HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-11-04, Page 5C /NZ= NEW RA '• as. ieau We have added a moat attractive and useful /Me of (21- 0 0 ID To our already beautiful stook of Watches, Jewelery, Diamonds, Gold Spectacles And beautiful Novelties suitable for any kind of a present. If you want a good Watch, Clock, Brooch, Ring or a beautiful Photo Holder, Gold Pens, Pencils, or anythbag in Silverware. Remember we pay cash for our goods, that means low prices for you at JOHN' 13. RU-MBALL'S: NOTED CHEAP JEWELLERY STORE, AND TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, CLINTON. IETY, QUALITY and PRICE are SURE TO PLEASE you 5 er cent off for cash. W,TAYLOR&SONS OLIIINT1101\T t REMOVED -TO THE - New Mackay Block •J. W. Irwin, Grocer IT PAYS To BUSINESS COLLEGE OF CHATHAM, ONT, Canada's most successful school of shorthand •and briness training, has entered on its 17th year f successful work, with one of the best -openinge it has ever had, 'Pupils flock to this popular school. From all partaof the AmerietinCentitlerit, ii-nereien bon) Across the Atlantie they come. British Colima- bia on the Wet to Halifax on the East; Danish West Indies, New Mexico and Virginia on the -Sleuth, to Winnipeg on the North. Students/3(Iva reeently corn° from Plum 13ridge, Ireland; Corey, Pa,; Stanton, Va.; Wairlaington, Mieh,;Owen Sound and many other Canadian points. "WHY DO THEY COMB SO FAR?" It will pay the intending Business and Short- hand student to enquire into the true reason. A thoroughicouree of instruction, an able staff .of eight experierreed instructors, and success in placing our graduates in good pitying positions tells the tale, and answers the question. We pay the railway fare of studente when it does not ex- ceed $8, We can secure good board with room ter gents at $2.50 per week, and for ladies at $2, with private families, vvbere they can enjoy home comforts. For catalogues of either department, address D. McLAC ULAN, Prin. CAUTION • Notice is hereby given that interest or princi- pal on Mortgages or notes held by the ander signed, must not be paid to any one but himself or hik written order, ashewill not be responsible for pepinaente unlese so made. ROBT NOTT. Tuokersmith, Oct. 13, 1892 SUCCESS HAS BEEN WITH THE C. P. R. TELEGRAPH COT. Since their office wae opened in Clinton, and the reports for October are very satis- factory. Promptness and Accuracy is what business men appreciate, and that is what they get -when telegraphing by the C.P.R. Office at COOPERS BOOK STORE :IV Il 0 from now until the 1st 0 itylea fkravnrcoeNw41E1 wseaz 'of January, 1:44. That gives the bal- ance of this yeaerree. Now is the time to apbscri be, littallittalitii& A a ;Wm ii _ NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUN- TY OF HUROP. - IN TEE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OP RICHARD DOIISLIN, DECEASED. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the provi- sions of the 'Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, Chapter 110 Section 36, that all persons having any claim against the estate of Richard Louehn late of the town of Clintori, yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the 27th day of July, 1892, are required on or before the 12th of Nov., 1892, to Bend or deliver to John McMurray, Clinton, Ontario, the Executor of the last will of the said Richard Douslin, deceased, full particulars of their claims and the securities (if any) lipid by them, duly verified by effidevit. And. after the said12tla day a Nov„ 1892, the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said es- tate among the parties entitled thereto, having reference only to the claims of which be shall have received notice, and after such distribution the said Executor will not be responsible for the assets of said estate to any person of whose claim notice ehall not hieve, been reneiy,ed at the time of -90311' tlistribiftron. ''' -Viiither notice ia also given that all persons iudebted to the said de- ceased, and whose debts shall have matured, are required on or before the 12th day of November next,to pay theism/le to the said Executor. Dat- ed at Clinton, this 12th day of October, 1898. MANNING cfc SCOTT, Solicitors for Executor BOARDERS WANTED Wanted, a number of boarders, either gentle- men or ladies, good comfortable aceommodation. Within two. minutes' walk of Collegiate Insti- tute and Organ Faetory. MRS. CARTER, Huron St., Cliuton. TEACHER WANTED Wanted, teacher for S. S. No. 9, Goderich T'p, female preferred. Duties to commence with richool terra of Jan. 1893. Apply with testimoni- als up to let of Nov. A. CAN*TELON, Seeretary, Clinton. R. Emerson J. 0, Steep, G. U. Rieke, Trustees. TEACHER WANTED. -- Wasted, for School Section No. 6, If ullett, a Male Teacher, bolding a Seeond Class Certificate. xperioneed teacher preferred. Applications stating salary,with referenees,will be received by the undersigned up to Nov. lst, 1892. THOMAS NEILANS, Secretary, Harlock P.O. NEW BUTCHER SHOP _- WHEATLEY & FINCH We have opened out for businesa on HURON STREET, CLINTON, and will be pleased to sup- ply the wants of all. Highest cash price paid for Elides, Sheepskins, etc. Patronage respect- fully solicited. WHEATLEY & FINCH. FARM FOR SALE Farm containing 150 acres, 110 cleared; good barn and house; 32 acres seeded down, 20 acres of fall wheat in; 4 acres of orchard, good bearing knit trees and 3 acres of young trees. Two never failing streams run through the farm. The Parra Is one mile north of Bayfield, on the Goderich road. Apply on the premises to MRS JAMES MACLEOD, or by letter to Bayfleld DURHAM STOCK FOR SALE For sale, 2 splendid yearling Bulls and 3 first- class yearling Heifers, all tboro-bred and eligible kr regietration, All are prize animals. Also 1 Berkshire Boar, 6 months old, JAMES SNELL, Hullett, Clinton P. 0. Farm for Sale. _ The North Half of lot twenty -mix in the fifth concession,of Hallett will be sold on moderate terms, pad cash. It comprises 47 acres, all good land, of which 42 are cleared. Good hewed log house with frame kitchen, in all five rooms; log stable and frame granary. Good hearing orchard. Well lad Pring, about three miles from °HU - I ton a d seven miles, front B1 .. Apply th to e PTEE 13, 0WHLEP, Biyth, 'trite ". nArm,011151412 1 , , BANKRUPT SALE •BARGAINS Moo aBoys BARGAIN NO, 1 40 Boys' O'Coats $2.98 to $3.75 Worth $4.50 to $6.50 BARGAIN NO. 2 Boys'AMITants 98 Cents. BARGAIN NO. 2 MEN'S PANTS 98 Cents MEN'S PANTS $1.50, worth $2 MEN'S PANTS $2.25, !worth $3 VERY HEAVY PANTS $1.85 Men's O'Coats $6 for $4.50 MEN'S OVERCOATS $10 for $7.50 MEN'S OVERCOATS $11 :for *8.50 MEN'S OVERCOATS 0I4NTO$ .71fAB1tET8 ' Oorr4/9ts4 ove' ThticAdlY aftefe0013. ntlrfel_hy, Nov. 0, 1892, Wheat 0 04 a 0 68 Wheat opriug 0 63 a 0 65 Oata 0 27 a 0 28 Barley 0 85 a 0 49 Peas 0 56 a 0 57 4 Flour per ball a 4 80 Butter 0 16 a 0 le Egga per lb 0 9 a 0 9 Potatoes new per bushel Pork Wool Hay, new Hides, No. 1 trimmed Hides, rough Sheep Skine Apples, per bag Wood short Wood long Clover Timothy 0 85 a 0 85 5 50 a 5 00 0 16 a 0 16 6 03 a 7 00 4 00 a 4 50 3 50 a 3 50 0 45 a 059 0 50 a 0 75 2 00 a 2 00 8 00 a 3 00 7 00 a 7 50 2 25 a 2 50 Political Points. A Bowmanville correspondent of The Globe writes: -Will the Empire kindly in- form an inquiring public, how it is that there is no demand apparently this season for our two rowed barley in England? Street prices for this barley range from t3h0eo tfoartoe.r. There is no money in this for Quebec, has had just ten premiers during the time that Oliver Mowat has reigned. over Ontario. Between incoming prem- iere and outgoing dollars the sister pro- vince has suffered until her treasury looks like the inside of a post hole. 18 18 hard that a man who has done and suffered as much for the Conservative party as W. R. Merdith has, should be in- sulted by a procession of political nobodies who think they are as fit to represent Ontario in the Cabinet as he is. Quite a sensation has been created in political circles by the Quebec Electeur's repeated statements, of the truth of which it challenges contradiction, that on hear- ing the news that the Hon. Mr Chapleau is to be the next Lieutenant -Governor, Pre- niier DeBoucherville wired to the Minister of Justice to ascertain if it was true, and if so to announce his intention to resign as Provincial Premier; that Sir John Thomp- son replied substantially that be, the Hon. Mr DeBoucherville, was to mind his own business. It also states that the Minister of Justice has further notified his colleagues at Ottawa that unless justice is done to the petition of the Catholics of Manitoba he will burst the Government.-1'Sir John Thompson denies this, however.] An Ottawa dispatch says: Mr John Peter Grant, of New York, brother of Sir James Grant, DI .D., of this city, and a leading Conservative, is here on a visit. He _said _to, -day; _ a_full- -fledged-citizo of the United States now and think it a grand country. With its vast extent of territory, variation of climate and activity in business it is not surpassed by any country on earth. I tell you that notwith- standing the prejudice existing in Canada against annexation to the United. States it is bound to come, and when it does come Canada will enter on an era of prosperity before unheard of and Canadians will be able to do as well at homelas they are now doing across the line. What I have said is the solid truth, and Canadians will find it out." Abbe Dugas, the vvell-known advocate of Northwest colonixation, addresses a long letter to the Montreal press in which he says annexation to the United States is only a question of time unless something is done to stop the exodus of French-Can- adians to the United State. He suggests, that means should be furnished to the people ta settle in the Northwest. ONE DOLLAR - ONE YEAR THE TORONTO WEEKLY - NEWS SUBSCRIBE NOW The Best Family Newspaper published in Canada. THE WEEKLY NEWS And a choice of the following Premi- ums until JANUARY lst, 1894, for the price of One Year's Subscription, ONE DOLLAR. No. 1 -Etching -Christ Leaving the Pmetorium. No. 2 -Tinted Etchin The Retreat from Moscow. No. d- __ $14.90 for $10 Photo-Gravure--Wornen and Children First. AQ 1,_,Photo-Gravure - The Pa ers of Confederation. No. 5_ ewest Goods Any Size Souvenir Album of Canadian States- men. No. 6 -Engraving - Bird's -Eye View of Toronto, 28 x 14. Or one of the following literary productions: Priesess Sunshine, MrS Riddell. Lover a Tyrant, Annie Thomas. Curb and EinaftLe, Sir Randall Roberts. Baffling Quest, Prank Barrett. Soul of Couttess Adrain, Mrs Campbell Praed, Miss Shafto,W. E. Norris, The Piccadilly Putzle, Fergus Hume. Every /nob a Soldier, W. J. Col- quhoun. Daughters of Belgravia, Mrs Alex. Fraser. ROI of Honor, Annie Thomas. Bootle's Children, john S. Winter. Beyond Compare, Chas Gibbon. First Love, Mrs Riddell. .Eng- iishman of the Rue Cain, Florence Warden. Hoodwinked, T. W. Speight. at. Cuthbert's Tower, Florence Warden. Man with a Seeret. Fergus Hume. Forestalled, Mrs Ridden. The Eton. miss L. T. Meade. Prince Serge Panine, Geo Ohnet. Logie Town, Sarah Tytler, The Witnese of the Sun, Amelia Rives. Without Love or License, Hawley Smart, Blood White Roro, B. L. Fargeon, The Rogue, W. 0, Norris. Sowing the Wind, Dire El. Lynn Lhaton, A Copper Crash, Frank Denby. erminell, Rev S. 0. Gould, Little Chatelaine, Earl of Desert. Rock or the Rye. Mrs B. Kennard. The Last Coup, Elawley Smart. By Misadventure, Frank Barrett, Black Business, Hawley Smart. Man from Manchester Dick Donovan. Rival Princes, Juntin McCarthy Ring of Amaeis, Earl of Lytton, The Foe Princes, Florence Warden. Old Blazer's Hero, D, 0. Murray. For Ono and the World, tlf. B. Edwards The Great Missionary Failure.Rev Canon Taylor. Pubo Burrow, T. A. Mac. LADIES' 2 SNAPS 2 BARGAIN NO. 1 4 COATS $15 for $7.50 Three different styles same price LONG MANTLES $12 for $7.50 LONG MANTLES 823 for $12.50 Every Coat must go in 10 days BARGAIN No. 2 NAVY STORM SERGE 371c. worth 50c. BLACK CASHMERE 49c. worth 68c. NewestBlk• peal) de soir Silk $1.50 for $1 Maddoe PIGS FOR SERVICE Berkshire Boar for Service. Subscriber keeps for service at his premises, lot 23 13th con. of Hullett, a thoro-bred Berksire boar, of good pedigree. Terms $1 at time of service, with privilege of returning if necessary. STEPHEN GRAY. Intportant to Pig Breeders. To make it more easyfor those at a distance to use the popular and well know e pig, Royal Tom, or his fine son from the 265 sow, Queen Bee. The Terms are,to ineure $1 returning not compulsory 2 of Queen Bee's sons still for sale cheap consider- itg quality. GEO. HOARE, near Clinton. polw Berkshire Boar for Service. The undersigned keeps for eervice on his pre- mises, Gravel Road, HuIlett, a first -els thoro- bred Berkshire Boar, raised by Mr Symonds, of Lobo township. It,took first prize at London exhibitiott and first at the Huron Central. TermB $1 a time of service, or $L25 if booked. WM. SNELL. Hullett, Clet. 24, 1891 *Ito Notice to Farmers and Bregders of Pigs i - ) IThe eubecriber will keep for eervice on .4 pre - mieee,dot 26, London Road, Stanley, a pure bred Chester White Boar, having taken the first prize at Seaforth iind elintba Shows it 1892. Bred from the Boar that took the Mit prize at Totbb- toin 1691, Tonna, $1 -oath, .1. STAZIStiltri --* Noiretuber 4, Extraordinary Purchase o E DRESS GO We havejust concluded the plum chase of 60 pieeeft fine double widt 71Dress (31-oods, all leading shaicl.0 clearing out the vv-hc•le line from a large wholesale house at 50e on thet $, and offer for the month of Throvem., ber the whole lot at exactly half pritoe, or 50e. on the S. We intend that Now v ember shall be the biggest in the tory of our business. If -choice goods and. shattering pricers will do it, already they are going by. the piece. Now is your opportunity, and. bo wise and take advantage of it while you Can. SCOTCH TARTANS pl r5icctes: regular, our See our window. For the latest thing in Ladies' Englisli', Walking Hats, see our window. New Coats, Wraps, Mant1es.:1 and Capes just to hand. Ilroy 86 'Wiseman 01.111•71101\T FOSTER OSTER'S OTOGRAFS IND -IRST AVOR OR INE INISH Take a Look at our CLOTHINC: Whether you desire to buy.,. or not,, it. will do your eyes good. to examine our OVERCOAT STOCK. Note the completness of their "get up" and learn what little money is required to enable you to become the sole proprietor of a hih class garment. Take particular notice of ate BEAVERS, MELTONS and BLACK WORSTED at $8, $10 and $12. Look them over carefully, tell us if you can suggest any improvement in style, finish, trimmings or work- manship. You will admit they are rare Coats for that money, but it's our business to have surprises like this. What would be the use of our inviting you to our store week after week if we had not the goods to interest you. Tr\iirMall) OVM1R•00A.T'S With removable Cape and -without Cape range in price from $4 to $10, and we think every Coat as good. value for the price as can be had anywhere. Childs' and boys' Coats with and without Capes are shown in various patterns. WATERPROOF COATS: Rubber, $2, $3.50 and $4. Tweeds $7, $8, $10 and $12 Childs' Suits, Boys' Suits and Mens' Suitsin very attractive patterns and good colors at our usual close figures. If you want Underclothing in Mens' or Boys' sizes you. wilt find what pleases you in our assortment. 0