HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-12-16, Page 24 ,
1 „Noilo'l 114 41I i les s i „
. ,
. 041440 it t 0
- vault ago ' de0, ., r
, obaretevert reel:Ai:1Y nettlity
• poet tb it k Au t 1 8 hAl 1
., filAe stglo4 , 40 (gang •demure In
. ta,00 • with . a mug* finael40 PO'
idrenTirpight OYen „learn to ,�1n yOn, VaPtaio 'Randal; 1 • thit*,,f,
. ,
. • briqlit dark i'iy00,:` mal34 *4.4.
_,,•0.1nOkonlieart, <1 am, t
'14' WOuld loo, Al ,.:0100,4i- E/VIO' 'What collitert As it to'bo wreteli
Ittomouldtcgliet4ei'' be w0gOV'as ',004) oan't, talk, ahcllt it
"W4inttntolthate thIp' op 'On his,
tb, Ada; Ot cOnrSe;,, * 14'0340ft , t',A.Athtl') boinielii4olott: !„ , ,•,,,,
.u4 in,thek„years : to , mine he intght, .'-t.,,Al'aina Most' imprOper porabn,
;. ow hogia,ndbedingle 4041001d; . ki,or 'ftl.hti" she replied, gravelY. IlOa
Kit 41174;,,A'SiiO' ,wOuld,teac4' them 'to better lyigi:),,, you good-Oreeigge',1 ,
1444)114 a ' Man 1Cria0 ,Steed Or' .ailded; Yisiligt4Dd InakinK. 'hiln a ,.107,7
'' by
his �W t-otond.
t. rixr10)..e.fete-.11101411:g.eedatet,raWan --. -
• 11mhl?y„anyiiguo-ble ,',Way, . -,', ' . f)iletood, graeloia.1,AAK,Mbat7 'are
ahoarkWasfoll d Ada,4asiiiideed. yoif. thinking' of r ho,orlOn, e'stOttairDig,
tay a wan ls „thouglats.,fli, tt red' .,.beir in a state of utter bOrg'ilderlOerit:, ,
,4,iviri:,., Sad, *e ?roSpedt, 4 .' '0"ThiTiliii,1.$?TgOitigli041:04"(31AODeplied)
„.0ct,_6;rest; in %pinta ,
geriVP.30011*,. 00 e,."4.tad 1%going .to p1141 totillqr,
,4 vOgl,,,gracetii / st,tow '');i ., ',,Oil? POr heaven's 0&, e o stop tr,
kie0.4 'her 'ttakikoPms,e't ,' tAS D'i'Orrient." • ' ,' ' ,, •
* Sed.lightly..npen het he 4.1Well, ' but what i is the' use? Yen
t• in ,the, 400, yi10_,st haVe me, and therO'S an enof
4'texine*, isistre in ttl(), ark; Jt,. kana,not going 'to , ask Yeill any
,.., a ora suobearn„-.60,4 i,j, 1' K 'mere, 1110,Yara) Salitalnr
V) , • is '
. ..r, a y to 0,4 oz Then of eourse shetWaS detaipeci, and
WastLae atteche of pefleetion all .kinds of sktehelnent prOtestations,
Ada. sitc,., pictured her On itliO 'atljuratione, MO atisnrances of sindy.
arid , slope beneath tile tsOliNina big devotiOn poured into apparently
ks hcloW,, *delightitng in the licift, indifferent ears. „She was induced to
'beauty. tef the Italian winter resume her, seat, ors tho olive-rciots, be,r
' 'Ong tile °clear brilliance of the bright fate glowing like a splendid
till it would have been no flower against the.trugged, stony -
se to hear her spe#4,4 a breathing looking trunks, her dark eyes half-
ancltn4 4kiri
flveath. -„,4,' ' * veiled. "Yes," she was thinking of
r 'i.l'h W .4tarci4the "Vast herself, "it is about time you began.
„,,,.46ArluenCe ei!troselmed I ,do think I have a ri,Fht, as a woman,
„s 'virire flatteringVn
:owinged to a little eourtship.
ii the!owing ork
angt sky; he As for Philip. he knew nothing but
the better to see the splendor, that Princess Ada was permitting her
cording out of the sunset hands to be kisied,'
'ward him, was Ada he/self. "This is all very well," she said at
,••,last. "Now perhaps I may be allowed
ir . 011APTXVIIto return to my poor sick aunt?"
I, . - ,.
; "AdThoww can you jest? Do you
• believe in me?"
. SIMSET. . "I believe that you are a foolish,
set splendors glowect behind boy, and don't know what is good for
peared to be descending to- you. From what you say, you can't
out of the very heart of the exist without me," she returned. "And
se came with firm, light yet you won't-" her. she burSt into a
*path of incandescent gold, happy little laugh and did not finish
her sentence. `Do you know," she
adder with a sudden change of man-
ne I look on you as a,son. I think I
ad ed you on that first night at the
ba Poor boy," I thought,"he has no
r perhaps by this time. Ohl I
w so sorry for you! You are my
fay , and my mother, and my son,
asil dear Hindoos say."
m au outcast," he teplied, gloom-
ily • t he remembered her words at
thre aterfall,
ttkie. ler thou art to me, and mother
dear, and brother too,
r husband of my heart."
— fitireiN,:filoulziti
ll'ffie. accuStomed proud poise of
'head, her face shadowed by the
trast with the glow behind and
und her, her nark eyes full of light;
face.was was turned to the glory
nce She came, j,*'. seemed made of
, doubly trandigured by the set -
sun, and the vivid joy that flash-
'renigh hins at the sweet appari-
In a moment he had met her,
her hands and was standing
less face to face with ber. Both
beat quickly, but there was no
sin .A.da's face
did.not erpect to meet me?'.
14 after a tittle pause.
I neveieexpected to meet you;
en 'things are bad, when the
M the worst, you always ap-
angel of cOtrifort."
at friend, I hope," she replied,
'the first time we were dancin
ews of your mother's fata
e -e
.., ut you were re
:t . Ac:illicnow-"co
d •two day
, nt whose
l'r, -perhaps •
m in.
our people would never hear of
it," 1 e added.
" o you know, Lord Blank is rather
font of me. He is a sweet old man,
my godpapa. And Philip, please
be angry, he knows why you
home in such a hurry. You will
of something soon. As she said
ooked down, a little tremor in her
ously clasped hands.
ven at the very best it would
to be years, Ada!" he exclaimed,
is heart in his voice. "Arid to
'of your wasting your strength
Awing old and ugly, when of
dtrouldn't care for me any
ng,, pose on would die for me -
8 ways s y that," she added.
? Wha "vvobld I not do?"
.11, once you said you would
we for me-"
nd I 'id it, and I shall always,
I liv• at all."
t•won't wait a little while?"
, suddenly raising her eyes
e light in them flowed into
done you wrong," he replied.
think any woman's nature
Instant, so strong. I felt
to give you up."
n't be given.„.1p.,...,", she
d be c
t I ought
"But I wou
interrupted, h
"You shall not be given up. Nothing
shall come between us."
"Since you have chosen unworthy
,me;41seadded, hie voice trembling in,
to a key of infinite tenderness, "I will
do my utmost to justify your choice.
I am your knight, your vassal, what
you will only yours." •
The sun had gone down by this time,
its last rose-lignt dying away intothe
track of Ulysses and iis companions,
following them in phat mysterious
voyage to the unkno n Happy Islands
of which Jessie loved to dream; some
stars were already trembling in the
clear sky, a faint glow still crowned
the bare mountain summits, the
brightly colored, smokeless city at
their base, which was a jewel in the
sunset, had faded to common stone,
specked with innumerable sparks of
light; the keen chill of the,winter
night was in the air, it was dangerous
to lOger beneath the olives. They
rose and hurried away; , parting at the
gate of Ada's temporary home, not to
meet again for years.
Stillbrooke Mill stands as of old be-
side its clear waters, on which silver
swans glide among the green reflec-
tions of over -arching trees. But the
garden is built over, and the plane
tree goal, so that the mill seems to be
it continuation of the street. A rail -
why bridge draws a black horizontal
bar across* the tree -tops and strides
over the bridge with .long, black iron
compass legs, stepping ',unconcernedly
on green turf or in mid -stream, a sym-
bol of the money -getting spirit of Ole
age, a spirit that everywhere defaces
beauty, ruthlessly on -rushing, borne
on by the fever of its Own mad desire.
Cine,surnater evening some years
ago, a 'train roared out of Cleeve sta-
tion and over this bridge at low speed,
bearing in Orie of ith Otil'ilags a g.ener-
ti Officer in fultdross returning frim a
beitDtiful 'dttrk.eyed woman.
'di rieb, blablt hair hi" hly silvered, a
ad oitifteent• 'and a , ,irl of eleVen.
he tert.liaVing tosse of ,heroeirn
Ow at, Wiy4 troVenin' her brown
rls With the -white- iimitl pocked
- that lpy cin the se ftbeside'lier,
exilkbrether had taken A,Io unbucltled
+ttord-beltand wits, droMing the sword
4...4.11fItt 9:1.1.-.Pil
owliryoni its Sheathi tar ,eliii its
•littbill, Ad ,"' the geter-
e au. leanin•'
1010441o, 4,4
allaw}wpri. t OA' bl
trit 0.`' 0 *0 •
rixtlz10001$,6 0101gbt using
erkeeiroy Stpitleer, ,t1),§1•444*
1411nmect '0% Arldinn,
tee in 41004044$ tom ite '1414
tb,eui II,
-.4. 1.44 olt isaiilY.S-htli V.UPLAVA
411 131:Oedirei ' 7400 44,44e 404tP,., 0.%31: •-,. .
0ea' Ozzah, 04Yers,:.halt Of on" 14> it ,,, •
rised On the Wizzgs," 0ttile sOlPIPal, '• '
Tides VoriOn4*S/. 0N -Or 'tb0.,/lOPATUS PO' : U!
•q1404 ItaSSeet color0dlay p.Pfp10.0141§19%,
ill Vida. Tall0 Oa fra%gra*t ' •
•d0wrs, Azzd fig 141-40n?",i4; ,eetilog
,MetaguerphOsis, 'We, tOl110• our.
;time to moice ahd sorrOw, to lev,e PM,'
,fear; to doubt an& strilgPet t° P1904
aucl. fate. • 134 thougn;gezzorati00
succeeds"' egeneration •ana.,, the same
willoveshear the whispering Of lovers.
and see then Children' and •children's
children,' and the race . isperpetually
renewed, In its eternal round,' thore is
a difference. Unlike the water, ,mari
has a choice between blessing and citr,
Sing, he does.not pass and "leave not a
wreck behind" but a nip* and a mem, .
Ory. For each separate man, as Nv011
as the whole race, moves onward,
though often with many a baelrfall, to
one "far-off divine event" with a, cer-
tain poWer for a certain season to re-
tard or advance the grand final con-
summation. ,
„Hood's =Sareaparilliv stools at the had -in
the medioine world, adi3sired in prosperity
and envied in merit by thousandsof would-
be competitors. 'It has a larger sale than
any Other 'medicine. Brush success could
not be won without positive merit.
SHood's Pills cure consumption by restor-
ing the peristaltic action of the alimentary
canal. They are the best family cathartic
George had taken. lessons on the 'Vio-
lin for six months or more. He was
sawing away on an exercise the other
day, when his father said;
"It seems to me you have been kept
on those exercises about long enough.
Why don't you learn to play a tune?"
"I can play tunes all right enough,"
replied Georgie.
"I don't beleieve it. I never heard
you play one."
"Well, I can, all the same."
"H'mph! I'd just like to hear you."
"I can play "Home, Sweet Home,'"
exclaimed Georgie, firing. up, "and I'll
show you! You may not be in Pam,
dise while I'm playing it," he continued
with his chin on his instrument, and
his bow poised in the air, "but this is
`Home, Sweet Horne,' you're -going to
And, drawing the bow with a vigor-
ous swipe across the quivering strings,
he played "Home, Sweet Home," till
the misguided parent rushed in horror
from the house.
Thome,e-WhiteTRAL-,- River Jaseplicigue;:-
write -"Having used Dr Wiiiiirme Pink
Pills, 1 find that they are undoubtedly the
best blood purifier and reconstructor of a
weakened and debilitated constitution ti'
can be found." Beware of substitutes a
imitations. From dealers or by mailop
paid, at 50o. a box or six boxes for S2.,
Dr Williams' Med. Co., Brockville, Ont,,
Henry P. White. of Kansas Cit)
Kan. a member of the Board of Tared(
has t:ought 1,000 acres of lancl near the
city, on which he purposes to coloniz
all the negroes of tint. town into .a sel
supporting village.
Mina* Linament is usediby physicist
- Mr James "..eeve 'of Do
chester, lost, a runmber of fine cattle c
his last shipinentt, to the Old Countr
Fifteen head we0 washed overboar
and others died felom the effects of tl
evere stormaonetarntered,
That AYER'S Sarsaplarilla CURES
ern -teas of Scrofulous Diseases,
Eruptions, Brills, Eczema, Liver
and Kidney, Diseases, Dyspepsia,
Rheumatism, and Catarrh •should
be convincing that the same 'tourse
of treatment WILL CURE You. AU
that has been E 11 of the wonder-
ful cures effected by the use of
during the past fifty years, truth
fully applies to -day. It is, in ever.
sense, The Superior Medicine
Its curative properties, strength
effect, and flavor are always th
same; and for whatever bloot
diseases AYER'S Sarsaparilla i:
taken, they yield to this treatment
When you ask for
don't:be induced to purch se* at
t of the worthless substitu hic
are mostly mixtures of c eal
est ingredients, contaiii'n4 sarti
parilla, have no uniform st ndai
of appearance, flavor, or leffec
are blood -purifiers in nam oril:
and tire offered to you b cau!
there is more profit in 4lliii
jthan, Take „
,•• ' •
14-Aff-Or 1141-001Viteller!**OSCri•OttintiOr'
2M Qbl4Ireu, Ib 0011tala$,Acitlier 47,14403., Inerb e /Sr',"
• •
other Vareeite, oubitageoi X1s a 1.14.rvailesis 154,Plit".04#01;'
1.1,t4;00,09, 0,k0, thing 1.1S7t''41ifir't'7 714Ipliirp°i, 14.
Clastm:(114 lyPrienTtr ett:417, 1110?..r44t.51470,10.&!#;02°Iir"4"*.:'';',
1Tat 11" ilai**er's •
xt r1ettSa4t: Ito .064,sittnr:e4stroys -vv-M. ;as eadfalliall
' of*otheirs,
%ttsur#4$ 0008tit°4tiPat 0,10 8t0,41ach
004 t0444'.;:'';'." •
"Castorl4 is tat,ecelleaymeillalrie for chit.
diva. )othershii ep 1c&uoQe Ite
aood,eftect Upon their ohildrUk","
AtaVoil, Mass.
"'Castor's is the best remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day ta not
far distant vfheamotlierswillconsider tbe real
interest or their children, and use Castoria in-
stentLot thevaimusqoacit nostramsavhichm_
destroying their loved ones; by forcingopium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down' their threats, thereby sending
them to premature graves:,
Da. J. F. Enrcurzon,
Conway, ex' Acutze C. Sutra, .Pres., •
The Ceetnerryit, Dturray Street, New York
,natitra1„*Iefe0.• „
E4m4he PirEpth*Ozi.Frleitur
CaArtOria.!: •
• oultioo, adailtotligl;tilIldrA4004,
•• X recommend it as sunOriorloTiY” 04=100
k°634"41 rae.7 •
IL A,Aagnes,M.lip.,
111 so. OxfOr4 a., Brooklyn', N,T.
Our physieiane in the, children's depart,
meat hmie spoken highly of their experk
encrs'in their outside prace-33 withOaderlat
d althou h we onl have among our
medical s s w
.produets, yet We are free confess -0114 tisi
tarts of Castoria kutswon us look wit
favor upon it." %
UNITED liOSPIT41. Iwo Thwarts&
'Boston, Maris
an g •
upp ebatifilarym
• a's regtilar
.,' • • A
The aiwia•ori*Taia4t.ttPe)tiad.,ehibhew
.aolo at .verkloW 'prtees, Sad'tiaOP.'?"'
M • wi.it ,auVk
!der :be *rekiri.invi,•:aj,$' 44'04
. •
,• " •
• •
Pianin -•
See my stock of beautifuj goods, offer-
ed at greatly reduced p es; they, range
from $5 to $200. Hing made my
purchases direct fr om he manufactur-
ers, I am enabled to s 11 to the best
possible advant v.
W 4.1M1 0 liM S m
Gent's Solid Gold 10k, 18 size, Elgin movement, full jewelled, $25 to "43,15
Gent's Solid Gold Ilk, 18 size, G.M. Wheeler movement, " 40
Ladies Solid Gold 10k, 6 and 8 sizes, from '. $17 to $30
Ladies Solid Gold 14k, 6 and 8 sizes, from • 18 to 15
_Gent's _clokl Filled, 18 size, 10k, warranted for 15 -years... .. -..-. 40t)- 20
Gent's Gold Filled, 18 size, .14k, warranted for 21 years 13 to 25
Ladies Golxl Filled, 6 and 8 sizes,- 14k, warranted for 21 years15 to 20
Gent's Silver Watches, 3 ounce case, 18 size, stem wind, 10
Gent's 1 .- - _•..“-' • key and stem wind, 11 to 20
{ie -y and stem wind, 5 to 25
, key and stem wind 3 to • 10
• a wind 5 to 15
trades. ,
ann German Watches, 16 jewel als.
agnetic Watch; this has special against magnetism:
,clumge movements in any Crt the ahoy' i desired, prices to vary with quality of
nt. Our movements consist of Width: .ncludes grades Broadway, Wm. Ellery,
ftlett and Cresent. Elgin, which in . P.a,ymond, G. M. Wheeler. Hampden,
mas and Columbue,..all which inel , 15 jewels. The higher grade of these
its, with Brequet Hairsprings, Pate tor, Compensation Balance, adjusted to
heat .
1 et
goods at great]
i'21.,. See m•
BROOCHES' .-Solid Gold,
DOCKS -131
creased my stock of Silverware,
si rous of selling off my last year's
nake more room, and offer these
xl prices.
plc/A,: at RfAce_airD g .t9„ ,
1n4 kallau-novelties.
great variety, for 1:01,,PArleriN
&c. from $1 to $4o.
t Street Clinton:
I be here in a short tinie and we are rt
the best PEELS in the market.
k. Thr goods and prices are right. 1
s, &c., for Holiday Presents. The Bee
for $1. Full stock .of GENERAL C
tinter has arrived and we are prepar
hal /teys, Good .Twt.EDS for 8U:
ent of UNDF,1-01XliTS and DRA
anti° OlotherWarin WO& Wraps
andeashe War -Daps arid It or. .
bate not Id otten the feet a 11
It Beets htia hoe6,IteiVy said g
ps' and Mirise Lubber, OVE C
{loth, Carnival Ott. Cariiies-
.see, Maekiiiaw eekte,
Flwith a stock of Now FRITITS
ou need anything in the way of
1ILET SETS come and see our
UPS and SAUCERS, Children'e
TEA in town. 26 lbs. SUGAR
ES. Prices as low as
e our 0 VRCOAki8 for Men
and coya,, Margoled Cardig04 Je,Ckee
'Mte -find w '-
Tun suissoluniz;Zzoi50#11011 ''', tV.,
BD and furnished bin new Plenjp ".••• illetit, •,,,,
mmaoeshtinperroYn:Pttt:Itsa:;14:faj74:7,:cts::u4t 41.1J:t4:-.el ; '
prepared to attend to all'oadartrinih atIlint,tikttia,,
swohnoabpl eatrraotneis.zedEthe eV0041409Asuks4f,rotArn4yh tiro 120,4111::
gd oat,' and now 'belag in a letter'PoestionNo':Oxa,
ute ordersegpeditiolisly aelfrfeels coaSerenifl,ityifily,1
v e satisfaction to all, . d •• , ,' . '""e1-• 1:-. ; ; ". 4. ,
FACTORY -4 ear Ovild OrtipOadrtinA
. • z „. ;•ro . ,
Railway, Clinton . 're „.1 • ;
, •
and Paint Shop
Is stacked with a Select Assortment
American and 'Canadian' Wall Paer
WITH BORDERS TO MATCH, from five^ oe
rolls to the finest gilt. Hitving boughtpny Pape
and Paints for Spot Cash, and my practical •efe.,;,•,.
perience justify me in saying that all wantin§
decorate their houses inside or paint them'etout.g,;:.4
call, ^ 44
Shop, and directly opPositii--•W'4, • ato.,
ggifShop, south rOelsivideer:coeh. unt
[Practical Paper Hanger and Pai4.eri,,,,
Manufacturer and Proprietor for
RIM Dog in use. Agent forbi
cotton of the farreseues. PATANT, .04.A
Owestiza, STEAM FITTINGS binds
ed on short noticp
Bei term. Engines. and a
aseceInery repaired OW
and In a satieraetorpe.
Perm. implements n;tanUfactured
'Steam and. water 'pumps hernial'
positipn. ' Dry Kilns fitted up