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The Huron News-Record, 1892-02-03, Page 2
• agestion If; not only 1z iStr ,,SiloQDl ! L f 3'o u au o 1 t3 lf, li.t, by o .t11Ajf, ill bleed to lbecOree dsfirav .1 and the ayateos en. foebied, in the parent' of ipnllynerable ataladies. That Mser's 8:trsaparilla is the best cure for Indigestion, even ,'tribe compl]catea ~pith Lixer Corupraiut, is proved by the fpllowiug testimony from bars,' Joaoph Lake, of Brockway Centre, bxlcll.:•- "Liver. 'complaint end indigestion mads my life It burden and came near lending iuy edistcnee. For more than 'OM Yearn I suliered untold agony, was red steed almost tis a skeleton, and hardly bad :strength to drag myself about. • All kinds of fooddistressed mo and only rho most (lalico to could bo digested at tilL Within the time mentioned several t,hysiciana treated mo without giving re- lief. Nothing that I took scented to do any permanent good until I commenced the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which has produced wonderful results. Soon after commencing to take. the Sarsapa. ri11a I could sec an improvement in my condition. My appetite began to return and with it carne the ability to digest all the food taken, my strength im- proved 'each day, and after a few months of faithful attentionto your directions, I found myself a well wornan, able to attend to all household entice. The medicine bats given me a )sew lease of life." user's Sarsaparilla , PREPARED DT Dr. J. C. Ayer9 & Co., Lowell, Masa. • Price $1; e!x battles, $5, Worth $5 a bottle. Pie Huron News-Recorli .60 a Year -01.25 in Advance 'e4luestlar, F eby. 3rd. 1 Psi)`.', —John Bradshaw, of the lith can. of Niseouri, al:ohlt HHVen miles out from St. 'Afars e, died suddenly about four o'clock ou Tuesday morn ing. IIe had been up aura around the day before. Heart dieense is said to have been the cause of death. Mr. Bradshaw carne to Stratford from County Antrim, Ireland, about 1835, and followed the occupation of brick maker for scene tune, after- wards removing to Nissoul't where he hne lived for the past thirty-six 5 eats. Mrs. J1cLvan writes, from Barrie Li - tarot Out., Alancll 4, 1889 KB follows "[ have b. -en a. great outfitter from neu- ralgia for the ls.stnine years. but, boiog advised to try St. J,icohs Oil' 040 now heartily endorse it as being a most ex- cellent remedy fur this c •tnp'aint, as 1 have greatly benefited by its use." —Rev. H. F. Adams, of Halifax, N. S., Who created a great sensation by his charges of gross uumorality against the I,:•uidh officers and !nen in the garrison, publishes an apology to:day. Ile says : "My statements last Sabbath evening were niade.ou hearsay, for which 1 '•r^=#\ad 'no filets. I❑ the fervor of tho meeting I becatde excited and, witlr- vut"thinking of niy grounds, uttered rash words involving the .reputation of many persons. To day I have learned many good things from those who know of the military which I never knew before and which disprove my statements of Sabbath evening. With the con- viction thet I made a grave mistake in speaking as I did in the excite- r went of the moment without facts, and now , possessing knowledge which proves my etatements untrue, I most humbly apologize to all per- sons attacked in the speech for .-t tisre.pxosiust idng._. them and., their forgiveneaa." FIVE TO ONE. DEAR SIRS -- Last winter 1 had Gee footle on my nook and was advised to use B B. 13 Ref ore I had finished the first battle I was completely well and think B. B. 13, cannot be exulted as a blood, purifier. JOHN WOOD, Round Plains, QM. —The Sarnia Canadian chronicles this rare instance : It is not usual to see a yuan and his wife both buried in the same .grave, at the same time. Last Monday a case of this kind tools place at Lakeview Cemetery. On Thursday Mrs. Wm. Gough, of the McGregor -settlement,, died in the 76th year of her age. She was to have been buri ed on Saturday. but on that day her hus- band died, and the •wife's funeral was put off,unt.il DTonclay when one funera) and one grave sufficed. Mr. and' Mts'Gough have been. residents, of Sarnia township for rnany years, and were well respected for their sterling honesty and simplicity of character. All tohacoos except the fines; Virginia have a pung,ant offs',t upon the tongue and will smart it if the smoking is long continued. Sone of them even will blit ter. it, or at least destroy ite outer skin u` tin point where the .nokl. impinges kip In it. T to "1.1 i'rtle Navy" is entire- ly free from ttlie d•:fact, which, together with its fine full flavor makes it a great favorite with emokore. —Mr. Sperling. M.A., principal of the Strathroy High School, died a few days ago, and now his suc- cessor, Mr. D. L. Leitch, has • just been cut off by la grippe. KNIGHTS OF LABOR. e The -'Knights of Labor aim to protect their members against financial difficul- ties, etc., flagyard's Yellow Oil protoeta all who use it from the effects of cold and and expesero, such as rheumatism neu- ralgia, lumbago, sore throat and all in- flammatory pain. Nothing oo.npares with it as a handy pain cure for men and beast. -«-A. rethgyr senant•loual Affair Doomed at A7bel'toilk Ilrunt ontinty, yeeter'day. I'. J: Boyd, it Wealthy resident, was gored by i! bull some weeks ago, and from the effects he died. Mr. ,I3ayd's KM John, who ainoe 1888 bus --been in 11.1ailitoba, came here to attend the funeral, and was mot with a copies order for bis arrest. The order wee secured at the idetanoo of Alberta Janc Von• sickle, who has entered action against Boyd for broach of promise and seduction in 1888. A GENERAL OVERCOME. DNAs $Lith,—I suffered from general weeklieae and debility and my system was completely run down and I found B. B. 13. the heat nyedi.ane 1 ever tried. I would not he withnnt it for a great deal. hires NELLIE ARMSTRONG, 1)ublanel' O„ Oat. —Cornelius Terry, a patent medicine vendor, whohas two wives in Sarnia, two in Port Huron and one in Brockway, Mich,, has been iu'reatt•d at Port Huron, Mich, 'l'he charge was preferred by Esther Muir, formerly of the Salvation Army, who is the fifth victim of Cornelius. Shaknspa:ire will p1.•asoexcuse as if we notify hint thus : Th, ion is he t lad who hath his system etreugtheri with Aver', Sarsparrlla, and he Let naked, though arrayed in furs, wheso blood i8 pot. or with di'o,tee cot rah.te't. A:., iuuornpar- able n.-dicioo 1• —Mr. A. McDonald, Con- servative, has been re-elcctod to the Commons in Victoria, N. S "Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has given me great relief in bronchi:ie. %Vithio a month I hove (eat (tome .,f this prepare - tion to a friend suffering from bronchitis and asthma. It has dune him so much trood that be writ's f.,r mora'."—Charles F. Uumterville, Plymouth, Enelaud. —David llfossey, 'probably the otdeet man in easterly, if nut in all Canada, died at Cornwall at the age of 105years and eight mouths. Ile was born in County Tyrone, Ireland. and emigrated to Canada with his wife and child, arriving in Corn- wall on June 12, 1831. He served in the rebellion of '37 and '38. Al. though very feeble of lute he was quite sensible till his death. He was an ardent admirer of lacrosse, and witnessed a snatch last stammer between the Shamrocks and Corn - walls. AOcrc, 1'O .1Lrrnens. Are yon dist.nrbed at night and broken of your rest by a siek child snffurit>g audo•}ing kith mate of Ceti iug Teeth2 t1 so send at on^0 end get a bottle of Mfrs. Winslow's Seething Syrup" for Children Teeth ing. Its vnbie is inealouleble. It will relieve the poor little snfierm•iunntdiatnly Depend it, m tuere• th:re is no mistake about it. It p , a u o uurea Dysentery and Diarnccoa, regulates the tomachaudb>wais, cure Wind Colic, softens the gums, rodumes inflammation, and giree tone and energy to the whole system. "Sirs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taut,., and is the proscription cf ono of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the Unite:, States, and ie for sale by all druggist; e throughout the world. Price 2,5 ciente a bottle.. 13e sure and ask for "Mao. WINSLOw'd SOOTHING SlRup,"and tall,' no other kind. G56y —Birtle (Man.) Eye -Witness, Jan, 21 : Wo, this week, chronicle the death of Mr. James H. Dune - more, one of the pioneer settlers of Perth county, Ontario, and grand- father of Mrs. E. J. Wilson and Miss Emma Densmore, of this Of- fice, at the age of 93. EASILY CAUGHT. Croup, colds, throat and many pliin. fel ailments are easily caught in thie changeable climate. The never -failing r titiiiil ieltiii'tds"`iiffelly'o'btailte i in - Hair yard's Yellow Oil, which ie uadoubtedly the beet of all the many remedies offered for the cure of colds or pains. —Archbishop Langevin of Leon- topolis, Que., died one day last week after 12 hour's illnese, in his 7let year. Ho was a brother of Sir Hector Langevin. . Consumption Cared. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an Eaat India mission- ary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent euro of Consumption, Bronehitte, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affoetions, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervone Complaints, after having tested its wonderful °aratiro powers in thousands of easee,'has felt it hie duty to make It known to hie suffering fellows. Actuated by thie motive and a desire to relieve human guttering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire 1t, this recipe. in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stem ,, naming this paper. W. A. NergS, 820 Powers' Block, Roo/tester, h. Y. 059—y —Despatches at the Department -of the Interior dn, atia that the first of the series of sales of school lands in Manitoba has been very success- ful. At Morden Last week 11.525 acres - cold realized $163,282, an average of about $9 per acre, This is considered an excellent price, as the lands aro neither improved or built on, and are merely farming lands much less advantageously lo- cated than those which were sold three yearn ago. The price realized is an advance of about twenty-five per cent, over that received for those sold at that time, although the latter included lands in the vicinity of Portage la Prairie, some of which brought as high as $17 per acre. The upset price at present sale was placed at $5 par acre, and the ad- vance is undoubtedly due to excell- ent crops in Manitoba during the past two years. BAD, WORSE, WORST. Cold, cough. j:onsnmption, to cure the first and eeeend'abd prevent the third use Hagynrd's Pectoral Balsam, the never. failing family medioine for diseases of the throat, lungs and cheat. A marvel of healing in pu'm'nal'y oomph:ints, N .. •WA , S HOTEL„ AX,Altli'l•6�`> 11IO1,0111 4f 110011., The Undgrsly,ned,Ip)s 1<sglanteti ti tAproprieterahtp of the above. hotel, ! 124 premises aro being re. tItted and Oret olaSS aotieMelod,ltton sen always be heti ter loan and headt, 'Tic bar is, supplied i.l with only the best Ale, ver 0lgare, 40. and 'medal 4401,410o will glee 11,0 given to the dining' room department. There is excellent staple egeotnuledtatleb. The patronage of the general nettle 18 rodpeettully 801101100. t3S4-41si JOHN 'T. L1E1, - PROPRIETOR IE7 OR New Firm in the Old Stand, The uttd oral ' ed g1, hoping nvrohnsad 'the old eetabliuhed umat boatman of Dir. Arthur Oeuch, bells to Werra theyehllo that bo will continuo it ae atlas heretofore been parried on. 0:5-biea1s of on Muds In sealant, Orders taken and delivered as usual. Higho.t caob peluu paid for sheepskins, hides and tallow. 047 -tf JAMES A. FORD. TUE CELEBRATED eat Wa$flr� *anal Wringer. THE BEST IN TUE I1L RKETa Machines .Allowed on Trial am also agent for all All Agricuitural Implements Wareroom opposite Fair's Mill. Cull and see me. J. B. WEIR, CLINTON ESTRAY CATTL.L:.• Caine into the enclosure of the subscriber, Lot 24, Con. 12, Ilullott, about the latter part of November, three rod pearling steers and one red and white yearling heifer. The owner is re. quested to prove property, pay expenses and take the twimaid away. ANDREW TAYLOR. ' Loldtebero P, O. EVERY FARMER'S SON safOULO HAVE A Business Education A POSTAL will secure the catalogue of the FOREST : CITY aloait.ess Colteore, LOi�T170N; CO1V2'_ Over 100 students in attendance. J. W. Westervelt, Principal 1892. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE An Illustrated Weekly. The Thirteenth Volum° of Harper's. Young People began ,n Neve, bee 5, 1891. For the toning year this beat and remit comprehensive weekly in the world for youthful readers offers a varied and fascinating, programme. In serial Option it will contain "Dingo 1'inzon," n story of the first voyage of Columbus, by John 8. Coryoll; "Cannemates: A Story o1 the Florida Reefs and Everglades," by Kirk Munroe• another story by one of the best known and most popular o1 American anthers; and stories in three and four parte by Thomas l:f pleon Page, E. 11. Rouse, Anpelino Teat, Elia Rodman Church, and Mary S. MoCorb. More than two hundred short stories by favorite writers, articles ou travel, out-of-door sports, in -door genies, and all subjects dear to the hearts of tho young, besides hundredsof tlluetratione by leading artiste, will combine to make lfarper's Young People for 1892 an irre- sistible repository of pleasure and information for boys and girls. "The beet weekly pnblication for young people in existence. It 1e edited with eorupnlons care and attention, and instruotionand entertainment aro mingled in its pages in just the right propor- tions to captivate the minds of the young, and at the same time to develop their thinking power.— Observer, N. Terms: Postage Prepaid, $2 Per Year Volumo.V-,.VIII„and-XII, 0!a;per's Y9ng People, bound in cloth, wilt be sent by inoil,post• age paid, on receipt of 58 50 each. The other volumes are oat of print. Single Numbers, Five Cents each. Specimen Copy sent on receipt of two -cant stamp. Remittances should bo made by Poet-offioe Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lose. agrNewappers aro not to copy Oda advertise- ment wlthoot the exprese order o1 Harper & Brothers. Address: HARPER & BROTHER% New York BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. • CORRESPONDENCE. We will at all times be pleased to receive items of news from our sub- scribers. We want a good corres- pondent in every locality, not already represented, to send us RELIABLE news, SUBSCRIBERS. Pairous -Who do not -receive their - pater regularly from the carrier or thr,lugh their local post offices will confer a favor by reporting at this office at once. Subscriptions may commence at any time. ADVERTISERS. Advertisers will please bear in mind that all "changes” of advertisements, to ensure insertion, should be handed in not later than MONDAY NooN of each weele. CIRCULATION. THE NEws-REoonn has a larger circulation titan any other paper in this section, and as an advertising medium has few equals in Ontario. Our books are open to those who mean business. JOB PRINTING. The Job Department of this jour- nal is one of the best equipped in Western Ontario, and a superior class of work is guaranteed at very lom prices. iso., rA. Ut rpe "s Bazar, ILLUSTRATED, llarpor'e Aawar 1+ a journal Ior 1h9 home. It gives the latoet tutarir,atiett with regard to tt,n: F8,lklous, 41,11 its ituttlrrons Ilitstr>it one, Par s (i08 ills, aa't patteru-ahOot sapplemoyts are tudts, peoseble are in the home dress•retteer and the nlodlste, 140 'expense ie seared to make €1s arttstto attraobivenotta of the highest order. Ire bright 810:108, amusing comedies and thoughtful ,.lossays satisfy all testes, sed Ito lust page is famous as a budget 04 wit and humor, In its weekly issues everything is lnoinded which 1e of interest to womoq, The Serials for 1.802 will be wrlttrm by Walter Bosant and Wiliam Sleek, atra, O110Naut wilt become a 0.ontrihater. Marion Marland' yirgely Talks, "Day La and Day out," are intended for matrons, and Retort marshal North will spoolally addrage Ririe. T. W,klieeiu• sonvoted, lueudlouco. "Wurnen and bleu,' will please a trent. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PER YEAR: HARPER'S BAZAR 94 00 HARPER'S MAGAZI\L 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPEIt'3 YOUNG PEOPLT......... ., 2 00 Postage Free to all eubsorlbere is the United Slated, Canada, and Mexico. The Valor/not of the Bazar begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time iv mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at the thug of sooutpt of ardor. Bound Vohrmes of Harper's Bazar for three yearn bank, in neat cloth binding, w111 be sent by mall. postage mild, or by expt.•oss, teen n( expense (provided the freight doee not aimed One dollar per velum), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cas•,e for each volume, suitable for bind- ing, will be lout by mail, post-paid, ou receipt of $1 00 each, tteinittanees'should he mode by Pont -office Money Order or Draft, to avoid (Manoo o1 loss. t' 'Nowspapere are not to copy this advertise- ment without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Address: HARPER & BROTHERS, New York 1892. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. • The Magazine will celebrate the fourth Centen- ary of the Discovery of America by ite sm. Dreeov,:1lY, through articles giving n more thor- ough exposition than las hitherto been made of the Recent Unprecedented Development of one Country, end especially in the Great West. Particular attention will also be given to Dra- matic Episodoo of Amoricau History. The Field of the next Bermean War will be dex•ribed in a Sariegof Pattern r u aper n t the Da untie "From the Bleck Forest to the Bleck Sea," by Poultney Bigelow and F. D. Millet, iflostrated by Mr. Millet and Alfred Parsons. Articles /len will be given on the Germ in, Aoctrite, and Italian Armies, illustrated by T. de Thuletrup. Mr. W D. Howells will contribute a new novel, "A World of Cbanee," chn+'aeterisaic'ally American. Especial prommence will be given • to Short Stnrios, which will 0.3 contributed by T. B. Aldr:mh, )T, 11. Davis, A. Conan 13my10, Margaret Deland, Miss Woolson, and other popular writers. Among the literary features will be Personal Reminiocenees of Nathaniel Hawthorne, by his college class -,nate and life-long friend, Horatio Bridge, and a Personal Memoir of the Drownings, by Anne Thackoray Ritchie. HAP PER'S PERIODICALS. HARPER'S MAGAZINE, Per Year....01 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY, " .. 4 09 IIARPER' 8 BAZAR, " 4 00. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, ' .... 2 (10 Postage Free to all snbecribcrs in the United States, Canada and Mexico. The Volames tit the Magazine begin with the Numbers I r June and December of mach yen-. When no time is si,rcitied, eubecriptiene will begin with the Number current at the time of receipt of order. Pound Volumes of liarpm'a Magazine for three years back, ire neat cloth binding, will bo sent by .nail,post-paid, on receipt of $3 W per volume. Cloth Cases, fur binding, 50 conte each—my mail, pest -paid. Remittances ehonld be made by Post -office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lose. r'News,apers aro not to copy this advertise- ment without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Addrose; HARPER & BROTHERS, New Y'or 1892. Ilarpe'r's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Weekly or the oomlrig real= i6)il'uos talo more attractive features, more and finer illustrations, and a greater number of artioles•of live, intense interest than win be found in any other periodical. Among those latter will be a series of artloles on the twenty-five greatest cities of tho world, including five hundred lllus- tratione. The Colemblan Exposition, the Army and Navy, great publio events, dioasters on land and sea, and the doings of the celebrated people of the day will be described and illustrated in an attraotive and timely manner. The Department of Amateur Sport will continue ander the direct tion of Cnaper W. Whitney. The best of modern writers will contribute short stories, and the moat distinguished artiste will make the illustra- tions. The editorial articles of Mr. George William Curtis will remain as an espeoial attraction. HARPER'S PERIODICALS, PER YEAR: HARPER'S WEEKLY $f 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE -- 2 00 Postage Free .to all subscribers in the United States,(Janada, and Mexico. Tho Volnmoe of the Weekly begin with the first Number for Jannary of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at the time of reoeipt of order. - Bound Volumes of Helper's Weekly for three years tack, io neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for 97 00 per volume: Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for bind- ing, will be Bent by mail, poet -paid, on receipt of $1 00 each. Remittanoos Amnia be made by Post-o'Hlee Mehaey Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. 1.. Newspapers are net to copy this Advertise- ment without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Address: HARPER & BROTHERS, Now York GTRAY STOCK ADVER Q'i TISEMENTS Inserted in Tie News Recon at low rates. The late makes it compulsory to advertise array stock If yon want any kind of advertising you will not do better than call on 'ewe-Reocord."' A NICE HOME AT A BAROAIN.—Eight acres of land with a select orchard of choice apple trees ; comfortable house and stables ; adjoining Godo - rich township.1) Apply to B. L. DOYLE, dodo ich. 626-tf TEACHER WANTED. Wanted, a Second -Class Teacher: Salary not to evened 10300. For further particntars opyiy to SAMUELittV1NE, Secretary School Section No. 5, Morrie, Bolgrave.P. 0. 675-tf. ENIARQED —Tq— � j iRI PAGES WEEKLY GLOBE p 1$9; 3 B -A '0 ., 18..1 AND ; �.� N' E Qk' $i It t• THE. MOST LIBERAL OFFER EVER 1ADE. NO FAKES 1 NO' CHEAP BOOKS 1 NO JAOI-KNLVES 1'' SCISSORS OR CATCH -PENNY "OFFERS I BUT A OLEAN, WEIOLESOME FAMILY NEWSPAPER, UPON ITS MERITS.. Commencing with the issue of 7th October THE WEEKLY GLOBE will contain sixteen pages instead of twelve pages as heretofore, making it the largest and best family newspaper in Canada. Every effort will be devoted to making it BRIGHT, READABLE, ACCURATE and INTERESTbNG in all its departments, Special -pains will be taken with its Agricultural Pages„ and MORE SPACE WILL 13E DEVOTED TO SELECT READING FOR THE FAMILY. SUBSCRIBERS WHOSE ORDERS ARE RECEIVED PREVIOUS TO 31St DECEMBER, 1891, WILL HAVE TIIE PAPER SL'NT THEM UNTIL. CLOSE OF 1892 FOR TI -IE ONE YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION. THIS1 ofa. IG-pagefor$ I .to who subscribes Houk. AGENTS WANTED IN ALL UNREPRESENTED DISTRICTS. For terms, address THE GLOBE, TORONTO. rintin 0 The NEWS!ECOR1J Is in a better • position titan ever to turn out The Very Finest Printing: At prices as low as any other office in the West. Those in need of any class of Job Printing should call On THE NEWS -RECORD, Albert Street, Clinton Et -sot twst: NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S ,,LOCK - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the New Store and see the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The whsle Stock -is from:the very best manufacturers. Picture Frames and: Mouldings of ever" description. JOS. CUJDLEY, one door Zest of Dickson's Book Store he) FOR GOOD ENVELOPES R.,., FOR=f:IiEST PRINTING ows— t ;o FOR NICE BiLL MEADS FOR OFFICE PRINTING THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN ALT DEPARTMENTS J. C. STEVE'NSON,5 Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, • Clinton, Ont WATCHES! Waltham, Elgin, -Illinois, Columbus, Seth Thomas, and Rockford—new, model. +,asasrr, tgrAll those makes in key and stem winders Alco pendant set watches. J. BiDDLECOMBE, CLINTON. I!VIPLEiVIEE ITS. The enbneriber having severed his connection with the Mangey Company, desires to intimate that ho has been appointed agent for the well known firm of FROST Sac WOOD, implement makers, of Smith's Falls, and will be pleased to fill all orders in his line as heretofore. Will also keep on hand WILKINSON PLowe. COLTER & BOOTT DRILLS, Dlsc HARnows, and articles of l'ke nature. WM. STANLEY I 847—Om Holmeevilloand Clinton Loi b's Stara Enami. This le an article worthy of every lady's attention. If you want to save timerand labor, buy a box. if you want your ironed clothes to look neat and clean and to last much longer, buy a box. If you want, the starch to stay In the clothes on the line in spite of rain or frost, buy n box. If you want everything to look like noW, such as shirt bosoms, collars, cuffs, lace curtains, ore., buy a box. ltprlirery Storekeeper keeps it now, and where the merchant dies not keep it we want a lively agent to represent us. flanufaetnred by W. J. LOBES 65—tf Holmosville SPE STE ARE T Established 1860. stfil" No.2 No.3 F©R FOP TI Works, ENGLAND. Expert Writers. .3�?;SB�3uiL:.'414±Li111'2r tocoult 6t7U r+ OUSE t-,.. ..Y`K'„v.13:C�.al.. ,•r tants FOR Corms - pendants Writing N Busi- o.27 3y�w ,?x.;,-rKsy�nv:,•t:'• DOSS Sold by STATIONERS Everywhere. Samples FREE on receipt of return postage2centg. SPENCERIAN PEN CO., 0 WYo K.. Scientific American Agency for E$TS CAVEATS TRADE: MARES LESION PATENTS COPVf1ICHTS, eta. For information and free Handbook write to MUNN & 801 BROADWAY, NEW TOnyr.' Oldest bureau CO.,for securing patents in America. meaty natent taken out by us 19 brought before the public by a notice given free of charge in the getentjfhg ,1. Xe ora. Lar est &remotion of any eefonttfo paper in thentan world. S londidly ilhtstrntod. No intelligent man should ho u-ltlout it_ Weehlyy�� gg$.Owl CO:ear; 11.50 s1z moat s. AddreSe M17NN at ., i�[1HLlsrnInS,121 Broadway. New Rork. • it 1 1,