HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-11-25, Page 8Aber 25 1802 Atleo-Canadian 3firaelel 'ME' CLINTON NEW rIBDSTINO LETTER FRONE XiO$I3 ATIANTIO. INGROM REMTES TIM STOUT ov AMOR arm liaraiesiessRessonee six Bps POOTelle Mtn FAILIM. Mid Of P. Williard& Pink Pills fluettttiCapada and the United at extends ale() siorese the Ocean, the mother land comes a letter itito learned the value sof thiegreut bfl itr Cauttda and Who how, al - miasmas of miles away gratefully ges what Pink Pills .have done MeslrOal aid and other remedies , lite letter OallhOt fell te bring barAufferors as it assures them r; Williams Pink Pine they may Min eaepronounced by the Pat Medioal specialists as incur- &dem .Menmonthehire, Eng.) Nov, 20th, 1891. f 'Williams Medicine Co. Brock- met,—It may surprise you to re- later flame across the Ocean, but Ot be doing my duty did I not auk y'ou for the noble medicine Vllliaixia' Pink Pills for Pale to let you know what they had PlWafter four years suffering, and :SSOler Medical aid had failed. My •arrest while in Canada, and I ihr several doctors and in the 'General Eiospital by Dm. Smith, ,Mtredonell. I first felt the be disease, which the doctors • ditabetes, in January, 1886, OhYreistedies and tried numerous AViththe only result that I grew Oh:health-and pocket. At last ,went to the General Hospital 04 but the result was no bet- kthe 8Qtla of April, 1891, I left Whin'. a poor broken-hearted, tSMiaresDr Macdonell having in - hat they had done all they orine:;. I continued to live on in Situatilaborit the middle of August, aW,Sn theAforstreal Star an ar- the' ory of a man, who after eds of dollars, had tried ,Pink Pille,and found a cure. ringanen, they say, will catch at a :,Ifldit worild be impossible for me *the gratitiide I feel for the hope ;Ws story gave me. I at once &box of Dr: Williams' Pink Pills R. Birks, druggist on McGill SBefore I had linished it I felt that ri Were helping me, and I procured oboes. , These almost restored #-tiss elth, and through the kinelness , ntien of the harbor works, I ;tvas ienW0glit job on the harbor wharf, assaaagainatiale to earn my living. I adeliP My Mind; however, to return teelend of my birth, and on the Sth eyinnber, sailed for England. The sass 46"was rough, and I caught cold, w Sikh again annot o send stances may be n to my of me back somewhat, and I am gaining strength', I find that I )tisink Pills here and 1 want you a'stipply, as under no cireu Oddi be without them, and yo reI will gladly recommend the lends bothfiere and elswhere. youlatef. y, T• S INGRAM. 1 a perfect blood builder and eterer, curing such diseases as athirst, neuralgia, partial paralysis, Orsataxie., St. Vitus' dance, nervous ;siemens prostration and the tired S therefrom, the after effects of la '`diseaseddepending on humors of the genets as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, -134 Pills give a healthy glow to pale llow complexions, and are a specific ti troubles peculiar to the female eye - din the case of men they effect a Cure in all cases arising from men - ry, overwork or excesses of any na- eaciPills are manufactured by the Dr. ftni's Medicine Company, Brockville s�d Seheneotady, N.Y., and are sold nbxes bearing our trademark aud Cr, at 56 cents a box, or six boxes for -Bear in- mind that Dr. Williams' Pills are never sold in bulk, or by the fex or -hundred, and any dealer wbo Saibetitutes in this form is trying to diem and should be avoided. Dr. s'Pink Pills maybehad of all direceby niil from -Dr Wil - eat -dine Conapany from either ad - price at which these pills are tate 'course of treatment compar- ineoerisive es compared with other or medical treatment. adstone narrowly escaped be - vet by an omnibus in London -birehing. Re was struck a but *aped to the pave - slftra Williattts 41,iii, Mass. hofthitld of Others Wit/fain Marta!' En- trees Hood's Siovaparilla. e are pleased to preSent this from A. A. Williams, of the Sillsbee , 'Christian Church, Lynn, Mass.: 01116 rib reason why a clergyman, more than NOM knbws whereof be speaks, hesitate to approve an Article of Merit worth, front Which he or his family have ignany benefited, arid whose commends - terve to extend those benefite to by increaging their confidence. my wife Many years been a sufferer from severe ervous Headache eh filie found little help. She has tried thinga that premised well but per - little. Mat fall a Wend gave her a hot - 's sarsaparilla. It seems surprls- t senply one bottle could and did de atmcks otheadache deereased in and were less violent in their inten- her* general health lute been un- exper enee'With Or firtite has aide been better. Ws Sarsaparilla endo •tritest, he New Era The very best S1 A year paper in [Huron, will be 'sent to New Sub- scribers to th0 31st of,Dec., 18931 tite sum of $1 Cash. Try it For a Year $1 a $1 a A Light Meal. Weary Raggles—Did yer git anythin' ter eat? Tatterdon Torne—Yes ; and it was the lightest meal I ever struck. Yer see, I tackled the old woman fer a feed. She said she didn't have notin' fer !nes and I wuz givin' her a piece of me mind, when the old man come Out and made me eat me words._ . He‘tv IteStruck Him, "What ails you ?" asked Mr. Gasmen of Algernon Fitzpercy. "I called on Miss Dukane lawat evening, doncher know." "We 1, would you believe me, the faih emeature's bwute of a father kicked me dein the front steps." "Indeed 1" "Yee, air 1 Actually kicked me twice— first with his vright foot and then with 'his left. What do you think of that ?" "Well, it looks veryanuch like two soles with but a single thought." My Life Saved—Nine Years a Dyspeptic and Sufferer of Liv- er COmplaint—Three Bottles Royal Crown Remedy Effected a Complete Cure—Now Twelve Years and no Symptom of Re- turn of the Disease—Read for Yourself. LONDON, Aug. 30th, 1889. To Mr Williams: It is not only a pleasure but a duty I owe to you and the suffering world that I add my testi. mony with the many you have already received. Royal Crown Remedy cannot be too highly* praised; it has saved my life. For nine years I suffered extremely with Dyepepsia and Liver Complaint and could not retain anything at all on the stomach without excessive vomiting Eryeipola set In,which confined me to my bed. Doctors could do me no good. I also tried many other plans with no success. I was induced by Mr I. Williams to try his medicine. which I did after such persuading. Three bottles completely onred me, and for 12 years I have had no eymp- toms, Your medicine is worthy of praise. I advise all suffering humanityo to try it, for it is the best. William's Royal Crown Remedy is the greatest Remedy on earth for general dibility. Dr. Waters, of Cobourg, once a Re- form candidate for the Commons, said during the trial of an action involving the power of chairman of the Board of Health in cases of diphtheria. that the government of Sir Oliver Mowat was in some cases as despotic as the czar of Russia. Two men were blown np by dynamite on the line of the Ottawa and Parry Sound Railway near Ottawa, on Friday. Mies Meta L. Cowles, of Greene, Chen- ango county, N.Y., has passed her exami- nation, and entered on the practice of law. The great etriko of Pronieetead, Pa., watt declared off Fridhy, and there was fmnle, difitely a rush sif men to secure their Old positions. • When the Milner; are clogged, good health ie impossibIlityabut when working pronely the Wenn, IS the ca*, That dtill beich.aohd le the kidtley's ery or el U Rhine Plus into WER4 ON,LX X0V1IG. Asa* Setureay Night. If I were ealY Yeting I'd cull sweet dowers for thee 1 The real" should blush a ruby red, Its opening Wag love' e incense shed, Ito petals wide their beauty 5prea4 For thee, and oaly thee! If I were only young, I'd del* my form for thee! In gleaming silks and satins bright, And diamonds flashing tp the light, To ,,be a glory in thy sight, Isvere only -young 1 - If I were only yeeng, I'd sing sweet songs for thee 1 I'd sing in low contralto tone To thee, my king; to thee alone! Ah, love, I'd win thee for mine own, If I were only young! CLARA H. MOUNTCAS1LE Glaris Sima) THE HE AD SURGEON Qf the Lubon Medical Company is now at Toronto, 'Janada, and may be consulted either in person or by letter on all chronic diseases peouliar to man. Men, young,old, or middle.aged, who find themselves nerv- ous, weak and exhaneted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptons : Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vital- ity, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimnese of sight,palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, head- ache, pimples ori the face or body, ' itching or peOnliar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks be- fore the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye- lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will poweir, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby nst1B- ales, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes surrounded with lead. encircle, oily looking skin, etc., are all sym- ptoms of nervous debility that lead tolinesn- ity and death sinless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who through,abuse committed in ignorance may be perrnanently cured. Send your address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Boris sent free sealed. Heart disease, the siymptons of whicia are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot flushes, rush of blood to the head, du 1 pain in the heart with beats strongirpid and irregular, the second heart Trio r than the hrst, pain apont the breast bone, etc., can positively be cared. No cure, no pay. Send for book. Address M. V. Luber', 24 Mac- donell Ave., Toronto, Canada. Jan. 1, 92. The Dead Sea is nothing more than a small but very old salt lake now in an advanced stage of evaporation. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Catitoria. f,riken she had Children, she gave them castors& s„. Mr D. Porter, M. P. P. for North uce, has left for Los Angeles, Cal., where he will renaain all winter. Ever since his election Mr Porter has been having a hard fight for life, but itis to be hoped that a tinter spent in a -mild- er climate will effect a permanent cure. Rebecca Wilkinson, of Brownsvalley, ind., says: "I had been in a distressed condition for three years from Nervousness, Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and Indigestion until my health was gone. I had been doctoring constantly with no relief. I bought one bottle of South American Ner- vine, which done me more good than 850 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. I would advise every weakly person to rise this valuable and lovely remedy. A trial bottle Will convince you. Warranted , by Watts Ss Co. Druggist. The personal column of a newspaper in New York contains this golden op- portunity: "A well educated young man of good social position will marry any lady of means who will provide funds for him to --procure- a divorce from his present wife,whom he cannot get along with." C. 0. Rim/arms se Co. GENTE.—I have need your MINARD'S LINIMENT in my family for some years and believe it the best medicine in the market as it does all it it recommended to do Cannaan Forks, N. B., D. KIERETEAD4 John Mader, Mahone Bay, informs no that he was cured of a very eevere attack of rheumatism by fleeing MINARD'S LINMENT. The bust of the late Sir John A. Mac- donald, Premier of Canada, which was procured by the admirers of the dead Chieftain in London, to commemorate his fealty to imperial connection, was unveiled on Wednesday, in the crypt of St. Paul's Cathedral by Lord Rose- berv, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and in t se presence of a large zathering, which included Sir Charles upper, Sir Donald Smith and Mr Redpath, of Canada. A serious accident occurred on Friday af- ternoon at the sawmill of Murray Crawford, about two miles south of Campbellville. A yonng man named George Dunn, while putting a belt on a pulley close to a large circular saw, which was in motion, slipped, his legs coming in contact with the saw, over which he was thrown, while his left arm was caught in the pulley, breaking it in several places. Slight hopes are enter- tained of his recovery. ON TRIAL:FOR 90.DAYS. The finest, completed and latest line or Meg trical appliances in the world. They have never failed to cure. We are so positive of it that we will back our belief and send you any Electrical Appliance now in the market and you oan Ley it for Three Months. Largest list of testimonials on earth. Send for book and journal leree. W. W. Baer as Co., Windsor, Ont. ,Ny Thetotal yield of corn" in' Kansas the past season was 138,058,621 brushels, or 24,74 bushels to the acre. E. F. Egleston, ofAncastert was found almost suffocat,d by gas in the O'Neill house, Woodstock, Friday morning. Ne • Hiretetattra, ICantaite, taVO ft=stiwiimit,h ;TO'P.1710.01.403 Tbe richness, color, and beauty of the hair, the greatest are is necessary, much harm, being done by Um use of Worthless dressings. To be sure of having a first-class article, ask your druggist or perfumer for Ayer's Hair lager. It is absolutely superior to any other preparation of the kind. It restores the original color and fullness to hair which has become thio, faded, or gray. It keeps the scalp cool, moist, and free from dandruff. It heals itching humors, prevents baldness, and imparts to THE HAIR a silken texture and lasting fragrance. No toilet can be considered complete without this most popular and elegant of all hair -dressings. "My hair began turning gray and falling out when I was about 25 years of age. I have lately been using Ayer's Hair Vigor, and it is causing a new growth of hair of the natural color. R, J. Lowry, Jones Prairie, Texas. • "Over a year ago I had a severe fever, and when I recovered, my hair began to fall out, and what little regiain- ed turned gray. I tried various remedies, but without success, till at last I began to USE Ayer's Hair Vigor, and now my hair is growing- rapidly and is restored to its original color."—Mrs. Annie Collins, Dighton, Mass. "1 have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for nearly five years, aryl my hair is moist, glossy, and in an excellent state of preservation. I am forty years old, and have ridden the plains for twenty-five years."—Wm. Henry Ott, alias "Mus- tang Bill," Newcastle, Wyo. Ayer's Hair Vigor Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by Druggra s Everywhere. ltE NOT a Ptt • gative Medi- ine. They are a BLOOD BUILDER, TONIC and RECON- STRUCTOR, as they supply in a condensed form the subetances actually needed to en- rich the Blood, curing all diseases coming from Pools and Was - eV BLOOD, OT 1TORT ViTiATED HUMORS in the 131.00D, and alcC invigorate and BUDA th0 BLOOD RIM SYSTEAL when broket clown by overwork. mental worry, disease, CTSOSSOS and indiscre- tioes. They have a SeEermo Ammer on tho SLX0AL SYSTEM of w both men and women, restoring LOST VIGOR o),d correcting all • IttREOULARITIES and ‘,..„• .SUPPRESSIONS. • EvERY ff%E sr Miti921.,:r his physical powers flagging, should take these PILLs. Thcv ili restore Ms lost energies, both physical anil 2 tient al. EVERIf eum.. .iress,onq !ry.: gu ' :neyitrtbry email sicknoss when YOUN8MEI ,:!)7.•:'-',_.-•':Il'eetaaesetiPa'ei; sults of youthful bad hci%):::,,..Lnd strengthen tue system. YOUNG rnake them roeur. For sale by all d or will be sent nport receipt of pike (luc. ee, i•ox), by addressing THE DB, WILLIAMS, .7,,,MroEci,Dvi. O nt. NERVE BEANS NERVE BEANS are 5 new CM - °every that cure the worst eases of Nervous Debility, Lost Vigor and Failing Manhood; restores the weakness of body or mind caused by over -work, or the errors or ex. ceases of youth. Thin Remedy (kb- eolutely cures tho most obstinate cases when all other TREATMENTS have failed evento relieve. Sold hydras - gists at 11 per package, or six for 5, or sent by mail on. recelew 'bf 'ee bY tiddressink TICE JA=SlitEDICINIG 410.. Toronto, Ont. Write for enmphlet. Bold in -- Clinton by J. II. Combe. MISCELLANEOUS Shingles for Sale. Subscriber keeps on hand at Belgrave, a full supply of fire class North Shore cedar shingles, which will be disposed of at reasonable rates. W. WATSON, Agent. W. WHITELY, Londesboro The PEOPLE'S AUCTIONEER The undersigned desires to intimate that he is still a licensed Auctioneer tor the County of Huron, and will conduct sales on reasonable terms; his experience in handling farm stock warrants him in guaranteeing entire satisfaction. Persons requiring his "services can rely implicit- ly on the work being properly performed. He is also in the Clothes Cleaning and repairing line next to Scruton's butcher shop, and will execute promptly all orders in this line. J. HOWSON Shingles and. Lath for Sale. Subscriber has purolsased a large quantity of No. 1. shingles. These shingles will be made to order out of the very best quality of north shore cedar. All who want a first-class Bangle will find it to their advantage to ask for prices before buying elsewhere. At Belgave they can be pro- cured from Mr Watson; at Blyth, from D. Cowan; at Brucefield, from S. Poll oek, and at Londesboro from the undereigned. pd W, H. WHITLEY, Londeeboro. Barkwell's Sure Gem Cure, will euro Corns, Warts, Bunsions, Moles. CiAiNTON MARELE WORKS. COOPER'S OLD STAND, Next, to Commercial Hotel. Thislestablisnment is in full operation ad al orders filled in the most satisfactory way, Ceme- tery and granite work a speealty. Prices as reasonable as them of any establishment SHALE, HOOVER & SEALE, Clinton. ma DO YOU WANT A First-class Stop or Long Ladder? A Handy Wheelbarrow? A Splendid' churn, or anything of like natnre? Then call onIW. SMITHSON, at shop, No. 7 Frederick St„ or E. Dinsley Will be at DinsleY's corner every Saturday afternoon HURON AND BRUCE Loan & Investment Col This Company is Loaning Money or Farm Security at Lowest.Pates of Intern& MORTGAGES - PIIIICKASEE ) SAVINGS BA . K BRANCH. 4 4 and per Cent. Interett Allowed on Pepositt, ctecording toantoUntandtintelefti orriCii—dotast — _ And wily freeze to death when you can get the Famous- New Impfoved- Rad ant Home Coal Stoves, Happy Thought Kit en Ranges, and Leader Furnaces. They are the best manufactured. Just think of it, over 40,000 Canadian homea heated with Canada's Favorite Stoves and Ranges. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST 100.A.TA Lehigh Valley Coal. Ten more cars of this celebrated mine expected daily. Place your orders at once and secure low prices H ARLAND BROS STOVES AND HARDWARE, _A.I.413]Mrt gr S9E".. 401..1.NrriCioN Say call at Hub Grocery And get your Spices for Pickling. We handle only the best, also Vinegar Extra White Wine. We have PURE CLOVES, PURE CINNAMON, PURE ALSPICE, PURE GINGER, PURE PEPPER, PURE MIXED SPICE, PURE MACE, PURE CORRIA/sER SEED, PURE KAYENNE, PURE EAST INDIA SPICES. PURE CHILIES, PURE TUMERIC. These are [all as pure as we can buy. G-3330 SW.A.I.MOW CLINTON SUCARS Anticipating the wants of my patrons during the preserving season, I beg to announce the arrival of another car load of Sugar to -day. The Granulated being the highest standard of excellence and purity. Special Cuts to parties buying by the cwt. or bbl. FRUIT JARS—All Sizes, Pts., Qts. and Half Gallons N. ROBSON. - CHINA HALL. Now For Bargains. Bargains in Dress Goods. Bargains in Flannels and Flannelettes. Bargains in Tweeds and Clothing. Bargains in Top Shirts and Underwear. Bargains in Boots and Shoes. Bargains in Suits for Men and Boys. Bargains in Overcoats. Bargains in Millinery. overy department as we have a very Heavy Stock and are crowded for room. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, R. ADAMS. LONDESBORO J. C. STEYENSON, —THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER —AND— EMBALMER. A FULL LINE OF GOODS KEPT hi STOCK Thebe8tEmbalming Flu idiosed Splendid Hearse. ALBERT ST,CLINTON Residence over store., OPPOSITE TOWN HALL 1 CURE FITS! When 9any I mire Ido not mean merely to stop them for a time and then hare them retnrn again, I moan radical aura I bare made tho disease of FITS. EPILEP• sr or FALLING SIOSSESS a lifalong study. 9 warrant tinjt6rsnedn3(; to curb 50*50* ftbrenrtrat cunow r= 2.3!c.a:ao others fe0015. 5004z otos for a treatise and Wee 130e of my blame remedy. Oirr17128atiTOFElcE. R4RI4,lgeADaLAIDE ST.WTT..01.. • .", tidtunce will secure tiie ttrAivroti NinvERA froin nOW nbti1e1et That jtJtrea e Wet* s this& THE RIGHT The new model of the Rockford Watch, when placed in a screw bezel case, win fill a Ion felt want among farmers, as it is not dug proof only, but very strong. The plate which the wheels work between, not being eeparated by pillars as in the ordinary WATCH But by the bottom plate being turned out of a solid piece of metal, with the edger left of tho- top plate to rest on; it also being pendant or haver set with sunk balance to prevent breaking, mak- ing in all a good rong watch For a Farmer JOS. BIDDLECOMBE McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. . SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For mpure, Weak and Impoverished - Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa- tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid- ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General Debility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by J. H. flambe, Clinton Salary end expeneeeweekly frometart. Ub- 00*1 commission to local part-time agents. Permanent poeition. Good chance for advancement Exclusive territory. Itafteenada,t growers of Nureery at°, and only_growers. flboth Canada and United tates.Clean,hardyittook . rue 801ntme,and fair traent a . flo au tion oiw orders, lin /V4. tion from 45 other houses, on account or peent. loriarpriodees.tanatitk.d aesi We ean intend Doretritmesitiehlablane'"ningdalltie"Peneeil.01Pre7 vitas failures in thle es emer iinoa. We can:make youhrimeivit .4.44Y'14: free. acl&rort for ems,' di••••• sC-ss, •