HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-01-06, Page 5News.flecorC .25111 Orison 404. 6Itlt, 1892 TE;V6 1TE tS. ,P op, 'Coneorvatvo l*lc►"tli ',i ,pnfrewt died. �s yeatorday ..from, die- weeks illness.: ;oker at ,Buda , Peetii, e.lnaf of bread wlficl�, 'illation, was- found ;to Meats of an',Infant's' The Whole mats':had been. ked, • • 'blues ...Murphy' and his sister • ry were found.„deadin,theirhouse, gamy,.„,l;relaud,• to' day.They. and had died of sterna. An, i e`hed*i lay ]span heapsof straw; They left Money and arpperty tti the, amount of 440,000.. - While'Simon Sanford, a labor - of R$ll.evillo, was atte:mpt•; 400 to.board, a moving freight train, ;e: fell under the wl>,eels, which so f:liorrelily t at glad his .lege that he •.died•in:the ho9pitAl at' p•' in,- Tho' wunfortunate man.j,leavos; a wife•and 7401f1y, =-The. ReV 'P,=;Wallnoo, the ovaggeliat, who bas been saving Ennis 'by ,the score in; the Canadian '.500'•'• for some , weeks past, created a-eeneatio�i the; other day by marry. Ing one of his conVet ts,• Miss. Rachel .r I'Less,; The commotion all arises fre;u 'the feet that jr.1Wallace is 'wi ite, while lis'bridd is -as black as the ice,oftspades, 40 10 speak. - In the city Of 'Canterbury so =many yeopler are i11 with influeuza -pthat mtny buaineea establishments :liavfi beep compelled' to close ou ac• -co.gnt of lack of hands. An -epi, iloniio resemblifig'influenza is'causv ing ravagesamong horses at Nor. l; , Manton.. j In .threeptts theretwenty iorse .Wave died and 80 are ill. Work lids •been stopped in the pits -and tbousauds of.miners ere idle. --A.case to be heard at a session or ;the- Ottawa Division Court is casing a good deal of interest. A y"oungman about town sues an OLta- -wa barber for $60 damages.: for bar. Otte- '4,S itch; `alleged to have been coll- tracted at his shop. The barber, •on the other band, has entered a $ i4 f..,or-$5,000''for slander, against.. "nie�customer. This will be tried at the. next .Sitting of the High Court .of Justice. ' to wax for a r'+ ropa mfr t, ,witnoepi that would. relieve tlfetulluotony ip the present tins,.: Amei4vahaving: "refused. to 04n the 4e0i0t unmet prfvateeringi ahf;..Wwuld bo eatit;1 d to, equip. her •ettt+iro inal•inot aV ' Aelterlaan bu ltveseels,ae privateers (appily Chia is a marc hypothesis. Fresidegt:. ; message is merely rbetorior . '.' Harrison',' - `TlieX..follownp' (thaws )olninion` 'Qfl1'uiii`gg. '04'expenses for the month. of Noveuaher, 1891 Grose earnings, $2,031,079.74 ; working expenses, $1,045,068'99..: Net pros. fits, $980,010,70. For the period extending,' from Ten. 1 -to iliov, 0. 1$$1, filo groW earr'ningswee9 418;47 326,28'2.064, .working expenses, $11,798,$1.9.33 ;` and Hist. prof tn, $.7,127,463.73, The total number of failures in fife Doaminion 9f: Canada, as report., ed to Dun.. \Vi fan dt Co' "mercantile agency for Alto year 11 1, was 1,� $69 as againbt 1,847 in the year 1890. The liabilities,, '. however, •8l10w a decline, amounting in. 1891 to $7,100,000; as against,•$18,989,4 000- in 1890. Thus, although the number of failures .isabout equal for the two years, the loss on each failure is much less. The other afternoon a d iatress'+ ins shooting accident took place •whichwill result in Mr. George E. .Rebitison, of Leamington, losing one off liia eyes. J. Harrison, M. Will- iams -.and (x. E. Robinson went out ;toshootpartridgenand became separ- ' ated, .A Aird rose between Harris - waw shot Ilarrisoti (ir. E. Robinson hap: paned .to be -in the same direction, .bat beyond the bird, and some of the shot struck hits in theiaee, two grains penetrating the ball ..of the 1, Reye. y. ••--In 1889 the wife of a shop - ;.keeper �n.med Bender, .of Paris,. eranoe, disappeared, and Bender in• tfornied. the police at the time that ; abe.l>ad.beeu unfaithful to him and 'lied fled after making an attempt to .poison 'hien: Resent communica. tions led the police to search Bender's house, when the body of tito..weman. was found banging in a • -obtainer The , corpse bad been, ��.tlried-,�tnd,�lilnclt�ued �b�i nSrhe�heat MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon. i OUNTON. Fall Wheat 0 87 to. 0 92 Spring Wheat Barley Oats. ' e ATT offering specia 4inducemeint in the wway of 5 087 to 0 92 C90to050 381to032 Peas . 0 60 to 0 61 Apples,(winter)per bag 0 40 to 0 50 Potatoes .. 0 25 to 0 30 Butter Eggs. Hay Cordwood Beef Wool....... Dressed Hoge .. 0 16 to '0 17 016 to 017 11 00 toll 00 300 to 400 0 00 to 000 018 to 018 5 00 to 5 25 AUTION. EACII PLUG OF THE Jauu •.. Y...t. ��t se us vlth a very Jr oy, ; stock a rd 1 f yep are thinking Of investing in Furs this v10te1, yop should,' see *hat wo have to show you. wtIJIavu IS MARKED 1E 4 Q le rati � �they must ,be sold. T-amb,.: $ a1 and Wigan . at '� e ry low ease to clear, B. es, Mantles, Huts- ..a d pr*„Nu €`i', ices we have Marked them shauid the prices Out quickly. Do . not 'make all a any pur. el lases until yQu, see our N -values �`. IN BRONZE LETT7ERS. NONE OTHER GENINE. amt, 'suiiolie 'flit nearly. three -years. Bender has made a confession. -W. X. Davis went to Brant - 'ford last week and was to hove been .marriedto p young lady of ..•excelent family in Marlborough %street. The night previous he «as aarreited by C. P. R. Detective Ross on a charge of burglarizing a C. P. .R. station at which he had been op- -. ator. 4_1Ie .was taken to Galt for trial. The pr,isoner was mush cut up. When the police entered the. house >.a large number of wedding gifts were on display. Prisoner asked the police told him get married, then :he would surrender himself. The bride elect's mother, however, ob- jected, and said the welter had bet - iter be straightened. fi?6t. --Jack -Lottridge and George :.Douglas, the '/radian, implicated in the Heslop Murder, have been tom• ” -`°— 12ttittOf -tet id-at-H4a111titorlae.and-will. -remain ' there until the Spring, Assizes. .Although Douglas turned 4 ween",a evidence, the crown pro- ceeded against hien, but he will be lliirrloned, unles-i it is shown that it bias lie and not Jack Bertram who Wired the shot which killed the old rout], ,According to the evidence of Gonne'; Bertram and Douglas went Ante the house, while he and Lott- ri}fgo retnairifld outside. Lottridge ,, Was ' given an opportunity to take .mdvantage of the proclamation grant - ',dug .a pardon if he confessed, but be Atm* to his statement that he mor% nothing about the murder. ~Tile 'time' correspondent at pfCriii sends t'o his paper a column dispatch, giving the text of Chilf's resp t?t giving Ilurrison's ifeply to tnesdage, In cotiimenting upon the "surprising character of America s aCton' he cbrred endent says : "'Iie4iolelde oPresident latri� -e'on's message would be repugnant to European ideas even if they only ,were affected. If; hoctlever,A.meriaa • NOTICE ESTATE JOHN. HODO WHEN YOU WANT .k READY -I ABE SNIT OR AN OREREP SUPT Or anything in MEN'S FURNISHINGS, come and see what we can do for you. We carry a very fine range. Just now we are offering The Annual Meeting of the members of the McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company, be held in the Town forth, on FRIDAY, JANa115i1892. aggt one o'clock p. m., for the purpose of receiving the Annual and Auditor's Report, g and any other business in the interest of the com- p T, E, HAYS, President. W. J. SHANNON, Seo•Treae. ----A LINE OF ODD PANTS !---- At a great deal less than their value and it is worth your while to come and see. THE C. P." R. TELEGRAPH T. JACKSON, JACKSON, SR., NURON-ST., °LINTOH. XMAS GOOD 0 NEW VALENCIA, SULTANA, LONDON LAYERS AND BLK. BASKET RAISINS, NEW SEASON'S CURRANTS, CANDIED PEELS—LEMON, ORANGE AND CITRON ; ESSENCES, EXTRACTS, SPICES, ORANGES, FIGS, DATES. AM- CANDIES CHEAP. AGENCY AT CLINTON —o --_�' riM.A.S I have excellent value in highest grades of BLACK TEAS, FORMOS4 OOLONGS, HONING CONGOUS, PACKLING, half chest and caddies. Are doing a splendid business. WHY ? BECAUSE the line is noted for quick despatch and prompt delivery. T BLEND OF PURE INDIA AND CEYLON TEAS, Office at Cooper's Book Store 10 ACRES FOR SALE. The paoprietor offers for sale ten acres of good land on the 18th Con., Hullett, 1} miles from Londosboro and 8 miles from Biyth. flood frame barn, good stable, excellent well of water, nice road orchard aroundther conviences. Gd It. Apply on the prrem see nivel DESIRABLE LOTS FOR SALE. Three one sere lot; i—n t err r° lR n taw olan sttrrered fet, not far from the Doherare tyu Organ Facd on tory and Collegiate Institute, adjoining the former residence of Mr. J. H. Combo and in the neigh- borhood of flret•elass residences. For terms, etc., apply to 86111 ARTHUR KNOX, Clinton. ESTRAY CATTLE. put up in one pound packages at 50 Dents per Ib. Bert value in PACKAGE TEAS in the market. O Extra Value in Crockery, China and Glassware. a - -- OLINTOt'& $100.00 II N ` F - iY Ir4., This is Our New Cash Syste A DQNATION TO OUR CUSTOMERS. 'eh we make K)Q 0---0 We will give, you a FIVE CENT MONEY ORDER with: each dollar's worth of goods purchased at our store and when twenty of these Money Orders are presented by any .one person. we will cash thew, paying $1,00 for them ; or, when yon buy 50 cents, or wore, worth of goods atone time, we will accept one as so much cash towards paying for saaie. • We want everybody to 'avail themselves of this offer. Our store is headquarters for everything in our line and our prices are the very:- lowest. Come and see us and bring all your friends. v do aks worth. for a. FIVE CENT MONEY OrdersORDER onlywwith a Cash Purchases. of goods you buy. ygiven CHINA TEA AND TOILET SETS, CHEAP. We offer Special Induoements during the Holiday Trade to Cash Purohasers. -0. 0 PLU1VISTEEL & GIBBINGS Dealers in Dry -Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps and Furs. Boots, Shoes. and Groceries, ALBERT STREET, - CLINTON, ONTARIO N. R�bson, AtbertSt. P1110 Christmas Groceriese Came into the enclosure of the subscriber, Lot 24, Con. 12, IIuitott, about the latter part of November, three rod yearling steers and one red and white yearling heifer. The owner is re- quested to prove property, pay expenses and take the animals away. ANDREW TAYLOR. LOndcsboro 1'. 0. Debet tu. le By -Law. J NNW CALL. ON WALTON & MORRISON Fruits,- Peels, Canned Goods, Teas, cQc. Our store is well-filled with fresh, clean, new Goods, and we pan supply the wants, of every household at very close figures. Do not ibuuntil you inspect our stock. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale &, Retail Grocers, Clinton. Nottbe is hereby giren that a By-LaW was passed by the Municippal Council of the Town of Clinton on the Ninth day of December, 1891, AM., providing for fife issue of Debentures to the amodnt Of 81,500 for the purpose of taking up and retiring Debentured to the amount of 5s,500 whish fell dud on 1st. December, instant, and gg that Stich. By -Law was registered in the Y the day Office1 December, A.Counts, 11841. Huron that ihfs is the flrstny-Law passed under the ACC t0 eon. solidate the debt of the Town h1 O1lntoh passed in the 54th year of Her Majesty a feign and cls ptdted 04. ` iLtddia OOAT3 Clerk of the TOWtr of Minton Le ms's Ga rTiage Faetor FOR A New Fall OVERCOAT OR FALI. SUIT. Fit Guaranteed or no sale. Remember the stand, Smith's Block, opp. Cooper's Book Store, Clinton BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—all of the best work, manabip and material. ger All the latest styles and most modern improve- ments. AR work warranted. Repairing and repaintingpromptly attended to. Prices to suit the times. 1 PAW:MY—corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657—y THE CELE)i EATER THE WALES HOTEL, ALBERT -ST. NORTH, CLINTON. The undersigned has assumed the proprietorship of the above Hotel. The premises are being re- fitted and flrst•class accommodation can always he had for man and beast. The bar is supplied with only the best Ale, Liquor Cigars, ho., and special attention will also be given to the dining room department. There Is excellent stable accommodation. The patronage of the general pubile is respectfully 'solicited. 684-3m JOAN' T. LEE, . PROPRIETOR • New Firm in the Old Stand. The undersigned..hali'ng purchased the old established meat bnelnfst of Mr. Arthur Ooueli, bogs to inform the public that he will Continue it eh it has horotofdro been tarried On. r '3leate of an kinds in season. Orders taunt `airddolivered al usual. Highest cneb price paid ter rheepskins,hidss. and610 tf JAMES A. FORD. • fflaai WasU& and mama THE HUB GROCERY THE REST IN 'TUE 1UARILET Machines Allowed on Trial 0__ Wehave a very fine stock of CROCKERY & GLASSWARE. of direct importation from England. DINNER SETS worth $12, at $10.50. TEA SETS worth $6, at $4.50 and $5.00. We have a line of TOILET SETS coming this week—ten-piece printed set for $3, worth $5. amalto agont'for all AAg�O- r oaltural Im foment ll i1V'argr opposite Nair's 1Utilli bof p� earl and see out. . - J. D. WEIR CLINTON��. TEA .! . TEA ! TEA 1 We have the CELEBRATED TIGER BRAND, a beautiful blend of BLACK TEA. Tep lbs. to give away in Samples. Come and get one and try it. It will cost nothing. 0 deo. S '.a1I.,ofl Mt (41 EXPECTED. The Times Tea Warehouse is the acknowledged Leading Rouse for, Xmas & Hoiida Goods Choice. > � Layers, Royal. A full assortment extra selected Valencia Raisins, London Lay , ,y Clusters, Blank Baskets; choicest acid finest Filiatras, Patras and Vostizaa Currants; New Figs and Fresh Dates. Finest Shelled ALMONDS, WALNUTS acid FILBERTS, New CANDIED LEMON,CG� ORANGE and CITRON PELLS,'all of which will be sold at very loW prices. We have the largest' and best selected steak of FANCY CHINA .p CROCKERY & GLASSWARE ��M . In town. Dinner Setts, To Setts,1 oilet Setts, at greatly reduced pfiicea. +, yV dV fl - CLINTON !tc Solo Agent for the noted lean Laos Pure Indian Tea, and St. Leon Water-,