HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-12-16, Page 3• 4.' eenk 1110e0 "7"ff- 9# 4szo- 7- 'r-7;74151471117•TX TBE CLIIITON N RA44 /(4), 1892 . Ilits' TOIVIST Or, Oti1410',$' 10. t tlio.16ourolltml. Foe 01 the, sple014 0 010wr-. urgi; we London. Huron & x3r4cre I uway no throught north and sOutir, and ? ' e•Oran TM* A4lway aloo tuns through it dvcot,l9rno AJouPtiosn, bore.. xvbAg. ' e. 0 late. at tvta Ow 'fit4008 PUMA AO P.., ', 'ghei in the PreYkein and, it 3feilei sehgel ' arge *fid onstant stAfr. There aro two 1iaOA VChntotwketetbYterialblliplacepollon, pgiova,nu Ronan ,pathode,Whire tueliretiaren, , 'haVe a meting roe*. 'Tberoore twolVdensivv 0;80 fagr,^9ritiEl$ tbrekiWginttottilo roetory, tan, , ng mil toetory,, Argo:flour paw, grain elevator, • ety,,, To plotIglaototiee, flax factory, ton- •' two silltT PAO factofiles, two salt wells, the head- quarter s for thp Canada Solt Aosociation, and a • /IMO .filidlaher at .0Iller IndliStriefi. It has one 040,0004 ISA, two Private liOnks, eastern's of- , figs, tilirliS ,mails doily, first class • business. , Xouses of all,kindq, X0/30ne, Odtlfellows, Work- . . mew Qrangefeen, Sole Of, 800tiand, Sops a -. ''''''; -4-f ,;XIISlairlfir WOO_ tarienevalenvrinappendent- :• , '', (404„Caliadioll Koreeterez Canadian Horne Cirole L ,pa.T0111,04Xsphavo lodges here, Population .- About awe, Stearn lire service and incandes- •„ . %cent electric light systems. Town is,exceeding- ly healthy, beautifully located, abundance of anode trees, and is one of the most desirable • plains Of blItlil1c$17/ er rOilid01100 ill Ontark). • • . • , 1,00A10 NOTICES •'• Choice, New Friths at 3. W. .IRWIN'S, Mackay IllOPIt. e Obr Xmas Tables loaded with goods for the ' bOlidays, ti. W 11-4WI2. • 000D SQUARE PIANO To RENT. -On rea- sonable terms, apply at NEW ERA .0ffice, ^ Xmas and Holiday Presents in endless varlet9 ” • and pricett that surprise the people at J. W. iS , IRWIN'S. ••i'• i ' ' .., Beaute and see JOHNSON er ARMOUR'S stook oi Rawl, Horse Clothing, and Bolls, before buy- , eisewbere. - 'ROBINS BROSi have no goods at their old 'Stan ,d all their Xmas business is to be done in 'UM Mokay Block. , .rAligY GOLD HAIRPIN LOST,isomewhere 411,towii. Finder Will be rewarded by leaving i f et NAW PRA Office. .• . ,,..,.. - .4,, 500 COXIOS OF WOOD, wanted in trade for liarnefis, Buffalo, Bear, Goat and other Robes, • Horse Blanket ,s Bells, Boots and Shoes, etc., eto., 3. TWITCEIELL. SEWING MACHINES -the most useful present that you can, give your wife, or daughter, at ' Xrcias or New Years, is a new White Sowing Ms, chine; you can buy them cheap at WORSELL'S. WE HAVE the choicest Candies to be found , in town. Also Oranges, Lemons, Nuts, Figs, Dates, Oysters, Tobaecoe, Pipes, dm. See our boxed Candies. COATS' CITY RESTAURANT. A RARE TREAT. -Miss Knox, elocutionist, will read in the Town Hall, on MONDAY, DEC 4.901. assisted by Prof Scott, of Wingham. This is Mies Ruox's last appearance in this district previous to her going to reside in Great Britain. Miss Knos,and Prof Scott gave a concert lately in Harrfston and the hall was packed to the door. Mr Geo. Fox, of Hamilton, the finest violinist in Canada, has also been secured; this is his last • senearance in this cpuntry, as he sails for Ger- many next month. The Globe speaks of Miss Knox as "without a doubt Inc finest elocutionist in Canada." Don't rates this entertainment. gouts aaptro. TRAVEL.—Jackson's Ticket Agency remit the following passengers as leaving here :—T. Calbick for Vancou- ver, J.C.;•Gd:Lucas and H. Phymis- tert for reat Palls; Montana, • Ca.A.X0E or DATE.—The annual meet- • ing .of the:Home Circle, for thenlection ' -rof officers and transaction of business, • ••• iannounced for the 20th inst., has been •changed to the 19th. Will the mem- bers please bear the change in mind. • AXLE BROKEN. —As Mr W. Wallace . was moving,Youngblut's engine along the gravel road, just north of the brick yard and within a short distance of his destination, he had the misfortune to break a hind axle, and the engine had to be left on the road over night, mueh to the discomfort of drivers of skittish horses. ..GONE WEST.—On Tuesday Jest -Mr W. Downs and his soirtabegi...7.Th11e Boosevain, Man., where they expect to reside, Mr Dowus has a son in business there. The doctors have ad- vised a change of climate for Mr W. Downs, hence his removal to the west- ern province. He was ticketed through by Mr Ab. Cooper, agent C.P.R. • , ,• 4 JUST LUCE THEM, —Alluding to a• recent entertainment iu Seaforth, the Sun says:—"A party of young gentle- men from Clinton wer& present and contributed much to the program, by ' their quartettes, mouth organ selec- tions and instrumental solos, which were all very much appreciated. A variation on the program was some fine club swinging by one of the gentle- men from Clinton." REFUGE, AND. COW,. „•=A.. 1,,•-• • special meeting of the town council was held on Tuesday evening. Among other things, it was decided to take a vote on allowing cows to run at large, and also on the House of Refuge. All ratepayers will have but one vote on the latter, but on the cow question they can vote in as many wards as they are on the assessment roll for. The vote on the cow question will not set- tle the matter, but will be an index of sentiment for the coming council. ,A WILL REMAIN.—Mr Barrow, of the Alolsonsi Bank, who was recently pro- moted:to a position in the head office at Montieal, and who intended to take his departure last week, will remain here ard continue in the position that it was intended should be filled by Mr Smilie, of London, wffo has left the bank's service. The citizens whose business brought them into contact with Mr Barrow, will be pleased that he remains here, as they have hitherto found him exceedingly affable and obliging, and one with whom it was a pleasure to have dealings. • K• • • ck, DOMINION STALLION ASSOCIATION.— A meeting of the Directors of the Do- minion Draught Stud Book Assdcia- tion was held at the Rattenbury House, on Tuesday afternoon, all the members being present. A number of Matters relating to the Association were dis- posed of, and arrangements made for the annual meeting of tire Assoeiation, which is te be held in thegown Hall,. Clinton, on Wednesday, lye..21, com- mencing at 1 p.m., when it s antici- pated that all the members wil. be pre- sent, as important business will come before the meeting. t. NOMINATIONS—The nominations tri:1 year, more especially those in the country, are likely to be of greater in- terest than usual, for the reason that they take Rlace on a 'holiday, and also the discussion of the House of Refuge glierition will likely be taken up. The meetings Wing the representative and the represented raorktito touch, and arc often the only odebti when can- ateli May air their eloquence, And , t themselves tight in ithe eyes of the pOPlei We khOtr o. Or from rural •, where ospettiVe tan- ' tee are already loo ng for ard lo nit Mati10400,4440 014etiOn of offtere of 0111#011 'Lodge, No. 84 0.1‘0.4.14'.. *la A. M., 1A140, OP the Oth lust., re-, malted as follows: -W. 3, raider gov90, 13; ,W•t A. ,Vairdo 3. W,/0.,63. Doan,.Trea,s.."Thes'Snl,ak.- 1040Tabe) -Secy.; Bros. D. 400, anCillv• D. Fair, Ancutorei Jo. Ryder, Tyler. TIO4IPAT TRADE.—The holiday ,tieft, eon isnow fairly open, The Ourtut- rum trade has begun and alloPPIng will 094 bo the chief occupation anq delight of hnndreds of our eiti4118. BY.EgneeS enterPriSet ingenUity P,E4 competition havo multiplied in a be- wildering fashion the number and variety of holiday gifts. Our modern holiday stocks are bazars of extraordi- nary beauty and remarkable d,iversity. The irapromement in 'the matter of variety is not more noticeable than the improvement in' the matter of cheapness. A man of moderate-meana can supply hinuelf with holiday giffi at an ontlay that would have been ridiculously inadequate twenty years ago. The triumphs of human ingenu- ity and inventive genius have brought about this welcome revolution. Only the very poor are barred from a par- ticipation in the benefits that progress has conferred upon mankind—bene- fits that are so manifest at holiday time. Our enterprisingmerchants do much every year to assist in the solu- tion of the holiday problems that con- front nearly every man and woman. It must be an exacting taste that they cannot enlighten and gratify, and it must be an impoverished purchaser whose resources they cannot accom- modate. There is no good reason why any holiday, shopper, no matter how abundant his means or extravagant his taste, should go dutside of Clinton to make his purchases. Our mer- chants are able and ready to meet all demands, and the NEW ERA wishes there all a successful Season. NoTEs.—Mr D. S. Cita Mechanical superintendent of the Goderich organ factory, (brother-in-law of Mr George Armour, Clinton) has been ill for two weeks with congestion of the lungs, but is now on the mend and will soon be at work again. Mr Brig Kaiser has been confined to the house for a couple of weeks by inflammation of the knee- cap, and will not be able to get around for a week or so yet; Brig says this is not an "kneesy" thing to put up with. Mr Jas. Smith, of this town (son of Mr R.. Smith) who is laid up with typhoid fever in Brantford, is recovering nice- ly and will be at work again in a few days. Mr W. Grant, who has been living with his daughter, Mrs Bowey, at West Supetior, for a year past, has returned to town and is likely to re- inain here. The child of Mr F. W. Watts that underwent a surgical oper- ation last week was not able to stand the shock, being very low at the time the same was performed, and passed away on Friday. Mr Jas. Snell, of Hullett, attended the sale of thoro- bred stock at the Model Farm, Guelph, on Tuesday, and also the Live Stock show at the same place, on Wednes- day, for the purpose of purchasing stock; Mr Snell is one of the most en- terprising of the maiw good stock raisers in Huron, and stands well up in the front ranks. Masters George Hodgens and Fred Davis, who have been in Manitoba for the summer, have returned home; the latter holds a quarter -section of land there and will likely go back, but the former has gained all the experience in prairie farming that he cares for, though he likes the climate, and will remain in Clinton. Mrs Jas. Turnbull, . of To- ronto, who has been visiting„here; abouts -for several weeks, returned literev:47.1-Ma:,4 morning. The Mac- pherson Sr Hovey Co. purpose putting three arc electric lights in their work- shop, to facilitate operations during the winter months. Mr Stewart, bas- ket maker, has been laid up for a couple of weeks, but is improving. r C.• A. Chant, B.A., of Toronto Uni- versity, and brother of Mr H. B. Chant, Clinton, has been appointed one of the examiners to prepare the various pa- pers required for the high school leav- ing and university matriculation ex- amination for 1893; this is a res ousible position for a young man to hil, and shows that his superiors have confi- dence in his abilities. The Rochester Chronicle of a recent date says :— "Marshall R. Dutton, of this city, has been appointed to a position in the overnment bureau of printing at ...asbington;,", ;)ls...gentleman is the, .only brother of Mrs James Shep- pard, Townsend street. The mother and sister of Miss Jessie Oliver, who have been residing at Seaforth for the summer: left for New York on Tues- day, owing to the illness of Mrs Hood, Mrs Oliver's daughter. Mr W. Rout- ledge, of Godet ich township, has moved into the house just over the railroad, on the Bayfield road. Mrs G. Swarts, of Wingham, paid her friends in Clin- ton a short visit this week. A brother of Robert Agnew is now with him in his office. Jackson Bros., clothiers, furnish a good object lesson by the to- boggan slide erected in their window, and the crowds who have stopped to view it emphasize the point that an attractive window display draws at- tention. An open meeting was held in connection with the Temperance lodge last (Thursday) night. James McLac- harty is out again, after a week's con- finement in the house with mumps — Mr. John Ross, formerly of this town, is now in Idaho, and it is said that he has struck a mine that is paying well; he is also interested in a patent that promises,good returns. Mr Hayward, inspector of weights and measures is in town in his official capacity; his posi- tion is one of the many unnecessary ones connected with the administra- tion. Mr Chas. Cooper (son of W. Cooper) has severed his connection with the Goderich Organ Co., and will go to a business College at Toronto after the holidays. Clark Wallace, who is seeking' re-election in West York, met his Orange friends at Wood- bringe, on Wednesday night, and the report of the gather ing brings in the name of a well-known-Hnroman when it says: — Brother Floody expressed (4 -mat pleasure at being present at this interesting • meeting and wished the Grand Master many years of prosper- ity and enjoyment of the confidenee of those with Whom he had been so long associated. Davis & Rowland have just put up a neatly lettered sign, the work of Mr Geo Bowers, Mr Jas. A. Ford has moved into the house late- octupied by Mr SwaffinTd, on Mary St. Pork has gone up in price and 'wheat has gone down, A letter from a neW manufacturing firm, that is just being est'atilished it? Ontario, will be laid2trifore the corm at its next Meet,. ing Qut1l6 e rii 4 •Stk4 Ea 10_ 13. end • „ ' ssrooes•mip • BUSY AS BEES with the Yule -tide trade. If you want to hear its hum just pass our way. Come to this hive for Christmas honey, Come to its store and save your money. For man or boy or Itobble-de-hoy, 'Well sell you something to give them joy. UN your eye over this list and see if it suggests anything that would make a suitable Christmas Gift for any of yoor friends. A Tweed Dress I A Mantle A Henrietta Dress [A Pair of Gloves A Silk Dress A Nice Handkerchief A French Flannel Waist A Ladies' e Tie A Pair of Curtains A Shot Silk Waist • A Fur Cape A Fur Set A Fur Cap A' Dozen Napkins A Linen Table Cloth A Fancy Rug A Gentleman's] Tie A Neck Scarf A Bair Gents' Gloves A Pair of Towels A _Chenille -Table Cloth Remember we are showing the FINEST, the BEST and MOST BEAUTIFUL assortment of SILK and LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS ever shown in Clinton. One price and 5 per rent off for Cash. Estate J. Hodgrens THE DRY 000115 PALACE CLINTON. Sell Quality first, the qua,ntity will come afterward. .The• quality. of an araele.is governed greatly by olo. stock it is made of and the stock it is found in. We wish the good people of Clinton and vicinity to re- member that our stock comprises the finest goods to be found in Canada to -day. We carry FOWNES GLOVES, DENT'S GLOVES Welsh Margetson's Linen Collars -Cuffs trandkerefs- Ties & General Furnishings We make this our motto:—That to sell a man a good article is the surest way of retaining him as a customer. Ifrn". v have kept last eek's New Era, read the prices quoted for our large intportation of Ladies' and Men's Silk H ndkerchiefs. (Ks() BROTHER \Furnisher, Ratter and Clothiers N. AND' EAVOBVEL •.' • .; • ' We "mild Illte all of Oar 0110t04190 tQ. kficolV OatVeci 1111M0 MOV00 q14Stand OW are ustubltubucrto the Mackay bleCk, Our uymk oitObriut Goorlq is nearly 00n1plete. • Qur Christmas Cards, Booklets, Calendat; -409 Axe 'wry no, and there is a great range in price, In • Fancy China, Plush Goods, Purses, Toys, Doll 'I Games, Albums, Celluloid Goods, Toy Bookail Gift13ooks; Musical ItistruMentS,- 8tc. We have a 'bewildering variety and we can suit your purse. Many of our customers f1111 selecting their Christmas goods early and we have put them away till they are wanted. It would be a good plan for you to do likoWise Book Store and News Depot, Mackay Block; Clinton. IROC)3.3I1N.I Boot& Shoe Sale $3000 WORTH AT COST $3,000 worth to be sold at Actual Cost price; we are determined if possible to clear out our whole stook of Boots and Shoes before the spring trade com- mences, and in order to do so, we have decided to offer them at cost. De you mot the best bargains ever offered in Clintonl if so, come and see ou goods and prices. We will not ask you to buy unless you are satisfie that what we say is correct. We never advertise bargains unless we have -them. You can save from 1 to 30 per °wit. Vv e would quote you prices but have so many differen lines that we have not space to mention prices, but we say come and see and come at once. Terms Cash or Trade. 1 • Pluinsteel - & - Gibbings MONTREAL HOUSE, CLINTON" • BEESLEYiteCO Grand Bargaigitay --SATURDAY, ,Deoember-17th-- A line of All Wool Gray Flannel at 15 cent A line of Melton Dresi3 Goods at 8 cents Our 81.75 Mantle Cloth for M. Our 81 Mantle Cloth for \05 cents. BARGAINS IN1 'higGLINERY • Department. Extra value in some lines. See them. A line Men's Undershirts 40c., good value A line Boys' Undershirts at 25 cents. A line Men' p Top Shirts 75c, worth 81.25 Prices for Saturday only, and for cash. Bargains in many other lines See our Xmas Novelties in Silk Handkerchi from 10cts. to $1,50.. Cotton 2c. up. Lawn 10c. up tO See our magnificent range of Kid Gloves, cheapest and V li . co The Ladies Favorite Estabi , , MAVEN ptoot, CLINI" 1.1k,‘