Clinton New Era, 1892-11-25, Page 2me7711107lirrorerr,"1/4 417,41.4 .44 • ' or, �G; .BUROR e 0,,theroottoiv Peon() On A e0),VOTTAU, 0 OMAITT VOMSOIL• nleE teW of the vote 'shortly to he take county on the subject of the Its merit of A Chewer. House of %we publish the following 004 to the council in 18W, by tIlOnlmitteo appointocl to enquire ;0 the ,raattcr. Whe eepert speaks and will repay perusal. It accede le wordy:nee with the inetruetious atalua, in the resolution of this ncit its January SessiOn, your ial committenhave endeavored. to tate, All the informatioe possible re - a ewe to the cost of lands, buildings na Maintenance of the various insfl- ROM: called houses of refuge, for the re of the poor, in the Province, and nee inforniation of a kindred nature. eur committee have aimed at giving rothe council the very fullest informa- 1 ne.peecerning this intportant matter, the information has been obtained ellontrefererice to the leanings of the sMherSof erode' committee. The sub- mmittee thought its first duty was to teen a correet account of the amount pent by the various municipalities of ff. county under the head of 'charity.' kis allows a comparison -though an :Perfect one -to be made between the petof keeping the poor in our own ty, ,and the cost in a county hay- ge a house of refuge. The returns neer this head embrace the years 1887 ale1888 '• 18.87 kehfleid $138 59 . 38 68 3 [341):... 48 30 oussels 147 73 intOn 218 71 ) ObOrne 200 50 Elloter 195 69 cidetieh town 536 05 Welch township282 75 rex 202 00 a 42 00 66 50 'Wet 264 11 118 35 80 00 30 00 0 re 136 50 175 25 No return m'stietle 181 57 201 22 • nleY 102 00 147 18 phen 65 50 129 65 reekeremith 278 98 470 00 Fannberry 171 89 234 84 Ireliorne 383 25 296 08 E;Wiewanosh 172 11 70 00 W. Wawanosh 156 52 173 00 207 26 100 68 No return 1888 $216 00 54 83 55 47 191 58 322 96 277 15 226 72 851 09 84886 193 00 Feugham rellixelset otal $4251 57 54739 91 ill thus be seen that directly out local municipal exchequers has id the sum, allowing for muni - s not reporting, one half the of $9,449 in two years. To ms must be added the sums of $483, respectively, which are ee a. unts estimated by the Coenty urer as spent by the coup ',,y, for i*E4'ame . purposes as the local grants .the same years, and these tec,4o make grand total of no less than $1 216, or 5,Pr5 per annum. Eery mein:leer of elm ceurify council rexr ()Are eltarged with indictable of - e a 4 that these sums do not in ay represent the full a,mount of barity bestowed by this county. te charity by churches, individu- a societies is largely given to the :.sexpepersons-thatereceive munide eether large item of expense to the Mitres in connection with the run- ee pf the gaol, The manner in which s'expense is paid is as follows, The vernment pays for all prisoners *cep, and the county pays for all pliers. The last quarter the Govern - mile was charged with 119 days and lie' minty with 1513 days. Of this 513 'days, 1483 days is chargeable to eeneemtenance of indigents. In con- uenee of this the county. had to 03, against $46.37 paid by the Mnent, or about 14/15ths of the e expense. If there had been no ente confined the Government d have had to pay nearly two- s and the county one-third. In ay the cost to the county was .ae..genfe alone over $400 for the ere _Ms "Eiiiiitedrle-110t'llb-OVS' verage, so that the county pays illy about $1600 for maintenance iidigents in jail. Lee question naturally arises -how eh of this large sum would be saved he local municipalities by the erec- : house of refuge. From the re • rhe on in the hands efeerolescom- iiittee it quite evident that nly a Orr email proportion' -Of the charity Vint to indigents would remain. It not pretended that there would be eolimount to be spent by the local Municipalities for charitable purposes, Put it is established beyond all ques- tion in the counties where houses of refuge, together, the result is a less Om by a considerable amount than the sum previously spent for like pur- poses. The special committee appoint- ed. by the county council of Ontario ounty to report on this subject at its une session, and of those report we ave been favored with a copy on this int report "The erection of a house refege appears to have obivated, ex - tit, iii the smallest degree, .grants to digents by the minor municipalities." The natioue houses of refuge in the &ince are as follows: °Minty of Elgin -Township of Sout h- 01a:t1ree miles west of St. Thomas. 'eunt'er of Waterloo -Berlin. 'Anty of York -Near Newmarkel. uty of Lincoln - Township of bane e little over half a mile St 'Catharines. y of Middlesex -Township of A dal 0, near Strathroy. Coent Xorfolk-Gcne of Wood- . lumen County of ellington-Tovrnship of Nichol, midn y between the villages of Fergus and Elora. ...S01.1Iaty of Welland - Township of Thbrola. Cininty of Brant - Township of Brantford. The average cost of the institutions is the sum of $16,666.66,. including land, 'buildings and furnishings complete, but the present feelings of all concern- ed. is that farms are a mistake. The - Weight of evidence goes to show that %40 On 50 acres are better than 100 or ` onate In Maley cases the buildings are eh Mote expensive than need be, 0 offidiela recommend cheaper et nnee. The entailer instttu- w d:be ample for- the 40 hot areragoia THE' CL�flON NEW Era. 11 140 00119014 TtlACt oiREnnrirl 'WORK reenlf TO 000000' oat over $1210,00. MOWS 0 cOrnntrttee next • Call Ott*THE , ion. to 0 number of Inmates, Committed The eeeeletesa of eareti is 0044 a00.-1•' .0r Wig ItTetgOl'ORAIrg, temPorsorlIT and permanently (luring 000,09Q1 1. , and OW Coat per head- of these , Vile l‘blek VAt A. is the beet 81, a yeer The, teacheee ef Vest Huron won, inatitutiens, sweated to aseist in preparing a colleo. Innlates 094 per head vaPerb in TiOron. , ; Mon. ot pupils", work trona the sehools Vigin . 4. , . ., , , 109 ' VP 04 The sensational. •YO•Poets that tne, 0, olio heepeetorate In.,aecordanee Vitfh, ...,Waterloo, , - . - 118 ° 49 00 icorinee of Wales health ' la cawthe toowing *caw Immo by the xerk...0..,,,,,1.07 5,1 98_ \ Anuelk anxiety to his faMtlY and friends Edueetion Pepertinent, The quail Taineelin, . ... . . 52 Illiddieseig . 127 4`r,1 03 are I 17 4 (14 ' of the everX done in pur schools 'AS such 16 iiii The'rePort ia again revived that Sir, that 1 nm eetisiled a 'very' creditable Norfolk ......,.. , - 75 'Wellington... 114 03 IW John Abbott, having recovered hits collection maybe emit freenBastthiron, Bieet..** ******. . 59 health, Will not retire from the Precut- gacb school. shonkl begin the work at Witiir erf3hip until the Manitoba school elnes, once% and prepare as Many writing, tioe is settleddrawing and bookkeeping_e sure the hoelei and The average cost as above Of each inmate in the houses of refuge was Property,100, 102 and let Broadway sPeohnene as possible.- lie specimens are of tm he sizes named. Mend about $5$. Thie does not include ine and Dba.1 Pine eereet, New...York, .was the best work done to nae not later terest RR genital account. We have botight Thersday by the Arnerican than February ist, 00 gust I may for - also ascertained that the average cost Surety- Compelsr for $1,040,000 equine - ward them to the Department in time. of maintenance including,. salaries, lent to $17,01O a square foot, five of these institutions during 188f31 .1-. .A. Doe:minim post 'office clerk, who School Inspector. D. ROBB, food and 010thing, Of eaeh =nate in Per week, Was as follows: ogre Wien 700 lettem has escaped nun-, °Rutin, N. 18th, 1892. g n el 07 ' ishinent Re turned Queen's eVideirce- CIRCULAR TO INSPECTOSS Ann Middlesex 1 05 against himself, It is tOo bad that so persistent a thief could not be given TEA.CRERS. Waterloo 954 his deserts. DEAR Sin, -I am directed by the Wellington 1 23 • 1 114 e-Brooklye, N. Y. is threatened with acting Minister of Education to invite York le 10 an epidemic of smallpox. There are the cooperation of inspectors and 1 Average now 45 patients at the pest house. teachers in the preparation of a collec- Not taking into account interest an Health Commissioner Griffi.n says the tion of pupils' work from the schools capital. le These institutions, however,. yielded disease is not confined to any particof Ontario, to be exhibited at the certain revenues which materially de- lar portion of the city, but is scattered World's Columbian Exhibition, to be all over. held in Chicago, 1893. To keep up the crease the expenditure. These reven- reputation which the educational ex- ues are derived from the products of The Old Colony Railroad Company hibits from the Province have already the farm and the labor of the inmates, bas brought suit against O. S. Rack- achieved in England, France and the and are given as taken from a return man for 15 cents. The proceeding is a United States, it is desirable to make to the Legislature. test case to determine whether or not the exhibit as attractive and as fairly Revenue • a passenger is compelled to pay his fare representative as possible Iiif the pupils' If 915 00 when no seating accommodations are ordinary scheol work. 2,540 00 furnished, For the ordinary exercises it would 1,362 00 The smallest "cat -boil" is 'ergo enough be well to have white foolscap paper, 1,610 00 to allow that the blood needs purifying -a such as is generally used at examine - 1,246 00 waruing which, if unheeded, may result, tions; for writing, large letter paper, Y and for specimens of drawing, including 1,258 00 not in more boils, but in something ver much worse. Avert the danger in time by me? drawing, ordinary drawing paper the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Cured wil be the most suitable, the sizes be - others, will oure you. ing 84 by 11 inches, 11 by 17, or 17 by 22 inches. At the foot of each specimen An agitation is proposed to be start- ed in Montreal shortly, with a view to the name of pupil, age, form and school the admission of United States cattle should be given. Slips for the purpose, if required, will be furnished by the into Canada. If the government gr ants such admission it is probable that dead Department. A. list of such specimens as would meat factories will be established, and next summer will ilso see United fairlyillustrate what is being done in tides cattle being exported to the old our schoole is annexed. It is recom- country via Montreal. mended that public . school teachers send specimens of their pupils' work, Among the arrivals in Montreal Fri- thus prepared, to their inspector, who day, was Charlie Wah Hang, Chinese will make a selection of the five best of merchant prince, of Boston. Wah each kind, and forward them to this Hang is here fore°, double purpose -to Department. The principal of each negotiate with the C. P. R. in matter high school and collegiate institute of freight rates from China, and to do will in like manner send. an exhibit of some reconnoitering with a view to the work of his students. In this way establishing a wholesale tea house in there will be afforded an opportunity Montreal. of showing the best work of the kind An eminent authority has it that the done in each public school inspectorate, death rate of the world is calculated te be end in each high school and collegiate 67 per minute, 4,030 per hour, 96,720 per institute. It is desirable that the writ - day, while the rate of births, slightly ex- ten exercises should include specimens oeeding the death rate, is calculated to be of each subject taken up, and may be 70 per minute, 4,100 per hour, 100,800 per selected from answers of pupils at an day, 36,742,000 a year. The estimated in- examination. Special care may be crease per annum is therefore a little over taken regarding the specimens in draw- ing, map drawing, etc., provided the 1,500,000. work is executed by the pupils. A man residing three miles from Newport, The specimens should be sent to this Ind., met a horrible death. He was sub - Department by the inspector or high ject to epileptic fits. About 5 o'clock he Lot 124, High street, —Cli—nton, with comfortable school principal, not later than the went out to feed the hogs. As he did not return one of the family went out to see 15th of February, in order to allow twoetory frame house, containing seven rooms in good condition; now occupied by Mr J.W. Hill time for any necessary framing or Good garden, small stable. Apply to the owner what was the matter and found that the binding in book form before sending to MRS. MARTHA DUNCAN, or to H. HALE hogs were tearing the old man's body to Huron St., Clinton. *4i Chicago. Yours truly, pieces. Jour: MILLER, Evangelists Hunter and Crossley re- Deputy Minister. turned to St. Thomas on Wednesday Education Department, Toronto, night from Lindsay, where they have Nov. 3rd, 1892. been conducting special evangelistic LIST OF SUBJECTS. 'main s for the past month. The 1. Kindergarten work. 2: Writing -copybooks. " -Specimens of writing. 36- Book -keeping -Sets of books:. 44 -Commercial forms. . The North Half of lot twenty-six in the fifth 4, Drawing -Books. concession of Hulled will be sold on moderate 4 t -Spechnens of freehand, terms, part cash. It constrises 47 acres, all good objectdra.wing, industrial land, of which 42 are cleared. Good hewed log designs, etc. house with frame kitchen, in all five rooms ; log $$ -Maps, plain and colored, stable and frame granary. Good bearing orchard. el la and spring. sevens rrin t miles eAsbforuotnithEfleyet ImilesAp!,r, Clin- tonfrom raised maps -putting on, '' t epapier mache, on slates, owner, MRS ELIZABETH BROWNLEE, Blyth, or carer board. or to IL HALE, Clinton 5%- Specimen pages showing exercises, or answer papers in the various subjects of the high or public school 1 Elgin Waterloo York Lincoln Middlesex Norfolk Wellington Welland Brant 600 00 The following shows the actual cost of maintenance of each institution after allowing for revenue: Elgin $4,199 73 Waterloo 1,764 88 York 7,740 86 Lincoln 1,940 76 Middlesex 4,388 20 Norfolk 1,131 75 Wellington 7,292 03 "It will be seen that in the matter of municipal grants alone the amount expended would be less under a poor house system in all probability, than that now spent. If to these amounts be added a proportion of the amounts spent privately, as undoubtedly should be done, then a very much larger sav- ing can be shown. It must also be borne in mind that the present system is very unsatisfactory and insufficient. Under it one municipality frequently must care for the poor of another, but with a house of refuge the burden would be equitably borne. At present many deserving poor really suffer ra- ther than go to goal, which might be their tate if they applied for aid. Your attention is also directedto the constantly increasing number of those destitute and partially insane persons who by law are made wards of the county. This present session four new applications are being made, and the Treasurer's estimate for this kind of relief is largely increased. These per- sons could be cared for in a great ma- jority of cases much better and more cheaply in the house of refuge. In all the counties where such houses exist these persons are committed to them. This item of expenditure in the near future will, vt e are afraid, assume very English, Methodist, Presbyterian and large proportions. It adda a very con- Baptist Churches united, and as a re- sidekable amount to the sums given suit 550 professed conversion. The above as the sums spent in charity by evengelists- have been- invited to visit this coda -Ye - Bridgeport, Conn., and Buffalo, N. Y. Houses have been established in the • By a simple system of regietered numbers Messrs. Tuckett & Son can tell which of their workmen manipulated any particular plug of their "Myrtle Navy" tobacco. if the caddy which contained it is known. Should any imperfection be found in any plug, therefore, they can at once single out the workman -from among their 400 hands -who is responsible fut it. This system works so thoroughly that the complaints do not average one for every 200,000 plugs turned out. The first instance of a funeral on bi- cycles took place Tuesday' at the town Redditch,. England. C James, cap- tain of the- Redditch Town Cycling Club, died on, Friday, and just before his death requested that. his body be conveyed to tem cemeterv on bicycles. In accordance with his wish, the coffin was laid upon a. platform, draped in black and erected on four bicycles, four men in unifor.n of a club actielg WS' bearers. Preceding the coffin was a strong contingent of the- members of the club, all riding their wheels, and a great concourse ot people lined the route. Premier Greenway, of Manitoba, takes an intelligent standton the:trade question. Speaking of the United elections, he says if there -is any coun- try where protection might be success - tech° 0 rasot-thliesdatpBrieeimirmitseseiroal. ful it is the United States.. Within the Subscriber keepsofor tete, raviT borders of the -Republic were unlimited I lot 23 lar gtfh cooc;:t6 resources, but with all the special ta- se'rviee, efth privilege of returning if necessary. vors of nature and immense capital for t STEPHEN GRAY. the development of the same, the peo- ple had risen in their might against a nieh protective tariff. The Premier said the days -were gone by when capi- talists and monopolists Gould control the masses of voters. He thought Canada should follow suit. Canada will follow suit whensoever a fair op- portunity is. presented to her. The • Berkshire Boar for Service. - people will not again be on, the side of ' The undersigned keeps for service on his pre - combine rule; no matterhow much the noises, Gravel Road, Hullett, first-class thoro- men who hold power by virtue of the bred Berkshire Boar, raised by Mr Symonds, of money bags of the ringaters try to con- Lobo township, It,took first prize at London exhibition and first at the Bizron Central. Terms wee fuse the issue. ei a time of service,or $1.W if booked. WM. PREMI"."; For the last twenty-eight days one. SNELL. Hullett,•00t,\24, 1892. *lm of the inmates of the Toronto Insane London, Eng., November 17. -Refer- Asylum has been walking around with ring to the unveiling of' the bust of tne a knife fork and spoon in his inside. While at dinner one day these articles disappeared, and after fruitless search for f hem the knife and fork swallower confessed that they had gone the same road as his -dinner. Although several of the offfeials are sceptical about the matter, the medical superinterulent, Dr. Clark,. is satisfied that the man is outside of the tableware. When asked if there was any hope for the man liv- ing, he said: "He is all right yet from appearances, but it is only a matter of a sh ort time until trouble begins, as the artieles will corrode and become jagged unless they are removed from his stomach by an operation. I have written to the patient's father, Who re - rides here in Toronto, suggesting an operation. Unless peritonitis sets in he would recover, but there is no hope of his living with the cutlery in his stomach. It is beginning to corrode already. I was in hopes that by a mira,cle the articles might have gone through the small intestinese but it is hardly possible, as they would have to turn almost at ight angles at one poi tit, b the knife is seven ITIChOS long and co hardly paw there.' • counties of Elgin, Waterloo, Lincoln, Middlesex, York, Norfolk, Wellington and Welland. According to the re- turns sent to the Ontario Govern- ment, these houses contain 749 inmates. Of this number 420 were over 60 years of age, and 122 children under 15 years of age. The number is made up of persons helpless through disease, acci- dent or mental infirmity. It will tilt's be seen that the very large portion of the inmates are through age unfit to care for themselves, and bereft as they nearly always are of persons able to care for them, without the presence of a home, must suffer severely. even when granted the municipal and chari- table assistance commonly given. ELECTION BETS. Charles Wilde, of Stuyvesante N. Y.,. is walking from Albany to Said Fran- cisco in paymene of a bet onliarrison's• election. At Dobbin, W. Va. Captain W. P. Mooney and James J. illaeabe made an agreement that should Harrisoo be, elected the Democrat should est a live - rat in the town hall, and should Cleve- , land be elected the other should eat it. With Mr McCabe's consent it was agreed that the rat should be cooked. The town hall wan filled to, its utmost capacity with spectators who witness- ed the paymene of one of the most novel bets of the campaign. Two well-known printers of New York city will consume a quart of pea -- nuts some night this week. One will eat the shells and the other the kernels - The man who expected Harrison to be elected will have to content himself" with the shells. Another printer who has a fine flowing beard, will cut it off` and present it to his Democratic mita- gornst. tira Welllhe.ten GrieVele aged 12 Veal* ivhelf at Wheineeville, died in the 1+917e 4rt hospital from the effeete or chlore- OM properly adminktercd in order hat tie plight unclergo a nectsSarY', peration• WS death oucor,r0c1 amoor inMediately after he application of he Ong and before the physicians , OrnMeneed their work, The perente r $ the boy were present and returned tome with the boy, CI , .. i . e• i... ,C00,0H,4, 1.7$.,,, . • e e, )0k '‘....,, f - / • ! %., , e N. 4, „reoe ,44 ON 3ZNJOVISI Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts 5e.ntly yet promptly on the Kidneys, .eiver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels eolds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and. ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the. most healthy and agreeable substances it3 many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the meet popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs i3 for sale in 750 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO.,, SAN FRANOISCO, OAL. LOVE:MILLE, FM NEW TOBE, X. V. FOR SALE' OR TO LET. Valuable Farm for Sale. _ The North ballot lot 30, 2nd concession Eits Wawanosli. Apply to gAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON. Goderich G -00D FARM FOR SALE — For particulars apply to • MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, &c., Clintem ”..rs. •-rcl 1$4 A 1$1. r-,.. 1r evil -C,f1-13$ la A T L, -IC 'VAL 1-X..1.41.1 RAVI/ 014V0 QV THE MYATLE Naiv)r. • IN BMW LeneEne. NOSE OTHER GENUINE, 7 E. DX4011ALL VETERIN4RT auvanox 0 • HonoraryGraduate of the OntarloVeterinary •College. Treats alldieeases of domesticated aut. mal0 on the Mat triodern mid scientific princi- ples, Oftloe.,-immediately south ot the New Era Otiloe, .Residence Albert 8t.,01inton, Calls night Orday attendedtopromptly. MRS. WHITT, M. C. M. $ TEACHER OF NUS. Plano, Organ and Teohnicon,or Blued developer. for use of pupils. Rooms at Mr. A. Cook's, Albert Street, Clinton. course. Si Natural science -Specimens of birds, plants, woods, etc. 'L. Photographs -Buildings, grounds, laboratories, gymnasiums, etc. 86 Miscellaneous -Any special work.of the pupils, as apparatus, etc. PIGS FOR SERVICE Ugggrid China Boar for Service. The undersigned keeps fo- r service on his pre - =beer lot con. 1 Colborne a Pure Bred Poland China Boar. It taking the first prize and Diplo- me, atGoderich for 2 years in succession, also first prize at Clinton for 2 years in sncceesion. Terms $1 at tbe time of service, or 'UM if book- ed. Haire also for sa:eed Throughbred Poland ChinasBoars 6 weeks told: J. J. FISHER, Ben• miller, Oat. Berkshire Bear for Service. FARM FOR SALE Farm containing 150 acres, 110 cleared: good barn and house; 32 acres seeded down, 20 acres of fall wheat in; 4 acres of orchard, good bearing fruit trees and 3 acres of young trees. Two never failing streams run tn rough the farm. The farm ie one mile north of Bayfield, on the Goderich road. Apply on the pren.ises to MRS JAMES MACLEOD, or by letter to Baytield P.O. Farm for Sale. CANADA'S DEPARTED. memory of Sir John A. Macdonald m St Paul's Cathedral yesterday, the Standard this morning says: -While forgetting his faults we must remem- ber acutely his virtues and recall the courage, loyalty-, breadth of sentiment and foresight of the old man eloquent. The Telegram says: -Sir John was much assailed and ranch eulogised, but the spellof his power over Canada was unbroken. It was not every adminis- trative act of his life that would bear examination under the microscope of rigid political morality. Before all things he was a firm and faithfu/ lover and defender of the Empire. The Chronicle says: -Sir John Mac- donald was a staunch believer in the integrity of the Empire. The consoli- dation of the Canadian Provinces af- forded an illustration of his far-seeing statemanship. The Times says: -Sir John left many bitter opponents, but few will grudge the honor done to his memory. In'tildrert Cry for Pitc .erS_Pastor!!! Important to Pig Breeders. To make it more oasyfor those at a distance to use the popular andwell known&ig, Royal Tom, '• or his fine son fronethe $65 sow, een Bee. The • Terms are,to insure $1 returning not compulsory %Sof Queen Bee's sons still for sale cheap consider- ' ng gnality. GEICS. HOARE, near Clintou. pdw Notice to. Farmers. and Breeders of Pigs ' The subscriber will keepfor service on his pre- mises, lot 26., London Road, Stanley, a pure bred Chester White Boar, having taken the first prize at Seaforth and Clinton Shows in 1892, Bred from the Boar that took the first -prize at Toron- to in 1891, Terme, $1 cash. J. STANBURY. TO RENT OR FOR SALE. FOR SALE OR. TO LET. One ands half story cottage, on Albert Street Stable, Sheds, &c., contains 9 rooms good water. Possession immediatly. also three adjoining lots which would be sold separately it required. MRS THOS COOPER, Clinton.. R. AGNEW, Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Graduate of the Toronto School of Dentistry. Nitrous Oxide Gas administere'd for the painless extraction of teeth, Office in Smith's Block over Emerton's Barber Shop, Clinton. garNight bell answered. 1 y .DR. TURNBULL. J. L. Turnbull, M. B., Toronto University, 31 0.• C.M., Victoria University, M. 0. P & 8„, Ontario. Fellow of the Obstetrical Society of Edinburgh late of London, Eng„ and Edinburgh Hospitals. Offise•—Dr. Dowsely'a old office Rattenbury fit. Clinton Night 'Us answered at the same place ra DICKINSON, THE OLD & RELIABLE. Auctioneer still in the field, able and will- ing to conduct any sales entrusted to him, and takes this opportunity of thanking his patrons for past favors. Also Chattel Mortgages closed and rents collected. Charges moderate. D DICKINSON, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Residence Albert Street, Clinton. TC. BRUCE, L. 0.8., SURGEON DENTIST, • floats' Block, Clinton, over Taylor's shoe 'store. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of a newly discovered local anteethetic, no uncon- solousnees nor ill effects accompanying the using of this remedy. It is perfectly safe and harm- less, and is highly spoken of by many in Clinton and vioinity who speak from•experience. Refer- ences may be had by inquiry at ray office. GOOD STORE TO BENJ. First-class Brick Store to rent, with good cel- lar suitable for any business.. now occupied by Mr.J. W. Irwin, as a grocery. Favorable terms. W. C. SEARLE For Sale or to Rent. TARWORTHINGTON,—PHYSICIAN SUR GEON Aoconcher, Licentiate of the College of Physicians, and Surgeons of Lewer Canada, and PIN:mini:51a Licentiate and Coroner for the County of Huron. Office and residence.—The :building formerly occpulcd by Mr Thwaites Huron Street. Conton. Jan 11. 1870, --Theresidenee-and-groursisat thecornefof John andQueen Streets, in the tewn, a Clinton com- prising lots 534 and 535;the property le beautifully situated and well improved, the house is a story and a half frame in good state of repair, 8 rooms besides hails, pantry, and kitchen, there is also a good stake. hard and soft water with other con- veniences, For particularsapply to, MANNING & SCOTT, Solicitors. Clinton. Farm for Sale or to Rent That desirable farm 08 80 acres, Lot 18, in the 16th Concession of Goderieh Township, now oc- cupied by Mr John Smith. Good frame house of 10 rooms; bank barn and stable; good orchard. Apply to B. HALE, Clinton, or to the owner, G. F. BURNS, 214, Fourteenth Avenue, Detroit. Sept. 16th, 1892. *lro J. T. WILKIE, SURGEON, DENTIST --- Holds the exclusive ri ght for the county for th Hurd process of administering chemically pure Nitrogen Monoxide, which is the safest and best system yet discovered for the pain - lase extraction of teeth. Charges moderate satisfaction guaranteed. Office and Residence, Rattsnbury St., 2 doors east of Molsons Bank, eninton. For Sale on toRent The undersigned offers for Sale or to Rent that conveniently situated and commodious double brick house on Rattenbury St. on easy terms. The house has every convenience, MISS A.. FOXTON. grottootonat anti other grart3,0 Shingles for Sale g carry on hand a stook of first-class Cedar Shingles; two qualities, which I will sell at every low rate. Orders large or amen filled on the shortest notice. Please give me a call. W. RILEY, Londesboro. 3m * ti, RISC'S CURE ..FOR BeetE Al l E fAll . te . le ones Geod. Ude it 111 thuO. Sold b drugglsrs, 0 N 3 UNIPTION . Meteenineeeee. '.11111itiliesiseeae va... • A. O. U. W. The Clinton Lodge, No. 144, meet in Biddle - combo Hall on the 1st and 3r5 Fridays in each month. Visitors cordially invited. R. STONEHAM, M. W. J. BEAN, Recorder, MANNING & bt.O.CT, Barristers, Solicitors, CoutTal BUTCHER SHOP Subscriber desires to thank the publio general- lyfor the patronage bestowed upon him; and at the same time to say that he is now in a bet ter position than ever to supply the wants of all. As be gives personal attention to all the details of the business customers can rely. on .their orders being promptly and satisfactorily filled. Hismotto is "good meat at reasonable prices." Choice Sausage, Poultry, &c., in season. Cash paid for Hidssi Skins, &o. JOHN SCRUTON, Albert St., Clinton. 0ONVEYANCE:10- . &O. — - Commissioners for Ontario and Manitoba °MOE NEXT DOOR TO NEW ERA, CLINTON. McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. FARM & ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED OFFICERS. It+ , Ross, President, Clinton; M. Mmdle, Vice Pres. Seaforth ; W. J. Shannon, Seey-Treaa. Seaforth ; Jno. Hannah, Manager, Sestorth. DIRECTORS. • Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton; Geo. Watt, Hemlock; Joseph Evans, Beechwood; Thos. Carbet, Clinton ; Alex. Gar- diner, Loadbury ; 85. Murdie, Seaforth. AGENIIS. Thos. Neilans, Harlock; Robt. MoMLllan, Rea - forth; 8 Carnoeban, Seaforth; John 0 Sullivan nd Geo. Murdie, auditors. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or tran- sact other business will be promptly attended Aio, on .thpplicatiouto .anq _at the.„akirfe officers addressed to their respecitve °moos. ONEY TO LOAN. MORTGAGES -al-Bought. Private Funds. 0 RIDOUT, Moe over J Saokson's Store, Clinton. eueONEY TO LEND IN LARGE OR Ata- Small Brune on good mortgage security, moderaterate of interest. H HALE, Clinton. A BEL 13, WEBERS, CIVIL ENGINEER, Xi Provincial Land Surveyor, Draughtsman, eta. Office, up stairs. in Perrin Blook, Clinton, Ont. DR APPLETON — OFFICE — AT RESI- DEMOB on Ontario street. Clinton, op- posite English Church. Entrance by side gate, TAR. H. R. ELLIOT, M. D., L. R. C. P., A./Edinburgh, L. R. C. S.. Edinburgh, Limn - date of the Midwifery, Edinburgh. face at Brucefield. DRS.GUNN & GIBSON, C 'MODS 'ONTARIO Street, a few doors East o Albert Street. W. GUNN, R. J. GIBSON. GEO, D. MeTAGGART, BANKER, ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, LeAccoucheur, etc., office in the Palace Block. Rattenbury St. tformerly occupied by Dr. Reeve, Clinton Ont. TAR STANBURY, GRADUATE OF THE Medical Department of Victoria Univer- sity, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and Dispensaries. New Yorke. Coroner for he County of Huron, Bayfield, Out. genergu Banking Business ti ansacted NOTES DISCOU- NTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. FAR,RAN & TISDALL BANKERS, CLINTON. ON T Advances made to farmers on their own notes, at low rates of interest. A general Banking Business transacted Interest allowed on deposits. Saba Notes bought J. P. TISDALL, Manager MONEYI MONEY! MONEY I (We oan make a feir good loans from private funowd§ at oratea and roodate expensser. _ Terms made to snit borrowers. MANNING& SCOTT, - 4 9414021., The Molsons Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855. CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,000,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J. 11. R. MOLSON. . .Pres F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager o — Notes AN:counted, Collections made, Dreifts issued, Sterling and American ex- change bought and sold at lowest current rates. Interest allowed on deposits. FARM. Monoyadvanced to fanners on their own note with one or more endorsers. No mortgage rerun d as security. H. 0. MIME% Manager January 1887. Clinton ila-agesseemaaalla.