HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-12-09, Page 744,14a
4.004! ii11e4 vt It i4diear Wgktolt:Witkalgin ox Wig.thom mo*;0014ton
tleautlfully Engraved, Warranted for 21 yeara• • -1 A o .. ; • p•A .• A ,,,•'• • • A oAA .,,P6A. W.V. 1•,4,'
. Vona IA l',t 'Tdatiloel Gold'Weitoh*ith 111,01a or Waltham *eve/neat, upalcNkflii on
tiont**,,giavo, for., .rt11 W.f.:6 %4*,.,,,,,,,,,,41-, •,;• • •t• 1•,..• •• •• • •WArrylITIOW '
Sa.lid dein 88Ver (WWI Case with Elgin'oe Waltham meVament; “..,.,,,$.1 1 50
, , , .
spud Nickle Movement, 16 Jewels. patent • Regulator, .4regoet
4(3.1uetetl to Etna tgOld, fgr.• 1,0 i r r 1; i 0 0 , 0 • • • • , , • ..Al •,,,,,44,,4•4,
44'4*81)in'g$12 00
. .
, .. . . . , .
i'SPO Our DIAMOND RINGS, from : - , - - $5 to $30
oe our Plated .BROOCIIIES Warranted for one year 10 ets
'See ` our .Rolled‘ ,,ijiaie-d- &AIN'S, warranted for. 0 yrs, $2
. . ,
, . , , . ,
Lee ourSOLIIi ' GOLD 10 E RINGS for.- - ^i . - •- $1
. . . i_
.See DUI' 14 K SOLID GOLD PENS from -,';,, - ., $cvp
ee, out. i3etituBRACEL
l IOTNA BROOORES.from$1 up
, . ivo. ,.. . , ,
See our Ladies' STICK IINS.and BANGLES' from 500,: up
Soo our Solid Sterling Silver SOUVENIR SPOONS si 00
. . . ,
See our Beautiful Pieces of SILVERWARE from 26 cm:4S .
, . . .
1 Beaiitiful Manienre Sete, Ladies'gandsorne
Toilet Sets; Lovely Handkerchief and Glove
Boxes, Handsome Collar and Guff Boxes,
PuteeEt'from .15c; to 1.5O, gandgoMe Mantle Clocks and Vases. Buy one of our blew
Aeoordeotis for the boys, •,35c and 500, a fine present for the /wYe. BeineMber we carry
,Violins, Moothergene, ViOlhkStringe, &o„ and take orders for any Ifilid °illogical Goode
-Look at our rbpto goldenly they are very line and lie*: We can give you almost any-
thing you r4pt for Ohrititmas. Come and see us before you buy elsewBere—it will pay
yon. . 1 personally guarantee the above goods to be exactly as represented, and will glad-
ly refund money if they are not.
0 ,.
too sat oes
eetW Drill''Dry.
• We have All 'the latest styles of Felt goods in Ot ershoes, Felt
Boots, Felt Slippers, Sox and Rubbers. First-class goods at Low Prices
5 per cent off for cash.
. 2
See my stock of beautiful goods, offer-
ed at greatly reduced prices; they range
from $5 to $200. Having made my
purchases direct from the man ufactur-
. ers, I am enabled to sell to the best
. ,
Veat's Solid Gold 10k, 18 size, Elgin movement, full jewelled, $25 iro $35
eakent's Solid Gold I4k, 18 size, G.M. Wheeler movement, " 40
itdies Solid Gold 10k, 6 and 8 sizes, from 817 to $30
Ladies Solid Gold 14k, 0 and 8 sizes, from 18 to 45
"---''.- nt.'s Gold Filled, 18 size, 10k, warranted for 15 years 10 to 20
bent's Gold Filled. 18 size, 14k, warranted for 21 years 13 to 25
-Ladies Gold Filled, 6 and 8 sizes, 141c, ' warranted for 21 years15 to 20
Gent's Silver Watches, 8 ounce case, 18 size, stem wind, 10
Gent's Silver Watches, 4 ounce case, 18 size, key and stem wind, 11 to 20
Gent's Silver Watches, 3 ounce case, 10 size, key and stem wind, 5 to 25
"Gent's Silverine Watches, 3 ounce case, 18 size, key and stem wind. 3 to 10
-Ladies Solid Silver Watches, 6 and 8 sizes, stem wind 5 to 15
-Rockford, our Special Farmer's Watch, in all grades.
Swiss and German Watches, 10 jewel, fancy dials.
Non -Magnetic Watch; this has Special qualities against magnetism. -
'We Can change movements in siva the above quoted, as desired, prices to vary with quality of
Antrvriment. Our movemente consist of Waltham, which includes grades Broadway, Wm. Ellery,
' P.S. Bartlett and Oresent. Elgin, which includes B.W. Raymond, G. M. Wheeler. Hampden,
Seth Thomas and Oolumbus_, all which include 7,9, 11, 15 jewels. The higher grade of these
trievements, with Brequet Hairsprings, Patent Regulator, Compensation ftlatice, adjusted to
, . heat and cold. •
LVERWAREhave increased my
E) and am desirous of selling off my last year's
I stock of Silverware,
. stock, to make more room, and offer these
, . goods at greatly reduced prices.
ITCBI-S—See my stook of Gm/ RINGS, also Sor.rxemz
DIAMOND RINGS, at prices from $2 to $100.
BROOCHES—Solid Gold, Plated, and Italian novelties.
0 e""aler1...Clockfl ill great variety., for Hall, Parlor,
%N.., ..1.7bk... • Bedroom, Kitchen, &c. from $1 to $40.
1DDLECO1BE, Albert Street: Clinton
Limiurr T., cx.,i1verOINT
elta11081• of advertisement was 'sent in too
for this week. We annotinota a Bargain.
Look for advertUement x
The next ton days will both() best time to buy holiday goods of any kirtd, now that
our stock is at the flood tide and assortments thdrongbly .00mplete, especially 8$ no
thir.gs in Christmas Novelties are being laid in each week the Stock is really elegant,
' Of -ciiiiiiei you - STOAT mean ti',0 forget the boys when buying your Christmas Gifts by.
.. .
no means, YOU Can't afford to,' You must naturally glow with pride in seeing your littlo
chaps nicelY and neatly clothed :With good fitting Suit or Overcoat or both, and , whore can
you rig them out equal to taw stre—,no place equal in the County.
• s A becoming present 'to buy your *other, Your Father, or even your very best young inu,
. .
at this time of ths year, is something both useful and ornamentalt....A nice. warm Shaw]
Good Fur Cap, a' durable pair Kid Gloves, wn.eti Vie Or Silk Rand '
These would be right in line just now. Abundance here and all the latest, for next to
nothing ,in price,
• you Nc+ •GENTLEMEN
Now, when Dresses are bought for gifts and the judgment orthe giver is consulted rather
than the taste of the wearer, is the hafvest time of bargain goods. 'We have them in al
most endless variety. A nice MUFF and SToam COLLAR or Fua CAPE, a pair of pretty
things in LACED KID GLOVES, or one of our NEW MANTLES. These are only some of the
many articles that would be suitable for presents at this joyous season of the year.
Don't you remember last week we told you that every cbiyia bargain day at this store. Well, we are peopleof'our word; just come and see if it is not tao. LlaTEN To This—A bale lovely fast colored Gingharns in to-dayv
worth 12ic offered to you at. only 60. 50 pieces Flannelettes only Sc. 95 pieces New Wool Dress Goods,
double width, regular price 90e., our price onlype. 50 pieces double fold Dress Goods, regular price 600., our
price 80c. These are only a few of the many bargains offered during the next ten days. Don't let the
• days -pass without paying us a vieit. •
GritaiFigaltr cINATIME1VIAN
For the next Thirty Days.
Corrected every Thursday afternoon.
Th• ursday. Deo. 8, 1892. Unreserved sale of fermata*, /Se. belonging to.
Wheat old and new • 0 68 a 0 66 Mr Arthur Whittingham, 4th eon. of Stanley, WI
•0 62 a 0 65
Wheat 'spring Tuesday, Dee. 18th, T A. Carling, Anat.
Oats 0 27 a 0 28
rBeaarsley u 85 a 0 40
Flour per bal • 0 #8 aa 40 3505
illness. .
zilgugttleprer • lb•
0 16 a 0 16 ing temperance work in Japan for the past
0 17 a 0 18 •Miss Mary Allen West, who has been do.t
Potatoes new per bushel 0 85 a 0 40 year, -died in Tokyo on Thursday..
Tuokeys per lb •. 0 07 a 0 08 Baker and,'LinfoAL G.-sante& withkilling,....___
.43-eess4per-lb.s.,J. ' 7 r • is a 0-0 'Wm. TOUT niliokeriiii township, have
Ducks per pair 0 40 a 0 60 beentcommitted for trial.
Chickens per pair
Pork ..... ... ... nO 5205 : 50 73:
The demand for Canadian apples at .
... . • • ...
Al++, 4157.;;;t4,•6-7_111,1 iverpool last week -was active. A ?special
6- 00 -a, 7 00 i ceble,to Tbe 4alobe. states .that prices ad-,
yawed one to two shilling/1 per barrel. -.
4 00 a 4 50
8 00 a s 50 Mr Gardener has given a pledge on be:
Apples, per bag 0 40 a 0 75 half of the English Government, that the
0 50 a 0 75 restriction reoently imposed on Canadian
2 25 a 2 25 cattle imported into Great Britain will be
3 00 a 3 50 removed, as soon as Canada has proved be -
7 00 a 7 50 yond doubt that the Dominion is free from
2 25 a 2 50 pleuro -pneumonia.
Dr. P. R. Shaver, Stratiford's oldest meg..
cal praotitioner, died Friday, after a long
GREATLY REDUCED PRICES for amounts of 05 and upwards—special '• • • • • • •,'•ittt
reduction on large parcels: Stock -New and Fresh, there beingo9prootioally, 310-61d-•gobdif.1 .
Sheep Skins
BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES Patent Medicines, Wood long
Wood short
GENTJINE BARGAINS—We can furnish the best WATCHES manufactured, in Gold
Silver, Silveroid, or Gold filled oases, at lower prices than they oan be obtained elsewhere
BUTTER, EGGS and FOWL of all kinds wanted.
--111-0INTOS• HI.-
GIBBINGS.—In Mullett, on the llth Nov. the
wife of 11r Bobt Gibbings, of a son,
CI3IGG.-022 Nov. 26th the wife of Mr Wne.
Clegga5th eon., llowick, of a son.
IBWIN.—On Noy. 29t0 the wife of Mr Wva.
Irwin, Gerrie, of a son.
MUSGROVE.—At the manse, Meiillop. on
Nov. 27th, the wife of Me, Peter Musgrove of •
BUOMANAN—In 'Merderich. on -the 8rd inst.,
the wife of Bobt.Bitehanan, of a daughter.
T0WNSEND-800TMOBEL—In Trinity church
Bayflaid, on Nov. 80tli, by the Bev F. G. Newton,
Mr Albert TOwnsend, of Goderich Township to
Mies Seotinere, 01 Stonier,
W3YM0UT11—CO0KEBLINEe—In -C9inton, on
the 7thineL, by the Be' J. Walker Shilton, Mr
John Weymouth, to Mies Tillie, youngeikdattgh-
ter of Mr Geo. Ceincerline, all of Mullett.
PEAR—FABOUMAIL—In Clinton, on the 7th
lust., by the Bev J. 11. Fairlio, 11r W. Pear, of
Mullett, to Margaret J. second daughter of Mr
W. Farquhar, Of Olinten.
.MOBALL—FABQUMAB.—in Clinton, on the
•7th hulk, by the Rev H. J. Fairlie, Mr Albert
Morall, of Owen Sound, te Isabella, third daugh-
ter of Mr W. FarqUher, of Clititoir.
' aTEPIIHN8014-945vvialln.—Atthe parienage,
Trafalgar St., Goderielt, tin Nov, 23rd, by Bev W.
Torrance, Mr Wm. Stephensbi2 and Miss Jeanie
Fowler, all of Colbornelowaship.
PATTON--moDomatord.—In %nasals, on the
28r4 Nev. at Melville Meuse, by Bev John Rosi,
Be A., DitVii Patton, 01 Mint's, ,to Christine, Mc-
Dougall, of Witighem.
, 'Madding invitatitirie, neatly printed on killed
120tiee, at the NEW RBA]
NAFTED.,-411.Goderith, on the let inst., JOhn
A. Naftel, ,aged 48 yeare.
'TMOMPEION.—tilkiellilltip, 0zNov. 25th, John
Thettprion, aged 68 yintris8.Udt nibilthe.
EiTtlittENSOltain Annond*nle,on 140v. Of%
Ilaty Tedder, Wife rif David Stephetistin. aged 88
WEI1L—InSeliftittlii, On Not. tith, lehir Weir,
aked 58 Yeah, 4 Months:arid 17.118,1a:
ifbitEITTE.,-,_, in on Nov. head*
Anh; olde0.,:dinightef 01 AUL and llioltVitit*th,
aged 9 Yee= and. Mitotithil,
irit•SELTietti Nint,t3rdo
csppbeIl, 'aged 69 year •
„z' GOTtitlitt*E..--ta idjrth; On albit Ineb.
.G kCee Rh W. da0thior Of Adhere And 4ittlet
atilltb, 14452 yeare,2 ts-entlIS Old goo.
Ocilerich, On the •Srd
MOrtiletl, aged' 48' Yeegs arid ateentat.;
The new farmers' buinder twine factory
at Brrntford has been completed.
A movement is on foot in St. Thomas to
secure a reduction in the number of liquor
Mr John Doherty, an old and highly re-
spected resident of Peterboro' snioided
Wednesday morning by cutting his throat
with a dirk kaife.
Robert Stork, farmer, living near Pick-
ering, had his leg badly fractured at High,
land Creek on Tuesday by a kick from ar
On Wednesday evening a trolly wire
broke and fell on the street near the Hamil-
ton City Hall. A horse stepped on the
wire a ° d was instantly
At a threshing near Brampton, a plat.
form fell nearly twenty feet with four men.
Wm. Maw,,a farmer, went down head first,
and a tine of his fork passed clear through
his nose at the bridge, perforating the bone.
The Anemia Timid London has an
article stating that thirGrand Trunk Rail-
way has decided to replace the Victoria
Bringe storing the St. Lawrence at Montre-
al, which wall built 80 years ago, by a new
and modern struottire.
President Harrison, the defeated, con-
fessetin hie message that "protootion (ma-
nta help the farmers. The farmers find
that out in etery country where the policy
of high taxation is tried. ,
Dr. Clark, Goderieh, 'Veterinary, is
wearing a straitrisicket now, although
his mind is not affected, as is usually
the case under such Conditions. Last
Monday he Was performing sat eperit-'.
OM upon a hotte _belonging to 'Henry
Jones, of W. AltaWatiosh_, when. the
animal made a;plange, driving the
veterinall against the wall of the stall
and thetebybreakirig a rib..
Mt Choquette,. MX. ler istontaiegaz has
written &letter to the Elea, teat bilating a
000 to riekti bid Seat for - that
ty, if Lieut-Govetter Angetioe enter- -
In the Federal Cabinet, will Aoteeet to
nd for it :egiatiet bitsat it jtia*
2 order to test PAW,' opinn oss to hie Mr
A. ger61) allegcd popnlarityndlutt of the
0. •wi Governteent. '
Did it Ever Occur to You
That many men who spend less for Clothing
han you ' do—are 'better dressed and more'
stylishly dressed than you are?
And Do You
Know the Rectson
The other man :WearsClothing bought of us
r ----
.„;:p • •
Are certainly marvels of perfection — such
elegant appearance—such grace of fit—suck
thorough worknntnship—such good, materials in."
It's astonishing libitthey can be made and sold
ifor the low priee'S'eftrh eh we offer them,
When in need of anything in. ,wearing apparel: suppostit10
drop in and see what we can do for you,