HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-12-16, Page 7.CLXNTOX NEVCr".41,14.; December 10, 1$ In this line we carry the largest and beet stook in town. We carrygoods that are stamped what they are, and not ,.an inferior artiole, as in this line you have to be careful as a 1st of the goods are not what they are stamped, and unlees you by from - reliable- jewelers, -you -are liable to getiches,ted, as it takee a jeweler to know what kind of plateie on Silver. ware. We will guarantee our best Plate to wear 10 years,and we handle the best Silverware in the country, namely: The Meriden, Britannia Co. of Hamilton, and the genuine Simpson, Hall, EjlIe & Co., of !Montreal. Both these firm's goods have been tested for years, and the people know what they areigriajt Be sure and get a dozen of our KNIVES, or a dozen SPOONS or a dozen FORKS for a present for your -wife at Christmas, or some piece of SILVERPLATE which you can seleot frail our web .filled shelves, and our stook is beautifully assorted. We can give you anything from 25 oents up; and remember that 'goodo stamped quadruple plate in this store are guaranteed to be what they are stamped; no single plate goods stamped quadruple Remember this as some goods are stamped quadruple plate when they.are only single plate. If our geode are single plate we tell you so and never try to *tdeceive you. All our Silverware is Enamel Finished, which prevents it from tarnishing. Whinyou clean it ask as and we will tell you. Don't clean it with any kind of powder / or liquid. Come and see our Leaders in Silverware for Christmas. See our Beautiful Pickle Dishes tor 76 cents See our Handsome Pickle Dishes for $1 See our Daisy Pickle Dishes for $1.50 See our Leadq 5 Bottle Silver Date Cruet $1.75 Butter Dish for Th. A Daisy Butter Dish for $1 And everything else equally as cheap. The above goods the manufacturer and myself guarantee to be as represented. FANCY : GOODS Come and see our LADIES' COMPANION SETS in Celluloid and Silver. Comb, Brush, Mirror and Plush Case Trimmed with Silver for $1 The next size for $2. The next $3.50. A size larger $4.50. A Perfect Beauty for $6. The goods are the best Silver Plated sets with the finest finished oak and Plush Cases, and weguarantee everything about them to be correct, and at prices that were never i quoted n this town before for snch beautiful and good goofis. Come and see and be. lieve yourself. Our line of PURSES is euro to please you; we have sold quite a num. ber of thein and our customers tell us they are good value. No high profits in this store, all we want is a fair living profit, which you will see is correctl when you ask the prices of our goods. We don't want the earth, all we want is to have our share of it, and we will try to get that by giving you the finest and newest stock of Fancy Goods, Novelties, Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Diamonds, Rings, Brooches, Tie Pins and Stick Pins at a small advance on wholesale prices. 0 JOHN B. RUMBALL'S NOTED RELIABLE JEWELLERY STORE, AND TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, CLINTON. FOR WINTER. eepTomfeetWarm Dry We have all the latest styles of Felt goods in Overshoes, Felt Boots, Felt Slippers, Sox and Rubbers. First-class goods at Low Prices 5 per cent off for cash. ,TAYLO:RASONS OLIN -11'01V It you want to get the choice of the ni0e things before they go. A wilderness' ot lovely things to be seen at this store,gand prices xtex t to nothing Your wants have occupied our attention. fori:the past month, and we think you will say it is quite wonderful how we have anticipated them Nothing is too good for the people who buy here. The cheapest is -° none too cheap; the best is none too good. This store is brivlit vrith no end of Christmas Novelties, many of which are confined to ourselves only, and we have made the prices very attractive to induce people to buy early in the week. The afternoons are uncomfortably busy and will be for the next110 days Our CLOTHING prices for Boys' and Men's SUITS are for the next ten days, Men's, 13oys' &Charms Overcoat Prices are a special Christmas Cut. FAIRY LAND LET LOOSE Come and stroll among the bowers, under the arches, along the balustrades, around the niches of this wonderful land, as seen and shown at this store. fl GrIXARCIle" de IATISMVIIVINT CLINTON Christmas Presents The Christmas season has once more returned, when everybody wants to make some one else happy with a present. With a view to assist you we have secured -large shipment of the11-..."-.}.9051EST-CHINA direct from Germany, consist- ing of Fruit Sets, Salads, Cake Plates, Bread and Butter Dishes, Chocolate Pots, Tete-a-tete set, Tea Pot Stands, Spoon Holders, Cheese and ButterDishes Mustard Pots, Shaving Maga, Cups, Saucers, &c. Also Christmas Cards, Silk Handkerchiefs, Organs, Lamps that are beauties, and lovely Lemonade orWater Sets. We are well supplied with FRUITS—Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Prunes, Currants and Figs. Special Lines:—Goat Robes, Horse Blankets, Whips, Bells, Snaps, Curry Combs and Brushes. Wishing all the compliments of the season. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, R. ADAMS. LONDESBORO XMAS NOVELTIES. We have just opened out the most complete stock of Christmas Goods in the shape of BOOKS, BIBLES, TOYS, BERLIN WOOLS, DOXLS And hundreds of other articles suitable for Xmas gifts we have ever offered to the public. Subscriptions taken for all Newspapers and Magazines. FURNITURE FAN ciEs W. H. Simpson, Clinton Bookseller and Stationer Of all the presents that are given by husbands to their wives at Christmas, there is nothing that so delights the heart of the good housewife, as something wee in the way of household Furniture. This Christmas we show a line of superb FANCY 01-1.A.IIR, Of every description, and at all prices—Do not fail to see them. We have Bedroom Suites from $10.50 up A Special thing in Bedroom Suites in Light, Dark and Antique Finish—the cash price being $13. Extralralue ,JOSEPH CHIDLEY, FINE FURNITURE FANCIER, CLINTON onipson and Onimet are at s over the speech of the latter at , Mien he declared in favor of schools for Manitoba. The Prom - r him in Wednesday and began in for his indiscreet remarks, et fired up and refused to ac- utooratic dictation even from They patted in fighting hum- ow.censidering whether o MARE FOR SALE. Por sale a first.olass working mare, perfectly sound, and without a blemisb,only six years old. Owner simply has more than he wants to keep. Will be sold for 385 cash. Apply at the NEW ERA Office. P2w MILL STONE FOR SALE. T Threshers and Mill owners—for Sale a first cla French Burr Set .of 53111 Stoma, for oho • rt,1 *owes, in first class ”prdet. N, Clinton. 0, CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, Deo. 15, 1892. Wheat old and new 0 61 a 0 65 Wheat spring 0 61 a 0 65 Oats 0 25 a 0 27 Barley 0 35 a 0 40 Peas 0 50 a 0 53 Flour per bal a 4 30 Butter 0 16 a 0 17 -Eggs peridoz 0 16 a 0 16 Potatoes new per bushel 0 35 a 0 40 Tuokeys per lb 0 08 a 0 08 Geese per lb Ducks per pair 040 a 0 70 Chickens per pair 0 06 a 0 06 0 25 a 0 40 Pork 6 00 a 6 50 Wool Hay, new Hided, No. 1 trimmed Hides, rough Sheep Skins Apples, per bag Wood short Wood long Clover Timothy 0 16 a 0 16 6 03 a 7 00 4 00 a 4 50 00 a 3 50 0 40 a 0 751 0 50 a 0 75 2 25 a 2 25 3 00 a 3 50 7 00 a 7 50 2 25 a 2 50 Chlkiren Cry Tor Pitehees. Cantorla. MONTREAL LITE STO CK MARKET There were about 450 head of butchers' cattle, 500 sheep and lambs, and a few 'elves offered at tke east end abattoir on onday. Good beeves were more plenti. than usual and brought,slightly lower tea than similiar etock brought last eek, while there was a change note is prices of cowmen and inf4ric besets. few of the.best animals were sold h /min 4-10 44o pet lb, hitt the better quality than those selling at the same rates last week- Pretty good keers and large fat cows sold at from 31 to no per lb; common dry cows and rough steers at from 2i to 3fo per lb, and some of the leaner beasts sold down to about 2o per lb. The prices for mutton critters are looking up, sheep selling at from 3 to 3io per lb, ,.and lambs at from 4f to go per lb. Fat hogs are scarce and very high in price, or about 6o per lb. Dressed hogs sell at about 7iti per lb. Hailstones weighing over a pound each fell at Brenham, Texas, last Tuesday dur- ing the cyclone. It is understood that J. C. Cameron will be the Liberal candidate when Mr Hugh John Macdonald resigns the seat Winni- peg. He is one of the city representatives in the Manitoba House. SW BET NM. Are you going to purchase a Piano for a Christmas present for your wife, your daughter or siker; if so, do not be satisfied with anything but the best, the GE RHA RD HEINTZBIAN PIANOS Arei recognized by commissionere to be Carlada's Premier Pianoe, and equal to the beat American makes. Sod in Clinton by F. EMERSON. fit to for FOSTER THERE IS / TIME YET BEFORE .X1.11AS TO FINISH A GREAT MANY PHOTOGRAPIt HOLIDAY GOMA JUST A LITTLE WORD About Assortment. _ . The feature of our Holiday Stock is that there is some- thing for everybody—some- thing for everybody's purse. The variety we show makes the selection of appropriate gifts easy, and you can care- fully count on getting just ex- actly what you wan t. JUST A LITTLE WORD About Quality A worthy gift should h it the substantial Quality, sho see its