Clinton New Era, 1892-12-09, Page 10.11•10,1•0 TWO' CUWrQN 1ST • 0 UP USEn:10,;:as9a. P OtArre „ th g ntte 'Ottlat,ii)1_‘4111.4 untYur oi Xtukuurt, Aknaron, tuca liwar not ro._ north, ainEtionoi, nint ofiron A linuwe,T Ain0 runS .through atJitattd'ff tertnins,( .4.44notion:here, • U , hart 4 Oollegitito. O t W: . that st*PAS 4100113tho lLfgboat s,114 'a" 110,401 wLtha large 404 ViltOletit•staft :Vhero Or0 two ethetlittt011iire110.041(rtorisNic0P011.4nt liaathO Ann ilenlan Onttbo lismht ot V011retltren . 4 rneetinKro,rtar1/4_,Tilere..ttre extetiatTe. .] ,94.70,0 ternai turestunKtnachinentetory, tan neryi three 10,4ning,f4oterlea',. Rex fa6torY, lug mill factor)-, large floor miii, grain elevator, 114ett Oarriat(9,100torlos, two salt wolls. the head,: • 114.4rtOrg for the .Caingin Salt Association, onci, large tattriber of other industries. It has one ,oharterttriansl two hrAyateibanics, eusttim's •Ifoe, teight "first class business caleert of ali kinds. MaSette.,,OddfellowsLWork- on, Orangemen, Kona :or 'Scotland, ,Sons of Aglootli•protoStallt TienovOlent, Independent Ana.Canarlian Foreaters, Canadian promo Circle •.,feliTOnAplars. have lodges Imre, , Population '.•444t1t"0904 Room fire service and ineandes- - .0inteicittiloIlfatt'sYsterati, Town is exeeedthg- '',7441.-110.41tnt.teantifully—leeated;—tchuridtUree or "On400 trees, and is eine of the most deSirablit ..,ffinces 01 linsiness or residence in Ontario. 4QQATJ NOTICES Vizi° stook of choice new grocarlee to be4ound CIRWIN'S OrooerS, Mackay block. „ . OOOP SQUARE PIANO TO RENT.—On rea- sonableterm, apply at NEW ERA. Office, 1)0 sato and see JOHNSON dr ARMOURS stock 01 Robes, Horse (nettling, and Belle, beim(' buy- ing elsewhere. , 3. W. TRW iN oas removed to the Mackay ook and pall be pleased to meet new and old .:puttoraers alike. HODINS BROS. have no goods at their old „cl all their XPAS business is to be done in 'AO AI:oliay )31oeit, • BriTTER.—Osith paid fcr good crock, tub or 'roll batter. Must be good. J. W. IRWIN, , ,Gr9CerNitiacKay Block. • See our magnificent display of Crockery and 0102;tware now opened. J. W. IRWIN'S. The Corer Grooery, Mackay block. • 00 CORDS OF WOODwanted in trade for Aarness, Buffalo, Bear, Goat and ,o -her Robes, Harse Blankets, Bells, Boots ani Shoas, etc., etc., J. TVVITOBLELL. A HARE TREAT.—Miss Knox, elocutionist, will read in the Town Hall, on MONDAY, MO 19114, assisted by Prof Scott, of Wingliam. This is Miss Knox's last appearance •in this district previous tO her going to reside in Great Britain. Miss Knox and iProf dcott gave a concert lately jn Barriston ana the.hall was packed to the door. Get & move on if you want any Xiortas Papers to send to friends, fail assortment, but stock is low- ering aii$ COOPER'S BOOK STO•BE. gown alma. BALLOTS.—In connection with the municipal election in town, there will be at any rate two ballots to be used, and quite possibly three for each voter. There will be the regular ballot for the council, one for the House of Refuge, and very 'likely one in reterence to shutting up the cows. POLLING PLA.CES. — The polling places and deputy returning officers for the Municipal election will be the •Same as last year, viz:—Town Hall, W. H. Hine, Dep. Ret. officer; Chid- ley's warerooms — Thos. Johnston, •• Rumball's carriage shop—Thos. Walk- er; Leslie's carriage shop—Jas. Ross. GOING BAC.—Mr Thomas Calbick leaves fr.*/ orBritish Columbia, rwide fie k goodsituation in view —eve he la before. But he feels , like kicking himself on one point, a gentleman who is shipping a car load • of produce to the same place has been offering free transportation to any person who would look after the car, and Tom did not hear of the offer until two days after the "snap" was filled. flomE .CineLE.—The next regular meeting of the Home Circle will be • held on -the evening of the 20th inst. As this is the annual meeting for' the election of officet 5 and the transaction - of other important busi9ess a full at- tendance of all the members of the Circle is desired. There is no assess- ment for December, which shows the elonomical management of the Order. •Po1E4014tt1).—Mr J. 0. Adams, of Hul- was in towia, on Tuesday, on his 'Way to consult eapecialist for an ail- J iment he was suffering from. About 9 months ago he got one of his feet 'poi- soned in some unaccountable way, and from that time to the present he has not been able to preform any work whatever. He is able to move about with crutches, andiwe hope that ere 4ng he may throw them away and Dave the full use of his foot again. INCIPIENT 1'IRE1 — Ileesley & Co's •is re, on'Prl ay evening,was the scene • of a lively commotion for a few min- ,/tes. In dressing the store some light 'andkerchiefs had been pinned to one f 'the electric light wires, and it seems that the pins had gone directly through the covering to the wire, carrying the electric current out, which set fire to the handkerchiefs. The blaze quickly ran up to the ceiling, but was put out before any harm was done beyond the breaking of the lamp and burning of the handkerchiefs. HEN FRUIT. —The egg industry is an important one in this community, even though the headquarters of the industry is located at Seaforth. Last month, November, Mr D. D. Wilson shipped seven car loads of eggs to various points. He fortnerly shipped to New York, but the duty of 6c a dozen imposed by the McKinley tariff, • ,has destroyed that trade. Few people have any idea how many eggs there are in a ear or how much handling— and careful handling—they require. A car contains about 126,006 eggs, and at the present market price ot 15e. per dozen they are worth $1500. To put it so that people would understand it, we -might Say that seven cars would rep resen t 1000 barrels of eggs. THE WEST HURON PROTEST. —The announcement is made that the pro- test against the teturti of lion. J. C. PattersOn. for West Huron, has been dropped, the petitioners deciding not ° to go on with it. The counter -protest dropped some time ago. The Coneervatives pay all the costs. While • we believe that the dropping of the • protest was thebest thing that could be done, under the, circumstances, we are confident that it will give consid- erable dissa,tisfaction to our Liberal friends, and be perfectly useless at any future tinie, toli,tb2mpt to raise funds to carry' doir, it protest. Had the protest gonenn and Mr Patterson been unseated.—which it is not certain would have been accomplished—he would • simply be, re-elected again in a,by- oleetiorit,Md the Liberals are titularly ant faCeAtlY StIgh con- tingent weseritiing their iltrent for. 'e 4eri '01-ediOM I Ktmem).,-Wo•understand that the ' trustees of Thedtord public school, have 0414004 Miss 13. Scott, of floimesviller who 'nae:beell AtitOPK1144f the iiiinto • Nudelt ac teaCher 'for WM. , &ram ZTOT404—Mr James Snell, one of the best st4cic raisers in WostWO (lotarlo, has Vvist sold A Dile Lirham ., hull' for the orld's FaJPR Iti 4 not yet two year's old, and 'brought in tho xteighhorhood of $200. PO Spell is try- ing to purchase number ofother thorobrede for 'the 'Ague pitteeo and has been asked to act aa 000 of the Ontario • Live Stook Cogorniesioners at the fair. Towi Cotrision,,,—The regular Meet, ing was held on Moody night, A •number .of accounts for street work, 4e, were ordered to be paid. The re- ceipts of the town hall for November were $10, and of the weigh defOS, $2420. A by-law appointing Deputy - Returning officers and fixing places for holding the inunicipal elections was passed. A SIIPPLEMENT.—Business men find - so good_an-advertising- medium that, without any effort or solicitation on our part, they are in- creasing their advertising space, and this week we issue a supplement to accommodate it. If it keeps on we will be compelled to enlarge our paper or issue a supplement every week. BUILDING. — Building operations have been somewhat more active dur- ing the past year, than for some time previous, and in common with others, Clinton builders have been contribut- ing their share to the general improve- ment. •Mr Thos. McKenzie, of the Cilnton Planing Mills, always does a large amount of work, but this season's trade has been the best by far that he has had for several years. He keeps a number of men constantly in his em- ploy and they have hustled themselves to fill all orders this year. WEDDINGS.—Three weddings took place in Clinton, on Wednesday. The first was at Rattenbury street 11iletho- dist parsonag,e, when Mr J.Weymouth and Miss T. Cockerline, two estimable youngpeople of Hullett, started down life'sjourney together. The others took place at the residence of Mr WM, Farquhar, Albert street, when his se- cond daughter, Margaret J., was mar- ried to Mr W. Fear, of Hullett; and his third daughter, Isabella, to Mr Albert Moran, ofOwenSound. All he par- ties are well and favorably known, and the best of wishes go with them. NOTES.—Mr Wm. Mckowen is now employed with Mr Fred. Rumball. "Special services" will be held in the Rattenbury street church, on Wednes- day, Dec. 28th, commencing at 10 a.m., • but they are the kind of services where- in only two persons are principals, and after which they are figuratively called "one." Miss Josie Fair spent a couple of days in Seaforth this week. Messrs Cooper & Co, are now using a type writer in connection with their busi- ness. A letter was found on the street on Monday morning, addressed to "W. Trewartha, Winthrop," and the finder kindly posted the same. Mr John A. Cooper. (son of Mr W. Cooper) has opened an office in Toronto as a sta- tioner's broker. Miss Challie Cooper was the guest of Miss Sarah Acheson, Goderich, over Sunday. Miss E. Stev- ens (daughter of Mr James Stevens) is learning telegraphing with Mr F. W. Watts, of the Great Northwestern Co. Mr McDonagh, of Brantford, has rent. - ed one of Mr Gibbings' houses on Eat- tenbury street. Mr Jos. Wheatley has recovered from his late illness. Mr C, A. Hartt has moved into the Mackay block. A lady in town,who hasn't the slightest desire or intent ion to engage in anything illegal or unlawful, was the recipient of a "green goods" circu- lar last week. Several of our esteenied pontemporapies,-- who know a- - good -- thing when they see it, are republish- ing the "apple -packers" poem, that ap- peared a couple of weeks ago in the NEW Eas.; they find a number of good things in the NEW ERA that are worth eopying, but once in a while they might give us credit. Miss Springer, niece ot Mrs S. Walsh, was married a few days since to Rev W. Whalen, of Bervie. Miss Britton, daughter of Mr ohu Britton, reeve of Millett has been visiting friends in town fora week Fast, The Molsons Bank has put in en incandescent electric lights, and Dr. Turnbull is lighting his office by the same method. Miss Oliver, of Sea - forth, is visiting in town. The many old friends of Mr A. Straiton, agent G. T.R., Goderich, will be pleased to learn that he has recovered from a recent severe illness, and was this week able to resuine•-hia-cluties..—Me-R.-Smith • was this week, called to Brantford, owing to the serious illness of his eldest son, James, formerly one of the NEW ERA staff. The East Huron Gazette, published Gorrie, by Mr Green, son- n-la.w of Mr John ()roll, last week en- tered on its secon 1 voluine; it is a clean, bright paper, and is evidently making good progress. On Tuesday a brake- man was loading baggage at the sta- tion here, when he completely smash- ed the end of one finger. Rev. P. Straith, of Innerkip, was visiting his parents this week. Mrs Thos. Boles, of Delaware, is up here 00 it visit; be- fore he returns he expects to organize H pine Circles at both. Londesboro and Blyth. Mrs Amos, of Exeter, was here on a visit to ,he. r brothers, Messrs A.H. and W. Manning. The young meu of the London road, must be losing their gallantry when the old married men have to iinderta,ke the task of conduct- ing the young ladies home froni enter- tainments during the silent watches of the night, as was the case recently. The Evaporator will close down next week. There is talk of a billiard room being started in town. Mr Al. May left towri for Goderich, yesterday, to take a position in the Organ Factory; he is quite a musician and will be miss- ed here. Mr. Barrow, of the Molsons Bank, who is about to leave town was the recipient of a set of gold studs and cuff buttons, from a number of his friends. Joshua Calloway, an old Huronian, is a candidate for Winnipeg mayoralty. The wall on Princess St. of the burnt Cantelon building, should be made secure or torn down, as a big wind will bring it over some day, and there may happen to be some one be- neath it. Mr.Swaffield has moved into Mrs. Tuffts house, Mary street. Mr. F. Wheeler has taken it situation in the Clinton Organ Factory. Mr. D. Mc- Corvie has sold to Mr.John Brickenden it lot on Rattenbury St.! for $175,which is considered a good price. Miss Lena Mason underwent a critical surgical operation this week, and her many.. friends will be glad to know that she is doing as well as can he pipectel under the circumstances. Theyoung st child Of Mr V. W. Watts also passe safely through' d .delicate and critic oper- atio0. "117X-134 ' j1111M1.4,1 For Your CHRISTMAS NICKEL •5 A niee Handkerchief 2 Ladies' Collars, ' A yard of Ribbon A Boys' Tie For Your Christmas DIME 1. All Linen Handkerchiefs. A pair of Boys' Braces, Fine Initial Handkerchiefs • A Fine Linen Napkin • For Your Christmas SHILLING 12 Plain and Fancy Linen Handkerchiefs A good Linen Towel A nice Hair Ribbon. A., Mans Tie For Your Christmas QUARTER Initial Silk Handkerchf's A Pair of Kid Gloves, Fancy Silk Handkervlas 3 Good Linen Handk's For Your Christmas HALF 21 yds good Linen Tabling g n A pair of good Towels 2 yards of Better Quality. lair A large Silk Handkerchief A Good Wool Shawl. F4I r Your Christmas Dollar A dozen Handkerchiefs A dozen Napkins A pair of good Kid Gloves A pair of Curtains "Useful Christmas Gifts of all kinds at tempting prices. One price and 5 per Cent off for Cask Estate Oralodgens THE DRY GOOES PALACE CLINTON. -Ladies' Haadierchiefs, While out walking with a friend the other day the converea- tion drifted upon the subject of conceit; said he, I had cause to justify a case of conceit lately, W6 assented in a questioning tone of voice, and he proceeded. The ability and general get up of a young friend of mine was being discussed and the rentark was dropped by one person that if my friend was clever and possessed of ability he need not be so conceited ! ]took exception -to tbe.remarand_saidlhatif.by. good -bard- • work an.d natural ability this 3 oung man had succeed- ed, he could well be excused for thinking well of him- self. We quite agreed with our friend, and following the justified 'example of our friend's friend have a few words to say: Our ability to "BUY" goods at right prices. A glance over the prices quoted below for our Christmas line of HANDKERCHIEFS in Ladies' and Men's Silk will be sufficient to guarantee the assertion we make. - Ladies' Plain Hemstitched Silk 15 Cents each Ladies' Embroidered Bordered Silk 20cts each Ladies' Scolloped Embroidered Silk 30c and 60c Ladies' Initialed Hemstitched Silk 65c and 75c Ladies' Plain Hemstitched Corded Silk $1 each Ladies' Crepe Neck Handkerchiefs 50; Colored . • 75c —$1—$1 25 Men's Silk at 50c, 65c, 75c, $1, 1$1.25 and $1.50 in Plain White Hemstitched and Colors in endless variety P. S.—Remember the finest stock of Ladies' and Misses FURS inWestern Ontario is to be found at our establishment ; Wo wools' like All of our customera to know 00 we -bave MQVCO from oiqr old stand sod arc eioblished in the Mackay block. Our stook Of CiniStSaki Goods is nearly complete. Our Christmas Cards, Booklets, Calendars, Are very ;fine, and there is a great range in price, irt Fancy China, Plush Goods, Purses, Toys, Dolls Games, Albums, Celluloid Goods, Toy Books, Gift Books, Musical Instruments, Itc. We have a bewildering variety and we can suit your purse. Many of our customers are selecting their aristmas goods early and we have put them, away till they are wanted. It would be a good plan for you to do likewi 1R/CD13I1N. e 131R,08.9 Book Store and News Depot, Mackay Block, Clinton. • BooaShoe Sale $3000 WORTH AT COST $3,000 worth to be sold at -Actual Cost price; we are determined if possible to clear out our whole stock ofBots and Shoes before the spring trade tom. mences, and in order to do so, we have decided to offer them at cost. Do you want the best bargains ever offered in Clinton? if so, come and see our goods and prices. We will not ask you to buy unless you are satisfied ihat what we say is correct. We never advertise bargains unless we have them. You can save from 15 to 30 per csnt. Vve would quote you prices but have so many different lines that we have not space to mention prices, but we say come and see, and come at once. Terms Cash or Trade. Plumsteel - & - Gibbings, MONTREAL HOUSE, OraIl\TTON BEESLEY& Xmas Handkerchiefs. Fancy Cambric, Bleat stitched Initials, and Fancy Bordered Handkerchiefs 2cts., 3cts. each, two for 5cts., lOcts. tap to 6,0cts. each, immense assortment to choose from. • Ns, We allow probably the largest and best selected stoak ef Japanese Silk Handkerchiefs to be seen anywhere, Heim - stitched Initials and Embroidered, choice goods, finest it. qnality, lowest price. The largest of values in MANTLE CLOTHS • AND DRESS GOODS. See our line at 8cts. Men&Boys'UNDERTI/E,44, Bought direct from the manufacturers. They are goin quick at the prices we are offering them, get some. Remember next Bargain Day, Dec. 17th. CKSON BROTHERS - rnishers, Hatters ani Clothiers - lEESLEy81COBEAVER The Ladies Favorite Establishes BLOCK, OLINTOX• Ago SEAF RTE.. cLi WON