HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-11-11, Page 6trte.", bor. 21 $�2 ORISP AND OASUAL, oneRPrsoll in X0,000 liveto be enarlala; 0 fill' seal and far ottet, trade of IA is Werth 431300,000 a year. ard'a Diniment Is the Beet every' ralnute sixty-seven ,people oJnthe world and seventy are born. One herlf Of the wealth of England t4e.pPsfoptision WW9 hIlndred and. fifty million let= Paer40 throngh the postal offices of non every' year. pard'eLinament is used for horses it cattle eddo, the capital of the Japanese °owe, contains 4,000,000 inhabitants •efbasqt greater erea than, London. The speed of the fastest Atlantic teaMer is now greater than that of (wpress trains On Italian railways. 411 the Royal Sovereign, the new English battleships, there are 800 elec- tric lights, connected by 30 miles of wire ,Minard Liniment lumberman's friend 1, The region about the Dead Sea is of the hottest places on the glo'be, ond the sea is said to lose 1,000,000 tons of water a clay by evaporation. Rather more than 69 persons in :London are living in comfort, while ,Kather more than 3Q in eve' y 100 are 1lVitn5 in poverty. T otarron NEW ERA., Leeds Co. Miracle. fiTORY CONTAINING- A LESSON FOR PARENTS. us RESTORATION OF A Yonemi GIRL WHOSE VOND/TION FINDS A PARALLEL IN :THOUS- ... .ANDE OF CANADIAN FICHES -NOT THROUGH IVYLFUL NEGLECT, BUT IN lexoneece OF TERRIBL CONSEQUENSES. Brockville Times. Tbe great frequency with which pale, sallow, listless and enfeebled girls are met 'with now -a -days is cause for genuine alarm. • The young girls of the present day are not the leealthy, robust, rosy-cheeked lassies their mothers and grand -mothers were before them. On all sides one sees girls budding into womanhood, who should be • bright of eye, light in step and joyous in spirits; but, alas, how far from this M their 'condition. Their complexion is pale, sal- low or waxy in appearance, they are vie - •,time of heart palpitation, ringing noiees in 'ethe head, cold hands and feet, often faint- ing spells, racking headaches, backaches, shortness of breath, and often distressing symptoms:- All -these conditions betoken chlorosis or anaemia or in other woords a watery and impoverished condition of The blood. which is thus unable to preform the functions required of it by nature. When in this condition unless immediate resort is had to thoee natural remedies which give richness and redness to the ,t blood corpuscles, organic disease and an ,early grave are the inevitable result. It s ina condition closely resembled the 'above that a young lady in Addison, Leeds , County, was when Dr. Williams, Pink Pills ' for Pale People came to her rescue, and undoubtedly saved her from permature e death. This case was recently brought to '•the notice of The Times by H. S. Maffatt, general merchant and postmaster at Addi- son, of which family the young lady in question is a member. Mr Moffatt had . read the numerous articles in the Times -regarding whateare-admitted.on all,sides-to be marvellous cures by the use of the popu- lar remedy above named, after all other remedies had failed, and felt it his duty to make public for the benifit of suffers, the wonderful restoraiion to health and •strength that had taken place in his own household. The young lady in question is his adopted daughter, and is some 16 years of age, a very critical period in the life of all young women. She had been deolining in health for some time, and the family • became very much alarmed that serious i remits would ensue. Medical advice was • sought, and everything done for her that ....could be thought of, but without avail, the ., treatment did her no good and she gradual- ly,grew worse and worse. Her face was fr-eedfale and almost bloodless, she was oppres- sed by et:instant headaches, and her appetite --tompletely-failed.--When her -friends-had almoet ,despaired of a cure, some person whb had purchased Dr. Williams' Pink • Pine et Mk Mciffatt's store, and tested their virtues, advised their use inthe young lady's case. The advice was acted upon and Mr Moffatt says the results were -marvellous. ,Ina short, timeafter . begin- • ning their -use a decided improvement was noticed. The color began to return to her cheeks; her appetite was improved, and there was every indication of a marked im- provement of the system. After taking a few boxes she was completely cured, and is now as well as ever she was. In his busi- ness, Mr Moffatt deals in various kinds a proprietary medicines, but says he has never handled any medicine that has given such universal satisfaction as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The demand is large and is • constantly increasing, thus affording the most satisfactory evidence that they are what is claimed for them, a blood builder, nerve tonic and general reconstructor, curing diseases hitherto held to be incur- able, and restoring health where all other remedies have failed. In view of these statements a grave re- sponsibility rests upon parents - upon mothers especially. If yonr daughters are • suffering from any of the troubles indicated above, or for any of the irregularities in- cident to a critical period of life, do not, as you value their lives, delay in procuring a remedy that will save them. Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills is a remedy that never ) fails in such cases, and is a certain specific for the troubles peculiar to the female system, whether young or old. They act directly upon the blood and nerves and never fail in any case arising frdm a vitiat- ed condition of the blood or a shattered condition of the nervous system. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are •a perfe3t blood builder and nerve restorer, curing suoh diseases as rheumatism, neuralgia, partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, St. Vitus' dance, nervous headache, nervous prostration and the tired feeling there- from, and -after effects of lagrippe, diseases depending on humors in the blood, euoh as scrofula., chronic erysipelas, etc., Pink Pills.give s healthy glow to pale and sallow complexions, and are a specific for the troubles peculiar to the female system, and in the case of men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry over -work or excesses of any nature. These, Pills are manufactured by the Dr. William's Medicine Company, Brockville Ont., and Schenectady, N.Y., and are sold . only in boxes bearing our trademark and wrapper, at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for Bear in mind that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are never sold in bulk, or by the dozen or hundred, and any dealer who offers eubstitutes in this form is trying to defraud yen and should be avoided. Dr., • Williams' Pink Pilla may be had of all artiggists or direot by mail from Dr V71.1 . 'I'M'S Medicine Compariy from either iid- ee. The vibe It Web *bib* ping at " , ii Best Cure F�ri „ All disorders' or the °Throat and Lungs is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It has no equal as a eough-oure. Bronchitis "When I was a boy, I had a bronchial trouble of such a persistent and stub- born character, that the doctor pro- nounced it incurable with ordinary remedies, but recommended me to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I did so, and one bottle cured me. For the last fifteen years, I have used this preparation with good effeet whenever I take a bad cold, and I know of numbers of people who keep it in the house all the time, not considering it safe to be without it." - J. C. Woodson,P.M., Forest Hill, W. Va. Cough "For more than twenty-five years, I was a sufferer from lung trouble, at- tended with coughing so severe at times as to cause hemorrhage, the paroxysms frequently lasting three or four hours. I was induced to try Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral, and after taking four bottles, was thoroughly cured."- Franz Hoffman, Clay Centre, Kans. La Grippe "Last spring I was taken down with la grippe. At times I was completely prostrated, and so difficult was my breathing that my breast seemed as if confined in an iron cage. I procured a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I began taking it than relief followed. I could not believe that the effect would be so rapid and the cure so complete." -W. H. Williams, Cook City, S. Dak. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer 8z Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Price $z; six bottles, $5. Prompt to act, sure to cure WAITING FOR THE ANGLES. Margaret E. Sangster, in Harper's Bazar. Waiting through days of fever, Waiting through nighte of pain, For the waft of wings at the portal, • For the sound of songs immortal, And the breaking of life's long chain. There is little to do for our dear one - Only to watch and pray - As the tide is outward drifting, As the gates of heaven are lifting, And its gleam is on her way. The tasks that so often taxed her, The children she held so dear, • The strain of the coming and going, The stress of the mending and sewing, The burden of many a year. Trouble her now no longer, She is past the fret andecare, • On her brow is the angel's token, The look of a peace unoroken, She was never before so fair. Yon see she is waiting for angles, And we are standing apart. For us there are loss and sorrow; For her is the endless morrow, And the reaping -time of the heart. CATARRH, NOT LOCAL, BUT CON- STITUTIONAL. Dr. Dio Lewis, the eminent Boston physician, in a magazine article says: "A radical error underlies nearly all medical treatment of catarrh. It is no a disease of the man's nose; it le a disease of the _man,_ _showing, itselfin the...nose-a-Local exhibition of a Constitutional trouble." Therefore, he argues, the use of snuff and other local applicationsis wrong, and while they seem to give temporary relief, they really do more harm than good. Other leading authorities agree with Dr. Lewis. Flenceeelleesoely„propee methed ,ef,pare for catarrh is by taking a constitutional reine= dy like Hood's Sarsaparilla, which. reach- ing every part of the body through the blood, does eliminate all impurities and makes the whole man healthier. It re- moves the cause of the trouble and restores the diseased membrane to proper condition. That this is the practical result is proven by thousands of people who have been cured of catarrh by taking Hood's Sareap- arilla. It is now admitted that Sir Adolphe Carron received $25,000 for election pur- pesee from a gentleman interested in rail- ways subsidies granted by the Government of which the Postmaster General is a member. The admission that one pay- ment of this kind was made justifies the assumption that there were others of a like nature the receipt of which has not yet been acknowledged. But even the one tran motion which has been established justifies the demand that Sir Adolphe Caron shall be retired from public life. At beat hie offence is less serious than that of his illustrious compatriot, Honore Mercier, only to the extent of the sum involved, and it is not clear even that the latter was the greater boodler of the two. Mercier has been justly punished by the deprivation of office, and prosecution in the courts. It will be a rank injustice if at least the first of these punishments, is not meted out to Sir Adolphe. -Toronto News. A PUNY AND FRETFUL BABY. This is now quite unnecessary! Like many others, you may have your baby fat, laughing and happy, if you give it Scott's Emuision. Babies take it like °TOMO. The sooner Chapleau is kicked out and Angels put in his place the 'better Ontario will be pleased. The people of this Pro- vince are sick an'd tired of periodic with- drawals from office that have no other pa- rallel in Canadian political history. -To- ronto News, Independent. CALIFORNIA EXCURSION. On November 16th, a personally con- ducted and select party for California points will leave Toronto in one of the latest fami- ly apartment sleeping oars. This excur- sion will combine all the comforts of Pull- man travel at the lowest second class Ate With $5 additienal on eaoh ticket f i6nb1e berth. The route will be via r oit and itfineaS City. Parties des' oining this party 'shohld apply • artictilar4 N.E. THANKsGrvm Ivo been14, year tmllaysince last I kneeled 'nd thanked the Lord For all the wondrous blessin's 'nd the joys • these days afford, 'Nd here I am agin thisycar, prepared 04 my part At renderize of thanks de,vout,mosthumbly from the heart, For all the good things I have got from this' here sinful life, Although I vow I've seed of late a mighty lot of strife, My craps went back on me this year; my Jersey cow, she's dead; 'Nd I for sixteen mortal weeks lay groanin' With rheumatiz; 'nd oraohy!Geel It wasn't • any fun, I tell ye. Then my little mare -the speedy sorrel one I sot so much store on -one day she shied 'nd run away, , 'Nd lamed herself for life, 'ad smashed to emithereens the shay. 'Nd then my darter Smart, she eloped the fourth o' June With that young Silas Tompkins. He's a worthless sort o"coon. He never earned an honest cent, 'nd, far as I can see, Ain't never likely to begin. The couple lives with me. 'Nd wife's gone kind o'iflighty, too. It was indeed a sin For me to sell for rage the sock she kep' her sovin's in. 'Nd yet, you know, I'm thankful, spite of my beastly luck, Because I don't get flabbergasted ev'ry time I'm struck. I know there's lean 'nd fat for all, 'nd I've just had my lean, 'Nd now a juicy slice of fat '11 come my way, I ween; 'Nd even if it doesn't come, you'll hear my • thankful roar Because this dog-goned year just past 's behind me -not before. HIGH TE STIMON Y. We publish elsewhere the advertisement of the 6th Half Yearly Literary Competi- tion of the Canadian Agriculturalist and Home Magazine, Peterborough, Ont. It is the most interesting competition ever of- fered by The Agriculturist. The leading prizes are : $1000 in oash ; 5500 cash; a pair of handsome Shetland ponies, carriage and horses, and over 2,000 other valuable prizes for The Agriculturist's brightest readers.- -The1l-1,000 in comb will be paid -to the person sending in the largest list of English words constructed from letters in the words "The Canadian Agriculturist." $500 will be given for the next largest list; the ponies and harnees for the next, a grand piano, $300 organ, $400 piano, dinner sets, ladies' and Igent's gold and silver watches, and over 2,000 other prizes in the order of merit. The Agriculturist has earned a reputation for fair dealing, and is an old established and reliable Journal. Each competitor must enclose one dollar with the list of words, which will entitle him to The Agriculturist - a handsomely illustrated Home Magazine -for six months. The following letter from Leak Kfictmrsie, the Governor -General's secretary, speaks for itself. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, Ottawa, Jan. 6, '92 SIR, -"It will give me great pleasure to recommend my friends to enter your com- petitions. I am, Sir: your obedient servant, BILCOURSIE, A.D.C, To the Editor of The Canadian Agricultur- st, Peterborough, Ont. Women require one hour of sleep more a day than men. Fewer of the latter reach the age of 50 than the former, but afterward the sterner sex has the 'best of it. "A chemical success and medical tri- umph," so speaks an eminent physician in reference to Ayer's Cherry Pectorial; and the eulogy was none too strong. No other medicine is so safe and efficacious in all diseases of the throat and lungs. A ten pound cannon ball was recent- ly cleig np_at_Lakeside, een identified as a relic of the times when Mad Anthony Wayne was in command thereabouts. Itch, Mange and Scratches of every kind on human or animals, cured in po minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never failse „Aelelby , Watt's & Co. Druggist. ...„ On Monday young Herbert Johnston, son of Mr Robert Johnston, of Seaforth, met with an accident by which he lost three fingers of his right band, the forefinger and thumb being safe. He was running what is known as ajointer in Cluff's planing mill, when his hand got caught in the machinery with the above result. Mrs. Mary E. &Fallon, of Piqua, 0., says the Phy- sicians are Astonished, and look at her like one Raised from the Dead Long and Terrible Illness from Blood Poisoning Completely Cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Mrs. Mary E. O'Fallon, a very intelligent lady of Piqua,, Ohio, was poisoned while as- sisting physicians at an autopsy 5 years ago, and soon terrible ulcers broke out on her lmd, arms, tongue and throat. Her hair all came out She weighed but 78 lbs., and saw no prospect of help. At last She began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, and at once im- proved ; could soon get out of bed and walk. She says: "1 became perfectly cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla and am now a well woman. I weigh 128 lbs., eat well and do the work for klarge family. My Mae seems a wonderful recovery and physicians lOok at trie iri aStonishment, a. alreeet like one kabiad from the dend1.9, PiLifi likorild be in, ernt 4:vitt ti.4i 14 roam .co4gtis.. Persons afflioted, with these or any throat or lung troubles should' resort to that Ifrost rxcellent Remedy, Scott's e mulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil with Flypophosphites of Lime and Soda. No other preparation effects such cures. "CAIITION.,It—Beivare of aubstitutes. Genuine prepared by Scott Bowne, Belleville. Sold by all druggists. 60o. and $1.00. Upon Receipt OF A Postal Card with your name and address, we will forward you Agents' Outfit and Our Great Premium =List= EVERYONE SHOULD' SEE THIS LIST OF HANDSOME PRIZES, WHICH ARE GIVEN IN MANY CASES BELOW COST • VVeWant Agents IN EVERY LOCALITY. WRITE EARLY. This is a chance for the Young Folk. .THE GLOBE,Toronto. WEEKLY GLOBE, balance 184-2 FREE. FARMS FOR SALE. Valuable Farm for Sale. The North half of lot 3Ci, 2nd concession Eas Wawanosh. Apply to CAMERON, HOLT 456 CAMERON, Goaerich GOOD FARM FOR SALE For particulars apply to MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, &c., Clinton Farm tor Sale or to Rent That desirable farro of 80 acres, Lot 18, in the 16th Concession of Goderich Township, now oc- cupied by Mr John Smith. Good frame house of 10 rooms; bank barn and stable; good orchard. Apply to H. HALE, Clinton, or to the owner, G. 7. BURNS, 214, Fourteenth Avenue, Detroit. Sept. Mb, 1802. MISCELLANEOUS Shingles for Sale. Subscriber keeps on hand at Belgrave, a full supply of first elate North Shore cedar shingles, which will be dispcwod of at reasonable rates. W. WATSON, Agent. W. WHITELY, Londesboro The PEOPLE'S AUCTIONEER is And why freeza to death when you can get the • Famous New Improved oa.,L,Stovesl_. Happy Tkought___ Kitchen Ranges, and Leader Furnaces. - They are the best manufactured. Just think of it, over 40,000 Canadian homes heated with Canada's Favorite Stoves and Ranges. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST r The undersigned desires to intimate that he is still a licensed Auctioneer ler the County of Huron, and will conduct sales on reasonable terms; his experience in handling farm stock warrante.hm.guaranteeing-entire-satisfactiom- Persons requiring bis services can rely implicit- ly on the work being properly performed. He is also in the Clothes Cleaning and repairing line next to Scruton's butcher shop, and will execute promptly all orders in this line. J. HOWSON Shingles and Lath for Sale. Subscriber has purchased a large quantity of No, I. -shingles,. -These-shingles will-be-•made,to- order out of the very best quality of north shore cedar. All who want a first-class 'mingle will find it to their advantage to ask for prices before buying elsewhere. At Belgave they can be pro- cured from Mr Watson; at Blyth, from D. Cowan; at Bruck field, from S. Pollock, and at Londesboro from the undereigned. pd W. H. WHITLEY, Londesboro. TO RENT OR FOR, SALE. • For Sale on Easy Terms. Town Lot 35, Mary Street, one quarter acre, pro- perty of A. Cadzow. Apply to MANNINCI SCOTT, Clinton. For Sale or to Rent The undersigned offers for Sale or to Rent that conveniently situated and commodious double brick house on Rattenbury St. on easy terms. The house has every convenience, MISS A. FOXTON. GOOD STORE TO RENr. First-class Brick Store to rent, with good cel- lar suitable for any business. now occupied by Mr. J. W, Irwin, as a grocery. Favorable terms. • W. C. SEARLE HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE Lot 124, High street, Clinton, with comfortable two-story frame house, containing seven rooms in good Condition; now occupied bY Mr J.W. Hill Good garden, small stable. Apply to the °Avner MRS. MARTHA DUNCAN, or to H. HALE Huron St., Clinton. *41. House and Lot to Rent. The undersigned offers for rent his reeldense on Ontario street. just east of the English church. The house bas every convenience. Also a Horse, Carriage and Harness for sale; the carriage and harness are new. JAMES SMITH. • ' For Sale or to Rent. The residence and grounds at the corn or'of John and Queen Streets, in the town, of Clinton com- mitting lots 524 and 535;the property Is beautifully situated and well improved, the house is a story and a half frame in good state of repair, 8 rooms besides bails, pantry, and kitchen, there is also a good stable. hard and soft water with other con- veniences. For particulars apply to, MANNING SCOTT, Solicitors. Clinton. White Chester Boar for Service. The undersigned keeps for service at his pre- mises lot 12, con. 2, Hullett, a Tbarobred White Chester Boar. Terms $1. HENRY FREEMAN It took first prize at Toronto Exhibition, Barkwell's Sure Corn Cure, will cure Cbms, Warts, Bunalosia, Moles. ' CO.A.13 Lehigh Valley Coal. Ten more oars of tine celebrated ming expeoted daily. Place your orders at once and secure low pricee HARLAND BROS STOVES AND HARDWARE, AJL•1311Marir CILAN'TICI0INT Say call at Hub Grocery And get your Spices for Pickling. We handle only the best, also Vinegar Extra White Wine. We have PURE CLOVES, PURE PEPPER, PURE CINNAMON, PURE MACE, PURE ALSPICE, PURE KAYENNE, PURE GINGER, PURE CHILIES, PURE MIXED SPICE, PURE CORRIANER SEED, PURE EAST INDIA SPICES, PURE TUMERIC. These are VW as pure as we can buy. 43-3330 SIAT.A.I.M.10777" CLINTON SUCARS Anticipating the wants of my patrons during the preserving season, I beg to announce the arrival of another car load of Sugar to -day. The Granulated being the highest standard of excellence and purity. Special Cuts to parties buying by the cwt. or bbl. FRUIT JARS—All Sizes, Pts., Qts. and Half Gallons N. ROBSON. CHINA HALL IAn in advance will secure 1 U • 111r7nCilti4iloYvvr°111alvhYtilt • o , jantiary, 1804. That gives the bal a t is year fret!: Diacq IS the thr ow. For Bargains. Bargains in Dress Goods. Bargains in Flannels and Flannelettes. Bargains in Tweeds and Clothing. Bargains in Top Shirts and Underwear. Bargains in Boots and Shoes. Bargains in Suits for Men and Boys. 13argains in Overcoats. Bargains in Millinery. Bargains in every department as we have Heavy Stock and are crowded for room. ADAMS. EMPO.RIU LONDESBORO a very R. ADAMS. J, C. SrEYE\SO) -THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER —AND— EMBALMER. A FULL LINE OF GOODS KEPT 111 STOCK The bestEmbalming Fluidused Splendid Hearse. ALBERT ST.,CLINTON Residence over store. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL TWO HARVEST EXCURSIONS Via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y, on Tuesday, Aug. 30, and Sept. 27, 1892. Where the grasses are kissed by; the wand'ring breeze, And the are rich with the golden grain; Where the schooner ploughs through the prairie To its destined port on the western plain;; Where hornet may never be songht in vain, And hope is the thriftiest plant that grows; 1" fp MAO May Pr& his tights maintain, as froo as the wind that blows. • 'larticttlarri apply to the neerest , 114 et A. J. Taylor, Cansellati ewe House Block, Torozi- MISCELLANEOUS. Shingles for Sale I carry on band a stock of first-class Cedar Shingles; two qualities, which I will sell at a very low rate. Orders largo or small filled on the shortest notice. Please give me a call. W. RILEY. Londesboro. 3m Saaforth Dye Works. -- Clothes of all kinds cleaned, dyed and preseed, with rromptness. Woollen Dresses Dyed with- out ripping, if necessary. 031e'.. left with J. Cuninghame, Clinton, will re-, coive prompt attention. Satisfaction Guaranteed, J. W. SNELL Seatorth. THE RIGHT The new model of the Rockford Watch, when placed in a screw bezel cage, will fill a Ion felt want among farmers, as it is not due proof only, but very strong. The plate which the wheels work between, not being separated by pillars as in the ordinary WATCH But by the bottom plate being turned out of a solid piece of metal, with the edger left of the top plate to rest on; it also being pendant or lever sot with sunk balance to prevent breaking, mak- ing in all a good rong watch For a Farmer JOS. BIDDLECOMBE McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For repure, Weak and Impoverisbed Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleasness, Palpa- tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid- ney turd Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General Debility. LABORATORY, OODERICIL ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer.- • gold Irti 7. Th Combe. Clinton