Clinton New Era, 1892-11-25, Page 10Noverniker' 25,18,"
Iinton ,4, 6,14
,V.raiAr. NOVEMBER, '20, 1092
'tan TQWN OF orfirwTos
Xs tho geographidai centre ot Om splendid
vounty or Huron; the London, Buren ia Brace
Railway runs through a north and south, and
the Grand Trunk Railway also runs through it
east and west, forming a Junction hero. .It has
a Collegiate Institute that stands anien.g the
highest in the Province, and a Model. School
with a large and edlcient staff. There am two
ptist and Homan catholia,whiletheBrethmn
'havo a meeting room. There are two extensive
organ factories, threshingmaohinefaq,ory, tan.
Perh three planing factories, flax fay 4; anhi.
lug mill faeMry, large flour mill, grain vator,
two carriage faoteries, two salt wells,"the head.
eliarters forth° Canada Balt Association, and a
. „largo nurliber of other industries. It has one
thartered and two private banks, custom's °f-
ile°, eight mails daily, first class business
' sheuses91 all kinds. Masons, Oddtellews, rWork-
ill men, Orangemen, Sons of Scotland, Sons of
' England, Protestant Benevolent, Independent
and Canadian Foresters, Canadian Home, Circle
and Templars have lodgeS here. Population
almat MOO. Steam fire service and incandes-
cent electric light systems. Town is exceeding-
ly healthy, beautifully located, obundanek of
, shade trees, and is one of the most desirable
, places of business or residence in Ontario.
I in advance will secure
L,: ; , .' , I from now until the 1st
i;1' Anuary, 1891. That gives the bah
:.. "rtnee of this year free. Now is the time
o subscribe.
„ ,
, Fine stock of choice now groceries to oe found
, at rawn,l's Grocery, Mackay block.
' If you are in want of a Goat, Boar, or Fancy
, cheap go to J. TWITOHELL, Clinton.
• Be sure and see JOHNSON & ARMOUR'S stock
of Robes, Horse Clothing, and Bells, before buy-
. ing elsewhere.
J. W. IRWIN nas removed to the Mackay
ohnlostookmaenrdowaidlkeb.e pleased to meet new and old
murna.—Cash paid fcr good creek, tub or
rell butter. Must be good. .1. W. IRWIN,
rocer, MacKay Block.
See our magnificent display of Crockery and
Bdware now opened J. W IRWIN'S. The
Corner Grocery, MackaY W.
Zola �pii.
reports and rumors to the contrary
twftlastanding we have. we believe,
he best of grounds for stating that
here are no legal heirs, and that the
estate will go to the crown.
e ,SURGICAL.—On Tuesday Drs. Gunn
and Young were called upon to remove
n eye for Mrs Bruce, of Hullett. She
4"Y as been suffering from it for some
fine, and it was removed in order to
save the other.
Sinrry.—The other day while Mr
',. 'W. ster was out strolling through
the woods, his dog, which is a "dead
sport," discovered a Canadian porcu-
pine, and came back with his nose all
, filled with quills. It took considerable
• time to remove them.
A GOOD HOUSE. -111r John McMillan,
M. P., who is writing a series of letters
desMiptive of his trip west, says in his
—last one:—"Dutingn:iy stay in Victoria
pirt up at the Dominion Hotel, whieh
has been built and is owned by Mr
Jones, who used to keep a butcher
shop in Clinton, and is now rim by a
_tam and son-in-law of Mr ors -J -Lean-
recommend the Dominion h 1 as one
of the best kept and chea ,st that I
t 'With on the pacific.,eoast."
SOCIETY EVENT.—Rattenbury St.
thodist church, at no very distant
; will be the scene of one of those
ppy events that cause a flutter in
e feminine breast, and which poetic
nse speaks of as
'Two hearts with but a singre thought,
Two hearts that beat as one."
incipals will be Miss May L.
nly.daughter of our respect -
an, Mr W. Taylor, and Mr
rench, Classical Master, of
High School.
rsdanced-with glee wben they
e snow -storm that greeted them
nesday morni No sooner was
fast over than they sought for
andsleighs that did duty last win-
aovered over by the dust of forget-
s and seven or eight months of
ated truck. But the ot
O% (4
t4.91P wing, .the afternoon uite a 00
fr .of townspeople were driving
to Tld in their 'cutters, and some loads
ed were brought in on runners by
We hope the snow has come
LINES. — Severatauronians
in Manitoba, write- to their
Is in this vicinity giving rather
discouraging repoats of the prospects
out there. One who has 2000 bushels
of grain, states that he cannot sell a
bushel at any price, because some of it
is slightly frozen. Another who has a
aarge crop can only realize 20c a bushel
therefor. Still another writes that in
hie partial the province there is little else
than bailiff's and chattel shies ,g'oing
on, It is certainly to be hoped that
these are exceptional cases, and that
on the whole a better and more pros-
perous state of affairs exists.
Or4403100 will hog Vvipiloxtreku*
meeting in their now ban, in the Mac-
kay block; a few' ladies Met together
on Tuesday itifternoon to .Few together
the new carpet for the above toef-
TplAmEne.—Miss Minnie Cooper, of
Own, has been engaged as one of the
teakhers for Brussels school for neat
year. Mies E. Chidley has been en-
gaged for Bewail school. Miss M.
t'orterfield has bean engaged as assis-
tant for Bayfield. Trustees Will
find that all teacher., who get
their training at the Clinton Collegiate
and Clinton Model are thoroughly ,ef-
TRIFLES.—Farmers who have been
taking in roots this week have tiet
found the job the most pleasant in the
world. There is scarcely any wood in
toWn and what does come is held at
"famine prices," one man got a car
load from the county ot Bruce, and
saved money by it. The "mumps" are
prevalent at present. Several Olin-
tonians have received a summons that
they would rather not have had; they
require them to appear at Goderich to
act upon the Grand Jury next month
NOTES. — On the 15th inst.,
Emmit Reeve, (daughter of
Reeve) of West Superior, became
A. E. Woolpert; we extend the
wishes of her old friends in this t
Mrs Laing, of Evanston, Ill., is he
a visit to relatives. 1Vliss Florence
Goodrich, who has been teaching in
British Columbia for several years, has
come home owing to her mother's ill-
ness. Stapleton Salt Well has not
been running for a few days, owing to
some slight repairs that are being made
to the tubing. The man Palmer, who
was shot last week while prowling
about a hen -house near Pickering, was
a school -mate years ago with Mr Geo.
Swallow, of town, who speaks of him
s an easy-going ne'er-do-well. Mr
Taylor, of Kirkton, has taken a situa-
ion with Mr J. Emmerton. What is
nown as "the fa,mous bicycle sulky"
ill be seen in town next season,
Mayor Doherty being the owner of
ne. Mr W. Downs, sr., expects to
eave for the Northwest shortly, as
he doctors have advised him to try a
hange of climate. Messrs A. Cooper,
W. Jackson and F.R. Hodgens are this
eek in Toronto. Mr Robt. Gauley
as taken a position with Plumsteel &
ibbings. The wind on Monday broke
couple of the electric light wires, and
was impossible to locate the breaks
time to get the lights running that
ight, so that business men had to do
ithout them. Mr James Fair, jr.,
as able to be out for the first time on
uesday. Mr W. Farquhar has mov-
into the cottage of Mr Spooner, Al -
rt St. Mrs McCorvie and daughter
e visiting in' Toronto. Mrs Dowzer
moving into the house she lately
ught from Mr Hayward. Mr Jas.
ynn and wife were away on Tues -
y, attending the wedding of Mr
ynn's brother. It is currently re-
rted that one of our local apple
ms will be heavy losers this season
th no possibility of recovering them -
Ives; we hope the report is not true.
John Scruton has put a telephone
his shop, and Mr T. Jackson, jr..
e in his house. It is rumored that
uneillor Jerome Andrews is an aspir-
t for the Reeveship; we suppo_se this
in,the event of Reei-*---Matinink re-
ing. Mr Jos. Clark and. wife, of
aforth, were in town last week,
We aro going to have a Montbly Bargain Day.
Our reason for.this is:
No matter how careful we are and how close we watch our
stock there are always odds and ends accuraulating that if
they are not cleared out, quickly depreciate in value; this we
want to avoid as much as possible, and will gather these tines -
together every month, place them on our counters marked at
prices that will sell them.
Also from time to time we hay e chances to pick lines of goods
that for one reason or another are offered us 'below regular
miesi prices.
rivd; We will endeavor to have some lines like these on Bargain
good i
re on
settling up sonie business affairs. Mr
W. Murray; this weltkilledmrcbjetazz,
that dressed 6 lbs'Ylligtie. tligkind of •
poultry to raise. Robins Bros. are
about settled in their new stand, Mac-
Kay block. Mr W. C. Searle is ship-
ping large quantities of poultry to
North Bay, where there is said to be a
good market. J, W. Cook, photogra-
pher, of Bayfield, talks of moving to
Clinton, providing he can get a room
fitted op; he is trying to arrange for a
place in Elliott's block, next to the
NEW ERA. Clinton merchants are all
usually extensive advertisers, but the
Estate of J. Hodgens shows its faith in
printer's ink and confidence in a wide-
ly -circulated medium by using a full
page of the Nrtw ERA this week. The
Sons of Scotland supper, on the even-
ing of the 30th, is likely to be an en-
joyable affair. We are sorry to learn
of the serious illness of Mr John Cal -
hick, now living with his son D B in,„ one of the oldest resi-
WHY NOT HERE.—Attention has
ten been directed to the fact that
e is a splendid opening in this
for a pork -packing and curing
try, 1t so far the Opportunity
een allowed to go unimproved,
and salt, the two prime requisites
such an industry, can be easily
'.ured, and it does seem singular
no one ventures into this under -
ng. Hensall and Mitchell are the
plates in this vicinity that have
blishmeets of this kind, and as
ere is an almost unlimited demand
cured meat, it looks to us like a
4 lendid (owning for a person of push.
ho will fill it?
,tiiiNGERons. —For some time past
Harry Beacom, a shoemaker, who car-
ried on business here for a number of
rears. has been a little off mentally, and
re has been the butt of those disposed
to have some sport at his expense. He
l' recently procured a revolved and
hreatened to shoot some one, and the
wonder is that, in his unbalanced state,
be did not do so. Constable Wheatley
tOok the revolver away from him and
found it had seven ball cartridges in it.
Ile had been dickering with Mr Frank
Evans for the purehase of his dray bush
r'Natess and outfit, and Friday morning
-Oben Mr Evans got up he was surpris-
:-ed to learn that his dray had disap-
peared. Seturing the assistance of
ronstable Wheatley they discovered
.'that, Beacom had hitche on o it dur-
4ing the night and drive to Goderich.
Be Was overhauled and 'rought back,
ad spent seVeaal days the leek -up
ad will be sent to the
he tan be got ha.
en s o the county, and enjoysthe
highest confidence of all who know
him; he has been at the point of death
for about ten days. The Grand Union
stable is being moved to the corner of
Mary and Isaac streets; Mr Riley, of
Londesboro, has the work in hand!
his son got his fingers hurt pretty bad
and has been compelled to quit work.
Mr Alex. Macpherson, of Stratford, an
old Clintonian, has returned from a
visit of over a month with his son, A.
C. Macpherson, wholesale fruit dealer
at Winnipeg. A Toronto citizen, on
his way Goderich, lost a purse con-
taining $75, on the G. T. R., between
Stratford and Goderich on Saturday.
Hon. J. C. Patterson was recently at
Montreal consulting the C. P. R. of-
ficials in regard to the extension of
their line from Wingham to Goderich,
31 miles in length, and subsidized by
the Dominion to the extent of $99,200;
it is likely that the C. P. R. will start
the work at an early day. Miss Tilt,
a young lady long a resident of Clin-
ton, and held in the highest esteem,
was married at Woodstock on Tueaday.
Mr W. J. Commander, eldest son of C.
R. Commander, of London, formerly
of Clinton, died there on Sunday last.
Mrs Hovey got home from her trip
west last week. A sleigh load of young
people visited Seaforth Temperance
Lodge on Wednesday. The regular
meeting of the McKillop Insurance Co.
takes place' at Seaforth to -day. We
understand that it is the intention of
Mr A. S. Weeks to leave town in a few
days, with a view of moving west.
Mr F. Macpherson has returned from
his trip to Winnipeg. Mr Dan Shan-
ahan has bought the Andrews property
on the corner of Queen and Shipley
streets for the sum of $1,000; it con-
sists of the corner lot on Queen and
John streets and four lots on Shipley
street, with buildings and trees; he
purposes fixing up the property and
will reside in it. School Sections,
Sunday Schools, wedding parties and
others who purpose buying Christmas
presents, will find exactly what they
want and at the best prices, in the
stores of Clinton dealers. Mr.Richard
Irwin is attending a meeting of the
Home Circle Executive, at Toronto.—
The Gun Club had a pigeon match yes-
terday. Three tramps were in the
lockup on Wednesday night. Mr W.
H. Eivesley wears a great big smile
ea- as added a son to his earthly
i a. What about starting the
gr nk before
re inter is half over?
ItUn as soonj possess
The day will be the first Thursday of every month.
The First Bargain Day will be Thursday, Dec.
lst, 1892.
Keep that date in view.
It will pay you to be there.
A week before each bargain day we will publish a list of the
goods and prices to be offered.
The prices quoted are for that day only.
All goods marked at special prices for that day
for Spot Cash or Produce only.
All other goeils in the store will be sold as usual,
5 per cent off for Cash.
Rememl)er we sell all goods at close prices all the time, but on
stufrs named in advertisements there will be specially low prices.
For a list of goods and prices to be offered on Thursday, Dec.
1st, the first of our M.onthlyBargain Das, see large insert ad.
We never advertise anything unless we have the goods and
prices to back up what we say.
This is no exception to that rule.
will be sold
charged or
Estate J.Hodgens
FURS For Facing
_Frost's Fierce Flurries
Notwithstanding all that may be said to the contrary,
there is not the slightest doubt but that the wearing of
Furs is conducive of good health. Look at the people
who have to endure the severest climates, like the Bus,
sians, Esquimaux,the people of Scandinavia and numer-
ous others, all hardy, robust and healthy, and all these
people wear Furs entirely in winter. Therefore reason-
ing from their condition, it is apparent that we who have
somewhat severe climate would be healthier and more
comfortable if we paid more attention to our clothing in
winter weather. All may be comfortably clad.
For Men FUR COATS of various kinds at
prices very litt13 above ordinary tweed coats
In Ladies' wear we have a stock of Capes,
Caps, Muffs and Collars in Black Hair, Op -
possum, Bear, Sable, Baltic Seal, 5 S. Seal,
Beaver, Nutria, Fox and White and Black
Persian Lamb.
One thing to remember in buying our Furs, every article
is made of whole skins; no pieces, only the choicest skins
used. "See our stock."
75 Cords Wood Wanted.
P.S.—Look out for our great Christmas Handkerchief Sale for Boys, Girls, Men and
women'e nee, in Plain and Fancy Silk and Linen. Prices given net week.
Furnihei, Hatters and Clothiers
We 'intend to move into the 11/A.OKAY 'BLOCK, and will
be pleased to see all of our old customers ancl many new one
in the newstore. We have been making preparations for a
good ClAstrnas trade, and think we can please everyone in
variety, price andq uality.
SUBSCRIBE now for your Favorite Newspapers*. We take
subscriptions for Magazines and Papers published everywhere
IRJC)E3IN E3pdos
Book Store and News Depot, Clinton. 7,
SAVE 1111
Do you want bargains? If you do come and see our complete stock of
goods. We have almast every thing you want in
Which will be sold at a small advance on cost. At present we are
making a big run on
Boots, Shoes. Rubbers and Overshoes
We will sell them to you at from 10 to 1.5 per cent less than you can
buy them for from any other house in See our
C APS Thbat dweeare sns c 250,, wdortht frombe5fh 0c. to 75 0.0 We
Remember we keep first-class goods, and we will not be undersold by
any one in the trade.
Plumsteel - & - Gibbings,
OUR MOTTO —Reliable Qualities, Truthful Representa-
tions, Polite Attention and Lowest prices.
We have for you some choice new patterns in Flannelettes, *
that are hard to beat for style and beauty. Bargains in.
Grey Flannels, see line at 15c., it's a seller.
Our line of Henriettas in Black and Colors, and our Melton
at 8cts, and our Double Fold line of Meltons in Brown,
Grey, Black and Navy at 25 cts., are worthy of your
consideration. We have received another shipment ot
our celebrated $1 VESTS. See our elastic ribbed Vest,.
all wool at 85cts., full assortment in sizes.
GLOVES—Our Lacing Kid Glove at $1, and our Cashmere
Glove at 20 cts. Our Lady Stanley has no equal.
We have a full assortment of
the Celebrated
Jackson Corset Waist
On hand. As a health Corset it
is unrivalled. Recommended by
physicians generally.
A fresh shipment of the
MILLINERY DEP'T growing more
in favor every day; sales increasing.
The immense range of new styles we
show carries conviction that for fash-
ionable Shapes, Assortment and Price,
we lead.
i, Th. LadleStEFAavEroBritBLOCK,