Clinton New Era, 1892-10-28, Page 8r
in advance ill oeoete
the Chonsou. xfor•EAA
•• 60.4310W 4401 the lst
' ' r Tin4, 10Q1 the „hal-
ef t year free.&Wig! the timf
subscribe. •
4 4p(ikr4 NOTICESwoo and Pees* POatees,-.7.01.1n Con-
• , . • - •
otslieir of ciaofee no"vv•grocerfos to to rou04
Wok rum tor ter Bile, in& boards. APO'
, e e o ,tended" their–good-
Xt. YAtiVe in want Of a Goat. car. or Vases, *stelles 0 the happy couple. Rev Fa,
oy?, cheap go to ar-.TIVX;(fHOPT,s, Platge. ther West perfOrtne4 the .e0rel0lc014
•l$004sa1IUU seWverY Oeonsrs4caissoil 41.4motai 13sX PratOgresEn...--Mr D. A: For -
At OW IR 4
4 unable • leave. Or ,rooM. •
mea Fair, Jr., is getting bettor. Tho
wita of * Whoa. liolioway has "Men 14
a. critical cpaslit on for Oeveval days
vntli hiflammatien of the l3owela, and,
Is not Yet out of danger. Mr Uabts
Algtera9440. 4angerouts1y ills
MAnnIAGR,--The ,Olufrell was
the seem o_inetty 04 WOO/sting
wedding, Q11 1140a4ngo Went
_Mr John IlarieY,. soak% foremansaa.
nelnlesvAe, lea to ,the altar Miss'
M Holly,daughter of 'Tar 34 Kelly, of
1101meeville, Quite a number c4 Per:
sons rre preffent; eilld at completion of
0 iseofelty, and woofter
rester has purchased. Mr NcAllisteei
farrnMon roedGoderich UM*,
4„.„:4_,V4 1,avvt$ has reciovi34 to the laav ct
•2.9**Igt van to WO
1100094 tnew and od„ t ', .
Anistorierss tunic,, giving tberefor the sum. of 87.000
Jun tiro; nliss. crocuses); Snow Proraeonear.
anil Mr
ParsioP-Nvi ois the time to slant ran'ForresterOWne .the. adjoining
nunio, lua 119Pse and 14 tovnier/no
• O.; „14An E. 00tOn. • 4,, , • ,,
Sae opi elagniiiaeet display_ or Crockery and
-tintedware':now !olstoned; =wave. The
Corner Grocery, Asokey
;On X114020.
Bra Ypairms.—Thie week W. IL
VoQk Picked from 011e tree on the farm
nfgp Ann ,j. MeLaughlen, base, line,
tWeli*barrels marlEetable apples.
yhis is,,ohead of anything we have yet
la_tea_r4.0t.,:. 'Mr. Geo. Shipley gathered
,PAPreis friThl a little more than five
trees. '
DEAT-0.--xr Houston, Principal
of the collegiate Institute, was called
to Paisley, on Friday, by the death of
his step-m:0er; Air Houston, sr', is
one of the pioneer farmers of that sec -
tier), but now living retired, and the
funeral of his wife was very largely at-
Lo linotnri.—Mr Smith, who is em-
ployed. with Mr It. Irwin, had the mis-
fortune to break hieleg on Saturday.
He was stepping down from a car ot
maohinery„ when he slipped and broke
' his leg. The, car was in the yard Of the
Grand. Trunk; and was on its way from
Exeter to Brantford.
A roPrri:A4 Ann/sm.—Mr Will jack -
eon; the town agent of the G.T.R., was
elected:auditor of the Canadian Ticket
Association, at its meeting in Peter -
bore last week. Mr Jasekson is one of
the Moat popular agents in the associa-
tion f tb.ese da s he ill be
hi:snored with its presidency. pioneer maker of threshing machines
SHER:P.—The other day Mr Jas. Snell, now in Ontario. After meeting all
will now have as\ block, of 210acres
of Bret class land, which being so con-
tiguous to town will MOW it a desirable,
property. It is likely l‘fr Forrester
will next year put up a new house on
the McAllister farm and live there,
while Mr McAllister .will move into
town and take up his residence in Mr
Forrester's beim*,
NM:S.-343s Annie Rivers, of Brus-
sels, is visiting in town. Three car
loads of bailed hay wereshipped from
herelast week for Toronto, lay Mr W.
Ouldraom of Kippen. Mr E. G. OCair-
tice, of Rolmesville, baying accepted a
position in town, will take up his resi-
dence here; he is a tip-top fellow; and
the kind of men who maim good citi-
zens. Seven Members were initiated
into the Temperance Lodge last Friday
evening; the election of officers takes
place to -night (Friday) and a full at-
tendance of the members is desirable.
Mr Jos. Copp comes to the front with
a pear measuring 11,4x14,1 inches, and
weighing 1 lbs.; this takes the cake so
far. Judge Toms, of Goderich, • has
been granted leave of absence for four
months, on account of ill health. Mr
Phil Hayward is in town winding up
his affairs, preparatory to his removal
to Detroit, in which place he has been
working for several weeks. Mr Ink.
Cantelon, who has been employed at
Calgary, has left that place and come
back as far east as Brandon. Mr Mac-
pherson, of Fingal, ,was here this week
on a visit to his sons and daughter, and
the well-known stack raiser, shipped
from here 21 head of fine .Cotswold
sheep, They were for Mr Richard
• Snell:. of Brampton, and had been se-
lected from the herds of such excellent
sheep -breeders as John Cuming,
and, James Potter,E. Wawanosh.
Coarldrrtma.—On Tuesday Constable
Paulin, of Wroxeter, passed through
town with a young tramp that had
,been coromitted to Goderich jail for
stealing a buffalo robe from the mail
'waggon, When 'arrested he pleaded
MUT to the offence, and as he had
en in jail before it is altogether likely
that he was so well treated he conclud-
• ed to try and get in for the winter.
• has bought the house on Queen street
:formerly occupied by the late Mrs An-
•'sdrews, together with half an acre a
• land, paying therefor the sum of $1,000;
the property is nicely situated, and is
considered cheap at this figure. Mr
Oliver Johnston has bought from Mr
E. Holmes, the lot on Isaac street, at
present occupied by him as a black -
Smith shop.
Gult BROTHERS.—Every person af-
flicted with dyspepsia or any other
. kindred ailment, should look forward
With eagerness to a most effectual re-
medy that appears in sight, for the
Guy Brothers Minstrel Company is
billed hes-e for some time in November,
and a few hours of thorough stomach
laughter is assured. This company
have a reputation established for the
refined character of all their entertain-
ments. None need be alarmed that
arAhlirg trarls coarstroir-roWering is
pernhtted. The plan of the hall may
be seen at Jackson Bros. establishment.
',HAr.r.o,wznic.,Last yearn' a.certain
portion of the town, boys ,who were
out for Hallowe'en sport,. did consider-
able daMege, breaking windows, and
• disfiguring and injuring property. The
overturning of closets and other things
practised on occasions of this kind are
not sport, but wilful destruction, and
the mayor should endeavor to put a
stop to these things. One constable on
• Hallowe'en night cannot possibly look
after the town, and if necessary half -a -
dozen or more should be appointed
with instructions to allow no improper
sport to be indulged in.
claims upon them the directors of the
Huron Central will have a small bal-
ance to commence the new year with;
the balance was the other way last
year. MrProut, who has been away
on a visit to Chicago, has returned to
town. Tuesday morning; as the 'bus
was coining from the station, a colt
attached to a cart became unmanage-
able, and • backed into the 'bus, which
upset the cart and threw its driver out;
fortunately no harm was done. Mr
and Mrs john Brickenden, who have
been visiting in the old country for
several months, are nowon their way
home. Mr Arthur Couch had the mis-
fortune to lose his pocket book the
ther ilsy;ALcontained.a.,.eOnsiderale
sum of money. It is said that Mr John
gverybocly W04r$ stockings—otherwise hose; even the boy who
, goat; barefoot in summer mut put on stockings
when the cold winds of fall come whistling round
those bare legs Of bis. Dress according ' to the sea!
son one must. You cannot wear thQ same stoaings
in winter as hi summer.
-Our Stook of ,ITEANY ilOSIERY
We op•ened this weeka shipment of Heavy V001 Hose which
' were bought direct from one of the, beSt makers in
the Dominion.' They are capital good, Made from
pure yarn, and will be found much, better wearers
than the common makes of wool hosiery.
We've every size from the one that fits the tiny baby to one
that will fit' the biggest boy in knickerbockers.
We would draw your attention to on� line in paiticular; it is
a Heavy RW made especially for your boys, from the
best worstedlarn, and as a wear resister, equal, if
not superior to home knit stockings. Plain and Rib-
bed Cashmere Hose in all sizes constantly in stock
Lindsay, teacher, will quit the profes-
sion at the end of the year, and turn
his attention to medicine; he is a clever
ring man and would no doubt do well.
Mr W. Cole, of the Salt Association,
and Mr W. N. Manning, of the Doher-
riAlriodarasitn wEexelectern.
business. Mr I. Taylor has been on
a few days at Toronto. The Executive
of the Press Association meet at the
Rossin House Toronto, next week, to
arrange for the annual meeting. Mr
Emmerton now has sole control •of the
barbering business, his late partner,
Mr Evans having gone to Detroit
Mr Allen, barber, will remove to the
Mackay block next week, and Mr C. A.
Hartt, solicitor, may move into the
place to be vacated- by Mr Allen.—
Mrs John Callender, London, vas a
transientvisitarto heririends_herelast
week. Miss McKenzie, of Campbell-
ville, is visiting Miss Agnew. Mr
James Sheppard has moved into his
owialreuse,,en tilt _corner of Mary. and.
Orange Street* MrBeir Cele" '
has rented the one vacated by Mr
Sheppard, on Isaac St. Mrs Archibald
has returned to town, being accom-
panied by her sister, Mrs Robinson, of
Dickinson's Landing. On Wednesday
morning, _Master Ed. Cantelon, eldest
son of Mr William Cantelon, hurt
himself internally by jumping from a
waggon, and is under a doctor's care.
Miss Hedgens has returned from To-
ronto. Miss Dawson of Pine River, is
the guest of Miss Mary Twitchell this
week. Mr Garett, one of the most
highly respected farmers of Mullett,
has rented his farm to his son, and it
is said that he will take up his resid-
ence in Clinton; he could not move to
a better place; he has two daughters
—Mrs Grantham and Mrs Sohn Medd
living here. Miss Cooper, of Torouto,
who visited with relatives on Albert
Street, last summer, died:unexpectedly
in Toronto this week. We understand
that during the show season jest ter-
minated M. James Snell, of Mullett,
scooped in about $800 in prizes at the
various shows he attended; to be able
to do this one has to have the very best
of stock, • and everybody knows that
Mr Snell stands among those who head
the list in this respect. The beautiful
fine weather of the past week has been
followed by regular fall weather;
there'll be some fine days yet, before
winter sets in. No less than three
medical firms were represented in town
by travelling waggons, on Wednesday.
Mr Jos. Colclough, of Goderich town-
ship, bought a top bu from Mr F.
am:obeli last week. rs Sellery, of
Wingham, was visiting With Miss
Gilroy here, Wednesday. Miss Gilroy
returned to Chicago yesterday. A cow
owned. by Mr E. Moore, got chocked
to death the other day by an apple
lodging in its throat. The nete hearse
being erected for Mr James Fair, le.,
will be a fine One when completed; Mr
Whitely), of Londesboro, has the con-
tract. MS So Oritlt s improving the
house on Miter) St, she lately, bought,
by having it turned arcanad and a stone
foundations placed beneath it; Mr Will
hi doing the Meilen Werk,, Mr. Rider la
ptittinge:stone foundation beneath the
house of NVAtOberteen, St.
, ,
in ad -ranee will swift
the OtittrinOttrWvna,
Meath* until the lifb
Stuart; formerly of Clinton, has lately
been receiving clerk in an express of-
fice at Tacoma. A package of money
that passed through his hands, and
that of two other clerks, failed to reach
ite destination, and they were arrested
on suspicion of being connected with
its disappearance; they were placed in
separate • cella in ir lockup and an at-
tempt made to extort a confession from
there, but this failed, and as there was
not the slightest evidence against eith-
er,.they were honorably released. They
luiVe since entered an action against the
Express Co. and the detectives who
jailed them, for false imprisonment,
claiming $40,000 damages, and have
gained their first point in legal pro-
ton freight shed is filled inside and out
With apples awaiting shipment; as a
matter of fact they are piled up tier
after tier on the outside and an indefi-
nite Idea ran be formed by the large
number to be found here, Of the extent
of the crop this season, /Or the number
OT barrels here is duplicated at all sta-
tions in this neighborhood, and the
railway is pulling them out just as fest
as it Cabo On Saturday a train con-
sisting of nothing else than apples left
here, 18- heavily leaded cars, and ship-
‘4,..inents are being made daily. The
• amount Of money left in the hands of
farmers will be 'considerable, and yet
<Mee in a While h buyer strikes a snap
that tenet altogether agreeable to the
lamer. We know Of one man who
was Offered a lump sum for his orchard,
,or ets„ much per *barrel; he adapted' the
lump tont, and now Ands 464 he packs
the, apples that the is much iiore,
plentiful than he lit it would
Doctor's Orders
Sir James Grant, of Ottawa, writing to the makers
says:—"To swum health in our Canadian climate pure
wool undervests ere very necessary, and I feel confident
you have accomplished a good work in the production of
Which cannot fail to meet the requirements of our
people. Wishing you every possible degree of success.
The above speaks for itself, and every lady who de-
sires light, luxurious, comfortable and warm Undervests
and Drawers will lind all these qualities combined in
the "Health Breed."
Ladies' and Children's
Fall and WinterlUnderwear,
One price and 5 per Cent off for Cash.
Estate J.Hodgens
Of the PreSbyterlan
don ot awl%
'Should IV owned and read b very Canadian Preslvterlano
The author is Rey, Dr, Gkrigg, A. D, 'There
Aa large giAollut of usf?Ail, itif2rmat1on in the boa.,
and the prite only r saleiat
Book Store and News Depot, Clinton,
Now is a good time to subscribe for your favorite News Paper
For next year.
Stock -Fully -Assorted
If you want a stylish Hat or Bonnet come and see us.
If you want to see the larcest and best stock of Dress Goods
in town, come and see us.
We keep the stook you want at the lowest prices. Full assortment in all kinds o
DRESS and MANTLE GOODS with Trimmings to Match
Dress- and Mantle Making done in first-class style
Do Eon want the best fitting nit: made that you ever had7-11-fic,-tromiran-ci
try oar tailor.
A large and well assorted stock at a small advance on wholesale priesia
Come and we will serve you well.
Plumsteel - & - Gibbings,
Jackson Bros ?
Our Mr W. Jackson visited the city last
week, and while there purohased some
lines of
Bop' Clothing
The equal of which for value we have
never offered. This purchase leave us with
We are the Clothers in every branch of Men's or Boys' wear.
2 Specialties on hand in
BOYS' SUITS at $2 at $3
Of interest, a new line of young Ladies' Tam O'Shanters
arrived last week—see them
URSInspect our stock of Furs. We make a
specialty of ladies' Caps, Capes,
Collars, Coats, Mutts and Fur Gauntletts
Furriers, Hatte and Cloth
GREY FLANNELS.' You need some of these
goods we are now selling at prices phenomenally low.
and price sell every time. Gioves and Hosiery
a speciality with us, the largest and choicest assort-
ment to choose from. Our effort has been to place -
before our customers the best quality and makes in
these lines of goods, and our ever increasing sales,
. show our efforts have been appreciated.
Millinery Department.
In Millinery we show all the bright new styles at prices to
suit every buyer. Probably you think you have
seen nice goods at low prices befor'e, but you come
in and see how much this stock outstrips the most.
tempting display of bargains you eyer had the pleas–
ure of seeing. Come.
Thivtadiis toga. Establishment.,
. .
BEAVI,... ,. .. .