HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1918-10-03, Page 6TUE ALIEN ENtikilEi
Caleada might take a leaf •out of
Scotland's book in refere,nee to the
treatment of erternY aliens. At a
eneetieig et the Scottish Advisory Com-
mittee on Anerie it Was stated that at
the, beginning' of !the war the number
• clic4414u In,
'rho Bou-oon *as the enealleitt, init.
tient and Meet 1100100mi theatre in
Melimarne, and Waa enellielvely dee
YOted to tanked ecenedy, blirletique flail
OPertlebOuffe, the latter elates �t falter-
tainnient being now the attraOtion.
Thiene was no plt, the circle and hoXes
being raised but little above the Wei
Of the stalls. The decoratiells Were
pink, white and gold, the seats being
Covered with pala, rose-colered plueh,
With curtains and hangings to Met*
While the electric lights, shining
CHAPTER II. ' will like Caprice—she Is very charrne warm glow to the theatre. The donee
through pink glObee, geve quiee ft
Of alien enemies in Scotland who were next morning the sun, was shining wi'cludd,,if rumor speaks truly, very was decorated w a eg figures
After a storm comes a calm; so -It
not naturalized was in round numbers rehreseuting Momus, the god. of length -
leered with regard to these alien quisitelY-painted utedallions o Bee ee
ggs oi!velrilet;'se
brightly- in the blue sky, and the earth . e
Added to which; she is the beet- ter, and Ap011o,d t
1,900. The press which was fol- had thee clean, wholesoine appearance hearted woman in the world," finisbed while all around t o w f n _
always fle be oeen after heavy rains. the JoW, dryly.
enemies was that on Aug. 8, 1914, in- TO high wind bad dried the streets, eee from celebrated emeriti; and burlesques.
"What a contradiction,"
are always eontrailliactliog;-- dullish gold, the curtain of roseate
structions were iseued by the° Scottish the drenched foliage of the trees in
Stewart. __The prosceniura was a broad frame Of
Oftice to intern enemy eubjects rea- the Fitzroy Gardens loolted freeh and 'tis a privilege of the sex." plush, and on either side of the stage
onably suspeeted toe iming dangerous; green, and there tva, 1 slight behNivilai-a "And one they take full advantage, were life -like statues of Offenbach and
Planche M white Marble, Altogethar,
on Sept, 0 further inetructioris were 1=1;nintilellegoXL:11117 lIeilcel'eeclv, it was Qfchl air badi ago came to an end a aerating theatre, /mere like a cosy
Issued to intern Germane under 45 like a spring morning, mildly inspirit- somenevhat Yabrupitly; for just as they
who had endengone military tratning; ing; whilet all around there seemed arrived near the Victoria Coffee Palace entertainment.
drawing -mem than a place of public
LU intern Germain Austrian end Hun• gladness quickening both animal .and woman.
they were etartled by the shriek of a At the entrance was a high flight
. of white marble stairs, leading to a
subsequently instructione were tented to. bo et pleasant sense of new-born
veeetable life, CM the other side of the street a wide orridor, the wane of which were
garian males of mllitary age, Then Atter breakfast, Ezra, who was go- London (Cable a --It VaBt ain the
gaudily -dressed girl was crYine and hidden 'by enormous mirrors, and at
Fresh as a Flower,
and just as fragrant!
is lust the tiny buds and young from
hill,-groviin shrubs. So economical because
it yields So generously in the teapot« 8446
American Soldier Thrilled
- by Trossachs Beauty.
followad the appointment of 'advisory ing to the office of The Penny Whis- wringing her hands, while a of intervals steed white =able statuee centre of that fameel beauty district,
the Trossachs, that I found him, says
cominittees to assist the Secretary far tie, the paper for Whicth the ll'orkv about seven years of ago was standing of the Greek divinities, holding aleft W. Harold Thomson, in thg Daily
Scotland and the Home Sectetary, re• tillstuktedaniedeitahs ttLwyaolukngininottnothvand rit
oth- ithi paralyzed with fear directly in the electric lights. On the one side was men,
way of a tram -car that came crashing the emoking-room — a, luxurious
spectieely, in carrying out that policy. To be preciee he was lounging
ing particular to do, he gladly assent -
down the incline The two men stood lounge—and on the, other a refresh- t nt di ill* ehore of Loch
The result has been that in -Scotland ed, They strolled slowle, through the horror-struck at what Beet -nod to be ment bar, all glass and glitter, which , Mein: ilY "
1,3.00 Out of the 3.900 had been either gardens, admitringwIthiteegltias'euneisn the inevitable death of the child, for, was crowded between. the acts by the is very blue eye caught by
,s glistening
sharplyggreelt though the driller put on the brakes, _ thirsty patrons et the play. the; witchery of Ellen's Isle; a little
interned or deportee. At the- present °ate etehnetutar teee s , hsprig of still green heather held
d ageainst tueir emerald d was too great, and destruc-
ionepaepepeared inevitable. Suddenly o'clock, Just as the first aot of "Prince
Ezra and Keith arrived about nine tightly between his white teeth.
mom-erit there were in Scotland 644 back -ground, and the vivid dashes of the
or thereby uninterned alien enemies bright color given by the few flow- Keith seemed to recover the use of The opening Of conversation Was,
who heel not been naturalized, Of Carnival" was over, and finding the I feundevasy enough.
these .324 were men and 320 were wo-
men. Of the men. ,?,08 were Germans,
107 Austria,* and Huligarlaaii, and 9
Turks. It was with taco 644 alien
enemies that the comnetttee had now
to deal. Thair -duty was to give effect
to the will of. the Government in this
matter. • .
It was stated that the view .taken
by the -Government aro that there
was et prasumption that every unin -
tented alien enemy was Potentially
dangerous and. sheuld ene interned :or
deported, and theitefere; the•Principle
they propoaed to follow. was tleat they
should intern all those' who were at
Present at liberty unlens cane° was
shown by the alien why that-, shoeld
not take place. Men eemplidy.ed at
motel occuphtions had not *been in-
terned so long as they attended to
business. Barthey`are an on parole.
ers then n oo . his limbs, and, with a sudden spring, ••
Stewart appeared to have quite re- bounded forward and tore the child salon tolerably full, Laza,rUs sat down "Po you know," I said, "youre tee,
vious night, and etrolled gaily aleng, o i iefatalrac c,i i msetailing e near one of the small, marble -topped the, first Amertean uniform I've Dem
covered from his megrims of the pro- oft tl t 1 1 i If t tables, and, lighting hie cigarette,, pro-
ceeded to point out to Keith all the "That so?" he returned pleasantlY, battlefront. To -morrow he may be
situated a dozen miles back of the
gether with the cl. Id to the growl:a-a' in the Trossachs?" _
every now and then inhaling a long
breath of the keen air. Eera, who was
watching him closely, saw from hes
actions his intense appreciation of his
surroundings, and was satisfied that
the young man possessed in a high
degree that poetleal instinct which
has such an affinity with the joyous-
ness or gloom of 'Nature.
"Ah! this is a morning when it is
good to live," said Keith brightly. "I
always envied the satyre and dryades
o° hothendom, with their intense an-
imal • enjoyment of Nature—not sen-
suality, but exuberant capability elf
enjoeing a simple life,"
"Like that with which Hawthora
endowed Donatallo?" suggested Ezra.
"Poor Donatallo!" said Stewart,
With a sigh; "he is a delightful illus-
tration of the proverb, 'Where ignor-
ance is bliss'—he was happy till he
loved.—so was Undine till she obtained
a soul."
"You seem to have read a great
deal?" ouserved Lazarue, looking at
him. .
"Oh, faith; my reading has been
somewhat desultory," replied Stewart,
carelessly. "All is fish that comes to
illy net, and the result is a queer Jura-
"ble of information; but let us leave
this Pteasnnt gossiping, and come
down to this matter-of-fact world.
' flow do you think I` can better my
"I hardly know as yet?" replied
the Jew, thoughtfully careesing his
' beard'; "but if you want immediate
geork, I caleaPat YOU In the way of ob-
taining entployment,"
"Literary 'work?"
"Net a very aristocratic on,— a
—a—well, an office."
"Ugh! I hate, the idea ef being crib-'
bed and confined in an office; It's
such an artificial, existence. However,
new tighten; with. t,h.eir backs to the beggars can't be choosers, so tell me
. . . all about it."
wall. le the thrast towards Paris "My father wants a cleric," said
.the reeneee..wes so' real that in, arMY Etre. deliberately, -"and if I ream -
for the d,efence of ,Peria wee organ- mended, yeti 1 think you could get the poped, s .1 y, as o what yo i a
will say, Miss Megs, I don't know, a- amused tone; "you ought to give a lec-
. "Humph! And what is your father's kissin' strange gents in the h'open a .
ture, entitled 'Men I Have Noticedn
ized ant. the work Of preparing de- Poeition."
.fences beaten, while Big Bertha. was . street; not but what he don't deserve it would certainly draw."
bombarding Mee city from tar behind , °cc,'uNpoa,ttie%envy'ery aristocratic on,— a it' d i ' f m under the in- "Yes, all the, women, not the men;
- • is quite as rich and nutritious as olive
the Gerneten lines. , . gine, as oughtn't to be let run to they don't care fOr hearing remarks
born and bred right close to the, Brig and sold as oil cakes for feeding
never here himself, but his father was oil. The refuse is pressed into cakes,
' pawnbroker," ,
eith stopped short, and looked at about theinselves; bat there is the bell
his companion in surprise. sp,iile—"
Turk. Back home we've got a PIC stock were dark diva for the allieh 4
forces. The tunnel loked long and "I can't imagine you being the son ' gzra,
Hold your tongue, 13liggiugs." said for the rieleg of the curtain, so we had 0,
sharply; "you ought to look better go to our seate." huee of him hanging on the praetor stock and especially dairy cows.—"St.
zled tone. . _ more carefully after Meg, or she'll be Tne,y left the now empty salon, and e
wali—a proud -looking, handeome old Nicholas."
dark. But we are one.e' more in the of a pawnbroker," he said in a puz
daylight, Gen. Foch has struck _back . • killed some day." went into the dress circie, which holds fellow, who died long before I was
agaLn and again. itis the Germans must be the Sort •of some one." cried Bliggins, Sniffing, "if it ain't stead do in the London theatres. ,whea you get to the other side' have
Battlefield 'Phones.
2,0eiti, Bencle at Traidlefi
aiteat erg:eel:earn) of the automobile
1 ante are Mixed by the driver fired.
1111( Mtrel% nothing' onto the track of
0, rat reed already oecupled hY a train
roaring toward the ill-fated vihicie. Such
a meeting le Almost alwitYa dinastriotta
The railroad. authoritlea are most en.
%toile to avoid these Unfortunate Meld*
ents, and many ochemest have been tried
to prevent them. Patent papers have
been recently Orranted on one which
has some unique fatures, and would
probably armlet) the ire of the auterno-
billet, but it would probably matte it
imeeseittle for thee(' accidents to occur,
The idea coneiste of making a sherp
curve In the road at a point just be -
tore the, tracks would be reached un-
der ordinary circurnotances, so the
chauffeur Is compelled! to slow na and
make twe rune before getting on the
track, and while performing this evolu-
tion it is thought that there will be am -
pie 'opportunity for observing the ap-
Preach of a train in either direction.
New Groh Not Same.
In many parts of the country Second
and third growth timber Is entirely un -
re ted to the orglnal trees, The Cat-
ik 1 Mountains, when first visited •with
In no War in the past leave the elec- write men, were largely covered with
trio signalling orate= covered so epreces and hemlock. such areas as
diversity of reeuireinents. The cora-
greet have been cut over have nearly away
maelY square miles or such a
bfeenantaktrikrer rnsaii°orft 17aftebyyeligelik I%
mending general wants to know how ap-
ple iteted that poplars and aspens show
a certain division is progressing; an a strong disposition to grow up in aband-
artillery captain wants to ascertain etuildoigaitregtainootfh;:i•ancaisne,oarnindatioolnie,
ust where his shells are dropping; '"
1 sthat a generation has spread from
these and a million other faces must the Eastern to the Western states,
be transmitted every hour of the day
along the hundreds tef miles of battle-
front, says the Electrical Experiment- RELIEF Al L
or. And it is really raarvelloue hew e _.
the army signal corps have perfected ii want to hent you if you are suffer.
their frail -looking wires and instru- Mg from bleeding, itching, blind or
meats so that they will work under protruding Piles. I can tell you how,
the most unfavorable conditions, in your own home and without any.
Romance, adventure, action—all of one's assistance, you can apply the
these come to the signal corps man in best of all treatments.
the pursuit of his duties more than PILES Tringrr. AT
A review eif war situation since the
great German oefenaive began on
March 21.4t last, some six months ago.
In this ofeeneive the Germans at-
tempted me four seperate eectioes of
. the Wostern front tO gain a military
deeision ead gaited In 'the firen
thrust' Ain:lens, was eadaigered, and
its capture loOketntor as almoet cer-
tain. The Germans ,alse .struck 'in
the nortid.ecialianee, the •Britist back,
until Celle Haig was imeellee to issue
tile now historic 'aditneal to his men to
stand their ground, thet they were
ever before. To -day he may install a
•telephone switchboard in a cheerful
little town near grand headquarters,
notabilities present. as he ros „ e stringing -wires through a shell -swept
He was not a moment too soon, for e "Well I reckon you'll se
hardly had he fallen before the car at The first to whom he called Stew e plenty of the boys before they go back forest.
a slower speed rolled past, and ulti- artes attention wao a group of :three, horo.e." Ono case will serve to show the
mately came to a standstill at the
foot of the incline. Once a tall, portly -looking man, with "1 hope so," I said, quite sincerely. lottery -like chance these men take.
a rad, elean-shaverr face and black "And what do you think of it all?" An English military lineman had been
ably shaken, his clothes torn and coy- hair; was irreproachably attired in "'Fine!" he exclaimed, with an en- busy for several weeks in a district
Stewart arose to his feet &guilder -
evening dress, and chatted. to a fair- thusiasm good to hear, "Do you know near the Aisne battlefront. He had
ered with mud, and a painful feeling haired youth with a Supercilious smile, this part well?" completed straightening out a perfect
in the arm, on which he had fallen •
' and a short, bald-headed old gentle- "Very," 1 was glad to answer. "I jungle of wires and circuits. His cap -
Ezra crossed over to him, and the res- ' man. was born and breeleheteabouts." tain came along and was pleased to -
path in the grasp of the gaudily- learn. that all of the circuits had been
Med child was standing on the foot- "You so those three?" said Ezra, In- He was silent for some moments.
(tinting the group. "The dark man of Then: tested out without losing a man. The
dressed girl who spoke volubly, re- same -captain was grieved to hear the
gardless of the crowd of people stand- the ponderous Samuel Johnson type is 'Some, birthpeace," he . remarked.
ing by. Ted Mortimer, the lessee of ehe theatre; "Say, now, I've always wanted to eee next day that his brave lineman, his
work done, had been picked out of a
The conductor of the car came to the idiot with the eyeglass is Lord Scotland—this part most of all. They
pole top by a stray ehell.—Exchange. :
Inquire into the affair, and having Sa,nton, who has come, out from Lon- say that the bears from around here
found that no one was hurt, retired, don to see us barbarians, and the were all in the artily in about a ai,,,,ek Countless have been the cures
and the tram was soon sliding down aeoPleptic party with the bald head is after the war started. Is that true,.
the street. The crowd dispersed no lees a. personage thaa Mr. Columbus "I believe so," I said. worked by Holloway's Corn Cure. It
has a power of its ownenot found in
gradually until only the child, Ezra, Wilks, the gat globe-trotter, who is "Well"—he reedded once or twice ,other preparations.
Keith, and the shrill -voiced girl were going to write a book abotit AUstralla and smiled slovely—"I can understand
left. * and New Zealand." . la Yea, sir, I certainly can. I was
"Oh, gracious! good 'eavens;" said "That will take him some time," glad enough to have, the chance to Concerning Peanuts.
this young lady, who appeared to be a observed Keith, with a Bailie, have a whack at Johnny Hun myself, The peanut isn't a nut at all, but a
nursemaid, and spoke rapidly without "Not at all,' Lazarus, coolly. but td fight for- q. place like this! member of the pea, bean and closer
any stops; "to think as you should "He will run throuith the whole of Well, perhaps I ehouldn't say it, for family. It is a legume and gathers
have bin nearly squashed by that en- Australia in a few weeks, be the guest I'm a citizen of the U. S, A. and proud nitrogen from the air. Peanuts do
gine, and all comin' of rennin', out of the governors of the diffirent colo. to be. but—thank God, my name's Mc- not grow from roots, but on shoots
into the road, and taking no notice of nies, and then give his impressions of Rao." which grow out from the plant above
me as was posting a letter in the pil- our government, politics, trade, mime- WHOLE BUNCH OF MACS. ground, bear a little seerile yellow
lar -box, not seeing anythin', three menta, and scenery in a aeriee �f My eyes must have shown sur- blossom; and then shoot directly into
want of eyes at the back of me head." brilliant articles,x whose truth and prise. ' the ground, where they "peg", that
The child, a quaint, thin -faced lit- accuracy will be quite in accordance "Oh, theye's a whole bunch of Mace is, where peanuts begin to grow on
tle girl, with dark eyes and glorious with the time which he has taken to come over," he said. "My father was them. The peanuts are pulled from
reddish -colored hair, took no notice collect his materials."
of this outburst, but pulled Keith's "But he cannot judge of things so
coa to attract his attention. "Of course not; but he will view
vines or roots, and the Toots are then
' plowed back into the ground to allow
, the nitrogen to feed the soil. The
Thank you, man, • she said, in a everything through the sose-colored peanuts are then taken to "'peanut Mc-
" '
see, and she will say nice things to spectacles of champagne and adulation, I was cured of Rheumatic Gout by itories." In these buildings the peanuts
are cleaned and sorted. The largest
th•in, reedy voice; "I will tell mum -
you., and I will give rou a kiss." oo his book will depict our land as a mINARD's LIN,ImENT,
kind of nihoteenth century Uttpla." are saved and put through a "rumb-
Keith was touched in his soft heart . ler," which polishes the shells. These
And Lord Santon?" 1 was cured of Acute Bronchitis by
by this naive appeal, and, bending • is MINARD'S T.TNIMENT. are sold in the shells. Other first
"An hereditary legislator, who
down, kissed the pale little face pre- LT. -COL. C. CRE1VE BEAD. grades are shelled and sold for salt -
being feted for his title, and will go
back to his ancestral walls with the'
Ing; and one big packing company
sented to him, much to the alarm of Sussex.
the nursemaid, who lifted up her firm conviction that we are a kind- 1 was'cured of Acute Rheumatism by buys only first grades for peanut but -
hands in horror. miNARD'S LINIMENT. ter. If the plants are pulled roots
e hearted :ace of—savages." .
"Oh, gracious, good 'eavens!" see Markham, Ont., C. S. EXLLING and all, the peanuts are dried out by
."You are severe," said Keith, in an LakefteLd. Qa.e..,..Q.ct. 9, 1907. stacking on poles, then pulled off and
P sold. Broken peanuts are pressed and
the oil extracted. ;Much of this oil is
sold as "pure olive oil". In ,fact, it
"Why note" asked Ezra serenely. "I "Oh! gracious and good 'eavens!" the same rank in the celonies as the
born. Dad said tome, 'Time he said, Tilt ONLY MEDICINE
who are ilOW on the run. • , On -the "Yes; but a paWnhrokeel it's so hor- Mr. Lazarhouse; and, beggin' Your 'Though the aouse was crowded, they a shot at vielting my father's place.
north and sleuth and in the centre the rIbly unpoetical. Your father ought Pardon, sir, it ain't my fault, as is succeeded in getting excellent seats, It'll give you a thrill if all the old
Germans have been driven back te well known to YOU, aa children will being, in fact those always re-
-vagtie speculation& and abstruse. the- "ooltit unbeknown to the most wary." served for the Critics of the Penny Man used to tell me was true."
to have been: a man of letters—of
the Hindenburg line, and now it is the "And you have had the thrill?" 1
Baby's Own Tablets is ths oply
American, gilas that are shelling- Metz .diiiputtitions about the Talmud." ing down to kiss Meg; "least said, waltz, to which the gods in the gal -
Whistle. The orchestra played a lively asked.
He grinned. "Bet your life," he said. medicinea mother needs for her
ories—,a, modern Rabbi Judah holding "There, there," said Lazarus, bend -
little ones. They are 3, gentle, but
and German territory. The Germans Latium shrugged his shoulders, and soonest mended; thanks to my friend
walked slowly onward, followed by here, it's no worse." lery kept time, and then the curtain "I've been mailing picture:cards back
thorough, laxative, which instautly
sought a deeision before the Ameri- his . companion. "Which he ought to get a. meddler,"
• drew up on a charmtng scene, repre-
senting a square in Rome. there at the botel, On one of them I
relieve all stomach and bowel disor-
cans got on the grountl. They failed. "Idy (tette lad, the days of Malmoni- asserted Miss Bliggings, on whose .
Prince Carnival-- was one of those wrote: 'Before I left Indiana. xny'whole
put a thing that'll please the dad. I
ders, thus banishing all tte minor ills
The Americans are there, and Cei- des are peat, and we are essentially a feminine heart Keith's handsome face Jo of 1.iti.,t leev oentieutse., sCtonseienrinoinn,g :,iitee.1-1,1slialyrss:
many is new etterywhere on the de- DiOneY-Making race. The curse which had made an impreseion. "But, grac- frivolous French operas with a slight- heart was in this • job, and now my
fensive. the same as that of Midas—they turn 'em for drowned, though I never lets tient Mtigle, and plenty of opportun- whole sOul's in it, too.'"
nehovah pronOunced on the Sews was low and good 'eavens, they only gives ly naughty plot, witty dlalogue, ',brit -
To -day troM tell fronts acme good everything they touch into geld." Miss Meggs go near water, ingtnes be- ity for gay dresses and picturesque
scenery. The principals and chorue wings overhead, and the American , Medicine for little ones. They never
soTicilileerreglawnacsed%spu.dden whirring of "Baby's Own Tablets are a marvellous
fail to cure stomach and bowel trou-
"leildas, did not Lind it so* but to consisted mostly of girls, with just a "What are those,?" he asked, inter- - blea, and neither my sister-in-law nor
news. (1011 AllenbY's forces have woh "A pleasant enough punishment." in' unexpected in their actions, and
a notable viettety over the Turas le resunaw—Mir fithen Jacob Lazarus, has
Paleetine, and the Turkish army is in his shop in. Russell street, so I wilt
danger of annihilation. The allied sPeiik to him to -day, and if he is
tigre. eable, I .will take you with Me to
troops hatie broken through the Ttirk-
ieh lines, peeetrated then to over billet, but the Wages will be small,"
nineteen Miles ort. h fitty-mile- tient, "At all events, they will keep bode
many then:tends od. Turks have been
Danodradeloon..,) together till I find my El
captured With h. vest member of .guris "You refer to literary fame, I imp-
end much aainninitiofte In Nertherp poee. How did you first take to Writ -
Retake the Boleheelki have met with Mg?"
"I think you asked me that question
defeat man tree in disorecify tetreat
last night," said Keith, smiling, "and
In MacedOeia 'Hee Bulgarians are be I told you I couldn't explain. • Like
lug drivea beak. and on the Weistern Pope, 1 lisped M nurabers, and the
numbers came. I've no doubt ...they
front all gees well.
were eufficiently bad. I'm sure 1 donn.
Morrow'. I've no doubt you'll get the
• know why all authors begin with
not to be counted out in their move sprinkling of men, so that their deep- testedly.
"Good-bye, Meg," said Lazarus, cut- er voices might balance the- shrillness
ting short Bliggings in despair. "Tell the least said the better, as it was 'Grouse"el I told him.
of those of the women. Of the plot, The boyish light in his eyes grew
about this." merely a string of intrigues, conneot- br,i,ghter.
your mamma I'll- call and see her
ed by piquant couplets and sparkling Pll have to mail another Card," he
"And bring the man," said Meg, said. "They'll go dippy at home when
choruses, with occasional ballets in- they know I've seen grouse flying over
glancing at Keith. tervening. Loch Katrine toward Ben Ard.
"Yes, and bring the man," repeated. AS far as Keith could gather, it heel. There's one thing I hope, Mister. I
Ezra, upon which • Meg, being setts- something to do with the ad•venturet
fled, made a ,quaint -like curtsey t hope that there will never again be a
le oi: the quack Cagliostra in Rome, who
G rman who'll be allowed to stand
both men, and was going away, when wag the comic man of the play, and e
where you and I are standing. lee'd
she suddenly- came back, and pulling figured in various disguises, the most
ilute the niece. I know that now,
Keith's coat till he bent down, put her successful being that of a prominent P,.°- ,
arms round his nook and kissed him. r- McRae."
Penticton. Cagliostra tries to gain the for, Y eee, m a _ _ ,
"Mumsey will be nice," she mur- affections of a young girl beloved by Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in
Mured, and then trotted quietly off a mountebank called Prince Carnival, cows
with Bliggings, who kept expressing who thwarts him all through the play. ---• e . I
her o inion tint d'Ohl ree'oes gOod The second act was the carnivhl • at The Sting Ray. •
'eaveris! she was red up to her eyes at Rome, and a crowd of masquers were
1.10W rattled. verse; Perhaps it's because rhymes
of coal
, are so eneY—fouhtein suggests mon- sary assertion, seeing her complexion one another with flowers. SuddenlY,
A minute eXarrtination has re -
tech conduce," a somewhat linneees- singing a, riotous chorus. and pelting
eently glVett riee to an interesting tain, and dove is invariably followed
. be love " was permanently the color of beet- during a lull in this fantastic rhedleY•
theory as to how that fuel was formeu. 1 v• • root ti, high, dear yoke was heard execut-
into sections ea thin that they litre al- 1 ed since your arrival in Melbourne?" glass of brandy," said Ezra, when Meg afterwards Caprio bounded gaily on
"you need it after the shaking you waltz sbng, to. which the masquers
Theuse or this instrument revealed but Shakeepeare or Dickens is embodied
n e. ve sent plays to Managers, have had." Moved in measured time.'
bleana have beett devised %or elleIng "COMe into Lane's hotel and have a Inn a brilliant shake, and immediateltr
'Have you had any erticles accept- '
"One or two, but generally speaking, to the stage, singihg a melodious
most &Ansi arent -and can be etudled to and her attendant had disappeared;
excellent advaritage With a microscope no one acknowledges that a possible
where fragments of ,planis exieted they which have been declined on the plea . "What is the child's name?" aelted She was dreeeed it a harlequin cos-
tume, a mask on her face, a fobrg
seemed to merge fbrectly into the non- i Keith, ite he went into the bat. 'droll
cellular mass. As a result of the study • that all plays come froin London. 1
silver bells hanging from her cap and
brought out, the belief irks arisen that . et u . , Ezra laughed softly, and ordered a
in the formation. of poal vegetable mat- , ,,,ere Wat no romn oa the prese—pute , dress, which jingled lacessatitly es she
ter was first entirety decomvsed; be- 1 lishere have seen me and pointed out glass .of brandy for his Mead,
claimed. But What attracted Keith's, at
tame eaturafed with this liquid and ' that a, Goloniel novel' Means rulhation "A curlew; way Fate has 01 werk. Written Were the diamonds she wore
U ag g or the Futur! brain- ing," he said, rather irrelevently. "She
eventually Wes thattged Into •ftlel.• Tato ......t h r ill I
Mile cellular struetnre Ir tne cow, anu r
baton in her hand, and innumerable
iteeve Oen editers, and have been told seera to know her."
in the course of which thee° facts were t
seitera stars and a necklece, She
tittle wag a globe of dough-lIke substance, Werkers of Australia, i.... i'," t it'? has Pittyed into your hands. tb-clay, for Belittled On6 splendid blaze of jewels,
eo to emetic "We must all servo our apprentice- that child is Kitty Marchurst's, better and kis eyes ached watching their
-4 • ••• -- ship," artswered Lennie, Mildly. ItnOwn as 'Caprice.'" flash and glitter during the rapid
%OA Waite. . • "The lotigeet lane has a turning," "I didn't know she had a child," gyrations of her restless figure.
"No doubt; but my particular lane said Keith. "Who is the father? ls 'Are those paste jewels?" he asked
Thera wae IAe!. a elub formed of sterns devilish louge She married?" Ezra, in a whisper.
lazy Men. Fittes were inflicted est Ezra laughed, and they walked "No, she la not married. As te tha (To be continued.)
those Who ever target theiraelvee eo &teen Collins street, Watehing the father, it's a, long story; I'll tell you
far as to 40 ettything in hnite; One erowd of peoPle hurrying along to all abotit it some day. Meanwhile, you Reason and Emotion,
day several iterahers eke; -an etid elm- Imeiriese, the cabs darting here and have done her a service she will never
tor who Was renewned for his lezineee there, and the ceble tram:tone sliding forget» What st MysteriOus Onflict that le
driee past the dub at a fur -9u3 gate; entelOthly Meng. Painting a Moment .Much good it Will be to me," saiii betWeerl the reasoning power, which
and loudly 'they chueltled at the near the Scotch Chureh they heard a Keith disbelievingly. keeps pointing Out the eiglet read, and
' thought of Haien him, But en ,ac-CUS- street organ playing a bright inelOdy. . ' , an ill -regulated emotional !amity,
YOu ve exactly nit it," said tare.
Ing him on the ground of kis ltavieg "What tete its that?" asked,, Ideitdh,
OMpoeedle. "She can do you ft great whiele seeks to draw one alOng the
been In ?Ugh a, hurry the docner sow- as they resumed their walk. Smut s wrong road. Indulging the wrong 'lab.
deal of good, -Seeing that she Is the
awful pretty "its alwaya makes the tipivard path so
reigning avor e o o stage at pros. numb. steeper and the downward path
"Song froth 'Prinee Carnival,'" re -
Plied Egra, referring to an OPera, then eta. I will introdve you to her to 00 rgueh melee, non fortunate that
coinciden tette the entire earth at one — I
ly replied, "No. I ii -amen in it hurrY,
hut my mare wanted to go ft1.7vt, arid I
was too bay ta atop her."
"What is your dog's name'?" "I don't
know yet," replied tho pail.nt man,
am still experlinonting. have
tried nearly alt the dog narne3 I can
think of and he doesn't artswcr to any
of tham,"'--Waahirigton atar,
running at the Ilon-Don Theatre. hfght, and the,n— Man iS Whose false sleps are arrested
"Caprice singe it." "Well?" by a friendly touch of cOtemonieense
"Oh, Caprlee, I'd like to see that Era shrugged his shoulders, and re- aitiguised in a flash of satire; L• Sir
opera," said Iteith. "You might take plied elowly:George Reid.
M6 to the theatre to -morrow night to "The beet friend an einhitIons man
F0 IL" Cart haVe la a elever Weetilln; a wiser L
03ita'a moat diffiettlt eeektall le an
.‘e.V, Wen," hooted Zt* m
ara. not* thah I made that remark." atteMpt to Mix businsse aud plesettre,
Of the many dangers which beset
navigators of the tropical rivers of
South America- perhapsthe natives
fear the eting ray most. It is poison.-
oua and is to be found in very large
nuinbers whee the river is lOw. That
Is the time when boatmen have to
get in the water to push their calyces
over the ahallows. They are often
stung by the tail of the ray and uet-
ually die unless medical assistance is
preneptly given. The ray canna be
seen, as it fe of the same color as the
sand on which it coils itself. The sten
of its sharp krtifelike tail is the un-
wary navigator's first altinuttion of
its presence.—Pearson's Weekly,
, PlieidEetema, Asthma, Oaterrh, Pimplek
Dyspepsia, Epilepsy, Rheumatism, Skin, lot.
nay, Mood, Nerve and Riadder Olteases,
Call or seed history far free odviet, Mediaei
hartiol od in tablet form, lisum-10 ate. to 1 gr.w.
aod I to 6 p.m. Sundays --10 e.m, to a pl.
Ceitsalletlee tree vat(e.
10 Teem. the Toteate, Oat, 1.
Pieta. latntloo This Piper,
myeelf would use any other medicine
Lor our little ones." The Tablets are
sold by medicine dealer.; or by mail
at 25 cents a box from Vie Dr. Wil-
liams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
ISSUE NO. 40, 1918
4., .0,-
A4 also apprentlees. Steady work. Ilighe
est wages paid. Apply; filingsby Mfg.
Co. Ltd. Brantford, Ont.
or Ironing. Two in family. Appev to
Mrs. 1Vizite, 10 St. Matthew's Ave., Awn'
liton, Ont.
Dominion Express Money Order. Vivo
dollars costa three cents.
L4 and light sewing at home, whole or
mare time; good pay; work sent anY
distance, chargee paid. Send stamp for
Particulars. National Manufecturing
Company, Montreal.
"I Price delivered at Bothwell. Reid
Bros., Bothwell, Ont,
and Motor all complete, also Two
Dump. V". gons. Apply Thos. Myles' Sons,
Harnilt.N Ont.
-^DUril a M grades; dehorned; about
one thousand pounds; an extra fine lot
to finish for Christmas beef. Apply W.
41. Littlefield, Brantford, Ont. Telephone
SPeedside, for sale; on the premises iii a
'good stone house, up -to- date bank barn;
igood stables, p with water; closed in shed.
b° 27, Concession 2, Eramosa, near
fenced, well watered; five miles from
lggery; hennery, sheep pen, never
failing well, windmill, good orchard;
farm in good state of cultivation, well
Fergus, ten from Guelph; school -house
'end two churches close by. Apply on
premises, Meg. Lena Leybourne, Rock -
t4 wood, R. R. No. 3, Ont.
I promise to send you a FREE tr. •
of the new absorption treatment, and
references from your own locality it
you will but write and ask. I assure
you of immediate relief, nend no
money, but tell others of tbis offer.
Windsor, ',Int.'
Strategic Site of Bagdad.
To appreciate Bagdad one must
come to it tut the Arabs do, and as I
have done, out of the desert. How
beautiful it seems as you see it in
the distance, a mass of verdant palm
trees' rising out of the treeless
and glittering about these the wonder.,
fail gold domes of the mosque tombs
in ,the sacred and fanatical suberb of
Kazemain! Bagdad straddles the
Tigris at the point where that river
and the Euphrates most nearly ap-
proach, opposite a natural caravan
route up the Diyala River, which joins
the Tigris at this point, through the
Zagros or Pushttaly Mountains to
Kermanshah, and Hamadan in Pereia,
and so ea to. Central Asia. Com-
manding both the river route south-
ward to the Persian Gulf, and the
caravan routes northward up the
Tigris to Asia Minor arid the Black
Sea, and westward up the Euphrates
to Syria and the Mediterranean, as
well as the road eastward to Persia
and Central .Asia, this general locality
Is the natural site of a capital.—
American Review of Reviews.
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
At the Chinese Play.
We ascend by way of narrow, rick-
ety stairs and -find ourselves in a
three-sicied balcony with boxes in
tiers. The space near the wall is
left for the passage way. Our box
will seat about eighteen persons, and
contains very -comfortable chairs and
a nice little shelf for the teaeups and
eatables, with a gutter attaehed to
reolve the debris. We are no sooner
seated when the ticket man ap-
proaches. After a polite inquiry as to
the state of our health, and hoping
we shall enjoy the performance and
assuring as of honor we are bestow -
bag upon the theatre by being pre-
sent, he- would appreciate very much
our handing over the eequired amount
Lor the tickets. Wo ask him the sum
total of thie important transaction
and he replies, 'Six dinece for the
tickets and six cents foe the ushers
and coolies, for each person. Ushere
and coolies are allowed one cent for
°eery ten tents paid." After this gen-
erous thanks and, "Bening your par-
don for disturbing You," he takes his
departure, but is quickly followed by
ceolie bringing teapots and cups.
He plates those on the little Shelf and
leaves without a word. As soon as he
hed—dieappeared another coolie ar-
rives, bringing a number of small
dishes, each filled with the delica,cles
of tbe eeasen, but always including
the water melon seed. You notice the
Same performance going on all about
you and wonder just how a Chinese
gentleman would feel if he had to alt
through Oro theatrical performance
without his teapot and melon seed,—
Freak S. William in "Asia."
Minard's Liniment Cures Cold*, etc,
• et- •
A town. Good building—soma bu811.
Easy terms. D. L. Gilmour, Collingwood,
splendid soil; fine dwelling; largo
barn on 8 foot concrete walls; good water;
garage; telephone, Ten acres bush (hard
timber) $8500. Terms $1000 cash. Retiring.
130X 14. 'ramblings P. 0. Ont.
•••' veniences—one and lialf acres of
garden. For full particulars apply Box
e43. Barrie.
ous Layers; English White Leghorns,
Hens, Cockerels, Pullets. $2.00 and $2.50
each (Breeding pen mated); 6 SillIcian
Butter Cup hens unrelated Cockerel
$14.00; 6 English Pencilled Indian Runner
ducks unrelated Drake $14.00. Square
deal guaranteed. For particulars write.
John W. Nash. 534 4th Ave. Owen Sound,
.A. Dootor's Ten -barreled Gun.
Maxim's was by no means the first
machine-gun. During the Civil war
a Chicago physician brought out a very
ingenious ten -barreled gun, the bar-
rels being fired one after the other by
the turning of a hand -crank. Al-
though Dr. Gatling was a graduate of
a medical school, he was far more
fond of tinkering with machinery than
doling out pills. He invented a num-
ber of clever mechanisms, but the one
that made him really famous was thae
machine gun. At first our govern-
ment did not take the invention ser-
iously. It was tried out in the war,
but whenever It went into battle it
was fired not by soldiers, but by a
representative of Dr. Gatling's com-
pany, who went into the army to
demonstrate the worth of the inven-
tion seriously. It was tried out in the
war, but whenever it went into bat-
tle it was fired not by soldiers, but
by a representative of Dr. Gatling's
company, who went into the army to
demonstrate the world of the inven-
tion. Not until long after was the
Gatling gun officially adopted by our
army. Then it was taken up by
many of the European armies as well.
Although mane other machine guns
were invented, the Gating was easily
the best and most serviceable, until
the Maxim invention made its appear-
ance, and even then it held its own for
many years; but eventually it had to
succumb. The Maxim did not have
to be cranked—it fired itself, which
was a distinct advantage; and then,
instead of being a Winne of guns all
bound up in a single machine, Maxim's
was a single -barreled gun and hence
was much lighter and could be handled
much more easily.—"St. Nicholas,"
"And what did the doctor nay about
yet. eyes, Pat?"
••fledar), he said les suelt a ettulition
they're in oril have to Rape oft think
fey 4. week."
▪ • 0-* - -
The man who baste that no woman
hos ever made a fool of hint may he a
self.Made 0115.
4-4-1 I t
YOttr persistent backache can bays
but one cause—Diseased Kitner—
and that muet be strengthentd befoie
thti'brickache can be curet.
Your best remedy, and ;•he quickest
to act, is Dr. Hamilton's Pills; they
cure kidney backache in a hurry.
Simply wonderful is the intim et this
grand old medicine, which for liver,
kidney and stomach disorders has ho
equal, Dr. Hamilton'a Pills will surely
cure your back weariness, taey
bring you appetite, color, strength
and good epirits. Being purely vege-
table they are Mild, not drastie. Get
a 25e. bottle, of Da Hamilton's Pills
td -day. '
We have, several good openings for ex-
perienced and inexperienced male and fe-
male help. We require girls for weaving
and winding. Every assistance given to
learners and good wages paid- during
apprenticeship. Worlcers in this nee
earn very high wages and are always
in demand. Only a couple of weeks' tine
necessary to learn. geveral good open-
ings for steady men. Special considera-
tion shown to family of workers, Rents
and cost of living reasonable in Brant-
ford. Moving expenses advanced to re-
liable families and housing accommoda-
tion arranged. Full particulars cheer-
fully furnished upon request. Write us.
CO., Limited Brantford, Ontario.
Holds the Carbon Paper.
'rho carbon sheet enters so largely in-
to the accounting systems at the pros-
- rut time that there has been felt a de•
mand for Some means of handling it
without getting its, sticky coating on the
fingers and clothing. There is hardly a
store of any importanee where the use
of the carbon paper is not resorted to es
a means of keeping tabs on the activities
of the soles -persons, but these slteets
are generally voted a, nuisance, becattse
they are heavily loaded with the trans-
fer material, they leave their mark on
everything with which they come in
contact. Tile, new idea contemplates ee.
curing the alteet on a roller in order that
it may be out of the way when arrang-
ing tlte sheete on which the copy is to
he nutde, and when the copying sheet is
desired, it may he pulled into place. The
earlent sheet is alwhyo under entire eon -
trot in this manner, and it is :else main -
tamed in good condition for use when
there Is demand for its services.
- • --
"Let's go for a littla drive," is a
Suiltastion that no longer dnoes wqh
eathasison in the Teatoutc =lad,
Monorail Autos.
Two -wheeled automobiles and tor•
pedoes with mechanical ears, to
chase :Mips by sound waves, are brain
products of Prof. Montraville M.
Wood, who gave a demonstration of
Itis inventions at the Union League
Club recently.
By radioactive paints, he asserts,
an expensive mural decoration may
be . manufactured which will furnish
so muck light a person may read by
"Within 10 years," he said, "there
will be plenty of non -skidding auto-
neebiles running on two wheels, built
on- the principle of the monorail and
reiaining their equilibrtm by means of
the gyroscope."
The "listening torpedo," of which
Professor Wood is the inventor, is
fitted with- delicate mechanical de-
vices which record the sound waves
made by a ship's screw and draws
the torpedo in that direction.
e I
MInard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
Little Things of Fashion.
Ostrich is usedon some of the
smart late summer hats of straw, with
especial effect on those of sailor shape.
Jet trimmings are shown on some
of the newest .serge ' frocks—buttons
and long, flat beads worked along in
straight or curved, but very simple
White jersey collars are worn a good
deal on dark jersey frocks.
Black satin sashes, with long frng-
ed ends—the fringe of heavy, knotted
silk —are much used on new frocks of
navy blue serge.
If you travel by motor this year,
and, many persons do, because of the
congestion on the railways, then you
may find a motor hamper conventeaL
There ere all sorts of hampers, made
of wicker or of leather, big enough to
hold a large lunch tor six or a seeall
lunch for two.
To Out Paper. 9
When you lost your knife or do not
have a pair ef scissors at' hand for
cutting the paper a common pin or
needle of atty kind serves the purpose
admirably, says Popular Science
elonthty, If it is a single sheet from
which the clipping is to be removeJ,
lay the part of another paper, hold
the pin slantwise so' that the point
will follow around the clipping, just
as if tracing Rs outline. Pass back
over the ecratch with the point in the
lead and you will be surprised heel
smoothly the pin euts the paper.
V : 4
Whether you be men or women, you
will never do anything in the world
without eourage. It is the greateet
quality of the mind --next to honor.—
James Lane Allen.
- .