Clinton New Era, 1892-11-04, Page 7voi
11.044eSWen says that with a ruli;
be* covered trade and unnipthing, on
the horse's:feet, to destroy concussion,
a mile in 2 mines is possible.
Englieh epevin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or °allowed Lutnps and Blom-
shes from horsest Blood Spavin, Curb%
Splints, Bing Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs,
oto. 05() by use of One bottle. War-
ranted the most wonderful Bleinith Cure
ever lAnown. Sold by Watre ct Co. Drug-
When Robert Bonner offered to:give
S5,000 to the firet horse which should
trot a mile in 2:05, the pneumatic -tired,
bail -hearing sulky was not in existence.
Ile took improvements into consider-
ation though, There is little doubt
but he will be obliged to give his check
for the full amount.
For the cure of headache, constipation,
stonoaoh and liver troubles, and all de-
rangements a the digestive' and assimila-
tive organs. Ayers Pills are invaluab/e.
Being sugar-coated, they are pleasant to
take, always reliable, and retain their vir-
tues in any imate.
Says an old race follower: "It take
more head to drive a trotter than to
ride a runner. A driver in a trotting
race has got to keep his horse up to its
trotting limit without letting it break.
In a running race the gallop is the
horse's gait, and he can't break, po
matter how much he is urged: A driv-
er has to use a lot of prudence and
judgment in handling a trotter. He
has to know the animal well, have its
staying powers down fine, and feel
when he can call on it so as to get die
most out of it."
'fallen Baby WON sick, WO gave her Castoria.
Vines nhe wan a Child, shoveled for Castor's.
Wiwi She became miss, the clung to Castoria-
Whoa she had Children, aka &anthem oastorla.
The theory that is often advanced by
some writers on equine subjects that
old mares are not valuable for brood -
mares, that her vitality has been less-
ened by age, and that the produce of
such mares is of little value, received
something of a knock -down blow re-
cently, when the three-year-old colt,
Dill Lindsay recently scored a fifth
heat in 2:l81, for his dam was 26 years
old when he was foaled. Mon -
bars, 2:16i, as a two-year-old, was foal-
ed when his dam, Lady Maud,
was -22 -years old. d --Golds mith-Maitl
was 23 years old when she gave birth
to that good producing sire Stranger.
Rebecca Wilkinson, of Brovensvalley, ind.,
says: "I had been in a distressed oondition
for three yearsfrom Nervousness, Weakness
of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and Indigestion
until ray health was gone. I bad been
doctoring constantly with no relief. I
bought one bottle of South American Ner-
vine, which done me more good than $50
worth of doctoring I ever did in my life.
I would advise every weakly person to use
this valuable and lovely remedy. A trial
bottle will convince you. Warranted by
Watts & Co. Druggist.
Dr McEachran, the Dominion Gov-
ernment inspector, declares that pleu-
ro -pneumonia -does -not, exist -in- •Cana-
da and has never existed since 1866,
It is the testimony of all men who have
tried it that "M.yrtle Navy" tobacco has
the most delicious flavor of any tobacco in
the market- and that it leaves none of the
unpleasant effects in the month that most
tobaccos do. The reason for this is the
high and pure quality of the leaf, which is
the finest known in Virginia, and the ab-
sence of all deleterious matter in the manu-
The proposal to manufacture binder
twine in the Central Prison has been
endorsed by the Trades and Labor
Council. If there be a legithnate en-
terprise that should be subjected to
prison competitinn it is that of a con-
cern like the American Cordage Co., a
branch of which secures encourage-
ment in Ctinada in the shape of the
binder -twine business. Hon J, H.
Gibson has pronounced in favor of sel-
ling -the product in open market,•- thus
preventing the possibility of any con-
tractor playing the part of a mon-
A Friend
Wishes to speak through the Register of
the beneficial results he has received
from a regular use of Ayer's Pills. He
says: "1 was feeling sick and tired and
my stomach seemed all out of order. I
tried a number of remedies, but none
seemed to give me relief until I was
induced to try the old reliable Ayer's
Pills. I have taken only one box, but I
feel like a new man. I think they are
the most pleasant and easy to take of
anything I ever used, being so finely
sugar-coated that even a child will take
them. I urge upon all who are
In Need
of a laxative to try Ayer's Pills." —
Boothbay (Me.) Register.
"Between the ag-es of five and fifteen,
I was troubled with a kind of salt -rheum,
or eruption, chiefly confined to the legs,
and especially to the bend of the knee
above tl-.•• c.. Here, running sores
formed w;.. 1: would scab over, but
would break immediately on moving the
leg. My mother tried everything she
could think of, but all was without avail.
Although a child, I read in the papers
about the beneficial effects of Ayer's
Pills, and persuaded my mother to let
me try them. With no great faith in
the result, she procured
and I began to use them, and soon
noticed an improvement. Encouraged
by this, I kept on till I took two boxes,
when the sores disappeared and have
never troubled me since. --1-1. Chipman,
Real Estate Agent, Roanoke, Va.
"1 !suffered for years from stomach
and kidney troubles, causing very severe
pains in various parts of the body. None
of the remedies I tried afforded me any
relief until I began taking Ayer's Pills,
and was cured.—Wm. Goddard, Notary
Public, Five Lakes, Mich.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass
Sold by all Druggists Everywhere.
Every Dose Effective
THR ,tettiT,PRQWWW, •
T1eHros. Ministrels performed
the Town. Hall last nigtt and n.
,larger crowd Ma betterentertainment
has 110 been seen in the Hall for Years.
The curtain was billed to rise at 8
p, rn, but long before this the box
°Moo was besieged. The crowd.began
to gather and continued until the hall
was crowded to such an extent that
standing room was not available and
the management 'were obliged to close
the doors. Standing room was at a
premium before 8 o'clock. Hundreds
were turned. away and to satisfy the,
crowd the company had to be pursued -
ed to postpone an engagement and re-
main in Owen Sound another night.
They repeat their program to -night
again and it is a program that can well
stand repetition. Every number on it
was eXcellent. The songs were al)
splendid. The jokes were original and
extremely funny. The stick drill and
dancing was excellent. Venerson and
McDonald in their Horizontal Bar,per-
formance were good and their "Chin-
ese Laundry brought down the house.
The negro impersonation of Mr W. II.
Guy was excellent, his dialect ie perfect
and his actions, taken all round, most
udicious. E. A. Pratt's violin selections
and imitations were well received. Mr
H. McVey's Club Swinging was a fine
feature of the program. Eddie Mc-
Donald, the contortionist is su urb
Some of his feats are simply wonderful.
"Save the Pieces" the coneluding nuni-
ber in which the Trick cottage is intro-
duced in a perfect whirlwind of fun.
The Orcheara is one of the best ever
heard here. Everything is refined, the
coarse jokes in which some organiza-
tions delight being conspicuously ab-
sent. jThey will appear in Clinton
town hall on Nov. 4.)
Published on behalf Of Hood's Sarsaparilla
are as reliable and as worthy your con-
fidence, as if they came from your beat
and most trusted neighbor. They state
only the simple facts in regard to what
Hood's Sarsaparilla has done, always with-
in trust and reason.
Constipation, and all troubles with the
digestive organs and the liver, are cured by
Hood's Pills.' Unequalled as a dinner pill.
Ten.days per annum is the average
amount of sickness in human life.
Minard'a Liniment lumbermim's friend
The sunflower bears 4,000 seeds, the
poppy-825-000—aral—the toobaceo- plante
blinards Linament is used by playeicians
If London streets were put end to
end they would reach from that city
Itch, Mange and Scratches of every kind
on human or animala, cured in 30 minutes
by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never
fails. Sold by Watt's & Co. Druggist.
A German geologist estimates that
the Dead Sea will be one mass of solid
salt within less than 500 years.
No flowery rhetoric can tell the merit of
Hood's Sarsaparilla as well as the cures
accomplished by this excellent medicine.
Professor Huxley says that an oys-
ter is a far more complicated piece of
inachiner3rthan. the.finesteSwiss_watch.
Minard's Linament is used for horses & cattle
A dog market is held every Sunday
in Paris, where it is possible to buy
anything from a black and tan to a
huge mastiff.
Minerd's Liniment is the Best
The British Isles comprise no fewer
than 1,000 separate islands and islets,
without counting mere jutting rocks
Or isolated pinnacles.
Mr C. Harper, Ottawa, Ont., writes—"I
have pleasure in stating that your Pink
Pills are a wonderful tonic and reconstruct-
or of the system. Since beginning their use,
I have gained, on an average, a pound of
flesh a week." All dealers or, post paid,
50c. a box or six boxes for 52.50. Beware
of imitations and substitutes. Dr. Wil-
li -A -nes' 13rockville, Ont.
Devotion to Cleveland and tariffre-
fbrnfhas'OPSt the Rev,
son his position of the Congregational
Church in Wallingford, New Y.ork.
Until this year Mr Dickenson had been
a Republican, but, believing that a
lower tariff would benefit the country,
he declared his intention to vote for
Mr Cleveland. His parishioners, the
majority of whom are Republicans,
were grieved at this, and the relations
between pastor and people became
more strained when Mr Dickenson
spoke kindly of Mr Cleveland in an in-
cidental reference to him in a sermon.
His Republican hearers called this
"preaching politics, " and remonstrated
with Mr Dickenson, whereupon the
latter tendered his resignation.
Of the Mahon Medical Company is now at
Toronto, Caeada, and may be consulted
either in person or by letter on all chronic
diseases peculiar to man. Men, young,old,
or middle-aged, who find themselvea nerv-
etas, weak and exhausted, who are broken
down from excess or overwork, resulting in
many of the fol/owing eymptons : Mental
depression, premature old age, lose of vital-
ity, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness
of sight,palpitation of the heart, emiesions,
lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, head-
ache, pimple a on the face or body, itching
or peculiar sensation about the scrotum,
wasting of the organs, dizziness, spooks be-
fore the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye-
lids, and elsewhere, bathfulnesa, deposits in
the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of
the scalp and apine, weak and flabby mus-
cles, desire to sleep, failure to be reated by
sleep, constipation, dullneea of hearing, loss
of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of
temper, etinken eyes surrounded with lead -
encircle, oily looking skin, etc., are all sym-
ptoms of nervous debility that lead tolinsan.
ity and death unless eured. The spring or
vital force having lost ite torsion every
function wanea in consequence. Those who
through abuse committed in ignorance may
be permanent/y cured. Send your address
for book on all diseases peculiar to man.
Hooka sent free sealed. Heart disease, the
symptons of which are faint spells, purple
lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beta, hot
flushes, rush of blood to the head, du I pain
in the heart with beats strong, rapid and
irregular, the second heart quicker than the
hrst, pain about the breast bone, etc., ean
positively be oared. No cure, no pay. Send
for book. Address M. V. 'Alban, 24 Mao-
donela Ave., Toronto, Canada. aart. I, 92.
lomat! 1$8,700i CasiOastior$104
G. C. PATTERSON, Mgr. for Canada.
Electricity, as applied by the
Owen Electric Belt,
Is now recognized as the greatest boon offered
to suffering humanity, It le fast taking the
I drugs n all nervoua and rheumatics
troubles, and will effeet cures In Seemingly
1 hopeless eases whereevery other known means
has failed. It Is nature's remedy, und .by its
steady, soothing (current that is readily felt,
General Debility.
Nervous Diseases.
Sexual Weakness,
Female Complaints
Kidney Diseases,
Liver Complaint,
Lame Back,
Urinary Diseases.
It is a well known fact that medical science
has utterly failed to afford relief in rheumatic
eases. We venture the assertion that although '
Electricity has only been In use as a remedial
agent for a few years, It has cured more cases
of Rheumatism than all other means eom-
blued. Some of our leading physicians, recog-
nizing this fact, are availing theinselves of this
most potent of nature's forces.
Thousands of people suffer from a variety of
nervous diseases, such as Seminal Weakness,
Impotency, Lost Manhood, Weak Back, eto.,
that the old modes of treatment fall to euro
There ls a less of nerve force or power that
cannot be restored by medical treatment, and
auy doctor who would try to accomplish this
by any kind of drugs Is practising a dangerous
form of charlatanism. Properly treated
Electricity, as applied by the Owen Electric
Belt and Suspensory, will most assuredly do
so. It is the only known remedial agent that
will supply what is limiting, namely, nerve
force or power, impart tone and vigor to the
organs and arouse to healthy action the whole
nervous system.
And the worthless, cheap, so-called Electric
Belts advertised by some coricerns and peddled
through the country. They- are electric In
natne only, worthless as a curative power, and
dear at any price.
We Challenge the World to show an
-ErFaile Belt ethers the current Is un er con-
trol of the patient as completely as this.
Our Trade Mark is the portrait of Dr.
Owen embossed in gold upon every Belt and
appliance manufactured by us,
. Send for Catalogue—Malled (Sealed) Free.
49 King St. W., Toronto.
ention this paper.
Lieutenant -Governor Schultz has
sent in a statement to the Canadian
liquor eommissoners strongly advocat-
ing a total prohibition law.
The wisest course in politics is to vote
for the best man. and you cannot be m is
taken. So, in the use of blood -purifiers,
yene citra21 be mistaken if you take Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, because all parties agree that
it is the best—the Superior Medicine. Try
it this month.
The gambling fraternity of Detroit
have been carrying on businees regard-
less of the orders of the police. A, cou-
ple of dens were raided on Wednesday
night and the outfits seized. The police
have enough gambling implements on
hand to start a first-class business in
that line.
Rene/Anse Cuaeo IN A DAL—SMALL
American Rheumatic Cure for Rheuma-
tism and Neuralgia radically cares in 1 to
3 days. Its action upon the system is re-
markable and mysterious. It removes at
once the cause and the disease immediate-
ly disappears. The first dose greatly bene-
fits. 75 cents. Warranted by Watts &
Co., Druggist.
Mr CI W. Butting, -ex -M. P., sayshe
does not believe there is any truth vvinit-
ever in the report that W. R. Meredith
will enter the Dominion Cabinet, and
thatif, Mr Meredith became,a,memb
of a cabinet which undertook to inter-
fere with Manitoba's school affairs he
could not be elected anywhere in Wes-
tern Ontario.
about the misery of wash -
women know all
day. To many it means
Backache, Sore Hands,
Hard Rubbing over a
BACK steaming tub, and long
hours. This falls to the
lot of those who use poor, cheap, and in-
jurious soaps.
This Soap does away with Hard Rub-
bing, Tired Backs, Hot Steatn, and Sore
Hands. It brings comfort to millions of
homes, and will do so to yours if you will
use it.
Remember the Name
tt 8
WORE : PT. sumac:art. LEVER ItR613., taxmen
T*4 VQ1919,W LQZ,
From Terente Seturday Night.
COMitill: in ovvelskooss with waling and
Claining in strvngth, with the passing of
yearn; .
Tutoring pur Daiwa for the quiok-ooming
S#.engthing our limbs for the battle of life;
Ganung rare glimpses of joy a* we go;
PIAIIIJUg deep droughts frOtti the fountains
Struggling with poverty, warring with sin;
Fighting teMptations witheut and within;
Stumbling,then rushing again to the breach;
Striving for heights that our feet never
Wrestling with sickness, with pain and
Fighting with death, inch by inch, on the
Worn with vain striving, unnumbered,
Passing away to the mists whence we
Ovember 411
Acts directly on the stomach
And promotes the healthy action of the
For Sale by all Druggists
And Wholesale by LONDON DRUG CO,, London, On
In a good country, where the eel.
is rich, the crop yields enormous,
the markets convenient,the climate
the healthiest in the world, and
where the landj
so to speak? Then write to the un-
dersigned for full particulars. The
magnificent Red River Valley of
Minnesota and the Dakotas and
Montana is the region referred to.
One Crop Pays for the Farm
in very many instances, and in no
other section of the -country can
general farming be made easier or
more profitable. Hundreds of
farmers living here testify to this
The Only Public Lands Left
in the United States worth living
on are in this region,and are rapidly
being entered and settled. There
is plenty of other good land here
which can be bought cheap and on
easy terms. Adjoining lands have
40 Bushels of Wheat per Acre
and other crops in proportion. It
is not beyond the confines of civiliz-
ation. There are no wild Indiana
here. Railroads, churches and
schools are abundant, while there
is plenty of
ure Water and Good Society
the two essentials to the proaperity--
of any country. For maps, cir-
culars and other information con-
cerning this great eountry, address
F. I. WHITNEY, ST. PArt, Mies. or
M. HUCKINS, 4 Palmer House Block
Our Stock of Furs is now Complete for tile go
ing season. Everybody knows that no two ota•
of Furs are exactly alike, consequently the Arst.
choice is of importance to buyers.
Having made arrangements with a large Manufae
turer for our supply of Blankets this season, w'
are in a position to offer better value than ever
before. Our Customers will save the Wholesale'
Merchants' profit.
Robt. Coats & Soil, Clinton
such as headache, losing sense
simply symptoms of Catarrh,
Instant Relief, Permanent Cure,
Cure, Failure Impossible.
Many so-called dieeaseare
of smell,
with any of these or
of debility, etc. If you ,are -
and spitting, genenal feeling OC 1 0
mell, faullifffath, hawking
kindred symptoms, you have
Catarrh, and should lose ray
- time -procuring -a -bottle-of IN
Nasal., BALM. Be. warned in
fs()mita and eie by addressing
Sold by all druggists, or sent,
ULPORD A CO. Orookville.Ont.
ost paid, on receipt of price 44 t\!4 0
time, neglected cold in head
results in Catarrh, followed
by consuraption and death.
Next to Commercial Hotel.
Thislentablishment is in full operation nil' al
orders filled in the most satisfactory way, Ceme-
tery and granite work s. specialty. Prices as
reasonable as those of any establishu.ent
A First-class Step or Long Ladder?
A Handy wheelbarrow ?
A Splendid Churn, or anything of like
nature? Then ean onlw. SMITHSON, at
shop, No.7 Frederick St„ or E. Mosley
Will be at DInsley's corner every Saturday
And .at the Same Time Earn One,Hun-
• dred Dollars in Gold.
The first letter containing the (Erred answers to the
following questions received at the office of Tax Malan
Draw Aomon-croaraT(erieb week from now until the Mai
of Deoembar, 1892) will receive $100 in gold' the second
win get $50; third, #25; fourth, handsome ailing service)
to the next 50 oorreet answers we will send prima Men.
from $5 down th $2.As? r Every answer, whether iPrize
winner ornot, willireoolve a special prize. QtrEsnows TO
Si ANBWERRD.—(1.) Hon many books does the Bible
()outran f (2.)/low many chapters? (3.) Row many verses?
(1.)We commence to open letters on Mender morning
of eaoh week If more than one letter le received in' ta.,*
name mat with correct answers, the first (Toned WU'
COtla, the riocond vrIn take next place, and so on. (2,
Each letter containing answers must be accompanied
$1 to pay for six months subscription to Tun An/train.-
TrYnIST--one of the very beat illustrated Home Journals
In Canada'. (2) People living in the United States have
precisely the same pravileges in connection with this com-
petition as those residing in Canada. They San easily gage
their letters each week so as to reach us In the begin-
ning of the week, when they *ill be almost earls to get
a good prize.
"Received $1,000 prize all right—M. lid. snarrma,
Vancouver, 11. 0. "I shall recommand my friends to
enter yourcompetitIona' —Loan KTLCOURSIE, A. O. C.
to tho Governor General, Ottawa, Canada. "Splendli,
prise reeeived."—c. F. McCornack, ER, Stephen, N. 13,
'Prize of 5235 received."—D. HARRISON, 8ytT411150, N. Y.
"Handsome prize receired."—Mrs RETTA KENT.; Ox-
ford, Mich. Over 5000 receipts frotn prize winners in
former competition5 on fyle m Our ofilce. Letter* con.
faining, Maley should In all eases be regesternd. A.
ss, ait AortiCOLTtrater PME.Vnirnril Co.. PeterbOr.
°ugh, Chiliads.
Toronto, Travelling Pas
druff -its action is marv
a few applications not
excessive dandruff accu
falling of the hair, read
promoted a vialble gro
The undersigned opened this wee a new
Where he will be pleased to meet all who desire anything in his line. There
will be kept in stock a full and clean assortment of
138 Lexington Ave.,
New York City, Sept. IR IN
I have used the Flex -Seed Emulsion in several
tmsee of Chronic Srenchitis,-atui the -early stages of
- Vhthisicalid hive been well pleased with the results.
Brooklyn, N. Y., Fob. 14th, r 9.
' / have used your Emulsion iti-a-tine• 'Cif PliffiRlir
(consumption) with beneficial results, where paticio..
could not use Cod Liver Oil in any form.
J. H. DROGE, M. D.
Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 20th, 1::':.
Iran ntrongly recommend Flax Seed Emulsion as
helpful to the relief and possibly the cure of all Lung.
Bronchial and Nervous Affections, and a good gee
eral tonic in physical debility.
' Brooklyn. N. 'V.. Oet. 10th, 1888.
I regard Flax Seed Emulsion as greatly superior to
the Cod Liver Oil Emulsions ao generally in use.
187 West 34th St.,
New York, Aug, 1:.::
bane used your Flax -Seed Emulsion mpound
in a severe case of Mal -nutrition and the result was
more than hoped for—it was marvelous, and con-
tinuous. / recommend it cheerfully to the profession
and humanity at large. M. H. GILBERT, M.D.
Sold by Druggists, Price $0.00.
35 Liberty St., New Yotlo
For sale by J. H.ICOMDE, Clinton.
Repairing of all kinds promptly attend ea
enable rates. A trial solicited. to
Salary and overuses weekly from irtart. Lib-
eral cot:miss:onto local part-time hammer.
Permanent position. Good CISUICO for
advancement Exclusive territory.
Largest growers of Nuraerrotook
tn Canada, and only_growera,
In both Canada and united
Wes. Clean,irnyatoelt
000 30 name, and MY
treent guarano
ed. No subs*
talon in our
orders. No
moped -
houses, on
aceount 05
low micros and
peculiar advanta-
ges. Wo can interest
anynno not earning 478
Per month and expenses.
Don't hesitate because of pre-
vious failures in this or other
lines. We canmako you a success.
Outfit free. Addresis for partleularat,t
BROWN BROS. CO., Continental Nu '
house lo reliable.) TORONTO NT..
The most Interesting Contest ever offered
by The Canadian Agriculturist.
One Thousand Dollars in Cash, a Pair of Ilandamao
Shetland Pones, Carriage and Harness, and over two
thousand other valuable prizea for the Agriculturista
brightest readers! Who will have them? According to
the usual custom for some years past the publishers of
THE AGRICULTURIST [MIT offer their Sixth Half -yearly
Literary Competition. This grand competition will, no
doubt, be the most gigantic and successful one ever pro
Dented to the people of the United States and Canada,
One Thousand Dollars in cash will be paid to the per.
son sending in the largest list of English words item
strueted from letters in the words "The Canadian Agri-
culturist," .
-- - FiVe--Hundred -Dollars in caSh will be given M th-a
second largest list.
A Handsome Pair of Shetland Ponies, Carriage and
Harness, will be given for the third largest list.
Over one thousand additional pizes awarded in order
of emit: One Grand Piano; 5300 Organ; IMO Piano;
Dinner Sets; Ladies' Gold Watches': Silk Dress Patterns;
Portiere Curtains; Silver Tea Services; Tennyson's Poems,
bound in cloth:Dickens' in 12 volutns, bound in cloth, eto.
' --Asthereatreanoro than,1000.prizes.,anY,one who take*
the trouble te prepare an ordinary good tint, will not fail
to receive a vainable prize. This is the biggestthing in
the competition line that we have ever pieced before the
public, and all who do not take part will mins an oppor,
tunity of a lite inc.
Rtnits—L A. letter cannot be tmed oftner than it
appears in the words " The Canadian Agriculturist.'
For instance the word "egg" could not be used, as there
if, but one "g" iti the three words. 2. Words having more
than one meaning but spelled the same can be used but
once 3. Nunes of places and persons barred 4. Errors
will not invalidate a list—the wrong words will simply
not be counted.
Each list must contain one dollar to pay for six month's
subscription to T00 AGRICULTURIST. If two or more
tie, the largest list which bears the earliest postmark will
take the first prize, and the others will receive prizes in
order of merit. United States money and stamps taken
at par.
The object, in offering these magnificent prizes Is to
introduce our popular magazine into new homes, in every
art of the American continent.
Every competitor enclosing 30 cents in stamps extra,
will receive free, by mail, postpaid, one to Tut AGILICUL.
TURIST'S Elegant Souvenlr Spoons of Canada.
Prizes awarded to persons residing In the United States
witl be shipped from our New York office free of duty,
Ali money letters should be registered.
Mtn Fonstun COMPETITION—We have given away
825,000 in prizes during the last two years, and have
thousands of letters freni prize -winners in every state in
the union and every part of Canada and Newfoundland
LOrd Kilcoursie, &D.C. to the Governor Gemini of
Canada, writea: "I shall recommend my friends to 005
pm competitions," M. M. Brandon, Vancouver, B. C.,
received $1000 in gold" and we bold his reeeipt for same.
A few of the prize winners; Miss J. Robinson, Toronto,
$1500; J. J. Brandon, Penelon Pans, Ont., $1500; David
Harris_ ,on Syracuse, IT„....1r., 5535; R. Beavis, St. Louie
Mo., $300: Jon Baptie, West DnInth, Minn., SRO; Miss
arorgina Robertson, Oak St., Brooklyn, 51000; Fred IL
flills, 359 State St., Bridgeport, Conn., and thousanda of
Address all comrannications to Tag Aciatcamlittaxer.
Peterborough, Ontario, 0
„„. I say I cure I do not mean merely t.o stop theta
Inc a time and then have them return aWn, 5 mean a
radical core. I have made the disease of ITTO. EPILEP-
SY or PALLING SICKNESS a lifedong obit,. 1 Trstrant
my. leafed; to mins tho worst cases. Because others have
wm Is no reason for not new reoalring a aura gem et
01100 for a treatise and e, Pree Bottle of my intanitio
remedy. Oho =ram and POSP.OFFICIE.
•. Laiantattha.t.inrC.ara.biL