $1.00
SCOTT&•• 1f0f4,'A'1?. Rclleville.
i- A51 Y l c, 1. 11,
Ij � (fir ,. �tl"z,
1� '•C C t ,t kcJ .Y/°`°'4 ail�/a•" tticN� c
hF ry ;,,
tt f
�, I
i,, .,
fF. ,., , r I
Lr:.i �. c 4'
'-�- Vit' a dl.�//-i�-. "fit} r.+-.-
%710 -Mr -PIN ?ice OTril 1 � a a a3+A
Aro plow=t to tako. Contain their own
Pur;ativo. la a scfo, Cure, Cud effcciaW
degiroyep of vvormn in CLiilrcn or Adultc
4(, ., t r
-"l �.
r - �
r _j.
•fi.l�l. -1Y ~I
4',,, HUMPH EYS19
For horses, Cattle, sheep, Dogs, Bogs,
50OP.Se Book on Treatment of Animals
and Chart Sent Free.
cv¢Es SS Fevers,Congestions Inflammation
A.A. Spinal ItIeningitis, Milk Fever.
B.B..-Strains, Lameness, Rheumatism.
C.C.--Distemper, Nasal Discharges.
D.D.--Bots or Grubs, Worms.
E.E.--Cougahe, Heaves, Pneumonia.
F.Jr.--Come or Gripes, Bellyache.
G.G..-IfIi.searriage, Hemorrhages.
H.H.--Urinary and Kidney Diseases.
I.I.--Eraptive Diseases, Mankkece.
e J.Ii.--Diseases of Digestion, Krnlyais.
Single Bottle (over 60 doaes), - - .60
1 Stable Case, with Specifies. Manual,
Veterinary Cure 011 and Medicator, 197.00
Jar Veterinary Care Oil, - 1.00
Sold by Draggids; or Bent pnp.ld .ny.hom and Io any
qunnfily on rer.lpt of price.
y INNPURETS, DED. Co., 111 h 112 William SG, N..To r.
Y �g�g���.��a
Ho=orATHIC tt��
¢ use SO years. The only, saccessfal remedy for
Neruoas Debility, Vital Weakness,
and Prostration from over -work or other caused.
1J1 per vial, or 6'vialo and large vial powder, for $6
Sold by Druggists, or sent yeatpald on receipt of prta
umpliusys• DED. Co.. 111 A l Is WI18.m at., Nowrazk.
60 ®^ Mk
Regulates the Stomach,
Liver and'Bowels, unlocks
the Seeretions,'Pul rifiesthe
Blood and removes all im-
purities from a 'Pimple to
the worst Scrofulous Sore.
-- CURES •:
i /1
(n %� f� b4 r, 1P
M 0 0. U I:".w" �t'� � a
04 U In V
tl a
t- �
7.1 ItiN
Md a) � � V .N 09 I Q.
ct ;z
E� a o
O buiO
O bn �
;� o c
- ri
i s
Ct3 iU 4) 3 ..
fir+ b td 41 u
t' la.,; 0
is td ra
_.—._ _.-_ —_ --
&I -
�w. -� ;
1 ���J,S,,
� .91U9 - R tra rd
C. RIDO a min or e q
BfHco, upstairs,°opposite TownlHall, Albert [5. AMP[ON, ' -
869.8m 642-tf Barrister, Goderich. -4 h certain from all data within his reach, and to have, about a million."
-.....,,,.A......-.. ,..,,......r.e-_',�t