HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-01-20, Page 1"h .1144/404-01,40 ger Annum, $1426 In Advance, IIVDAt,PENDR.Nr IN 44& TSIJ,VQS—NzvTIt4L t NODOIN9 VOL. XIV. --NO. 7. WfITEI4y tri TODD, IPubllsLers *CLINTON. HURON COUNTY, ONT., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1892, WHOLE NO. 689 Open for Business and Business Must Be Done. J.W. RITER, The Wine and Spirit Merchant, has effected a satisfactory settlement with his creditors and is again open for business. The stook is composed of the finest goods in the world and must be sold. It conaiste of all lines suitable.efor Medioival and Household purposes, and the extremely low prices are for a high-class quality of goods only. People who want anything in the liquor line will make a great mistake it they do not Dome direct to the Clinton Liquor Store. 131'' Men in the Trade, in their own interest, should call and see me. J. W. RI'TER, Liquor Merchant, Albert -St., Clinton Varela. At the annual meeting of the Stanley District L. Oe L., the fol- lowing officers were elected for the ensuing year : D. M., Robert Nicholson; D. D. M., Robert Pol- lock; D. Chpp., Wm. Rathwell; D. Rec.-Sec., Jaynes Calwell ; D. Fin.- -Sec.., John Torrance ; D. 'Teas.. James Campbell; D. D. C., Thomas Johnston; D. Lects., Joseph Foster, James Keys. tiro. Joseph Foster is the retiring, D. M.; to him is greatly owing the present flour• ishing state of the order in this dis- trict. W to ;ltam. We aro pleased to notice that our very much respected and venerable town treasurer, Mr. John Dickson, has recovered from his recent 111- .nees and is once more around among us. He was formerly a resident of Londesborough and his many friends in that locality .will be glad to hear of his recovery. Our Town Parliament meet ou 'Monday night for organization; we are pleased to say that it so happens we have this year what we have not had'for a long time—a Conservative Maymi Reeve and Deputy Reeve., Mr. Wm. Clegg the Mayor was elected by acclamation; the Reeve, .o• Mr. John Hanna, by a majority of 92 and Deputy Reeve, R. 0, Sperl- ing, by a majority of 152. La Grippe has been very prevel- ant in this locality. Mr. J. J. Helmuth one of our respected coup• oilmen has been very ill but is re. covering. Mr. Win. Ellison is also very low. Mr. Alex Galbraith, one of Wing - ham's moat talented young men, has gone to Chatham to take a commer- dial course, he is one of the best penman in Canada a&1 no doubt after a course with the celebrated •• Mi cLaughleeew.ken.ay expect to_ heat'mOre o'£ Min in'tho Cntre,, . Goderich Township. Mr. Thos. Ginn jr, has taken his departure for Loudon to attend Commercial College. Misses Bertha and Clara Scott are visiting their uncle in Hami1- ,ton. Mies Maggie Taylor of Wawanosh is visiting her uncle 'Mr. Alex. Taylor of tile Huron Road. Miss Williams, the evangelist, preached in Zion Methodist church on Sunday last. The ladies of Zion appointment intend holding a social at the resi- dence of Mr. Nixon Sturdy next Friday evening. A good time is expected. Miss Lizzie Gould has returned from a three months visit at Kings- ton. A. O. U. W.—The officers of. Sheppard Lodge A. 0. U. W. No. 347, Benmiller, were duly installed on Thursday the 7th inst, by P. M. W., Geo. Sheppard of Goderich, as follows : ,'Joseph Beck, P. M: W.; D. A. Purvis. M. W.; Archie Mol - Toy, Foreman; A. McKinnon, Over- seet; S. L. Scott, Recorder; J. T. Goldthorpe, Financier; J. E. White- ly, Receiver; John Holmes, Guide; J. McKinnon, I. W ; Seth Fisher, 0. W. D. A. Purvis was elected representative to Grand Lodge to be held at Ottawa. —The gold in Uncle Sam's treasury chest amounts to $125,- 812,629, being a decrease of $20,- 036,330 in twelve months. —While Mr. James Quigley, of Hullett, who bad beer, visiting friends in Ashfield, was driving borne he met with a bad accident. A broken culvert allowed the rig to drop into the creek beneath, and he bad his leg broken in two places. He will likely come upon the town- ehip of Ashfield for damages. Dungannon. For hideous distortion commend us to the Signal scribe of this place. Last week ho referred to threeVVilsop boys betug here from Dakota. This is a fact. But he distorts if does not actually falsify how they have fonud things in that "Grit paradise" when he says, they "re- port they aro doing well and pros- pering, which they could not have done had they remained in Canada." The facts are they went there about ten years ago and only one of them has had more than three crops dur- ing all that time, so one of them 'told me and I have no reason to disbelieve him, because I know from other sources that that is a common occurrence there. One of the boys has done well, four others have not and have been mov- ing about. And one of then% took his departure same time ago, as hundreds of others have done, to our Canadian Northwest—the white man's country. I wish the Wilson boys success wherever they go, but when the Signal scribe, judas like, betrays the country that gives lifm shelter in the uncalled for slander- ous way he takes every opportunity of doing, I thick it is time to give him a rap over the knuckles. I I sometimes wonder his fingers do not become palsied and refuse to write the baleful emenatione of his miserable gizzard. If the , fellow don't like this country why in thun- der does be stay in it. There is no one keeping him here and uo ono would prevent him from going where his heart is. Whether he would find much treasure there is a matter of considerable doubt with the writer and others. The Signal was a little previous last week in stating that Dr. Case was away attending his brother's funeral at Exeter as his brother is quite well again. Mr. J. M. Roberts has been seriously ill the past ten days, which kopt him from attending the Con- vention at Smith's IIi11 on the 13th and Dr. Case was so busily engaged in attending the numerous sick people of the vicinity as to cause his absence from there also. How - aver it,. will .take considerabSe ,to. keep them' away on the 3rd of February. The leap year concert under the auepices of the ladies of tho Metho- dist church here on the evening of the 15th was a grand success. • Our principal merchant, B. J. Crawford, has been seriously ill the past four or five days with la grippe. Our popolar hotel keeper, Mr. Wm. Glazier, is is said, ss thinking about leaving our town to take up his abode in Bayfield, which I think is a great mistake as he has become very popular in this, section of the County, and through strict ,otteutiou„„to bueiness tied. -good nm acenodation for ti�a puibiic,he has worked up a first class bueiness here. Our baker, Mr. S. Roach, is so ruhed with orders, for tea meetings and so general an increase in trade that he has had to secure the assist• ance of Mr. Allen, a Kincardine baker. Mr. T. E. Durnin, horse dealer, is buying up another carload of horses for the Manitoba market. T. E. las worked up a nice little trade with that pre vince through making no misrepresentations. Lonitesboro. Rev. Mr, McLennan officiated in the Presbyterian church on Sun- day. Mr. Chappel has a very serious attack of la grippe. S. 0. E. met ou Thursday even- ing fast, Bro. Thos. Jackson of Clin- ton, Dist. Dep., was present and installed the officers. Dr. Young bas not been so well during the last week. Harry Modeland has procured a situation as Brakesman on the Rail- road. Dr. Young's pony, better known as the "Mule", is dead. Quite a pleasant time was spent at the I. 0: G. T. Lodge here on the evening of the 12th inst. A number from Manchester and Constance Lodges paid a fraternal visit to the Londeeboro Lodge. The Foresters are going to have a dinner and entertainment to- morrow evening. Dinner will be served from 5 to 7 p. m. H. C. R. Tows of London will be present. Saw logs are coming in Eo the sawmill now pretty lively. The S. 0. E. intend holding a concert and entertainment in the near future ; no pains will be spared to make it a success. Blyth. On Friday, eveniug the annual supper of the Blyth Fire Company and friends was held at the Cam• menial Hotel. After having done justice to the excellent spread be- fore them they spent the rest of the evening in singing and other amusements till near midnight when they returned to their re- spective homes feeling that they had spenta moat pleasant and enjoy- able evening together, A number of our citizens are still suffering with la grippe. Our streets are black with team these days owing to the good sleighing. May it continuo. Our next monthly fair is to be held on Foby. 2ud. ,The farmers should stake a note of this and bring in Nurses, cattle and produce which they wish to dispose of and get mho best prices going, Wo aro glad to 800 our townsman Mr. Jameson is able to be on the street daily, Hie hand from which he lost a portion by accident a short time ago is healing up rapidly. Mr. John Denholm is having lots of logs ,aid down at the station to ship to the Winghatu chair factory. Mrs. Green, widow of the late Mrs. Etnigh of the Commercial Peter Green, 'lied iu Colborne tp. was visiting friends in Clinton on last week over four score years of Sunday. age. todertctl. Rev. W. A. Young preached a funeral serines on Suu.day from the 30th verse of the 9th chapter St. Luke. Although' the rector was much indisposed he delivered a touching anti eloquent discourse iu memory of the two departed ones. Warden Beek was In the Qi:een City the past week. The County Treasurer made a business trip to Toronto last week. Mrs. H. Cooke loft on 'Thursday on a visit to relatives at Buthwell. There will be a special meeting of the congregation at the conclusion of the service in St. George's School room this eveuing. Tore was a meetiug of the teachers of St. George's Sunday Sch000l in the- school room last evening. Miss Bock, who has been visiting at the family residence, Saltford, since Christmas returns to Toronto this week. Tho County Couucil assembles next Tuesday. - It is expected that the rector of St. George's will take a long vaca- tion for the beuofit of his health. A large number of the members Mr. Harry Rothwell was in town this weok. of the A. 0. U. W. drove over an Sunday morning to Auburn to be Mr.Thos. Jac'ssan of Clinton was present with their brethren of that in the circular town last Thursday. burg to listen to a a special sermon Miss Ell has returned from her preached to them in the Methodist Visit to Montreal. church. Mr. Murray McIntosh of De - Revival meetings are still being troit is on a two weeks visit to 'continued in the Methodist churclr Goderich and vicinity. which are doing good work. Mr. Ross Rastall of Kincardine, a former resident, was in the towu On Thursday morning the funeral the early part of last week. of the late Patrick Hefiron took Allan Murray of Port Caldwell place from his mother's residence on is visiting friends in the old town. Dinsly St., followed by a large number of sorrowing friends and • The members of Maple Leaf vehicles, to the Catholic cemetery Lodge A. 0. U. W. held a memorial in Morris.service in North street Methodist church on Monday evening. On Tuesday afternoon the annual A service in memory of the late meeting of the members of the Wrn. McLean. was held in the North Morris Agricultural Society, was street Methodist church on Sunday, held in Mason's hotel for the pur- evening. pose aaf • erecting ,officers for the, Mr. W: C. Good" ttui11ressed `the present year and transacting other Gospel Temperance Hall on Sunday bueiness. P afternoon. Tho memb@re of the C. O. F. • The CamilleTownsendComedeCo. have received an invitation to be a ©aged in the Grand on Thursday, present with their brethren at a Fr day and Saturday of last wee supper in Londesboro on Thursday Camille Townsend is ono of the evening. best actresses that ever appeared in Goderich. Stanley-. The town Council tvill meet to - The council elect met Jan. 18th, day at noon. 1892, according to statute. Minutes The Public School Board meets of previous meeting read and signed. this evening in the School library. Tlie following officers were appoint- The following programme was ed :—John Reid, treasurer; John presented at the meeting of the Tough, assessor; Andrew Stinson High School Literary Society on caretaker; G. J. Stewart, clerk; Geo. Friday evening.—Chorus by • the Baird, . tend .-,T... Re.13_alLa.ur, anti ,tare.; Glee Club; Reading, Miss I1.. J. 13. Seeord, Nathan Peck, Wm.' Wallianta;. Recitation, Milia Mc - Clark and Dr. Elliot, tuembers of Connel; Selections by the editr•ess, Board of Health. The clerk was Miss A. Hawkins ; Reading, Miss instructed to ask for. tenders for ' Strang ; 'Recitation, Mks B, Farrow ; Recitation, Miss B. Mitchell ; Quos- 14,000 feet cedar for township par - pose.. The following accounts were tion drawner,, Mr. Strang; Chorus, ordered to be paid : News REtty co, the Glee Club. $8 for printing; John Wanless, $11 There Was early communion at for opening ditch on lot 19, B.R.N., St. George's last Sunday morning. under engineer's award; John Alex- ander, $3.28 for gravel; John Mc- Kenna, $7, fees as engineer in 1.889; A. S. Weeks, $15, fees as engineer on ditch award on lot 19, B.R.N., in 1891. The treasurer was in- structed to have the township books audited on or before the 13th day of February next. The clerk was instructed to draft a bylaw confirm• int the appointment of township officers and fixing their salaries. The council then adjourned to sleet again on Monday, Febroary 15t4 next, at one o'clock p. m.—G. J. STEWART, clerk. Uohnesville. A Grand treat in in store for all those who attend the lecture and en• tertainment gotten up by the0range• men to be given in the Methodist church here on Wednesday evening 27th. inst. Rev. W. McDonough will lecture on the subject!: "Reasons of our Protest against the Church of Rome.” As the fee is only 10 cents and the programme exceptionally good a etowded house is expected. Come orie ! Come all 1 1 There is to be an oyster supper here in the ball on Thursday even- ing next, gotten up by the C. 0. F. There are a great many people on the sick list, and many getting better. W. J. Lobb of the East End offerend a prize of $5 to the largest purchaser of goods the last six months of the year. Mr. Albert Halstead was the winner he buying about $80 worth. The East End will be run on the cash system this year. Bayfield. Dr. Sheppard was confined to his roots, for a few dayu with the Grippe.. Rumor has it that the rink will be in full blast shortly. The prevailing east wind having •sent the toe over to the "Star Spangled" side of the lake the fish- ermen took advantage of the open water and made some good hauls of herring. A party under the wing of Mr. Porter took in the concert at God• erich on Friday. Mrs. D. Wilson is suffering from a severe attack of Grippe. The 0. Y. B.'s propose bolding a tea -meeting in the near future. The Plymouth Brethren have se- cured the town hall for two weoka to hold meetings and reclaim the wandering. Here's success to the Brethren. Mr. Jno. Fora, of Goderich, was iu town on Friday. A meeting of the Agricultural Society, Stanley Branch, was called for the 15th. Mr. Geo. Erwin was elected for Director in place of Mr. Castle who resigned. The sleighing around town was never in better shape and all are taking advantage of it. IHAMIL'1'QN ASSIZES. SEDUCTION AND BREACH 01' PRODII$E OASES There came up at the Hamilton Assize Cutest hist Wednesday the seductiou case of Bell v Dougherty. The plaintiff was Thomas Bell, of Goderich, who sued for $2,000 damages for the seduction of his daughter. Mary Elizabeth Bell is a ruddy bloude, with a well•found- ed claim to bo considered good looking, and wealth of golden— Californian gold—hair. She gave evidence that in September, 1890, the defendant had seduced her un- der promise of marriage, and n child was bora in June last. The defense had no evidence to call, but Mr. Wardell made an able speech to the jury in rnit:gation of the damages. The jury brought in a verdict for $500 and coats. Thursday morning a second ac- tion was tried in which the girl, Mise Bell, sued the absent Dough- erty for $2,000 dameges for breach of promise, The two young people lived at or near Mounteberg, East Flamboro. In the course of the calm this in- terest@dig specimen of the 'rural love epistle was filed : DI r. Frank Edwards has just "Dear Minnie : I received your letter two weeks ago to day. I was placed a large order for spring over to H'alt's end he gave it to me. goods with a London firm. I am sorry that I did not see you Mr. Jas. Thomson has, with his again before you got atvay. I fell usual promptness, repaired the dam in with ono of my chums that Sun - and has the saw and grist mills in day you was disappointed in not full blast once more. seeing me, and he was going down Miss Kate Ahrens, who was visit- to Milton, and so nothing would do ing her sister in Clinton, has re- but his brother and I should go as turned. far as Campbellford with him, but Mrs. Kenny Murray is laid up I would Lot have gone if I had of known with a severely scalded foot. yon was going allay on Monday morning. s * 11'011 On Sunday evening as Mr. Patti- Minnie, I have been busy threshing son of Clinton was driving through now nearly two weeks and urn get- • town he turned off the road and ting pretty tired of it. You will was upset in a big snow bank. For be thinking it long, I suppose, since tunately no one was hurt and with you have hoard from me. I intend - a little help he was soeu on the ed to write last Sunday. Dear road home. - Minnie, I am very lonea3m0 today. I hope I shall see you next Sunday. Dear Minnie, you have my ardent affection. I cannot think of much to write, I am so lonely, so I will close with love. dear Minnie, yours. ` tATHAN. ` P. S.— Hoping to see or hear from you Boon." Miss Bell testified to having been courted by Dougherty tiering 1889 and 1890, and he proposed to her at her brother's house at Mountsberg. He took her to church on one occas- ion and had written half a dozen lettere. He frequently came to see her at her brother's house. Mr. Wardell—I►iddn't he'f go there just to visit your brother. -in- law in a neighborly way.? A. No ; he caste to see me. Q. You were the attraction there.? A. Yes. Before I otme there he only visited...tltapa. o:�e,ry,•,,,•,• two or three weeks. Q. When the defendant refused to settle, you wrote him that you in- tended to commit suicide 1 A. Yes. Q. Yuu didn't intend to do it, though ? A. If my folks had treat- ed me the way ho did I would have committed suicide. Si UIIIICrhili. Mr. Hill of Gananoque is visiting his uncle Mr. Geo. Hill and other friends 'iu'this'vicinity. Ho Is Weil' pleased with thie part of the coun- try. A load of young folks drove out to visit Mr. F. A. Sprung in his new home near Harlock on Thurs- day evening the 14th Inst and re• port a pleasant time. The annual meeting for Hullett District was heid in the Orange Hall here Tuesday the 12th inst. The various Orange lodges in the district were very well represented. We had a profitable and harmonious meeting in which all present took a lively interest. W. Bro. Todd ten- dered his resignation as District Master, thanked the ,bretheen for pastu 'tese: s, and called upon Bro. John Scarlett, past District and County Master, to take the chair. Tho election of otheors resulted as follows :—James Horsey, W.D.M;; Thomas Mcllveen, D.M.; George Hanley, Chaplain ; Peter Cantelon, Recording Secretary; W. G. Smith, Financial Secretary; Robt. Scarlett, Our boys had a big day last Treasurer; J. S. Miller, D. of C.; J, Saturday sleighing down the harbor Bullard and F. Mcllveen, Lecturers. hill. - The next annual meeting will be Tho truant officer is dg his hold in Saaforth, providing there is duty most efficiently. a lodge organized there under this jurisdiction—if not, the meeting will be held in Clinton. The re- tiring W. D.111. was tendered a vote La grippe reigns supreme in of thanks unanimously, and Bro. town. Todd suitably replied. A voto of Mrs. Wm. Hooper, sr., was ear- sympathy was tendered to Bro. Goo. Hanley in his very severe illness. tied to her last resting place on Thursday last. Tho District meeting was largely attended, and the brethren of Sum - Dr. Browning is very 111 with la, merhill' i`tertained the viSltors in a grippe. handsome manner, tendering them Mrs. R. Pickard has recovered a very palatable supper free of cost. from a severe illness. The District will surely be pleased Mr. D. McCormick, of Winghatu, to often meet at Summerhill. The was in town last week. Scarlet Chapter will be opened in the Clinton Orange Hall on Febru- The residence of Mr. John Treble ary 14th. was the scene of a pleasant event on Monday night it being the marriage of his eldest daughter to Mr. Wm. —Mrs. Mary Gassmann, an aged" Handcock of Grand Forks, Dakota; woman was fatally burned at her the ceremony was performed by home in Chicago last week. She the Rev. A. L. Russel in the pros- was Standing over a small heating ence of a few of the immediate stove, cooking dinner for her son friends and relatives. Christy, when a flash from the fry RuNAw&y.—A teats belonging to ing-pan ignited her dress. She ran Mr. A. Q. Bobier became unman- out out cf the kitchen into the'hall- ageable at the station and ran as far way in the rear, and fell down ex- as the Metropolitan where they haunted. Mies Cohen, who lives were captured; the driver, Mr. A on the floor above, beard her Spicer, was thrown from the rig:but screams, and hastened to the wo- ke sustained no serious injury, man's assistance. She called Mrs. S. A. Tourtellotte, another occupant of the house, and together they carried her into the house. Her Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reid, who clothes bad been entirely burned off live near Kinburn, are very ill, and her flesh was cracked and was Mr. Reid is showing some signs of hanging in shreds from portions of improvement but Mrs. Reid is very her body. The burned woman was low. We hope to announce an im• transferred to the hospital, whore provement very soon. she died, Exeter. IIullett. Mrs John Mills, of -Milton, was the slater of the fair plaintiff, with whom she had stayed while tho courtship was in progress. Ou one occasion she saw Dougherty kiss her stater at the gate and say to her : "Put in -the time as well as you can until I return, aucl I will be back soon." The plaintiff had more witnesses, but as there *as uo defense his lord- eli!p decided that there was ample evidence to go to the jury. Mr. Wardell addressed the jury, and af- ter the judge's charge a verdict for $050 and costs was returned. —Hot springs have tamed from the earth at Ossa, Greece. —The colored bartenders in the new Manitoba hotel. Winnipeg, have had to go owing to local pre- judice.. —Ex -Chief of Police, Snyder, of Bethlehem, Pa., overstrained him- self in lifting an ox and bled to death. —The total number of births, marriages and deaths registered in the township of Hullett for the year ending the 31st Dec.,'1891, is as fol- lows :—seventy-six births, seven- teen marriages- and thirty-three deaths. - —The Postmasterreef Kincardine. Mr. Matthew Mac1 endrick,. died from la grippe the other day, aged 72 years. He had filled the peein tion since 1856. The name of Dr. De Witt Martyn is prominently mentioned as the coming postmas- ter.