HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-11-25, Page 7• t••-aer•-•;‘i ' „ '''',11111147- Wrox' ilzw RA ease Read We have aade4 MOSt Attreetiltn and C -x. 'Goons To oar already beautiful stook of Watches, Jewelery, Diamonds, Gold SpeCtacles And beautiful Novelties suitable for any kind of a present. If you want a good Watch OfoCk, BroOch, 1Cipg or a beautatil Photo Holder, Gold Pens, Pencils, •or anything in Silverware. Remember we pay cash for our goods, that means low prioes for you at JOHN B. RUMBALL'S NOTED CHEAP JEWELLERY STORE, AND TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, CLINTON. asumwraisereeemsam........mi .111111111110•Mallill FOR WINTER. ,, OLOTTOX MARKETS 100,00 Om Tkanalsy ,ittornoen. •, ThurathtY, NOV. 24, 1622. ' The roads are PO bjyl: that very little grain Is moving. Ile article that is most in demand is WOod, and this Bells at whatever price can be got for it, eellena being pretty independent; the town wood yards are likely to lay in a larger supply next winter, while those who can afford it will resort to coal. Pork is coming in pretty freely, and finds reading sale at quotations. Good butter and fresh eggs are in de- mand, as both are some what scarce, the price is good. Plenty of poultry is conamg in, but many people make a tnistake in the way they dress it; chick- ens &c., that are parboiled, and lure their crops full, do not sell nearly as well as if a little more care were taken with them; if parties desire't0-ra-ship them to the cities they cannot do so, as buyers there are very particolar; it always pays to make articles of this nature look clean and neat Wheat old and new 0 64 a 068 Wheat spring 0 62 a 0 65 Oatel , 0 27 a 0 28 Barley . 0 35 a 0 40 Peas 0 56 a 0 57 Flour per bal a 4 30 CLOS DI 1 • Chickens per pair Pork . Hides, rough Sheep Skins Elides, No. 1 trimmed Hay, new Wdol0 16 a 0 16 , Ducks per pair Potatoes new per bushel Tuokeys per lb Geese per lb Eggs per lb 040 a 070 5 00 a 5 75 6 03 a 7 00 0 40 a 0 75 4 00 a 4 50 0 07 a 0 08 0105 a 0 06 0 20 a 0 40 3 00 a 3 50 0 35 a 0 40 0 10 a 0 10 Batter 0 16 a 0 17 Apples, per bag 0 50 a 0 75 Wood short 2 25 a 2 25 Wood long 3 00 a 3 50 Clover 7 00 a 7 50 ") Timothy 2 25 a 2 50 Keep ?R'FootWarm "Dry We have all the latest styles of Felt goods in Overshoes, Felt Boots, Felt Slippers, Sox and Rubbers. First-class goods at Low Prices 5 per cent off for cash. W.TAYLOR86SONS BAARITT STOCK of and Scasolla1)16 Goods AT THE Saurday,Nov.26 —THE ---- LAST ]JAY! POST OFFICE STORE. VARNA. • 000 After having laid in an unusually heavy stock of GENERAL DRY GOODS, con- sisting of Tweeds, Worsteds, Fine Pantings, Mantle Cloths, Dress Goods, Cashmere, Panoy Dress Goods, Flannelette, Red and Grey Flannel, Meltons in various shades, Cot- ton Shirtings, Cottonadee, Gent's and Ladies' Underwear, and a large stook of Boys' Readymade Suits, we bought the heavy stook of bankrupt goods from the creditors of Mr Snidd, of Philipsburg. The purchase of this stock allowed us 170 greatly reduce our already low prices, and as we have a very large stook and are crowded, we have decided to make a still further reduotion of 10 per cent on all our Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes for the next 30 days. GRaCERIES—Our stook of Groceries is now complete, which via will sell cheaper than the cheapest. We also carry a heavy stook of Furs, Robes and Coats, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Waterproofs at rock bottom prices. We have a great number of China Tea and Dinner Sets, Fancy Dishes in China or Glassware, suitable for 'Christmas presents, which are both handsome and cheap. Call and see our stock before buying elsewhere, and be convinced that thie is the place for cheap goods. No trouble to show goods. Produce taken at cash prioes. JOS. MORROW, PostOffice Store, Varna , THANKS! la returning our sincere thanks to our customers and friends who have extended to us during the past twenty-five years their kind patronage, we beg to inform them that we are opening out a branch store in the new Mackay Block, and are putting in a new stock of Shelf Goods and Hardware Specialties. The store is now completed, but we do not expect -to get ready to open up for a week or ten days, as this is our busy season. Our customers will please remember that we still carry a stock in the old stand as before, and as the stores will be connected by telephone, customers can get goods or leave their orders at the store which is most convenient for them. We have always clone our best ito accommodate and please our many friends and customers in the past, and will apply every means to do so in the future, and hope to receive a continuance of their good will and sup- port. We are, yours respectfully, HARLAND BROS., Iron & Hardware Merchants The doors close Saturday night at 11 o'clock for the last time. For the two days, Fri- day and Saturday, we will rush out the goods at far less than wholesale prices. COME AND SEE US. - Men's Overcoats Boys' Overcoats Men's Pants Boys' Pants Pants Start at 90e. O'coats start at $2 Boys' Heavy Overcoats at $2.75 Overalls clear at 40cts and 65 ets 50 Mantles Left, they go at Half Price Get your Coat now; the • chance of a life time. We can give you a great big Bargain in Dress or Mantle Cloth. Maddock & co, Huron Streetl, Clinton BURN BEESLEY.—In Clinton, on the 24th inst., the wife of Mr W. H. Beesley, merchant, of a son. HILL.—In Mullett, on the 1Sth inst., the wile of Mr Jeshuit Hill, a a son. TURNER.—I0 Clinton, on the lath inst., the wife of Mr Wilson Turner, of a daughter. GARQUHAR.—In Hullett, on the 17th inst.. the wife of Mr Geo. Farquhar, of a son. MARRIED. WOOLPERT—REEVE.—At West 8uperio\4i on the 16th inst., Mr A. E. Woolpert, to Miss Emina E. Reeve, second daughter of Dr. J. Reeve, tnerly of Clinton. FLYNN—SHEA.—At Irishtown It. C. Church, on the 22nd inst., by Rev •Father Murphy, Mr Hugh Flynn, of Hullett, to Miss Mary Shea. TAYLOR—TILT.—At the residence of John Manning, Woodstock Ont., by the Rev E. W. Dudson, B. A., Mr Archibald Taylor, merchant of Windsor, to Mies Tilt, formerly of Clinton. MoVITTIE—WATKINS.—*At the residence of the bride's father, Base Line, on 'the 23rd inst., by Rev klr Diehl, Mr H. McVittie, to Miss Emma Watkins. [Wedding invitations, neatly printed on short, notice, at the NEW ERA] DIED. COMMANDER.—On the 20th inst., at 3 Nicho- las sr,. Toronto, of consumption, Win, Joseph Commander, late of Clinton, aged 41 years and 9 months. FEttGUSON.—At Glenannan, on the 12th inst., Barbara Ferguson, mother of J. B. Ferguson of Wingham, aged 96 years. CASH.—In McKillop, on the 17th inst., William Cash, aged 83 years and 4 months. SALE REGISTER, Farm stock, &a., of Mr W. Rutledge, lot 31, Hayfield con. Goderich Township, on Wednesday Doc. 7th,, T &I. Carling, auet. Additional Hdron Notes. We are pleased to state that Mr Straiton, G. T. R. agent, Goderioh, is recove ring from hts recent illness. John andpos. McMillan, of Port Albert, have let their farm to Hugh J. Blake, of the 7th con., Ashfield. Mrs Needham, widow of the late George Needham, Egmondville, left on Saturday for Orillia, where she will in future reside with her parents. Geo. A. Green, of Port Albert, left for Cleveland, Ohio, last week, He leaves a n umber of creditors,the chief among whom i a his brother-in-law, Andrew McMillan, to mourn his hasty exit. Wiil Robertson, who hes, for the last six menthe, been book keeper in the office of the Goderick Organ Co., left on Wednes- day of last week for Toronto, where he has enured a good situation. Malcolm McLeod, formerly of Goderich, a brother of Capt. Duncan McLeod, was •accidentally, killed recently, -by falling through the hatchway of a cigar ship, of which he was niate. The accident occurred near Duluth. Port Albert school will have a change of teachers for 1893. Mise.Alioe Hawkins, of Godegioh Model School, is engaged to teach in the junior department, to replace Miss MoFarlane,who intends taking a term at Ottawa Normal School. Miss Burrows is engaged to teach in Sheppardton sohool,E, for 1893. Tuekersmitb. NOTES.—Mr Josiah White had a ploughing bee last Friday, and it is thought that they turned over a lot of earth, because there was a great num- ber of different ploughs there, some of the drivers rode, some walked and some went on a slow run, because it was a very cold day and they were try- ing to keep warm; it is thought that perhaps this bee was for exercise, after eating so many oysters on Tuesday night. CHOOSE THE BEST. When home dyeing is to be done, the principal point for consideration ia the em- ployment of reliable dyes. This point is fully immured when Diamond Dyesare need. It is as easy todye with Diamond Dyes, and produce good results, as it is to bake a loaf of good bread. Of course, the results are different when inferior dyea are called into use; time is wasted, and good materials are ruined. When you dye, choose tke best dyes. Succeseful home dyers always nae the Diamond. ' William O'Connor, cliampion oar °man of America, died at Tomato, on Wednes- day, of typhoid fever. The Dominion Government has gone i Glasgow, Scotland for a new fishery com- missioner'. Canada for the Canadians seems to be played ont. The live stook season kas closed. Total ahipments for the season from Montreal, 98,631 head, as compared with 104,309 last season. The season vras a bad one. Attorney -General Blair, of New Bruns- wick, wail' elected to the legislature in Queen'a county, N. B., on Tuesday, defeat- ing Mr J. D. Neales by about 900 majority. John A. Chesley, Independent Conser- vative, was elected to the commons in Bt. John, N. B., on Tuesday, defeating the regular candidate of he party, Mr Geo, Robertson. Mr Ctuf,sley favors closet trade relations with the 'United States NOVIDIBM the top month. So far we feel eare we will not he pointed when the 30 dap ar0 done. The increase over 040 every proceeding month is very satisfactory. Now, you know a number of re58003 combine to produce those exec results, which we feel sure are almost as gratifying to the eroli people who buy at this store as to ourselves. In the first place vre have done a splendid business this seasonirillig ant-1\es, Wraps a'nd °Qat For Ladiel, giving the greatest pleasure to our people, in Styli well -fitting Garments at a moderate outlay of money, and t1ijs4 know is what ladies are looking for. Goods as New, Stylish 41 Neat as city houses can show, and for less money than they ask many cases for the same garments. Our racks have been repleniSt *only the other day with the Ath purchase of very new and dash% , MANTLES at only $6.75, length, Astracha Trimmed. Also a lot of fine Beaver TrimMt1 Mantles just to hand Then in Men's, Youth's, Boy' and Children's Ready Made Clothing in O'coa A 11 Sizes, Qualities and Prices: Boys' SUITS all Prices, Sixe8,04 and kinds, from two dollars upwards. Any person wanting Clot • may be suited at this store. We purpose making this house,;. great depot for Clothitsg in the Ready Made way for the peoplt Huron. NN here people of every age, color and creed can c0nle wt out hesitation and get what they require, knowing that what,tki buy is reliable and right, not only in price but in quality. LADIES' RIR GOODS iTnooGraereenibaenicr hnealre4 00,41 Cooney, Nutria, Beaver, Persian Lamb, Astrachan, all prices. Ott . - N Storm Collars,Muffs, Boas, Caps, in fact everytaing in the line i6 k Gilroy 4 Wiseina OIIE 1\1 - SNOW AND COL WEATHEll Winter has arrived and we are prepared for it. See our Var. • Men and Boys. Good TWEEDS for SUITS for Men and Bo a 1E114_ a ment of UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS, Top Shirts ad' Cardigan jetike Mantle Cloths, Warm Wool Wraps and Drees Gcrodsjor Ladies' and Misi Handsome Warm Caps and Mufflers. While remembering the head and bad we have not forgotten the feet as well—we have Leather BOOTS and SIIQE Felt Boots and Shoes, Heavy and Light Rubbers, for Men. and Boys,' also:La dies' and.Misses Rubbers, OVERSHOES in Manitobas, Snow Excluders, Plain Cloth, Carnival, rte. Ciirdigan Overshoes for Ladies' Boys,' Misses and Chitd- ren. Mackinaw Stockings for Men and Boys.' All at the very lowest poEisib prices. Inspection invited. ex ADAMS' EMPORIUM, R. ADAM LONDESBORO o is to Bla We sell Long Boots, Short BootEh Fine Boots, Coarse Boots, Lignt Boots, Heavy Boots, Big Boca and Little Boots, Rubbers, Oar• digans, Overshoes, Oiled Larr gan.s, Rubbers and Socks, all prices that are easy to a This being the case if you allow yourself or your family to welt) defective boots, get their feet wet, and have hAvy doctor's bills to pay, Who's to Blame? We ar waiting to serve you. L. OUIMETT 7.43