HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-11-11, Page 8R1L °Mil= 11, 1,892
Ii from noW until the 18t
nOvliomigii/On tilatur4fti Mr.
tOikitrist WO OID? °t1. 1.4*
r, engaged ljtt putting n a storm
Whtdow rn the i Second. story of *hie
house, when the ladder slipped and he
WAS thrown (loft. He got olf without
any broken bones, but his fame was eut
in adimnce will secure and his eye blackened. It was for tun -
the CIARTOR NEW ERA ate that he was no worse.
WAVY DAMAGES. — The case of
of January, 1894. That gives the hal- Quick vs. Church was a suit of one
once a tina Year free. Now is the t4ne woman againet another, at 13rant
to subscribe. Assizes, for alienating a wife's affec-
LOCAT.1 NOTIMS tions, and Mrs Quiek. got a verdict of
$4,.500 dainages. In the course of the
Fresh Haddie and Sweet Potatoes—John Gun- evidence it Was Stated that Quick and
inghaule. his wife at one time resided in Clinton,
Fine dock ot choice new groceries to no found
at IRWIN'S Grocery, Mackay block.
If you are in want of o. Goat. Bear. or Fancy
Robe, cheap go to J. TWI VCRELL, Clinton.
Simms Hamm is our specialty, and weoffer
some Ane seta very cheap.—Joansos & ARMOUR
J. W. IRW IN nee removed to the Mackay
block and will be pleased to meet new and old
customers alike.
he being an organ -builder by trade.
Hnimor,rzrs.—Eligns, which observant
people sarpOintto-alate -fall afia. mild'
winter, are numerous. A total eclipse
of the moon took place on November
4th, but it was not visible here. ,Not-
withstanding that the season is ad-
vancing,large quantities of apples are
daily being shipped, Have you, any
BUTTER.—Cash paid fcr good crook. tub or stray stock on your premises, or have
you ladvertise the same
roll butter. must be good. J. W. IRWIN, ost any if so
Grocer, MacKay Block. in the NEW ERA, and you will likely
•IB the time to plant fall Bulbo, procure an owner or recover your lost.
Hyacinths, Tulips, Crocuses, Sno Drops, °hear' OW1 were Marketed quite freely last
W, Q, SEARLE, edutou. week. turkeys, 8c. per lb.; geese 6e.;
" flee fntt thagniA3ent at.pia, of Crockery and
lalaaeware now opened.J. W. IRWIN'S. The
Corner Grocery, Mackay block.
SolVil *opal. needed by the farmers; in many places
PROPERTY CHANGE. —The Hayward in the west water had been scarce for
residence, on the corner of Orange and some time past. "Close the door" signs NIA TLES
Princess streets, has been sold to Mrs are being displayed. Order the Ngw
Dowzer, for the sum of $1,500; it is a ERA for your friends who are living at
comfortlible brick dwelling); centrall
chickens, 5c., or 30c. per pair; ducks,
40c. to 70c. per pair. Anyone inclined
to grumble about the rainfall should
bear in mind that it was very much
In the facp of the fact that wheat is lower in price than for
twenty years pa,st, that the prices of all grains arp low, and
many_peeple arc crying "hard times".
This business keeps growing bigger and bigger, outdoing all
its past achievements. This growth is beneficial to you, for
the more goods we can turn over in a year the cheaper we
can sell them, and still make a living profit.
Y a distance, only $1 from now till Janu-
situated, and the purcha,ser as secured ary 1st, 1894; it is the best $1 a year
a good home. I paper in Huron,
MoNteRENTS.—Messrs Seale, Hoover NOTES.—Mr W. Grigg is able to be
lic Seale, of the Clinton Marble Works, out, after confinement to the house by
have received orders to put in Clinton i illness. Mr Ralph Tiplady has moved
Cemetery a monument for the late to his new house on the base line.
7 James Drover'. of the Huron Road, and
• one for the late James Biggins, of
town, both to be very fine monuments.
FARM RENTER.—Mr Plumsteel, of
• town, has rented his farm on the mill
road, Tucirersmith, to Mr Thos. Lane,
for a term of three years, at a rental of
$300 a year; Mr Lane is a good, indus-
trious man, and believes in leaving a
:farm in iust as good if not better con-
•dition than he gets it, consequently he
is a good tenant. The farm owned by
Mr Plutnsteel, on the London road,
lately worked by Mx R. Tiplady, will
be worked ne
• f
Miss Bessie Porter is still very ill, with
little sign of improvement. Mr Wm.
Murray has been laid off for a day or
two by illness. Mr E. J. Courtice, late
of Holmesville, is now engaged as
wholesale traveller for the Clinton
Or ga,n Company; he has moved into
Mr D. McCorvie's cottage, Rattenbury
street. Mr Chas. Overbury, who has
been visiting in the county of Elgin
for about a month, has returned to
town. Miss Josie McMurray, we are
pleased to learn, is recovering as well
as could be expected. Apples are so
iful th
P 11Z • P. 1.1 .
PEASONALS.—MrsHerbert,of Clande-
boye, is visiting her daughter, Mrs
•Seale. Mrs. T. Jackson, who has been
away from town for several weeks, re-
turned on Saturday evening. Mr and
Mrs John Brickenden returned last
-week from the old country; they had
t -been away about six months. Mrs
Schiele, ot Elkhorn, Mich., formerly,of
-Clinton, who has been visiting her old
friends here, went west on Monday.
The wife of Mr Rogers, Mary St., has
gone north on a visit. Miss Galloway,
of Seafortb, was in town this week. —
Mr. Pousette, general agent of the Ca-
Orain being so low IA price. It is necessary for the farmer to And out the cheapest en
best way to produce it. In the many Farm aournals and Papers there ire frecptent
3yhints to he found that are worth the subsoriptien price for Many years. Among
the nuMerous excellent farm papers we would like to call your attention to the
OHIO FARMER at $1 a year.
TLLAawdpoterEaSubtQwbe will diot
hout it. Price, $1 a year
well to call and get a sample copy
of e H Die Journal. Those who once 'get it
Or any other Magazine you want,
We club any of the papers with the Clinton NEW ERA.
and give you the very best clubbing rates
We made one big mistake in buying our mantles this fall. We
did not buy half enough, we should have gone in stronger
than we did, but buying over twice as many as last year, we
thought we would have enough, but the styles were correct
and the values were right, and our customers found this out.
There has been a large number sold, but we still have a good
assortment left. Of our cheap garments, those that sold at
$4 and $4.50, there are- about a dozen on our racks, these we
want cleared out at once, and you can have your choice for
getting them at 15 to c per hundred.
Murray Camp' Sons of Seotland pur-
poses holding its second St. Andrew's
dinner at Kennedy's hotel, Clinton, on
the evening of November 30th. Mr
George Stewart has moved into the
house he recently purchased, on Mill
street. After this week the night of
meeting for the Good Templars' Lodge
will be Thursday evening, instead of
Friday, as heretofore. We believe it
is the intention of Mr John Jackson to
put a plate glass front in the premises
occupied by Beesley & Co., next spring;
i. will add much to the appearance
thereof. Mr Joseph Rumba 1, of Har-
row, brother of Messrs Fred and Ben
Rumball, of town, is seriously The
nada Life Insurance Company, was in
town this week, and secured several Guy Brothers had a ood house last
policies; people who wonder how
good nature,
Friday and the entertaintnent was first
the fact that he d class. The Cosgrove faniily had not
find the explanation
acquired such jolly quit,e so good a house on Tuesday night,
was formerly in the newspaper b9si-
but there was no.fault to be found with
,r Phil Hayward, before
ness. R. Holmes attendeda meeting which was excellent
the program
of the Canadian Press Association Ex-
I f
•ecutive at the Rossin House. Toronto, leaving town, purchased rom Mr Fred
Rumball for one of his friends, a fine
top buggy. The firm. of contractors of
which Mr Geo. Beesley (late of town)
is the principal, have secured the con -
last week; the members of the Associa-
tion expect to visit the World's Fair in
a body next year.
SINGULAR ADVENTURE. —The wife of tract for the construction of an exten-
Mr W. Gibbings, of the Huron road, sive system of waterworks at Ontario,
met Ilwith an unusual adventure last California; George will give them a
week that fortunately, was not at- first-class job, and the contract is a big
tended by any serious results. With
her husband, she had been up in the
northwest, but Mr Gibbings not being
able to return hotne ;just at the thee
• intended, sent his wife in the company
• of several Huronians, requesting that
one-ofthe_nnmber (a neighbor) should
.give her some attention, as she was in
feeble health. Nothing eventful hap-
pened until after Rat Portage was pas-
sed; just along here they had all gone
to sleep, and when they awoke they
were greatly alarmed to find that in
some manner Mrs Gibbings had left
the train unobserved. As some of her
...wearing apparrel was still in the car
know what to
one to handle.. We are sorry to learn
that Mr Smith Kilty is not iecovering
as his friends would like to see him and
hope he may take a change for the bet-
ter. Mr John Robb, of Tuckersmith,
treated himself to a new top buggy the
other clay.; it was from the workshop
otlit Fred-Ruinball—Nr— W. Downs,
sr., who has been suffering seVereTy-
from acute rheinnatisM, is now able to
move ;woad with some degree of easc
and comfort. We are sorry to an-
nounce the death of Mrs Frank Hom-
mel, which occurred on Wednesday, at
the age of 77 years; decemsed has been
suffering for some time from cancer.
they did not fae—Ofir
-which' is resumed- to--be,the cause of
supposing thatshe had possibly stepped her deat ; her husband, a son an
from the train by accident, while it was daughter survive her, the latter being
running, and had likely been killed. Mrs T. Brown, of Capiac, Mich;. the
One of the party, however, got off at funeral will take place on Friday at 2
$2.50. Do not miss seeing
•F 7
Book Store and News Depot, Clinton.
Stock - Assorted
If you want a stylish Hat or Bonnet come and see us.
If you want to see the larcest and best stock of Dress Goods
in town, come and see us.
We keep the stook you want at the lowest prices. Full assortment in all kinds
DRESS and MANTLE GOODS with Trimmings to Match
One price and 5 per rent off for Cash.
' the next station and telegraphed back
to Mr Gibbings, and then went back
towards RatPor tage,by the next train,
expecting at any time to find her life-
less remains by the side of the track.
No trace of her whatever was found
until he reached Rat Portage,where he
was overjoyed to find her safe and
sound. She had got off the train when
o'clock. The most extensive circular
ever issued by any business house here,
was one turned out at the NEW ERA
office last week for the Estate of John
Hodgens; it was half the size of the
NEw,ERA, and required over one hun-
dred pounds of paper. Mrs Maneer,
and family, from -"Bayaeld, left here
yesterday for Carberry Man., where
it stopped at a station a short distance ier husband has been tor some time;
from that place and had then walked they were ticketed through by Mr W.
to Rat Pot tage. He sent word to l‘lr Jackson, the town agent. Mrs W. H.
Gibbings, in order to relieve him of
further anxiety, and accompanied Mrs
Gibbings to her home near Alma.
TOWN COUNCIL.—The regular meet-
ing of the council was held on Monday
evening. Mr Pluinmer. chairman of
the Street Committee, stated that
the Committee had made an offer toMr
S. S. Cooper of 57, towards making
the drain from his factory, as request-
ed, but so far he bad taken no action
in the matter; further, that in the opin-
ion of the Street Committee the proper
parties to repair the road at the sta-
tion, as requested by W. H. Perrin, is
the Grand Trunk railway. The Fi-
nadce committee recommended pay-
ment of the following accounts:—Jos.
Wheatley, salary, $108.75; R. Welsh.
salary, 565; W. Coats, salary, 553.25;
. S. Pratt, salary, 59; W. Coats; for se-
lectors of jurors; 54; John Hancock,
work, t;l0.50; Harland Bros., sundries,
554.05; B. Rumball. cutting wood for
Mrs Ewing, 60c.,; A. Ewing, rent for
room for Miss White, 52.50; J. Wheat-
le.y,lineals for tramps, 51.60; Jos. Beck-
er, work, 527.05; W.W. Farran, insur-
ance, $46; Robins Bros., sundries, 86c.;
W. Coats, postage. $4; receipts of hall.
$15.50; rent of office, $10; weigh scales,
520.15. Reeve Manning addressed the
council. explaining what steps have
been taken during recen years towards
the erection and maintenance of a
House of Refuge for this county, and
stating that it is the intention of those
members of the Connty Council who
are favorable thereto, to meet in con-
vention arid decide on some plan where-
by their views may he properlYlaid be-
fore the ratepayers of the various
municipalities composing this county,
,and he moved, 'seconded by Deputy
TOS'ife Kennedy, that the peerie ed Nut-,
Vention he ilea ail Or
counril Aroiktor, d.
Simpson, who had the misfortune to
break her ankle recently while going
into the yard, is recovering as well as
could be 'desired. While the Guy Bros.
were here they invested heavily in dry
goods at the Dry Goods Palace, and
clothing from Jackson Bros. Mr
Perrin says that he expects to be into
grain business again before many days.
A meeting will be held in the Town
Clerk's office. on Monday evening, at
8 o'clock, for the purpose of forming a
Club Swinging class. Mr D.B. Kenne-
dy has received from M t• Isaac Skinner,
of Manitoba, a few "seed potatoes" that
are sitnply monsters and show the
wonderful fertility of the prairie ;
several plump prairie chickens acco t n -
pained them. The second son of Mr
Thomas McKenzie, aged about 8 years.
is seriously ill with inflammation of
the bowels. Mr J. L. Doherty, who
has been onthe other side for several
weeks,has returned to town. Mr Chas
Barker, of Seaforth, died this week of
typhoid fever; his wife (et sister of Mr
John McMurray.) only died a few days
ago, and a small family of three child-
ren are left ;he was formerly warehou se-
ina,n Mr Rich. Irwin, of the Standard
Elevator, Clinton. Macpherson ev,
Hovey Co. shipped one of their cele-
brated threshers to Belleville this week.
The Gun Club take part in a match at
Seaforth Thanksgiving day. Harland
Bros. are marking off stock in their
new store, McKay block, and will open
there in a few days. Miss Emma
Reeve, second daughter of Dr Reeve,
of West Snperior, formerly of Clinton,
will he married next week to a barrist er
ot that city. The other day Mr John
Smith, of RattAriburv Street, under-
took to pick some apples,but the ladder
Slipped and be fon, displo;ping A eouplo
of ribs; he was confined to, the JeataSe
nntil WeiTherwlay morni g. and frele
pretty ante :Yet •
Estate elr.Flodgens
Are You a Customer of
If Not, Why Not?
Dress and Mantle Making done in first-class style,
How many general diseases are there that are mainly
due to exposure to the penetrating dampness of early
spring and fall? Here are a few: Rheumatism, Neur-
algia, Sciatica, Erysiplas, all kinds of inflammation
and conjestion, colds in the head and chest, &c., and
people still continue to go on bathing their feet, apply-
ing mustard plasters to their bodies, and such like,
forgetting that they are trying to clear the stream while
the fountain continues to be polluted.
The fountain of health is the wearing of proper UNDER-
CLOTHING. No person inherits disease, simply the
tendency to disease, and the consequences of these
tendencies are likely to pr ove fatal or otherwise
'MA:11_10 Bal\T 0 -
Do you want the best fitting Suit: made that you ever had? If so, ecine andt
try our tailor.
A large and well assorted stock at a small advance on wholesale prices
Come and we will serve you well.
Plumsteel - &- Gibbina
b S9
man tries to counteract them.
great lines of
Sanitary Health Protecting Underwear
at $2.amd $2.50 a Suit
131g Nrialliallitte Cloths
as a,
Remember our two
OTANTOX 4 _.,§EikrORT11.
We offer you 30 pieces at a bargain, some
of the neNN est things brought out this season
We have the biggest value we ever had the pleasure
to offer you.
UNDERWEAR ---Men and Boys' Underwear, if you nee&
it we have something good to offer you. Right in quality
and price no better
MILLINERY -All the choice novelties are here in Bird
Wings, Ribbons, Trimmings, newest shapes in Felt and Made -
Hats. In English Walking Hats that have been so much in
rage, we have a full assortment of the latest styles, seven,
different styles to choose from
BEESLEY&C The Ladies Favorite Establishment
Sbidiadialidiailildhiablikda•A .miiL'.I.IL il it. A -11.114.11 AaagliVa...11LILUU. -Ail