HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-12-16, Page 8e ie 1&00.1.
:'*14$01/Wilni D016 WOMMI-AVP WB
MO tribe. ON* OhOYS MI%
1�o, cOnatantly everywheroi
the nahlebleyous 'Wage that boy too
ro mind can remember PDX moutb de-
the.whole'of bia asere of Space
j,th bisStreng, straight ferns Ond hie
MrerY 400.
1', ITO IS YetY:00Ward1y, v_ory brave,
opa gruel, geed and bad,
bpie.u4 p. hero! Wise will save
The heat from the worst of my neighbor's
Thit mean and the noble atrive tosday-
-V„.,tr-ost.thO Bowed! will have its way?
,, Wend is ntosaiiiglifrareirgthsandakills
s syill Make hearts happy er make
there aelse,
114 power ie in bins for good or fill
.,,l/Vidias a life'aths will his swift feet
'Will bevies! arta draw others up with him.
;Ilse light that is in him burn low and
aim ?
Ist 'what•ie ray neighbor's boy to me
More than a ratioance? My neighbor's
hough I have some fear ;.or what he may
• bei
• • In source of solioitude, hope and joy,
.:1,114e constant pleasure. Because I pray
That the best that is in him will rule some
% day,
e passed me by wi.h a smile and a nod.
He knows I have hope of him -guesses,
.Vhat whisper his name when I ask of God
• That men may be righteous, his will to
And I think that many would have more
If they loved and Prayed for a neighbor's
Surely 7V.7 4a WG,NIO•11
SYS tern O 'Swope *vet,' 114 such nta.
*1'14 BOcial and moral incubus ever
cursed ,00 -called civilized countries
Ilere is GcerrnartY.,-a country in whtich
the military officer is a ono)) and the
civiliart•a socun
ial inferior, a country in
Wall women do a large proportion of
that field vvo Which oath's continent
is usually done by men -a conntsy in
whleh each citizen already carrieS a
fsoldies ou his back. Islere is Germany,
staggering like a &sunken man under
its present railitars, burdens, propostng
to add eno.mousxy to its arnav. The
only hope of those who long. for the
•uslrering -in •of -the- thottsand. years a
neace is that these military 'ourclens
way become, like the coat, of moil of
some overweighted medireval knight,
too heavy to be borne. Twenty •
lion dollars of additional taxat 'on every
year to he put on the German peasan-
try! Do clergynsen, and journalists,
and:poets, and men of light and learn-
ing generally, realize their responsibi-
lity when they join in acclaiming the
men of blood and irces? As for women,
they should see to it that natlonal ar-
bitrations be !substituted for natIonal
settlements by fire and sword. -Wives
and Daughters for November.
should yroteot against the mildar,'
0,40X0r,g.s1/00. V 40111,10
"The most pathetic ocene X_e'VeP
witnesoedi" said ,Tudge,Th
thorn, of "Reza%) °WM third'Of
GenturY *Pp bUt t is as. plaint° my
eyes tg:sdaY as it Was then. We had
been bothered by horse thieves (IOWA
OR the frontier, and yott know wbat
that means in the Wad eauntry. A
erOwd of us started out after the
GENTW-I have used your 1M.INARD'S
LINIMNT in my family for, some years
ea believe it the best medioine in the
marl eb as it does all it it recommended to do
Cs.nsaan Forks, N. B., D sKicReTEso.
John Mader, Mahone Day, informs us
that be was cured of a very severe attack
or rheumatism by nseing MINARD'S
Sickness generally follows in the path of
neglent, 'Don't be recklessl but piudently
take a few doses of Scott's Emulsion imme-
diately following exposure to cold. It will
save you many painful days and sleepless
There are 40,0 1 little children in
London who go breaLfasiless to school
every morning. This is the saddest
eature of the great: unemployed prob-
lem which agitates the metropolis, The
matter has been nrgently brought be-
fore the School Board this week bv
delegates from the idle workmen with
a request that the city should fill the
stomachs as well as the brains of tbe
little ones whose attendance it compels.
.The subject had alm
eeady been semi -of-
ficially investigated. and the appalling
figures, which are daily growing, were
ifound to be substantially correct. It
is also said that a wholesome porridge
can be provided at a cost of only a half-
penny per child. It is argued that,
'unless such an erspecilent is adopted,
the compulsory education law might
as well be repeated, for hunger for
knowledge and hunger for food can
never coexist in the same body, least
of all in a child's.
scoundrele, and just before we reached
the 1140 Grand we saw two horsearen
off to the left, who acted suspiciously.
A.fter them we went, and it was a
pretty race for a while till they disap-
peared behind a Gimps) of trees. We
nad shot to stop Vila, and when we
got in sight again we found that one
horse had been shot, and they had
deserted bins, while both were riding
the other. .They ;were evidently Mexi-
cans -a man arra a boy -and the man
showed fight, turning and, firing at
us, finady Isitsing our deputy sheriff.
We gained on them rapidly, a present.
ly a Well directed fire omit them all in
a heap,
" we reached them the "boy"
was kneeling in front cri the dying
Mexicali, sobbing .and moaning as if
her heart would break, while her hair,
which had fallen from her cap, fell be -
lo N her waist. It was a case of elope-
ment, and they had taken us for her
father's servants, while we had been
equally stupid and had taken them
for horse thieves. When he began to
gasp she drew a little pearl -handled
revolver, and before anyone could
think of stopping her, placed the
muzzle under her ear and fell into his
arms a corpsr‘. No, we neves heard
who they were. We buried them and
went, after the horse thieves."
'Mr Smith, as an English traveler,
arrived one evening at a hotel in Au-
stria. On the way he had nicked up a
smart German and hired nim as his
servant. In Austria everyone staying
at a hotel is obliged to register his
name and occupation in a book kept
for police inspection, so Mr Smith told
his seiNant to bring the book for him
to write in.
"I have already registered milord as
an English gentleman of independent
means, said Fritz.
"But I've never told you my name,
so howsdo you know what it is?"
•`I copied it from milord's portman-
teau," said Fritz.
"Why, it isn't on my portman-
teau," eried Mr Smith. 'Bring the
book and let me see what you have put
The book was brought, and Mr
Smith, to his amusement, discovered
that his clever servant had described
him thus:
"Monsieur Warranted Solid Leath-
er." --Ex.
commend to publio approval the Califosnia
,liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. ...I, s
pleasing to the rye, and to the taste and .)3'
gently setorgstscswahe,skidoeys. liver a ad
' bowels, it oliSanses 'ilfesiSYSieni effc neatly,
thereby promotieg the health and comfort'
of all who use
Why do the farmers- still continue
buying fall and summer apple trees,
or mulbesry trees, or apricot trees, and
one trash and anothee shat eost money
and is of no value. The nurserymen
are about now, and of course they will
press anything that is new, aS a new
thing always sello best. Good apples
for this Province are as safe as cheese
or beef. A farmer buying should take
only one tree each of E,ed Astrachan
ann Duchess of Oldenburg, for summes
use; two or three tiees of any fall va-
rieties that he may prefer; but let him
• . put the bulk of his money into winter
varieties. In this latter he should
_,,ayoicl new and untried high-nrieed
• soiti,Thlha. 'sticle10 'the ' Snyr•Baidwiris
Greening, King, Russet, B.enheisa Pip-
Cranherry Pippin, Ontario and
Pewaukee. Among these the King is
very choice, but a light bearer, the
Baldwin is tender in the tree, and the
Greening is subject to spot. All the
rest are ste•e and safe heirless.
In a ship like the Teutonic, to begin
with, a sum of about $3,( )0,0C3 is in-
vested, and the working expenses are
proportionately hexy. In the sailing,
engine and passenger departmeats the
large number of 322 hands are require.d
-47 in the first, 161 in the second and
"- 114- iee the third. The wages paid for
. these hands amount to, say, gi,r ) for
the sailing department, $1,8( ) fox the
engine, and $2,350 fox the passexiger,
making a total of $8,050 per month.
When these figures are considered, to-
gether with the other expenses of
maintenance, office expenses, i rsur-
ance, agency commission, shote staff,
works, port charges, interest on owl-
' tal aud depreciation, it may be fai• ly
• -taken that at least the sum of 113/30,C00
must be realized per trip before any
profit can be counted on; so that some
of the enormous sums at stake in
working and management of an
noatla,ntic line can be fox med
•ing the greatest number
'd to be the British-
igation Cos_ which
e North German
ian Lloyds run
la line, Mes-
ncl Or-
An immense sunshade, which is in-
tended as a present for the Sultan of
Morocco, has just been finished at Ber-
lin. The stick, which is over three
and'a quarter yards long; is gilded and
richly ornamented. The outside of
the parasol is of bright green silk,
with a heavy gold :fringe round it,
while the insiae is lined with pale
straw color.
oil.TCN. Mail 20,1b92.
I was doctoring for years with physidaus for a
scaly and scurvy affilidtion of the serer), they told
me it waseczema„ but gave me no permanent re-
lief. I was also troubled with excessive dandruff,
which would drop frotn my heaa like snowflakes.
Rea. ing of Anti -Dandruff I used it, and from the
Wild application felt more relieved than for
rs• waen half the bottle was used the eczema
SOOT1-11 •• 0.4ANBAGs
Instant Relie,•6 PerinallORt
Cure, Rtifiire
litany so-called diseases. 9r0
!JIMMY oSonStoms el Marsh,
snob as headache, losing eons°
et amell, foul breath, hvking
and spitting, swivel feeling
of debilityeto. U you are\
troubled with any Of these or
kindred symptoms, you have
Catarrh, and should lose no
time procuring a bottle of
Nir, Barak. -Be warned in
time, neglected cold ha head
reaults in Catarrh, followed
by consumption and death.
Sold by all druggiets, or sent,
post paid, on receipt of price
(50 cents and $1) by addressing
FOLSOM) & 00. BrockvItle.Ont.
Next to Commercial Hotel.
Thisfeslabli-Wrient is in lull operation md al
orders filled in the most esaisfactor v WEIA , Ceti) e•
,s3ey and graalte work a specialty. Price,'e
reasonable as those of any esteblishc.ent
-- -
SEALE. noovnit & SEALE, Clin 'on. lin
BarkWall's Sure Corn Cure, will cure Corns, Watts,
Sunshine, Moles. '1•y
David 111. Jordan
of Edmeston, N. Y.
Colorless, Emaciated, Helpless
A Complete Cure by ROOMS
This is from Mr. D. M. Jordan, a re-
tired farmer, and one of the most re-
spected citizens of Otsego Co., N. Y.
"Fourteen years ago I had an attack of the
gravel, and have since been troubled with my
Liver and Kidneys
gradually growing worse. Three years ago I
got down so low that I could scarcely walk.
I looked more like a corpse than a livir '
I had no appetite and for five week
ass aing but gruel. I was badly emaciated
ana had no more color than a marble statue.
Hood's Sarsaparilla was reconunended and I
thought I would try it. Before I had finished
a the Met bottle I noticed that I felt•better, suf-
fered less, the intlammutiou.of the blad-
der had subsided, the color began to return to
my face, and I began to feel hungry. After
I had taken three bottles I could eat anything
without hurting me. Why, I got so hungry
that I had to eat 5 times a day. I have now
fully recovered, thanks to
Hood's Sarsaparilla
feel well and am well. All who know
me marvel to see me so well." D. SI. JonnAN.
Hoorrs Mess are the best atter-dinner Pills,
ambit digestion, cure headache and billowiness.
flaying purchased the Commander pro_perty adjoining our old store* we
purpose moving our ttovcs, Furnaces, Timm°, etc., from the
present store before th first of J-anuary when our lease expires,
and in order to reduce; the stock before moving we will give you
unheard of Bargains for the next thirty days in—
Cook Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Coal Stoves and
Tinware, _ _
We have opensd out ter basineas on HULON
ISTLEET, OLINTON, and will be pleased to sup-
ply the sants of all. Hiab es., cash price paid
for Bides, Sheepskins, & .. Pa tronase rasa,: et -
fully solicited.
We have also a number of Second Harid Stoves which will bo sold cheap.,
" • 1:L9ve you seen our stock of CHRISTMAS GOODS:—
Bessell's Gold Medal Carpet Sweep3rs they are
the best. Oynx and White Steel Granite Ware,
Carvers in Cases and Sets, Ladies' Scissors in
Cases, Plated Tea, Dessert and Table Spool:Lis.
Hand Lamps, Hanging Lamps, 'Skates, Ace
Notice to Creditors and nest of
kin of the late James Staxeley.
. —
Notice ij hereby.given nursuant to the Revised
Statutes of Ontnao, 3887, Chapter 110. See. 36.,
that all Creditors of, and other persons hav.ng
claims against, the Estate of James Etaveley, late
of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron,
Gentleman, deceased, are required to send to
Messrs Garrote & Proudfoot, of the Town of Gode-
rish, in the County of Huron and Province of
Ontario, the Solicitors for William Brunsdon,
Esq., the Executor of the last will of the said de-
ceased, on or before the let day uf February 1893,
their christiap names and surnames, addresses
and descriptions, with full particulate of their
claims, dul.y attestedwith the vouchers upon
which they are based, and that after the day last
tnentioned the said Executor will proceed to dis-
tribute the assets of the said deceased among the
parties entitled thereto, having regard only to
those claims of which he shall then have notice,
and said executor will not be liable fo‘, tne said
assets, or any part thereof to any person of whose
claim notice shall not have been received by aim
at the time of such dietribudon.
Dated at Goderich, the 23rd deg of November
Solicitors for the above named axecutor.
It is to be hoped that the party will be
and 4calv eruptions disappeared and have not satisfied with Sir john Thowpson's cabinet,
the itching of the scalp stopped, and for an ole- which may be described as a cabinet of all
druff has no equal. J. S. GRAHA will accept it as they would any cabinet he
returnea since; dandruff was thoroughly removed
gant, clean and useful hair -dressing Anti- Dan- t e talents. Outside the party, the people
Mgr. Hamilton Branch Kemp, Jonee & Peck, might form. Popular indifference is too
THE RETORT COURTEOUS. • 8.1 feeling is txxist in his efforts to satisfy
Ilauufacturers of Cider, Toronto. evident for special common., but the gener-
- -
"Please pass me the butter," said a
dir tie Otli'efs tide. er• ,wiser • or •°3°°--mmlor°1-0,1- -119,4°Y.
guest at a hotel table to a pompous
gentlemansir," he replied tThheirbtueseinnemssinorfhstetrseewere enough to carry on
onntry in Mr Mac-
kenzie's time. Eighteen are now required,
it seems, to meet the demands cf a party.-
Montreal Witness.
At Excelsior Springs, Mo., the dress
of Mrs E. S. Almutt caught fire from a
stove and she was burned. to death,
Her sister wasFat ally burned while at-
tempting to extinguish the flames.
the ambition of third rate politicians Sir
John Thonipson has failed in the•selection
be has made to re -assure the country of a
with a. grand ar, 'beckoning to the
"That's what I thought when I ask-
ed you."
Read How Royal Crown Remedy
Cared Liver Complaint Ail pc
Leading Physicians Failcd;
and a Waiting, Sasetear,ri
Puts on 180 Pounds of
Healthy Flesh.
LONDON, May 7th, 1881.
I take pleasuto in adding mv testimonial to
tho many you have alteady. about two ye -
go 1 was suffermg from liver complaint,. I
consulted some of the leading dosters but cousi
find ito relief. I was advised to My your BoyaA
CI own Remedy.. After %teag one bottle I felt so
ninth better that I was ,iduced to cmit'une.
W hen 1 had talten the third i could enjoy ma
f sod , which I had not done for a long ,,ine 1
Wftli reduced to a skeleton when I commented to
Lb() it, and to -day my weight is about 180 pounds.
Yours truly,
William's Royal Crown Remedy is the greatest
Remedy to earth for general ditality.
BOOM ! B001111 BOOM !
SrJr., C":141 N TON'
.And at the Same Time Ears ;fun-
dred Dollars in Cola
The nrst letter containing the ,araaa mow, et l•I ,•••
following questions received at the ot.,,te at co c t• s •
DIAN A.,11‘.10111.1.1' rant wntk toe ,1 le
of Deownhvr, 1082) will receive slo..) ie• ,
will get 250i_ third, $25; fourth, hundstatie r se, v,c0.
to the next 50 comet answers we will send prizes ranylor
Iran $5 downaty to 52 ,1",t1-Flvtster: r
winner or not, will I•LICIIII•f• 61,•••• 11.1 prize . • I•••k• • 1"..•
131*. ANswanno.-n.) ROW teeny hooks die, 1.41, 101.10
COlitistri? (2,)KoW man y ehliptcrs1 (3) w many vt'liar'.x.'
(1)Ws commence 10 01/00 t,trs no Mondity et trititut
Of each week. If noire than on, I.s.tei --tee: ,)
same mail with correct answers, t he tint. op ued
count, the second will take next tits,. •
Each letteecontaining answers must us 11
$1 to pay for elx months subscription to THet
E Ao it tt!.
TORIti r-Orle of the very hest Untwisted 11,ine .3, °vett,
be Canada. (3.) People living in the Uses.] raw,. "1,
precisely the same privileges in con tien etiowith t
petition as those resoling in Canada They can ess.ir gags
their letters each week so as to r au ns bi the •,ot.
fling of the week, when they will 11.111t0111, aura te sei
a good prize.
"Received 31,11•13 prize all ri,:ht." 1.1Vancouver, B. 0. "I shall reeosmisoi me t
enter your competitions."-lio V: .1,
to the GovernorCleueral, Ottawa, lulu "Snt
ole; 0,
prize received.,' -C. F. lklel'onlack, -l"-yl.-t, '. /1
"Prize ot $235 received." -D Ilk KR Syri1,•, N. 'V.
"Liandsoine prize received "-MIAs RcTTA itserz.,
ford. Mich. Over 6000 receipts front prize witioars in
former competitions on tylt• in our odhst 1.ctien .•
mining money should in ell eases he regestered.
dress, Tan Atin•OoLi outer k1.1/11,181.1121J Puterhoe
°ugh. Canada.
Cheap Holiday Literature for
all the year round.
Co-operation is the order of the day. It pays
to group your newspapers and subscribe for
them in clubs. Look over the following lot of
popular publications and selectwhat you would
like to read:-
1. Wives and Daughters, London, is a monthly
published by women for women on superior pa-
per; $1 per years
2. The American Farmer, Springfield, 0., 16
pages monthly, has a national circulation of
50,000; $1 per year.
3. The Western Advertiser, London, a popu-
lar weekly, recently. enlarged, 52,000 given to
subscribers in premiutri awards, a newsy paper,
for the home; 51 per year.
4. Pansy, Boston, 40 sparkling pages every
month for Sunday and week day reading; 51
per year.
5. Canada Farmer's Sun, LondOn, the official
organ of the Patrons of Industry in Ontario and
Quebec, 48 columns weekly; 51 per year.
6. Our Little Men and Women, Boston, for
youngest readers at home and in school; 51 per
7. Arthur's Home Magazine, Philadelphia,
one of the best magazines published for the
money; 51 per year.
8. two :Standard Books bound in fine cloth,
embossed in gold and printedlin large clear type,
fiction and classics; price, 51.
Friend-Yoh have been maxried only
a week, and here I find yon in tears!
Young Wife -Yes; but my husband
has been trying. to get elected on the
County Connell, and I have been read-
ing in the papers what an unmitigated
scoundrel he is!
A canvass of 160 business and pro-
fessional men in Windsor shows the
following: Independence, 74; political
union, 40; imperial federation, 25; re-
main as we are, 21.
American Rheumatic Cure for Rheuma-
tism and Neuralgia rtclicailly cures in 1 to
3 days. Its action upon the system is re-
srkable and mysterious. It removes at
ce the cause and the disease immediate -
ears. The first dose greatly bene
. Warranted by Watts &
tbeck left Martinsville
ago. Up to this time he
ed upon as little less than
le lad. He is ab'out 16years
he left vsith ct lot of gs p-
a good suit of clothes, and
d the extent Of his posses -
traded his elethes for an in-
t and a plug of a,horse. Since
•roved hintrielf)tit rule t
to-Lds,y 'a
.ihf4es Aria
IT RESTS Most women know all
about the misery of wash -
THE day. To many it means
Backache, Sore Hands,
Hard Rubbing over. a
BACKsteaming tub, and long
hours. This falls to the
lot of those who use poor, cheap, and in-
jurious soaps.
The NEW ERA and any two of the above for
only 52.25, worth $3; save 25 per cent.
The NEW ERA and any three for only 52.60,
worth $4; save 35 per cent.
The NEW ERA and any four for only 53,
worth 55; save 40 per cent.
The NEW ERA and any five for only 5350,
worth $6; save 42 per cent.
The NEW ERA and any six for only $4, worth
"Fr;'Stece"43'pernent. „.
The NEW ERA and any seven for only $4 50,
worth 58; save 44 per cent.
The NEW ERA and all the above for only 55,
worth $9; save 45 per cent.
No choicer holiday presents can be selected
than sonic of the above. Order promptly by
munber and secure them in good time. Address
all order to this office.
This Soap does away with Hard Rub-
bing, Tired Backs, Hot Steam, and Sore
Hands. It brings comfort to millions of
homes, and will do so to yours if you will
use it.
Remember the Name
P1', A6041,1 smogs:, 131109..
Mitts Sr ages) saussrs
The subr. Aber would intimate to
the public generally that he ha
added to his business that of
And is prepared to supply all fun-
eral necessaries, at shot t notice
and in a satisfactory manner.
Collins, Casket S4,
ShroudS, &e,
He has also purchased a first -ohms
Hearse, and can therefore meet all
requirements in this line. Night
calls answered at rebidence, Isaac
Street, Clinton.
Undertaker and dealer in
Furniture, Vinton.
136 Lexington Ave.,
New York City, Sept. 19,
hsve used the Flax -See" Emulsion in setsral
roses of Chronic Bronchitis, art.1 Use early stages of
Putliisis, and have been well ,pleased with the results.
The most Interesting Contest ever offered
by The Canadian Agriculturist.
One Thousand Dollars in Cash, a Pair of Handsome
Shetland Ponies, Carriage and Harness, and over two
thousand other valuable prizes for the Agriculturist.*
brightest readers! NVho wal have diem? . Accordim;10
oie usual custom for SOMb years past the publishers of
THE AGRICI• 1:7 sT now offer their Sixth lieli-yserly
Literary Competition. This grand competition will, no
doubt, lie the inert gigentic and successful one ever pro.
Beuted to the people 01 100 United States anti Canada.
Ono Ttiousund Dollars in cash will be paid to the por.
,on sending in the largest list of English words con.
sctrwittucteribtlfsom letters in the words "The Canadian Agri -
Five Hundred Dollars in cash will be given to the
sea/ aid largest list.
A Handsome Pair of Shetianil Ponies, CarrMge and
Harness, will be given for the third largest list.
Over one thousand additional pizes awarded in order
of merit'. One Grand Piano; 5300 Organ; $400 Piano;
Di nit er Sets; Ladies' Gold Watches% Sillc Dress Patterns ;
Per, o.re Curtains ; Silver Tea Services; Tennyson'sPoems,
1,01111,1 in eau It; liiekens' in 12 volums, bound in cloth, etc.
At there me more than IOW prizes, any one who talted 13
the trouble to prepare an ordinary! good tist will not tut?'
to receive a ;doable prize. This is the biggest thing in.
the 1, °Toilet blue line that we have ever pieced befote the
pub; ic, and all alto do not take part will miss au opiate. -
(alibi. of a lite time.
IluEits--1. A hitter cannot be wed oftner then q.
appears in the words " The Canadian Agriculturist.
Pim ;totem e the word " egg" could not, be used, es there'
is 1,111 one "g" in the three words, 2. 1 Voris having more -
than one meaning but spelled the sante can be used hut.
once. 3. N.•isies of places and persons barred. 4. Error* ,
will not inval,.:ate ti the wrong words will simply. '
not he counted.
}lath list must contain one dollar to pay for six month's
subscription to 'f E At; 1. ti istr,
. •11. more
tie, t he lar,,est list which beat a the earliest post mark wil)
t:tikrcatrisie hist prize, and the tali. rs will rut...iv i• prizes in•
oiner Um, ed St/U*2911,1,11f 5' WO token .
,1111f.scifil,";/:.;111 '1;13:, 31';
sit Ot tile ATIlet MI, Lucia.
• i't 'zt) vents in stamps extra,
v, ill rceeive Irt,c, by mail, pea, mud, 014. 10 E A(..4iLlelir.e
11'1: • II•1 S Wit statienit slit,oits tit Csantla.
Prizes awarded to persom, resoling it• the United Stotei
tl tan o1ir :\ v.• 1.3(L1., I itt
All intuit y t its • holt, la, tit Ostend.
O. it l'oM, 1 as os -V, love ,. iv°,
7•S:•,i (JO il• ty
11/0allr. ; 1111i1 1,11 1 • •
1•0! sun, - • : tiers it, ; ti .r1
1.1. 011It•I• 1••• "cry pi, Et t :ands 'sews .
lead Kit,. i•ie; A. It ,• tit:extol- , • 1:1/4
$11114111, • • •, "1 Fhli I I.-. • melee,. tri0 n len II • ,
•• i• •• 101,$, !I. 0! I • it MI. • •, I •••lti ,
received z l) ‘, •••••• 110iti 11. • • ••,
f,,v of tl e rite I liohi sou, '3' io,
• 11111.1; .T. J. is andon, 1 .mit, ri It :MS, 1,1., 1,160, :
Hart ison, Syratitise, N Y. .5535: K. Bemis, St 1 anis
Mo., igit10: Jas Poi tie, 1 Vest (>3 les
1:non:hal linnets son, Oak St.. Brooklyn, 81001. Fri it II.
Hills, 3314 State 6E, Bridgeport, Couu., and thousin.ue el
Adoresn all communications to '1'1.1E ACIRIcUL.T1'11184
Peterborough, Ontario.
CO MP 164
Brooklyn, N.Y., Feb. 14th, 1520.
I have used your Emulsion in a case of PhthiniC
(consumption) with beneficial results, where patiet.
could ma use Cod Liver Sal in any form.
Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 20t13, ri33.
I can strongly recommend Flax Seed Emulsis as
help( ul to the relief and possibly the cure of all Lusa.
Bronchial and Nervous Affections, and a gaorl gnu
=atonic in physical ,lebility.
JOAN E. TALMAGE, 11. 3).
Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 10th, 1888.
I regard Flax Seed Emulsion as greatly superior to
the Cod Liver Oil EraulsioDas. Aso.
g eG On eRrallT OY N10, ‘sie.. D.
Salary and expenses weekly from gait. Lib -
oral commission to local part -tinsel agents.
Permanent position. Good clutnee tor
advancement Exclusive territory.
largest growers of Nursery stock
In Canada, and only growers
In both Canada and united
States. Cleambardystock
true to mune, and fair
treatment guaran-
teed. No subs*.
tutiort in our
orders. No
tam .
houses, on
accouat of
'sw prices and
Ilar advanta-
ges. lo 0 roxi interest
aty ono act earning 075
per mon.11 end oxpenate.
, Hinet hesitate hocatico Of pre"
_ failures In tbis or other
_ lams. Wocanmeike you astir:ewe,
oaths frce. Address for mulls -elan;
, OVN nab% ors, Clonttnontal N
Hann bronchia) TORONTO, -'NT.-
187 West 81 th St.,
New York, Aug. 6, 19S8.
I have used your Flax -Seed Ernalsi-a Compounl
in a severe case of Mal -nutrition and the result wss
mtinuous. I recommend it cheerfully to the protess.,..1 ore then hoped for -it WaS marvelous, and cin-
(Conoeti, (0300 Jesus: rs's a.
The new model of .ccisci-A1 Watch, wheat
placed in a Boren .l11:1,13. will e Ion felt
want among framers, as is not due proof
only, but valy Tue plate which the
wheels work between, not lai;ng separated by
pillars �slo the osd)nary
But by the bottom plate being turned out of et
eobdpiece-Of-metallwith -
top plate to rest on; it also being pencraist or lever
set with sunk balance to prevent breaking,
ing in all a good rong watch
For a Farmer
and humanity at large. M. H. GILBERT, M.D.
R"EU 1
Soltby Druggists, Price $9 .09.
35 Liberty St., New Yoe -
For sale by J.; H,COMBE, Clinton.
ThebestEmbalming Fluidused
Splendid Hearse.
Residence over store.
Tested Remedies.
For =pure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa-
tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint,
Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, "S"
Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid-
ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, S,
Female Irregularities and General Debility..
Prop. and Manufacturer..
Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton
Repairing of al' k Inds voloptiy attend ea
oosios o'er. A t-ial solicited to
1 CURE Fit -
When I say I sure 114o not Mean Mel* tO
for 5 eine and then bawathern Mornaildrj, I
radial erne. I have wade the disease of ass, 1
trif Or PALLING 8801161855 liblong stnay.,1
my remedy to Onto the word eaten., Declaim, art
toiled is no reason for not noW recobili a mit
once tore treatise and a Frei
remedy. Give IIIUMESS and
H. G. figgr.•
vtaor. tOriOnt00 iq