HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-12-09, Page 8' • Tot ' ss e4f 't s ry„ ut *mu , •ol .* a onit *h. , y a.tittons, . iuto aiy X ,...,,,,_ _ ...,_.:,,,,, up .41, porp; strd 04_4 Act Saratoga uml 41 4'"'"*9', ole, that one 4100 Mr qtaint was. so• re revaioaely restored by the g'iniA Pills seitl ite,Orane ereseeneeel to trY the 1131041$ -. arortme, cor‘ 90 al,yllelf. ., •There,,,maa# be ierse ., A,,x „ toy rks" 1 obanee.for mejthealt, when* Men Wien ees e 61:04ii, wo,,,,..1041 liken, Iftlt;,linelpiessite ,,str i,seeee gee pen tout' ellerebterrleami peetellietereandhiproonred 0 voit.,, ,n.to a %reply, Of ' the Pink Pills. *ad tbesel no mOuqf 1)0 lionv for 14r W, 9ornLoBlwren Int VI/W/00N our popular and Irind 11000/4 generel, eeesel ,,neenteeeifees, ,peee, ,eeees's hnmodlotely. :0010/110.110ed '*iteieg;'*Witle the 5p,t4or,19:040q,ot...00tio*.loy.t0 retait X 40 ,desintibed, .114 -*Roe. pahlisiongeoopootOef elee&eliletni 4-eSeellteetettotoa.)4 .inte4.40.0peite, ones • eariene 'VetSree Canada •efeelle n'71,901elerAteet' nee Ile Walt* teet, Seetee; We Mime confeele . Wiese ie reeeldlelittiete Peel augetty efeenell 40pir,that,We, laws: paid little PP n; 'MUM' thh°' lifiC/t.,1.1" T7'14);,414 "R"'"3944 °" le° en to, these repotted mirsoles, -and prob. 1 ze„4:13^^17°A, eelesesee„ re en,Y nett e'e Ile, , Is 4r0404104o woo:4(108e obat p, "WI'F OA a Menem nerfUnteettele eine WOOld :feieeenet,lie, tt. not ,beenfor a Sti.ttle inet, . est that eCoarred,in our of4ce when Waeht. are,fe.„ Otte* ' was tie Orivefeleille • a len. /new ego..,jo ,atelltkto Xsetee't a Vesteeee e. lesnele lerereet •.,0# Albion '•tewneetip, ' e eeekel•eueeeeedteceeeeswieeleavieg we- happeoed : A 0,0+04 X drove deeene to tees volageleee e t011eileee'eineeeffllee ell beeft4eefe an thatoe- ' ee „, „, I ' eteereleele kinense Penes° geeentely peeeued by teilttle et Tele- It Was inIN-pril X cont - 1 not be erhatia ingrate refused o sound the Pralgies Of Pink Wel P1911'. if $0t no lentee• then ,1' reM tiew 4311011, be feeeeer grateful for what hoe helm done -tOrilne. • X. boa great hope 'that be One° will ge untin,e'igt c00414001Y; o y fare out the 0 artitilr 0$0, W9104' A* rut " 131).411', ir arvest 'Bs?" *14N•°144.44 °9/7* " e Ant s rah* arlInted Ober man* it', *Viali/-4/115' V11°F. °Q$1431V`c'°'.. Ubietei, eite' eat, down 41,11p4Xlifteng4t rPliVIIIPOlo$0 *17,r41.1'44/P" . !Ova thrill of motion ear4 ,.t410 Xra:ar' 13alikt/Y i5'°°°° 11119/* aintg' .1419imy , 1004. tarreeli4 *lee ' Se, le in )3eston. IVEL,E49,11147 So, stywikiltto 000rwa oharn:es, A ATItOot% What. rese, been •40Ing, ‘Spwing peete inlee does ppti proton tto eniletenil neelleeeet Onlr,n, compiler o ' • the'newspeper 111a11 Ln search 9ktieWar-if, Menoe4 naing the pills, rind the friends • Vim OW Me tarred mercelyebelieve their re res,anythnig oeW m his yiemitY. o the ' 00000444re was • re>thing, Yery stare. i ng,,aoliopowed tuts uelae aeltieeette, if vie Veneedof the'',:iemid.ereut ciree ota man cniad, fIewitt. moo° Vo .9.9114 seed,V4zenoel,Ondthea X&Ieen 'lead In* What 4,110,.bad 110044 it vio 40- PiAe431'.' another roiracootoc., ore 00,14'010 of Di: fe.mous,, tnit4 140091;90 thoroughly 44,:014o.a vituAlw.edeeetleat ebe various rie- '.0,eieeeteemittielret ire other Parts were only oa,CatoAliigtslto ht the beoMmg of '040•11f eseereiiehees that We must admit Mr estieeetlinelinatifin of, es genaiee loom sure .i4eastieicetted earlistenist. We took a seeefiteroeSthe neeneetan; enzietee pae,40 nee our r.ttkillia.lt0J4,49getteVae &letter at Our ear- ' eeVe eirati to the oonclu, eyes. It WOO bete tine epPearanee 0 a enee teeeee an aplateieien, "Oh, I tell, yeti, ter," ;Said the grateful Man with entlettaimm, "it is my full iotentioa to write a pampelee on ell that I beee gene througn, on isle eete has been One for me, and you may be sure that the chief Prominence will be given to Dr. Williams' pink pills. They are a boon which menet Feasibly be too widely knows," • Tim Seoul' comiorioneree. • The teporter, goeld. seemly believe that Mr Hewitt's now 80 silvery and retie - meat was ever the squeaky, feeble and -in- distinct organ of speech he had indented, and the scribe qUestioeted Mrs Beneon ore* this point. She said that every word Mr Hewitt had related was litereely true, and the hestlay rm and. tattoo fog evahge, Ilstie workers ,And seryiees, say: Ilikat It xnach More dltDVOlt to 600 00a,WOrdkr than $ood Mae ; 3*, "bestt Vorcla aotne frOMJ Angland; tno tnuie‘whitile beet'enits,, oar , pap:pose OOIllee frele Ante elef "Thst'xi nue he otid tQ sWigf the seed pf ,tardishect name, lay tone is gOnei aildfX141T,w• .i4q*ing 010 sookof eterilistehetner UO, Niqke so',ilietnrhed that OS fi9911, ao the 0173810g ,Ondod cletor. rained to,-OrtiOWEI'' out, those,`000,viotttig Tho, tato ry; nt foxy. or the gospel lines' with, runs , entore Or brittle 0,114 topes, IS the historYinkpee, fOr raised the glass to his. found and, striking. rellgions'e*nerzene. llpS, an& set it down netasted,, .§0, olv olds.% "As , attempted to drink," he sald„ , The 4140,, ,, .,,, .., . :, ., •. wlseir ottligeoptently lw. toia.blaf.ototy, f1:thui 40t,o .00 trioio.k4;1:ivii,k0: An homini-m-7:° JIA-9-1/10:WW-6;404-94.01q0:404t. WiWeilgge8tOCItO:N.P.• 010$ by beitiiiiq: lia:rir(,)alai ',What:. 'Phan tha ha4'.04 1 `the '0 -bevies, "Oh, how 1-lovse„.,Tesas. beT: • n long, soon& of oiy pooil 44C) Ilezt (147 xomPa 1144 to ,tbe Tee love -(,,hrist," said ' Mr " Melee and .noW ;I will sing. oe his lieVe,f,or inp." this thought . mind. he NVrOte' theehyiner. Mr Sankel- 'saYa. that a lite tie girl who was dying bete beautiful testunerly to the power of these eeveet 1108 4 • on the questIon of e o Vet a a *eateirtheekeeeretnest he something in it, for 1 , , ' 4Maetineterespecteble apct reliable young voice sue Was eorroberated by Mr AldOila, and other respectable witnesses whom the einiere would not for a snot:tient be ens. reporter met in the village later in the day. eeerse,eteelersocating on a matter in which Mr &Mous said he was not surprised at the ltd:,40gtope* jitin„ A few asy, age oe hesitancy of people about believing the wonderful cure. He did not think that he ie OLY,IFkterefit RE011 less, in One Which a_ st'lleip:ateletia ts representative to Mono himself could credit it if he hed not been illeetneneliteesetalinvesagetion of the al, an eye witness of the whole affair. He had , 04 xe Jeep : Aldeeei reprover of eel known Mr Hevlitt for years, knew 00.4 ins former utter helplessness was as be had de- " Oure be (Merge Hewitt.. lie first call- Sineneermeleelotele wad atter a few usna seribed, and either he had to Bay it was not ' eu4iiwieo,00koa. him if lie knew a man Mr Hewitt Who sat before him or admit ienere,Ilervite, in the village. "Is that the the miraculous escape. "These pills," said 4314 inenenat, wasn't able to move a short Mr Aldnue, "are certainly a wonderful •,steereinfeegos oina ,i8 now getting all right so remedy." ,•eleedderi pesent, and in less time than it takes son and the cheerful Mr Hewitt, and start - The reporter shook hands with Mrs Ben- ;30iir ' 4049a, Mr Aldous. The reporter - . 'tell, it ehe ,quilltirtver and the obliging ed forth into the street a doubting Thomas retaetis were OD elleir. Way to the neat no longer, first rromising to transmit to • e*ii4 eeneteeetlible, home of Mr Samuel Be- the Dr.Williams' Medicine Co. Mr Hewitt's : eons *Atli vslapete, it was -horned Mr .Hewitt lavish expression of thanks for what their and wonderful Pink Pills had done for him. eeOesistecl, ,, %hp; BEnitioll ' ILIOTOR is in the otiou tlio reponv. and ve melees caning, "Here we are," thotight the scribe, "in the cold and practical nineteenth century, but eseeetfien. suburb of the littls, village, Abner -were' courteeuele received by the basy here's something right here in this little e ell:anise:Wife, vehe Witt rid too'bupy, however, village of Mono Mills mighty closely bor- e Ateeetareseenee to tell tbe Post all about her dering in the miraculous all the same." *•antereiting eioarder • and hif, miraculous After leaving the Benson home tbe bese .'ele Beeson was not at home, and porter sought out Postmaster Mills whom re- the'S',Pint at mem suspected that a gentleman he found equally eloquent in his praise of .!,,•;it:boivoon- Wend 60 years, wisp occupied the wonderful Pink Pills, "They're Gee- se, ' z.blieerein the corner of the cosy room, was tainly a great remedy," said be, "and any- Vothei eheie the femme Geo. Hewitt. The one that doubts this has only to be eold 'nirelease prevedeorreet. edi Hewitt shook about George Hewitt's case. I suppose 'Oetends with the scribe, remarking as he did you have heard the whole story, and theme; i_i `1:'00Ula not have taken hold of your no use in my worrying you. Tlae pills have ender, Sew Menthe ago." When the ob. undoubtedly worked the amazing change t ofehe Weill Was aunouneed, MeHewitt, that ie to be noticed in Hewitt% condition. Angtenatlate•an 4oweng4ermeeenesthee • * lidl'effeau intelligene;well educated man, :wonderful change that had come over him. -"Shall I tell yen. the whole story?" Asked lie of. the reporter, and upon the latter in - b18 desire to hear eel, Mr Hewiet eveIrea twrogantipiii,yearife---- - .,..„. , n. f le' beknaele aganr, *With, that solemn (11105 tion ringing in his eftl'e# Christian gentiornau, ad4roosed, hint and heard hi pathetie story. They prayed to- gether, and the trerabling dranleard. listened to the good news that evenbe might be saved from the 'eternal ig(,)TitiA yen: reMenthor," sile, said, He 1411re ele.'el'ieVede he entered SePee the "aaa TharadaY When "n were .veaneh- right way, and walked therein. The loves nie,' jug tl. to Ong, 4,1 ens rio 004 two Jeoki* seagemeng areeeleare• steed geoety. on and 'don't yell reMeneber his feet, a refeferreed Christian Dian. One day fuSt before Mr SankeY- 'hoi°1We le,YeTrets°14to.tlieiratil,ahtelfwvaellieYe..egtZ 'from wherse rearratiVe We hane con- Sienkey,a.dde, "What that little dying • deneed this story -left the PUY, the Man Pante to bine. "Here is a letter," and I gave Wine to hiiii," And Mr girl stud to nae helped to cheer me Ma he said. e`I want to read yettr. It isi more than anything I had done before, from eny little girl. My .wite and I because sbe Was my first convert." have been. separatedh. for eight years I "I am so ad that our Father in have not seen them." Heaven," by 1'. P. Bliss, matt the heart I Then with tears lee made "Papa, I and souleef the first volume of the Gos- knew that you would come Meek to us pel Hymns. The hymn was the rally- 1 some time. I knew that the Lord mg song of the great Scottisb. revival. I would flnd you, for I have been pray - "Oh that son 1" said a young man ing for you all these years." who attendeda undaY whole Mee g in a hamlet in Missouri, under the work of the American Sunday School Union, "I eould not, get away from it • A vast fortune Was left in the hands and it has saved me.' of a minister for -one of his poor par- ishioners. Fearing that it might be squandered if suddenly bestowed uport him, the wise minister sent him a little at a time, with a note saying, "This is thine; use it wisely; there es more to follow." "Brethren, th.at's just the way God deals with us," said Mr Moody. The narrative ofe"Tell me the old,old story," is given by Dr. Doane, of Cher cinnati. "I did not write the words, and there are very few persons who know how they originally catne into my posses- sion, or boy whom they were wi itten. They were produced by Miss Kate Hankey, an English lady of distinction. In 1807 1 was attending_ the interna- tional meeting of the Y. M. C. A. at Montreal. Among those present was Major-General Russell, then in com- mand of the English forces during the Fenian excitement.. He arose in the meeting and read the words of the song from a sheet of foolscap paper, the tears streaming down his bronzed cheeks as he read. "I was much impressed, and immedi- ately requested the privilege of making a copy. He gave me the copy from which he had read. I wrote the music for the song while on the stage coach, one hot sunamer afternoon, between the Glenn Falls House and the Craw- • 1 -ean-vertifystoeshe strikingsehangee" -The- , ler-el -1-Jeusee In the White 013 • It was I first sent for the ptlls for him, an That eVeleine w6-eilirtt r -us -Tor-rifira reporter further learned that the Pink -' s n of the hotel, and thought it pretty, Pills were kept for sale by Mr Mills, and though we scarcely anticipated the -•that the demand for them was large and opeularity. which was sulaseenently.ac- eorversed with many other citizens of e l'aealt' 'll"elfteilaille Pilb1161"ind- in sheet form in Cincinnati. eirscreasing.-Thezepresentative of threPos Mono Mills regarding Mr Hewitt's case, Miss Hankney was the daughter df and found all agreed on the question of his an English banker. former condition, his restoiation and the "Whosoever Will," by P. P. Bliss, remedy. Every one in and around the vil- was ' written during. the winter of1869 lege, in fact, appeared t� know all about and '70, after hearing Henry Moore- hoesehold word in that 'Motion. On The house, of England, preach from the text, "God so loved the world that he the cure, and Pink Pills seemed to be a Alters, ex -warden of Dufferin county, drop- gave his only begotten Son, that who- soever believeth in him should not per - Post's return to Orangeville, Mr Richard ped into our take. The ex -warden resides isle but have everlasting life," (John, Ili, was asked if he had heard anything about 10.) Mr Moorebouse preached in Chi - what Dr Williams' Pink Pills bad done for cago every night for a, week from this Mr Hewitt. He had heard all about the same text, and the new views of the ease, and was unhesitating in expressing freeness and fulness of the ineritation the opinion thee this was a striking' in- of the gospel to sinners that many stance of greet results following the use of Christians at that time received are the pills. "I'm not much of a believer in well expressed in Mr Bliss' hymn. "Rescue the perishingee has become wonderful cures I read about," said the ex - warden, "but I have known Hewitt for the favorite song of workers among years, and this ohange in him is certainly the tempted and unscheoled classes in -getout-meg., Thsestereet weeeseleodeee to 11 Chrtstian lands. --Of this, itesegaitle- heae that Dr Williams' Pink Pills were extensively used in this section, but after the Hewitt narrative it was not surprised to heir of great beneficial results following the use of the great remedy. We are dis- posed to conclude from what some parties told us, that the base imitation business is already entered upon by unprincipled per- sons, and the public will do well toffee that • the Pink Pills they purchase have all the marks of genuineness advertised by the Dr Williams' Medicine Company. Dr Williams' Pink Pllis are not a patent medicine in the eense m which that. term ire, usually understood, but a specific prepa- eition. They contain in a condensed form all the elements necessary to give neve life and eiohness to the blood, and restore Mat. ,:•"; 1)31111agh BRINGS it Ease and Comfort • thsysfproz'vt,(sii-abevaotall, „ b» yu euet to It4i4 • y ' 'totten RoaKes and.LeaderTurrittoes , tiCe:ii;01111; (1714-47 OTC" ttif *net think Oe it, o' ver 4A,004 Oansdian homea boc,I4 with ()anode's Vevorite Atoyea 134#000, • " • ° HE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST JJLehigh Valley 0oal. Ten More ears of We celebe&tee, 'oetne expected sleety. Place your (adore at once and secure IOW Pr ,,e, 00 • STOVES AND 'HARDWARE, • , A.T.,,IIECT431Etir Srr C11[...fiNrrc)xii. • lit713 CIROCERVP We are now talking .Christmas Goods and we think we have something fine. In LAMP • goods we have Hanging Lamps for the dining room, parlor and library. We have some of the finest Parlor Lamps in town. CHINAWARE in ale varieties of style; Tea Sets, Toilet Sets with Slop Jar. You want to see our Fancy Goods to appreoiate ehero-verse • suitable for Christmas Presents. LondonGROCERIESIgounrntiorseurrEaTterheas and flee off stalk Palencie.s. In CURRANTS we arrived -in la layers, Itienose 1;earysa, have the Poster° in cases. very fine; Pellas in bbls. In FIGS we have .the Crown in 1lb and 201b boxes and the natural Figs for cooking. PEELS -Lemon, Orange and Citron. We think we can supply the wants of the most particular customer at prices , to suit the holiday trade. 1 ^ - CLINTON • Kahn's Perfection Wafers nit HEWITT'S WONDERFUL STORII. o' • 44IE old Ireland, thirty years ago, I was nesting a stone will one day when .1 fell "teckwerd and had rdy spine mimed so ser- eititiely that a short time later I became al- most enter' ely disabled. The fatal effects .of the fall were gradually but only too , rapidly felt, and looking back cin a stretch nine extending five years over a quarter .of acentury, there is little more in the pro- eepeet than a picture of peen and gloom and nuffering. About twenty-eight years ago came to Canada and am known around 4lie country here for miles. Until twelve ' eezererfs.age I could sit on a ohair when placed e .on it, end menage to move myself around a little: Then even thee opmfort was Bud- ., ,denly taken from me. One day I was un- eintentionally thrown off the chair, and the %second fall may be said to haeodone all but ssendsmyslifees.. Theree.was not, %ray of hope Aloe meeiot a sign of a lireakin dark clou,ds. 'tver•since,then my pitiable condition is ;elinown to every one in these parts. All :power to use either arms or hands, legs or tell, completely left me. I. could be prop - pea *Wet in a choir, but something had tie,be pot" in front of me to keep me from ifelbagefarward. Usually a chair like this," arid as Mr neWitt spoke he lifted and dew leeward a chide which was near hiro, "was Vexed in front.of we and on this I would rest ray arms. Not only was all power Met my limbs, but every feeling likewise. • Why, you meld run a needle right into my /leen and 1 would not knees what yell were 4015 *unless I saw the act. A Myriad. of ilie might revel on me, bttt would be in happy. ignotance of tbe fact, When I • Vial IRA in bed I could not get up or move • lenaiaed if I was given all oreation. The only part of my system in which any idningth seemed to eeniaire was my neck, but at last even my head fellforward on my s breast, and I was indeed a pitiable sight. •'Uy voice, fortnerly dear and ringing as aerie to -day, ile9tilea to go like the strengtb .afadiereeling from the rest of me, and soute- :4;001 vieuld seeetely be abler to make niy: elleleeindinstood. I know you bear me with anerednlitee, you can scarcely believe !;eleatetlie ',between and hopeleee invalid I elestieihed is the Man who now sits bo - bore „ ran &beery, vigerOtel and hopeful. Anuthe 1940,,Which a short title ago were '. liana emparie melees, lean now walk 'eesiettle eferistartoe, being able Test „,:everiing tots to MY Note vSith my arra on 111fre ileteenee elleillaer, Why, Man, & few ego' 000m not do that on the pro- eseellte Of inheriting the bingliere of heavete"; " neeleMe Pfewitt eehieeleed bah feet on the 4locreevith Muds .vigor entleuslasin. "In Ilene &pee' hesteetleatel, "ie I ever wrote; isnything.it *ads sloy, platting the hondie oft. Itho tom tothreen Int teeth and gelling! Miss Fanny Crosby, the blind hymnist, , was the author. In the mission meet- ;eau was sent, to Spencerwoo . ing she attended one evening, the latest move, however, was unexpected. hymn was sung, and at its close a •People thought he would not now at - young man arose and said that that tempt to embatrass the new Federal hymn brought him to Jesus. Then he Premier. told of his wanderings, and how he had wasted his time and money in drink, and those other vices that are sure to follow; but passing along the street one night without a cent in his pocket, ragged, cold and hungry, he heard 80•IVE voices singing: !•Reectio the wishing, Care for the dyinii, Snatch them in pity Irrom sin and the grave." He followed the sound of the voices until •he came to the buildinw where . . went -;•.• IT EE poor soaps 011(1 01(1 fashioned waya of washing, it is cruel and hard upon women of advancing years to attempt laundry work. But with the World - uriffight Soap, A RAPID ANT) POSITIVE REMEDY FOR THE ABSOLUTE CURE OF Nervous Disorders and Debility, Spinal Exhaustion, Bad Complexion, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Physical Decay and General Weakness. Also KAHN'S PEN.NYROYAL W AYERS for sale by CO1V113333 $NOW AND COLD WEATHER Anybody can do a Wash with com- parative ease by following the simple directions with o'SUNLIGHT" there's no hard rubbing, sore knuckles, hot steam, or tired backs. A trial will astonish you. '46111.11111111111.' Worfis : Pt. Sunlight Lever Brea.. Limited Near Birkenhead Toronto Rumors at e afloat that Premier De Boucherville, of Quebec, has notified Sir John Thouipson that he will resign in the event of -Mr Cbapleares appoint - merit as Governor of the Province. No confirmation has been received, but this much is admitted; Mr De Bombe' - ville and Mr Chapleau are anything but warm friends. Some time ago Mr De _Boucherville notifiedeSireleanasAbs, bott that he would resign if Mr Ch Weed nerves. They are an unfailing spe. 'therm was a mission mee g. cifie tor such diseases as locomotor Maxie), ',intreted sat down on the back seat and neuralgia, rheumatiern, nervous headache, listened to the words of that hymn. the r fter effects of la grippe, palpitation of "I was just ready to perish that night," eh° 1, art, pale and sallow complexions, and he said, "but that hymn by the grace the ti. el feeling resulting from nervous of God saved me." Loving hands min- prostrat ei; all diseases depending upon istered to him in Jesus' name after he vitiated 'femora in the blood, each as gored- had told them thar he wanted to leave uleeehronic erysipelas, etc. They are alas the evil life and become a good man. a specific for troubles peculiar to the fe-, The workers -for Christ "wept o'er the - males, such as suppressions, irregularities, erring one, lifted the fallen, and told and all forint; of vreeeiness. They build up him of Jesus the mighty to save." the blood end restore the glow of health to When the young man finished his pale and sallow cheeks. In the case of story he said that he' had a . great de - men they effeet a radical cure in all cases sirs to meet the writer of that hymn, erising from mental worry, overwork, or and tell her what it had done for his excesses of whatever nature. sone. It Was a singular coineidence Thine Pill* ere menufactured by tbe Dr. that his wish Was to be gratified that William's liedieine Company, Brotakville very night, and what it great joy must Ont., and Soheneotady, N.Y., and are sold have filled the author's heart vhen she only in 136xes bearing ear trademark and was led up. to the speaker, and could Wratipor,, at ,60 OontS a box, or ilia boxes Mr take his hand and say "I Wrote that $0,4' eBear ins mind that De. Williams' hymn," , Pink:Pills see never sold in bulk, or by the “What Shag the liarteest Be ?" else a 04.0t boarea, and, an Y &seer who by P. P. Blisselme an interesting bes- et .ealestittitets in this form is trying be toe*. Ai; iia Yila tatif shoula be averded, Dr. • One night, at rdan, staggeeing threrigh Williathe Pink Piles may be lead of' ill the Streets tit Chitago„ noticed the pen- detiggilite or aired by mail frotia 11‘r Wil- pie entering a large, lighted building. Renee Meakine CerneenY Irene either ad- Ignorant that it Wag the Tabernieele, declares& Vele priee et *lab these olio 0.re -h Messrs Moody and Sankey were sold Mahe it efitirfie bf treatneent corneae- eselellseg te)igippg tpoettigo, be etyger- renicalea or medicod treetinerit. poste Which supported the roOL . ' „• • wove% elee Werbetti athooletwi:Ye vetett tn. elteletnrieasir,Vte ".116'ru' isbialrlinegftel6e' "it tettillfics Ott Arno n .,"Ork '?Iregtja, ;Vitt- .it Etilirligilett: 1°141Le"beit'ti'ervi°"lis', oY ice ree elet .4°11441°14 f° t %box ib) atieelY ineeeseneleeeee eerenetta with °Pee -da, titia sat tiOven. neat otie O the' ot, Vele.• .sern *train* leoitol, Ara, ry ariosort Of firlitilten stupor heleatied lettere„ flottta6 yoa,htwo hoo.t inane. run uu ursloi • his bead, figebeett the pint Spenething 440,Vhis wrought, this Weildeeetilithetege Tee .74Atim,ii,tomputAtt.idiawat ,00.1 ot tonsea titn, letto 11.4144,, foes a the • emea ixdolbt hop. for A*1.111066 ilifirizitbeinergetindytitt tin try . reit -itievtor • Anew I teethe The "Porte end alert fia, et*, .41,1410blunkstarsthentrio. they leuinever , people ,disturbed hitn, "This, is n eee Via 031'8601010 Otelt4001.04 Dr il- tailed-% onto. 'We are SO *oldie of it 'mese eee to himself, mill d d d MOW • ss iltit* et° /n14 r ' ett ItAletnitlist • fee es f6trit.'60 t bt telt 'on Sea toe beek sod .1 rtes. liable' ',ink tiller liat holt et( , benknet sindyou slay . Mrs. H. B. West of Cornwallis, Nova Soothe Winter has arrived and we are prepared for it. See our OVERCOATS for Men „ and Boys- eGood_T.WEED$ for STILTS for Men and Boys. A large assolt- ment of UNDERSHIR VS and DRAWERS, Top Shirts and Cardigan Jackets:- - ' • - Mantle Cloths, Warm Wool Wraps and Dress Goods for Ladies' and Misses. Handseme Warm Caps andelaffiers. .While_ remembering the bead and body we have not forgotten the feet se well -we have Leather BOOTS and SHOES, Felt Boots and Shoes, Heavy and Light Rubbers, for Men and Boys,' also La- dies' and Misses Rubbers, mitts aots io fileaiitobas, Snow Excludere, Plain Cloth, Carnival, &c. Cardigaa Overshoes for Ladies' Boys,' Misses and Child- ' ren. Mackinaw Stockings for Men and Boys.' All at the eery lowest possible prices. Inspection invited. ADAMS' E MPO 1JM, R. .A.DA M S LONDESBORO $200 Worth Of Other Medicines Failed gy, But 4 Hottles of Hood's Sarsapwritto Cured. "11 is With pleaatire that tell of the great benefit derived frinit Heinen Sarsaparilla. For 8 year's I have been badly afilleted wlth Eryalpelat breakii4 out With riming Beres (hiring hot siminier months. I liani sometimes not been able to use my mobs for two months at a tinie. ,Beiairisclueed to try eleed's Sarsaparilla. I got ; °tie bottleitnit'spring, Onntnefieed usingit; fen ee retch uetteie, got two bettlen. Mote; took - them durhi the senmer, WAS able 14 do thy liciuSeworik and Walk two Mlles WM6111,1194, not done for Slit years; Wier I ete eitred eryei Iasi and rectironiena atiy (Alta altileted: to 1.130 Hood's Siirsztparitta 'Ant- hatties earn rebre, fee me that *200 worth ef Other thing it the.litat blood. .Plitilibt IMOWn." 11, sieset, • Olturth street, eornwafll', N. ti. HoOws PILL 114 natal. ' tAulkk be$818008, ;insoles, gala headaSite. IS* CT'ST1TilSO -THE LEADING - UNDERTAKER -AN6-- EMBALMER. ......mey•••••••• A FULL LIN OP GOODS KEPT STOCK, TbebestEmbalming Fluid used Splendid Hearse. ALBERT ST. 'CLINTON Residence over store. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL 41111.41111/10101111111117/fINIShi. THE RIGHT The new model (1 the Bookford Watch, when placed in a screw banal case, will fill a ion felt ...,Weixt-aniong . 1 armors, as it is not .dus • proof , • •L ,..--,- --.,•,,--T-..i,"v? only, but very strong. The plate 'which the . : •:;•"."-1:', wheels work betWeen, not being separated- by " - • '-vir,,r1C01 1,. • '-* :'i '':',''.: • pillars as n e WATCH But by the bottom plate being turned out of a solid piece of metal, with the edger lett et the top plate to rest on; it also being pendant or lever ' set with sunk balance to prevent breaking, mak•- For a Farmer -..',..; ing in an a good rong watch . 1 CURE FITS! Winn I sey I tine Ito not meen, Mandy to Ikon Mena rot jstre and then bias Sudo rehire asal8,.,I mein a etre. I bore wade theillieese et rirs, SIVILItP. m. rensedy to eine the 'Wont cases. hennas beket Wed le no reason for not now rewires a ouzo. sena at one* for a treatise and a Tree nettle et toy inhume smedg. Otte =PAM WA rotir.orrieS. kip G. Rater. M. c.,..,tse ADELAIDE ST. WEST. TORONTO, UHT. sX or FALLING 1110laiRthilk iiaionsaitser.lutiworont • JOS. BIDDLECOMBE • McLeod% System RENOVATOR . AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE. For leptire, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Peeps- tatiola of the Heart, Liver Conipleant, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Brenchille, Consrunption, Gall Stones, 3aundiee, tid- nay and 'Urinary Inseams, St. Vitue' Dander, Femele Irregularities and General Debility, LABORATORY, GODER14110 3. bt. motto Prop. and Minutia - Sold by J. R. Cortthe, (Mutt), S. WitsOk, . , GENERAL DEALER IN TININARE- 81.71tOte StetteTeeteNTon ' Repairing of lin Medi reseeptiy fleeted ea • onside rites. A 'trial toecited • • elatereatuieepeasesensitlyeranatert, tie. • tai corniniasion to loom part-tuno scents, modiest position. Good ebaneeror v8neemer4 Exelesiverterritoq. _mCat ewers oillereelieteet in and only_growets • • 1nboth Canad8and United Stott& Cleandatirdy _Steak true tone -rile, ilna flar treatment gonna, teed. 110Ditte town In our erdere. anneal, 410a "h from other honowyoti account •or low priest son peonller mowing. - gra: We con internit any ono not earning gle pre.iiiontil and bromine, Don't not tatebeetatoot prft: Vietie faitures tins or outer ghee Vi'd eart tusk oseniten petit iree. Addreee ror Peel 'MOWN l30,06.41o400ntinon =is laeosOloreliable4 TORO _