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The Huron News-Record, 1892-01-20, Page 2
Seekertielenereiheleletaleeleentalconseaperueeseeve4.1.11001seleareviaeleerele tuelettnerintOttnnsereenenrtrint trtretninacneetZ Save Four Hair Y a timely nee of Ayer' Dab Vigor, This preperayion has no equal as dressing. It keeps the scalp clean, cool, and healthy, and preserves the color, fullness, aid beauty of the hair. "1 win rapidly becoming bald and A;1ay; but after using two or three ttics of Ayer's Hair Vigor wy hair grew thick and glossy and the original., color was rostorod."—Melvin Aldrich: Cancan Centre, N. H. "Soma time ago I lost all my hair in consequeueo of moaste?. Atter duo waiting, no now growth appeared. I then used Ayer's Bair Vigor and zny hair grew Thick and Strong. 7:t has apparently come to stay. Tho . Vigor is evidently a great aid to nature." —J. B. Williams, Floreaville, Texud. "I have used Ayer's Flair Vigor for the past four or five years and find it le Most satisfactory dressing for the hair. It is all I could desire, bei( harmless, causing the hair to retain its natural color, and requiring but a small quantity to seeder the hair easy to arrange." -- Mrs. M. A. Bailey, 9 Charles street, Haverhill, Mase. "I have been usin.j, Ayer's Flair Visor for oeveral years, and btdieve that it has caused my hair to retain its natural color."—Mrs, H. J. Hing, Dealer in Dry Goode, &c., Bishopville, Md. air lgoir9 PIIEPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer 84 Go., Lowell, Masa. Sold by Druggists and Porfumors. T it a Nuton f Nle ws'-J 1 ti 1. V % a .50 a Year -$1.25 In Advance .G•YealrleadsLY,) J:tai. i•:t, 1!9£l:'d, 5f_{ YhARB' SUi!'1''i?RING, 1)uAI SIR,. — 1 was troubled for six taste with eres'i..•ben, and two battles of Burdock B'o'd bitt„rs ewr.r•Iy cured ma. I keen a B R. cone•r.u;ly in the house an t'atnk it :.n elf -c: n.l cure for all diseases caused by lard 1,lontl Mas. M. Dowaf:•ri•, Por.taud, Out. —An excellent suggestion comes from lova Scotia that 28 rinks nom Ontario and Q et e„ make a jonruey down to St. John, N. B , or Halifax next month and play a dual in- terprovincial curling match, THE I•IOUSEH-IOLD PRIZE. 13.3 Ade!.tide S':., W. Toronto, Oct, : "Your reliable ptepr.r•ttion, St: as., ohs O 1, hen preyed a benefit to me in m.:re wage than one. I have used it for quinsy (outward application) with very !.ane! tial results, ..o& for a case of rhou- mnStaa., where its action was swift and sura, and a perfect core was perfutnted. -I couaider it a reul.,dy to be ;]rimed in every household." Trios. I'LERn0N, with Johnson & Brown. —The search for natural gas is coming nearer Hamilton, and always with successful results. It is pro- posed to sick a well near Scott's flour mill in Caledouia this week. Power will be supplied. from the mill for drilling. Gas had already been found at a point between Cayuga and Caledonia. HAUYARD'S YELLOW OIL. This great internal remedy always al- lays all pain. It is a specific for croup, and promptly cures coughs, colds, Bore throat, sprains, bruises, burns, rheuma- tism, cute, woundo, eto. Good for man or beast. Stands all toots. Sold every- where. Price 25 cents. Hayard'e Yel- low Oil. —Mr. J. B. Kelly, one of tlio successful merchants of Calgary, is in Ontario. Mr. Kelly is on a alb?1Re�a _x,tj-1 i., Anit. 1Rj�l..,vAltlD.., Moatreat before returning to Calgary. He went from Kincardin e, Ontario, to British Columbia 13 years ago, and prosperity seems to have followed his footsteps. Mr. Kelly is loud in his praises of the great Canadian North-west. He predicts a splendid future for Calgary, which has a population now of between 4,500 and 5,000 people. 'Tile man who goes to the North-west prepared to work,",said Mr. Kelly "neod have no fear of his success. We want the people, and newcomers will never be able to say that they have not been well troeted by the residents who aro there now." COMING EVENTS. Cominggoonsumption in foreshadowed by a hacking cough, night sweats, pain in the chest, ete, -Arrest its progress at once by taking Hagyard'e Pectoral Bal- sam, which never fails to cure oonghs, colds, bro •:chitin, hoarseness, eta., and oven in confirmed consumption affords great relief. —A sudden death occurred in Ingersoll last week from la grippe. A widow woman named NI r8. Clark, occupied rooms over the postofilce, was found stead in bed by her aster, Mrs. Stephen May, about eight o'clock, with her two little childr.un, a boy and a girl, sleeping quietly by her side. Mrs. May had beon attending her until a late hour last evening, and Mrs. Clerk told her to go home and get some rest, an she was feeling much batter. Mrs. May was horrified on her arrival to find her dead. She had appar• ently passed away without a struggle. The deceased had only rfrrived in this country the latter part of last October, intending to make Ingersoll her home. The great pnpalarity of Ayer's Pills as a cathartic is due np lose to their prompt- ness and effinacMan to their coating of cul{ar and freed tm from any injnrioue ef• fec;a. Children take them readily. see Ayer's Almanac for this year, just out. SURE CURE FOR THE GRIP. AN ASAFETIDA FILL POUR TIMES A DAY SAID TO AE' EF EC'rIVa• Louisville, Jan. 13.— A gentles man ot this city; in a letter to Dr. Keeley, bf Dwight, Ill., stated that he had been suffering for several weeks with the grip. In his reply Dr. Keeley nays :— would like to suggest a treatment for grip wbiuh l know 1s neur ynp'ui• tie an well as innocent. Itis dimply asafetida, „ iytln in four•!;rain pills, one pill four times a day. No luau need to be nick of the grip Oleo(' days who will take it. For the pant two yearn, with all the patients here null jest, of course, to such epidemic, I have not had one man go to bed from the disuant'., ' I h :uk it up very quickly, and, in fact, care it.. If this treatment wen generally known It would stifle sufferers muni: exptwuue and wret•cherlues,e anti many useful and valuable live:+." A L(mark:ibisCase--Mr. Waiter VVhe11 er, of the \Vashingrnn Mille, l..wrono Mont.., f',r two y' c.1 a efIlicted N itch vrri- cobe vviu., acOOutpaui;•d by a trnubin• Born0 eruption, wan cunt plott'ly Ourrd af'a'r eking wily eight bottles of Ayer'; 8,0 0044.10., •:ills, NEWS NOTES. — William Shaw, a conductor, formerly of St. Thomas, was killed at Denison, 'Texas, lust week . — Principal Grant declares that the true Christian is he selto believes firmly and who thinks freely. —Prohibition in the territories received its death blow when an ordinance respecting the sale of in- toxicating liquors and issue of licensee therefor received its second reading iu the legislative assembly last week. Cay ley, member for Calgary, made a lengthy and lucid explanation of the bill. It provides for three classes of licenses. —Mrs. Susan Oliver, of Toronto, has an against Rev. Geo. Kennedy, of Ingersoll, for damages for tres- pass. Some time ago Mr. Kennedy deeded to Mrs. Oliver au Oxford County farm, worth about $4,000. Thee he repeated his gift and want• ed to get the property back, but I,frs. Oliver refused to return it. There upon the ray. gentleman took possession. Mrs. Oliver now sues him fur trespass. On Saturday morning the Master -in Chambers Ott Osgoode Hall changed the venue of the trial from Toronto to Wood- stock. —Michael Connolly, a farm hand employed by Thomas Acres, of Templeton, Ottawa county. • was killed by a vicious steer yesterday. The lad was engaged slaughtering and had already dispatched two beasts when the steer's turn came. He fastened the animal, as he thought, most securely and struck it a heavy blow with an ax. The anintal enraged lashed out, Mei-ling Connolly unconscious against the wall. The animal managed to slip the rope, and getting free attacked him fiercely, goring hint repeteadly. The Rainial's horn penetrated the right lung, inflicted a wound which proved fatal in half an hour. —About two years ago Mr. and Mrs Austin came to Braccbridge to practice scripture science as a profession. For a weeks they ..did •an.•lin mwise -business,--,.,trea.ti•ng• all kindsand conditions of persons poasessed of all manner of diseases. They undertook to cnre cripples and deformed persona. But after a considerable time the business got down so small Mr. that Austin left his wife to attend to it alone, which she has doing ever since. Two weeka ago her little daughter took very sick. Mrs Austin did ontBend fora physician., The child got worse. A city ^scientist "was sent for. Fiye hours 'after Itis ar- rival the child died. The disease was diphtheria. As the child was dying, or shortly aftter its death, the scientist made quick time for the railway depot to catch the first train for Torontol leaving Mte Aus- tin alone with her dead child, while she also had taken the dis- ease. • . DESIRABLE LOTS' FOR SALE. Three one -acro lots in the Town of Clinton are offered for sale. They are situated on Raglan street, not far from the Doherty Organ Factory and Colle,iate Institute, adjoining the former residonceof Mr. J. H. Combo and in the neigh• borhood of first-elass residences. For terms, etc., apply to 881t1 ARTHUR IINOX, Clinton, ESTRAY CATTLE.. Come into the enclosure of the subscriber, Lot 24, Con. 12, Mullett, about the latter part of November, three rod yearling steers and one red and white yearling heifer. The owner is re- quested to prove property, pay expenses and take the animals away. ANDREW TAYLOR. Loudeeboro P. 0. Debenture By -Law, Notice is hereby given that a Dy -Law was passed by the Municipal Council of the Town of Clinton on the Ninth day of December, 1801, A.D., providing for the issue of Debentures to the amount of $3,500 for the purpose of taking up and retiring Debentures to the amount of $6,500 which fell due on let December, Instant, and that such By -Law was registered in the Registry Office of the County of Huron on the 14th day of December, A.D. 1801. And that this is the first By -Lew passed under the Act to con- solidate the debt of the Town of Clinton passed In the 54th year of [ler Majesti'e reign and chaptercd 04. VILLAIN COATS, Clerk of the Town of Clinton THE WALES HOTEL, ALS411T-ST. Nolan, QI.INTUN, Tho undoralgeed bee 'resumed the proprietorship qt Otto above Hotel. Tho promises are being re - noted and tlrst•otass aoeuuuueodatlon can always hu bun for man ural beast. 'rhe bar it supplied with only the bust A1o, Ll nor Cigars, .Lo., and special attention will also bu given to the darting room department. There is excellent stable ao0ommudativn. Tho patronage of the general pubile Is ruspeutfulty solluttud. 034.pm JOHN T. LEE, - PROPRIETOR New Firm in the Old Stand, The undersigned havilig p'erobaeed the old established meat bunIneee of Mr. Arthur (knelt, begs to lufortu the pabllu that he will °endue° It NO it b,m heretofore been °nrrtml r.l'Meace of all !duds in season. Orders taken and dullvnred 118 cunni. HIgheet cash price pail for sheepskins, hides and tallow. 037 -tf JAMES A. FORD. THE CELEBRATED Mai astiorr\ cb-"Va tinges THE E BEl i'ir IN T 1II IE Nast RK. E I'B Il rae:M ae:; Allowed on Trial ant ileo agent for all All Agricultural tmp1of 3n s Warareom opposite Fair's Mill. • Call and sec me. J. B. WEIR, WHIM NOTICE Tho Annual Meeting. of the members of the 111BAillnp Mutual Pira Ito, trance Company, will be hold in the Tew:i Hall, iKidd's Ltluak, Soa- forth, on Fit 11) a V, J A N. 15. 1' 13, at ono o'clock, p. in., for the pnrpo00 of receiving t•ho Annual and A tdR,r'e lt.tport, electing directors, and any other business in the interest of the corn - T. E, IIAYS, President. W. J. SHANNON, teec•Tretts. T`...BT(7kLGS.1'iid')a £ilt4.:ormr•tmc•rcrrrT_ tag EVERY FARMER'S SON SHOULD HAVE t A Bashisss Education A 1' IDS'ii'A L 1 will secure the catalogue of the FOREST : CITY Bat:11mss College, LONDON, 01\T T_ Over 100 students in attendance. J. 1V. Westervelt, Principal •fit .. 44. e.: ..,..v,,,,,.,,.•, , ism 1892. HARPER'S YOUFIO PEOPLE An Illustrated 'Weekly. The Thirteenth Volmne of Harper's Young ,People begun On November 8, 1491. FeytfjJto coming year thio beet and most comprehoneivb weekly iu the world for youthful roadere offers a varied and fasoivatlug programme. In serial fiction it will contain "Diego Pitmen," a story of the first voyage of Columbus, by John R. Coryell; "Canoemetes: A Story of the Florida Reefs and Everglades," by Rirk Munroe; another story by one of the best kuown and meet popular of Amoricau antbors ; cod stories in three and four parte ny Themes Nelson Page, E. III. Honse, Aureline Teal, Ella Rodman Church, and Mary S. McCurb. More than two hundred short stories by favorite writers, articles on travel, out-of-door sports, in -door games, and all subjects dear to the hearts of the young, besides hnndrede of illuetratione by leading artiste, will combine to make Harper's Young People for 1892 an irre- sistible rodttository of pleasure and iufcrmation for boys and girls. "The hest weekly publication for young people in elietenea. It is edited with scrupulous caro and attention, and instruction and entertainment are mingled in its pages in just tho right propor- tions to captivate the minds of the young, and at the game time to develop their thinking power.— Observer, N. Y. Tett>Se-.Postage Pml:181'E1$2 Pei Year' Volume V., YIII., and B[I. of Harper's Young People, bound in cloth, will be sent by mail, poste ago paid, on receipt of A3 30 each. The other volumes aro out of print. Single Numbers, Five Cents each. Specimen Copy sent on receipt of two -cent etamp. Remittanoee should be made by Poet -office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chenoe of loss. AgrNewepapers are not to copy this advertise- ment without the express order of Herm & Brothers. Address: HARPER & BROTHERS, New York BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. CORRESPONDENCE. We will at all times be pleased to receive items of news from our sub. scribers. We want a good corres- pondent in every locality, not already represented, to send us RELIABLJS news. SUBSCR.IBER.S. - Patrons who do not receive their ,)aper regularly from the carrier or through their local post offices will confer a favor by reporting at this office at once. Subscriptions may continence at any time. AIDVERTiSER.S. Advertisers will please bear in mind that all "changes" of advertisements, to ensure insertion, should be handed in not later than MONDAY NOON of each week. CIRCULATION. THE NEWS -RECORD has a larger circulation than any other paper in this section, and as an advertising medium. has few equals in Ontario. Our boobs are open to those who mean business. JOB i'RINTINdG. The Joh Dejartrnen2 of this jour. nal is one of the hest equipper! in Western Ontario, and a superior class of stark is guaranteed at very lam prices. 1892. Bartter's Bazar, ILLUSTRATED. Horror's Bazar la a journal ter the home. It rives Oho .latest luformttlon with regard to the b'aehi•uus, and its nummoua lllpstretlous, Parte designs, wad patteru•ehoot supplements tore iu01s- passable alike to the home dress-tuukor and the modiste. No expento is spared to radio Ito artistic, attraetivoaeen of the highest order. Ile bright etorlet', amusing owned:es and thoughtful usoays satiety all testae, and Be kat page le famous an a budget of wit end humor. In its weekly Issues everything is ineladed which le of lutoro(tt to worn,u, The Sorlalo for 1892 will bo written by Walter Musset and 'William Blank. Mrs. Oliphant wilt benoms a contributor. Marlon Harlandet Timely Talk'', "Day In and Bey Out," are intoudod for matrons, and Helen Marnhull North wid specially address girle. T. W.Iligghr- son, in "W onion and Mon," will please a aulti. sated audience. HARPElt'S PERIODICALS. PER YEAR HARPER'S BAZAit 41 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S WEEIILY 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG *PEOPLE......... 2 00 Postage Free to ell enbeeribnue iu the United States, Canada, tout Mexico. The Velnmee of tho•liazur begin with the first Number for January .•f cash year. Wee l] no time i+ mrdtloued, oubsariptioua will b,•giu with tire Nurubtr current at the timo of seonlpt of ardor. Bound Volume(' of TTnrpnr's Darer Int• Iltreo years back, in nett ct.,h /Midi ug, will be Beet by moih postage paid, or by sprees, free of °sleeve( (provided the freight dons not exceed one dollar per volume), Inc $7 00 per tolu'ue. C:oth Cnsos Lrr each volume, suit;ible fnrbintl- illg, will be scut by mail, poet -paid, on receipt of $1 00 each. Remittances ('.mild be made by Port -office Money Order or Deal, to avoid chnuco of loss. 1 Nowapa para are unt to cony Ode ndvcrtigc- ment without the express order tf harper & Broteel's. Address: H 1RP-ZIt & BROTHERS, New Yurk 1892. arper's ,v.4.agaazine. ILLUSTRATED. The Magazine will calebrete the foarlh Centen- ary of the Disuo••ory of Atnori:te by its i n- n:scovxnv. through art (el.'s •iviag n more the•r- nngh txpoeitiott than hag hitherto been (rade of the Becket Unpreeodonted Development of our Connta•y, ant eepoctally in the (I:•nit West. Particular attention will also be given to Dra- matic Episodes of Amerioun }Nature. The Field• of the next ilea pear War will be describer{ in a Serioy of Papers on the Danube "Front the Black Forest to the Black Sea," by Peultnny Bigelow anti F. D. Millet, illnetrste 1 by Mr. Millet and Alfred Parsons. Articles also will bo given on the German, Austrian, and Italian Armioe, illustrated by T. de Thulatrup. Mr. VJ. D. Howells will enutrtbnte a new novel, "A World oft'hainee,"characteristicallyAteerienn. 1•speciel prem nonce will be given to Short Stories, whish will be contributed by T. 13. Aldrich, 1t, H. Davis, A. Cumin Doyle, Margaret Deland, bliss Woolson, and other popular writers. Among the literary features will bo Personal Reminiscences of Nathaniel Hawthorne, by bis college class -mate and lifo-long friend, Horatio !:ridge, and a Personal Memoir of the Brownings, by Atone Thackoray Ritchie. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HAMPER'S MAGAZINE, Per Year ....$4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY, " . :. 4 09 HARPER'S BAZAR, " .... 4 CO HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, ' .... 2 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States, Canada and Mexico. - The Volumes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers fur June and December of each yea*. When no time ix specified, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at the time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's Magazine for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, poet-pa;,l, on receipt of 69 00 per volume. Cloth Canes, for binding, 50 cents each—my mall, pnat-paid. Remittances shontd bo made by Poet -office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chauce- of lose. r Newrreapere are not fo Dopy this ndvertise- ment,withtmt the express order of Harper & Brothers. Address: HARPER & BROTHERS, New Yor 1892. I[arper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. - Hurper'e Weekly for the coming year will con- tain more attractive features, more and finer illnntratione, and a greater number of artistes of Hee, lotense interest than will be found in any other periodioal. Among these latter will be a eerier of articles on the twenty-five greateat cities of the world, including five hundred illus- trations. The Columbian Exposition, the Army and Navy, great public events, digesters on land and sea, and the doings of the celebrated people of tho day will be described and illustrated in an attractive and timely manner. The Department of Amateur Sport will continue under the direo tion of Oaeper W. Whitney. The beet of modern writers will contribute short stories, and tho most distinguished artiste will make the lllnetra- tione. The editorial articles of Mr. George William Curtis will remain as en especial attraction. - HARPER'S PERIODICALS, PER YEAR HARPER'S WEEIEY , $4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'SsYQUNG PEOPLE Z 00 Postage Free to alt enbeeribore in the United States,'Canada, and Mexico. The Volumes of. the Weekleebegin with the first - Numbor for Janpary of egeh year. o When.no time be mentioned, subecr(ptions will begin with the Number current at the time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's Weekly for three years baok, la neat cloth binding, will bo sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight door not exceed ono dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volnme. Cloth Canon for each volume, enitable fpr bind- ing, will he sant by mail, post-paid, on rooeipt of 31 00 each. Remittances nitnnld be made by Post -ogle° Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lose. E 'Newspapers are not to cnpy this advertise- ment without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Address: HARPER & BROTHERS, New York !TRAY STOCK ADVER TiSEJIENTS inserted In Tto, News Pocoen at low rates. The haw makes It compulsory to ndrertlse etrey ntorh 11 yon want any kinrl of advertising you will not do butter than call on Tews-Iteacord.." A NICE HOME AT A TIAROATN.--Eightncree of land with a select orchard of choice apple truce ; romfortohte house and etahles ; nap -lining Cede - rich township. +; Apply to B. L. DOYLE, God(' kb. 620-tf TEACHER WANTE Wanted, a Second then Teseher. Salary not toen. Vol. Pnrthr r particele re apyly to SAM (Terme N1:, Secretary School Stenon No. 5, Morris, Beigravo P. 0. 675-tf. ENLARGED —TO -- 16 PAGES EEKLY GLOB P`0]R 182 AND BALANCE OF 1891 ONLY ONE DOLLAR THE MOST LIBERAL OFFER EVER MADEL, NO FAKES 1 NO CHEAP BOOKS 1 NO JACK-KNIVES 6 SCISSORS OR CATCHPENNY OFFERS 1 1331JT A OLEAN, WIIOLESOME FAMILY NEWSPAPER UPON ITS MERITS. Commencing with the issue of 7th October TIIE WEEKLY' GLOBEE will contain sixteen pages instead of twelve pages as heretofore, making it the largest and best family newspaper in: Canada. Every effort will be devoted to making it BRIGHT READABLE, ACCtJRATE and PNTERESTING in all its departments Special pains will be taken with its Agricultural Pages, and MORE SPACE WILL BE DEVOTED TO SELECT READING FOR THE FAMILY. SUBSCRIBERS WIIOSE ORDERS ARE RECEIVED PREVIOUS TO �Ist DECEMIBER, I8891, \VILL HAVE TIIE PAPER S.,:NT THEM UNTIL: CLOSE OF 1892 1'OR THE ONE YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION. llr FANS 1 5 Y nths of a 16-pCa1g" r $I.to' ever one who subscribes now. AGENTS WANTED IN ALL UNREPRESENTED DISTRICTS. For terms, address 'I THE GLOBE, TORONTO., O 1=024rsamnrzn+srm rii w.tin 0 the NE;:St!ECOR Is in a better position than ever to turn out ▪ The Very Finest Printing At prices as low as any other office in the West. Those in need of any class of Job Printing should call OH THE NEWS -RECORD, • 1 K'.Cr eet, Clinton areares=arnrsanssoneas LIMN ' TT la. DI' IR- .. NEW STOCK i NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S BLOCK) - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture.. Call at the New Store and see the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc:, .and general Household Furniture. Tho whale Stock is from the very best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of ever; description. JOS. CiIIDLET, one door West of Dickson's Book Store FDS DOODI ENYEWPE� FOR FINESTPRINTING FOR NICE BILL HEADS 'ci• TP Te -6-0----r-- OP e v PRINTING OFFICE PRIM G THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS IffMmas-aa.,sa,as.cs, J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Ekaler, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, • Clinton, Ont WATCHES! Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Columbus, Seth Thomas, and Rockford—new, model, .� da•All these mime in key and stem winders Also pendant not watches. J. -BIDDLECOMBE, CLINTON. IMPiLEMENTSS. The subscriber having severed hie connection with the Massey Company, desires to intimate that helm been appointed agent for the well known firm of FROST 84 WOOD, implement matters, of Smith's Falls, and will be pleased to fill all orders in his lino ea heretnfm•o. Will also keep on band Wemtreeme PLnws, Coureet & SCOTT DRILLS, DInc HARROWS, and articles of like nature. WM. STANLEY, 047—Om Holmosville and Clinton Lobb's Starcll Enamel. This is an article worthy of every lady's attention. if you trait to save time and labor, buy a box. if yon want your ironed clothes to loop neat and clean and to lent mneh lor ger, l'nty a hoe. if yon want the starch to stny in the clothes on the lino in spite of rain or frost, hey a hoe, If you want everything to lank like new, 011111, es shirt bosoms, Boilers, cuffs, ince curtains, etc., bey a box. ttOYEvery Storekeeper keeps 1t new, and whore the merchant does not keep it wo want a nveiy- agent to represent toe. illanufactered by SPE it STEL PEE. ARE THE 'LEST. Established 1860. Works, ENGLAND. FOR -4117044 No.1 No.2 No.3 late No.t6 -FOIA accasasits ' s 15.i�iasc.Y•f• �:icr�; ACColitl- r'M'rt tT . tants. Ex icr11`'tl::tsars. FOR De rCS" 1_co r rr. t, _ ,l R 3dtth fr,G '' `rte Ilof1S{onft F©R' a.rr. Bold 01•r,CfADSnunb 17013 ,LI No.21 Susi- • ;t. ' .+ b Mere BOSS Sold by STATIONERS Everywhere. Samples F REE on receipt of return postage2cents. SPE GpfERIM1 PEN t;iJ'., 81NalOS Scienti is America© Agency for CAVEATS,_ neaten PATE :Tb. '0• - COP YRIoHTS, oto. For informat)on and fret' ftandbnok write to ML NN & el 1:nov,WAY, Naw TORE. Oldest bnrenu CO.,for scenrinO patents In Amerfen. Every pntont token out by ns ie brought before the pnbllo by a milt.^ given free of charge In the F ciLl . Ler. •1st rfrrrlsry,n e'f a^v r^l^ntifle peper in tiro world. :•plendldly (llr^.f-•tr-l. No 'intelligent 1 Yat' , s LO B B '" r nh i t r f ankle '$S t a ' J. rear 41.1".0 months, ay- et? York. & CO.C 55—tf HolmesTille , 301 BrosdWay, Net? York TIP