Clinton New Era, 1892-11-11, Page 5TNZ:CUNTOL Ziff •ERA. , We have added a mo sk attractiSi; itud hri 'drat lifle Of c+ooiDe To our already heautlfal 004 9I - Watches, Jewelery, Diamonds, Gold Spectacles And beautiful Novelties suitable for any kind of a present. If you want a good Watelt, Cloch, Brooch, Ring or a beautiful Photo Holder, Gold Pens, Pencils, or anything in Silverware. Remember we pay cash for our goods, that means low prices for you at JOHN B. RUMBALL'S NOTED CHEAP JEWELLERY STORE, AND TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, CLINTON. IsTEW FALL COODS 'VARIETY, QUALITY and PRICE are SURE TO PLEASE you 5 per cent off for cash. Wonderful •Discovery READ ITT W,TAY LOR&SONS OT_JI1\71'01\T BANKRUPT STOCK of )ow and Seasollic Goods AT THE POST OFFICE STORE. VARNA. 000 After having laid in an unusually heavy stook of GENERAL DRY GOODS, con- sisting of Tweeds, Worsteds, Fine Ps.ntings, Mantle Cloths, Dress Goods, Cashmere, Fancy Dress Goods, Flannelette, Red and Grey Flannel, Illeltons in various shades, Cot- ton Shirtings, Cottonades, Gent's and Ladies' Underwear, and a large stock of Boys' Readymade Suits, we bought the heavy stock of bankrupt goods from the creditors of .Jlefr Snidd, of Philipsburg. The purchase of this stock allowed us to greatly reduce our already low prices, and as we have a very large stock and are crowded, we have decided to make a still further reduction of 10 per cent on all 'our Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes for the next 30 days. GR CERIES—Our stock of Groceries is now complete, which vie will sell cheaper than the cheapest. We also carry a heavy stock of Furs, Robes and Coats, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Waterproofs at rock bottom prices. We have a great number of China Tea and Dinner Sets, Fancy Dishes in China or Glassware, suitable for Christmas presents, which are both handsome and cheap. Call and see our stock before buying elsewhere, and be convinced that this is the place for cheap goods. No trouble to show goods. Produce taken at cash prices. JOS. MORROW , PostOffice Store, Varna Misses lovely Jackets $1.50 Misses Long Coats very cheap Ladies' long Mantles $12.00 now $7 Ladies' Jackets worth $8.00 for $5.50 We have received another con- signment of Mantles all bougtht at a low rate on the $—they go to you at exact- ly half price. , ,: OXOToll' M4BArirki ‘. 01110344 4nr,rlf Thurschq Women, ThurediV• NO, 10, I892, Wheat old end aew,..,....,• 0 64 a 068 Wheat s4)ring , • q t tlf **0•01.9.1 0 63 a 0 66 Oatti.,... *..,..,...,.. 0 27 a 0 28 Barley ••,•OR OOO '0,0191..1,0 085 a 040 0 0 66 * 0 67 Flour per bal * 4 80 Butter 0 16 a 0 17 Bus per lb 0 9 a 0 9 Potatoes new per bushel 0 35 a 0 36 Tuokeys per lb 0 08 a 0 08 Geese 0 40 a 0 50 Duoks per pair 045 a 070 Chickens per pair 0 25 a 0 36 Pork 5 50 a 6 50 Wool 0 16 a 0 16 Hay, new 6 03 a 7 00 Hides, No. 1 trimmed 4 00 a 4 50 Hides, rough 3 50 a 3 50 Sheep Skins 0 45 a 0 50 Apples, per bag... .... .. . ...: 0 -50-a 0 76 Wood short 2 00 a 2 00 Wood long 3 00 a 3 00 Clover 7 00 a 7 50 Timothy 2 25 a 2 50 November n BORN SMITH.—In Seaforth, on the 27th Oct., the wife of Mr David Smith, of a daughter. HAY.—In Egmondville, on the 27th Oct., the wife of Mr David Hay, of a daughter. MENNELL:—In Clinton, on the 6th inst., the wife of Mr W. Mennen, of a eon. MATTHEWS.— In Clinton, on the 6th inct., the wife of Mr J. B. Matthews, of a daughter. MARRIED. CDMMINGS—ELKIN.—At the realdence of the brie 0'13 father, Auburn, Ion the 8th inst., by the Rev R. Hendereon, Mr Edward Cummings, of Whigham, to Miss Emma, daughter of Mr E. Elkin, Auburn. PARR—RICIEVOND.—At the residence of Mrs Wm. Grieve, Seaforth, by the Rev. A. D. McDonald D. D., on the 31st Oct., Mr Frank E. Parr, of But falo, N. Y. to Miss Edith Richmond, of Ses.forth. BROKENSHERE—RING.—By the Rey. G.Raker. OD Oct. 20th, at the residence of Mr Eli King, Mr Silas Brokenshire, to Miss Sarah A King, all of Stephen. HACKNEY—ROWTCLIFF.— At the residence of the bride's parents, Stephen, on the 26th Oct. by the Rev. Colin Fletcher, Mr John Hackney, son of John Hackney, of Usborne, to Mies Eliza, second daughter of Mr Wm. Rowtcliff. DEARING—BEOCK.—In Exeter, on the 26th Oct. by Rev. A. L. Russell, at the residence of the bride, Mr A, Dearing, of Stephen, to Mrs Brock. of Exeter. HOOPER—DOWN.— At the residence or the bride's parents, Usborne, on the 9,6th Oct. by Rev. Mr Fear, Mr Chas. Hooper, of Blanchard, to Miss Mary E. daughter of Mr John Down, WISE—GLASGOW.—On November 2nd, at the residence of H. E. Sharpe, Winnipeg, by Rev. Alex. Grant, assisted by Rev II. G. Mallick, Rev H. E. Wise, B. A., Calgary, Alberta, to Clara Jane only daughter of late Wm. Glasgow, Esq., Maple- hurst, Fingal, Ont, and sister of Mr Geo Glasgow, late of Clinton. [Wedding invitations, neatly printed on short notice, at the NEW ERA DIED. STAVELEY.—In Clinton, on the 71h inst., Jas. Staveley, aged 74 years. MoMILLAN.—In Tuckersmithpn the 39th Oct. Hugh McMillian, agdd 62- years PETERS,—In Seaforth, on the 3rd inst., John Peters, aged 74 years. HOMMEL.—In Clinton, on the 9th inst., Ter- essa, wife of Frank Hommeil, aged 77 years. Pope Leo has had another fainting 'spell. He is now 82 years of age, and although his general health is said to be fair, he is very weak. The greatest sensation in Carp village at present is caused by a wedding which took place a few days ago between a popular young lady of the village and a dentist who has been practicing for some time in Carp. When the hour of the marriage arrived the groom, bride and tbeir attendants made their appearance, but the groom was so intoxicated that shortly after the ceremony began it had to be stopped on his account, as he would not make the necessary re. sponses. After considerable delay, during which the groom became entangled in the bride's veil, and had to be assisted out of the position by a groomsman, the ceremony began, and this time concluded without much disturbance. THANKS! inreturningreturning our sincere thanks to our customers and friends who have extended to us during the past twenty-five years their kind patronage, we beg to inform them that we are opening out a branch store in the new Mackay Block, and are putting in a new stock of Shelf Goods and Hardware Specialties. The store is now completed, but we do not expect to get ready to open up for a week or ten days, as this is aur busy season. 'Our customers will please remember that we still carry a stock in the old stand as before, and as the stores will be connected by telephone, customers can get goods or leave their orders at the store which is most convenient for them. We have always done our best to accommodate and please our many friends and customers in the past, and will apply every means to do so in the future, and hope to receive a continuance of their good will and sup- port. We are, yours respectfully, HARLAND BROS., Iron & Hardware Merchants '*-"A -1 -4 Men's Overcoats $4.50 Men's Black Overcoats $7.90 _MPIl'a very fine Overcoats—in Black and Brown $14 now $10 Men's Irish Frieze Overcoats for $12 worth $17 Only about 30 Boys' Overcoats left—they go at last week's prices One line Men's Pants $1.50 worth $2 DRESS GOODS All wool Black Cashmere 35c 60c. Cashmere for 45c. 75c. Storm Serge for 53c. 50c. Storm Serge for 37ic Skirt Lining 5c per yard Come early to tbe great Bank- rupt sale. Maddock & co PIGS .FOR SERVICE COO Qur talk this week is about Pohl Weather $tiff. Ust such god a AS eir community need, every family ought to have, and every indf must have, if they want to keep up a respectable appearance, the same time keep their bodies warn). Now, when these very, a cies eau be bad for such a small outlay Of 4338h as 4t thi0 BtOrOt wonder the people make this place their headquarters to buy at, v, believe nothing is too good for the people who come here to dt. buying. No goods too nice, too stylish, too new and attractive or t, good value for our people, And that is one great reason why the poop come here to deal. We never get a cut in price of a line of goods fro the wholesale dealer but we give the customer the benefit Of the .iittna reduetion. .For instance, we bought 50 pieces double fold beautiful RESS GOODS At a cut of 50e on the dollar from one of the biggest houses in tbe Do- minion, clearing out the whole line at this price. Then we turn around and place these very same goods before the people on our col:intersat exactly the same cut in price or 50,9 on the dollar. So you see th people are drawn to this store by the most honest and straight forward, dealings, and at the same tinae get their goods at very much less Wee than other stores can sell them. Now this is why our business is growing. Another instance of our cash purchasing capacity at this Store is that only this week we secured from the manufacturer, such a stock of Fur Goods, all kinds, all prices, all qualiC, ties, all colors, all makes, as every man, woman and child of the County of Huron should come and see and examine, and try on. Ladies' Fur Capes, Fur Sloria, Collars, Fur Boas, Fur Muffs, Seal Capes, Cooney Capes, , Astrachan Capes, Nutria Capes, Persian Lamb Capes Oppossum Capes, Ladies' Setts in all the above qualitiev of Fur. Headquarters for Cold -Weather Goods. ilroy 86 Wiseman Cial\TrZOINT Roland China Boar for Service. The undersigned keeps for service on his pro- mises, lot 6 con. 1 Colborne a Pure Bred Poland China Boar. It taking the first prize and Diplo- ma, at G.:dodo]] for 2 years in succession, also first prize at Clinton for 2 years in succession. Terms $1 at the time of service, or 1$1.25 if book- ed. Have also for sale 2 Throughbred Poland China,Boars 6 weeks told. J. J. FISHER, Ben - miller, Out. Berkshire Boar for Service. Subscriber keeps for service at his _premises, lot -9.3 13th -con. of- Flullett; a -t horo=bire. Berkaire boar, of good pedigree. Terms $1 at time of service, with privilege of returning if necessary. SPEPHEN GRAY. [OSTER'S OTOG-RAFS IND IRST AVOR * ' OR INE INISH Important to Pig Breeders. • To make 18 more easy for those at a. distance -to, uso the popular and well known pig, Royal Tom, or his fine son from the $65 sow, Queen Bee. The Terms aro,to insure $1 returning not compulsory 2 of Queen Bee's sons still for sale cheap consider- ing quality. GEO. HOARE, near Clinton. pdw Berkshire Boar for Service. The undersigned keeps for service on his pre- mises, Gravel .Road, Hullett, a first-class thoro- bred Berkshire Boar, raised by Mr Symonds, of Lobo township. It,took first prize at London exhibition and first at the Huron Central. Terms $1 a time of service, or $1.25 if booked. WM. SNELL. Hullett, Oct. 24, 1892. *lm Notice to Farmers and Breeders of Pigs The subscriber will keep for service on his ore - wises, lot 26, London Road, Stanley, a pure bred Chester White Boar, having taken the first prize at Seaforth and Clinton Shows in 1892. Bred from the Boar that took the first prize at Toron- to in 1891. Terms, $1 cash. J. STANBURY. BOARDERS WANTED Wanted, a number of boarders, either gentle- men or ladies, good comfortable accommodation. Within two minutes' walk of Collegiate Insti- tute and Organ Factory. MRS. CARTER, Huron St., Clinton. TEACHER WANTED. Wanted, for School Section No. 6, Hullett, Male Teacher, bolding a Second Class Certificate. Experienced teacher preferred. Applicationa stating salary,with references,will be received 11 the undersigned up to Nov. lst, 1892. THOMAS NEILANS, Secretary, Harlook P.O. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUN- TY OF HURON. Ili THE Maxima OF THE ESTATE OF RICHARD DOIISLIN, DECEASED. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the provi- sions of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887. Chapter 110 Section 36, that all persons having any claim against the estate of Richard late of the town of Clinton, 3moman, deceaaed, who died on or abont the 27th day of July. 1892, 'are required on or before the 12th of Nov., 1892, to send or deliver to John McMurray, Clinton, Ontario, the Executor of the last will of the said Richard Douslin, deceaRed, .full particulars of their claims and the securities (if any) held by them, duly verified by affidavit. And after the said 128h day of Nov., 1899, the said Executor will proceed to distribute the asaets of the said es- tate among the parties entitled thereto, having reference only to the claims of wkich he shall have received notice, and after such distribution . the said Executor nc)t be responsible for the assets of said estate to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received at the time of such distribution. Further notice is also given that all persons indebted to the said de- ceased, and whoSe debts shall have matured, are required on or before the 12th dayof November next to pay the sane to the said Executor. Dat- ed at Clinton, thls 1.2th day of October, 1892. MANNING & SCOTT, Moliciters forAxeoutor In Tiffelfgate__ You can laugh at the approach of chilly blasts of winter if you have laid in a good supply of FURS, UNDERWEAR (SE‘" BLANKETS All of which we can show you in great variety and at close prices. 0 W. L. OUIMETTE. 1.4431NTICOEiSMIOJEtca r,