HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-01-13, Page 51
44 010 011ett higit,sooi ty aollattier f a, duty
teiaepte. ut, but jiao':1 great 'number of,
Orions of dialiuetiolt ursine to Oreitasbs,04,' iehat oaotision fr . the otter towntu o &n-
•sluuia;.tand oven; trpin;ille,c rhI.
u 4004141(4444004141(444the fete coneistu ly
Thit 4h1.,:
;' 1' 'right which each .,eta
cavalier o of holiest
.eyl ,� , Ing of ,ac, 4014 ,lienor,of 1anping with
' , ter. He buyu this privilesevithro, aiim, of
ceps it Drel). money *bleb is tMerkediately `bald Into,
#d the tvettgfttry of the peer.' - SeTer.. claim
ante can ;mutest eilmultauehusly a veritable
riche plying; . action 'ilt ),}yeti (tstablrshed, god it, •:ie with.,
,:.,,No 1ro"aan pan escape ttiig obligation
.lC�ri, . ,
Ing with.0 atrangef iiuleai•li4. oife'a,a lgr'gerr.
aunr tha11`hia rivals.of ,the nromenitw .
Sieh is,the •law. ot,.tho "fete, ,e11.,cire aware
on •entering that they will be ,corupelled
to atlbtmit' to 1t, Don Ramon Moreno was
not ignorant of this when<he took his Yelm. .
wife to. the annual ehartty bell It'w'ould,
have been w great disadvlapttage ,:in truth
had' "she ,not appeared I hero, so• remark-
' able were. ,leer grace-arid'benuty: Nathelesu
in leer dreamy eyes.oue'saw•a shade -of eaik,
news which accentuated still angte,:the pellet*"
of her eolnplexion :roil the _ dolicaey, of all
. to. peraon. "'She replied only` ha mono -
10, la
t d
and tk'y' tie lent and higltcut' bidder that the Iady
m .da
mi: a eti to neo
c els
le) or
gar, seattefbrr
o can,kiIoW t e
�ettoret►iob,Mge eboiyl,,
aeaeeleeelY. hycar;by'year,
abutment, t. a tui clr nae the ruler
012the! Builder a brow, wrin'kles 'and
Widgets,a r
taod:p'tti e i • lin of 4,m0%0 e;.nory=bridges
eyl i9g);lieyl
Ali playseo
tleortpf furrows those fur'rowsbe,i
.y 'Villa> , eaeh.miust tread
(s rthe,ntemorl" ridge he' :made,
l .••the dean tbataro long past doing,
Over tkio faultg.that'°ar 1Qzt. for i using..
,0 s.�iti,"e J;tard''is Its
hetreaaY ken •
ve rr:oased the bridges'' from Now to
ti•geti r< se
i en '1`e . Everything about her
Sedvitsuctive?, of ii_ponetrating charm and
xa,Gtafigg':krace Her sweet youthful vis -
of au al4bastpr white, slightly tinted
4rii j i k�ytore
alio imprint of rare distino-
nr•, Ie,rge ' black eyes, shaded by long
ea, -,,:gave her et times a grave air, which
gttickly dissipated by the smile npou
pa,a corsage garnished with jet
aafly decked her shapely bust, her short
.'revealed'tiny feet, with finely turned
syllables 10 the questions addressed to lier
husband, and with a smile' -of deep imel'an.
chop to the compliments . of her nuitteroue
"My love," said Semen, ()!Tering her his
arm to take herinion tiro terrace that she
might enjoy, the cool evening air, f' can
nothing divert you from your thoughts ?"
She arose without anpwering, placed her
hand -upon her husband's arm and vas pre -
Patin t bootnpany him when she was
ng ou
Oaken fron, head to foot by a violer;t com-
motion; her eyes, opened to the widest ex-
tent, were fixed on a stranger whoui she had
not -noticed until then, but whose ardent
and passionate glance had not quitted her
since hor arrival at`the ball.
" Ho 1" murmured she, with joy mixed,
with fright, ""lrc!=1\liguel!"
And she sank down upon the chair she
had just quitted.
"What ails you, Carmen ?" asked Rainon
Moreno. "Are you ill?"
"Why did you deceive me?" cried the
young wife. "Why did you assure me ho
was dead? Oh! what you have done, Don
ayu k1e0, which more their, one aristocratic Ramon, was unworthy of an honest man—
ortta,enuieri;,her, Her voice had a incl- Tier
L `eF erneieite..: purity. She .sang and "Of what are you talking, Carmen, and
xiteed r6viahmgly;, what sigarifies your language ?"
qtt less hsndsonie wag Miguel, the youth "It signifies that I do not 'wish to marry
'!on` rlibad` arra Carmen was leaning.; in
lite slight)' above the 'medium, admir you ; that I wished to remain faithful to
a.My. trropgitioned', of lofty bearig, with my old and itsted that wleas
affection. Myo r fathere in.
i6hrt 1)tt eyes and, intelligent forehead, he 1 You know to what threats, t to what prays s
d . barn to ,protect the noble young he had recourse. His fortune and his honor
were at stake. For a long while I resisted
and never would I have yielded, had not
be aid you affirmed to me Miguel's death.
Well, Miguel -is not dead, since there he
stands 1"
And her -glance shot toward the stranger.
Don' Ramon had no time to answer, for
Miguel had quitted his place and was ad-
vancing with a calm but resolute air.
When he reached them he said, bowing re-
spectfully to Carmen :
"Madame, will you do me the honor to
dance with me ?"
She grew faint and put up' her hand to
her heart as if to restrain its throbs ; then
realizing that all eyes were fixed ,upon her
and feeling her husband's arm tremble, but
resolved `to have an immediate explanation
with Miguel, she demanded of him accord-
ing to the usage :
"How much do you offer ?" •
"A thousand piastres," replied he.
"It is I, Senor, who will have the pleas-
ure of dancing with my wife," replied Don
Ramon, "and 1 do not believe I shall pay
too much for that pleasure by giving to the
poor two thousand piastres."
"And I will give ten thousand," coldly
-resumed Miguel.
A sudden rage took possession of Don
Ramon Moreno's heart.
"You are .making this a personal affair,senor!" cried he. " So be it 1 I will give
twenty thousand!"
" A hundred thousand 1" said the impas-
sible voice'of Miguel.
The spectators could not repress a mur-
mur of approbation. Don Ramon realised
that by persisting further he would render
himself ridiculous. Besides he was there
and would not lose eight of his adyersary.
What danger could there be in letting him
dance with Carmen ? It was upon another
field that he counted on taking his revenge.
Hence he strove to compose his features
and said in the most amiable tone he could
"Indeed, senor, I should with ill grace
deprive you of a satisfaction which flatters
as ,muck a%It hMrigrs me.._ Your peraistenot
would prove to-mie, were 1 not already
aware of it, what value I should attach to
the possession of a wife whom a cavalier -
so perfect esteem sufficiently to pay a
hundred thousand piastres for the mere
favor of dancing with her!"
Miguel drew a checkbook from his pocket
filled up a cheek for a hundred thousand
piastres, tore it out and handed it to one of
the commissaries of the fete; then he offer-
ed his arm to Carmen.
During this colloquy the young woman
had not made a movement. Faint, half
dead, she nevertheless ha& the strength to
arise and follow her cavalier. Miguel en-
circled her waist with his atroug arm and
the waltz bore them away in its whirl.
"Ah 1 madame," nlurrnured the young
man in Carmen's ear, "not only a hundred
thousaud piastres, but all rey fortune, the
millions I have amassed in order to lay them
at your feet, my very life which henceforth
has no charm for me would I have given
for this moment! Not that I new attach
the slightest value to the honor of dancing
with you, but because I want to tell you
that I despise you!"
"Have mercy!" whispered Carmen, whose
heart blend beneath the insult.
"There is no mercy for a perjurer! Yen
promised to. wait for me, to remain faithful
to me until death,. and you have broken
your baths!"
"But, Miguel, you do not know—"
"I know but wove thing, Carmen—that
you are the wife of another and lost to ins.
I am devoured by jealousy and wish to
avenge myself 1"
and demand your hand. Until then Car- „
nate, be faithful to inc." . "Yes, you are right—avenge yourself. 1o
i9 arthful until death?"' she answered. thtent death—kill me, have
Miguel! Better die
" .emernberyour oath. That I may sue- wan live bae
I w lhst you. found
.I must be tura of your love. Carmen, would againlife bn to cannotme now that yours? have found
**image *no that no man. shall replace me youaloneand !My father o For et. iso
„ , you I love! forced me t0
i*ey uar heart: marry that man, but I have never loved
I swear it. Yon along. shall be my hue- him."
: aaael I will have no other; I will wait for ""Then let us fly together!"
` Gro vritbout fear, my Miguel; have "Fly! I cannot do it—it would dishonor
`illi. in the word of your betrothed." me!"
$'t *as one Sunday mernine at the door At that moment they passed before Don
irk ai eltnruth that Miguel and Carmen ex- Ramon. The sight the man who had
s3 .'gcd their baths; the poling man put robbed him of his love and happiness seffi-
sibtlltis.soul in the supreme- embrace which ced to dissipate the tenderness with which
Jed ,gave life fiancee, and, while with' eyes for an instant Carnien'a words had softened
ted by tears, she ivent.in to kneel at Miguel's heart. Drunken with jealitusy
jtma er, he.led desperately, broken hearted and fury, he ha,teriod the movement of hint
stati 'With brain bet fire, toward his father's steps and thee madly, passionately, in the
.nulling' • sight of all, snatched a long kiss from her
!1 few: • days afterward ,h. embarked ,at lips.
earlik on a 'vesseI.l eirtly to set sail for South Don Ramon saw it; he sprang forward to
lilf1ii is The—Ortegga family quitted' stop him and tear away his wife from his
grenade. aad'e. Carmen no longer heard Miguel embrace. When the two rivals were face
eaztto-tianed4 mo one could .give her news of to fade Miguel opened his arm's and let
Cartnen fall into diose of Don Ramon.
An Old cutout exists 1n `teriinada. Every Don Ramon received only a corpse ---Car•
SeMtkis. grauid ball"takes Place for thc'beuefit men wee dead, stiffed by her lover.
_.driE'tt puof". 1►7at tiny •d0 all the members
' ey were, slowly walking along a path
b.rdered,by orange trees and myrtles fertn-
'arterrace^above the Duero, the' waters
olden :flowed. between thickly shaded
riwakat through the Valley of Paradise.
tipras`the;Lnniversary of Carmen's birth;
+Ault Arra occasion 'Don Luis , Ayelo, herr
itett' had baited a few friends to spend
ttlet:alterimen at the country residence he
otmaesi'at the gates of Grenada. In the first
liaaoDctoi these friends was the Ortega famlly-
{.f'+rltich Migeel was the eldest son.
>ytiguol� ai►d Carmen had- grown up to -
}era At invineiblo penchant had drawn
asmre toward the other. For a long while a
sftsacatberiy.and sisterly' affection had sub -
between them; then, without their
iwledgo =•this
affection bad been trans-
»,e_d irrt(ea deep' and passionate love, but
bol not es yet mutually confessed it.
f°•wliat,were they talking? Of a thous-
iuts nifieant things which delighted
eir glances were full of tender-
s sud•they bent with were,
mw'drd: the other. • • -
The young Spaniard experienced, for the
-:Ifittet.tiine, the voluptuous thrill imparted
by' the; armor hand of the beloved woman?
srken.Iiis curly Looks touched Carillon's
*heed:lie felt ,d all his being an expli-
ib1ri,:` iiut delicious faintness. His -voice,
urbfcir .had grown softer and more pene-
irntiiv, :deliciously agitated the young
girl's heart. ?-In her also the flower of love
Iwo elobreingand ''its perfume intoxicated
iliis A (Orange sensation, wholly new,
Fraduzlly,,, evaded hor; she clung more
heirely: " to the arm of her childhood's
Bien L
With a sudden •spring their lips met, they
',tenth tisthroe- the' same exclamation; this
first avowal and this first kiss sealed their
'•,FMappy• arid blushing, Carinen, 'as if to
rrgani,•,posseasion of herself, led Miguel to
fee edge • e' the terrace, where they gave
t@ccu.aelvea up to vague contemplation.
Miguel •• and Carmen, absorbed in their
dough* -saw nothing of this splendid pie-
• tare,'avhich be.idete was°^,familiar to them, ,
rmtnr; did they admire that plain of the Vega
licittured.With vixxyarde, fig treos, mulberry
taws and orange', trees, a 'vast orchard
'Miksch beneath the blue sky of Andalusia,
Itrodmees the -effect of an /immense emerald
'nod in sapphir.; they perceived' not in the
•e iaitance the huge masses of the Sierra
]seerado.:bordering the horizon, casting their
severe .aspect over the splendors of the
fitaia and communicating a secret languor
falba nous.
The two young people finally tore thom-
a!e1ves from their -reflections and re -joined
ttetr families ':•From that day they were
'happy only'!When together. • Ana when
they Were separated they thought and
(dreamed but of each other. All that was
awt Carmen was indifferent to Miguel; all,
• diet didnot concern Miguel had no interest
' . This -happiness lasted two months. An
unforeseen catastrophe suddenly put an end
$ia their joys and hoes; a reverse of for-
:tUxie fell upon the; Ortega family; it speed
ity;'foundti tself ruined.
('miens father would no longer hear
at' his daughter's union with Miguel. Bulb
¢,itis young man persisted; his courage, en-
ergy and resolution were equal to the oe-
• ourrfatrler," said he to Carmen, "de-
clines True as his son-in-law because I am
.)lett, blet.I love you and no power on earth
out Mike tate give you up. Since fortune
°sr{faxate up ,I sjn going to Brazil; I will
a rale a position for myself worthy of my
lifeidved, and when I have it I shall return
9 el. tkg special, Ueifteke4t in 013 V,
e.l'i<lt �' iii:
V' K •
;3 . must se
Ps; h e><;
sv►l� .;1f
�'�• � ',��.,; ,� TOO �ii>�1...�19�� iI�vest ng�
y. .. see ,w.b,at':we hove tai show•
urs this win er yoi ' Show]
4Q» y a ,,few len and y, must ben sakc1. .T_' ryry -7Beaver 'utria,
?ersian, Ls• b,Seal add De ,kin,, at'xer? 19w` priges t9 elpar.
d �s tl
The prices we have,
niarkef Llei>� :li0ulippwi
Mantles, Mfrs and .Collars.':
'hem put "c iic�ld1y. Do not make any purchases until you see our
ra1ue .'
UIT Or anything in MEN'S FURNISHINGS, come and see what We can do for
you. We carry a very fine range. _ Just now we are offering
----A LINE - OF ODD PANTS !----
At a great deal less than their value and it is worth your while to come
and see.
1110 ChFistmas Groceries.
- Fruits, Peels, Canned Goods, . Teas, de.
Our store is well-filled with fresh, clean, new Goods, and
we can supply the wants of every household at very close
figures. Do not buy until you inspect our stock.
CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & :'Retail Grocers, Clinton,
Leslie's Carriage Factory.
BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—all of the beat work••
manahip and material. parAlt the latest styles and most modern improve-
ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended
to. Prices to suit the times
gti }' FACTORY—corner Huron and Oralige Streets, Clinton. 657—y
—The Baines farm, at Belgrave,
was purchased by F. J. Baines last
weok for'$1,686.
—Mr. Alex. Lucas, formerly
Reeve of Alvinston, has been elected
Mayor of Calgary,'N. W. T.
—W. `Brewer, seventh conces-
sion of Grey, is becoming a bonanza
farmer. This year he has over
4,000 bushels of grain. In addition
to doing his own -work on 200 acres
"o'f'1dnd, })e -did 35 days" tlii"eshing"'
after harvest with hie new steamer.
—A very pleasant event occurred
of M
at the residence r. Thomas Boll
on New Year's eve, the occasion .be•
ing thetwenty-fifth anniversary of
the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Bell.
Early in the evening Bell's factory
band marched to the house and
serenaded them; and then made a
presentation of a handsome silver
fruit epergne, a gift from the em.
ployes of the factory, which rwas aes
companied by an address, wishing
their employer and „his estimable
lady success and happiness for the
future.—Wing7iam Advance,
—A most distresaing accident
happened at Walkerton station a
few days ago, wherebya fine young
man named Wm. Hood, aged 25
years, lost his life. He was a brake-
man on the Grand Trunk, and
slipped on the icy rail whilst un,
coupling some cars. Two wheels
passed aver his left leg near the
thigh, of course crushing it to a
pulp. With great presence of mind
he dragged himself out before the
other wheels came up. He was im-
mediately removed to the residence
of Mr. Cochrane, the section fore-
man, where the limb was amputat-
ed. The unfortunate young man
sank under the injury, and died on
(Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.)
Fall Wheat • 0 85 to 0 90
0 85 40 to 0 90 Mee at Coo . er's Book Store
9 80 to 0 31 r
Spring Wheat
Peas .058to059
Apples,(winter)per bag 0 40 to 0 50
Potatoes .. 0 25 to 0 80
Butter....,..... 0 16 to 0 17
Eggs 0 16 to 0 17
Hay 11 00 toll 00
Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00
Beef........... 0 00 to 00.0
Wool ................0 18 to 018
Dressed Hogs 5 00 to 5 25
Tho Council of tho Corporation of the County
of Huron will meet in the Court House, Uoderieii,
on TUESDAY, JANUARY 20th, tat 3 o'clock
January Sth,18D2. 088-21
Annual Meeting:
TbeeAnnuel 3teeting of the Mullett Branch
Agricultural Society for the receiving cf the
Audftsfrs report, and the election of officers for
comiggyear, will beheldIn the Connell Chamber,
on THURSDAY JANUARY, 14th, a12 p. m. A
full attendance of members Is requested.
..- p1e9ighHt `Secre ,,
23 Acres of' Land for Sale.
Thora ria or
p p t offers tor We 23 acres of good
land, cheap, on the 14th con., Mullett, } mile
from the village of Blyth. There is on the place
a frame house, good cellar, and barn, about one
acre good.bearingorchard; Good well. Apply
effectual, and the only genuine.
Sent to any address with full
directions on receipt of 82.00.
204 South Pauline St.,
688-41 CHICAGO, ILL.
Are doing a splendid business.
the liis noted for quick despatch
and prompt delivery.
—.Hans Fisher, employed at the
elevator of Lake of Woods milling,
company's mill, Keewatin,, was
instantly killed eta morning, being
caugh"t,in a belt and drawn under a
pally. Itis body was nearly gilt in
$100.00 OEVEN -AWAYI
This is Our New Cash System by which we make
0 -0 ------
We will give you a FIVE CENT MONEY ORDER wittt
each dollar's worth of goods purchased at our stole and when twenty of
these Money Orders are -presented by any one person we will cash them,.
paying $1.00 for them ; or, when yon buy 50 cents, or wore, worth of.
goods at one time, we will accept one as so much cash towards paying for
same. We want everybody to avail themselves of this offer. Our More
is headquarters for everything in our line and our prices are the very.
lowest. Come and see us and bring all your friends: Ask far a.
FIVE CENT MONEY ORDER with every dollars worth
of goods you buy. 'Money Orders given only with Cash Purchases.
Dealers in Dry -Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps and Furs,
Boots, Shoes and Groceries,
Fit Guaranteed or no sale. Remember the stand,
Smith's Block, opp. Cooper's Book store, , 'lin on
We have a very fine stock of
of direct importation from England. DINNER SETS worth $12, at
$3.0.50. TEA. SETS worth $6, at $4.50 and $5.00. We have a lino pf
TOILET SE'rS coming this week—ten-piece printed set for $3, worth $5. -
We have the CELEBRATED TIGER BRAND, a beautiful blend of
BLACK TEA. Ten lbs. to give away in Samples. Come and get one
and try it. It will coat nothing.
Geo. Swallow, Clinton
The Times Tea Warehouse
is the aoknowledged Leading House for
Choice -Xmas & HolidayGoods
A full assortment extra selected Valencia Raisins, London Layers, Royal
Clusters, Black Ba8keth; choicest and finest Filiatras, Patras and Vostisio
Currants; New Figs and Fresh Dates.
LEMON, ORANGE and CITRON PEELS, all of which will be sold at vetg
low prices: We bane the largest and best selected stock of
111'totvp. Dinner Setts, Tea Setts,ToiletSetts, at greatly "reducsd.arses$.
jp L, „ -
Sole Agent for.the notes) tan; Lag's Pure tndiatr Tea, and St. Leon Water.
rem __- ..—..{. Sin..l..�'.it:.w NIL .Ju '•,11,�`a re