HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-02-03, Page 1• 'A'1l11#.Mitne.11 11) per Artstesar 81415 h :advances '4A GRIPPE:! HOW TO SHAKE IT OFF. at ie concocted by people generally q that • THE BEST LIQUORS 414e ,legitimately taken ,to ward off t1t'at dread disease, La Grippe. E HAVE • THEIVi• ! 'l4e very best qualities at the lowest oseible prices. If YOU are in any way interested, you will surely`make *great Mistake if you do not call at The '°LINTON LIQUOR STORE An ounce of prevention is better than r-yt pound of cure. Do not allow your- self to get tho Grippe. e J. W. RITER .-Liquor Merchant, Albert -St., Clinton C,oderich. Ice cutting this week. Mr. D. Robb, of Clinton, was in the circular towm last Friday. Sacrament will be dispensed in -the Gaelic church next Sunday. Mr. D. A. Forrester, of Clinton, was in Goderich last week. The Editor of the Signal spent a "few days in Toronto the past week. Rev. A. W. Young and family deft town on Saturday for Simooe. Regular meeting of our town .fathers on Friday evening. The County Council olosed its sitting on Friday night. The harbor is now solidly frozen .over, and the ice on the lake ex- -tends out a considerable distance„ Our boat builder, Wm. Marlton, vas seriously indisposed the 'past week. Mr. W. T. Welsh was confined to the house the past .week, by a -severe attack of La Grippe. 'Mr. Geo. Sheppard paid a frater- nal visit to Dungannon lodge A. 0. IT. W. on Wednesday. Mr,. Hy Armstrong has received the appointment of Exprese Agent Vice Mr. Wm. Kay, deceased. There was a concert and exhibi- tion of lime light views in Temper- ance hall last Friday evening. The Curling Club had a business meeting: at: •fh6'Colborne on.Thura- ?} • •., day. evening.. week from a „visit: to relatives at Bothwell. There will be a sitting of the -Division Court in 'the Court House • •to•day. There will be the usual service in St. George School room this even- ing. There was a meeting in St. Peter's church the past week to organize a Literary Society, the foundation stone of which was firmly placed. • Rev. D. Strongman, of the Vic- toria Street Methodist Church, preached a sermon to young men o1a Sunday,-euening�.r ,... n - ..........:.... A convention for the nomination of a candidate to conteet West Huron in the Conservative interest will be held at Smith's Hill this afternoon. • Messrs. Thos. Jackson and Wm. Jackson, and Wm. Swaffield, of •Clinton, paid a visit to Liverpool lodge S. 0. E., •last Wednesday evening. A district meeting of Royal Tompla"rs of Temperance was held .in the Temperance hall last Thurs- day. The visiting Tempters were entertained by the members of Eureka Council. Mrs. Agnes Mitchell, mother of Mr. James Mitchell of the Goderich Star was'knocked down by a run- away horse, in London, last Satur- _day. Her injuriesare serious, but at• last accounts notconsidered fatal. On Tuesday afternoon of last 'week a well known retired farmer, Thos. Troy, died soddenly in the Mechanic's Institute. The deceased -gentleman had been in a precarious state of health for some time, an affection of the heart being the e cause. The funeral took place on Thursday to St. Peters and thence to the Colborne cemetery. Ai boy named 1G. Killburn, who 'has for a considerable period given his parents much trouble, was charged at the Judges interim ses- sions last Saturday with stealing a Ione and cutter, and pleading guilty was sentenced to 5 years in Penetanguiebene Reformatory. The 'boy` is only a little over nine, yet during his short life he run away from home scores of tinges. Itobt. Henry, of Donegal, has a 7t6u which'>hatched six chickens on Friday last, Jan. 23rd. She is a :*"gioer er" and no mistake. JZA. Jf8O.o.plY4' I t' 4,4 1eii4,rfos-1;''• !oa'R44 JrV ,A rapyo 4tI TTOE I1., •a•• V -1 t,ON COUNTY, Vera.. t r ,RDJ,`t ,4 SDAY. F.413 R V .4R .L 3, 1892. ' Exeter.. Mt'. Wtn. Snell hoe purchased thq. property south of Chas. Perkins' and intends erectIng.a fine brink re• sideno° thereon in the spring. Mr. John Web of this place hae rented tho 200 acre faint belonging to Mr Sam Martin, 4th Con: Us - borne. He takes poseseion in March, Dr. Y. Cowan of Chicago former ly of this place has purchased a re- eidence in St. Thome be intends to commence the practice his profess- ion in that pity about the first of March. The Bobior Produce Co., who have been doing business on Main St. West huve moved into the large brink building north of the town hall, the old building not beiug large enough. Theodore Sweet writing from his new home in Moosotuin, Man., status that they aro having extreme- ly cold weather in that locality. During last week the thermometer registered 48 and 50 degrees below zero. No`. doubt the young Exeter- ite,thinks it it too cold for his Lilly out there - The residence of Mr. Jas. Cruch was the scene of a pleasant time on Wednesday evening last, it being the occasion of the marringe of his daughter, Theresa F., to Mr. Frank' Ilancock, of Ewerado, Dakota. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. L. Russel, pastor of James St. Church. RUNAWAY$. --The horse driven by Mr. Chas. Snell, the express agent, became frightened at the station one day last week and start- ed for down town, when the sleigh got upset in a .now bank upsetting the horse also: the lig was some- what damaged, as was the harness, and the hot'ee'received an ugly cut on one of its legs. A horse driven by Mr. Jas. Shapton ran away on Main St. on day last week but was captured' before any damage was done. PER6oNALS.—Mrs. R. Fannon and son Wilbur, of Seaforth, were in town last week.—Mies Kitteridge, of Petrolia, -is the guest of Mies Lou Russell.—Mr. Thos. Smalla- combe was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Smallacombe last week. —Geo. 'Russell is home with art attack of quinsy.—Mrs. H. L. Billings who Las been visiting at hermother's for some time returned to Ridgetown last Wednesday.— Mr. Jno. Bawden, of Owen Sound, is home on a visit.—Messrs. R. H. Collins and Ingram have exchanged offices. WEDDING BELLE.—A very inter- esting event took place at the resi- dence of Mrs. E. A. Colley, 72 Church St., St, Marys, at 5 o'clock last Tuesday evening which Miss Jessie Colley, who has been a reel - dent of our town for the past year, was married to Mr. J. L. Webster, of Buffalo. The ceremony was per- formed by the Rev. W. J. Taylor, rector- of St. James.Charch,.Jn..the. presence of a large number of rela- tives and friends. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Ada Colley, Miss Flossie Webster, slater of the groom,. and Miss McTavish, of Exeter, while Miss Kathleen Colley, the bride's little niece, acted as maid of honor; Rev. Chas. Web- ster, B. A., M. D., of Dansville, N. Y., brother of the groom, perform- ed the duties of groomsman. The bride is a popular and esteemed" young lady and we join the many friends in wishing the happy couple a pleasant matrimonial voyage. The following was sent to Mr. A. G. Dyer secy. of thq Stephen and Usborne Agricultural Socy by spine man of a sneaking disposition who desires ibis own welfare rather than Mr. Dyer's The reply of the direct- ors give shows the esteem in which Mr. Dyer is hold. DEAR FRIEND ALEX.. I heard some of the Directors of the Stephen & Osborne Agricultural Society make a remark recently that they were tired of your services as a secretary and that they intended to appoint a new secretary and treasur- er at their next meeting. ' Aa a friend and a member of the society I would warn you to put in your resige nation at the next meeting as the majority of them are finding fault with both of you as,sthey say you are both too careless. FROM YOUR FRIEND. We, the undersigned Directors of the Stephen & Usborne Agricultural Society, do hereby declare that the foregoing is false in every particular, also wish to intimate to the friend of A. G. Dyer, that having known him for twenty years as secretary of this society, express our utmost confid- ence in him as such secretary, having found him in all things in connection therewith oapable and trustworthy. Signed, John Delbridgt, Sam Sanders, Henry Either, Wm. Elliott, E. Chris- tie, Wm. White, John Hunter, Jr., John Willis, W. T. Acheson, Jas. Ballantyne, D. McInnes. • Poet Albert. Roo tato fpr leaf .week( We still live trotWithetanding Grippe, Grits and the Cold weather, Grippe has taken. a pretty big grip ..on most of the hostiles but the Grits concern us little; Wo can keep them in their place Without any trouble. Puberteon , formerly of Clinton; noty of Goderich, has opened out a 1 dry gouda store in this place and the renowned Auctioneer Houaton of tho 'Hub' auctions off a large amount of goods after 7 o'clock every evening. I beg to call the attention of the County Commissioner of the state of the flooring on the iron bridge" in this .place which wants repairing badly. A "Stitch in time eaves nine." /" However the weather lies been cold and stormy but the eloighing first class, and a large amouut,of hauling hae been done during the past week, in fact the sleighing on. the Lake Shore road has not been better during the past three yeara, and business is booming. In regard to the "kid gloved bosses" referred. to in last .weeks issue of THE NEWS RECORD, I wish to remark that the interest of West Huron is vet centred in the circular town, and we outsiders are determ- ined to have a say touching the mat- ter in question. Porter did not °receive fair ¶flay at some of their hands any way. • Our fishermen are busy preparing for next season's catch. Neil, "The Swede," intends adding three more pound nets to hie gang, mak- ing six altogether, also there will be two other gangs of men running gill nets in deep eater, and I un- derstand A. C. Hawkins" has the material on the ground to build a largo ice housewhich will lurid about two hundred tons, to supply the fishermen with during the sum= mer. And, if we can believe the Signal's correspondent, "Tony" is acting under instructions given. at Ottawa taking measurements and levels and making diagrams at the harbor for the purpose of further improvements which I must say are very much needed. Colborne. The Zion pulpit was occupied on Sabbath Jan. 24th, by Mr. Albert Allin. Revival services are being carried on at Zion church and are likely to continue for some time: Mr. J. E. Tom, P. S. L, paid school No. 8 a visit on Monday 25th Jan. Mr. Robert Kerr is very ill at present. Doubte are entertained as to hie recovery. Mr. John Hamilton hae moved into Mr. Phramer'e hotel at Ben miller, which we understand has been rented by him. Dr. Howie, the oriental orator, lectured at Zion on Thursday night and at Bethel on Friday night, of last week. Lha funeral .of ,th.e.late John. Mc= Gan took place on Jan. 20 from the residence of Mr. Thos. Hamilton to the Colborne cemetery. The quarterly service of the Ben - miller circuit on Sabbath next at -half past ten a. m. The quarterly Board will meet at Benmiller on the following Monday at 2 p. m. Morris. The Council met pursuant to statute January 13th, 1892, the members all present and the reeve in the Chair. Proctor—Howe—That W. Clark be reappointed clerk at a salary of $130. Kirkby—Caldbick —That John Watson be assessor at a salary of $80. Howe—Proctor— That R. Johnston he auditor. These resolutions all carried. The Reeve appointed Charles McClelland the other auditor. Caldbiek'—Kirkup -That Dr. T. G. 'Holmes be medi- cal health officer—carried. Proctor — Kirkby=That Thomas Laidlaw, George Hood and W. J. Johnston be members of the board of health — carried. Proctor—Howe—That the followilfg accounts be paid :— Allan Lindsay, building culvert, $8; R. Shortreed, funeral expenses and keep of Palmer, $25.50; Loyola Bol- ton, engineer's fees, $24; Mieeee Exford, charity, $16; Chas. Camp- bell, wuod to Exforde. $10; Wm. Martin, removing floodwood, $6; Hamilton & McLean, spikes, 27c; John Scandrett, gravel, $2; W. 13. Kerr, printing financial statement, $4; corporation of Blyth, hall rent for division court, $7.50; John Mooney, collector's salary, $85; H. Mooney, financial statement, $2; W Clark, nomination expenses and posting financial statements, $8; J. Mooney, gravel, $1.55. By-laws Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, 1892, were duly read and paeaed. The council then adjourned to meet on the 22nd day of February.—W. CLARK, clerk. Lend esboro 11Ir, D, Fell, formerly of this placrl, was in the village•m,D'ridttx. D;lr. John Bulger is learniiig bia'olcsurithiug with John Bruusdou '4 Son. • Mr, Thos. McDonald and his sister ware the gueete of Mr. New- ton last Friday. *r. Thos. Millar andhis, brio e arrived home from t g trip on eturday. 1t ` 4:�,"Poodman was at Porter 's Hill on I~r4tlay on business in0011 notion with district 1 L 0. G. T. Brunedon & Son arc getti g ready a carload of waggons, &c , which they' intend 'shipping o Manitoba about the 1st of Moral , • A large number of the Goo TTramplersmplers of this. village paid Ma • cheater lodge a fraternai visit o Monday evening and spent a plea . ant and profitable ttime.Messrs. B. Laurason and Geo. E. Williams of the village attends the •District meeting of Good Tem - lars held in Wingham on the 26t ult. ' heir weddin edge No. 24 n t 1 d n n e P d h The Sons of England will give, a concert in the Temperance hall on Fr%day evening, Feb. 12th. Some first class talent has been se- cured and the committee are spar- ing uo pains to snake it a great atm - masa. The admission, 15c. for adults and 10c. for children. Tho following are•the officers of "North Star" lodge I.O.G.T. for the present quarter: C.T., Geo. E. Witliama; V.T., Addie Crisp; S. .T., Hannah Riddell; R.S., Jen ie Woodman; F.S., Wm. Lon' man; T., Sarah Wallace; Chap, Ja s Hill; M., Jas. Feirservice; G., Mattie Brogden; S., James Woman; Organiet,Etta Callender; P.0 ., B. Lauraeon; Lodge Deputy, Ger4;E. Newton, Avery successful meeting of die, trictlodge No. 24, I. 0. G. T. was held in Wingham ou the 26th ult. Fully 100 delegates from different parte of the county were present. The secretary's report showed a slight increase in the membership of tile lodges heard from as com- pared with the last report. The treasurer's report showed about $60 in the treasury. It was decided to petition the Grand -Lodge to annex the to.wnahips of Huron, Kinloss and .Culross to this District, pro- vided these lodges are desirous of becoming a part of this District. Campaign work was'fully discussed and it was decided to push tho work with vigor. The -district executive are confident they will be able to show a large increase in membership at the next Grand Lodge session. A number of pub- lic meetings to be addressed by a firet class speaker will be held throughout the District during the winter and every exertion made to advance the order. Relgrave. -..4441ts -A- annntin't-ofalr`tttilliigerii attended the entertainment in the Union school on Friday night. Mise Maggie- Porterfield who is attending the Clinton Collegiate In- stitute spent Sunday at her home in Marnoch. Mr. Dan. Geddes has leased the tailor shop of Mr. R. McCummings and commenced business. Mr. Mc - Cummings leaves this week for Newark, N. J. on a. prospecting tour. ' Word was received here on Mon- day of the death of Mrs. • Walsh formerly of this place, bet lately of Denfield where she has bean resid- ing with her daughter Mrs. E. Granger. Mr. Blackwell, who taught school last year about 2s miles from here was in Clinton the early part of this week and. foregathered witb6Messrs. Clegg end Rustiell and other of his former pupils who are attending the Clinton Collegiate. Mr. Black- well will wait until the next term ere he attends the Normal. - The East Wawanosh "Literary Society which was organized a short time ago promises to be it' grand success thia, season. Following is the staff offficers : President, Goo. Coolies; Vice President, John Sowler; Secretary, D. S. Scott ; AssistentSea., Jahn Scott; Treaaer- er, P. W. Scott; Committee, J. Fells, A. Bennett, M: Harrison, C. Anderson, L. Edwards. —Great anxiety is felt among farmers in Iowa on account of a strange disease resembling the dreaded rabies among horses, cattle and hogs. One farmer hae lost a dozen bead of animals. The matter hae become so serious that Governor Roies has sent State Veterinarian Stalker to investigate the matter. He is positive the disease is hydro.. phobic.. lililyt , Mr, H. Dares spent Sunday in Tosawater. C. E. Tanner, banker, visited Hatniltou and Woodstock last week, Holy, communion in Trinity church on Sunday morning next. Our monthly Korea and cattle fair was hold on Tuesday. Mr. Robert McQuarrie of Toron- to is visiting under the parental roof these days. Some of 111e Conservatives of this burg will attend the Conservative convention at Smith's hill on Wednesday. On Monday evening a special meeting of L. Q. L. No. 963 was hold in their hall. There was a large attendance. An Arch meeting of the L. 0. L. No. 963, is to be held in the Orange hall on Monday evening next The social ander the auspices of the Womou'e Guild of Trinity church, Blyth, held at the residence of Mr. David McGill of East Wawanosh on Wednesday evening last, was a grand success. Proceeds over $20.00. Quite a number of our citizens at - fended the ball at Mr. John Belle, Londesboro, on Friday evening, re- turning home near day -break. They report having a eplondid time. A number of S. S. workers from this burg are attending the S. S. convention which ie being hold in Wingham this week. The delegates from the L. 0. L. No. 963 attending the county lodge meeting of L. 0. L. of North Huron held on Tuesday in Walton were Bros Willt•ord, Howe, J. McGill, James Gibson, James McGee, Thos. McElroy, . R. Gibsou and Will Montgomery. Our town daddies held their regular monthly session on Monday evening. They extended the time for collecting taxes until. the 15th inst.Delinqueota will req ere to have their toadskins ready this time. Excuses won't do. The revival meetings which have been going on in the Methodist church here for several weeks past have been the .means of doing much good, a large number declaring their intention to lead a better life in the future. The meetings are to be brought to a close sometime during this week. Mr. Michael Doherty, formerly section boas on G. W. R., and who has been ailing for several months past, passed away on Sunday morn- ing. :On Tuesday morning the body was taken from hie late resi- dence to the depot where it was put on board the cars to be conveyed to Hamilton to be deposited in the family plot. The widow and an on- ly child have the sympathy of the community in their bereavment. lllfolrnesville. Mr. Scott from Clinton spent.:e allarL""'fit ale -re this week. Mr. A. Scott who was on the sick list is around again. Quarterly meeting will be held next Sunday. Mr. Fred Elford left for Guelph last week. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. A. Halstead was buried on Tuesday of last week. Micro. D. A. Holmes has been laid up for some time and is not improving very rapidly. Mr. Joseph Holdworth some time ago let a weight fall on hie foot, and he is now confined to the house from the effects of the injury. The lecture by Rev. W. Mc- Donagh was in every respect one of the grandest efforts ever listened to in Hotmesville. It was a success in the large attendance, in the order kept, in the finances, in the music, in•the good chairman,• in the subject and matter of the lecture. The subject was : The reason of our pro- test against the church of Rome. The lecturer said something like the following which is a mere fraction of fuller report received too late fo - this issue :—Protestantism does not force any one to worship against the dictates of their conscience. The Church of Rome forces all it can to worship in its way, and will not tolerate any other form of worship if it can prevent it. Against this we protest. Toleration was never allowed until the reign of William III. Those who say different are slanderers of Protest- antism. The law of the land now is that none can interfere with the ri ht of others to worship as they please. The lecturer eaid he had no di ute with Romaniste as in- dividuals, but he protested against their ayetem. Those who do not protest against that system• are not Protestants—are not Christians— are not Mothodiete—are not Angli cans—are not Presbyterians, etc. WklltvELT fs itsrapfr'Ipr otic•ire WITOLE NO. ' 691 Nile. Mr. William MoVettie has been on the nick list the pest Week. MT, W. S. Clack has been ill the past week with la grippe, Mise Mills from Ebenezer is visiting friends at the Nile, Mrs. Thomas Polly spent a few dare in the circular town last week. The regular quarterly meeting will be held in the Nile church next Sunday. Mr. Louie Taylor is making things boom in tho wood lino; he is getting quite a stock home. Mise Fee, from Hay Township, spent Sunday with fiieuds at the Nile. There was a bee at the Nile church on Friday ilast putting in wood and fixing up things in general. The Rev. Mr. Irvine from lien - sell was up last Monday to attend the funeral of the late Maggie Tiffin. Mr. Albeit Boyd intonde going to Manitoba in the spring. Wonder if he will take a partner with him. Better take a wife Albert-. Dir. Coory has been appointed care taker of the Nilo church for another year at an increase of salary. Mr. A. Young is drawing lumber to rebuild his barn next summer. We understand Mr. D. McLean has the contract. Messrs. James Kennedy ' and Richard Morrow nre cutting wood on the 3rd Con. of Ashfield. Any one wanting good wood will do well to call on them at their hall where they will be found for some time to come, health and weather permitting. iii'inghani. Mr. Wm. Paisley of Clinton was in town last week. The social held at Mr. Moffatt; Tuesday evening of last week was largely attended and the people re- port having t very pleasant even - The sleighing was firat class last week and the amount of wood and loge that came into town proves that .the farmers around. Wingham are hustlers. 'Two runaways- occurred in town, one on Saturday and the other on Sunday. In each case the otecu• pants were dumjed out of the cutter but nothing' serious happened to either rig or people. The sleet ou Sunday night made the side wants very slippery. It' was amusing to watch the pedes - trains on Monday ; the most of them prefered the 'middle of the road. And it was nothing unusual to see the ladies sitting down on the side- walk to consider *the prospects of their morning walk. The first carnival of the season was held at the ice rink last Wed• nesday evening. Tee ice was in splendid condition and it was a success in every respect. The num- "bier'of fancydrama ptase:it, skai