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The Huron News-Record, 1892-01-13, Page 2
is s 3 at t o ` i� .ate. g..� oo ll• Art � .b4, su. y I, r bhegked by the plfo>atpt: use qi ,Ayfar ra `t►urry 'keetoral. 11 von .iia. ;'tile later )t)erIQRls Oil that dloogsex, the cough ,10 woud.ertully' xelikyed.b y ;t14814061.6140, e, if I Xiave used A efifsj Cherry Pectoral, carni} the, best effect in 1133' pruottbe.. Thi avenderful pxoparatlon once saved hay lifia X bad a Constant, vougli} night tweets, was' greatly reduced' In Aos1r, and given up by, nay pityatelaui 'Ono beide arid: a hail,;of tlta• Pectoral cured' olio: ,..,•A.l• .•: F+4109o, 4. T?,, 414410ton, 'on ne840e; The Leve vat years ago rwai ttetrerelyy Tl docto said I Was le 0pneumptiora, ang thatAlroy cottld• ;dc nothing top mo, :•lrntadvised ]t5 tr last, resortr..to. try Aye' a, Chortor ,Alter tttkitr , medicine tWG or three •inon;tha Was Allred, and lir, bealth remains good to the prosout day." ..-J u les •I34:cln rd, '3arits1 Conn;, "Sovoral years rage, do a pastago home 'rein CaliforDist by water, T Ooutraeted' so severea cold that Pr wane days I 107f10 conflne l t to my, state -room, and tt IIllysician on board considered my life In danger, Happenin,,,, to have a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, I used it "reply, and my lungs were soon restored to a healthy condition.. Since then I have invariably recommended this prep- txation."—J, B. Chandler, Junction, Va. ". s Cheiry rectoral9 Plum:imn XIV pDr. J. 0, Ayer & Co,, Lowell, Mass. t7o:.t by nil Druggists.. Price /4 I; six bottles„05,, Huron Deer's -Record .50 a Year --$1.25 in Advance Wednesday, Jan. 13t.li ISO?” AN old smoker declares that, he has le •nusiag "My, de Navy' tobacco ever tsiueo the that sear of its m-:nufa,:ture and Coat during that time he has never suffer- ed from a blistered tongue or p,rohod tonsils or any other of the u"pleasant eff#ots which most tobaccos will leave behind them. Ilia experience. he says, is that no other tobacco wi,i•:h he has over tried is quite its equal and that in value for the money "no other comes any where near it. ' THE EAPTH'S DARK DAYS. TIMES WHEN THE PEOPLE THOUGHT THE END OF TELE WORLD HAD COME. The earliest meution of the phe• nomeua known as the dark days appears to be in the year 44 B.C. about the time of the death of Julius Cesar, when we read in Plutarch and Dio Cassius that the sun was paler than usual for a whole year. The great darkness which lasted two whole days over all Europe ap- pears to have preceded the groat earthquake of Nicomedia, which.oc- cur},3d Aug. 22, A.D-- 358. Two years later in- all the eastern pro- vinces of.the Roman umpire there was a "dark day," which was so dark as to make stars visible at noonday. From further descriptions ono might consider this the result of a total eclipse, but astronomers say that neither the eclipse of March, 4, 360, nor that of Aug. 28 of the same year was visible in the coun- tries mentioned. During Alaric's siege of Rome, 409 and 410 A.D., there wore several days "as dark as the nights which preceded and fol• lowed them." '• In 536, 567, and 626we 'find `mention of long periods of diminished 'sun'igllt. Ac- cording to Sehnutror, "the sun dark- ened in an alarming manner on �.� ,A.n,g. 19, ,733, without there„pei.ng-. the least possibility of an eclipse being the cause.” The Portuguese historians record several months of diminished sun- light in the year 934, which ter- minated by an apparent opening in the sky "from which loud sounds issued, the noisb sounding not un- like -twwo giants quarreling." In 1081, on Sopt. 29 (not 21, as given in some translations of Humboldt's Cosmos,) the sun turned suddenly bask and remained so for three hours. her days after the blackness had disappeared the sou gave out a peculiar greenish light which oc• cordoned great alarm. . Schnurrer next mentions a dark day in Juue, 1191, but astronomers attribute it tot) the total eclipse which was visible iu tho greater part of Europe on June 21 of the year mentioned. •Sovoral. dark days are racotdod as having occurred iu February, 1206, the darkest being the 4th, 5th and 12th. On the 5th a brigh star was seen shining "only a foot and a half fro -n the blacken- ed remains of the sun." "On the • Inst day of February, 1206," says Cortovzt, a Spanish writer, "the sun appeared to sudden- ly go out, causing a darkness all over this country for about six hours." .Tho superstitious writers of the times attributed the groat darkness of 12.41 to God's dis- pleasure over the result of the bat- tle of Liegnitz, rho sun being so ob acured as to make it necessary to keep lamps burning until after the ninth hour. Prof. Sohiapareili, who has been. years collecting data concerning that uncanny event is now inclined to refer the cause to the total eclipse of Oct. 6, 1241. Koeplar tells us, his authority. being Geninla, that 'there was A sun -darkening in 1547 which `lasted for throe days, April .2.25, wlticll finally ended by the sun appearing to be suffused with blood to that degree that data wino v[eibla'a uoouduy,tr A►uatio hes experienced seviral dark 1Aye during. her short histori. cal:1 lfor..tl)a n►oaitflnal►uerul►lo being that of May 19, 1189, the darkuese Was tit) great.thet all tbo- pooplo of'Nit W +e land, with'tha• OXOOptIOn of a sturdy felV,:, were terrified alittost to the yerfp of die - • u.st 'wily ;to n'any people KIM./ PSIU wijou artneedy QI known Rid 6Grtr.ip •of - feet I'ko •Iftsgyardo ``p11gW 011 Indy be -had at a very drug store, is net very clear. Thio peerless pain soothing ro-. reedy, to a prompt and pleasant cure for kora throat, .croup; colds( rhtumatlpw, 1401o1b4okt etc, Price 25 .oenty, WHAT 1S FREEMASONRY, What is Masonry, if it bo-ndt)i 'Seetaria►l, a temperance,'a roligioge, or political o I o lllcal orgt<nixltiGu 7 It Wan organization in which through all this broad land, yea; all over the Wet hi, wherever the hur{tes and the hands of civiliz'itiotOrr'o planted, its members are united together in the strong bonds of universal brother. hood. The bitterest political op- ponents, the most zealous roligiouists heroin join as brothers in,one no• cord, eNeinpliflyiug the lesson taught in the significant synlbolisn, of the fraternity, that God is our father and that man is our brother. It bas sirtns of recognition, it has in- structive lecturers, it has impressive ceremonies, it has beautiful symbols, but these aro only the garment wlllcll coyer its visible body. Ma- sonry is the soul visible to actual apprehension, which gives these their vital activity iu the practice of morality, the promotion of virtue and the relief oat distress. Masonry is more than its signs or its Ccre- monioe. We may know its history, its traditious, its ritual, and be able to interpret its impressive symbol- ism, and yet the groat volume -of Masonry be to us a sealed book. The golden fruit lies within the husk. The latter has no vitality or beauty without the germinating force of the former. It is the divin• ity within which irnparts the light, the purity, the charity that adorns our tetuples,,and demonstrates the spirit and the purpose of Masonry in the hearts and lives of the brotherhood.—.211.W . Lucius a But- ler, Vermont. DYSPEPSIA. Thio disease may be traced to a var- iety of causes, such as constipation, liver troubles, improper food, etc. `There is one cure—B'rrdoek Blood Bitters—whtoh may be thoroughly relied on to effect a pertnanent cure. It has cured obstinate oasee of 25 years' 'standing, —The Supreme Court has decid- ed that in Michigan, anyhow, a wife can recover damages for the alienation of her husband's affec- tions. FAILING FAST. Drag Sias—\ly mother was failing very fast after. throe months suffering from dropsy, being swollen from head to foot, but acanthi) had used one bot- tle of you': Burdock Blood Bitters it was removed. and she felt quite we'l. We tht-tk there is no better medicine, and are true friends to B. B: H. MOS LAVIN1A TAYLOR, 117 Jamieson Av., Parkdale, Toronto, Ont, ADVIOls TOI MOTHERS. -Are yon disturbed at night and broken of your roat by a sick ehlld suffering and crying with pain of Gutting Teeth 7 If so send at once and got a bottle of "Mrs. Winelow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teeth ing. Ike value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it,,.: mothers -t,_there..is x110.=mistake-aboutsd t.-=lt three Dysentery and Dinrrhma, regulates the etomaoh and bowels, cures Wind Collo, softone the gams, reduces inflammation, rind gives tone and energy to the whole byetem. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taete and is the presoriptfon of ono of the oldest and best.female physicians and nurses' in the Vetted State,, and is for sale by all druggist's throughout the world. Price 25 conte a bottle. Be sure and ask Por " "Ains• WINSLOw's SOOTHING OYRUP,"A,taLa no other kind. 656y —Woman leads the world. She used smokeless powder for ages be- fore men ever thought- of adopting it. ' .A SE1'TSIRLE STATEMENT. Sins,—Having used your Burdock Blood Bitters successfully for some time poet, I must state that for my complaint of bitionseese and acid stomach I have never found an equal, and I continue to use it and r000mmend it to my friends and neighbors. W. &PITON, St. Thomas, Out. DESIRABLE LOTS FOR SALE. Three one -acre lote in the Town of Clinton Incr offered' for sale. They are situated on Raglan street, not far from the Doherty Organ Factory and Collegiate Institute, adjoining the former residence of Mr. J. H. Combo and in the neigh• horhood of liret•elnse residences. For terms, etc., apply to 661tt ARTHUR KNOX, Clinton. ESTRAY CATTLE.. Ca'no into the enclosure of tbo eubscrlber, Lot 24, Con. 12, Hallett, about the latter part of November, three red yearling steers and one red and white yearling heifer. The owner is re. ghosted to prove property, pay expenses and take the animals away. ANDREW TAYLOR. Londcsboro P. 0. Debenture By -Law. Notice is hereby given that a By -Law was passed by the Municipal Council of the Towh of Clinton on the Ninth dee, of :December, 1801, A.D., providing for the issue of Debentures to the amount of $3,500 for the purpose of taking up and retiring Debentures to the amount of $6,500 which foil duo on 1st December, instant, end that each BeaLaw was registered in the Registry a67co of the County of Huron en the 14th day of December, A.D. 1801. And that this is the first By -Law passed under the Act to con- solidate the debt of the Town of Clinton padded in the 54thyear of Her Majosty'e reign and chaptered 64. WILLAIk COATS, (Mork of the Town -of Clinton THE '1111.ACES HOTEL, A,.AV,SAT,f3x, NOBT,11, /ti„LINTO The yn>;tollitin@tOE s astylnad thepropriotorehi p of rite aIOVe Root. lh# pr*u4 es oto being ' fitted arld`Jjrot olWt at000lnmodgtton nth. , a lwa s .1110.19$ 141414 and Last, The bar js -vuppil0d tviui only the be A. bleisar "Olgare .ko, and. ap@olafott@ lag will aloe, be, given to tilu dining. Neons; dopa heft. There is eiteeUflot stable 40001mepa'tthtlU,IgRTopoCpatthtrdolngg@ll0olftetdte. g0$onAo•9tal .JQLIN IIOIM1E1OIt :Now Firm in the Old .Stand, n The un,lyrslg4od, having rnurehased:; th old established meat buslnese of Air, Arthur couch Lege Lo Inform the potato that he wn continue it 40 ft Has heretofore been vary)@d Qtr. 'MQQate of all kipds jo 0046014, "Orders taken and astivarettas usual, iligliest ,cash, frrieo -ltaid for sheepslde0, idea and ,tallowy 0437 -tf JAMES 'A. Your', TAM VEA,EAl;1tATED 061. Wfte lu J , �n p V r TRAFrt EST IN TUE IOIAKKETt9 Machines Allowed on Trial am oleo agent for all All AgPicuttupal Implements Wareroom opposite Pair's 1VIi11, Call and see mar J. B. WEIR, CLINTON NOTICE The Annual Meeting of the members of the McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company, will he held in the Tamen Hall, iKldd's Block, Sea. forth, on F1L1DAY, JAN. 15.1802, at one o'cloek, p. In., for the purpose of receiving the Annual and Auditor's Report, electing directors, and any other buainese in the interest of the com- pany. T. E, BAYS, President. W. J. SHANNON, Sec•Treas. EVERY FARMER'S SON SHOULD HAVE A Business Education A. POSTAL will Bemire the catalogue of the FOREST : CITY Business College, LONDON, ONT- Over 100 students in attendance. J. W. Westervelt, Principal CCM 1892. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE An Illustrated Weekly. The Thirteenth Volume of Harper's Young People began on November 8, 1831. For the coming year this best and moat comprehensive weekly in the world for youthful readers offore a varied and fascinating programme. In aerial fiction it will contain "Diego Pinzon," a story of the first voyage of Columbus. by John R. Correll; "Canoematee: A Story of the Florida Reefs and Everglades," by Kirk Monroe; another story by one of the best known and most popular of American anthore ; and stories in three and four parte by 'rhomas Noreen Page, E. H. House, Anpolino Teal, Ella Rodman Church, and Mary S. MoCorb. More than two hundred short stories by favorite writers, articles on travel, oat -of -door eporte, in -door games, and all subjects dear to the hearts of the young, besides hundreds of illnatrations by leading artiste, will combine to make Harper'e Young People for 1802 an irre- sietible -repository of pleasure and information for boys and girls. "Tho boat weekly publication for young people in existonoo. It is edited with eornpu-Ions care and attention, and instruotion and entertainment aro mingled in its pages in just the right propor- tions to captivate the minds of the young, and at the same time to develop their thinking power.— Observer, N. Y, Terms: Postage Prepaid, $2 Per Year Volume V., VIII., and %II. of Harper's Young People,, bound in cloth, will , be'aout°byviola-poet " age paid, on receipt of 58 50 oaob. Tho other volumes aro out of print` Single NEmberS, Five Conte oaob. Specimen Copy Bent on receipt of two-oont Stamp. Remittances should bo made by Post -office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lose. farNewepapere are not to dopy this advertise- ment without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Address: HARPER & BROTHERS, Now York BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. CORRESPONDENCE. We will at all tunes be pleased to receive items of news from our sub- scribers. We want a good corres- pondent in every locality, not already represented, to send us RELIABLE news. SUBSCRIBERS. Patrons who do not receive their paper regularly from the carrier or through their local post offices will confer a favor by reporting at this office at . once. Subscriptions may commence ,at any time. 77— ADVERTISERS. Advertisers will please bear in mind that all "changes;' of advertisetnentfa, to ensure insertion, should be handed in not later than MONDAY NOON of each week. CIRCULATION. TIIE NEWS -RECORD has a larger circulation than any other paper in this section, aid as an advertising medium has few equals in Ontario. Our boolcs are open to those who mean business. JOB PRINTING. The Job Department of this jour- nal is one of the best equipped in Western Ontario, and a superior class of work is guaran€eed at very lom prices. f, q, 1862¢. Raiper's Bazar., Ilr1,II �41�A T ,r 'Jr' 1,.D, Marries 'Darer le a••fotp'galfor ,tgalt0Al0.- It ghee';tro 1,atast' 1ai4rto41lpct with rpgard to the leaobled¢, aa(t. Its ngmoroartr,tt ll l . 5 r, Paris dominos, tied patter/x-0104Auhpl@uotitg•.rrd luatd: peevish's alike Co the horns droas•mak0r and trio modiste, No cspos ae Is .spared to 1waMo 110 ¢Noetic attototlYopess Qf tiro highest. order. Its ))right 'tortes, arousing oomedies•14nd thoughtlui csauy8 satiny' ell taste'', and fts, last page 115 famogs as a'bydget Qf wry and burner, In ,its interest topwomee00n, ' bI to Seriallitesufor 1802 ded kis of 'lii,pe written•by Wafer Deicing tad Wiiiilpi Altok, Airs. Olipbagt will bobpme acontributor. A4arton Harland a Timely Talks, "Day" fa and nay Unt," are intended for matron¢,• and Helen Marshall North will__4pppojalty ad4rnse• tiir)s, . T,' W11f$Stn•, soar, in "Women and Mettj _;vitl_ple R'Q-A Qaiti... vatodaudt@nea. .• ,` .� HARPER'S PERIODICALS. i'ER YEAIC tuturnmi 11A7AR , , $4 00 HARPER'S .MAGAZINE 4 00- HARPER'8 WEEKLY 4 00 HAR el,tvs TOTING r>;OPx,la 2 00 Postage Frae to all subscribers in the United States, Canada, and Moriop. The Volume of the naz:)r begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no, ordetlmor, is mentioned, subsoriptions will begin with the Number ourront et the thno of eootipt of Bound Volumes of Harper's Dana for throe years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, poatagopaid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not exceed ono dollar por volume) for 07 00 per volume. Cloth Caeca for oath volume, suitable for bind- ing, will,ho sent by mail, poet -paid, on receipt of 01 00 aaob. Remittances should be made by Post-offoo Money Order or D;•aft, to avoid chance of loth, f..'Ne•.vepepere aro not to copy this advertise- ment without the express order of Harper & Brothere. Addroes: HARPER & BROTHERS, Now York 1892. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED.. The Magazine will celebrate the fourth Centen- ary of the Discovery of America by its nn- DracovonY, through articles giving a more thur- oagh expoekioa than has hitherto been made of the Recent Unprecedented Development of our Cdnntry, and especially in the Great West. Particular attention will also bo given to Dra- matio Episodes of American History. The Field of the next European War will bo described in 'a Series of Popere on the Danube "From' tho Black Forest to the Black Sea," by Ponitney Bigelow and F. D. Millet, illustrated by Mr.'9nillet and Alfred Parsons. Articles also will be given on the German, Austrian, and Italian armies, illustrated by T. ie Thuletrup. Mr. W. D. Howells will contribute a now novel, "A World of Obaneo," character' eticallyAmerican. . Especial prominence will be given to Short Storion, whioh will be contributed by T. B. Aldrich, It, If. Davis, A. Conan Doyle, Margaret Deland, Mies Woolson, and other popular writers. Among the literary features will bo Personal Reminiscences of Nathaniel Hawthorne, by life college class -mato and life-long friend, Horatio Bridge, and a Personal Memoir of the Brownings, by Anne Thaokeray Ritchie. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HARPER'S MAGAZINE, Per Year ....434 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY, " . .. 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR, 400 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, " .,., 2 00 Postage Free to all eabsoribere IR the United Statue, Canada and Mexico. The Volumes of the Magazine begin with the Nnmbere for Juno and December of each yea-. When no time ie'apeoifieil, eubecriptions win begin with the Number current at the time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's Magazine for three years book, in neat cloth binding, will be cont by mail,post-pald, on receipt of $8 00 per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding, 50 ciente each—my mail, poet -paid. Remitnancee should bo made by Poet -office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loas. ra'Nowssapera are not io copy this advertise- ment without the express order of Harper & Brothers. - A ddrons : HARPER & BROTHERS, New Tor 1892. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Weekly for the coming year will eon- taiu.moro -attractive foeturee,'moroxand..:ilnor- illaetratione, and a greater number of articles of live,iotenee intorost than will be foundln any other perlodioal. Among theme latter will be a aeries of artiolos ou the twenty-five greatest dale of the world, including are hundred illus. trationo. The Columbian Etpoaition, the Army and Navy, great public events, aiieaatere on land and ecu, and the doings of the celebrated people of the day will bo described and illustrated in an attractive and timely manner. The Department of Amateur Sport will continue under the diree tion of Casper W. Whitney The beet of modern writers will contribute short stories, and the most distingnlshed artists will make the illustra- tions. Tho editorial articles of Mr. George William Curtis will remain ae an medal attraction. HARPER'S PERIODICALS, PER YEAR: HARPER'S WEEKLY HARPER'S MAGAZINE HARPER'S BAZAR HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE $4 (0 4 00 4 60 2 00 Poetage Free to all enbacribora in the United Status, Canada, and Mexico. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number for Jannary of each year.. When no time fe mentioned, eubecriptions will begin wlth the Number surront at the time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's Weekly for three yeare back, to neat cloth binding, will bo sent by mall, poetago paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight done not exceed ono dollar per volume), for $7 00 por volume. Oloth 'Oases for each volume, enitablo for bind- ing, will be sent by mail, poet -paid, on receip tot 21 00 each. Remittances should be made by Post-o0lce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. r�Newepapere are not to copy this advertise- ment without the eepress order of Harper & Brothore- Address : HARPER & BROTHERS, New York STRAY STOOK ADVER TISEMENTS inserted in Tea NEWS REcoiu, at low rates. The law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock It yon want any kind of advertising you will not do bettor than call on Tewe-Roocord ispfolivoheI•61.4.emeedhs..64).406.6,:bahel A NICE HOME A T A BARGATN.—Eightacree of lend w'th li select orchard of choice apple trees ; comfortable house and etablee ; adjoining.0ode. rich townehip.lApply to 13. L. 'DOYLE, Gods lobi 524341 TEACHER WANTED. Wanted, a Second -Class Teacher. S'alaty not to exceed 2400. For further particulats apyly to SAMUEL IRVINE, Secretary School Section No. 5, Morris, Belgravo P. 0. 676 -ft. ENLARGED 10 PAGES WEEKLY GI. T'l x$11. .A.ND B .I 4NC4 Off' 1091' THE MOST LI13ERAL OFFER E1 E NO .,HEAP O''O� ' 1° ' ] • J9 C1 ;- F,Q,� . S t Q B , S SCISSORS OR CATCH -PENNY; OFFER$ t BUT A OLEAN; w:u OLESOME FAMILY, NEWSiP44PE1t. UPON 1V.f . ITS FRITS. Commencing with the issue of 7th October TUE. WEEKLY GLOBE will contain sixteen pages instead of , twlve-p•*ges as heretofore, making it the largest and best family newspaper in. Canada. Every effort will be devoted to making it BRiCI:IT, READABLE, ACCURATE and INTERESTING in all its- departments. Special pains will be taken with its Agricultural Pages, and MORE SPACE WILL E DEVOTED TO SELECT/ READING FOR Tli$ FAMILY. SUBSCRIBERS WIIOSE ORDERS ARE RECEIVFD PREVIOUS TO gISt DgCE'MBER, 1891, WILL HAVE THE PAPER S:�NT THEM UNTIL CLOSE OF I 892 FOR ,THE ONE YEARS SUBSCRIPTION. months of ie for $I.taTHIS NF,A»everone who subscribes now. AGENTS WANTED IN ALL UNREPRESENTED DISTRICTS. For terms, address THE GLOBE, TORONTO. 414.111012410 NOY! Job Printing 0 The NEWS -RECORD Is in a better position than ever to turn out : The Very Finest Printing At prices as low as any other office in the West. Those in °•need of any class of Job Printing should call on THE NEWS -RECORD, Albert Street, Clinton pi TR, i\TZ°I' 11 12,M NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the New Store and see tll.e stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general Household Furniture. Tho while Stock is from'the very beat manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of ever; description. JUS. CIIIDLET,. one door West of Dickson's Book Store FOR GOOD ENVELOPES _ , _N .ows ..-,II tow? _, •...FOR:fiNEST.PRINTINC FOR NICE BiLL HEADS FOR OFFICE PRINTING THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS J. Ca STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING U I1 ERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont WATCHES! Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Columbus, Seth Thomas, and Rockford—now, model, RJ'All these malrce in key end sten windere Also pendent set watches. J. BiDDLECOMBE; CLINTON. IMPLEMENTS. The enbsoriber having severed his connection with the Maeeey Company, desiroa to intimate that he has boon appointed agent for the well known firm of FROST 8a, WOOD, implement makers, of Smith's Falls, and will bo pleased to fill all orders in his lino as heretofore. Will aloe keep on hand Wthavesols PLows, COLTER & SCOTT DRILLS, DIeo HALnowe, and articles ofl'ke nature. WM. STANLEY, 647-6m Holmeevllle and Clinton Lob's Starch Enamel. This le an article worthy of every lady's attention. It you want to save time and labor, buy a box. If you want your ironed clothes to look neat and clean and to last much longer, buy a box. It you want the starch to stay in the clothes on the line in spite of rain or frost, buy a box, If you want everything to look like new, such GB shirt bosoms, collate, cuffs, lace curtains, etc., buy a box. R4FEnery Storekeeper keeps it now, and where the merchant does not keep it we want a lively agent to represent us. Manufactured by r pq t� Wu J. LOBB, 115—tt Hotlnesviiie rr d SPE STEED PE CE ARE THE BEST. Established 1860,©R Works, ENGLAND. No. 1 No.2 No.3 No.16 No.27 Expert Miters. FOR CUNal y3 lettolaa. AC6en11- ..t.:.� ,k„at tants. FOR liZeitgiresair Corres- pondents Bold Writing Busi- ness Sold by STATIONERS Everywhere. Samples FREE on receipt of return postage 2 cents. SPENOEAJAN PEN CO., NEW YORE. 810 BROADWAY. Scientific American Agency for CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS. OtSIIN PATENTS COPYR1C11TS, eta. For information and fres Handbook write to MUNN & CO. 061 BitoADWAV, Nr w YORK.. Oldest bureau for scouring patents to America. Every patent taken out by 110 ie. brought before the public by a notice given free of charge In the • 9 • ri 1� 'fit:'t 11.Crifa Largest Circulation of ant' oclr:ntlflo paper in the world. SnlondidlyY illnsfr-ted. No inte)Ilfi�tan43 mart should bo with -tut ,., \'TOel-ly 83.0u a rear; 01.50 sir months. Address Mt1�•N7& CO., PCnLisIlclte, eel Broadway, :<ew York. ,y. .rl